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Lobo - Sexiest Man Alive


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
FR cutie with dog plus infield audio(dm me if interested)

Haven't seen anyone write out a report based off an audio so I'll just wing it and point out moments I thought were important. I feel like having audio adds another layer to a report you otherwise wouldn't get in a purely written report and I hope more seducers try to do this in the future(where possible).

0-1:15 Talking to myself and walking over
1:15 Opener. Completely forgot what I said. Shows how much it doesn't matter and the purpose of the first few word should be to grab her attention as she won't hear it anyways.

1:30 Cement the hook with my pitbull after she asks if I have any pets(with the premise that she'd walk them if I payed her lol)
I say "Actually I do... hold on... (get my phone out) Idk... they kinda have a bad rep though... you think you could handle it(as if she's about to take my cock lmao)
she even says "yea, definetly :)" LMAO
me: "you sure?"
me:"It's a pitbull" with a sultry voice which she matched after the fact(oh i looove pitbullls)... Wait what's that? Mirror neurons exist? holy shit man. I can get this girl speaking in a sexual tone by doing it first myself..... brooooo, that's some jedi shit

2:10 Tease her on not knowing the name of the dog
"just another dog in the litter" lol. It shows I know the game. Secret society shit.
she says she doesen't like that type of dog lmao

I expose her ass and tell the dog

Bait her into asking where I am from by saying "I haven't been to central park that often"

holy shit I think she was about to eject just based off the tone of that "all right?" but I hook her back in with "wow 5 dogs, you've been grinding...what do you need the money for?

I bring up some sugardaddy stuff. After review from lofty, I agree... definetly uncalibrated. I really gotta stop with the sugardaddy/sugarmommy nonsense I can't work it smoothly. I like lofty's recommendation into easing into the topic but not telling her to do sugardaddy stuff(basically prostitution WTF lobo)
Lofty: "well, you know, I really love what you're doing walking dogs for some extra cash... it seems like you must have these fun little expereinces all the time wher it becomes about more than just the money, like it's a refreshing thing for you, too. Cause, yeah... like I have a lot of friends who are girls, and it seems like whenever they need extra money... they go find a sugar daddy..."
Then talk about how that objectifiees women and sexually prize myself as not viewing women like pieces of meet.
Perhaps even an anti slut frame after that too.

petting dog who then bumps his ass into torso lmao. I mention that he must love me because of that. I vibe with dogs. I also rainbow ruse her with saying that she seems like the kind of girl that enjoys the outdoors and enjoying the enviroment.

At this point, I was kneeling and petting the dog, when I noticed the big ass snake of the girls forearm. I take this as an opportunity to run a quick play and ask to inspect that shit. OH MY GOD
that shit was seduction dynamite. The vibe of the interaction changed so much after that. I could tell she could feel the tingles when I sensually inspected her forearm, wrist, and then fingers with my smooth, supple hands.

She has a tattoo that says temporary and I laugh a bit and say thats an oxymoron as it is actually quite permanent.
But then I use the tattoo to talk about spontaneity and taking life as it goes.
Then a little seduction light bulb flickers in my head. I should move this chick off of that
and then I ask her to come on a spontaneous walk with me

Drops the boyfriend frame grab, I'm like ya ok (idgaf)
and then she asks for my name which I edit out(Is this good or bad social frame? She asked for my name but I sense a strong attempt to friend zone me) I ask for hers and press further for her last name which I learned from gunwitch. He said it circumvents the "I don't even know your last name objection"

I try the golden question and fail. Reframe it 20 seconds later haha. I need to work on the weasel phrases.

dog was walking to my left and the girl with the leash was on my right so the leash was on my fucking ass man. This dog really do be cockblocking tho

SHe brings up boyfriend midconvo... bruh I just ignore it. Is this some plausible deniability for her ;) ? Hey at least I brought it up in casual conversation... its not my fault he railed me!

Asks me where I go to school after I bait with my studies. This is a good turning point in my progress because I used to ask all the social frame questions.

9:45 You a dancer eh? I REALLY WANT TO FUCK A DANCER
probably the funniest shit I've done to a girl in a while. Chase framed her at the end of it too and went back to talk about psych
. I accidentally fractionated tbh.

I fucked up here. Did not give her good vibes at all and instead shit on her career choices with my question and voice tonanlity as lofty brought up.
This feels like the most stereotypical conversation between a business/CS student and a psych girl.

random ass chodes say stupid shit for dumb chode reasons

Girl says she walks her cat after I disagree with her saying you cant walk cats lmao. I call her out on that

Girl talks about how she feels nothing when people die..... ok WTF.
She noticed the weirdness and backtracked on that lol.
I try to relate after

What do you know now that you didnt know before

I mention how I saw a video from china of a girl missing her scalp(disgusting shit my friend showed me from one of those sites). and 20 seconds later I meta pace her with how people do not give a fuck about anyone else in the city.


reopening this chick was lowkey triggering me. I need to immerse her further with more potent verbal's to prevent that in the future


y'all need to picture this. A hot 5'9 bruneete with green eyes, 130 pound frame getting tossed around by a 80 pound dog.

Shit I wish I was tossing her around smh...

I bailed... gracefully

I should have at least gone for the number grab just to see. Or asked logistical stuff like what she was going to do later with the dog and if she was almost done or something.

I talk to my self haha. Prob a tonanility check to myself
"i dont want to be her boyfriend" lmao

After this approach I talked to one more cute girl on the way back to the bus. I think i skillfully opened her by saying "yea there's no way we are all fitting on this bus" as the line was packed to get on.

grabbed her number after walking back home with her. She lives in my town haha. Has a boyfriend apparently. I wish I recorded the audio. She was another psych major and I even 8 orgasm gambit her after talking about the differences in male and female physiological things(like peripheral vision). And I led by saying "you know I'm jealous of this one thing though... my kinky friend has told me a few times that... girls... can have... many different... orgasms..."
fuck I wish I recorded just to reexperience those pauses. I had that chick waiting so hard for it.
But I'm too lazy to remember and write out the entire interaction.
We got lost at port authority and I was leading her about. Also wasn't as hot as the other chick. HBDogwalker matched HBPortigal in looks. 9 in my scale. Would be dream girl caliber if she had the voluptuous package

1) Increase set to idle time ratio(more practice_
2) Isolating girls(and not just moving them... Always have a nearby starbucks or coffee shop in mind)
however I have non existent logistics.... and the only way I can get laid is if I figure out some impromptu logistics which is kind of impossible in NYC daytime or seduce the girl into bringing me to her place.
3) Learn to elicit values in conversation. This gives my verbals a tantalizing edge and lets me dele deeper into a topic and into her mind as I guide her emotions
4) Qualify girls if they fall into my frame or say something conductive to seduction
eg for when HBDogWalker agreed to walk with me
"you know, I'm really glad I'm talking to you. I can tell that you really live in the present moment and take life as it comes"

articles and forum posts to read(ty lofty)
Wielding charm

Thank you to everyone who gave me some feedback on the audio, much appreciated.

This was fun
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Dude, love this. Voice recordings definitely add another layer to the reports


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Hey Lobo, like I told you - super impressive stuff.

Want to make a note about privacy. I know you’re excited about this format, and it is really cool!

Also, remember this is a public forum where the guests outnumber the users at every moment. I think that I am probably more concerned about privacy than most, although it is not for no reason. We wouldn't want the one wrong person to come across some materials and sensationalize them in the wrong ways, and well, that is somewhat of a risk because we’re not exactly making Easter eggs here. Combine that with any potentially identifying information throughout your post history, and it could be problematic in the worst case.

I remember hearing old-forum stories of people being identified through LRs and hey, the one crazy girl that Skills recently laid even found the forum with intent to cause trouble. Public audio in one of those scenarios, in this society, and even though a primary goal of ours is to make these girls very happy customers… maybe not the most risk-averse thing?

At the same time, I know that you’ve given this thought and edited out personal information. And that you’re a very tech-savvy guy. Still, I’d maybe say to consider at least putting it behind a password-protected page when posting publicly? That way you can make sure that only the people you want to be hearing it are hearing it, and any newcomers you inspire through this method could receive the password after they post some FRs of their own or something.

If you think it’s no big deal and aren’t concerned about it, then no worries. But I did want to give my words here.

Here’s to many, many lays…
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
Yeah Lobo I 2nd what @Lofty said it's not smart to post audio infield here. Pickup is already under heavy scrutiny all it takes is for one SJW to get a glimpse of this and boom! No more forum for us to discuss game because we promote sexual harassment and objectification of women(yawn). I don't think the mods want us to put this stuff here anyways.

If you wanna share infield it's best to do it off the forum in a whatsapp group or private telegram or something. That's what happens in my whatsapp we share stuff. I would edit the infield out just to be safe.

Also I think the girl walking the dog meant it when she said she wasn't interested and was just being polite and social. Even if you tried to number close pretty low chance she gives it or it leads to a date. Some of the questions you asked felt a bit interviewey like what did you learn about psych you didn't know before or what kind of dances u do? I would've just guessed something instead of asking her specifically like so u can dance salsa and bachata or you learned how to hypnotize people to let you walk their dogs for money. Something cheeky/witty. I think sugardaddy topic was unnecesary didn't add much value. But other than that good long conversation everything helps.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
@Lofty @Starboy

Thank you for your concerns... after thinking about it, I've decided to not have it out publicly and in the future only reference it in my writing for those that I give access.

It is really unnerving that guests outnumber members 5 to 1(I wish the forum incentivized membership more with some restrictions), and the last thing I would want to do is jeopardize this space where we all grow together.

Also, the people I want to hear it will be able to, and for future reference, those that want to hear can dm me.

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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Didn't go out today, however I spent a lot of time reading/rereading other field reports out loud to practice my seductive voice and I've figured out a way to talk in this voice consistently... and even make it sound deeper.

Prior to today, I was adamantly trying to force my occasional seductive voice to become my permanent voice but despite all that effort... it just never seemed to click.

Additionally, I realized that my voice changed in proportion to my emotional state. When talking to friends I wouldn't use as deep of a voice because I'd be emotionally stimulated somehow. When with family, I'd feel a discomfort if I tried to use the voice, which all resulted in what I believe to be restricted vocal chords which made it impossible for me to do it appropriately and consistently.

Also, listening to my FR audio helped me see that my voice got deeper the more comfortable I was in the set, further showing me how my emotional state impacts my voice. I was probably a bit excited in the open, but once I landed the plane and was more comfortable, it got easier, but still not as good as it right now after I've practiced it a bit more. Lastly, this voice that I'm reading the words I type right now is a voice I would sometimes have during my last college semester(I didn't know how wield it at will), and it was good... really good. I remember a music teacher saying I had god's gift in my voice and asked if I practiced singing or could match pitch to which I said with a surprised look, "No, I've never done that"

The ultimate key to wield this voice which is remarkably deep, sultry, and confident(all of which will help my future seductions) is to be comfortable. Taking deep breaths helps me get to this point but what's more important... is not straining myself too hard to bring out the voice. Actually, using minimal effort, is what makes my voice sound confident and have more resonance.

This makes me think that this deep voice is so attractive precisely because it is low effort, keeping the law of least effort in mind.

Think about the voice you have after you wake up in the morning... how seamlessly you utilize a deep voice that somehow disappears as you go about your day. It's much easier to have a deeper voice in the morning because you're calm vs later in the day where your emotional state is excited.

Being calm and grounded achieves this morning voice effect, and trying too hard to sound good does the opposite.


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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020

I was tempted to not write this report as my vibe was low for most of today and I didn't make any forward progress in seduction, however, I believe it's important to have the shitty days chronicled as I won't make improvements every day I step out of the field... this is true for anything improvement oriented in life.
Also this journal is meant to chronicle my journey to mastery and not a highlight rail of the good stuff.

Went out to NYC today with a less than ideal vibe and I could notice the effect it had on my overall ability to game...

For one, I only opened one set, even though there were COUNTLESS opportunities to open in the city, and I even got some AI's from some really hot girls. One of them was at least a 9 and locked eyes with me while I was walking back to the bus station.

I wrote this on my very first journal entry and I've still not made the progress I want, but I need to work on my trigger finger.
That ability to pounce on any opportunity

To do this I need to practice being PRESENT IN THE MOMENT
Also having a plan makes my ability to shoot a lot easier... so when I see girl's eyeing me as I walk past them, I'll stop before I pass them with my hand slightly raised at them and say "Hey wait... I've just noticed something about you..." and so forth

My main thing was that I did not feel motivated enough to approach and I think this has a lot to do with me being super tired from a morning of working in construction, and also because I have no logistics...

Regardless... the anytime seducer finds a way.

State control is a crucial skill for any seducer to have, and I think having my earbuds on really helped my vibe the last time I was out so I'll bring them with me more often(they even help social frame and make approaches feel less intentional). Also... meditation and stretches before going out.

And here is the approach, I thought I recorded it but I just couldn't find it ;/
I was at bryant park wearing https://www2.hm.com/en_us/productpage.0940143005.html, https://www2.hm.com/en_us/productpage.0710876018.html,

Bottom line... I looked really fucking good. That cotton shirt had some of my chest hair peaking out of it and it almost turned me gay just looking at it :p

Me: (pointing at the obvious concert) *opens over the shoulder* What's going on here?
HB7: Oh they are going to play music
Me: Oh thats cool... what kind of music
Keep in mind me and this girl have super deep eye contact and its almost sensual
HB7: I think its classical music
Me: Are you a classical music fan... I'm not really tbh
HB7: yea me neither
Me: However, I understand the appeal for it... my brother is a pianist and loves to play classical music. He say's classical music is different from other genres because it allows the listener to create their own story and interpret it in the way they want.
HB7: really thats interesting!

I say some other stuff and make my own interpretation of the music they were saying. I tried to make it as SOT as possible saying things like "there's hope on the horizon for a new beginning and the excitement and possibilities that await" yada yada

I then rainbow ruse with "you know... I've only been talking to you for a little bit but I get the sense that you are really warm and comforting, and just like to chill in whatever environment your in" *deep eye contact*

say some other things and try to get her to sit with me by saying

"hey, I'm about to go sit somewhere mind coming with me?"
ok listen before I get berated for this shit IDK why I said it like that either lol. Even mid saying it I was like "wait wtf? why I say it like that?"
she obviously declined.

This interaction felt like I was carrying it for the most part and I didn't get to practice elicitation like I wanted to... I needed to turn the conversation on her. At one point I said I wasn't from the city and that i was across the river and she said she lived in the city. I could have asked how long? and done some seductive shit like "oh and when you first arrived everything must have felt so exciting and perhaps even a little stressful as the city just has this vibrant energy about it that it constantly shoots at you"

And this can lead to a conversation on trying out new things.... such as fucking the hot dominican papi in front of her ;)

Oh well... another time

Sticking points are the same as the last report, but some improvements can be made on

1) Putting conversational pressure on the girl by asking her more questions and then building into a SOT from that
2) Making the move request more enticing and not like a favor.

Let's do better tomorrow



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Reread my journal and I couldn't help but feel sad as I read through the goals, sucess, and failures I've had in my short seduction carreer.

No, I'm not retiring haha....I'm just barely getting started...

Looking at my hoboken chronicles post, the only goals I've made progress on is a deeper voice, and a better physique... I want to pass for a model at the end of this and I think I can get there...

The next goal that I need to hit is a tremendous uptake in approach volume. The once a week 2 or 3 approaches doesen't make much sense for the anytime seducer does it?

Now, I've realized what causes my inconsistensy, and its just that: inconsistency. I have a faltering momentum where I can feel my goals carry me forward only to hit a roadblock caused by an external force in my life(usually family). This has caused me to detour for a day or two which suffocates my fire.

I need to do better.

As I write this I can see through this window...the city calling for me while I sit in the soft, yet still uncomfortable seat of public transportation...

6 pm traffic really ain't it...

However, I'm not wasting this precious time...
I'm currently listening to a sex playlist I found on youtube and I think its working ;)

It brings out my sexual energy as I visualize the warm, sexy eyes of a beautiful stranger gazing at me seductively...

Be careful before you press that link...

Let's see what this saturday night brings ;)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Saturday June 20th

To make my reports more accurate... I've decided to write on a google doc here and there in between sets...

I get off the bus at around 7pm, and with the erotic playlist making me ooze sexual energy, my vibe felt pretty good.

I wanted some street approaches so I opted to walk the 30 minutes down to wash park.

However with my low momentum, I kinda forgot how to open...

First thing I said to a girl was a situational opener where this guy crossed a long ass crosswalk while the traffic light was still green. I look over my shoulder and tell a cute latina who happened to be wearing a mask,

"Some people just really want to die ;)"

I could see I caught her attention and she seemed to agree with that statement, but with the mask on I couldn't really tell her receptiveness. I also had my sex playlist on full blast so I couldn't even hear her. Definetly need to pause before I open next time.

After, I tell her... "personally, I'm not courageous enough to blindly walk over"

But then the light turned red and she left. I could see she was slightly receptive, but these crosswalk hooks have to happen FAST and she wasn't hooked enough yet. I think a good "hey, hold up... I've just noticed something about you..." would have given me enough time to hook.

The next opportunity…. I walk past the girl but i wait too long to open her over the shoulder and she actually turned the corner at some point. Waiting to let her breathe you in should only take like 2 to 3 sec I feel… waiting too long kills sets before they even start. I remember when I was out with Kvothe and how I tried to open a set but they weren't aware of my existance yet. Despite my good fundamentals, I'm still a guy... and a pretty big one at that. Opening without some sort of preopen automatically triggers a
fight or flight reaction, as girls are risk averse. So when preopening, I'll keep this in mind... the girl just needs to notice me.

It started to rain and I noticed that the volume just wasn't like it normally is… even though I find myself wandering about in Soho mainly for scouting purposes.

Its 9 pm rn… suns completely gone… i see a few lone wolves but they all walk really quickly... this has to be normal though as I wouldn't want to be a lone girl in the night either... I wonder what would be a way to open without being creepy at all.
After thinking for a bit, I think posting up somewhere and opening with spezzatura is the only way, as chasing after these girls makes my skin jump.

I then decide to walk back to wash square and around that area because I remember it was active at night last time.

I again find myself having trouble opening girls walking towards me. I have a strategy for this that involved using my phone as a prop and then opening them as they near, but this hasn't become engrained in me yet. I need to try letting them pass me and then briskly turning around, catching up to them and opening over the shoulder. A part of me doubts its effectiveness, but that is what testing is for.

I notice a lightskin black girl who's totally my type... model like facial features and perfect... almost glowing skin. I'm intrigued, take out my phone and turn on the recorder. I walk over to where she is and see she's talking to a friend, but the way the seating is... I have to sit with my back turned to her. Not ideal. I end up turning around to peak the water fountain behind me and I notice her eyes glance towards me and then I lock eyes with her. I freeze. Wait too long but I really should have approached when we locked eyes. Her friends on the other side call her over and her and her friend leave. Fuck.

I take a deep breathe to short term memory my freeze up and now face the big water fountain. This maneuver seems to have grabbed the attention of a two set right next to me, where one girl stretched herself over her friend to ask me
"hey, can I ask you a question?"
I smile warmly at her

"How old are you" she asks

I smirk and respond with
"How old do you think"

Friend: uhmm twenty... 21?
*remembering not to be a dumbass*
Me: Yea I'm 21 :)
Friend: That's good because I feel like there's too many young people here.
Me: That's really scary(idk wtf I said this)
Hb: *repeats what I said and laughs a bit*

I ignore her but, yea I know it was uncalibrated. I think thats one thing I need to accept with these first approaches is that they won't always be so smooth.

Friend: *starts talking about some random sweatshirt story*

A part of me starts to think these girls are high but I hear later that they just didn't sleep the night before. The friend is average looking but the HB is definitely within the fuckable territory. I really like her emerald eyes that seemed to illuminate in the night.

I'll try to keep this brief as im listening to the audio and its like 40 minutes long, surely, not all of it was useful.

I hook the set after I busted the friend's balls for "taking advantage" of teenagers in her sweatshirt story where she bought it off them for 5 dollars and they then started to ask me some social frame questions... it went like this

Friend: yea so I bought this sweater off these teenagers for 5 bucks when it started to rain
Me: oh wow... you're just taking advantage of the young... that's not cool (tongue in cheek)
Friend: *buying into the joke* haha I guess so... that's just what I do :cool:
HB:*once again repeats what I says and laughs at it*(although this time I don't think it was that uncalibrated, but my vibe/ tone could have been better
Me: oh my god(a bit dramatic tongue in cheek)...These are poor, impressionable teenagers... and here you are swindling them ;)
Friend: I mean I gave them money so they got their side of it. Probably went and bought a preroll or something.

At this point I figured they were 420 friendly so I wanted to steer the conversation into something SOT as I think drugs can provide a gateway for many new, exciting experiences. That was my intention, but I wasn't able to steer the conversation into that.

Me: Yeah I remember being a teenager and that was definitely exciting... you'd get together with your friends and it'd be so much fun. (I really want to work on my descriptive language here lol. I think I can get them feeling a lot more from my words using the same topics.)

Friend: Where are you from(seemingly out of nowhere)
Me: Oh I'm across the river
Friend: Where?
Me: Hoboken (I can't even say my real hometown that's how shitty it is haha)
Friend and HB: aaah so your from neeewwwww jeeeeerrrrsssseeeeyyyyy
At this point I decided to never say that again
Friend: Is that where you grew up?
HB: Are you here by yourself.

Holy shit, so many questions!

How would you guys respond to that last question? I intuitively felt that saying I was alone would not help the seduction... so I responded with

Me: Yeah I mean... I was with a friend earlier but...
HB:*really quickly* where they went?
Me: huh what's up?(I heard her I just want to buy time haha. I didn't think of good answers before this)
HB: Where'd they go
Me: Oh they're just staying at their place and I decided ehh, thats pretty boring I'd rather be out
HB: It's not boring here :)
Me: Yeah RIGHT look at all this energy here, who wouldn't want to be here
Friend: Yea it feels good right to be around other peoples energy
Aside: Bro do these girls know how to navigate through SOT's better than me? They even asked me all these logistical questions haha.
Me: Yeah exactly... you just suck it in and you just see all these people doing stuff... (again lobo these pacing's can be A LOT more descriptive to give that extra ooomph)
I think here I really could have transitioned into meeting new people and how exciting and interesting they can be (self point a bit). And then maneuver onto a topic of connection or something, although I don't know how to talk about connection that well, does anyone have some material for it?
Me: ... especially because covid and shit you know... I was actually in college recently
HB interjects: Oh where do you go?
Me: *My university*

and then the conversation continues onto non SOT oriented stuff like where's she's from. I did get some logistical info though. The friend was a 30 min train ride away while the HB actually lived very close to the park. This perked my ears a bit.

At one point we talk about how people in New York can act somewhat unempathetic and use others as stepping stones.

I then say, "I wish people were more genuine"
the Friend then says "We've known each other for 15 years "
Me: "yeah I can see that you two are really comfortable with eachother"
Hb:*laughs and repeats what I said*
Me: *looking at HB*, I try to say You know.. but I actually stutter pretty badly... still not in state :(. Either way I move along into what I wanted to say like it never happened
Me: Every single time I've said something, you've twisted it into the most perverted way
based off their reaction, this was uncalibrated... however my goal was to frame the HB as thinking sexually to what I said earlier. I think I could have used better words.
Maybe something like
Me: *devilish grin* You've got a dirty mind, don't you ;)"

HB and friend: wait what what do you mean.
I think the problem was just the way I said it and the phrasing. Twisting and perverted are words with negative connotations, so I think she took it as I was judging her.

Me: I just said you two seem very comfortable with eachother
Hb and friend: ah yea yea I was just meaning that earlier she was like(pointing to friend) 'hey can I feel you over' hahaha

Interesting I thought :)
Friend: yea but its not like we are gay
Me internally: FUCK

HB: Yeah people will like say shit because were close but--
Me: Yea I mean you guys have been friends for 15 years...
HB and friend: yeah
Me: I'm just curious... have you guys ever experimented... at all has the thought ever... crossed your mind?
Friend: interesting
HB: I mean yea we did kiss each other
Me: yea exactly exactly
Friend: But that ship has legit sailed
Its funny that they say they aren't gay/bi but apparently a romantic ship has already sailed bahahahaha
Friend: yea I was with one of my guy friends and someone asked what he would do if one of his female friends grabbed his dick or something and he said "nothing"... our friendship is just like that.

First of all. That is unbelievable CAP. No dude would do that unless he was gay, and I've heard of the fake gay strat so even that's not true. Also that felt like some pretty persuasive frame control. Giving a story that represents what frame you want and then tying yourself/ the situation into it. Also we're talking about girls kissing and girls grabbing dicks, this would have been a good way to transition into some sex talk as they pretty much paved the way for me, but sadly I did not jump on the opportunity.

Me: yea yeah... obviously... I feel like every close group of girl friends... they've done that before, like they've kissed each other like everyone that I've talked to-- (I was about to make up a fake story to help the frame haha)

HB: Yea I kiss all my friends
Me: :) yeah exactly
HB: but definitely not on some sexual shit
Me: Yea for sure not sexual at all more like "oh I just want to practice on you"
HB and Friend: nooo i don't need practice its more like in the moment and loving each other.... its like girl love
Me: that's crazy(tone getting much better, it sounded seductive)
HB: Females are different... more emotions
Me: (pauses thinking about where I could take this emotionally charged discussion and decides to say something retarded instead)
Me: yeah haha, I mean, I've never kissed my guy friends (WHAT THE FUCK)

I could have taken this anywhere...Really. I could have talked about how when you're in the moment, everything just feels right and you get overcome with feeling... and passion. Then I could have described the scene further with basically creating an image of what it looks and feels like to kiss a girl. The intense eye contact... how everything just seems to disappear for a moment... and you let your emotions take control of your body to do what just feels right... in the moment. But yea I've never kissed a dude pfffttt

HB: mmm maybe idk guys are weird so--
Me: They'll be weird but I feel like they just try to exaggerate
Friend: oh yea yea yea!, my friend is about to pull up im so excited

Ok so obviously I didn't maneuver this topic well. But I'm curious about the effectiveness of what that friend just did there. I thought she interrupted me to agree with my point but was then able to shift the entire conversation onto her friend that was going to pull up. I felt a bit annoyed when it happened so I think its uncalibrated.

The friend then goes to talk to a guy next to her giving me a mini isolation with the HB. The audio goes bad around here so I don't remember what was said but I do remember what went wrong.

My emotional stimulation was pretty off and I think this was mainly my vibe as well as my inability to lead the conversation into intriguing topics. Also wasn't touching much.

Of note, I think particularly because of my boring verbals(and lack of physical touch), the hb I was talking to would disengage or get on her phone or something. I would just mimic interest and look off to the side, seeing if there were other opportunities. And then she'd reopen me.

She went back to her friend at one point who was talking to some guy sharing his getting mugged at gunpoint story(thats crazy broooo)

I just walk away after a min or two.
It started to rain again… Lot's of people left.

I want to have more than one set tonight and its ALREADY 10:30... the last bus back home is like 12am

I see a two set of average attractiveness and make eye contact with one of the girls. I then look back to see her checking me out haha and I smile seductively at her. This was hilarious as well as eye opening as we were both checking each other out but my smile made it seem like I caught her checking me out... frame control is beautiful. She then approaches me when I sit down and asks for my snapchat, thought I was cute.
I commended her on her confidence and rainbow rused her with:
"you know.. just looking at you and feeling your energy... I can tell you are the type of girl who knows what she likes and is DETERMINED enough to get it."
I then asked her to sit down as my neck was getting tired from looking up.

We talk and she reminds me of the snap and I act confused and take forever to do it. At one point she questions me and I say:
"I rarely use snapchat actually... don't even know how to add people anymore... Here how about you grab my number instead."

I doubt shell text me(she actually did, saying " Hey Android User, its coldapproachgirl")
I don't think I'll pursue this girl much because she really looked quite average.

However, her direct approach has also given me an understanding of what it feels like for a girl to be opened direct. I was flattered and my ego soared through the roof. I like the validation. As for the girl, she was fuckable so I played ball.

My physical touch game has lost its power and I think if I were ballsy with it I might get more results… but that's a RISK as it might be uncalibrated. Nonetheless I still want to develop my physical touch as you can actually touch girls while using verbal game. Good usage of the two would probably result in lowkey physical stuff, lest she gets way too stimulated and FSC comes barging in. But I imagine advanced usage of the two would lead to ultra quick pulls as long as social frame is balanced and sexual arousal is present(which should be a given).

Still, I see Bacchus at an advanced level of verbal game and he doesn't touch at all in most daygame sets(until he undresses them). I am skeptical of not touching girls and this is probably something I'll be asking myself constantly as I improve.
Nonetheless I think both types of game are useful and want to develop both.

Shortly after I get a message from a fellow seducer… but unfortunately I can't game with him because the last bus out is at 12 am… scratch that, the last bus was actually at around 11 and I missed it and had to do a lot of convoluted shit to get back home. It was rough to say the least.

But note to self, Washington park has a lot of potential. I got a major hookup vibe there at night.

I didn't open a single girl so I didn't fully practice my ability to take control of my sex life, however today was still a step forward in terms of my momentum. Also goes to show my fundamentals have been improving.

Now the question I have now is how many days I should allocate to this passion. I think every day out is a bit much, as even my legs are exhausted from the walking I did. I think one day out, one day to learn and internalize is a good balance.

In terms of moving forward

I want to work on:
1) Improving my ability to stimulate verbally and lead conversation to SOT
2) Approaching smoothly, but I'm sure this will get easier with time
3) Touch here and there and perhaps gradually increase touch intensity throughout an interaction
4) List out common social frame questions and have good answers for them. I think telling girls I don't live in the city is a turnoff for them. I'm thinking of instead saying I'm staying with family/friends for the weekend



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Reading through https://www.girlschase.com/content/how-manage-conversations-smoothly-and-freestyle-epic-verbal-game now
and I want to practice my understanding of it and upgrade my conversational skills.

I think one thing that went well with the longer set last night was when I got them talking about how they were kissing each other at some point. If I were a more experienced seducer, I could have casually landed a threesome.

The topics went from
Emotional energy>logistical tangent> back to emotions and how people treat other( I end with the "I wish people were more genuine comment)> then goes to how long they've known each other> comfort>

but from here I skip into juicy water based off the reaction one of the friends had

>perverted sex 'comfort'> experimentation> then I fuck up and thread redirected by the girl

It's clear I wasn't leading the conversation/ controlling the frame. I could have also just went into some juice after her comment about the friend getting back(ignore that shit).

These subtopics and directing them towards a desirable path is something I'll need to be cognizant of...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Just some notes on improving my vocabulary(something I thought needed improvement in my last outing)…

Seduction Oriented Descriptors

Descriptive words(adjectives/adverbs/phrases) and more specifically, their connotations influence the frame put on what is being described, and the frame influences the emotions of those who accept the frame.

So if I say... "This night-time air has an electric feeling to it... the kind that makes for exciting and spontaneous adventures"...

Someone who agrees with that frame will feel the "electric" and "spontaneous" vibe I interjected into my statement. I know I felt something... and I'm the one that wrote it!

With that said, I think there are some words that are really seduction oriented, like "electric" for example... I feel sparks when I think of the word electric. Now, I'm not a language arts major who can break down the precise connotation of every word, but the word electric has often been used to describe the passionate feelings of romantic chemistry, making it a seduction oriented word as it alludes(via its connotation) to something seductive or sexual.

Here are some descriptors that I think can also help a seduction.

- Electric
- Spontaneous(or any derivation of its meaning... YOLO, "take life as it goes," "go with the flow," "live in the moment," "GRAB life by the HORNS and THRUST yourself into the THICK of it"
Although some of these have slightly different meanings and effectiveness such as that last one, which I feel touched on taking control of your life to jump on an opportunistic adventure. And by taking control of life this also means rebelling against the restraints that limit control over one's life such as society's views on sex.... really good stuff with that one.
- Adventure/Adventurous: Has a fun connotation and also implies something exciting and new will happen... such as fast sex with a seductive, intriguing individual.
-Passionate: Evokes strong feelings and can have a sexual/romantic connotation.(good emotional stimulation)
-Sensual: has a pretty strong sexual connotation
-Pleasure/Pleasurable: enjoyable feelings and emotions... can easily get someone thinking about sex.
-Sexy: this one is quite obvious, and can easily get someone thinking sexually. What it gains in this effectiveness though, I think it also loses in discreteness, as it makes it clear you are trying to make the conversation sexual, which may be good or bad depending on circumstance. I'm thinking if you are trying to discreetly seduce a coworker haha, then this word is definitely uncalibrated. But if you are sexual man in a club, it is congruent...
Actually... now that I just wrote that, I think the usage of this word is calibrated if it is congruent with the character you are portraying yourself to be. If you show yourself as a sexual man, then it seems fitting.
-Intimate: Strong sexual connotation. I think this word is mainly used to describe strong, deep connections... but the sexual connotation is always present.
-Orgasmic: I think this one works best with intentions to be humorous in vibe. "yea, its fucking orgasmic :)!" when describing something fun or pleasurable although I don't know how effective this is as I felt some slight cringe typing that right now.
-Penetrative: More suggestive than anything else. I can see this being used like this(after that electric air line): "Its the kind of energy that really penetrates through our walls and uplifts us into having fun and excitement, and really just entices us to GRAB life by the HORNS and THRUST ourselves into the THICK of it."
I once clicked on a meditation designed to liberate sexual energy and I could clearly see that it was intended for women with the usage of words such as "penetrate" and "fill you up"
Fill you up: see above
Stimulate ? : Not sure about this one...good but feels weaker than the other ones.
Exciting?: Although I think the word electric is miles ahead.

There are definitely many more words and phrases that have a sexual or seduction oriented connotation to them but I just can't think of them all on the top of my head. If you(the reader) have any words you think fit this vibe, or perhaps, EVEN A LIST somewhere I could see, that would be orgasmic ;)

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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Thought I recorded this set but I got home to find my recording folder completely empty and I'm quite upset as I felt I was able to emotionally stimulate pretty well with just verbals. One of my better sets so far in my day game journey. The vibe reminds me of the approach I made with the dog girl up above. Although you cannot read my tonality, it was chest based passed the opener... and I used my pauses really well to hone in on the big hitters of each thread.

I noticed the girl sitting alone on a park bench after it had finished raining and I walked over while looking at my phone and just sat down.
I relaxed there for like 10-15 seconds and the turn my head to her and say:

"Hey :)... I just thought of something and I'm wondering if you agree" voice tonality here wasn't the best. I need to work on my tonality in the opener.

She makes eye contact with me through her shades

"Have you ever noticed... how refreshing and lively the air feels after its been raining... it makes you feel free and even carefree and almost like you can just let all your stress out and be in the moment."

As I said this I could see the cringe in her face, so I calibrated by saying
":) I'm writing a paper for my English class and it has me going outside and sucking in the moment and trying to express it... and maybe sometimes even telling strangers at the park what I've noticed :). Do you agree with what I said?

HB: Yes totally, It feels so relaxing being out :)

Ok she's receptive... at this point I feel like I have her hooked as she's mirroring my tight eye contact. I don't remember all the words but here is the general conversation path.

She asks me what I study. I lie and say psychology to be mach, and have my verbals make more sense... turn's out she's a psychology major lmao. Asks me what specific area I focus in and I say "I'm really early in and haven't really decided yet." she says her field and it was something on social stuff as well as how people think. I used that to WE frame and say something about how "we psychologist" are the most perceptive people and how even when talking to another psychologist, I feel like they are trying to read me and all my intentions. Then I said something about vulnerability and then I talked about her eye contact with me(even though it was behind shades).

I then said people who can hold really strong eye contact with each other need a baseline of trust as people who cant hold eye contact are usually liars. And how, when people who trust each other ... hold strong and intimate eye contact with each other(which we were doing) it almost feels like everything disappears for that moment as they are each sucked.. into.. each other.

Logistics are brought out(she says where she lives but idk that location) and I ask her what are some really good coffee shops. Apparently she doesn't drink coffee to which I say "really? you must be an abnormality lol all my girl friends love drinking coffee" to tease.

At some point I bring out the golden question. And it's all going really well. I think I needed to elicit better on it.
"If I were to ask you... what's one thing you really enjoy doing besides , hanging out at parks, not drinking coffee, and talking to interesting strangers---
she knew where this was going and said she loves watching movies.

then I say "ah, so you're a movie freak... What kind of movies are you into?"
she says" all types of movies, I just enjoy the experience of all of them. What movies do you like"

I respond with "hmm... I really like this one movie... have you seen it. Its called 365 days" (heheheh)
She has not seen it

I say "that's interesting... it's a really good movie. You should watch it, it's very popular among the girls. My friends have told me it makes them feel a very... powerful sensations in this area here(I point at my lower stomach area). It's kind of like 50 shades of grey if you've seen it(not)"

she said she did not see 50 shades either

and here I am astonished "you haven't read the book either?"
she says" no haha"
I say" wow are you some interstellar alien sent to earth to impersonate a woman?"
she laughs
good vibes

I really could have elicited on the movie topic. How exciting they are... the electric feeling they give you in the key intense moments.

I thread redirect(even though I should have staying on what she likes longer) and ask about psychology and the kind of job she has with it(genuinely curious). This is when she says she works in software development and I laugh a bit.

She's talking to me about her job and a big ass fire truck comes blasting by. Use that as an excuse to move in and get 2 feet away from her. Felt like a 4 feet close in which was good and definitely made the vibe more intense. I wish she didn't have shades as my warm, sensual eye contact would have ripped her apart if she didn't.

I say something about how her two majors as comp scientist and psychologist don't seem to click together, but qualify her on being able to have such distinct interests and how rare it is to meet someone who has broad interests. I say that psychologists are more people-oriented and can make strong, intimate connections with people quickly(self point) while computer scientists are more numerical and analysis oriented. Talk more on connection and at one point I said I'm a people person.

She said she could tell, with me opening her, (a stranger in the park)
I used this as an opportunity to reframe and meta pace. I point out what she said and say:

"Isn't is crazy, how me, talking to someone new, having fun with them, and forming a connection with them, is considered weird by today's standards? Like if we were to look around(point to pedestrians), there are so many interesting people out there that we can meet, and many of whom we have commonalities with-- like us with psychology-- isn't that interesting... how we were right next to each other and have so much in common? But then, there's this strange barrier preventing us... from ever saying hello to each other. And we also live in a world where we have all these social media apps... Facebook, snapchat, Instagram and we think we connect and know others with all the followers we have but these connections don't amount to much... their superficial... and don't PENETRATE past surface level emotions."

She say's "i'm normally really shy"
Me, hearing this and grinning, as I'm about to frame the fuck out of what she just said

"You don't seem shy at all" because I knew what was going to come next...
She said "yea, normally it's pretty hard for me to open up and be expressive"
YEEEESS that's what I like to hear ;)

"Ah yes... I get the sense that you're the type of girl that's normally a little bit reserved... but when you meet the right person, who understands you well and you really enjoy talking to this person... opening up and being expressive just becomes easy, and natural for you right?"(self point self point self point hahahah)
she says "Yes exactly!"

I then transition into anti judgement subtopic by saying
"yea... some people are definetly much easier to have a good vibe with... for example, I just don't understand the people that like to judge others... makes no sense to me"
she says"yea they just make people feel really bad"
I say "yea, and I think its ridiculous as judgemental people need to take the time out of their day to make others feel bad. Personally.. I think people who do that... just don't feel right about themselves and need to project their bad emotions on others to make themselves... feel ...better.
She agrees completely

I then qualify her by saying "I'm glad... you're not a judgmental person :) we wouldn't be friends if you were ;)"

I then transition this into an ASD busting subtopic

"I actually see this happening a lot in my college and I think.. its really cruel... many girls want to express themselves sexually... but are often times shot down by judgemental people and are called... sluts. I think its terrible that people think that way as sex is such an important need in all of our lives. (she's nodding in agreement) Without it... we'd have so much pent up energy trapped inside of us... without any means of being released... I think it might even lead some down depression.

and isn't crazy that sex... something so natural... is judged by society. I honestly think people should be free to do what they want with their bodies.

I somehow don't transition into the 8 orgasms gambit. In retrospect I should have.

she's agreed with all of this stuff and I go for insta date

"I'm glad your so open minded... and I've really enjoyed talking to you... have you enjoyed talking to me(she says yes) how about we grab something that's not coffee(I have no idea what to grab but I know she doesen't like coffee) and continue this conversation.

She says she has to leave soon

"Ah no worries, we can meet up and continue this conversation some other time then, sound like fun?"

she then says
"oh idk I don't want to give the wrong expectations.... I have a boyfriend"
I said(trying to remember the skills line but failing nonetheless) "Oh thats nice... I wouldn't want to do anything to put me in between you and your relationship.(but I didn't continue with the other stuff and she saw that as a sign to eject)

ended the conversation with hand clasping her and saying "it was really nice meeting her"

Sexual arousal key needed some work but I think If I were able to instant date her and move her somewhere isolated, that key would have got the love it needed. Talking to her at the park I think I could have done a touch ladder starting with incidentals to something stronger. But did not know how. I think, when I moved close, I could have moved even closer, and into her personal space(where she could feel my radiation almost) which would have helped wonders.

Also would have helped to set SPONTANEOUS and ADVENTURE frames. SEX TALK to arouse her verbally. DISCRETION frame as she had a boyfriend.

Had to go home early :(

But I think my best improvement will come from MORE SETS.

And I've made a plan for each scenario I find myself in...

Cute girl notices me while were walking towards eachother:
turn around, walk faster, and say "you ever walk somewhere and then realize you're walking the wrong way? That's me. Wait hold up(raise hand as to stop her from walking)... I've just noticed something about you..."

Need to open abruptly? Use phone for discretion, policeman stop, "Hey hold on... you seem like you know your way around here... do you know where I could find----(interrupt self as if you just noticed something) wait hold up, I've just noticed something about you..."

I've tested that last one and was able to stop a briskly moving girl who was walking towards me. But did not give her the juice and actually asked for directions HAHAH.

Girl sitting?
I have this one on lock down. Go over and sit without making eye contact... then open in after a few seconds over the shoulder RPO style. But my RPO's suck as evidenced by the cringe the girl's face exhibited when I did it. I did a really good job calibrating to that though.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Wednesday July 14th

With these two interactions, I wanted to work on my sexual vibe. I wanted to give these girls is the "I want to fuck you vibe", which has probably been covered before by a more experienced seducer, but I would like to accentuate its importance in hooking, attracting, and arousing these girls. Today I got a lot of "you're really cute comments" (3 to be exact) whereas I didn't get any of that when I wasn't as focused on this vibe but on my verbals. Surely this must be the cause as I make these girls feel good when I send my sexual energy towards them. They like this sexual energy because it comes from a man of my fundamentals which are already solid. So I imagine that solid fundamentals+ sexual vibe, makes girls think your really hot and sexy because you make them feel the things a sexy guy would.
Eye contact, smile… voice sort of… was ON POINT.
The only difference in my looks from 3 weeks ago would be slightly less body fat and I let my hair grow just a tad more to where the curls can be seen. I look like a latin lover. Almost like this guy, except half an inch shorter on the top, and a more chiseled face and a sexier smile, a thin mustache and a goatee... ok maybe I look nothing like this guy his but his hair and skin tone is just similar.

Been a minute...

I got sidetracked for a few weeks learning another skill, but the call of horny women everywhere beckoned my return.

I got two sets in today but before we get into that lets look at my emotional psyche...

TBH it wasn't as bad as I thought. I was gone for three weeks so I imagined I'd have some AI creep up and there was a little bit of it, but by taking action and being present I was able to snap myself out of it... and enjoy the adventures right in front of me.

My first adventure today happened to be phillipina laying on a park bench at Washington Square Park... enjoying the calming energy of the breeze and the chirping birds. I noted her calm energy and wanted to replicate it in my entrance. But then.... that dreaded AI struck! I started to think things like "what if she's asleep and I disturb the peace!"

I figured, however, that she wasn't leaving anytime soon so I read these articles on a bench right next to her to get my mind in the right place:

After reading these two articles I thought for a few seconds... streched out a bit, breathed in and out, and turned to the girl and said:
no responce
"Hey you :)"
she takes off her airpods, gives me nonverbal communication signifying "who me?"
I smile as to communicate "yes you"
she then gets up and sits herself on the bench.
Looking pretty good, I tell myself. All of that from a hey.

"You know… I've been thinking… Isn't this place just sooo…relaxing.(i felt like this was good in this scenario as she was laying on the park bench so I wanted my energy to be chill like hers. Coregulation)

She looks at me almost in agreement.

Like… with all the birds chirping and the squirrels running about, and this breeze gently blowing on us… it kind of makes us be present in the moment, and forget about all the worries we have out there(motion to outside the park)

She's in agreement.

"Just from your overall vibe and energy… I get the sense that you're a really calm person… do you meditate at all"

She doesn't meditate

She then goes on to talk about drugs and psychedelics in particular. Perfect

I'm naturally intrigued because I've always wanted to try shrooms and I pace and lead her on her experiences even though I've never expereinced it myself.

We talk about the feeling of letting go that comes with these drugs and letting your body experience new and exciting things.
We also talk about the trust and comfort element needed when taking shrooms as you often have a sitter there to watch over you. I then ask if she's learned a great deal from these trips and she enthusiastically says yes
To fractionate, I joke about if she's seen the aliens

Laughs abound

And then the big hook point is reached when she extends her hand and gives me her name.

I hand clasp her gently but with intent and gave her an underlook and smile as I gave my name. I tried to lace my sexual intent as much as possible. It wasn't overbearing sexual intent like I'm needy but more like I'm confident in my sexual energy and I WANT you to feel it.

She then asks a series of social frame questions and here is where I unload the stuff I remembered before. Instead of being a horny rascal from across the river, I am instead someone who comes to nyc here and there and am originally from Spain. Exotic huh?
Somewhere in this I slip in that I am also studying here to help her game me.

She asks what I study.

I say business
She asks why I want to do with it... what was the the motive behind choosing that field. Woah is this girl reading girl's chase or something? Because this worked… I started to like her more and glow more in the conversation.

I tell her my goals of entrepreneurship and making life simpler and easier through technology.

She inquired even further and i honestly didn't know what I wanted to make but I did have an idea. I tell her I once lost my phone when sledding in a snowstorm and had great trouble finding it.

So I wanted to make a device that could would work as a tracker. I used her hand as an example here to break the touch barrier once again.
"here let me show you" I say as I reach for her hand
"basically, you'd put a little tracker just like in those fbi movies"(feeling her hand)
"then I'd make an app that would work pretty much like how gps works with that tracker"

We talk a bit more then I deep dive her.

One pivotal moment here is when she talks about her latté art and I ask if she has pictures. I move a little closer up to the bench railing, then comment on them. I then ask her to scoot a bit and i joined her on her side.

Here I noticed her eye contact wasn't as strong as before so I didn't look at her as much. I figured my powerful eye contact was something she'd have to ease herself into as I was much closer now. Eventually we started to make eye contact again, and it was much more sensual.
We keep talking about her profession and side hustles while I give incidental touch. with my elbow on her shoulder(via me resting it on the bench)

I start to get a little excited being so close to the girl, which I think helped my vibe.

She talked a lot about her profession as an industrial designer and some other stuff and she seemed really down to earth and in tune with her self. So I told her this and added "I like that" to qualify her.

At one point she said she had to go back to do a job and teach someone to be like her as she doesen't want to leave her customers without a service like her's and I just said "aw how kind of you" and she started packing her stuff.

Here I obviously had to close and I did. I should have asked logistics beforehand though.

I tell her. "Wait… before you go…(the longest pause imaginable and juicy eye contact as I do this)... how about we grab something sometime… and continue this conversation ;)

She liked the idea.

So I said "ok, let me give you my number"
I think this is way better than me asking for hers as it is a pattern interrupt and also makes it seem like my number is the prize.

While she's getting her phone ready I keep the conversation going by asking about the tattoos on her forearm and touching them as well. We go into a 4 minute tangent on the tattoos where she show's them and I touch. She showed me one on her back and I gently moved her shirt out of the way to inspect it. The vibe was strong. She was comfortable with me touching her back and moving her clothing. I say the tattoo is beautiful and she glows upon the compliment

At one point I said ok let me actually give you my number haha.

Put my number in call it, ask her to go to the text because I don't use iPhone and don't know how to.

She does it and I message myself through her phone hey cutie ;) - (i tell her to sign her name here because i forgot)

She giggles upon seeing the message

She gets ready to leave and wants to handshake close me. Lmao that's not a Lobo maneuver missy
I smile and open my arms for a hug. She giggles a bit and comes in. It felt really good and sensual as she embraced me with desire and I say in her ear that it was a pleasure meeting you, (her name). Hopefully we see each other again."

We then bid farewell to each other.

And here are the texting transcripts so far... I'm feeling pretty good about this one boys

(click if you can't see it)
Some notes on those texts and the decisions I made. First off, I sent the first message from her phone remember? "hey cutie ;) -(her name).
However I feel the effect is the same as if she sent it which allowed her to be quite direct in her next comment. It also gives me a really easy way to respond and escalate the vibe as its a nice chase frame(even though I did it lmao). Given her genuine compliment afterwards, and the fact I was pretty horny and wanted a SDL, I then excite her and ask for logistics. Turns out she has some work stuff so I course correct from there.
I try to keep a fun and playful vibe while still arousing her (as that is pretty much the same person I was when she met me) and was given a gift via her comment as it is a massive sexual innuendo.
I then amplifiy the sexual nature of what she said, but use her own words so its not weird at all

She then suggests meditation which I really like as it opens the doors for me going to her place sometime to teach her that. I then elicit value of meditation and relate it back to how she feels about me.

At the end the becareful statement, I think that excites girls, so I said it. and also lets just go and say COLD APPROACH is out here SAVING LIVES ok. She made me feel like a superhero for opening and that should be evidence to the value we seducers bring to this world.

From now I think I should reopen the conversation tomorrow and ask some logistical stuff as there's no hope of getting her out today.

Really sweet girl... I wouldn't rather have been anywhere else in that moment.

After writing notes of that interaction down, I walked around the park to find another lucky girl. And this time the girl found me. Picture a girl coming in with her skateboard and plopping herself in the middle of the walking path, but directly in front of you. My ineptitude made me wonder hmm, is that an AI. Obviously it was.
I say "Hey" and she immediately glows up
You should move from there, you're going to get hit by someone. Come here instead. She immediately gives an enthusiastic "oh hey" as if she didn't notice me lul. moved out of the walking path and moved closer to me.

I was by a pole so I leaned against it to make it seem like she was talking to me and wanted my attention.

I made a comment about what she said as she said she didn't really care about being on the walking path. She was a skater girl so i acted accordingly. "That's a vibe" I said. She talks about how she's been skating all day and is sweaty because of that. I then talk about the skating and elicit values on that and talk about how it lets you be free and in the moment.

She agrees wholeheartedly.
I elicit some more and try to make myself more relatable by mentioning how I've tried skateboarding a short while ago and here I was able to elicit hard saying I felt as free as a bird and all my worries vanished for that one moment.

Hook point reached.
She sits on her board nearby and I walk over and sit next to her while talking.

Here we talk about some really random stuff as while I'm trying to lead the conversation to SOT I almost get there and she randomly notices something and talks about it. This is where the power of sect comes into play as my sexy eye contact voice and vibe carry the attraction element of this interaction.

I try to elicit values out of whatever tangent she bounces on while continuously trying to steer to an SOT.
At one point ethnicity comes into play and she then talks about her native American blood and mentioned how her eyes are distinct in that regard and they squint hard when she smiles . I then say "oh yeah? Lets see that smile then :)" which causes her to giggle and I get to see it.
I then say yea I see it. That's adorable.

I let the convo die and let the pressure sink in. And here i ask for her name and she asks for mine. Hand clasp her.

And she glows up a bit on that compliment. We continue talking and at one point i figure I need to move this girl. So I say hey how about we move over to a bench… my ass is starting to hurt. (I read a little bit of influence and learned that just giving a reason dramatically increases odds of compliance.

We walk over to the bench and I sit right next to her.
We keep talking and she mentions how her parents keep a watchful eye on her sometimes and I go on to talk about how I've recently gained independence and it feels very liberating being away from parents. It allows you to do what you want… when you want… with whoever you want to. Said this especially seductively.

We talk a bit on that then I ask her the golden question.

When you aren't skateboarding what are you doing?

"Painting" she says.
I then talk about that but never elicited but it was okay because she showed me pictures on her phone and i got closer.

She's pretty good at this stuff. Apparently she's an art teacher

At one point she shows me a tattoo like thing and i talk about that and ask her if she's thought about getting one herself. I then use this as an opportunity to touch her forearm and wrist sensually. Erogenous zones.

We talk a bit more and then her dad texts her rip.

We talk for like 10 more min and then she tries to snapchat close me. I'm like yea sure
The snap loads up and I act confused and say "uhh I forgot how to do this. I don't really snap anymore."

You got an Instagram? Nah I went on a social media cleanse a while back. Here, how about I just give you my number. Again this framing is much better than getting her number and the chase frame here was made evident when she girlishly asked me to please text her as she was leaving.
She hugs me before leaving and I make sure to grab those sexy hips. She was standing while I was sitting two, so her voluptuous tits teased me

Here are the texting transcripts. I imagine a logistics issue as she lives with her parents. Might have to find a motel? but getting her to the motel would be the tough part

Of note, I used a similar opening strategy with texting where I broke the icebreaker by sending a direct text to myself( this time however she signed MY NAME instead of her name so I had to bounce off that) What's crossed off a lot is my name there so just Imagine Lobo in those spots.

Again the girl calls me cute. This is making me think now that even if I was the one that called myself cute from her phone... the effect is the same. She still subconsciously thinks she called me cute, which makes it easier for these girls to say I'm attractive later. I think this happens because they let me send that message right in front of their face so they are compliant with what I said.

I try to elicit values on whatever she says and try to soft close as well(3 times from my count).
Really cute skater girl. Has honey eyes and a really nice body.

Today felt really good. This sexual vibe is something I'll keep on practicing alongside my verbal and physical game. I feel like having all three makes for a powerful punch.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
Nice stuff Lobo.

If you wanna see visuals for sexual vibes go watch some old trey songz interviews, or the prince interview with Mel B.

Thats what a sexual vibe should look like imo.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
thanks for the recommendation. @sunking
I just saw
and one thing I notice is his joking/sexual nature. I think I'm kind of like that and it serves to fractionate the sexual vibe I emit. I also think I'm more subtle than he his, maybe I'd be different if I went a more direct approach. My goals is to make the girl feel my sexual energy but not make it super obvious I'm here to pick her up like Trey did. I think trey has the liberty to be overt like that though because his social frame is so good to default with. He's a "sex icon" lmao.

Also it was funny to see all the frame grabbing between the two lol. that girl was hot.
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Updates on HBSkater and HBShroom

Things are looking really good with HBshroom
I put a lot of descriptions with my thought process in texting. This girl seems to be very attracted to me which made texting very easy. I still tried to be technical however.

Hbskater, on the other hand, has given me an alarming amount of red flags from her messages and I'm thinking about sending her back to the sea.
No notes here, i just want to go home lol. I drew the red flags

Also... texting these two girls took quite a lot of time out of my day... maybe its because I'm a bit inexperienced and am putting a lot of effort and emotional investment in, but I'd like to optimize the amount of time it takes to get these girls to come out with me.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Practicing multiple orgasms and also sexual state control and just some things I want to note to re-read later:

In no particular order
* Using PC muscles while peeing to stop flow 5-10 times
* Being able to focus on breathing in high stress situations(cold showers for example when water makes impact) BELLY breathing as well
* Century breathing
* Focusing sexual energy from genitals to spine and brain

Also want to make meditation a daily thing so I can have an iron control on my conscious.

Some notes from earlier in the week(cred Bacchus)

Nonverbal Communication Frames
You can nonverbally communicate a frame.... this is incredibly obvious if you know about framing, but for some reason I've never thought to put much conscious attention to it, mostly unconscious so far or a permeation of my vibe.

When opening, a good practice is to open over the shoulder as discussed by Bacchus here. When I think of opening over the shoulder, I see the frame as the seducer being intrigued by the girl but not completely sold yet. At any moment he can just turn his head back and move on. This approach is low stress to the girl and socially savvy.

But what if we extend this same philosophy to the rest of the interaction?

Bacchus mentioned looking at the girl with your head turned slightly to her and seeing her through the corners of your eyes. This communicates that your attention is not easily won and therefore valuable to the girl and more importantly that you are not fully sold on her. This works especially well when the girl has turned her body to face yours... while yours is not turned to hers. This is a chase frame set by nonverbals. She is more interested in you than you are to her nonverbally... and this can be seen by others outside your interaction. Just like locking in does this.

food for thought. There's so much that I don't know about this, but it's something I intend to become consciously aware of... before it becomes unconsciously competent

Also if you meet a girl for the second time post lay YOU HAVE TO FUCK HER AGAIN(even if the first fuck was remarkable)

* Additionally, one last thing
Fractionating... creating that void of feeling after giving desirable feelings... is a place of power
Being able to do this will inherently make girls chase after those desirable feelings you've given them.

As such... I want to implement this more to my touch. With HBShrooms, I would do prolonged touching which built a lot of comfort, which made me rely on hypotonization or guided meditation to arouse her by amplifying feelings instead of just using sexual tension.

So for my touch, I'd like to do stimulating touch like sliding a finger down an arm or back area like a feather(when more intimate with the girl) and then pulling right away. I believe Bacchus claimed it makes the girl yearn for it and chase you for that feeling(especially if you deprive them of touch in true Witch 15 fashion)
I'd like to see this happen. Girls chase
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Got my first NG street approaches tonight... noticeably harder to hook than in the daytime. I feel like my sexual vibe isn't as perceptible unless I'm really close to the girl(will need to experiment and see how close I can get comfortably with most girls)
But regardless, I'll need to focus on my approach to hook process to make it more consistent. I usually hook in daygame so this was different for me. I also think I could have worn better clothing for the nighttime.

Notes from the phone

Unhookable girl by the water fountain in wash park

Did a lot of frame jujitsu… even meta framed saying how we live in a society where people look the other way when others are in trouble.

She goes hmm yea

I should have made the interaction more about her. Seemed like I was pacing my own reality.

I noticed she was really low energy.. maybe I should have paced off that.
Needed to grab her attention with a preopener, I also opened some guys next to her first, which could have made her think I was a social butterfly.
Hey nudge elbow area was my attention grab

Saw a cute 2 set
But they seem to be in animated discussion with each other… seems low probability but everything seems low probability when you don't know what to do.

I've noticed I can't have my seductive voice in louder areas

Also… my sexual vibe isn't as easily noticeable in the nighttime

This means fewer hooks.

Open a two set(two super cute asians)
and banter back in forth with them and almost reach the hook point but then a group of 5 girls comes from out of nowhere and I get drowned out in all the chaos.

My attention grab was a "hey" over the shoulder... I want to get more creative with these... but not sure how to do them smoothly in each situation. WIll need practice

I think I calibrated well with this set, just need to work on getting to the hook faster.

Open a middle aged women
Attention grab with "Hey" (tbh I dont think its that bad if voice tonality is good and they dont just ignore it, but I'd rather use it as a last resort)
Open with how your night is going which I feel isn't the most calibrated at 10 pm in washington park, but good for science
I think next time ill opt for a creative reality pace of the night time park environment... incorporating ideal frames such as adventure, sponteneity, meeting new people, and perhaps grabbing life by the horns.... idk ill think of something

I could have hooked this girl but she really wasn't all that attractive. She put her phone in her bag to talk to me though so that was good.
Open a depressed baddy
This girl was hot as fuck and the type of girl I rarely approach(blonde bombshell). TBH idk why I don't approach blonde bombshells often, I think a part of me thinks they are unattainable for me, but that mentality has got to go.

So I tell myself fuck it let's see how this goes.

She's walking somewhere(to a lyft or something) by herself and I walk over past her and open over the shoulder.

confused look (I think my Hey should have more sexual vibe baked in, and I should smile more so they aren't awkward these first few seconds
"How's your night going"
baddie says "Not great at all!"
I wanted to do a good ol reframe on this but I fucking blanked lmao
say some random shit and botch the reframes but we reach the hook point regardless.... although I think I blow a lot of social frame with how unsmooth I was.

Start off on a bad footing, but I felt my influence seeping through this girl bit by bit.

She was super depressing though, like just talking to her was making me depressed. She said the only reason why shes not in a psychiatric ward is because shes conscious about being a negative thinker.

But whoopty fucking do, don't we all have negative thoughts and influences in life... why is she so affected by it?

Problems here arise however when I try to do touch but it comes off uncalibrated. Need to do some incidental touching beforehand.
Stay in set though because fuck it

I get her to move with me at one point, but she won't come closer to me or let me touch her. I think this comes from a social frame issue. She does not want to be seduced or be strongly stimulated by me, even though I could easily do so.

In the end, her ride arrives and she hugs me as she leaves.

def was a crazy girl.
It was interesting, however, seeing the perspective of a rejected hot girl. She mentioned how all the guys she likes don't like her and all the guys she doesn't like, want her.

I think tonight went pretty well for my first night in streetgame. Although I note a lot of things I can improve on, I was happy to lessen my fear of being alone in a foreign city at night, and even make four approaches(a new record for me in my outings haha)

Now, I want to work on being in sets for a majority of the time out.
I feel like my state control in strong enough where I don't get drained after talking to many people anymore.
More time in set is like more practice in any sport... more opportunities to improve and gain experience which will feed my intuition.

To do this though, I'll need to focus on being present, and jumping on opportunities. I think I'm like 25% better at this than I was when I started the journal... but the improvement is only getting started from here :)

Need to work on hooking at night
But to do this, I need to work on my attention grabs(more vibe with the hey) or just other ways of grabbing attention.

I also need to become comfortable with the how is your night opener.
I also want to try an ex gf opener into rainbow ruse.

Need to act better
My openers didn't seem spontaneous... spur of the moment.
I think if they seemed less premediated, I'd get less social frame questions..

When going out I want to focus on inducing an AI and if the girl doesen't bite, I'll act like I just noticed her with voice tonality. "Oh hey :)"(i didn't see you there communicated in tonality) Good eye contact and sexy smile.... make her feel the vibe
Better Social Frame Answers
A girl asked me "why are you out here alone" and I didn't know what to say on the fly haha
Here is a textbook answer from lofty
I get that fairly often in street NG Lobo - usually say something like “oh my friends just left but I didn’t want to call it a night yet” / “was thinking about meeting up with some friends but not sure yet” / “was on my way to meet up with some friends but I don’t know, they kind of do the same thing every night” / “on my way home” / “waiting for a ride home
Also, I believe I was talking with Dreamer earlier about this, but my internal frame on Social Frame questions is just wrong. I've seen it as something that derails my seduction... but if I were to instead have deliberate and carefully thought out answers for these questions... I could display a lot of DHV in a non-needy, smooth way, making it help me instead.

attention grab article that I need to read
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Got my first NG street approaches tonight... noticeably harder to hook than in the daytime. I feel like my sexual vibe isn't as perceptible unless I'm really close to the girl(will need to experiment and see how close I can get comfortably with most girls)
But regardless, I'll need to focus on my approach to hook process to make it more consistent. I usually hook in daygame so this was different for me. I also think I could have worn better clothing for the nighttime.

Notes from the phone

Unhookable girl by the water fountain in wash park

Did a lot of frame jujitsu… even meta framed saying how we live in a society where people look the other way when others are in trouble.

She goes hmm yea

I should have made the interaction more about her. Seemed like I was pacing my own reality.

I noticed she was really low energy.. maybe I should have paced off that.
Needed to grab her attention with a preopener, I also opened some guys next to her first, which could have made her think I was a social butterfly.
Hey nudge elbow area was my attention grab

Saw a cute 2 set
But they seem to be in animated discussion with each other… seems low probability but everything seems low probability when you don't know what to do.

I've noticed I can't have my seductive voice in louder areas

Also… my sexual vibe isn't as easily noticeable in the nighttime

This means fewer hooks.

Open a two set(two super cute asians)
and banter back in forth with them and almost reach the hook point but then a group of 5 girls comes from out of nowhere and I get drowned out in all the chaos.

My attention grab was a "hey" over the shoulder... I want to get more creative with these... but not sure how to do them smoothly in each situation. WIll need practice

I think I calibrated well with this set, just need to work on getting to the hook faster.

Open a middle aged women
Attention grab with "Hey" (tbh I dont think its that bad if voice tonality is good and they dont just ignore it, but I'd rather use it as a last resort)
Open with how your night is going which I feel isn't the most calibrated at 10 pm in washington park, but good for science
I think next time ill opt for a creative reality pace of the night time park environment... incorporating ideal frames such as adventure, sponteneity, meeting new people, and perhaps grabbing life by the horns.... idk ill think of something

I could have hooked this girl but she really wasn't all that attractive. She put her phone in her bag to talk to me though so that was good.
Open a depressed baddy
This girl was hot as fuck and the type of girl I rarely approach(blonde bombshell). TBH idk why I don't approach blonde bombshells often, I think a part of me thinks they are unattainable for me, but that mentality has got to go.

So I tell myself fuck it let's see how this goes.

She's walking somewhere(to a lyft or something) by herself and I walk over past her and open over the shoulder.

confused look (I think my Hey should have more sexual vibe baked in, and I should smile more so they aren't awkward these first few seconds
"How's your night going"
baddie says "Not great at all!"
I wanted to do a good ol reframe on this but I fucking blanked lmao
say some random shit and botch the reframes but we reach the hook point regardless.... although I think I blow a lot of social frame with how unsmooth I was.

Start off on a bad footing, but I felt my influence seeping through this girl bit by bit.

She was super depressing though, like just talking to her was making me depressed. She said the only reason why shes not in a psychiatric ward is because shes conscious about being a negative thinker.

But whoopty fucking do, don't we all have negative thoughts and influences in life... why is she so affected by it?

Problems here arise however when I try to do touch but it comes off uncalibrated. Need to do some incidental touching beforehand.
Stay in set though because fuck it

I get her to move with me at one point, but she won't come closer to me or let me touch her. I think this comes from a social frame issue. She does not want to be seduced or be strongly stimulated by me, even though I could easily do so.

In the end, her ride arrives and she hugs me as she leaves.

def was a crazy girl.
It was interesting, however, seeing the perspective of a rejected hot girl. She mentioned how all the guys she likes don't like her and all the guys she doesn't like, want her.

I think tonight went pretty well for my first night in streetgame. Although I note a lot of things I can improve on, I was happy to lessen my fear of being alone in a foreign city at night, and even make four approaches(a new record for me in my outings haha)

Now, I want to work on being in sets for a majority of the time out.
I feel like my state control in strong enough where I don't get drained after talking to many people anymore.
More time in set is like more practice in any sport... more opportunities to improve and gain experience which will feed my intuition.

To do this though, I'll need to focus on being present, and jumping on opportunities. I think I'm like 25% better at this than I was when I started the journal... but the improvement is only getting started from here :)

Need to work on hooking at night
But to do this, I need to work on my attention grabs(more vibe with the hey) or just other ways of grabbing attention.

I also need to become comfortable with the how is your night opener.
I also want to try an ex gf opener into rainbow ruse.

Need to act better
My openers didn't seem spontaneous... spur of the moment.
I think if they seemed less premediated, I'd get less social frame questions..

When going out I want to focus on inducing an AI and if the girl doesen't bite, I'll act like I just noticed her with voice tonality. "Oh hey :)"(i didn't see you there communicated in tonality) Good eye contact and sexy smile.... make her feel the vibe
Better Social Frame Answers
A girl asked me "why are you out here alone" and I didn't know what to say on the fly haha
Here is a textbook answer from lofty

Also, I believe I was talking with Dreamer earlier about this, but my internal frame on Social Frame questions is just wrong. I've seen it as something that derails my seduction... but if I were to instead have deliberate and carefully thought out answers for these questions... I could display a lot of DHV in a non-needy, smooth way, making it help me instead.

attention grab article that I need to read
if the girl ask you why are you here alone?

tell her that you are not alone that you are with your best friend... if she does not bite, cont. with he is right here...

when she ask you where? grab your package, then say just kidding.... and then if you want tell her that you like more going out alone by yourself cause most guys are just uncalibrated, get too drunk, or do not know how to act correctly in social situations, get into fights, and that you lose freedom, like for example if you meet a good cool girl like her and you vibe and have strong chemestry, but your friend does not meat anyobdy, they be like come on lets go... She will relate...