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Man of action

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
I have been going out roughly 3-4 days/ week .

Planning to make it 6/ week ... I mean doing it in the commute .

Anyways , my current sticking point is not staying in the set .... AKA ejecting .

So , I will be working more on that rather than reaching hook point cuz if I can't even stay in the set , how can I even reach Hook point .

I have also been meditating ( been only 4 days now ) .

The only reason I am not writing frs is cuz the fact that I am ejecting way too early .

Edit : when I try to stay in the set , things go
Well .
Last edited:

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Major breakthroughs I had recently :

Able to go out and approach with zero state. I think ' state ' actually is just my mental health. And yeah , it's a barrier but regardless of it , I am doing what I need to do . Thanks to @Will_V post

I don't eject from the sets on my own now .

I am able to calibrate , cold reads , stacks on the fly on my observations of that girl .

Regret of past fuckups is not stinging anymore .

AA is down .

I am able to approach hotter chicks . They don't feel much intimidating .

There is a lot to be done , now .

It feels like my old beliefs about myself are not true due to me taking action in the present.

But it feels like I am tied to a chain cuz of them .

So , I am working on it cuz my instincts are telling me if I can do all this shit while having all these bizzare emotions , I can do a lot better if I just get the monkey off my back for good .

And I also am working on being more technical than just winging it and gaining experience.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Major breakthroughs I had recently :

Able to go out and approach with zero state. I think ' state ' actually is just my mental health. And yeah , it's a barrier but regardless of it , I am doing what I need to do . Thanks to @Will_V post

I don't eject from the sets on my own now .

I am able to calibrate , cold reads , stacks on the fly on my observations of that girl .

Regret of past fuckups is not stinging anymore .

AA is down .

I am able to approach hotter chicks . They don't feel much intimidating .

There is a lot to be done , now .

It feels like my old beliefs about myself are not true due to me taking action in the present.

But it feels like I am tied to a chain cuz of them .

So , I am working on it cuz my instincts are telling me if I can do all this shit while having all these bizzare emotions , I can do a lot better if I just get the monkey off my back for good .

And I also am working on being more technical than just winging it and gaining experience.

The best way I have found, time and time again, to deal with social anxiety and second guessing is to absolutely immerse myself in the present moment. Sounds like that's what you're doing.

Emotions and anxiety always take some time to shift. They won't go away immediately, may even come back in waves. You just stick to the present, the current moment of what actually is, and not the past which cannot be changed nor the future that cannot be reached.

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Emotions and anxiety always take some time to shift. They won't go away immediately, may even come back in waves
They did today 🤣 .

But I still did 1 approach during the commute even though I was feeling very low . So , yeah ... My delivery of opener was neutral and not like I usually do . And there was no conversation .

But , I have made a rule that on days when I feel completely shitty , I will still do atleast 1 approach .

I won't come back home with a 0 .

Tbh , you have made some posts like poison of internal conflict , fear and loss of self that have really helped me whenever I have felt out of state .

For that , I thankyou .


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
They did today 🤣 .

But I still did 1 approach during the commute even though I was feeling very low . So , yeah ... My delivery of opener was neutral and not like I usually do . And there was no conversation .

But , I have made a rule that on days when I feel completely shitty , I will still do atleast 1 approach .

I won't come back home with a 0 .

Tbh , you have made some posts like poison of internal conflict , fear and loss of self that have really helped me whenever I have felt out of state .

For that , I thankyou .

Glad to hear it .. I've learned a lot from people in this community as well!

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
I am in a phase where I have to really work on my self image .

I have already taken good amount of action but there seems to be a recurring theme of me sabotaging myself .

And all these stems due to certain beliefs that I have about myself AKA what I generally think about myself .

I have already done meditation and the need to change my self perception came from there only.

Cuz the more I meditated , the more I realised how I have been a really bad friend to myself .

But as the saying goes you are who you surround yourself with and yeah ! It's always been easier for me to vibe with losers than with winners but now I can't vibe with complainers .

I know the cause , I know the issues and I am working on them .

Using psycho-cybernetics for this .

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
There has been lot going on in my life . And which has been really overwhelming for me .

I have got to take a risk about my career that I have been thinking for a while to get my life the way I want .


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I have got to take a risk about my career that I have been thinking for a while to get my life the way I want .
The future belongs to those who pursue their goals, not to the NPCs who slave away without dreams or drive.

Have you heard of the concept of dhandho by any chance btw?

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Going to be 25 in a few hours .

I had a lot of success and adventure .

Man ! This year has really toughened me up and made me face my fears .

I won't go into the details but anyways , I have made some goals for this year ( till I turn up 26 ) and this is going to be a ' whatever it takes ' year .

And I had been thinking about it for a long time but maybe it's time for me take break from forums for a while .

Will be back with some cool stories and hopefully LRs .

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Number closed a girl who tuned out to be a semi famous singer in Daygame .

Funny thing is she called me after 3 hours .. but seems like her phone got switched off . Cuz as she said ' hi * name*' , out call disconnected and when I called her back , it showed switched off.

She had a 3 hour exam .

Seeded the date during the approach only .

Let's see what happens.

She texted me telling me about her phone getting switched off

We had planned to meet on Wednesday but she got sick and her phone got switched off on wed.

So , I registered it as a flake

And moved on.

And basically had zero interest in trying to get back.

But just 4 hours ago , I got 3 text from her explaining what had happened . Her phone broke ,. She got sick and other stuff.

And she was using WhatsApp on another phone .

( Teased her about her phone getting switched off on me later in the texts )

We had some texts back and forth ...

Her exams on Sunday , she will be free 4 30 . Might meet afterwards . Tomorrow , i am calling her .

So , in the end I simply texted , let's call tomorrow unless your phone switches off again ( already did twice lol )

And she just I am writing this replied , no ( flower emoji ) ( embarrassed emoji ) It won't happen .

Let's see what happens .

I just don't want to jinx myself .

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
So , in the end I simply texted , let's call tomorrow unless your phone switches off again ( already did twice lol
Had 50 minutes call with her , today ... And finalised tomorrow's meet .

Damn .

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Just had a call with a guy who tried game for a while who became a friend to me cuz I thought he was cool .

But it turns out he is the opposite , unfortunately .

He told me about he was able to kiss a girl in his social circle but it took like a month and 10+ meets to reach that .... But thats cuz she is high quality . And how my chicks aren't

And when I look at those pictures he sent about those " high quality " chicks , you would legit think he is joking .

Anyways , he was asking me advice about the girl he kissed , she is telling him that she is red flag ( herself) , and how she talk about other guys and how he is getting jealous.

But it turns out he wants another girl that dumped him without even kissing ( they were in situationship for many months ) ... Year ago .

But , also that he doesn't want to lose his frame with the girl he kissed as she recently told him that things are escalating fast and she wants him to take it slow . SMH.

He said that he is very confident with women in social circle so I asked him what's the most confident thing he did with any of the girls.

He : I showed them back flips and dance .

When I probed more , he said something about having correct posture , tonality , looks .

I meant that question as in if he had done something ballsy with them .

Anyways , when he asked me about frame control , so I started my advice with how when we both first met , we were on similar level (total beginner) ... But then he cut me off and said that I was much lower than him.

Damn . Like , I never imagined this guy to be behaving like this .... And he meant it what he said but he said all of it joyfully .

And how sex is overrated and is this all work to get women even worth it ? And it's better to watch porn and drink 🍻.

I was just listening and realising the fact that this guy is too toxic to even be around , anymore.

This guy blames his ADHD for his lack of success with women , never takes action , wants high quality women but is a virgin , thinks Cold Approach is bad for his mental health , ....

He even talked about his ADHD to a girl in a 2 set when I had opened , I didn't knew at that time.

But , even when I got to know , maybe cuz I was still 2 months in game so I thought that he is just a beginner like me who is making mistakes .

But he still talks about his ADHD and not just with chicks but even did with my wings too.

Or maybe he is just immature . IDK but can't keep up with him anymore.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Yeah it's hard to talk about game with people who aren't into it. I tried with one or two trusted friends, but they sort of just laugh it off.

I didn't even tell them a lot, one of my friends I told that I now started approaching girls on the beach and that it's quite fun once you get over the initial fear. He just reacted with a laughing emoji (we talked over whatsapp coz he is in Australia) but he didn't have anything to say about it. Guess it's just out of most people's awareness radius...

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Thread 'Having trouble initiating kiss' https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/having-trouble-initiating-kiss.28580/

This date ( except kissing part, didn't kiss her ) went great ,

So , when I was in train ride back to home .... She texted me own on own if I reached home .

I replied " not yet " " what about you "

She replied " not yet ?" " I have reached "

It was around 8 30 .

I reached home and wasn't in mood of texting so I texted her next day about reaching late and going straight to bed .

She replied few hours later " okay "

I texted her a few hours later " so , when are you going to send me ? "

I wanted her to ask " what "

And then I would have replied " our selfie " ( we both forgot to click pics on date ) and that would have been the joke and I thought that the girl is investing on her own by asking me if had reached home ... So why not keep the convo going on texts ....

But it's been more than 1 day , she hasnt texted me back ... Even though she has posted status on WhatsApp , an hour ago .

Is it got something to do with my late reply / text / whatever ... Idk .

Something similar has happened before too where a girl got so mad on me for not replying next day that when I texted next day .. she only reacted with ❤️ emoji , then stopped texting , it took me a bit of creative texts and help from @TomInHo to get her back . And we hadn't even gone on a date at that time ... We were only texting for 3-4 days .

Maybe I made a mistake , maybe she is super super super busy to not reply but one thing is for sure , I need to get abundance in dates by this year's end .

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Things to work on :

Having an engaging conversation .

Being comfortable expressing my sexuality / mind cuz she doesn't know what's going inside my head .

Learned this after I talked with a girl ....

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Yesterday .

Before the session , I accidentally ran into the chick I went on date with last Sunday. It was cool.

I direct opened 5 chicks in total .

Got 1 phone number ( even though ... She said that she had a boyfriend ) ... It was like 20 mins convo with her .

Got 1 insta date with another girl but no contacts cuz she didn't want to meet me in future ... So I just told that let's meet now only ... Then we will part ways . She bought something non alcoholic to drink for both of us ... Then I took her to a bit of isolation ... But as I was trying to physically escalate with her by caressing her hair while talking about her hair texture ... She verbally told me that she was feeling uncomfortable .... So I stopped ... But handled it well ....it was like 40-45 minutes interaction then I parted ways with her just before her friend arrived .

Since , I have implemented some changes in my game .... Things have gotten different now . The amount of time in sets has increased ., I am able to not eject and get something out of it .

Also , a girl with whom convo stopped due to some weird reasons , she texted me out of blue on Saturday but I saw that yesterday only .

I have written my yesterday's experience in brief cuz so tired and can't remember a lot of it , lol.

Same thing a girl told me on call a few days ago that she don't think that I would remember my hang outs with her cuz I am getting a lot of new experiences .
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Yesterday .

Before the session , I accidentally ran into the chick I went on date with last Sunday. It was cool.

I direct opened 5 chicks in total .

Got 1 phone number ( even though ... She said that she had a boyfriend ) ... It was like 20 mins convo with her .

Got 1 insta date with another girl but no contacts cuz she didn't want to meet me in future ... So I just told that let's meet now only ... Then we will part ways . She bought something non alcoholic to drink for both of us ... Then I took her to a bit of isolation ... But as I was trying to physically escalate with her by caressing her hair while talking about her hair texture ... She verbally told me that she was feeling uncomfortable .... So I stopped ... But handled it well ....it was like 40-45 minutes interaction then I parted ways with her just before her friend arrived .

Since , I have implemented some changes in my game .... Things have gotten different now . The amount of time in sets has increased ., I am able to not eject and get something out of it .

Also , a girl with whom convo stopped due to some weird reasons , she texted me out of blue on Saturday but I saw that yesterday only .

I have written my yesterday's experience in brief cuz so tired and can't remember a lot of it , lol.

Same thing a girl told me on call a few days ago that she don't think that I would remember my hang outs with her cuz I am getting a lot of new experiences .
What changes have you made?