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Man of action

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
This is simply introspection .

A lot of my past unhelpful beliefs Are coming to surface which are stopping me getting the success I have been working for since last July .

And that's the reason why I have seen guys with less game getting better results ... Simply cuz they had better beliefs , inner game .

Better self beliefs lead them to take more risks , more actions .

And it's not just in seduction but in my career as well . Seen folks with less credentials succeeding more than me Cuz of belief difference .

And now why do I say that is simply cuz for lot of years I only saw myself as failure ,.someone who was destined to fail and whenever I would start something ... The mindset would be there .

" I don't deserve women "
" I don't deserve beautiful women "
" I don't deserve success "

I had forgotten about the fact that these thoughts were dominating my mind in the backside while I was working , gaming .

Root cause of lot of pain is me believing myself destined to failure .
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Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019

I restarted doing daygame after 6 ish months last sunday and due to me being busy with classes .. I went to game today .

Last sunday , I was able to do 7 approaches but today a whopping 20 approaches .

From a set of 7 chicks to a girl in my hometown (It's my first time , I direct opened in my hometown cuz of some limiting beliefs ).

It is the first time , I did an intense session ..which I need to do more till some part of my lifestyle changes , then I will be able to do daily but with less intense session.

I was also able to do solo game too .

And all this Happened cuz I was hustling in a social circle filled with women since last 3 weeks . Before that , I kind of fell into a slump . haha.

Had I not been working on my social circle game , I would have trouble opening .

Anyways , my issue was I was running out of things to say , so prematurely ejecting sets and stuttering during open .

I have kind of lost my vibe that I had built back then but still I was able to get 2 instagrams , both flaked lol

Anyways , this time round ...I have decided that I will focus on lot of things that I had been neglecting and to learn from my previous mistakes and have a killer vibe .

This time I won't overcomplicate or overthink .

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Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
It's time for me to begin a new and technical journey .

Have done enough approaches in past 3 sessions to know that I can approach , just fine .

But , I have gotten shit in conversation department ... which actually took me 8 months of constantly going out to get a consistent 50+% approach to hook ratio .

Now , I will be more technical in my daygame and rather than just focusing on approaching and learning game form there . [NOTE: I had a 6 months long break from game and seduction]

And I will learn the nuances of game form the social circle that I have been doing since 1 month , while going on daygame sessions on the side . And it has given me great momentum . Cuz , I am expanding my social circle like crazy and have experienced a bit of social proof too.

Just like how it's is in MMA , you don't learn how to fight by getting in amateur circuit (or Gods forbid .. a professional one ) but by practising in the gym and sparring with partners .

And it's the recent forum post by @Will_V , that has helped me realise this ..cuz as I said , I can open easily but am having trouble creating connections .

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
I feel like a toothless tiger in social circle . LOL

Maybe cuz I am using it to improve my social skills which I never could (as never had any social circle with girls , before ) .

But , even though I am improving my skills and my comfort around women ... still having a hard time with certain things .. as if I am missing something crucial in my abilities .

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Time of crisis is s time of opportunities.

Give update.