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FR cutie with dog plus infield audio(dm me if interested)
Haven't seen anyone write out a report based off an audio so I'll just wing it and point out moments I thought were important. I feel like having audio adds another layer to a report you otherwise wouldn't get in a purely written report and I hope more seducers try to do this in the future(where possible).
0-1:15 Talking to myself and walking over
1:15 Opener. Completely forgot what I said. Shows how much it doesn't matter and the purpose of the first few word should be to grab her attention as she won't hear it anyways.
1:30 Cement the hook with my pitbull after she asks if I have any pets(with the premise that she'd walk them if I payed her lol)
I say "Actually I do... hold on... (get my phone out) Idk... they kinda have a bad rep though... you think you could handle it(as if she's about to take my cock lmao)
she even says "yea, definetly
me: "you sure?"
me:"It's a pitbull" with a sultry voice which she matched after the fact(oh i looove pitbullls)... Wait what's that? Mirror neurons exist? holy shit man. I can get this girl speaking in a sexual tone by doing it first myself..... brooooo, that's some jedi shit
2:10 Tease her on not knowing the name of the dog
"just another dog in the litter" lol. It shows I know the game. Secret society shit.
she says she doesen't like that type of dog lmao
I expose her ass and tell the dog
Bait her into asking where I am from by saying "I haven't been to central park that often"
holy shit I think she was about to eject just based off the tone of that "all right?" but I hook her back in with "wow 5 dogs, you've been grinding...what do you need the money for?
I bring up some sugardaddy stuff. After review from lofty, I agree... definetly uncalibrated. I really gotta stop with the sugardaddy/sugarmommy nonsense I can't work it smoothly. I like lofty's recommendation into easing into the topic but not telling her to do sugardaddy stuff(basically prostitution WTF lobo)
Lofty: "well, you know, I really love what you're doing walking dogs for some extra cash... it seems like you must have these fun little expereinces all the time wher it becomes about more than just the money, like it's a refreshing thing for you, too. Cause, yeah... like I have a lot of friends who are girls, and it seems like whenever they need extra money... they go find a sugar daddy..."
Then talk about how that objectifiees women and sexually prize myself as not viewing women like pieces of meet.
Perhaps even an anti slut frame after that too.
petting dog who then bumps his ass into torso lmao. I mention that he must love me because of that. I vibe with dogs. I also rainbow ruse her with saying that she seems like the kind of girl that enjoys the outdoors and enjoying the enviroment.
At this point, I was kneeling and petting the dog, when I noticed the big ass snake of the girls forearm. I take this as an opportunity to run a quick play and ask to inspect that shit. OH MY GOD
that shit was seduction dynamite. The vibe of the interaction changed so much after that. I could tell she could feel the tingles when I sensually inspected her forearm, wrist, and then fingers with my smooth, supple hands.
She has a tattoo that says temporary and I laugh a bit and say thats an oxymoron as it is actually quite permanent.
But then I use the tattoo to talk about spontaneity and taking life as it goes.
Then a little seduction light bulb flickers in my head. I should move this chick off of that
and then I ask her to come on a spontaneous walk with me
Drops the boyfriend frame grab, I'm like ya ok (idgaf)
and then she asks for my name which I edit out(Is this good or bad social frame? She asked for my name but I sense a strong attempt to friend zone me) I ask for hers and press further for her last name which I learned from gunwitch. He said it circumvents the "I don't even know your last name objection"
I try the golden question and fail. Reframe it 20 seconds later haha. I need to work on the weasel phrases.
dog was walking to my left and the girl with the leash was on my right so the leash was on my fucking ass man. This dog really do be cockblocking tho
SHe brings up boyfriend midconvo... bruh I just ignore it. Is this some plausible deniability for her
? Hey at least I brought it up in casual conversation... its not my fault he railed me!
Asks me where I go to school after I bait with my studies. This is a good turning point in my progress because I used to ask all the social frame questions.
9:45 You a dancer eh? I REALLY WANT TO FUCK A DANCER
probably the funniest shit I've done to a girl in a while. Chase framed her at the end of it too and went back to talk about psych. I accidentally fractionated tbh.
I fucked up here. Did not give her good vibes at all and instead shit on her career choices with my question and voice tonanlity as lofty brought up.
This feels like the most stereotypical conversation between a business/CS student and a psych girl.
random ass chodes say stupid shit for dumb chode reasons
Girl says she walks her cat after I disagree with her saying you cant walk cats lmao. I call her out on that
Girl talks about how she feels nothing when people die..... ok WTF.
She noticed the weirdness and backtracked on that lol.
I try to relate after
What do you know now that you didnt know before
I mention how I saw a video from china of a girl missing her scalp(disgusting shit my friend showed me from one of those sites). and 20 seconds later I meta pace her with how people do not give a fuck about anyone else in the city.
reopening this chick was lowkey triggering me. I need to immerse her further with more potent verbal's to prevent that in the future
y'all need to picture this. A hot 5'9 bruneete with green eyes, 130 pound frame getting tossed around by a 80 pound dog.
Shit I wish I was tossing her around smh...
I bailed... gracefully
I should have at least gone for the number grab just to see. Or asked logistical stuff like what she was going to do later with the dog and if she was almost done or something.
I talk to my self haha. Prob a tonanility check to myself
"i dont want to be her boyfriend" lmao
After this approach I talked to one more cute girl on the way back to the bus. I think i skillfully opened her by saying "yea there's no way we are all fitting on this bus" as the line was packed to get on.
grabbed her number after walking back home with her. She lives in my town haha. Has a boyfriend apparently. I wish I recorded the audio. She was another psych major and I even 8 orgasm gambit her after talking about the differences in male and female physiological things(like peripheral vision). And I led by saying "you know I'm jealous of this one thing though... my kinky friend has told me a few times that... girls... can have... many different... orgasms..."
fuck I wish I recorded just to reexperience those pauses. I had that chick waiting so hard for it.
But I'm too lazy to remember and write out the entire interaction.
We got lost at port authority and I was leading her about. Also wasn't as hot as the other chick. HBDogwalker matched HBPortigal in looks. 9 in my scale. Would be dream girl caliber if she had the voluptuous package
1) Increase set to idle time ratio(more practice_
2) Isolating girls(and not just moving them... Always have a nearby starbucks or coffee shop in mind)
however I have non existent logistics.... and the only way I can get laid is if I figure out some impromptu logistics which is kind of impossible in NYC daytime or seduce the girl into bringing me to her place.
3) Learn to elicit values in conversation. This gives my verbals a tantalizing edge and lets me dele deeper into a topic and into her mind as I guide her emotions
4) Qualify girls if they fall into my frame or say something conductive to seduction
eg for when HBDogWalker agreed to walk with me
"you know, I'm really glad I'm talking to you. I can tell that you really live in the present moment and take life as it comes"
articles and forum posts to read(ty lofty)
Wielding charm
Thank you to everyone who gave me some feedback on the audio, much appreciated.
This was fun
Haven't seen anyone write out a report based off an audio so I'll just wing it and point out moments I thought were important. I feel like having audio adds another layer to a report you otherwise wouldn't get in a purely written report and I hope more seducers try to do this in the future(where possible).
0-1:15 Talking to myself and walking over
1:15 Opener. Completely forgot what I said. Shows how much it doesn't matter and the purpose of the first few word should be to grab her attention as she won't hear it anyways.
1:30 Cement the hook with my pitbull after she asks if I have any pets(with the premise that she'd walk them if I payed her lol)
I say "Actually I do... hold on... (get my phone out) Idk... they kinda have a bad rep though... you think you could handle it(as if she's about to take my cock lmao)
she even says "yea, definetly
me: "you sure?"
me:"It's a pitbull" with a sultry voice which she matched after the fact(oh i looove pitbullls)... Wait what's that? Mirror neurons exist? holy shit man. I can get this girl speaking in a sexual tone by doing it first myself..... brooooo, that's some jedi shit
2:10 Tease her on not knowing the name of the dog
"just another dog in the litter" lol. It shows I know the game. Secret society shit.
she says she doesen't like that type of dog lmao
I expose her ass and tell the dog
Bait her into asking where I am from by saying "I haven't been to central park that often"
holy shit I think she was about to eject just based off the tone of that "all right?" but I hook her back in with "wow 5 dogs, you've been grinding...what do you need the money for?
I bring up some sugardaddy stuff. After review from lofty, I agree... definetly uncalibrated. I really gotta stop with the sugardaddy/sugarmommy nonsense I can't work it smoothly. I like lofty's recommendation into easing into the topic but not telling her to do sugardaddy stuff(basically prostitution WTF lobo)
Lofty: "well, you know, I really love what you're doing walking dogs for some extra cash... it seems like you must have these fun little expereinces all the time wher it becomes about more than just the money, like it's a refreshing thing for you, too. Cause, yeah... like I have a lot of friends who are girls, and it seems like whenever they need extra money... they go find a sugar daddy..."
Then talk about how that objectifiees women and sexually prize myself as not viewing women like pieces of meet.
Perhaps even an anti slut frame after that too.
petting dog who then bumps his ass into torso lmao. I mention that he must love me because of that. I vibe with dogs. I also rainbow ruse her with saying that she seems like the kind of girl that enjoys the outdoors and enjoying the enviroment.
At this point, I was kneeling and petting the dog, when I noticed the big ass snake of the girls forearm. I take this as an opportunity to run a quick play and ask to inspect that shit. OH MY GOD
that shit was seduction dynamite. The vibe of the interaction changed so much after that. I could tell she could feel the tingles when I sensually inspected her forearm, wrist, and then fingers with my smooth, supple hands.
She has a tattoo that says temporary and I laugh a bit and say thats an oxymoron as it is actually quite permanent.
But then I use the tattoo to talk about spontaneity and taking life as it goes.
Then a little seduction light bulb flickers in my head. I should move this chick off of that
and then I ask her to come on a spontaneous walk with me
Drops the boyfriend frame grab, I'm like ya ok (idgaf)
and then she asks for my name which I edit out(Is this good or bad social frame? She asked for my name but I sense a strong attempt to friend zone me) I ask for hers and press further for her last name which I learned from gunwitch. He said it circumvents the "I don't even know your last name objection"
I try the golden question and fail. Reframe it 20 seconds later haha. I need to work on the weasel phrases.
dog was walking to my left and the girl with the leash was on my right so the leash was on my fucking ass man. This dog really do be cockblocking tho
SHe brings up boyfriend midconvo... bruh I just ignore it. Is this some plausible deniability for her
Asks me where I go to school after I bait with my studies. This is a good turning point in my progress because I used to ask all the social frame questions.
9:45 You a dancer eh? I REALLY WANT TO FUCK A DANCER
probably the funniest shit I've done to a girl in a while. Chase framed her at the end of it too and went back to talk about psych. I accidentally fractionated tbh.
I fucked up here. Did not give her good vibes at all and instead shit on her career choices with my question and voice tonanlity as lofty brought up.
This feels like the most stereotypical conversation between a business/CS student and a psych girl.
random ass chodes say stupid shit for dumb chode reasons
Girl says she walks her cat after I disagree with her saying you cant walk cats lmao. I call her out on that
Girl talks about how she feels nothing when people die..... ok WTF.
She noticed the weirdness and backtracked on that lol.
I try to relate after
What do you know now that you didnt know before
I mention how I saw a video from china of a girl missing her scalp(disgusting shit my friend showed me from one of those sites). and 20 seconds later I meta pace her with how people do not give a fuck about anyone else in the city.
reopening this chick was lowkey triggering me. I need to immerse her further with more potent verbal's to prevent that in the future
y'all need to picture this. A hot 5'9 bruneete with green eyes, 130 pound frame getting tossed around by a 80 pound dog.
Shit I wish I was tossing her around smh...
I bailed... gracefully
I should have at least gone for the number grab just to see. Or asked logistical stuff like what she was going to do later with the dog and if she was almost done or something.
I talk to my self haha. Prob a tonanility check to myself
"i dont want to be her boyfriend" lmao
After this approach I talked to one more cute girl on the way back to the bus. I think i skillfully opened her by saying "yea there's no way we are all fitting on this bus" as the line was packed to get on.
grabbed her number after walking back home with her. She lives in my town haha. Has a boyfriend apparently. I wish I recorded the audio. She was another psych major and I even 8 orgasm gambit her after talking about the differences in male and female physiological things(like peripheral vision). And I led by saying "you know I'm jealous of this one thing though... my kinky friend has told me a few times that... girls... can have... many different... orgasms..."
fuck I wish I recorded just to reexperience those pauses. I had that chick waiting so hard for it.
But I'm too lazy to remember and write out the entire interaction.
We got lost at port authority and I was leading her about. Also wasn't as hot as the other chick. HBDogwalker matched HBPortigal in looks. 9 in my scale. Would be dream girl caliber if she had the voluptuous package
1) Increase set to idle time ratio(more practice_
2) Isolating girls(and not just moving them... Always have a nearby starbucks or coffee shop in mind)
however I have non existent logistics.... and the only way I can get laid is if I figure out some impromptu logistics which is kind of impossible in NYC daytime or seduce the girl into bringing me to her place.
3) Learn to elicit values in conversation. This gives my verbals a tantalizing edge and lets me dele deeper into a topic and into her mind as I guide her emotions
4) Qualify girls if they fall into my frame or say something conductive to seduction
eg for when HBDogWalker agreed to walk with me
"you know, I'm really glad I'm talking to you. I can tell that you really live in the present moment and take life as it comes"
articles and forum posts to read(ty lofty)
Wielding charm
LR - Blue Sparkles Everywhere
Before the Approach Deep into the dusk demesnes of night is a flickering ember of belief, of hope, of conviction, of progress, of self-fulfillment, of deconditioning, of removal, of gain. The rotten scoundrels of the past do not matter as determined steps are taken in these shadows, nor do the...

Thank you to everyone who gave me some feedback on the audio, much appreciated.
This was fun
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