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L'ascesa di dissoluto

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Friday went out to a new venue I'm trying out. Now been there 3 times and shit success ratio, so I'm just going to drop it. Although the girl there are hot, it's one of those venues where people come to be seen, always crowded and difficult for verbals. Talked to 3 sets in the park, one was picked up by a bf not long after the open, another 2 set I tried to move but they had their own plans - not enough compliance and the last I don't remember.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Saturday was an interesting night. As I had money just for one drink, I decided to hit the parks.

After walking around for some time I opened situational a 2 set sitting on a bench drinking juice vodka. Easy hook...

DG: You're having your own club here tonight (they were listening to music on a mini speaker)
HBs: haha True, what about you?
DG: just taking a walk. What are you drinking?
HBs: Juice vodka... you want some?

And I was in lol. I did have good body language if I remember good, and they were both hot, both qualifying to me. They weren't drunk, just tipsy and wanted me to help them finish their juice vodka. I deep dived them fast, we smoked a cigarette, but just as I was about to go into my usual stack, vodka was done and they said they need to pee badly and are going to this private party anyway. Walked with them for a min, tried to turn things around, sadly couldn't. Why I didn't number close is a good question as well.

Preopened with some situational comments 2 other sitting sets, but unfortunately one kinda ignored me, the other didn't speak English, they engaged a little, but also looked depressed and I didn't want to deal with that.

Next was my favorite venue. Throwing random comments around to everybody, I did 2 proper sets. Screened one out after 3 set became a 5 set, a hen party basically and another had this very cute alternative Asian chick (I'm not into Asians usually). She was comfortable with touch, touched me, complimented me, but had to take their drunk miserable looking friends home. Gave her my insta and told her to write me tomorrow if she'll be up for a drink and as predicted didn't.

Later I was walking around the streets I opened a 2 set that happened to be the same nationality as me. Or they opened me asking me for a lighter. One hot, the other ugly and drunk. This girl took interest in me. I played along as I just wanted to move them to a hotel, where my wing works night shifts, where I could start seducing the hot one. Does this count as a pull? I guess so, I could fuck them in a hotel.

I took them to a hotel after 5min of talking to them. The reason why I could do this was trust because same nationality, club being lame and hotel being close. On our way the ugly drunk one, which was the one that wanted to go in the first place and told her friend they should go, started talking about that she's afraid of rape. MASSIVE RED FLAG. I immediately told her I'm actually quite shocked she mentioned this and that they should go home. I'm going there to have a drink before bed, they are invited to join, but should definitely go home if they're not comfortable. But they wen't anyway.

We come to the hotel, introduce them to my friend and they need to pee. The bathroom is downstairs near a hotel lounge, where we pour them some ice tea they asked for and they go to the toilet. We hear them closing the toilet door after 5 min, but they don't come to the lounge. My wing looks and the hot one is telling the drunk ugly one ''come one, lets go here'' and the drunk ugly one is scared and running away. What the fuck. Lessons learned. Do not engage with drunk girls mainly, be careful of fast pulls and run away if she mentions rape. Who would want to rape her anyway...

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
I've been out a couple of times past 2 weeks. Some of the more memorable nights:

- 6.7. I took a 3 set from the street to a local bar and used the preselection to start talking to the girl I really wanted there. Isolated her, got into sex talk lite... Shy girl, didn't talk much, but gave obvious signs of compliance. As you will see later I repeated this mistake a couple of times lately, I let her go briefly to reengage later (as a form of being non needy and as an excuse of me running out of material and ''playing it safe''), just reengage her 15min later and have her tell me she's going home. We exchanged numbers, frame was obviously not friendly. She's texting back slowly... which I can turn around if I would have time in Budapest, but unfortunately I don't.

- I went to visit my friend in Linz. I met her through cold approach and I think she took offense when didn't continue giving her sexual attention. I decided to friendzone her as well if she did me. Got bitchy cold because of it I think last day of my stay there. On the positive note I made a bunch of new contacts there, all of her friends loved me and I'm going to a performance (they're dancers... whats with me and dancers lol) of one this monday.

- 12.7. was a cockblock fest. I opened 2 Americans who had one dude as well talking to them. He seemed harmless, like I though he was going to blow himself out with his stupid drunk behaviour. The girls made fun of him in not the most flattering ways as well. I sexualized the convo with my girl, started building touch and later went to get myself a drink. This is the same mistake I made on 6.7. because when I got back the dude went from harmless to taking my chair and reaping the sexual frame I build up with explicit touch and the girl didn't mind it. From there on we cockblocked eachother and nobody pulled. I could've though when I think back if I was more agressive. This night made me think that I'm too risk averse and that I could probably get away with a lot more then I think I can. I rely heavily on verbal escalation, I think it's time to just take the lead physically as well.

- 13.7. with a wingman again almost pulled a 2 set. I was under the influence of the lost set from yesterday and decided to purposefully trigger resistance with kino. I didn't. Which makes me think how much further I could go with it. I opened them at a park, my target wasn't giving me interest up front, therefore I focused on other girl just to make her feel left out. Eventually she gave me attention, I moved to her, got her immersed into sot's, built up kino. I knew I had her hooked when her friend had to ask her twice to go to the toilet with her. When they came back they didn't want to move at first to the bar I suggested, but I persisted. I knew I had my girl, I just needed to get her friend on my team (to be fair to my wing, you are a good friend, but man you're terrible, I sometimes feel I do all the work for you). I dominantly stepped in the middle of the circle, touched both girls in a warm way and said ''come on, let's go to xy to get another drink''. And it worked. Which again makes me think of touch as an extra tool for compliance building. Why haven't I used it before, I don't know. In that bar I escalated kino as far as I could without kissing her, doing her hair, letting my hand rest on her thigh... A couple of moves I could do as well in the future would be to put her hand on my thigh or hold her had and let it rest like that. I escalated sex talk all the way to explicit fractionating it with talking about love, deadly combo. I told her we should continue spending our evening at mines and she agreed. Then when the spell broke (not in a bad way, just natural up and down flow of the convo) we realized that her friend is staying with her and she needs to take her home. Fuck man. I tried to turn it around with telling her to give her the keys and go my way, unfortunately the friend wasn't so immersed with my wing (who got drunk needy) and wasn't too fond of that idea. I persisted 3 times, verbally, second time I build some compliance with lifting her, taking her away and a short yes ladder, still got a sorry, then just shut the hell up and pulled away. At the end when we were driving home with a bus (we live in the same district) and got of to say good bye, she said that we should hang out some time. And she was the one who wanted my instagram as well. Texted her next day, got a warm response back, then she went to a techno festival and didn't keep in touch since. I'm not sure where we stand now... But if I get her out I'm confident in my abilities to seal the deal.

-16.7. venue I usually had trouble hooking, but a good band was playing this night. Hooked all of the 4 sets I talked with. It wasn't that crowded in the beginning of the night so that was the difference. The most memorable one was a girl who gave me green lights, hugged her after meeting her, had my arm around her shoulders when talking to her. That was after the concert when the venue starts turning into one big dance floor. Not good for verbals. And it was a 2 set. Again, as I didn't know how to continue, didn't know which short gambit to pull of (could just do short versions of good sex bad sex and sex is unfair, obvious now) I took a step back to roll a cigarette and reengage later. Mistake. Lost them. Found them later on on my way out of the venue, but I didn't reengage besides hi, it was too crowded. Lesson? Get blown out, you're going to loose them anyway so it doesn't matter.

Besides this, I went out 2 nights when I was feeling tired and didn't have the mojo to push it to a good hook. I got sick after that for 3 days.

One lost daygame lead reached out after 1 month asking me out basically. She's beautiful and innocent type of character... which is a refresher after just hot girls from nightgame.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Another uneventful night. Did 5 approaches.

There was this 2 set with one girl that was my favorite in the venue. Locked in very indirect, too much maybe? My vibe was pretty boring, I was feeling introverted. Then a couple of minutes in set one English guy asks me for a cigarette then starts annoying us. He went on for 30min… We were all polite back but the body language of all of us was showing him he’s not wanted. Eventually he went away. Nothing particular, I made sure to touch her here and there, started going into sexual topics, some light dhv stories… But too much friendly vibe still. The girls wanted to go to another club and I said fuck it let’s find another set.

Could I do anything different? Go into my stack of gambits robotically even though I wasn’t feeling it, just to make the vibe less friendly. I could do some chase frames. I liked that girl.

This was an English 3 set, all girls very friendly… Shared our most fucked up stories (I think I won lol)… Then when I saw that they’re going to go home to sleep shortly and my hook with my target wasn’t strong enough decided to call it a night.

I had a date scheduled tomorrow with the girl that reached out but she got sick, she wrote me just today… Sucks, I want to make this one happen before I leave Budapest, which will be in 2 weeks.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
One week ago, I returned from Budapest. I'm staying with my parents for this month, then I will move to the city, where I have a job waiting for me.

No more going out 4 times per week, cold approaching 6 girls a night. 2 years ago, pre covid times, I did some approaching (more like 6 girls per 2 weeks), but literary EVERY girl had some connections with social circles I was in and I developed a reputation. Considering I'm releasing music now, I will be playing gigs and will have some public presence, I don't want any connection of that sort. More like a big social circle type of thing. I thought about it, but haven't put it down to concrete plans for my strategy. Will do that till the end of this month.

Anyway it's time for me to get my financial situation sorted. Living abroad made me realize I don't want to stay in that little city for long. I want to build my life so that I will be able to travel, see where I want to live and master cold approach while doing so. That requires resources. I will be doing freelance with skills in music I have, already started. That and my own projects will be where my focus will go.

I will be going out during most weekends of course, but it will be more farming then hunting. But like I said, not my priority now.

I must say though that I've changed this year. Going out, picking up girls solo and sober was a dream couple of years ago for alcohol dependent anxious me. Also seeing the power of good verbals was eye opening. No doubt any more in ''if game works'' or ''it must be natural'' or ''you must feel it'' or things of that sort I used to think.

I will go over and make a schematic process of things I used to do, translate gambits into my native for myself in a word file, but for now, here are the things I was mindful of last weeks of Budapest:

- best openings were speaker centered situational, body rocking, warm voice and body language
- best hooking tech was pacing a girls reality in nigh life, contrasting yourself with other guys. cold reads instead of questions, ''you look just like...'' gambit... remember to lock in.
- then the othering gambit. get sexual as soon as you have the hook, fast baby step escalations to trigger resistance to get info of the compliance you have. you can do this as well with other gambits (talking about secret garden, how a girl should be seduced, catcalling gambit), kino, compliance tests, moving her... moving her is key.
- always be thinking logistics. once you have her isolated you can amp things up, go into teevsters gambits, especially good sex bad sex worked good for me. the mindset is painting pictures in her mind, almost narrating an erotic novel just for her.

Just basic stuff on top of my head. Everything else I did is here in the journal and in my private notes.

With this, I close one chapter of this journey.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Past month and a half I have been quite busy. Started working almost full time, have some projects to finish. Then I’ll have to write masters thesis, I want to start freelanceing already and I have a band I want to start gigging with… Oh boy.

During that time I went out only once to twice per week. Nothing special happened really. I was at one social circle party, where I managed to sexually prize myself, but then got too drunk… I think I could fuck that girl that night. Either way another girl followed my instagram next day and we’re going on a date this week.

When I go out, I go to my usual venue. The problem I face here is I know too many people and always, literary every time, end up hanging out with them instead of cold approaching.

This week a member from this forum more skilled then myself wrote me if I’m up to go out in Budapest. I wanted to visit one concert there anyway so yeah, I went. Nice to clear my mind of daily responsibillities.

We went to usual nightlife venues. I did learn from him. The radically non apologetic attitude, massive balls and fast escalation when signs are there, fucking around with tension in sets and persisting more then I would usually. The kind of things you only can see in person, it’s hard to convey them in text in a report. If you’re reading this, thanks man, you’re a G!

I didn’t get laid that night, but had some good sets. I could spit my gambits in a flow, like it was yesterday I left of.

Next day I had no logistics. I was crashing at a friends place who’s not too great with girls. I wanted to take advantage of the time I had, wanted to do the first assignment from Guns SMMA. Did fucking 30 day and nightgame approaches that day. Never did so many in one day, I wanted to challenge myself.

Just practiced a simple attention grab and open with a strong “Oh, hey”. Then banter, whatever… Out of 30 I got 4 instadates, grabed contacts where I thought useful, 2 even asked me for my instagram and got 3 rejections or something. Not bad in my opinion.


All you need is an attention grab then open with a strong tonality, good posture and good eye contact to make her look away first for the open. You can literary say whatever. Combined with a good opener, this is a bomb. I know these are fundamentals, kinda silly of me not to do this before.

When I go out at home, I must not hang around the same people I alway do in my usual venue. Maybe it’s best to just switch venues for a while. Not maybe, it may be necessary if I intend to do cold approach there.

I intend to continue with Guns assignments in baby steps at home. Just not the mass approaching ones lol, those are reserved for my time when traveling. Yup, every opportunity I get, every time I get some spare money, I intend to do these little cold approach filled trips.

Life is good.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
I'm going to switch it up from 1 post per month to 1 post per week now, will find the time for it.

Been going out, but fell into a bad habit of drinking, hanging with people I know at the usual venue and not approaching as much as I used to. Old places, old people, old habits I guess.

I did get a couple of new contacts from new girls, got along well with some of them, less so with others. But the frame wasn't sexual, so no asking them out, instead social circle mentality (since everyone knows everyone here, better to be that cool dude who just something happens with then a guy who is trying to get her on a date). I'll see them out anyway so if there's a chance for things to happen it will then. If not there are other girls to meet.

Past week I got tired of my behaviour and decided to get myself out of those bad habits.

Did one ''day gaming session'' and got paralysed by approach anxiety. Weird. Then the next day ironically opened without any anxiety and talked to this banging hot girl on the bus just going about my day. The convo was ok, not awkward, but we all know that's not enough in cold approach, so the close didn't lead to anything.

Switched to a venue I'm less familiar with this Friday, haven't been drinking there at all. Was a nice night, did 3 approaches and was just social with everyone. Other girls were taken with guys who either work there or are in the dj scene, and the venue is quite small, cca. 150 people (one of the biggest clubs here lol). Small city.

I think this one girl attention whored me. I played my cards pretty well then lost as I'll explain later. Opened her with a simple ''hey'' after a solid pre open hover and eye contact in the small smoking area. She started showing heavy signs of interest (that's why I think she was attention whoring... but I'm not 100% sure) telling me ''you're very intriguing, who are you'' ''i want to get to know you'' ''you're cute''. I held the tension, she got closer, answered her questions about me vaguely and turned it on her every time ''you look very familiar with this place, like you own it, do you come here a lot'' ''I'm sure a lot of creepy guys come and approach you during the night''/ contrasting. Then her friends radar turned on. He looked gay, I think he was that or either bi. He started being super physical with her, while we were talking, I just ignored that shit. It was quite funny tbh, the more he tried to get her attention and get her away from me the more she wanted my attention. At one point he was licking her face and dry humping her (things gay (looking?) dudes can get away with...) while she was trying to get to hold my hand and semi pushing him away, semi laughing at the situation (he was super drunk or on ghb or something). Then she finally did get rid of him and asked me if she can hold my hand then invited me to go dance with them. Went with them, we were holding hands for a couple of minutes. Got a more physical with her on the dance floor then this crazy dude came and he lifted her, took her away and continued with his shannanigans. I pretended not to care, just continued dancing, but it did not work this time. The guy weird as he was was more of an emotional stimulator then me. I left them after a couple of minutes thinking I could reengage later. Engaged her in the smoking area again later and she was still showing some signs of interest although more drunk and indifferent. Should've taken her contact info because I lost them later, they went home, the whole group of 5 of them. They were pretty drunk and drugged up, all of them and I'm sure that guy didn't get laid, because he was barely walking. What I really should've done was ISOLATE her while I had the compliance.

So tonight was amateur hour haha I went out, wanted to explore new venues (either/ or plan since you can't be sure). Came to the first one and it had the big hall closed, just the bar open. As the smoking are is in front of the club you could see there was no people there. Talked to the bartender I just happened to know (everyone knows everyone here lol) then went to another club. There the security asked me for an ID, it's supposedly the law here (never seen that before). I didn't have it on since I wasn't expecting that then went to the usual venue I was trying to avoid tonight. Again not promising smoking area in front of the club and high entrance fees for the dance floor. Met some people in front but since I don't care to listen to some djs pushing the play button and would rather talk to girls in the smoking area I decided to call it a night. Thought maybe the universe was telling me I should make a journal post.

Whats up for the future? Stats for this week are 4 approaches and I intend to get the number up to 15 next week. 2 short day gameing sessions during the week, then Friday and Saturday night out. I went through Guns SMMA and I want to practice his missions in that time. Already started to use his material here and there and I like it.

Goals for this year are getting laid 2 more times and getting 15 solid contacts like I'm already doing then throwing a party and inviting all of them, creating social proof and my own social circle thing. The more challenging thing will actually be not doing certain things, that is staying away from bad habits from my past.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Didn't get to achieve 15 approaches I set myself up to last week. Still had been drinking with the boys 2 days I went out... Although didn't get too drunk, I could've used that time to approach more, do more conscious pick up... Day game sessions didn't happen because of rain...

I did make out with one girl (not worthy of FR, she was really into me... I wasn't that much into her lol and was social circle). Besides this got something like 4-6 approaches in.

Next week again I won't have a lot of time. Looks like 1 day game session and 1 night game session (this time sober, not one drink). Goals are 5 approaches, deliver rainbow ruse, bullshit about her then ask her to move (and ask her friends).

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Weekly update… Did those 4 daygame approaches and 3 nightgame approaches. Took contacts from 2 girls but seeded it badly so they are worthless, had to deal with cockblocks in nightgame again.

Main area for improvement would be staying and persisting in set longer. Talking about this mainly for daygame. I don’t commit enough.

Also made a new friend with this super hot lesbian who I’m gonna make my winggirl.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
It was rainy here this whole week, therefore no day time approaches were made. Went out on Friday with the hot lesbian, ended up winging for her lol. I opened the girl she said she finds hot, then helped her with hooking (hot girls just don't have game ''so you're into computer science'' lol). We ended up moving this girl to another bar and then that was it for that night.

About the lesbian... I think she may have a lot of hot friends, maybe she invites me to a party, when I'm out with her social proof is just through the roof (getting looks from other girls, people coming up to me saying hi) and she looks like a potential good friend. Whats crazy is just being out with her, ALL and I'm not being dramatic literary ALL men are looking at her, she got catcalled 2 times, it's creepy. Just as a reminder to myself and anyone else reading... Don't be like all the other guys, don't let her catch you looking, be indirect and make it ''just happen''.

Yesterday I was out with a friend of mine, had a lot of fun as well. Almost pulled a 2 set, unfortunately their bathroom talk went the wrong way. I should've prepared them better, reframed sex as a no big deal and set non judging frames better, seeded the pull, etc... I'm still in touch with the girl, we're fine and I think I'll go out with her next week. I feel crazy sexual energy with her, just standing next to her. She's compliant as well, it's just that there's always friends around, even when I isolate, her friend comes looking for her. Was thinking of just inviting her to mine sometime over dms, but it's too much risk. Reminder for next time I see her to seed the pull (what are you doing after - we should do an after party). And ask her friends if you can borrow her for a moment when isolating, because looks like they'll come looking for her sooner or later anyway.

Other than this I think I did 3 or something more approaches that weren't memorable. I was drinking too much this week, 5 drinks per night, so yeah need to cut that shit down to max 2 drinks. As I'm finishing some of my responsibilities this week it looks like I'll be able to go out 3 nights.
Goals will be (I'm trying to get my fundamentals in approaching down, vibe mainly): assume rapport and make the ho say no on at least 3 approaches per night (other approaches or non approaches I can do whatever).

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

  1. 17.00 park. I was sitting on the bench playing with my phone as this hot girl walks past. I tell her to stop, she doesn't hear me puts her earbuds out then asks what and I repeat myself. She says “I can’t” as she continues walking past. Stronger attention grab (''I have something important to tell you)? Smile? Be faster?
  1. 17.30 bus stop. She’s sitting, preparing to eat the food she just bought and as I walk past I deliver the “whoa..” “you look just like my friend!” “are you from around here” “you look like everything is new to you” and “which high school/ collage are you going to” and as she says she’s in high school still I go politely. It was generally good just that I didn’t give her the room to breathe, was a bit much, but good pattern interrupt, good flow with gambits.
A bonus. Opened a chick on the bus with “you look like my friend, are you from around here” but then ran out of things to say.
Hired gun asked her out but she dodged it with “I don’t drink”. Should’ve been more persistent, more determined, get her number, etc.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

HBGoth (long story short met her at McDonalds) invited me to a rave. I though this was my best option for getting laid that moment and went.

As soon as I met her there was some touching and good vibe between us. Then her friend came, 20yo guy, beta, and she was beta-shaming-pissed on him, kicked him and split her sole from her platform shoes. I offered her my shoes, so that she wont walk around bare feet, we went to mine, gave her a pair of shitty 20€ sneakers and off we went to the rave.

What we did at the rave can be described as a loop of dancing inside, everyone by himself with occasional remarks, laughs, then going out for a smoke. We met the other of her 2 friends there.

My strategy was to build up kino, pull everyone to my place then at mine isolate her, while making tea. I couldn't get her alone at the rave as the venue was small and as soon as I got rid of one guy, the other came.

We were doing the dancing smoking back and forth thing waaaay too long. I should legit cold approached another girl there, there were 2 or 3 I had my eyes on, but didn’t wan’t to risk HBGoths auto rejection or bad social proof. I stuck to kino instead.

Pretty much small of her back, her sitting in my lap, hand holding, held her chin, but did not kiss her. As I said we had no intimacy as one of her friends was always around. In retrospect, I think I should just go for the kiss as the kino became boring after a couple of hours (yes the rave was going from 23.00-5.30 and HBGoth wanted to dance till the end... fuck me) and both of her friends were wasted.

Or instead of kissing I should’ve brought up some verbals while smoking, just go with the standard ‘’ever think of societal norms and how they affect us?’’.

5.30 we went to mine. There we chilled. Tried to get HBGoth alone, but again couldn’t. Did I try? I mean as I got her in the kitchen to cook tea with me it was like she didn’t get it. I also didn’t get the feeling that she wasn’t into it, more that she was just ambivalent. Maybe too young and inexperienced (she's 18). She took some speed and 2cp but that was at 23.00, at 6.00 that garbage wore off completely, besides she never showed signs of inhibition. I was sober the entire night. Maybe we were just all tired.

I let them hang at mine till 8.00 then politely kicked them out.

I guess I’ll see her again on Wednesday, I invited her to my concert and she has to return me my shoes, but I don’t think I’m interested in her anymore. Dancing, smoking, doing drugs, it’s all boring to me. Besides she’s not that hot to be worth the effort, was hotter last time I saw her when she had longer hair. Fuck it.
Last edited:

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

Was working on a project and headed out late, around 1am.

I get to the AlternativaHipsterClub which is decently filled up at that hour. Ratio is the usual, bad. It's better during the summer. It's a small venue, can take 100 people and it's basically just a big dance floor. I did 2 approaches.

HB1: I spot her dancing near the dance floor and naturally dance my way towards her. When we ''naturally' get close to each other I say ''really good vibes here tonight''. She agrees and is all smiles. I dance away (wanted to do hit and run, I opened 2 other girls for momentum, but don't count them in) then post up by the wall and rolled a cigarette. HB1 incidentally walks by and I stop her by grabbing her by her upper arm (I think this was a bit much. I thought I was in by her response before) and ask her for a lighter, pointing that mine doesn't work. She gives it to me, I then tell her she looks like someone, but she walks off.

So either she didn't hear me or I was being too aggressive grabbing her by her arm. Calibration issue.

HB2: Another girl who I had my eyes on and is in a 2 set with a chubby. She's gettin hit on left and right as the ratio is bad and all the guys who wan't to hit on girls end up doing so on same couple of girls. I walk past her and tell her she reminds me of someone. She has low patience, but wants to hear it, it's like she's tired of all guys hitting on her. Tell her ''a girl I used to have something with''. Turns out she's from Hungary which gives me social frame as I mention cool clubs there I know she frequents as well. She asks me what I did there I tell her ''I'm a male stripper, I got a gig over there''. Again she's not really laughing like the usual reaction to this kind of banter is, just smirking. Tell her ''I envy you tourists, you get to see everything with new eyes. When you live somewhere you're like a zombie walking around, not really noticing the surroundings''. Her chubby friend takes a step away from us. She softens up a bit. Then I tell her to move over a step away from the dace floor, where we can talk easier. Sadly she declines, says she would rather dance. I try to save the set with changing the topic, but it's over at this point. The conversation dies out and she steps over to her friend.

I know the better call would be to walk away before she did, but I wanted to push it till the end. Since she's a tourist it's free practice. I should've buillt more compliance before asking to move. Again calibration. She responded good to my ''tourist'' gambit and should've taken that further or went into ''societal norms'' after that one. Transition would've been natural. Why do I keep remembering this at home, but not in field?

In between I talked to 2 guys I happen to knew there and danced. I'm not kidding but at 2.30 people started leaving and the remaining hotties were all dancing in the middle of dance floor where it's impossible to talk. I went home to get some sleep.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

Day game bus stop

“Nice coat” I say as she turns around with a confused look like she’s asking “who, me?” and I nod like “yes, you”. She thanks me and I say she looks like she studies law. She replies “you know how to make a person feel good about themself, but no, I study psychology” with a smile. She thinks you have to be experienced in life to study psychology. She’s 24yo but I tell her she looks younger, she’s all smiles.

Small talk about the weather (it’s the shittiest snowing weather this year, my bus is 45min late). She says something back and I tease her she could be a weather girl if the psychology doesn’t work out. She doesn’t like that much attention she says, then I go into how people generaly care about themselfs only and forget other people quickly. And if you really mess up your reputation you can always start fresh in another city.

I guess she’s not from this city based on her accent. Ask her how it’s like living here as compared to where she’s from then fuck me her cab comes. An awkward “nice meeting you!” ends our interaction.

I should’ve qualified her, seeded the date and asked her out when talking about psychology or people being self centered. Lesson for next time.
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Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

1st I tried opening one girl on the bus with a situational, she was indiferrent and I left it for a while. Then reopened later with another situational but she was indifferent again. I tell her she looks like someone, but no response. I leave it there.

2nd was a girl with a dog waiting for her mother who was shopping in a store in the mall. I was also waiting for a friend and use the dog as an opener. Talk about the dog for a while, teased her a bit, but those teases didn’t land the best. Cold read, qualify, I ask her what she’s doing this evening, she says she’ll be home with her boyfriend. From there on just platonic conversation as we’re both waiting.

Later that night I had one of my pieces performed. After the concert the adrenalline was still pumping, everybody was congratulating me. I hanged with a couple of singers, then we went to an afterhours place which sucked and decided to go to hang to a friends place, me, the friend and his gf (lately im more friends with his gf then him, we worked together on a project, maybe thats why). One singer, HBmezzo, went home as well, and because she showed decent sings of compliance before and my social proof after the concert was high I just told her she should come with us and she did. We hanged, had a good time, I didn’t escalate though, didn’t find a good timing. Fucked my social frame a bit with some anti feminist jokes then my friend went on telling the story of a time I pulled a girl from a super market and another time I pulled a milf. It painted me as a player, therefore from now on i have to be genuine towards her. Attainabillity is the name of the game, I have to remember this.

I dm her yesterday if she’s at the academy tomorrow and up for coffe, she wasn’t, said she’s studying and “next time”.

I’m planning on throwing a birthday party and inviting her along with other leads.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

I hit the field with my drunk natural friend. Following are memorable interactions.

3 set of 19yo HBs I know one of (HBsensual). She’s very sensual and my attention seeking radar goes off with her. Huggs me of the open, we dance close right off the bat, when I’m talking to her my face is touching hers. Then I wish her friend she’s with a happy birthday, check out her necklace. Then the drunk natural chimes in, dances with my friend tries to kiss her but she dodges lol. We both could get her, my social frame is better though, but she’s in “friends birthday wohoo” mode. Fizzles out as they go to another club.

One girl we opened outside the club earlier, she comes sitting on the balcony in the club near us. I reopen her and talk some. Played the “I like psychology” frame wanted to go into “societal norms” but the music was too loud, kept interrupting me. Or you could say I half assed it. Invited her out for a smoke and fresh air but she says she’s cold and I go alone.

Mixed set of 2 guys and 3 girls. One dude opens me, then I turn attention of the group on me but keep talking to the dude, then the whole group. There was a joke about slave owning, I mention I have a couple of sex slaves in my basement and one guy completely amogs himself saying he could be a sex slave or something in that line lol. All girls attention is on me. One starts qualifying. I think to myself I see what Mistery was on to and can totaly see how this approach can be good for some scenarios. But fuck me then we go in dancing, middle of crowded dance floor and I bail because music is the shittiest i’ve heard in a long time and me and my drunk natural friend can’t stop cringing.

We go chill at the balcony and there’s a couple sitting next to us but I can’t see the girls face, it’s too dark. When they go past us the girl greets me, I ignore her unintentionally and then ask the guy who she is turns out I know her from a previous cold approach she’s HBpegging (yup the name is not metaphorical she said she gets payed to pegg gay dudes or something. She’s hot as fuck. Wierd mix of dominatrix and innocent vibes, 19yo). The guy tells me she’s very open to communicating and I should shoot my shot. I start thinking he’s gay then later see him kissing her. I see them both later outside, greet the girl she qualifies a bit I tease her a bit, she plays offended, we hug then she and the guy go home. The guy tells me i’m a cool guy. Honestly don’t know what to make of this.

I’m texting the girl, she’s responsive, although I asked her out twice spomtaneously like if she’s down for coffee that day and she had to study (it’s exam season here). She has a very strong frame. That guy looked like a swinger to me or he tried to tool me I don’t fucking know honestly. I want to smash her soooo bad lol. She’s invited to my birthday party as well.

Later see that 3 set from beginning and invite HBsensual to my party, she holds my hand doing so. Then she and her friends leave to home as well.

I leave shortly after that as well.

I started doing very specific notes on smma. Going through it section by section. Will take me some time. I feel like im studying for an exam.

Also im going to frankfurt right now for 4 days for academicall purposes, but i will have some free time. Will try to squezee some smma opening daygame practice in.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Weekly update.

Nothing much tbh. I didn’t get an hour by myself in Frankfurt. Academically though it was very fulfilling.

Friday went out with my social circle. There’s this girl HBGummyBear, there’s something going on between us… Responded super well to sex talk on another occasion, this time we danced… Escalated just to kiss on her cheek as I spun her around and pulled her in, lifed her and other cheesy moves… Again there was a cockblock friend she had to drive home, I think that’s why I think there was no escalation window for anything further.

Saturday night went out solo. Since it’s minus degrees outside everyone is inside the club dancing. No memorable interactions really, was more of a social evening.

I never tried practicing dance floor game, everything that happened was instinctual. But I gotta learn it now, because there’s no other way of doing things here in following 2 months. This series comes to mind…

Before I started reading I had this idea:

1. attention grab with over the top dancing
2. look at her, smile
3. turn towards her, pace and lead the dance
4. a) do moves with open hands, as she reciprocates grab her hands and pull her in or
b) just grab her hands/ waist, show confidence

and then escalate from there.

This is just the idea I got from dancing with HBGummyBear on Friday.

Besides everything above I’m 4 weeks completely sober now. Feels good. Also got a better job and some doors are opening with my studies.

January Conclusions/ February Goals

I will learn to open and escalate, but mainly open non verbally on the dance floor. Apply the things I learn in Alek’s series.

I will seduce girls in my social cirlce to the point of no return. I have 4 leads right now. Let them be my test bunnies. I don’t expect anything to happen, rather just play around with how I can seduce them, how far I can take it. Of course escalate when there’s a good time (when we’re alone).

I will finnish SMMA notes in February.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Was out on Friday, then on Sunday and Monday went to Budapest and went out as well.


The regular club in my town. Cca. 70 people in there. I approached a hot tourist 3 set outside smoking and was interrupted by my friends. They didn’t know they were cockblocking, they were just having fun, but still… Reopened one girl from the 3 set on the dance floor, exchanged smiles, but should’ve done the high five opener and danced with her.

There’s this 19yo sculptour girl I know, who was there. She was very friendly and very flirty when I met her 2 months ago. I invited her to mine after the clubs closing hours twice before, but she had some legit excuses, therefore I just quit in my mind and slotted her as a friend in my mind. From there on she became less and less friendly. Not to say she has a friend who can be downright feministic hostile. Like that day this friend was wearing a headscarf and I joked she’s rocking a durag. She explained it’s a headscarf like the one old ladies wear. Then in reference to that I joked when I saw her later “where’s my favourite housewife” to which she replied that I have a “slapping face” and I’m “sexist”. Wtf??? Then when I was leaving the club the same fucking girl came running towards me, so that we could make eachother company walking home. I asked her genuinely why she’s being rude, she can be a nice person like now when I’m talking to her. She said she’s protective of her friends. I ask why and she says she doesn’t know if she could tell me… Supposedly I’m harrasing her friend, the sculptour girl one. Then right after that she says they were both thinking of coming to my party (more on that later) but later decided not to, something came up or I don’t know what.

Wft is this logic?

1. I approach sculptour chick, try to seduce her, she’s receptive and flirting. Most I do is very light kino and light sex talk.
2. After 2 separate attempts to close I drop the ball.
3. She gets less friendly.
4. She says to her friend I’m “harrasing” her.
5. Still fucking decides to come to my party, despite me “harrasing” her.

Possibly she’s under the influence of her radfem friend. Anyway, I’m going to stay the fuck away and ignore this girls when I see them.


Discouraged by these events I spontaneously decide to take the trip to Budapest. I’m staying with my friend.

What a breat of fresh air the clubs are here! First off, there were 5 times the amount of people here on Sunday then back home in the club on Friday. Me and my friend were just dancing/ peacocking and soon one older (later saw she’s not very attractive) girls starts dancing with me. Her boyfriend drags her away but she comes back to me. Then I start ignoring her because I don’t wan’t to have troubles with her boyfriend. Poor fella.

Then open a couple of sets unsuccesfully outside smoking, go back in dancing. Again 2 girls approach us, we dance, hold hands but then they fizzle out. Maybe they were just looking for attention?

Then we go to the bar area and my fried openes 2 girls sitting asking them if we could sit with them. We hook them, but my friend fuck up and makes the other girl uncomfortable. Thats more or less it for this night.


I go solo to my favourite venue in Budapest.

1. A group of Belgian girls open me. We become friends instantly. They invite me to dance where I see they’re just in a woohoo party mode and I loose interest.
2. I open Ukranian/ Russian 2 set. I do a couple of cold reads/ teases, they’re giving me short answers. After they finnish their cigarette they say “see you later” and go in.

Here I made an uncalibrated tease, which made a short awkward moment. I should’ve been more genuine and make some chump talk to be more relatable. Or share a story… my old catcalling gambit maybe… That could’ve hooked them.

3. I open a solo girl standing. Talk about the music dj is playing, then cold read her. Move her to sit with me. I miscalibrated her temperature as I was making a joke i grabbed her hand and she pulled her hand back and said don’t and I quickly switched topics. The conversation continued like nothing happened. After a couple of minutes I tried moving her again but she declined and I left. Was not that hot to be worthy pursuing further.

4. An older guy opened me and introduced me to his son. His son had a friend and this friend had a girlfriend/ sister, I’m still not sure. She was touchy feely with me and is coming to my country in 2 days. Asks me if I can show her around. I invite her to go out with me on Friday, she says that sounds fun and instagram closes me.

5. I’m sitting, a girl is dancing next to me and I open her on her tatoo. She’s Spaninsh, speaks little English, and out communication is very physical. She holds my hands a couple of times, I spin her, as we’re talking we’re almost always touching. Unfortunately she and her friend are tired (I should’ve persisted here...) and going home. She asks me if I’ll be at the same place tomorrow, I say yes and we say goodbye.

Conclusion/ house party

On Tuesday I started feeling sick and developed a sore throat. Needles to say I didn’t go out in -6 degrees outside.

I’m riding back to my home town now. I’m throwing a house party tomorrow and I need to get healthy for that. HBGummyBear, HBPegging, HBDentist (not mentioned before) are all coming. It’ll be 50/50 girl to guy ratio and I have 2 DJ’s playing.

I need to get healthy fast

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019