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L'ascesa di dissoluto

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Everything social that I did these days was solo nightgame and I was becoming tired of it.

The guy I met on Monday asked me if I wan’t to grab a drink tonight… I changed my plans to have some fun instead of pushing it yet another night. We went to a bar, played table footbal, then met 2 German turists (guy and girl) on the street and took them to a cool local bar.

I got it that they were not a couple. Unfortunately they were pretty drunk as well. I did hit on the girl, got the topic into sex related subjects, found out she’s in her words 60% straight 40% bi, but like I said, she was too drunk. I think I went into sex is unfair but that was too much thinking for her…They went to their hostel not long after.

Me and the guy went later to the open bar I mentioned quite a few times here. He has a girlfriend but still wanted to talk to some girls just to talk to them and I gladly accepted the wingmanship.

The venue was packed. I made a few by the way comments to 2 sets we passed by until I approached this American 2 set.

Spitting cold reads, being a bit of a challenge talking about how most Americans I met were superficial compared to Europeans, some teasing, I stopped after cca. 3min when my girl asked me “where I’m from” and it went on easy from there. My dude then introduced himself and got into a conversation with the other girl, we were locked in.

My girl was very intersted into music I’m making, her being an oboe player as well. It was like she was deep diving me, made me feel special, made me feel nice. So much that at one point I had to stop myself and ask her a couple of questions about her. But looked like she was more interested in my music then other things and me being passionate about it I gladly talked, but looking for a opportunity to escalate in the background.

Then the staff came and told us we need to move because they’re closing this section of the bar. We did, continued our conversation outside, I started doing some kino, then the other girl said they need to go because they’re going hiking tomorow. I managed to distract them for 5min more but then she brought it up again and we parted.

Stats for this night are 3 by the way opens that went nowhere and 2 proper sets.

On my way home I saw an middle eastern kind of guy getting too pushy with a girl on a bus stop. Not physicall, just not getting her signals. She was stepping one step away and he was stepping towards her every time. I watched that for 5min then decided to interfere. The whole “No way, you really remind of that actress… Fuck I have it on the tip of my tongue… Are you Hungarian?” which I find myself doing more and more lately. At first she was even more scared but I got the attention of the guy, then talked to him “You seem like a cool guy, where are you from” and kept him in a conversation (he did want to go back to her 2 times)until her bus came. I hope she saw what I did there… or not, I don’t really care.

Then me and this guy, who had serious sex offender vibes got on the bus and just for fun, appreciating the human circus, I talked to him. At first he complained about how racist Hungarians are (he was Armenian), then he catcalled 2 more girls on our way and was staring at one girl who was with a boyfriend on the bus, but all of the time I knew it was cool because he befriended me and if it would come to that (really didn’t seem like it) I could beat him up. Smoked one cigarette with him after we stepped from the bus then parted, just to her him in the background “hey baby, youre sooo fine”. At this point it was just funny.
Yes I did get a bit of oneitis for her. Yes it hurts and yes I am trying to keep bussy. But it is what it is. Yesterday I texted her just to get seen…

DG: sent her a recording of a piece with wierd rhythms I am currently working on
DG: im fooling around
DG: do these rhythms make sense to you as a dancer?

I gues she doesn’t like my rhythms hahaha

It doesn’t make sense to me, because this was a girl I texted with way too much one month ago, she was responsive over text just fine the day after we made out, but then 2 weeks later this shit.

Next option for persistance is a dance - music jam session on Monday where I know she’ll show up. I can show up there as well, I have other friends who’re going there and this can be my plausible deniability. Just show up, have fun, build social proof, be polite to her and don’t text her after. See how she reacts to my presence… Talk to her if she innitiates conversation and see whats up…

Overthinking much.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
[Yes I did get a bit of oneitis for her. Yes it hurts and yes I am trying to keep bussy. But it is what it is. Yesterday I texted her just to get seen…

DG: sent her a recording of a piece with wierd rhythms I am currently working on
DG: im fooling around
DG: do these rhythms make sense to you as a dancer?

I gues she doesn’t like my rhythms hahaha

It doesn’t make sense to me, because this was a girl I texted with way too much one month ago, she was responsive over text just fine the day after we made out, but then 2 weeks later this shit.

Next option for persistance is a dance - music jam session on Monday where I know she’ll show up. I can show up there as well, I have other friends who’re going there and this can be my plausible deniability. Just show up, have fun, build social proof, be polite to her and don’t text her after. See how she reacts to my presence… Talk to her if she innitiates conversation and see whats up…

Overthinking much. [/SPOILER]
Imo this points to another guy in the picture. Either she’s trying to decide between the two of you or shes fading you out.

Whenever a girl who was interested heavily phases me out or becomes unresponsive, it’s normally because there’s another guy or more and she’s deciding between us.

This doesn’t have much to do with you as a lover, but if a guy’s willing to settle down with her she’ll normally fade you out so she can settle with him. She’s going to pick whoever is proposing monogamy and who sleeps with her faster even if the other is more sexually viable. Normally the relationships are short lived and she’ll ping you months later.

i.e dont be surprised if she pops out with a boyfriend
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Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Went out with a friend (her) yesterday. First some wierd garden drag cat walk hippie thing, then we went in into a bar and a gay club. My idea. I was drinking this time.

I almost pulled.

Dancing with my friend in the club, there was another girl who was giving me looks here and there and I waved her over to dance with us. We got closer and closer until she asked me if my friend is ok with this, she thought she was my girlfriend. I took her to antoher room, told her she’s just my friend and kissed her.

Then we went out smoking, danced and on a high point I told her “lets get out of here”.

We went out, got our bracelets for the club cut with scissors by the security, it was happening, she was clearly decided. 50m from the club there was a drunk gay dude passing out on the street and me being content, happy and stupid decided to help him out. We called him an ambulance but the fucking ambulance took 45min to get there all the while we had to stay there with him. In the mean time gay friend of this girl came out and she then wanted to go back in, not leave him alone. WHAT THE FUUUUCCCK

She payed my entrance fee again, so I guess she wanted me around or felt bad or something. In there we danced, ‘had a good time’ (i was starting to get frustrated) and I pulled her to the bathroom. At this point I had too much too drink, I started getting needy and my escalation was not on point. I just kissed her, even that was not passionate, we talked and went back to the dancefloor.

There I asked her gay friend why doesn’t he just let her go, whats the problem and he said he gave her permission, but that she has a boyfriend.

I just got frustrated at one point and went home. I was pretty drunk, Iast memories were blurry, spent too much money and I’m hungover today.

Lessons? I’ll never stop to help a drunk guy while pulling again obviously. Should drink less… And the gay club was awesome (expansive though), no competition, so easy to get social proof in there.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Been at the jam. And honestly it's way simpler than I overthought it. She's just genuinely busy. Being a new on the scene artist you really must be at every event in your niche to ''get in''. We talked of course, I was for some reason more cocky than usual. I did ask her ''catch you up this week?'' and she sighed thinking about the week ''uf I'm still super busy....Wednesday? Or maybe some afternoon?''. I'll playfully try to set the place and time tomorrow over text. Could as well take her to an event if I find something near me.

That's her. But my main thought is about me. How much did I put on my self, literary not being able to fall asleep yesterday. How much do I overthink before sending a message. Nuts. In the mean time this girl I'm overthinking about is just chilling, doing her own thing. It's scarcity about this quality of girl. I need to meet more girls like her.

Another thing I've noticed, I'm quite comfortable in bigger venues, but not so much in smaller ones. Reminder for myself to dig deeper into social proof.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
1st set, found myself standing next to them.

“enjoying your night?”


“you guys dont speak english good huh”

shakes her head

“spanish? italian? greek”

“yes :)

“third is the lucky one”


Werent that hot so decided to move on. Next?

2nd set, opened with an excuse to use the table. Girls made a joke about one of thems big nipples, just took it further “hey, everyone loves big nipples! more to admire”. One was defensive about me but started warming up and one, my target, asked me a lot of questions, I just answered politely. Could’ve spiced it up with intrigue or sex is unfair gambit. Went in to sit and i told her “see you later”.

Reapproached those girls after some time. Was a bit awkward, introduced, some small talk, they were teasing their friend about having big vagina, joined in a bit on that. Wierd friends haha. Othering gambit with my target agreed on everything then the alpha wanted me to give my seat back to the “big girl”. Gave her the seat, finnished my cogarette and went on. Cca 10min. Didn’t hook good enough. Should’ve won the alpa first. My girl was a bit tipsy, showed me her rings and let me touch her palm in a sensual wat, looked at me submissevly during the othering gambit… It is what it is.

“Hows your night going” to another girl, just gave me the thumbs up so moved on. Went to 2 other venues, one was dead, the other mostly dudes and unnatractive girls, so decided to call it a night.
DG:i guess the rhythms dont make sense to you
DG:so lets go do something or have a drink on wednesday
HB:Sorry I didn't take the time to listen
HB:The thing is that I have a change of plan, I had to do a shooting on Friday but the photographer wants to do it Wednesday because of the weather
HB:And I think it will take time we will finish a bit late
HB:To be honest, I am a bit overwhelmed these days. I have a friend from Switzerland visiting right now and next weekend I'm away
HB:And I was performing yesterday and tonight also in another place
DG:never mind, i figured it out (reply to the song)
DG:meh i wanted us to have a drink or have some fun you know
DG:but i see you have a lot going on
DG:good for you though, you deserve it
HB:Yea sorry it's a bit too much these days
HB:Let's see! Maybe next week

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Did 8 approaches tonight. 3 of them are worth writing about.

This girl on the street I approached one time before, I approached again with the same compliment about her outfit. After we realized that this went down before (we talked on the tram but she took off before I could close) we talked shortly, had a laugh about the situation and parted when we went to different blocks “so see you around I guess”. I again didn’t close, come on haha but next time I will I promise, she is my type. I always thought this situations could be awkward but it’s awkward if you make it of course.

With my friend we ended up in a club where I did 6 approaches.

One 2 set I hooked PERFECTLY. A lot of touch and proximity. Deep dived her then transitioned into othering routine (which I’m tweaking a bit lately… I see how you can take it into different directions, I have a whole scheme which I will post once it’s field tested and allows juicier material). All while my friend was rolling them a joint and I had to entertain even his girl for some time. It was funny how I transitioned about her liking hystory to which period she would like to visit as a tourist to roaring 20s and liberated society, girls having a lot of sex and such. Once the joint was done his girl wanted to dance and had to drag her friend away. One try but my girl wanted to stay with me but the second time she did drag her away and that was it. Mega clubs be like that.

Another 2 set I found one girl completely my type. At first I approached her too direct “omg I love your hair” and she didn’t register then later her friend came to us in the smoking area and asked if she can roll. Now it was a 3 set. I at first apologised to the girl for scaring her (in a arrogant joking way not really apologising) then positioned myself to the other part of the circle so we can hear each other talking. Went well she was asking me questions, then started transitioning into her experience as a girl, her being (I must experiment with this further and write about the othering gambit) but then again her friends finnished smoking and went in to buy drinks just as she was warming up.

Other 4 in the club were just short interactions of “hey you look just like that actress” or “are you xy nationality” but after them being semi interested I just moved on. Could’ve persisted, but I’m not wasting my time on semi interested girls that I’m not crazy about.

Last one was in front of the club, very hot, indirect, talked, introduced but then her cab just came.

Problem with all of these was bad logistics. Mega club is great for making tons of approaches but bad for everything else.

The interesting stuff about all of this is that my friend later told me that I’m terrible haha. It looks terrible yes getting rejected 6 times in a row. But I mean one girl he approached laughed at him, one was a club promoter, another were just too drunk and not to say I lost my most solid lead because he bored his girl. So…. yeah, I just said, yeah, I’ terrible haha didn’t want to go into it. But interesting to me is the perspective.

I go approach from a pua standpoint, lets do approaches, lets talk to girls, hunting basically, while he is chill and maybe he gets laid. Of course my strategy is more effective BUT I like the difference about thinking of doing approaches, doing game or whatever vs. I want to get laid, this mentality of doing game and routines could be hurting in some ways I think. I WANT TO GET LAID, I’m tired of these pointless approaches tbh.

I will get laid. Very soon.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
In short, I was out on Friday and did 4 approaches in a smaller venue. Then I just jumped between those sets. Didn’t do any gambits, all sets were too social. Unintentionally I attracted 2 girls, one wasn’t my type and another was just too drunk and I felt wrong about it. Here I should’ve been just more agressive with what I want - said to the girl “hey lets go over there” but I was under the influence of the chill venue. Which is good, being in the vibe, but at the same time not, because I didn’t escalate. I will find the balance.

Next day I got sick and didn’t go out.

Sunday, I’m still kinda sick, but a girl who I met the second time on Friday night invited me to a picnic today. I went just to chill, get out from my flat. I ended up hanging with this group, later with a girl, fairly attractive. Went into a light version of the othering gambit, such that is approapriate for the other people hearing, other just regular talk and in the end invited her for a drink next week. Said “sure, why not” so we’ll see.

I still have a light headache and a sore throat, hope it’ll get good soon.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
I got lazy with writing FR’s again… Here goes the short synopsis.

Last week I went out solo and managed to pull a 2 set to my flat. The girl said to me before the pull “after your whole talk about societal norms I must say, that IHAB and I can’t do anything more than socialize”. I was cool with that, but in retrospect I should just turn it around on her “hey hey, you think I’m this easy? we are NOT having sex tonight”. Anyway her fat friend was there as well and I have no idea how to solve that problem… Maybe just escalate in front?

Then I had 4 friends crashing at mine for the week and there were no logistics for bringing a girl home, so I just collected numbers. I started texting them all on sunday, as well as “special girl”, then were all busy in one way or another for this week. Then the “special girl” told me that what happened (we made out… for 30min) isn’t going to happen again, then I reframed it but she hasn’t opened my message yet. Which made me just delete all the apps today, because I started checking on messenger if she read or not every hour, just mental…

I might post all these text convos here. I think I’m generaly getting better at them.

Yesterday I wad out with my shitty wing, but ok friend. Wanted just to get a beer with him and we ended up going into this karaoke bar picking up girls. Ended up isolating 2 girls actually but fucked it up being a bit needy and a bit drunk. So I’m as well not drinking anything till the end of the week.

Now its time to get back infield. Right now my goal is to ask a girl home each night.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Packed club. 1st was very hot slovakian, after cold reads, some jokes, she wasn’t giving me anything and I just moved on.

2nd 2 set did hit and run “love your hair” to which I got a warm smile back. Decided to reapproach later and they were approached by one black 30s guy, great fashion. Both were again super hot. I came by, asked them if I could use the table for rolling a cigarette and one asked me if I could roll her one as well. Did some cold reads, basic small talk… I thought the guy would be happy since it was a 2 set, didn’t really react. After I lit mine, girls were talking to that dude, my girl said “byeee” which got me a bit bumed. Decided to switch venues.

Small bar, there were 2 good options but before I could approach indirect both left (it was near closing time).

Checked out the mega club on the way home. Talked to one cute polish girl there, she was investing but then the regular mega club shit, said she needs to find her friends.

Then just decided to call it a night.
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Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Yeah, I feel good about tonight.

After warming up I chated up a 2 set. One hot swiss girl (looking like a latina, nice body, beautiful face, long straight black hair tight in a bandana and sweet personality) and her fat friend. At least 3 guys approached my girl in while I was talking to her. One time I almost thought I lost her to this french dude who had better fundamentals than me… He talked in french with her and there was nothing I could’ve done as I almoooost hooked good. He was drunk though. I went for a smoke, left my jacket with them, came back and my girl asked me if I had a tatoo, then touched my tatoo. I knew he was out. Said goodbye shortly after. They exchanged contacts and he said he was going to this shitty club after and invited her (she wanted to dance).

It was back to us. I had to include her friend in conversation. Slowly went into juicier topics, liberated societies, gay clubs, sugar dating, prostitution… We agreed that she could be my pimp (I know it’s a bit submissive but I made sure it was the least I could make in this scenario haha). Then we agreed to go to thermal baths tomorrow together. I did a nice chase frame then that I think it’s a bad idea “what if you wont be able to stand me in my hot swimming trunks” “oh yeah thats going to be in my mind now” took it further in a joke “now I’m going to dream this hahah” “I’m going to be your wet dream tonight, I’m sorry. But behave yourself tomorrow!”.

Some fluff, girly talk, showed her a pic of my cat, stuff like that… Went to buy another drink then her friend said she is going home. It’s 3am by now. We stayed for 30min and then the “what are you going to do now” topic came on.

I invited her to listen to some music, have a drink with me, but she really wanted to dance and was thinking of going to the shitty commercial club the french guy told her about. I told her its shitty, but yeah if she wants to dance, she should go. We went out from the bar, smoked a cigarette in front, I invited her cassually again, “I would go if I was staying here for a week, but it’s just till saturday… It’s not a bad club is it?” I made sure I painted the worst picture “why don’t you come with” told her I don’t like it because I don’t “but we’re going to baths tomorrow, are we?” I half assed answered “wait, you are going, right?” “yes” “so see you tomorrow! we’ll see those swimming trunks haha and we can go out later and you can show us cool places” “I will.. Yeah you will like it”.

So I ordered her a cab to that club, walked with her from the club under my arm for a bit then we parted. I should’ve took her whats app as well, because I only have the fat ones (she went to the toilet when we handled logistics) but it’s fine. I’m sure we’re meeting tomorrow. I just hope nobody smashes her there… I pray to the cockblock god tonight. But then again its a shitty drunk sausage fest there, not sure if she’ll even find those guys or if she’ll even like it. You never know… Fucking uncertainty…

Very happy with how it went, she’s a 8.5 - 9 in my book.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Tonight was a learning experience. I'm experimenting with going sexual early. I want to face resistance to learn how to deal with it, to learn better calibration. Needless to say I faced resistance.

Here go the shortened frs of the 7 approaches I did.

  1. Situational open waiting for a tram, small talk relating, stripper story. Locked in good. Didn’t close, kinda awkward ending. Could've though.
  2. Waiting in line opener, nationality cold read, teases, touch with my target to look at her bracelets (as she displayed ioi) but friend looked bithcy. I had to plow, but my target looked interested as I said, that's why I continued. Did just one tease too much at the end to which her friend before getting drinks, bitchy friend ignored, my target smiled back to me. Reapproched after 45min, just asked my target who was sitting next to the bitchy friend ''hows your night going'' but got a blase ''good'' so I moved on. Bitchy friend be the problem here.
  3. Complimented hair, nationality cold read, talked about London (were English) vs Budapest, made a joke that I'm from hell when they asked me where I'm from, told them the stripper story, talked about sugar dating, then joked that I can be their pimp. After she started showing signs of disinterest, but her friend got even more invested. I decided to eject here, wanted to reapproach later but didn't get the chance. The stripper story was a bit much too soon.
  4. Asked if I can sit with them. Target opened me, guessed their nationality correct (wtf I guessed she's from Singapore). Stripper story, then they had to leave to get up early they said. Although again looked stimulated in a good way. Saw them later with other dudes. The stripper story was a bit much for my target (hot Indian girl, lived in Dubai, I guess some strong conservative values come with).
  5. Nationality cold read, talked about London, grabbed a chair and sat with them then catcalling gambit, started othering uncalibrated guys. they said they have to leave to go to thermal baths tomorrow and left. They did leave though. Should’ve made the frame more mutual, had a small confortational vibe for some reason. She said some red flag feministic stuff (male ego = agression) and that trigerred my vibe although I didn't respond. Maybe could've went somewhere, but they did leave, lousy logistics.
  6. Nationality cold read, Spanish, talked a bit about touristic stuff then they had to leave. For real. She said sorry. Nothing to do, lousy logistics again.
  7. Saw 2 girls who just came, knew they will be open, were. Nationality cold read, talked about Scotland, traveling, meeting people. They were out to meet people, said it's normal in Scotland to go out and do so. She asked my name, small iois but as soon as I was about to go into some gambits the security came and said they're closing this section. Just as i was about to hook them properly god damn it. As we went inside, they talked a bit, kinda ignored my proposal for the table I suggested, said something I didn't hear and went to the toilet. Went to the toilet as well as i was walking behind them, because I didn't hear them before (fucked up here, this came off needy). Then lit a cigarette in a well seen spot, but as I turn around they’re talking to other dudes. Whatever, they weren't worth my persisting. I went home.

80% of results come from 20% of your efforts I tell to myself as I'm heading home. I'm satisfied with what I did tonight though. Some stuff I just couldn't do better because wildcards/ logistics, other stuff is just learning calibration. Obviously I need to add more comfort/ social frame early on, but I feel like experimenting with early sexualization further.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
I went out to the same venue on Tuesday. The plan was to still go sexual fast, but calibrate it better.

1. 2 hot girls with blase attitude - “such a cool place, so many friendly people here” “yeah” “where are you from” “im from portugal” “you?” “states” havent heard so she had to repeat, then moved on.

After this I decided to rather find easy targets.

2. English 3 set, cold reads and small talk, my target being the most receptive out of the 3 but then they went to find friends and I got myself a drink.

3. Hot black girl, personal 9, small talked, very nice vibe, just social with a bit of spice talking about sexual Berlin clubs, then her friends (MMF) came with champagne and shots. I befriended them and they gave me a shot. One of them (of course the girl) was in a very bad mood and when we moved, my target asked me very politely if it can be just them. I politely moved on. At the end of the night my target from this set saw me, waved at me, “Hey guys theres DG”…

Girls and their bad moods… Just imagine if your guy friend was acting like this in a bar while you were talking to girls. Would you be in his emotional support? Fuck no, you would tell him to quit the attitude or go home.

4. 2 Italians, talked about Italy, was mindful of my body language, again very nice vibes, but nothing sexual. Then some English dudes they met yesterday came and invited them to move on (dance?) girls invited me with them and I said they should go and I’ll join them later (I didn’t).

5. Got rejected by a 3 set haha They were all dressed up and high heels, probably saw me hitting on Italian girls.

6. 2 set approached me asking for a cigarette. My target was qualifying, in return I complimented her freckles and started kino, proposed we get a drink outside but they went to find their friend “meet you later”…

I was thinking about leaving or staying just to see if I meet the last set again.

I saw them ordering a drink and I positioned myself so that they didn’t see me but will inevitable pass me. Worked and they reapproached me. Went into a quick version of othering gambit just to get that they must find their friend and are leaving. I keep my cool.

To my luck the bar was closing and I had to get out anyway a minute after them. Found them outside and reapproached them. Had to deal with drunk English guys this time. I asked them to move somewhere again but then they decided to stop carring about their friend and go home to catch their morning train.

Was more mindful this time of resistance, mainly with my body language. Also been playing around with voice. This stuff is powerful, why didn’t I put more conscious emphasis on it before?

Could’ve been more sexual though. I must test it out more, trigger and play around with resistance.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
On Thursday I went to game a smaller venue and play around woth social proof. Well that was the idea at least.

Talked to one girl, but converstation got a bit cynical on my part (I was in a shitty mood that night) and that went nowhere. Also there were 2 group of girls who I met before, but didn’t end on best terms (made out with one and that was it and another I was drunk and needy 2 weeks ago). Said hi to the one I made out with but that was it. Was more “awkward to see you” rather then “good to see you” vibe. There went my plans for building social proof I guess.

As I reminder to myself I should care less about these stuff. Of course be calibrated at all times, but who gives a fuck about them, I’ll be gone in a month anyway.

Then met another guy I know, he introduced me to his group, good vibes and everything. Stayed with them till closing time.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

I had blue balls after this one so I went out. The usual venue but it was packed and crazy being Friday 2am. I opened like 5 sets more bold then usual, got rejected 3 times, but got 2 very attracted.

2nd set I tried to move and isolate right there and then after the open, she seemed attracted, but *her friends*. There was some touch going on, we exchanged insta, she said lets meet tomorrow, I was like ''your loss''.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Out yesterday with similar intentions of practicing escalating sexual vibe fast. It was a new venue and I should’ve lowered my expectations, because different vibes, different logistical challenges (too crowded mainly).

At first just talked to one guy, who I’m 90% sure was gay as he left me with a “enjoy your night, you’re a very handsome man” lol. Then teased one girl who was dancing with one gay looking dude (not a gay venue, just very hip I guess) “sory to say it but he had better moves”.

Then begins the approaching.

1. “Hows your night going” quick boring interaction with a 2 set. They’re tired from working and going home shortly.

2. Nationality cold read to a 2 set, teasing, then started talking about living abroad and experience of it, but started loosing them and moved on. I would blame my not too excited vibe and preapproach here.

3. Same nationality cold read, more like a joke to myself. Unfortunately didn’t know how to follow up at that moment. Next time just deliver catcalling gambit or start pacing them in another way.

I need to have a gambit or 2 prepared for this scenarios as well, something to teach pacing after the approach and let me freestyle eventually.

4. Then met the Germans from yesterday. I texted her where I’ll be going out but got no reply. I was too sexual upon meeting her yesterday. Just said hi and danced with myself, I mean if she was excited to see me she would text me that she’s going there. Whatever, she wasn’t that hot anyway. But her friend was.

Opened the whole group outside when I went to smoke. Then just ended up talking to my taget, this hot friend of theirs. She was tired and didn’t give me a lot back, kinda apologized that doesn’t know how to speak in English right now. We stayed together as her friends left. I talked so much shit… Too entertaining, not enough laid back, cool and sexual. At least did some compliance testing asking if I can try out her sunglasses.

She then looked around where her friends left, said it’s kinda scary being in a foreign country and loosing your friends. Decided to help her find them. On out way we went look on the dance floor where I spinned her around and then she spinned me. Did good for the vibe and established some touch. Then pirouettes haha That’s what I’m talking about being too much dancing monkey in this set.

Led her then through the crowd and told her to hold my hand - this was possible because I spinned her before on the dance floor and asked her before that to try her sunglasses. It created a nice “us” moment. We founf her friends then.

They were all tired and were going home soon. Bad logistics and I decided to move on. Kinda sad, nice girl.

5. Wierd fucking set. Solo girl on the hallway. Told me she’s high but that she can talk, not that high. Tried to tease her but she got defensive saying “I know my worth, you can walk away if you don’t like it. I’m not offended just being real.”Let her have her frame as didnt want to get into a confrontation and left. If she really knew her worth, why did she get triggered so fast then? Probably because she was high.

Left the club after that as I was tired and didn’t see the point of going hard until 4am again.

6. Bench, solo set. Just got mhms back to “hows your night going” “cool tatoo” “you know when you think that the night could be better blabla”, so I went on. To be honest she looked like she’s not the brightest individual which would bring some problems in understanding and communicating in English.

Met roommates of my “swiss crush” on the bus back. Very non interested conversation (were tired probably). Don’t know did I do something awkward (probably did) or is it just me overanalysing again (most likely).

I should care less.

Yeah, that story ended with her going back to Switzerland and texting me “I think I know what you want, but sorry it’s not going to happen again”. I did my best there and a great lesson to do EVERYTHING in my power to close the deal when I start something.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Man I’ve told myself I’ll stay in and rest tonight, but my wing (the terrible one) called me and I was down.

We for a change went to a park. Opened 3 sets, talked to them for average of 15min, got some attracted girls but were interupted at the end. Then he opened 2 milfs.

I let him have the hot one and winged for him with the other one. They were late 40s/ early 50s and I didn’t care. My verbals were downright vulgar because of this. Examples…

“What I really like about that country is that they serve ice cream in cups that are sooo big”

“Like my dick?”

Just bad yes. Got them super attracted though. Made them touch my hair, one touched my muscles. Let them talk about whatever and when I saw my wing wasnt getting anywhere with the hot one, litterary walked away for a moment, I took her.

Went into some gambits (good sex bad sex, societal norms) then made her touch me, put her hand on my thigh, carressed her palm, put my arm around her as I’m letting her talk about her passions in her broken English. Seed the pull but then she says she’s not into that right now. Alright, I go away to take a piss.

Come back and they’re all hugging as they’re going home (separately). They want me to hug them as well but I refuse. Then I go back to my girl, hold her by the hand, go back into societal norms because I did want to lay her. She asks me for my facebook, I give it to her.

Hugs me sensually, kisses me “not tonight”, then her friend drags her away, she kisses me and they go.

Well fun night nonetheless.
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Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Wing hit me up last min and we went to a park then to akaraoke bar. Not a bad ratio, talked to 4 sets, spent most of our time with 2. Failed to transition to pull, closed one set the other I wasn’t that into honestly. Did good all in all, maybe I can make something happen from the set I’ve taken contacts from.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019