Just had a call with a guy who tried game for a while who became a friend to me cuz I thought he was cool .
But it turns out he is the opposite , unfortunately .
He told me about he was able to kiss a girl in his social circle but it took like a month and 10+ meets to reach that .... But thats cuz she is high quality . And how my chicks aren't
And when I look at those pictures he sent about those " high quality " chicks , you would legit think he is joking .
Anyways , he was asking me advice about the girl he kissed , she is telling him that she is red flag ( herself) , and how she talk about other guys and how he is getting jealous.
But it turns out he wants another girl that dumped him without even kissing ( they were in situationship for many months ) ... Year ago .
But , also that he doesn't want to lose his frame with the girl he kissed as she recently told him that things are escalating fast and she wants him to take it slow . SMH.
He said that he is very confident with women in social circle so I asked him what's the most confident thing he did with any of the girls.
He : I showed them back flips and dance .
When I probed more , he said something about having correct posture , tonality , looks .
I meant that question as in if he had done something ballsy with them .
Anyways , when he asked me about frame control , so I started my advice with how when we both first met , we were on similar level (total beginner) ... But then he cut me off and said that I was much lower than him.
Damn . Like , I never imagined this guy to be behaving like this .... And he meant it what he said but he said all of it joyfully .
And how sex is overrated and is this all work to get women even worth it ? And it's better to watch porn and drink

I was just listening and realising the fact that this guy is too toxic to even be around , anymore.
This guy blames his ADHD for his lack of success with women , never takes action , wants high quality women but is a virgin , thinks Cold Approach is bad for his mental health , ....
He even talked about his ADHD to a girl in a 2 set when I had opened , I didn't knew at that time.
But , even when I got to know , maybe cuz I was still 2 months in game so I thought that he is just a beginner like me who is making mistakes .
But he still talks about his ADHD and not just with chicks but even did with my wings too.
Or maybe he is just immature . IDK but can't keep up with him anymore.