Weekend Update:
Mixed bag. Friday night I was fried and the energy wasn't there. I was feeling anxious from a stressful week. So I made myself a delicious dinner, watched TV and hit the hay early. I feel like I earned it.
Plus I had to get up early for a volunteer commitment. I've got to do this more often. Joined up with about 20 other people for a half-day of very hard work in the great outdoors. We worked in teams, sharing a purpose and I felt more bonded than I have in a long time. And I didn't know any of these people, except for the organizers. It was insightful for me to see how groups of people can organize themselves very fluidly and productively with virtually no supervision.
No cuties, except a couple of the staff members. I kept my flirting skills sharp with one of them, with a face that looked uncannily like a younger version of Limerance Girl. Her body type was different, still an attractive girl. Didn't get the chance to mack on the others. There were several women volunteers involved, though all with husbands and/or partners. I recognized myself in these young family men - bringing their wives and kids out to do a solid service for their community. True family values.
Saturday afternoon there was a pool party for the volunteers. It was cloudy and cool. The kind of day that was perfect for hard outdoor work, but not-so-great for pool parties. I was the only one who actually went in the water. It gave me a chance to flirt with the lifeguard girl, a slender little cutie with an appealingly nerdy look. Plus I got props for braving the cold pool water. As a big aficionado of the cold plunge, I knew I needed it. The hot tub was right there, and it felt great after the refreshing zing of that cool water.
Given that these people are sporty, adventurous types, I was disappointed no one joined me. I could have chosen to feel awkward about it, and in the past, I would have. Not today.
Observing the dynamics, I noticed everyone stuck to their little cliques of the two or three other people they knew. I mixed and mingled, introducing people to each other, had fun conversations, not going too deep as befitted the casual vibe. I could actually feel the

opening up. The entertainer was a magician who asked me to do "flash patrol," where I tried to spot the card up the sleeve, the slip of the coin, the slips in his sleight of hand. I know him pretty well outside of this group, so it was natural that'd he enlist me as an accomplice. It was fun. I could see why Mystery had such success with his bag of tricks. Girls love magic. He also did cold reads, where he'd tell you the name of your first crush, or your dream vacation or favorite place on earth. Very cool.
One staff member is a goofy-looking redhead with coke-bottle glasses and the most perfect little booty I've seen in awhile. I had to stop myself from staring. Damn, I had no idea. I'd never seen here in tight pants before. Mesmerizing. 10/10 would bang. I am decidedly an ass man. It's interesting how her goofy face made her less attractive to me in the past, but once I saw that lovely round booty I was totally back onboard.
Listened to the most recent Chris Williams' podcast, "Modern Wisdom" episode with Dr. Robert Glover. It was informative to see dating and relationship advice through the lens of a man even older than I. He's carved out a niche for himself as an expert in these fields, and he made eminent sense about much of what I've been going through lately.
His advice for men looking to date distills down to a very simple action: be more social. Be in public every chance you get - read in a coffee shop, not your comfortable chair by the fireplace; eat out, don't cook at home so much, sign up, volunteer (check), take classes, etc. Be outgoing and talkative. Nothing counter-intuitive or earth-shaking about any of it. All the pickup artist methodology works, but it doesn't have to so all-consuming if you just put yourself out there.
Social skills are a muscle that needs to be exercised, he says. Very simple, but it's extremely difficult for me as I am a committed introvert. He says you will project an attractive energy and women will find you. He even said they will "chase" you. There's something unmistakably attractive to women about a man who is comfortable in social situations.
It's interesting. I do a lot of public speaking and have taught myself to be comfortable in front of crowds. I crave the pulse and energy of being connected, and can move and sway and persuade people in groups quite well. Even when I'm not connecting, I don't freak out or freeze up.
It wasn't always that way. When I was five, I got so nervous that I froze up in front of 200 people and peed myself. Big dark stain down the front of my trousers. My parents weren't there, thank god, and a neighbor swooped me up to the restroom. Traumatizing. So being able to grab a crowd's attention and hold it is a very satisfying feeling, a sense of a journey being completed, of a fear being mastered.
Reflecting on why I am so shy and retiring, I think it does go back to attachment style - I didn't get enough attention and affection from my mother, so I trained myself to tell myself that I don't need it. The fact is though I'm only fooling myself. I crave intimacy. There have been many moments when I'd just had sex with wives and girlfriends (never at the same time dammit!) when I am deep into the post-coital glow and feel like there's no greater drug than a pretty girl with her head on your chest and your arms around each other. Often better than the sex if I'm being honest.
Got some exercise this morning riding my bike to the office to set up a few tasks for the week. I told myself 20 minutes and, of course, I spent more than an hour by the time I got done sorting through emails and making replies and such. But I did get a head start on the week, and left less anxious than when I went in.
After yesterday's social flurries, I was feeling deeply in need of a day of quiet retreat. Still, I forced myself to go out to the farmers market after finishing my work, and had a good half dozen conversations. One approach - a booth girl with cute glasses. She engaged easily and we slipped into a very fun and light conversation. Too young, but I think she thought I was pretty cute and I thought she was cute, too. I told her she reminded me of someone but I couldn't think of who. Drove me crazy. It wasn't until a couple hours that I realized, oh yes, those grey-blue eyes she looked like a bank teller I see around town. This bank teller girl gives me a vibe - soft, interested, a little melancholy lurking behind her eyes, she looks like one of those smart girls who is looking for a romantic adventure, and would love to have a story to tell about an attractive older man. Reminds me to go check up on her.
Nothing from Limerance Girl or Artsy Blonde. I will text Artsy Blonde tomorrow or Tuesday and try to get her out. Limerance Girl, on the other hand, I will wait to hear from her. Though I'm thinking I've got to communicate logistics about our event Friday so I may have to reach out to her if she doesn't soon. It's been months and I am still obsessed with her, running all these scripts through my mind. I do feel a little less raw, a little less despairing, and more confident about finding some fun girls to hang out with. I'll be ok with whatever outcome. Progress.
As of right now, I've got two tickets to six concerts this coming weekend, and only one date, Limerance Girl. I thought Artsy Blonde would be onboard, but she's been giving me the silent treatment. Haven't entirely given up on her yet. There's two good prospects - both appropriately aged, very classy women with whom I do business. I am not feeling at all sexually interested in them though. But so what?
Plan of Action:
Be more social. Never refuse an invite. Keep a big, friendly smile on my face and flirt with everyone. Follow Dr. Robert Glover's advice and get myself out there.