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L'ascesa di dissoluto

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

A quick summary of most memorable sets.

During the day I saw a cute 2 set walking down the street and then turning into a shop. I went after them and when I got in they were just picking up the shopping basket. We locked eyes, smiled. I said you must be tourists, no they just moved here, I thought because of the big bag they were carrying with them. Let them go for a moment, looked for a bottle of water in the store then re-approached them. ''Hey, I have an offer for you 2. You look like interesting people...'' They started giggling. ''What, you're not interesting?'' ''Haha I guess we could be.'' ''You're Scottish!'' (guessed their accent). ''Yes!'' I said in a joke and raised my fist ''William Wallace haha''. More giggles. ''So... I thought we could get a drink later this evening, that's my offer'' ''Yes, sounds great'' ''Cool lets exchange ig and talk to you later, now I have to run to catch a class'' ''Ok, talk to you later''.

One girl followed back and was very responsive, the other didn't follow back. So it's just the 2 of us. She's cute, nothing out of the ordinary but worth my time. I sent her the venue that I like, oversold it and said we could get drinks there. She apologized for responding late, that she was in a class and said that later she's having a drink with her class buddies but we could do tomorrow. Cool. Let's see about tomorrow.

Been also texting with the American girl from Saturday. She responds late, but is responding haha. I suggested a drink this week, will see how it goes.

Also went out yesterday and today. I'm low on cash so that meant having one drink at a bar, then just water. Yesterday I was in a bad mood so nothing worth noting except 2 Italian girls I also coincidentally met today.

Today I went to a student music jam bar. Was crowded. As I said I met those Italian girls who were hanging with 2 dudes (harmless, I think one is gay) who they (and me) also met yesterday. Both od the girls are hot and it turns out go to the same college as me and I will be having the same class with one girl (in this class I also know another hot girl, we've been texting lately so it could be good social proof). The other girl is more of my taste. Mischievous, joking a lot. Got some tension with her, proximity and some light touch. I was gaming in an unusual way for me. Being silent and mysterious most of the time, being more conscious of body language. I managed to kind of brake the circle and form a circle with just me and 2 girls, but then the conversation fizzled out. When I tried to verbally escalate they weren't responding. Overall my frame was solid. One girl who was testy at first then started qualifying herself later when I just stayed unresponsive. Didn't talk about myself at all almost just when they asked me. Worked well.

Also makes me think about Alek's principles of calibration. When something doesn't work take a step back and try a different approach. Reward good behaviour with touch and attention and ignore bad behaviour. In my case when verbal stuff wasn't working I went more physical (body language seems to be better term). I may be over analysing this shit right now but that's what it is in micro behaviours.

Later as I said our little circle broke and we were again in convo with 2 dudes. I went to get myself a glass of water but it took forever and when I came back to the set they were leaving. I took their ig and I'm going to see one girl again in class either way. Unfortunately I like the other girl better, have better chemistry with her, have to figure a way to get her out, maybe just dm her or something.

Then tried to open one set at a table inside but after bombarding them with questions (had no better opening strategy at tat point and just pushed myself to open anyway) and trying to get them out of pattern, didn't stick and just wished them good evening.

Went to the next bar. On the way opened a 3 set walking on the street with a nationality cold read. Some light flirting and it turned out they were in a group with 2 guys walking ahead of us so just let them go.

In that bar I sat at one table and replied to some emails on my phone. Everyone there seemed to be tipsy at least. One guy approached a table of 3 girls 1 guy next to me in an uncalibrated way and they sent him away telling him that the girl is a lesbian haha. Dude just gave me the smoothest opening, thanks!

So after a couple minutes I come to their table and go something like this:

''I'm genuinely curious, is this how you send guys away by default? Normally girls just have ''boyfriends''
''but I'm really a lesbian''

(the girl who told the guy to fuck off, not the girl he was trying to hit on - who was the hottest)

'' You know, I was walking down the street yesterday evening and there was one girl standing there waiting for someone. Later 5 drunk dudes passed her by and hissed at her, they thought it was funny or something. I thought it was just terrifying for the girl, she's alone and can't defend herself and there's 5 of them. It made me think, this stuff doesn't happen the other way around. I know they were just having fun, didn't want any harm to anyone but it's disturbing in a way''

They eat it up obviously and let me sit by their table. The dude that tried to approach them before comes past the table, looks at me and gets drunkenly depressed haha. I joke with them a bit, they have similar names I tell them they should form a girl band, like spice girls. They start asking me questions about me but then that guy comes back and I'm sitting in a chair and drunk as he is sits in my lap. I go with it, joke and call him my girl haha but then it gets annoying and tell him to stand up. It was late already and I was not that into them so I wish them good night and go home.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

Was tired from not sleeping enough past 2 days but went out anyway. Hit the mega club and was there for 1h30min.

Didn’t feel it tonight, had to force myself to approach. First girl was the most promising one. Opened, said she’s here for one month to get the stevardes lincence and is waiting for her friends to come to the club. Told her about my friend who’s a stevardese, talked about how its an exciting life traveling, joked that secretly I always wanted to be a sexy stevardese. She didn’t give me much and looked nervous (shy). Then moved her to another room to play table footbal. Compliance was there… Had some fun doing that then went back to the smoking area. Some light chase frameing that shes a party girl and asked her not to hurt me. Said I look like Macaulay Culkin (first time hearing that :O) but that thid is good. I promise I’m not doing heroine. She was giggling but looking down. I left a silence, hoping she’ll invest, ask some questions… She didn’t so I took her hand, spinned her around and then hold her hand “to look at her nails”. She was giggling but at the same time looked uncomfortable/ nervous/ shy. When I saw its going to be like this I told her I will go around and see her later and meet her friends. Wierd set but promising (?) set.

Next I tried to dance, but couldn’t get in the mood for this shitty commercial music. I can take Bruno Mars or The Weeknd, Dua Lipa but not some shitty remixes. Also I don’t know how to approach on the dance floor. Maybe I should learn about it for this venue… I mean last time I was here other floors were open and house one is not bad and it is also cool to do a lot of approaches incognito just walking around when my shit dont stick. Not today…

Went back to the smoking area, on my way commented on some outfits of 2 girls, they were curious why I think they look like rocker chicks but didn’t know how to transition after that and went on.

I talked to a few more people, but more social not pick up. The male female ratio was bad and most girls were dancing. Me not being in the best mood just decided to call it a night.

Lessons learned? I’m noticing my frame is getting stronger… This venue is good on Mondays and during the weekend. Push yourself to approach more, push yourself to stay longer… Or have a backup venue. But good first set. Unfortunately didn’t see her after that.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

I was out yesterday. For a change I let myself of the hook and drank 3 beers and a 2 shots that evening. I opened and hooked successfully pretty much every group, but not a lot of options. One girl who I started gaming had a boyfriend (I think nearby), another couldn't speak shit English, one I opened seemed interested but then lost her and then a lot of drunk and drugged girls on the dance floor I'm not that into.

On the other hand I met some guys working in this venue and this scene. Good for future social proof... I'm using this venue for dates ''check out this cool underground alternative venue'' and is also 10min away from me. I'm also getting a sense which venues tend to be good on which days.

Been out 4 days in a row now, time to get some quality sleep now.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

Went to SK bar. No good hooks tonight. Though I was nervous at first, this is getting better and better.

First opened one Mexican girl but she was waiting for her boyfriend who went to get drinks, made some polite chat then wished her good night. Next 2 set of English girls.

DG: You're all fluffy! (one girl had a fake furr jacket)
HB1: Yes haha
DG: And English obviously.
HB2: Yes we are!
DG: I guess English girls are fluffy haha
HB1: Yes all the English are fluffy, she is too! (pointing at HB2)

Touched her jacket...

DG: I guess she is. You know I was in Amsterdam once and the only thing I didn't like were English tourists haha
HB1: Haha we travel there a lot
DG: Loud and alway drunk and doing stupid shit
HB2: Well that's what you do when you go on holidays
DG: I hope you're not doing anything illegal here
HB1: No, we're cool. Where are you from?
DG: ...

Then I think because of the cold (the set was taking place in the smoking area and I was just about to suggest we go inside, was zipping my jacket during the last sentance) they we're like ''Ok, nice to meet you!'' turned around and went in....

Went to another room through a door by one table where 2 girls were sitting.

DG: This is like a secret passage!
HB1: What??
HB2: He said secret passage
HB1: Oh right haha
DG: I guess you're turists... Where are you from?
HB1: Belgium.

Did one more cold read or something then asked if I could sit with them. I noticed there was another coat by the table and asked if they're waiting for their friends. The friends just went to get drinks at the bar. Ok. Talked to them, they hooked easy even though my conversation was pretty boring and polite. The friends came back, just 4 dudes. I hanged there with them for 20min, the usual small talk then said I'm going to get myself another drink. Too many dudes and not interested in the girl (the hotter one had a boyfriend 80% sure).

Short chat with one guy at the bar. Tried to open one girl that was standing right behind me. I turned around and noticed her, she was in my personal space kinda and staring at the menu above the bar with wide eyes. Then I turned and turned again and said ''Jesus, you scared me the first time looking like this haha'' and imitated how she looked. She looked at me weirdly then went to the other side. Ouch.

Sat at one table and there was a cute black girl by her self waiting for her friend at the table near by. I played on my phone for a couple of minutes then acted like I was passing her table before I delivered the opener. Miss judged the passage, as on the other side of the table there was another table which was blocking the way, so there was no way to get pass. That's why I think she later felt cornered by my opener, which went like this.

DG: I love your hair :)
HB: Thank you!
DG: I wish I had hair like this, more curly.
HB: Really haha
DG: Yes. You're french?
HB: No, English. Where are you from?
DG: Guess... but don't say Norway please.
HB: Germany...?
DG: No...
HB: I have no idea.
DG: From Antarctica actually.
HB: Haha, no really
DG: Yes! I have my penguin farm over there and we make ice cream. We ship it around the world obviously, not for Antarctica. But the buisness is doing well.
HB: Haha, funny, but where are you really from?
DG: I'm from blabla
HB: Would have never guessed.
DG: Yeah. I'm DG, btw.

Then she didn't hold my hand when I offered mine! Ouch! An awkward moment took place.

DG: You're waiting for your friends I guess.
HB: Yes, actually I was just going to look for them.
DG: Yeah, I was going to go there.
HB: Ok, see you!

Meh. I don't remember if I opened another set or not... I remember I had my eyes on one 2 set (which then turned out to be with the English girls) and another 3 set dressed in leather but missed opportunities.

At this point I did a couple of circles around the bar already and didn't want to look awkward so went to another bar. I was here total of 2h.

The other bar was closing down although it said it should be open for another hour. Then went to another bar, same story. Should've made it the other way around, smaller bars first then the bigger bar. During this I opened a 2 set on the street. Passed them by then stopped on the corner, looked on my phone and started walking when they were close.

DG: You guys are dressed good.
HB: Thank you!
DG: You're French right?
HB: Oui!

She then started talking something in french. She was smiling and keeping eye contact, but the other girl wasn't.

DG: I don't speak french, but looks like my eye is getting better and better.
HB: Yes haha

Then they turned to the other street then I did, so I wished them good night. Could've just pretended I'm going the same way as them, they were both super hot.

And this is it for tonight. Progress in step wise fashion not linear for sure. On Friday I hooked every set I opened... I wasn't socializing throughout the whole day so this maybe it and initial nervous vibe contributed to not hooking properly the sets.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
I lost my credit card and am kinda forced to stay in, not to spend the cash I have left. I will take care of this problem tomorrow or hopefully asap and in the mean time I might do an daygame approach or two. I've been doing some thinking and honestly, I feel a bit retarded not to have done this before. I feel like I've been going about pick up way too emotional, wanting to be ''natural'' about it and getting in my own way for no reason. Maybe my anxiety also had to do something with it.

So about my process. As I've been going through recent field reports, I think this sequence works the best.

- Preopen or I like to call it ''reverse ai''. I usually hover around girls, let them see me first, or I look at them and more often then not I have a phone in my hand or am on my way... Look like I'm engaged in something. If walking on the street make sure you pass them, so they see you, then again play on your phone as an excuse to slow down and let them catch you and then open from the side. Get in her proximity before opening.

- Open. Doesn't matter what, just a situational comment, compliment on a piece of clothing, maybe her hair or comment about the venue or ''how's your night going'' or ask for a lighter... Nothing flashy, make it as casual as possible. You can just jump to the cold read.

- A cold read or two instead of asking questions. If I get it wrong I get to talk why I thought she's xy, but more often than not I get it right. Might be her nationality, her field of study, her taste in music, something about her personality.

- Then transition into ''catcalling routine''. Something similar to what @Lofty was doing with ''gropping meta frame''.

'' You know, I was walking down the street yesterday evening and there was one girl standing there waiting for someone. Later 5 drunk dudes passed her by and hissed at her, they thought it was funny or something. I thought it was just terrifying for the girl, she's alone and can't defend herself and there's 5 of them. It made me think, this stuff doesn't happen the other way around. I know they were just having fun, didn't want any harm to anyone but it's disturbing in a way''

Basially building social frame and letting the girl know you have an insight into her reality. I'm thinking of adding a contrasting part at the end, something in the line of...

''Some guys just need to get laid or something I don't know. But I do know that girl in fact want to be approached by a charming individual, a man who can make things seem natural and effortless (subtly pointing at myself). A man who can sweep her off her feet. Not some drunken monkeys.''

- Then follow with a compliance test. Ideally move her, just for 0,5m, but it can be anything from showing you a accessory, giving you her hand and spinning her around or telling her to turn a certain way so you can check out her coat and then touch it or something.

This is just the process so far, a work in progress... In nightgame include more teases and suggestive eye contact, proximity, touch and more high energy ''I don't give a fuck, lets make some trouble, us against the world'' type of vibe, daygame more cassual ''a tourist just exploring the city and having a genuine curiosity for people'' type of vibe. I have a plan for ahead but will write about it when I test it first and get this stuff 100% ingrained.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

2 moving street approaches

Did one street daygame approach during the day. The girl was smoking hot and looked like she had an ego. And damn, what an ass. Had to shoot my shot.

Passed her by walking, then pretended to switch songs on my phone, slowed down so she came into my proximity (i think this is also good for you not chasing her... she comes into your space, not you into hers).

DG: ''Thats a cool jacket''
HB: ''Thanks!''

A cold read after this, I don't remember, got a blase response... Yeah or something.

DG: ''Such great weather today... Made me want to listen to house, which I usually don't. Got me into a funky mood and then I saw you and thought, this is a girl who knows how to party!'' gesturing to her outfit
HB: ''Haha yes! But I have stuff to do today unfortunately...''

Again a blase but I made her giggle which I count as some kind of achievement, she had this icy, I'm better than you vibe even before the approach.

DG: ''What stuff do you need to take care of?''
HB: ''I'm looking for this art shop, I need to buy some stuff.''
DG: ''Cool, an you're an artist I guess''
HB: ''Not really, it's just a hobby.''

Then she stopped and looked on her phone, looking for this art store.

DG: ''I'm going there and there left, we can walk and have a short chat... Which direction are you going?''
HB: ''Hmmm, I'm going there (the opposite)''
DG: ''Cool, have fun shopping!''
HB: ''Nice meeting you!''

Was there anything I could've done to turn this one around? My hypothesis is:

- Better frame control. She had the ''hot girl blase'' as Todd V likes to put it and to counter that you need a solid masculine frame, so she submits. A frame of being used to this kind of girls... Comes with experience.

- Better fundamentals. My fundamentals are not that bad (except of my short height, not very ''alpha'' I guess in this scenario), but you can alway do better. Not just interesting and good fashion, but superb style, hair and facial hair neatly trimmed. I have good physique but for this kind of social frame a shredded body would help.

- Again going back to frame control, being more assertive. Cutting through the bullshit and closing anyway in a very confident manner.

But cool practice.

And just for practice I opened another difficult set going back from a bar this evening. She was walking FAST, had headphones in and an angry almost look on her face haha. I passed her by and let her catch me, opened with ''I like your style''... She took one headphone out and changed the angry face to a smile but then continued walking fast and putting the headphone back in. Maybe was in a hurry. What could've I done here?
Nothing really comes to mind, maybe she was legit in a hurry, who knows.

Bar game

Took care of the financial situation and decided to go out. I had 2h on my disposal, I have my first therapy scheduled tomorrow morning and I want to be present. Excited about that.

Dressed in converse platforms, black skinny jeans, black over shirt, black matrix looking leather jacket and a black beanie, listening to Nine Inch Nails I got into a ''let's fuck some shit up'' mood.

Got to the bar, took a sit and wanted to take care of some stuff on my phone. The group by the next table had a girl talking loudly about some book that is very old and who knows what could've really happened. Funny enough just before I went out I was thinking about the symbolism of Jesus's crucifixion. This must be the weirdest opener so far...

DG: ''You're talking about the bible, right?''
HB: ''Yes, how did you know?''
DG: ''You're speaking loud and very passionate and I was just thinking about it before I headed out..''

Then basically told my theory that why crucifixion is a perfect symbolism for redemption. In psychology trauma is transferable from person to person, so people who aren't emotionally mature keep the negative energy going around. Someone must absorb it. And then comes Jesus, sacrificing himself and absorbing all of humanity sins. A good representation of a saviour and I get the teaching about ''learn to love your enemies'' now.

Fucking weird opener I know, but it worked. Then we talked briefly about this, the girl was all activist about the church being a bad institution, which I agreed but that wasn't my point really.

Then just left it there, wanted to get those things on my phone done, but she involved me back in.

HB: ''So mystery bible guy, what's your name? Or write your instagram here, and I will add you later''

She was clearly interested (just HB from here on). I took a seat by their table. There were 2 other girls, one not hot, one fuckable, but not my type really (HBSpain from here on), another chubby and 2 guys.

I talked to the guy, the chubby girl, because they were the closest to me and the easiest to talk to in a loud environment. HB looked at me a couple times and I just waited for the opportunity to strike.

Then we went out for a smoke. There I could finally finish the stuff on my phone, then turned to HB and one guy who were in a conversation. Used some body rocking to get closer to her, observed our body language (how our feet were pointed).

You can get easily closer to her with body rocking, but turning your body away from her, so you get closer to her but facing her half way or even less. Then after a moment you turn and there you are, almost face to face, if you want to.

I noticed she had 2 tattoos of triangles, one on her ring finger and one on her ear, which I could later use for compliance tests. She and the guy were talking about some vegan activistic topics in which I didn't want to get involved. Or bothered. When they finished, she asked me for a cigarette, gave her the whole box, said ''sorry, I'm to lazy to open it haha'' and then she started asking me what do I do and stuff. We bonded on out music taste (Radiohead are fucking great).

Then a short rutine I used to have... must use this more often:

If you could pick one time in history and live there for whatever amount of time you would like, which would you choose? - You can let her have her fantasy then when she asks you, you get into decadent stuff. A lot of time periods with debauchery going on, pick your favorite...

It was just us talking this last 5min and the guy was a bit excluded now. Then we finished our smokes and went back inside. HB needed to pee and I took her chair. This way I locked myself in fully into the group and I knew she wouldn't protest.

I talked to HBSpain, I sat near her. She asked me about my age and I came up with a cool role play... Remembered Interview With A Vampire (cool movie, recomend it btw) and played the roll. I'm a 256 year old vampire from a colonial Morocco back in the days. Of course made the delivery longer, she had to ask me questions about it. Then she said this is kinda hot. YES, this is what I'm going for! She asked me what was my favorite century, or time, I said that just before industrial revolution in decadent Paris, me and the boys loved sipping on absinthe and picking up upper class ladies later to drink their blood. Asked her if she's not afraid of me, I could drink her blood as well later. Said no, that she has bad blood (I think she said her being a diabetic or something). I jokingly made a face of disgust and she laughed.

Then we went for another smoke just me HBSpain and HB. They were hungry and went to a pizza place nearby and I finished my cigarette outside. It was already 1h30min so I decided to rather go home after I say goodbye to HB and tell her to contact me.

I went to the pizza place, told them I'm going to go, have stuff to do tomorrow morning, but that she should follow me and we could meet up tomorrow when we're all drunk and can be drunk together. She of course agreed. I hope I wrote my ig into her phone correctly though... What a retard I am haha...

She asked me if I remember her name, of course I did then asked her if she remembered mine. Of course she didn't (she was tipsy). Then told her I have 2 more questions for her, then I'll have to leave.

1. Whats up with triangles? She explained and I got a chance to hold her hand and shortly caress it. She kinda offered me to touch her ear as well but I didn't, don't know why... Maybe better for the social frame.

2. How old am I. Then wen't into the vampire role play and made it even sexier ''we can meet tomorrow and I can drink your blood'' then she told me she's 30 ''I've been with older than you'' and ''I like young blood''. Crazy how much you can get away with under this role play frame.

Then I hugged her goodbye... It was interesting, because I gave her a half hug to see her response, then she hugged me back and I stayed like that and she leaned into me and hugged me more. Maybe I'm over analising here, but I think this was a non verbal disqualifier.... chase frame?
Gave HBSpain a high five and went home.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

Insignificant Friday night. Went to a uni foreign students party. Sort of a social circle thing. I knew 3 people out of 20 there, met 10 new people. I think I made an overall good impression. I drank alcohol, the gathering was in a ''beer house'' and that was partly due to not having to explain to everyone and due to my anxiety which was intense that evening for whatever reason.

There is this Italian girl I really like. Talked to her a bit, moved her outside for a smoke, but other than this I mingled with everybody. Have to ask her out I guess, to a concert or something casual then escalate it.

After the beer house thing the most enthusiastic party goers wanted to continue this in a big club. Sure, I joined. It took a while to get there and on our way I sort of started leading the whole group. I was the most familiar with the streets and this part of town. Lost some people on the way, including the Italian girl.

When we came to the club it was so packed (must've been around 5.000 people there - good for covid hahah) we tried to stick together but it was just too much, quickly split into 2 groups, then I said to myself fuck it and went solo. I was on my 4th beer there and too drunk. Approached one girl, got a very polite rejection (looking back maybe it wasn't even a rejection, just that she didn't know what to say further...) and hooked one Asian girl in the smoking area. Got physical with her, my arm around her shoulders, covered her with my jacket since she was cold and thought her how to sing my song, she insisted lol. Then her friend dragged her away unfortunatelly.

After this I realized I'm pretty drunk and tired. I drank water, helped a bit but not enough, so I decided to go home.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Damn... I just don't get the time to write my latest FR's here anymore. I will write down an interesting one from yesterday in the near future... But right now I'm thinking of how can I further improve my process.

1. Anxiety - Nothing more to do here, I am meditating 30min a day, doing TRE 3 times a week and building a killer momentum. Also had one therapy session, thinking of repeating this when I get the money. I also do short meditation sessions, combined with affirmations and a quick cold shower before heading out.

2. Preopen - My biggest mistake here I think is I get into ''scavenger mode'' or ''look like a looser'' (it's all perception). Solution here will be to:

a) - Socialize with everybody, talk to dudes, smile man :),
- Shadow if you have to and RELAX,
- Dance,
- Listen to music if the venue is a music oriented one,
- You can be on your phone and look intrigued, but this one is tricky because it can ''look like a loser'' again... You must be sitting at a table and look intrigued at what you're doing.

b) ''Reverse AI''

- So far I've been doing the hover successfully,
- Now try the eye contact and smile for girls who you can't approach immediately.

3. Open - I do a lot of situational openers, cold reads about her or light compliments. When I don't find something indirect to open with I tend to hesitate. I wan't to get rid of this by doing a simple:

- Hey!

This way I will be forced to be more focused on my delivery - voice, non nervous body language and vibe, eye contact, strong preopening game...

4. Hook - besides my usual cold reads, teasing and ''catcalling'' routine, I want to take this one step further.

- Develop your cold reads into rainbow ruses. This just means that you assign her a character trait and an opposite character trait that is basically a truism but still needs to be calibrated to the individual. I used one this week in text and it came out powerful, besides it can't really do damage.
- With the ''catcalling'' routine, be more mindful of the transition. I did one sloppy yesterday, although it kinda worked, the feeling behind it was wtf is he talking about this all of a sudden. Add contrasting to the end more often, so not only do you build social frame, you also frame her as wanting you ''the charming stranger'' to approach her.
- Also working on intrigue won't be bad in the future, but for now this is already a lot.

5. Move - this one is pretty straight forward. If you did the before right, she shouldn't have a problem with moving. However you still can:

- Start with small compliance requests ASAP (can I see this, can I look at that, touch the fabric of her jacket, high five, spin her, let her give your hand so you can see her nails, etc... situational for now),
- Establish light kino and proximity, of course calibrated. This goes hand in hand with compliance requests basically.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019

Listening to Erbarme dich, mein Gott while I start writing this, I feel kinda poetic right now.

I have a sense I moved into conscious incompetence phase of learning pick up. Some things are starting to click and work more or less and then I hit a wall of running out of juicy things to say or do. I want to write this FR, I think I can find some useful information about my weak spots, next steps I need to take in my learning process.

Wearing a black coat, grey sweater, black skinny jeans and converse platforms, I went to a big touristy bar solo. Took 15min to feel the vibe, relax into the venue and screen. Plan was to first open a group of people in a friendly way to establish a ''home base'' like DWW talks about in his process (I use to do that sometimes unconsciously but now I will start doing it consciously, its a nice fall back option in night game). But I rather just started approaching.

2 set of 9s (maybe even 10s, model material)

Opened with a compliment on ones fru fru hair. I had to plow through the opening phase. Normally I don't do this, which is just retarded, I was inspired by Chases article to do so. I think it's the same feeling as approach anxiety, but justified with ''I don't want to annoy them'' with a big undertone of fear. Anytime there's fear in the mix it's 99% just my chump brain wanting to pussy out I think. So anyway...

DG: I like your fru fru
HB1: ???

Had to lean, repeat, she didn't hear.

HB1: Oh, thank you!
DG: You're French?
HB1: No...
DG: English?
HB1: No, you were close....
DG: I don't know, Serbian, Japanese?
HB1: Haha no, we're German.
DG: Aaa, Ich spreche ein bischen deutsch ja haha
HB1: haha
HB2: And you?
DG: Guess...
HB1: Norway, England...?
DG: No, but I get this a lot. I'm from xy. You 2 look artistic... No, wait (took a step back) you actually look serious but with a sense for design and style... You in graphic design or something?
HB2: No, media comunication.
DG: Shit, my guessing game is better on other days haha

Could've said ''oh, that's boring'' or ''disappointment'' here to make it more spicy.

HB2: And you?

So I told her I do music and then we talked about Tchaikovsky and the profound beautiful sadness that his music inspires and joked around a bit. She took interest into my knowledge in this subject.

Ok, so what just happened here is my usual open with whatever (usually situational, here a light direct but no harm) then just stacking cold reads. There are better ways of doing this I guess, but this gets the job done. I must these were first people I talked to on this night and they were so beautiful they were making me nervous. Porn is boring compared to this. Vibe was very chill and a lot of pauses, slow paced conversation.

Then I transitioned to my ''catcalling'' routine. They agree, but in a blase way, like this is the kind of stuff that happens to girls.

Then they took sits on the bar chairs near by and by coincidence there were exactly 3 chairs, so I asked if they mind if I sit with them for a moment, ''sure, go ahead''.

Returning to my routine, didn't contrast, but rather told them a story about how I was approached once by a girl on the street, but then realized she was just making his boyfriend jealous. This is actually a good DHV, you can play around with it in the future, calibrate this or the ''girls want to be approach'' contrasting in the future.

They were 70% present with me. Partly because I was still fucking nervous, I couldn't grasp that this is my first set of absolute dimes for this night. At the same time the girl that was asking me about music before was taking more interest in me and the girl I actually opened was slowly losing attention.

Still in my head I ran out of material. I knew that I should move them and fuck, maybe I should've moved them and get a drink or ask them to go for a smoke with me or something. Well, I remember there was one silence and then the girls started talking in German and then told me that they need a glass of water or something. I definitely should've moved them.

I said cool, meet you later maybe. I felt like a king and I'm sure people noticed this set. But I was still nervous or over excited is a better way to put it, so I went outside to cool of and smoke.

2 set of 7 and 8

Hiped on this momentum I didn't let myself to chill haha Immediately saw a 2 set near me and opened situational. Still excited and nervous a bit from the previous set.

Same shit here, opened situational about the venue (was a good opener) then transitioned into cold reads and then started with light teases.

DG: French? I love French people, language and art! I feel they are so romantic, sensual and sexual but at the same time dirty and disgusting haha

Then some boring small talk and transitioned right into ''catcalling'' routine. Contrasted with both ''girl approaching me'' and ''girls want to be approached'' and then asked them if they ever approached a guy. Also a good continuation btw.

Turns out the 8 actually did approach once and is now getting married to this guy. Good for her, bad for me, but 7 was fine as well.

Right after the routine I proposed we move inside where it's warmer. They agreed.

Came inside, I found us a table and 8 left us to go to the toilet. I was with 7 and she showed some signs of interest... Couldn't say exactly how, I just knew it in my guts. I was out of juicy things AGAIN so just went into small talk and tried to found some common ground. The 8 came back after a couple of minutes and we small talked for a bit. Very light teasing but nothing special. I KNOW, BORING, but I just didn't have any material in my mind at this point and wasn't feeling it so that I could've spit something naturally. Also must say that the ''catcalling'' routine has almost become a part of me, so there goes the ''natural'' bullshit.

They finished their drinks after 15min and the convo didn't go anywhere so they said they're getting another drink and I think that they can come back or that we can meet later... Didn't feel like persisting on this one but rather open different sets.

But this 2 sets just show the process, how it works and the value of PERSISTENCE.

Home base

Then I walked around and accidentally found myself a home base. Sat beside what looked like a couple to type some stuff on my phone but opened them ''by mistake'' (I'm getting so used to this its weird). Turns out they're friends. The girl was a bit chubby, but could be cute, I don't know... She liked me for sure, when I was talking to the guy and found our fields are related and asked him to exchange insta the girl took my phone and added her self as well then introduced herself to me haha Could try smash her, but didn't feel like it tbh. I got good vibes from them, they were very cool people and decided to approach some more after this.

3 set of ebony 9s and one 6 - 7, had to AMOG

I swear one girl looked like Kyle Jenner. I also have a unfulfilled wish of getting a black girl so aaahhhh

They were standing in the hallway and hanging in there. Opened with a cold read and made it teasing all the way through open phase. Had to plow a bit, but vibe here was a lot more high energy and fun. The 9s were eating from my hand where as the 7 was getting bored or was jealous I don't know. Transitioned to ''catcalling'' routine then very casually but then out of the blue a drunk guy passes us by and says something to the non Kyle Jenner 9 then walks on. I ask her what did he say to her, as we were in the middle of my routine and I could actually use this. He said that she should not trust me hahaha I guess he saw me with other girls.

I doubled down on this and told her that she shouldn't trust, that he was right, that I'm the devil incarnate and just wanted to visit Budapest for a while. My favourite thing is seducing and tempting strangers. Then I make myself horns with my index fingers, they laugh and tell me that they're devils too. So all good, actually even better then before haha, then I continue with my routine and say how it's sad that guys want to approach girl but don't have the balls to do it. That they need booze to help them. I destroyed that guy with this, without me knowing that.

Because he came back, again asked the Kyle Jenner type now if I'm bothering them hahaha They vouched for me, that I'm actually very nice and I'm just having the most devilish grin to myself haha. The guy was trying for a bit but then his friend dragged him away.

Then another guy passes us and tells me I look like one French actor. Never heard that before, then the girls tell me I do actually look a bit french. The way I'm dressed. I go into a cocky mode, ''I know I have style'' they compliment my shoes... Ok, so a bit more of this type of exchange then they say they're getting a drink and ''see you later'' but in a way like they actually wanted to see me later...

Should've moved them before. EVEN IF IT FEELS FUCKING UNNATURAL. Had a good hook right there, smoking hot girls. Also should moved them anywhere away from the hallway, to many wildcards here.


Went to my home base after this, chatted for 15min then it was already 1am, my go home time as I have a class tomorrow morning.

I feel good about this night, went home with good vibes and elated spirit. I think there are some good jams in here, obvious turning points and suggestions of what I could implement, suggestions of what I need to implement.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
15.3. - 19.3.

Ahead are transcriptions of my voice memo FRs. It will be easier to connect the dots, having them all in one place. Mainly I'm pushing through sticking point of Isolation.

National holiday in Hungary, a lot of people out on fairs and relaxing, seemed like a perfect scenario for day game. Even though AA is a thing of the past when night falls, I find myself hesitating a lot before approaching in during the day. Thoughts like ''walking street approaches rarely work'' ''she has her headphones in, a clear sign'' ''she seems to be in a rush'' run through my mind. And even if those assumptions turn out to be true, still not a reason not to approach.

I walked like that for 45min, then realized what I was doing and went to a park. Found a girl sitting there on a bench making selfies, I decided to approach. Due to my overthinking before I had to make a circle around the park before approaching her to ''find the right angle''. Just WHAT haha. Anyway, here's how it went.

I approach her using body rocking and deliver my opener from the side.

DG: I like your loafers, they go well with those trousers.
HBselfhelp: OMG thank you, I was being insecure about this combination before I went out, but looks like I made the right choice!

I then talk about clothes, style for a moment, do a couple of cold reads on her and ask if I can sit with her for a moment. She said yes, this set is locked in.

DG: What are you up to this afternoon?
HBselfhelp: Oh nothing... Actually I'm working right now.
DG: You're telling me you're sitting on this bench, smiling and people pay you for it? Where can I sign up?

This made her a bit insecure, but she was giggling. I guess this is where I started establishing myself as higher value, without even knowing.
She started asking me boring questions, where I'm from, what do I do... Instead of telling her, I said she can listen to my song, unreleased yet, handed her my earphones and let her listen for 1min. She liked it a lot and immediately put her phone up and subscribed to my YouTube (some sort of qualifying?).

I collected my thoughts at this time, rush of approaching a new girl was gone and it was time to go into some gambits.

I was chatting with @fog when he told me about this gambit he's using for immersing girls immediately after the opener. I decided to try it, with a small change to make it more natural for me. Goes like this.

DG: You seem like you have a clear picture in mind for where you want to be in life.
HBselfhelp agrees
DG: From what I can tell just looking at you, and I may be wrong, you seem like you're moving towards that. With ups and dows, but surely moving forward.
HBselfhelp agrees empatheticaly
DG: I was thinking the other day how most people just drift through life. As they have no direction or are afraid to follow their own path they end up following what society wants them to. This usually means getting a 9 - 5 after they finish college, getting a partner their friends and family approve of, listening to music their friends listen to, going to places their friends go to, doing the ''right'' kind of things, you see the pattern. And I think living like this is sad, because you repress your true desires, you shut down your true self.
HBselfhelp: Yeah, like your intuition
DG: Let's say you meet a guy and its going great. The conversation is flowing naturally, you like him and maybe he makes you feel a certain way. Then suddenly you get this thought ''I'm not that kind of girl'' ''This is going too fast'' and you try to block the things you're feeling. You see where this is going? You maybe get a moral kick out of it later, but ultimately you repressed your true emotions. Those voices are the voices of societal norm imposed upon you.

She agrees and eye contact intensifies. Boy was I right about her working on herself. She turns out to be deep into self help and we start talking about self help books. Said her favorite was Ego Is The Enemy, must check that out. Then she opens up to me saying that she's writing her own book, making a new instagram lifestyle blog page... She opens up even more after that saying that she's just having problems with her boyfriend, she doesn't know if they will stay together and that she lost her both parents at the age of 13.

That shit hit me, I wasn't prepared for somebody to open up like this to me. I combined deep dives with trivial stuff to not make it to heavy and concluded that I wasn't wrong and that she seems to be working on all different areas of her life. I do believe that she will go places (and I really do). There was a moment of silence when we just looked each other in the eyes, I smiled, she asked the typical ''what?'' I said nothing, she insisted then I just said ''I just thought you have beautiful eyes, wasn't thinking nothing special''.

I'm not sure if this is beneficial to my seductions. I noticed I do have a tendency to give of a boyfriend romantic vibes sometimes, it's just natural for me, but maybe I would be better of cutting this shit?

Then I talked about a topic from Nancy Fridays Secret Garden. I will just call it Frustration gambit from now on.

DG: I'm reading this book right now, its about female sexual fantasies. It's pretty fascinated what the author had to go through before she could publish it. The book is basically collection of fantasies of various women and would you believe she got backlash from all the different sides when she wanted to publish it? Men didn't want their wives fantasizing about other things then them, they didn't like the idea of them being sexually incompetent, feminists were afraid that if they publish something sexual about women the world wouldn't take them seriously and women didn't want to admit they have fantasies because they needed to put up with the innocent role their partners imposed on them. Even when this women were alone they had a hard time admitting they have fantasies because of fear of rejection. And this is as present today as it was back then. The concept of a slut is maybe even bigger today than it was 10 years ago, with all the feminist activists around. Therefore I think women are generally sexually frustrated. They can't even express their sexuality! I mean as a guy I can talk about my dick or having sex, I can have a threesome and get a high five but as a girl any of those things are not allowed for some reason. I think female sexuality is beautiful and it compliments male sexuality, two different poles of the same energy, meant to come together, meant to be polarizing.

She agreed again.

Some small talk then and then she said she needs to go, looking at her phone. We were 30min in the conversation... I should've moved her before, but I didn't have any money on me, waiting for the bank transfer till the next day... Could've suggested a walk.

I said, sure, I was just meaning to say we should get a coffee, but we could do it another time. She agreed, gave me her instagram and we walked in the same direction for a while then parted ways. I said it was nice meeting an open minded person and she thanked me for talking to her. Then she hugged me TIGHTLY, like I already mean something to her.

I was surprised how good my game was in this one. And also scared at the power of it, those were some pretty personal things she trusted me with.

Then I went on walking around the town with my AA doubts. Better term would be approach rationalization. I did open a 2 set walking on the street, she ignored me at first, but i kept looking at her with a playful smile, her friend returned the smile and then I just said ''ok, enjoy your day'' and she said the same back smiling. Maybe I should've persisted there? A good rule is to try 3 times then back off.

HBselfhelp unforutnately didn't reply to my texts that she should send me a chapter of her book and later that we should grab a coffee sometime. She probably has a situation with her boyfriend and doesn't want to cheat. Will leave that as it is, maybe with time she reaches out (when she dumps him).

The big touristy bar. Im dressed in my standard look, platforms, black jeans, grey sweater, black over shirt and a coat. The place was less crowded than usual. I immediately open a 19yo 2 set, both 8 or 9. Talked to them for 10 to 15min. At first small talk but when my brain started working I went into coldreads and catcalling gambit, to which I got ''deep''. Young girls haha. Deep dived shortly the one that we hit it of better with (bot equally hot, maybe this one even hotter), went into my vampire gambit when they asked me my age. Ok, as I just mentioned it I could as well write it down, so here it goes:

HB: How old are you?
DG: Guess.
HB: 25?
DG: Right!... and wrong. I'm 256yo actually
HB: haha/ wft
DG: I'm a vampire. I was bitten when I was 25 year old though and this is the form I will keep forever.

They always play along asking me how is it like, they say a lot of times I even look like a vampire, this one girl associated me with twiligt. I think all this is good, as vampires are sexy in pop culture. Then I either talk about debauchery early 20th century parties or ask them if they're interested in the prospect of eternal life. Then tell them I can bite them later (bonus if they behave) and if compliant I can start with touch on her arm asking ''here?'' and if the vibe is right I can go on to her neck lightly ''or here?''. There are other possibilities of what you can do as framing yourself as a vampire probably, these are what I'm currently doing.

When I think about it it's interesting how much you can get away with when you construct a playful narrative like this. A lot more touch and being direct, because in reality you aren't, it's just a ''play'' or a ''joke''.

Going back to my report, I was to game-y with those 2 maybe. They weren't investing a whole lot back, the other one was playing hard to get. I got bored of talking this much, so I said to myself migh as well pull the trigger and asked them to move with me. Used creepy visuals behind the dj as an excuse. They talked in their language then said that they would rather stay here. So I went on by myself.

Again if you really like the girl, try 3 times. As well with moving her.

Then wanted to chill, smoke a cigarette but forgot to buy them before, so I decided to ask someone. As it happens, there was a 2 set smoking outside, one hot, the other not so much. I asked them, rolled myself a cigarette, then went into cold reads, small talk, then into othering gambit and locked in. Then went into sexual frustration gambit and we expanded on that topic. The girl (hot one) agreed with me too much almost. It made me think, there is then no reframing in need of doing, maybe I should just try arousing her, but couldn't find a way to get around her friend.

If you're going to do 2 sets find a way to isolate a friend from the set or escalate with her there.

After a while I got cold and suggested we move inside where it's warmer but they were out specifically for smoking. I got their instagrams and suggested we go to a gay club one time (the conversation was pretty sexual and this seemed like the most natural thing to suggest). I texted her on saturday, she said that she's in Poland, but next time we can go.

Did another circle around inside the venue then and when there were no cool targets left, went home.

Went to a concert of a band I wanted to hear live. I opened 2 girls during the concert but didn't care to proceed, was more focused on music. Then after the show I went to the smoking area and lit a cigarette and as it happens 2 hot girls were smoking beside me. Fuck it, lets try, I thought.

Opened with ''you have the best spot in here'' then went into cold reads then into othering routine. Talked to just one girl at this point and the other started looking bored. She had some trouble understanding me because of loud environment and her lack of good English but she did blush though when I wen't into the part ''so you meet a guy and it's going great''. After she said ''deep'' again... I think I need to slow down, be more present and focus on the girl, not just ramble, when I get this response. She asked me some basic questions after this then ''are you out alone'' and I responded with my usual ''yes'' - I just own it and it worked mostly. This one girl thought this was sad. Not so free from societies narratives after all, are we? I handled her response somehow clumsily then when I saw her friend getting passive aggressive bored, just said ''enjoy your nights'' and left.

I went to 2 different bars and opened just 2 girls. Both liked me and both could continue the conversation but I ejected. I was too much in my head, a bit anxious. I worked all day and went straight out, no preparations, which was a mistake. There is a lesson here to be made - have some free time before heading out and have a clear structure for your night ready.

Ahead are my infield notes from in between sets.


I enter a megaclub to getsome approaches in before seeking better venues.


Opened a girl and a guy selling band merch.

Smoking area - 2 set, opened the girl I liked, small talk, vampire gambit, she said cool pick up line, I said I know, I like it so much because it allows me to have fun (and touch her inner arm and neck to show where i will bite her), then catcalling gambit, then instagram closed when they said they will go to the bathroom. I set up a date on Monday with her right then and there but she didn't accept my follow request. Well...


Opened 2 2 sets indirect “Hey, I'm looking for the way to the rooftop, do you know where it is?”

First set the fat girl was talking with me and the hot one closed off, left that one quickly.

Second set joked how the place is like a labyrinth, fast small talk, light tease, complimented the girls satin shirt, both hot, couldn’t decide which one to hit on. Then one girl started looking at me with a “what do you want” expression so I left it there. No point in closing, tourists.


Went to smoke a cigarette and chill for a bit.

Got opened by a guy and a girl asking for a smoke. Where do they know each other from, then started hitting on the girl. Sexual frustration gambit, when I asked the girl what she does in life she said studies economics, I teased her ''I'm an artist, we wouldn't get along'' and it worked great, she started qualifying ''I'm an artist too, I have an artistic side''. Her friend got isolated from the conversation and I didn't know how to deal with him later so just moved on. Tourists, no point in number closing.

Then a quick “hey can i meet you real quick” “no” “why not lol” then her boyfriend came “enjoy your night” haha


Momentum achieved, decided to leave for a more seductive venue.


Rock type bar, was here yesterday when there was a indie rock 2000’ stuff my type of vibe and a couple of cute girls. Depache mode tonight, goth type of people in their 40s maybe 2 possible opens. Not worth, going to change venue.


Hipster bar, ordered a drink, checked out the dancefloor. fucked logistics, cant go outside smoking with a drink, which means people are just sitting at their tables, mingling around the bar and dancing to some kind of soft psytrance.

One of the bartenders doesn’t like me here i think. Probably because of the incident with my drunk friend in december.

Went out for a smoke and left my drink inside.

A remark to a 3 set “tourists?” by the bar, they looked very reserved so just left it there.

Opened a 3 set outside when there was a bang of some kind down the street “somebody got shot” laughed but then went back. Then indirect “do you know any cool indie places around here” she listed some stuff then went into catcalling gambit unfortunately went into a horror story of a girl being raped around here. Wanted to transition to a lighter conversation, but she started looking distracted and her 2 unattractive friends didn’t really care about me so i ejected.

Got approached by a girl asking if i speak English, if i know where to buy weed. no… she went on but that means she’s an exchange student here or something. Didn't get a chance to approach her later.

2 set outside smoking got closer to me, opened from the side “tourist” in short she was Macedonian i joked i aspire to be as great as Alexander the great one day. Then the other said they’re in a deep conversation and if I don't mind I said no of course just making a remark.The Macedonian one didn't mind though.

Next a difficult 2 set sitting on a bench in a square. Sat 1m away, lit a cigarette and looked at my phone then opened with “hows your night going” immediately got hit with a shit test storm… she said she doesn't speak English (obvious lie) i said use google translate, she said she doesn't have google, I said really? I use it here in Hungary everyday I said, then went about some Hungarian - English translation type stuff then told them I'm looking for a bar, she then again shit tested there's one right here behind, yeah but I don't like trashy commercial bars, the she FINNALY asked me a question where I'm from if I'm from Paris no I'm from xy then she showed me her engagement ring, I teased her on that that that's not the finger you wear it on she said she will get engaged then I just wished her to get engaged in Paris and that she enjoys her night and left.

Really unnecessary but hey good for practicing.


Went to those last bars. Wanted to look for DTF girls at bars closing time. Turns out the first one had just one closed off group of girls left, went to another one, same situation, then went to a underground club near my place which was for some reason closed. Disappointing.

All in all what I did good this night was to have a solid plan for the night process, warm up venue really payed off. I'm looking for seduction productive venues and this may take more time and i think its worth continuing exploring different venues, like the rock club was good on Friday but shit on Saturday for example. Might just find some jams.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
22.3. - 25.3.

I'm making some progress with isolating girls, so that's been going good. In general I'm thinking about spicing things up, assuming attraction from the get go, more touch/ proximity/ eye contact and I'll add the 8 orgasm gambit in this week.

Here are the FRs

I was contemplating of staying in tonight, but then this guy hit me up. He has terrible game, but it's nice to not go solo all the time.

As I've exited the metro and been walking to the bar he was in, I spotted a 2 set on the street looking for direction. Opened with a playful ''you look lost'' then started bantering with them. One girl was turned out to be chubby when I came closer, but the other was decent, 30yo and I imagine she was pretty hot when she was in her 20s.

They said they're going to have fun tonight, their friend just gave birth yesterday, so it's time to celebrate. I invited them to join me and my friend and led them to a bar after walking in the same direction for 5min.

At the bar, I don't know how this happened, the cute girl sat on the side of the table my friend was sitting. So I had to be polite with her friend... Meanwhile my friend got into a beef with the girl about womens rights, just stupid. Fortunately the girls didn't like the bar and I suggested we move to another one, a cooler place. This happened in 30min of us being there.

I vibed with my friend on my way, looking for my ways in with the cute girl here and there... When we came to the bar I made sure I'm going to sit with my girl. Then when the girls took went to the bathroom I told my friend ''dude, I'm going to be honest, this girl is mine, and I hope you understand that'', he didn't give me a straight answer, talked about her having a boyfriend, to which I replied ''cool, so it's on haha I'm just being straight forward''.

Girls came back and from here on it was easier. Started to get some touch in. I remembered she was teasing me as I was not drinking, that I'm in good hands and don't need to worry and I just took her hands in mine, semi romantic touch but under funny pretense of examining if she has good hands. I know, it's so stupid, but it worked. I teased her back when we made a toast with our glasses that you need to look a person in the eye, made her put some effort in it and pulled away, then rewarded her with touch. Put one bracelet on her arm to see how it fits, told her it looks good... Stuff like that.

We went to smoke outside sporadically. The conversation was too much group oriented and I was waiting for my time to make it more one on one. First I did it with talking about music, experiences, being open minded and traveling I think.

Then the chubby girl started hitting on me. At first just getting into my personal space then putting her hand on my thigh. At that point I just discretely brushed her hand away, for which she apologized to me later and said that she ''just lost balance''. With her ass and her hand on my inner thigh right... Told her to go ''loose her balance'' on my friend haha. And she has a boyfriend (I just cringe when I hear someone says that you should value personality not looks but damn these two are often related I find, I'm sorry for all the chubby girls out there).

After this we went to smoke, came back in, I went to the toilet and thought how I'm gonna make my thing happen with my girl. Forget about being smooth now, I said to myself. Came back and went into women are frustrated gambit. Opening as a group discussion but zoneing in on my girl I had her in my bubble in 2 min. Then we talked about sex, I encouraged the idea that one should try all different flavours of sexuality to discover different sides of himself. And this being the way to live a fulfilling life. She agreed of course, then went about her ex boyfriends and problems she's having in bed with current boyfriend (thinking back about it, those girls were really not relationship material). Mentioned that although she's in a relationship, she feels free to act on desire if the opportunity arises. They had this agreement with her boyfriend or something, I don't care, I just took it as a green light.

Moved her to a sofa where we continued talking, but then the bar started closing. I took her number, then she proposed we go and smoke weed at her place. Went there by foot and it was back to group vibe.

At her place pretty much nothing special happened. She rolled the joint, smoked but then got bad sort of high. She almost fell asleep on the sofa.

Funny thing was that my friend asked her to dance with him and she turned him down. Than after him I told her lets just do one spin and we danced pretty close for a minute or two before she realized she's high again. At that point I went home. Fucking weed. Besides, when I'm writing this field report I see how these 2 girls are not the highest of caliber. On to the next one.

Did this to get more reactive and get over my approach rationalization. Needed 20min to start, at first I asked one girl for directions, then small remarks to another girl, then started approaching for real.

1st girl looked cute from a far, but when I came closer realized I'm not attracted to her at all. Not my type of face, maybe for someone else cute, just not my type. After opening I had this thought in my had and an awkward silence took place haha. She tried to fill it with ''how are you'' and then I remembered what I was doing and went into cold reads, but shortly after said goodbye when she said she has to get going.

2nd girl was in a hurry, but I managed to stop her, make her shake hands, but she kept saying she's in a hurry. I count this as a win, as this kind of girls normally just ignored me back when I did more daygame. I was present, I had my eyes on the ball, that's what made her stop.

3rd girl standing, waiting for her friend and soon after I approached her ''can I meet you real quick'' her friend came and I gamed them like a 2 set in night game. Cold reads, where do they know each other from, then went straight for the close, because they would be getting sushi and I wanted to make it short. She had a boyfriend... I believe this girls though, I mean a lot of people are in relationships. Made them giggle nonetheless.

Mission accomplished as far reactivity goes in daygame.

Came in good, right kind of positive mentality, but she had a boyfriend. Just the usual, cold reads, tried to seed a instadate, but she mentioned her boyfriend. Need to go more for this kind of spontaneous approaches, this is the whole point of daygame in my opinion.

Came to the big bar, it was packed. I was feeling a bit nervous, so my vibe wasn't there. Struggled a bit with approaching, but then got myself started. An awkward 2 set approach for beginning, they were nice though, then another 2 set who was just leaving, but they thanked me for approaching them, a 3 set just to keep my momentum up, didn't really care about them and then a 4 set sitting. ''hey you guys look interesting, can i meet you real quick''.

Got some cold reads right and it turned out that although their from another country we have friends in common. After I got another couple of cold reads right they started talking about that it must be fate that they met me (girls just happen to meet new people, guys approach, a distinction I realized well when I started approaching seriously). Wen't into othering gambit, the girls were not sure entirely what they want to do with their lives, so I framed it that it's good to find yourself, because you could be doing something, having plans to please someone else subconsciously.

We finished our drinks, asked them what their plans were and suggested I move them to another bar. They agreed and off we went.

All of them seemed interested in me, but one more then others (asking me a lot of questions, playing with her hair). Another was one I was going for but seemed a bit aloof, so I decided to go for the one that was sending me the most signals.

When we came to the bar and sat at our table I told my girl to go order the drinks with me. She payed for my drink as well, she insisted. I happen to know the bartender and got some social proof by the way.

When we were talking as a group and the vibe died down a bit as I was thinking how can I get my girl alone, I told my girl to go for a smoke with me. Although she doesn't smoke, she went.

Outside I met another guy I know who comes to this bar and a girl who I made out with in a club once. After saying hi to both, I went into women are frustrated gambit. She agreed with most things but had some feminist objections, to which I just agreed, yes, women are repressed (I mean who gives a fuck). Then lit another cigarette and tried to get conversation a bit more juicy, contrasting myself with other guys who cum in 2min, talking how it's funny when a girl is angry horny. She seemed to be very PC about all topics, staying in her social sciences frame. Then I spinned her out of the blue, she was like wtf at first, then giggled and thanked me. Could've pulled her closer into me.

Then we went back inside and I just continued talking about sex, being open minded, feminine protagonists in movies, expressing sexuality but then left the conversation drift into some feminist women have it worse bullshit again with another girl. I just said at the end when it was obvious she ruined the vibe ''deep'' and she laughed.

Centered on my girl, made a bubble then went back to talking about fantasies. Shared one fantasy from My Secret Garden with her, don't know how this affected her. She was still resisting my sexual frame at some level.

Then we finished our drinks at this bar, they asked me which club they should go later and I suggested them a cool one. It was already getting late and I had no intention of going with them, so we hugged later and said goodbye. Thanked me for approaching them.

I don't know, this girl was compliant more than usual, but resisted on a logical level. Social frame? I couldn't find a way to pull back then... I should seed the pull earlier and get more physical with her while smoking outside. Maybe prolong that interaction even more. All of them were so logical, I found that a bit unusual.

Anyway, I think it went good, comparing to my last weeks outings.

Was physically and mentally tired. Came to the first club and contemplated if i should rather get some sleep , no anxiety, i was yawning. Sausage fest at that club, then went to a few other bars to look for targets but not a lot interested me. Approached 3 sets on the street, 2 polite rejections, one 2 set liked me and invited me to join them in the same club where I’ve been. Didn’t feel like going back there so I turned down the offer. Maybe should’ve went with them and met their friends, they were investing in the interaction… Well decided to rather go home at 1.00.

I also went out on Monday evening, to do night time street game which was a stupid choice. Obviously not enough options on the streets on Monday evening, just don't do that. Also went to a bar for 1h on Wednesday, but ended up approaching nothing, no opportunities, just big groups and I was short on time. Just don't try to do night game if you don't have the time obviously.

On Saturday I was invited to a birthday party. Vibed with everyone, had a good time, I think one girl likes me, but unfortunately I don't like her... But I do like this Italian girl. Can't figure her out. She did initiate interaction during the party once or twice briefly, but we have too much teasing vibe, to much adversarial. I can out my arm around her and she doesn't seem to mind, dance and a slightly bit more then friendly touch (or super friendly touch, I don't know how to put it) but we don't have this good friendship going on. This whole thing is in a weird place, I mean at first she was responsive to my dm's, but couldn't get her out, then she started getting less so, so I cut that off. But we see each other because of the social circle. Is there anything I could do in this situation? Or maybe just better not to shit where I eat

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
I remember I wanted to write a couple of interesting FRs here, there was clear progress visible. But… I got swamped with work and forgot about it. I promise I will be more consistent with my writings here.

Been back at home 2 weeks to do some work related stuff, worked on my projects for university and visited my family. No game in a 400 people village.

Right now I’m on a train back to Budapest, thinking about my process, all the suggestions made by the other posters in my isolation thread.

Planning to hit the field shortly. I anticipate a drop in momentum.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
1. Macro state control

- daily 30min meditation
- affirmations
- regular exercising
- having shit together, keeping up with school work/ work
- eating healthy
- drinking max 2 drinks per week/ not drinking at all

2. Preopen

- smile, talk to people, be sociable, have fun, talk to staff, establish a home base
- dance/ listen to music
- or shadow, move, or be on your phone and look bussy
- screen for DTF girls, screen out hard sets

and just before the opener

- hover
- eyecontact and smile, i need to experiment more with this one

3. Open

- body rocking
- “excuse me” “real quick”
- a comment about surroundings, the vibe, her outfit
- cold read on her nationality, personality or profession
- if nothing else comes to mind just go with “can I meet you real quick”

4. Hook

- cold reads
- teases
- intrigue
- open loop
- befriend the group
- friendly and incidental touch
- screen for logistics

and scripted material

- “you look just like that actress… its on the tip of my tongue… no I won’t remember, sorry”
- move her/ the just for 50cm or something or ask if you can sit with them to LOCK IN
- catcalling gambit
- othering gambit
- women are sexualy frustrated gambit
- compliance ladder

5. Isolate/ escalate

- continue building the compliance ladder
- make a bubble with her, cut space and intensefy eye contact
- after 15min of talking to her try to move her, to the bar, dancefloor, outside to smoke or to show something. this should be the result of your compliance ladder. move her around the venue a bit

and scripted material

- 8 orgasms gambit
- purity gambit
- talk about my secret garden “the book i’m just reading”, maybe share a fantasy from that book

6. Pull

- seed the pull early “I can show you my music later” “we should go to this afterparty later”
- then just go for it…

Additional focus on new venues, persistance (passive active) and calibration.

Don’t be affraid to break the rules. Focus on the girl and what she specifically needs. You can get laid without any of the above.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Quick update.

Approached 7 girls daygame in past 2 days, instagram closed 3, one replied. Funny thing I had better connections with 2 other that I didn't close because ''ihab''. The remaining 2 couldn't close because of logistics, one got off the metro, the other went into a theatre after finnishing her coffee.

Cute hippie looking girl standing on the corner looking at her phone. I position myself near, pretend to look at my phone. Opened with ''I like your style, very 70s'' ''you seem like an interesting person, I'm DG'' and extend hand.

Follow by cold read about her being artistic, she does photography. Tease her ''instagram photography or real photography'' she says she's an amateur but is trying. Asks me what I'm doing. Somewhere along it comes up that she's from Ukraine. I get a bit sympathetic, I know this is not good game wise, but I can't help it imagining what it's like to flee war. Ask her if she likes Budapest, says she does. ''What next then?''. She obviously just wants to get back to Ukraine, see her cat, continue on with life. I tell her I've been to Ukraine, that I liked the people, friendly, just thought how their culture (arts) is not as good as I expected. Like when I went to the opera one lady next to me was brestfeeding a child. She asks me if this is not normal, I say of course not, they don't let you in some opera houses here if you're wearing shorts for example.

The close was a bit awkward. Not super awkward, just that I was a bit nervous doing my first approach in 2 weeks, and my body language was a bit off. Proposed a coffee sometime, or that I can show her some cool places around here, ''Yeah, why not''. We exchange instagram, I tell her to check out my song I have linked in bio and say goodbye.

Unlike other PUA's I like instagram, it has this extra step of person needing to follow you back, which shows you if the close is solid or not. Then if you put some effort in you can post stories or react to her stories and show her you have a cool life.

Before dmin I liked 2 of her photos of her street photography (not sexy artistic selfies mind you), she's actually pretty good at it.

DG: hey:)
DG: cool photography
DG: you have this tarkovsky-ish vibe
HB: Hey
HB: whoa, thank you haha that's a hell of a compliment
DG: i dont know a lot about it so don't take me to seriously haha

Didn't reply to this, the last pull from the intended push pull was not as good as intended. This was 24h ago.

My following plan is to ask her for a favour, to listen to my song I just recorded and since she doesn't speak my language she can give me a different perspective on the vocals, which I can't decide if are good or should be done again. Then invite her out.

Walking set, I saw her while I was waiting for a target and chilling on a bench. She also had an interesting style and a bag which had a folklore like flower printed on it. I guess I like hipster looking chicks. So I went with this as my opener.

Walked in front her so she saw me, turned, ''excuse me'' she stops ''i like your style, very interesting retro vibe with the folklore thing going on''. It was a tease with me having a grin. Ask her what she's doing ''nothing just going home'' returns the question, I need to get to a lecture. Then I ask her what she likes doing in life, turns out she's into psychology. ''Oh shit, now I'm scared of you manipulating me'' she laugh tells me that she's not like that. Then a car comes our way (its old city centre with very low car traffic open just for locals, car behind me I don't see it) and she tells me we better get off the road. I look behind me, see the car and step with her ''you're obviously smarter than me''. I didn't like the fram of her moving me here, to much her leading me. I don't remember exactly what we talked then...

The close was again a bit off this time. So she was giggling and I started to feel some tension being created. Then I instagram closed her but after that had to check her amulet necklace, kind of getting closer to her then before (why now???). Well more tension was created this way obviously. I wanted to say goodbye with a ''man to woman'' (god that sounds cringe) handshake after that but she was faster and said ''well bye bye'' and went on. It was because of the tension it was too much for her. Otherwise fine interaction.

Didn't follow back.

Walking set, she walked past me. I decided to turn, catch up with her and pass her by, again ''playing on my phone''. Opened again with a compliment on her style.

This one was a bit surprised with me. Uphill battle. I was just spitting game here, cold read, when I saw she wasn't the most comfortable I took a step away from her, ask her about her passions, she gives me a ''uh i don't know'' answer, then go in to othering gambit, she softens up a bit, screen logistics, and because she was going into a different direction then me, I say ''cool, look I have to go but we should get a coffe sometime''. She actually stops and agrees. Exchange instagram, she doesn't follow back.

This one I screwed up before I opened. She saw me walk past her (I didn't look at her), so when I opened it had a bit of a try hard vibe in it.

One good thing here is that I did persist through her blase vibe. Did that 3 times (cold read, took a spep back, ''what are your passions'', othering gambit)t like Alek writes and then politely took the leave. I can't say how much this rule ''escalate, good - continue escalating, neutral - stay where you are and build compliance, negative - take a step back and try again, give it 3 shots'' made things easier and clearer for me. Thank you Alek!

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Was in a bar and then a club with a wing. No rejections per se just terrible environment for pick up, every set got interupted. The most memorable ona was when one girl was investing from the get go but then her friend dragged her in to dance. She invited me to come with them but I declined… retarded I know, didn’t feel like dancing to that music and though I will find them later. Lesson learned.

Got more obvious approach invitations than usual. Need to remember this outfit, diamond check pattern brown - orange turtleneck, brown leather jacket, black skinny jeans and chelseas.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Don’t feel its of use writing full field reports for past 2 days.

I was out with a female friend on Friday, having a drink and fun, opened one set but nothing sexual. Then went solo to a club for an hour but no memorable sets.

Saturday went out solo, spend an hour with the first set I opened. Made good connection with them but weak sexual frame. They were tired as they areived with a plane the same day and I kinda forgot my gambits after 2 weeks of being at home studying and working.

There was one daygame lead, cute Ukranian, from last week who was green after a soft close. Will post text convo later if I get the time. Lets get a date!!!

OK. Focus for next week is:

- ask every girl you talk to for 5 - 15min (venue dependant) to move with you, then deliver “Sex Is Unfair” gambit

- continue reading My Secret Garden, re-read Sex Is Unfair, 8 Orgasms gambit

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Did 2 approaches today I genuinely put effort in.

First was sitting on a bench in a park. I sat on the bench besides her and delivered fogs othering gabit horribly. I forgot how it went and confused even myself while talking about it haha.

But still achieved something. The girl started asking me questions, but wasn’t really enthusiastic. Turns out she had a shitty day. After a couple of cold reads, making her guess what I do, I get the conversation flowing naturally and turn myself “boring” which means no PU tech.

Then after a while ask her the “so far, what do you think about me, what do you like about me so far”. I kinda laughed at myself at sounding so arrogant and full of myself. But she did qualify and I see how this can move some switches in girls head.

After I instagram closed her. She didn’t follow back, but I’m not bothered really. The girl was not that hot anyway.

Second set was in a restaurant. She was reading a book and wearing this new age looking top. So my opener was a tease really “you look like a spiritual person, I’m wondering what you’re reading”. I made special attention on my positioning and my tone of voice. The restaurant was small and all eyes are going to be on me either way but I did manage to make it casual.

She did smile at the opener, then explained she’s reading a book on “mansplaining”. I asked her what that is and to be fair sound like the bad kind of feminism. Asked her then if I could sit with her, she declined, said that she is not in the mood right now. Politely, with a smile wished her to enjoy her reading, everything was as low key as possible.

I was going to talk to her abou My Secret Garden, but wanted to sit first. Mistake, should’ve talked about it befor I made the compliance request. But then again, do I really want to talk to someone who’s reading a book on mansplaining? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
I’m in the mood for writing right now. Here is the texting from HBUkranian.

DG:cool photography
DG:has this tarkovsky-ish vibe
HB:whoa, thank you haha that's hell of a compliment
DG:i dont know a lot about it so don’t take me to seriously haha

seen. i let it sit for 2 days

DG:btw can i ask you for a favour
HB:what kind of?
DG:i need your opinion
DG:i just recorded some songs
DG:not so sure about vocals on one (true)
DG:you dont speak my language so you could give me a different perspective
HB:eek:h wow
well, sure, let
HB:let's try
DG: I send her the link
DG: thanks

she replies after one day… bingo

Just listened on the song you've sent. And why exactly aren't you sure about the vocal part of that one? I think that the tone and voice nicely aligned with the piano part, they pretty much form a certain audio balance if you ask me haha. I don't know how to comment on the music, but it felt pretty emotional which is always good to have I guess
HB:What's it about btw?
DG:when i listen to the vocals sometimes i feel its too “nosy” sometimes too hars sometimes just fine so i cant decide you know
DG:it talks about… when you’re in a dark place there are short moments of bliss from time to time that give you insight into how life can be beutiful and good. moments of light in mostly dark that make no sense logicaly but appear… you know what i mean?
HB:Oh yeah I totally get it. Quite a nice message, I love the way it's conveyed in the audioslave's albums.. the last remaining light mostly

Have you tried recording it in a "softer" voice? Since the harsh parts sound a bit off to you, maybe you should yield to the feeling and try something opposite. But I love the sound anyway
DG:no way you like audioslave :D (wife material lol)
DG:i’ll try next time i get a chance to get studio time… but thanks i appreciate your input
HB:One of my all time favorites
DG:you have good taste
DG:we should grab a drink sometime
HB:Yep sure
Btw, do you know where I can see the nearest music events in Budapest? My friends and I would like to go out for concerts and stuff, but we don't know where to look for it :)
DG:i use facebook for events
DG:depends on what kind of music are you into… turbina has interesting alternative stuff, mupa has the classical and jazz covered
HB:Both work for us, thank you!

then I wait one day (it was the weekend. looking back I should’ve set the date while her compliance was spiked, moved faster.

DG:hope your weekend was as fun as mine :p
DG:about that drink, when is a good time for you

seen… sent yestesterday. now i must leave this there and post some cool stories, get her attention. if she doesnt bite, just ping her with something after a week.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
3.00 on Friday I was waiting for my plane and chatted up an English girl while doing so. I then switched sits and sat with her during my flight. Game wise I remember I did “sex is unfair” and getting kino up, stuff like putting my hand on her thigh, checking out her earring... In an airplane haha. It was great to make company once we landed and had to wait for 2h to get through passport control. I would’ve died of boredom there alone. She’s from Budapest also, I might text her next week or something. Will see how I feel.

Got to Camden at 10.00. No sleep. We cought up with my friend and went around town, then I checked in at 14.00 and got 2h of sleep. Then we went to the concert.

I was chatting up girls here and there on the street for social momentum and why not, all good responses. Even went super direct with one girl, like the PUA daygame videos you see on YT, run up to her and tell her “I though we just had a moment there”. I mean she was going to a yoga class no point in taking numbers but hey, never been this direct and got back such big smile. Was it my tone of voice, vibe? Probably…

Before the concert we chatted up 2 girl in line and ended up with them in the first row. I went a bit far with teasing this time and the girl started teasing back which resulted confrontational vibe. Something to mind with teasing.

We lost them after the concert because we went to sing the harmonica my friend caught and the girls had stuff to do the next day. Walked around camden later but to be honest, I didn’t like the girls there that much. We drank one beer then went to our hostel, I mean we were tired as well from not sleeping at all.

Saturday in central London, a lot more girls of my taste, I chatted up 2 girls in the park in the evening and invited the to get a drink with us. Hot blonde Ukranians, they were a wierd mix of being super compliant and playing hard to get. I took them to a bar I wanted to check out that was 30min walk and then the bar was too full and they still went with us. But my friend, I thought he had game, it turns out he has just social circle skills and good fashion, but sucks with cold approach, shit calibration… I tried to game both by myself for 2h, being non responsive to their shit tests, teasing them, some light tension when we danced while the dude was just chilling outside and smoking, because he thought that they didn’t like him, like wtf…

At around midnight I decided that the juice was not worth the squeeze, decided to pull the trigger with a “you guys want to go to Camden to some cool bars there? We’re not feeling this place anymore” and of course they declined, that they like it here. Whatever.

In my opinion London is a paradise for day and night game. I’m kinda sorry I didn’t get to explore the local indie rock scene, but all in all I had a good time.

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
Finnaly free from uni projects. Time to game.

Came back to Budapest on Thursday straight into a mega club to see where I left. I got hit by approach anxiety that night hard and didn’t approach. I don’t blame myself for it, the club had 5 times more people then the village I just came from and the 8h train journey did its thing too.

Friday set minimal goals for approaching 4 girls, managed to get 3 sets in. Still the mega club (i wanted to desensetize myself) and the approaches were short, distracted and chaotic of course.

Saturday did the same just forced myself to extend those approaches as long as possible, which was 5 - 10min. Those approaches fizzled out because I lacked juice, my conversation was just boring.
On Monday I hit the field again, now with a simple gameplan:

  1. cold read, intrigue, tesing and small talk with the group
  2. cold read, light touch with your girl 3min in
  3. othering gambit 5min in + ask to move after
  4. (sex is unfair + kino in isolation)
  • make the hoe say no
I was lucky that day I guess. After coming to opem area bar, smoking a cigarette, a dude approached me and bought me a drink. We chatted for 45min then I approached one set which was random, I forgot about it and then I approached a German 2 set. One chick was really hot, Scarlett Johansson type but hotter.

Hooked very well. Opened situational, then small talk, then I remembered a German poem I had to recite on my German lessons in high school and did that with a Hitler impression. They laughed of course and i took it even further and told a jew joke (wtf i know). It turned out pretty great since there was no taboo left, everything was fine after that. And I was also testing to see how far I can go.

Then they asked me about cool places around here and I recomended a local bar not far from this venue. Said we could go now and we did.

On our way I told them I thought they were good girls but now I see that they are actually pretty bad and that I like that. They agreed. We went to get cigarettes but the store was closed, that was a bit of a downer but didn’t hurt. Talked about catcalling and how man don’t have the balls to approach properly or sober. Then we came to the local bar.

There it got juicier. The erotic paintings on the wall allowed to trasition to talk about Berghain, stories my stripper friend told me.

I don’t know if this is good or bad or neutral but I just remembered that David Hasselhof was very popular in Germany. I asked them if they watched Knight Rider. Of course they did. He was a sex symbol there. Then teased the hotter one that she had a Hasselhof poster above her bed in teenage years. She played along and I teased her “so when you masturbate you think about him i guess…” which she agreed and took one step further. This is all just silly but I was fascinated how dirty I was talking to this girl who is 9 or a 10 even maybe.

Fractionated to some general stuff, talked about movies, then somehow found myself delivering good sex/ bad sex routine. Then they said that they thought about getting tatoos but didn’t know what so thought about tatooing “HUMOR” under their boobs. I thought for a second, she asked me what I’m thinking of and I said “so I’m imagining if we’re having sex and then I see this… what do I do haha”. I guess she must’ve had the same picture in her head when I mentioned it.

I later thought about this… Thoughts are communicated best when there’s an emotion behind it or a mental image. So when delivering sex talk is best to picture vividly what you’re talking about, make yourself horny then try to put this into words.

Ok, back to the report, all this time we were sitted behind a table with the hotter one on the other side so no room for kino. And I talked to both of them of course with eye contact communicating intent with my girl.

When the other girl went to the bathroom there was a moment when we talked when I clearly felt aroused looking her in the eyes… The kind of thing you know it’s mutual. This I guess was an escalation window I missed - something to be warry about.

When the other girl came back we talked some more about regular stuff but soon the closing time was here.

We emptied our glasses and went for a smoke. I asked them where do they live before, turns out just 5min from here. Then I ask them if they want to continue the night. Unfortunately they arent allowed to be loud in their air bnb after 21.00, no drinking or smoking and the 15min ride with a metro to my apartement (30min in reality) seemed too much to get back later.

I kiss them both on the cheek goodbye and thats it. Later it turns out that even the metro was out of service just tonight, so it wouldn’t go down anyway. I walk home. Besides I would need magical frames to escalate in front of the other girl and be it ok.
Tuesday I went to the same open bar, but the opposite of luck this time. Approach anxiety came back to say hello for 1h then I approached 6 sets but no good hooks. Lets think what went wrong:

1st set 2 girls at the bar, after giggling at a joke I made they turn around and continue talking to each other.

2nd set a single girl at the bar. Turns out to be a lesbian, firefighter as well. Cool girl, she ends up buying ME a drink lol.

3rd sat besides a 3 set. I asked them if they're exchange students as well, cold read and teased my target a bit but then the alpha fat girl didn't let me break the circle and basically talked over me. I played cool and didn’t want to make a scene, drinking my drink and smoking. They left dancing soon after and my target said goodbye or see you to me while other 2 just left. This set I should’ve reapproached latter, maybe build some social proof while in beetween.

4th set, this one was just horrible. sat behind a table next to a table of another 3 set. not the hottest but hey, not a lot of 3 sets here (i was trying to focus on 3 sets tonight). after i make a funny comment and they giggle, some small talk i decide to move over from my table to kneel next to theirs (so we’re on the same level). because they’re Hungarian, i joke with one girl that she could teach me better then my Hungarian teacher did, because i know shit. so she starts teaching me a few words but then gets borderline rude pretending she doesn't even speak English well making a fool out of me. i get annoyed i call her out nicely, other 2 girls are just serious on each side. this one continues i play along for a few moments then ask the other one if she wants to go smoke one cigarette with me. she actually considered it but then this bitch tells her that they have tobacco as well and that they can smoke later (I guess, I don't really speak Hungarian). so i say bye bye nicely. being sober this drunk shit annoys me ten times more and if a guy was acting like this i would’ve escalated to physicality by now. i don’t know why i even let her do that for this long. anyway…

5th set - this crashes my mood and i decide to change venues. Next one is a dive bar. Less targets, late hour, shittier music, but hey its also more peaceful in a way. There are just 2 3 sets and i approach one with a simple “tourists?” but they turn out to be Hungarian. some small talk then their friend comes to the table, interrupts my early hook process, so I move on gracefully. I meant to reapproach but turns out this friend was taking them home.

6th set, 2 girls approach me for a cigarette. Acting all sweet until they get it, then one starts texting to her boyfriend and the other looks a bit more interested in me. Totally not my subculture so there’s that bridge. I neg the girl on her phone “are those your eyelashes” just for my self - amusement and she rolls her eyes and her friend (the girl that was more into me) laughs haha. Then I ask her what does her boyfriend think about them travelling without him, what about all the hot guys they could meet on the way and they kinda play dumb. Then catcalling routine which did give me a social frame point I guess then a random guy shows up they met on the dance floor who is going to buy them drinks. I don’t care really because I thought they’re gonna come back (they said they will) but then I see them leave with this guy saying goodbye and nice to meet you to me. Well… Good for that guy I guess. Another dude saw this and said to me “you lost nothing” and I agree with him. They were trash, 6 or something.


1. Sleep is important, mood goes down, anxiety up if I dont get it. Get enough sleep.
2. Don't be affraid to REAPPROACH. If the initial reaction is not great do hit and run and build some social proof.
3. Saturday sets 3 and 4 went to hell because the alpha female didn’t like me. The Leader as WIA explained in my isolation thread. Which leaves me 3 choices:

a) win her over, win over the group - was approapriate for set 3. Again, social proof wouldn't hurt,
b) expose the dynamic in a playfull manner - was approapriate for set 4, something like ''not only is your friend a great Hungarian teacher, she also holds the tobacco lobby... powerful'',
just kidding

4. Seed the pull and call a cab. Always have money to spare for a cab (I didn’t on Monday).
5. After cold reads and teases be sure to use the othering or sex is unfair gambit. You can skip the catcalling gambit for a while because I know it and it doesn’t seem to bee that difficult. Remember; visualize and feel, don’t just spit words.
6. Be more agressive/ dominant and capitalize on escalation windows. The “Gimme dat” mentality, “I like it, I take it”, to act faster then your doubts. Again, sleep is important here.
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