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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I now have feedback about this date that occurred on Monday, directly from the matchmaker. She writes:

Hi Científico! Thank you for your feedback. I'm so happy you had a good time with (girl). She had a pretty good time as well. (Girl) mentioned that you were fun, easy to talk to, and loved the fact that you had similar values. However, she did mention that some points of the date felt as though things were moving a little fast for her and it left her feeling as though the chemistry wasn't there as much as she'd like. It was so great getting to know you through this process. I'll definitely contact you should I have someone else in the area that matches your preferences. Best, xxx

Thus, my inkling was correct - I turned up the heat too fast, and triggered whatever psychological mechanism women have that cause them to flake after they get too intimate with a guy quickly but do NOT have sex. This is bound to happen especially in this context, where the frame is already set as "I'm looking for a LTR/marriage partner" and another woman (the matchmaker) will find out what happens on the date, thus seriously triggering ASD.

I've made this mistake before in various contexts and situations last year - at least three come to mind:

- Sexy latina I met at a fitness studio who gave me obvious IOIs, took her out on the date, kissed her and escalated which she enjoyed and encouraged in the moment, but then failed to pull home because I foolishly thought she "wasn't that kind of girl". She friend-zoned me after I asked for a second date.

- Another airport cold approach/instant date last year, had drinks with her at the airport bar and kissed her/escalated in the terminal. She enjoyed it and was texting back for a few days but then got flaky, never met up.

- Latina MILF from late last year that I met out dancing, made out with her in the bar, she enjoyed it and really wanted to kiss me, but then when I asked her to meet up again, got flaky and never did.

This one hurt for a day or two when I realized it wasn't going to work out, since I believed (for a moment) it had potential and the girl was honestly quite lovely. Fortunately, such moments now pass quickly - women do not have the same ability to hurt me like they used to in my early 20's.

Not sure what I'll do if I get into this matchmaking situation again. The frame is already set as "this is for a long term relationship", which limits the potential for fast seductions. I might have to seriously evaluate the girl as a long-term partner, for which my standards are quite high.

In other news, I am still working my ass off and not being as social as I'd like, but working on a few other leads I have. Will try to get out into the field this weekend and do some more lead generation - maybe even an overdue daygame mission.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
1.) Date with gorgeous Chinese Ph.D. student

Friday night was my first date with the student I approached while working a week or two ago, post referring to it quoted here:

Managed a nice cold approach Thursday morning at a site I normally work at (big research institution).

On Thursday I was heading into this site for work. As I go in through the visitor gate and security, I notice this asian girl with a friendly-looking face. Something about her told me she would be receptive to my approach, maybe it was a subtle IOI when I caught her looking at me once or twice. I dont remember exactly. But something drove me to approach even though when I go to this location I try to minimize it - I try not to mix work with pleasure.

I open direct once we both walk out of the security screening. She is immediately receptive as my gut told me. Hooks within a minute or two. Is a Ph.D. student visiting from China, but doing her Ph.D. here. I close with my normal "Are you a beer girl or a wine girl" and she answers "BOTH". Surprising since a lot of asians I run into dont drink. I get her number and date is scheduled for next week.

The texting goes quite well.

Científico: Hey Sexy Chinese Student (SCS) ! So great talking to you this morning. Talk to you again soon :)
SCS: Nice to talk to you as well:)

Several days later:

Científico: Happy Saturday SCS! How was your week at work? I hope you are adjusting well to the new job. I have had such a busy week, I am SO happy it’s finally the weekend :)
Científico: Wanted to touch base - What’s your schedule like within the next days/week for that drink we discussed?
SCS: Happy weekend Científico! It’s great to hear that you are enjoying your weekend:) I was so busy with everything, and I need to work during weekends because I have a presentation in the next week:(
SCS: So maybe next weekend works for me:)
Científico: Next weekend def works. How about some wine on Friday?
SCS: Sounds good:)
Científico: Perfect

This text was sent on the previous Sunday, so the date is still 5 days away. I sometimes still wonder what to do in this situation. Some in the past have called for sending some kind of reengage ping to keep her "warm" in the interim, but lately I have simply ceased communication until the day of or the day before the date. It has been working quite fine. If the girl is interested she will plan for it.

The day before the date, I reengage:

Científico: Hey SCS - hope your week has treated you great! How has the new job been? I’ve been doing an instrument demo in (town) to a bunch of googly eyed scientists :)
Científico:Let’s meet at my favorite wine bar in (my town) tomorrow. Does 7 pm work? Or do you need later

She does not respond to these texts. I ping her again on Friday (about 7-8 hours before the date is scheduled) with one of my standard reengage texts:

Científico: SCS, did you get kidnapped? Tell them I’ll pay the ransom :)

This works and reengages her:

SCS: Sorry I was tooooo busy yesterday
SCS:Stayed up whole night
SCS:Yes 7pm works for me
Científico: No worries :)
Científico: You think you can meet at 6?

Here I ask her to move the date time one hour earlier. Reason is I legitimately had another commitment I wanted to get to (was trying to fit two dates into one night). I also figured it would be a nice DHV, communicating to her that although I want to see her, she is not the only thing I have going on that night. She finds out later in the date of course, here she simply acknowledges my request:

SCS: I’ll try
Científico:Great! I’ll see you at the ABC Winery in (hometown).
SCS: Cool!

About 10 minutes before 6, I text again:

Científico: Getting there now. Will save you a spot at the bar
SCS: Great!
SCS: I’m on my way
Científico: Actually you will find me by the windows
SCS: :cool:

She arrives about 20 minutes after 6. I do not think much of it because of the last minute time change - and, she looks gorgeous. Like always with daygame, when they show up to the date they look better than when you originally approach them. It's like you get an upgrade.

During the first venue of the date some deep diving about China, and some discussion of her work/my work. I spike things up with some of my usual routines, as in – telling her “you are such a sensible girl, I bet you go to church, no parties, no boys – your mother must be so proud”. The response was favorable. A tiny bit of physical escalation at this first venue. She loves the wine and seems to be having a great time.

I then suggest another venue down the street with music and a more lounge-like atmosphere, which she accepts. When I ask for the check and it comes, she immediately reaches for her credit card – I stop her and tell her I’ll get this one, she can get the next one.

At the second venue we get another round of drinks, and – I am in luck. They are playing kizomba music which is one of my favorites for escalating physically. I stand her up and “teach her a few steps” by the bar, she is not shy and she gets close (as the dance essentially requires). We then sit back down and chat some more (fractionating).

I tell her I have to go soon, she says its fine. I tell her I’m having a good time with her and she agrees. When I ask for the check, again she reaches immediately for her credit card. I let her pay this time. Then she tries to call an Uber to get home but her app is malfunctioning. After 5-10 minutes of fruitless restarts I call a Lyft myself and have it drive to her address (only 4-5 miles away, thus cheap). She is grateful and gets in. After about 15 min I text her:

Científico: Let me know when you get home. Drinks were fun, I’ll talk to you son
SCS: I arrived home J. Thanks for your invitation, I really enjoy the drink J
SCS: Hope you enjoy your party!

So far so good. This is a deviation from my normal method of attempting a first date pull. For a second date I will do another lounge bar close to my apartment then pull home after the first venue. I do quite like this one and hope it works out – cold approach can land you opportunities with some real gems like this girl if you do it enough.

2.) Brunch Meetup

On Saturday morning I go to a special vegan brunch meetup, again to be out in the field and meet people (and hopefully some women).

I show up and there are about 20-30 people there, of all ages and genders. There are about 2 women I am interested in. In the mingling portion before we sit, I make sure to mingle with a group that has at least one of these women (always go for what you want) so that I ended up sitting across from her.

This woman was Colombian and turns out she is married, and although I’ve had success getting a married Colombian woman out on a date before – something told me this one was not going to be in the cards since she mentioned her husband a lot in conversation. The other girl I was interested in ended up sitting further away.

However, another woman shows up late and sits next to me – I was not originally interested and she is a little on the heavier side (a bigger girl, perhaps slightly overweight, and slightly taller than me – though sometimes I go for those kinds of curves).

Maybe she gamed me, but we had some nice isolated conversation and she told me about how she smokes cannabis, and she looked dare I say slightly nervous talking to me – I could definitely sense some attraction cues. Especially after I pulled out the “sensible girl” routine (see SCS date above). So I ended up closing and getting the number with the promise of getting together for wine, she has already responded to the icebreaker text.

3.) Saturday Daygame Session – 11 approaches at a mall

After the brunch I legitimately had some things to buy, so I go to the mall and make it a daygame mission as well.

As usual my goal was 10 approaches and I did 11. Unfortunately, my results were shit. Maybe it’s the women that go to this particular mall, my fundamentals, or just me being rusty – but out of 11 approaches I only had one cute Thai girl hook and got her number (she has not responded yet).

A few other close calls, but the main thing is just that the girls were not hooking. I’ve had good days and bad days, but the reality is that these kinds of cold approach missions are not easy. It would worry me if I wasn’t already having success getting dates from various lead sources.

4.) Night out salsa dancing

To continue this productive weekend, I go out to one of my favorite venues. As usual lots of women. I closed three numbers, two of which I think I will actually pursue.

One was a cute black girl who was clearly there by herself. She liked my dancing and my strong close (“are you a beer girl or a wine girl”). After I left, she sent me an icebreaker text before I could send her one, which is quite rare. Did not attempt a same-night pull with her because the vibe wasn’t sexual enough yet.

The other woman I will pursue is far more interesting. I was walking by the bar and this hot Indian woman with thick full lips and a curvaceous body walks by and gives me a clear IOI (looks me in the eye with a slight smile). I let her pass, but then turn around and catch up to her as she had seated herself at an isolated corner of the bar.

I ask her to dance and she says she is ‘taking a break’. There was a time I would have disengaged at this point, it’s almost like a minor shit test. Without missing a beat I segway into conversation about her, not remember now exactly what I said. I do remember commenting about how I think she is problably from India, and she says she was born in the USA but her parents are from there.

At this point I’ve already broken the physical touch barrier and have my hand on her opposite shoulder and my other hand either holding hers, or on her leg. She is accepting of this in a way that only happens in night game. Then this memorable exchange occurs

Hot Indian (HI): I think you are an advanced dancer.
Científico: How do you know? I could be a complete beginner.
HI: I don’t think so
Científico: Have you been watching me dance?
HI: *smirks and looks away* No
Científico: Then what is it about me that makes you think I’m advanced
HI: I don’t know…..you just seem so confident
Científico: Ooooh I like compliments
HI: I do too
Científico: But I’m not that easy you know. You have to do more than just compliment me

After this we continue chatting and I grab her number with my normal “beer girl or wine girl” close. She says she likes liquor. Then a bachata comes on and I ask her to dance. She gives me the token “I’m taking a break” resistance but as soon as I take her hand and lead, she follows.

We dance something like 4 songs in a row. She isn’t the greatest dancer but she escalates the physical touch very sexily, and at several points I let her grind her ass on my crotch. I could have easily gone for the full make out but I have learned from the past – no more doing that at bars. Instead, I try to pull home:

Científico: So do you want to learn to dance kizomba (segwaying off previous conversation about the dance).
HI: Yes, I do
Científico: Come back to my place and I’ll teach you. We’ll put on some good music and drink more wine.
HI: Well, I came here with this guy. He drove me here and is supposed to drop me off later.
Científico: Is this supposed to be a date?
HI: I really don’t know.
Científico: Haha, seems like this guy isn’t doing a very good job.
HI: yeah…..
Científico: Why don’t you just tell him you are going back with me?
HI: I think I will stick to the original plan, it’s what I do 99% of the time.
Científico: And are you interesting and adventurous 1% of the time?
HI: Sometimes…..

At this point I am pushing but she is not budging, at least verbally. It is about 1:30 am and I am thinking about calling it a night. This guy she mentioned was nowhere to be found which is kinda strange. Not sure what I could have done better here. Obviously I wasn’t going to be able to lead her out of the venue and into my car exactly the same way I led her out to the dance floor.

Shortly after the above exchange I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I go back out and ask a cute Asian to dance – this girl is a better dancer, and HI is watching from a distance. Then I grab my jacket and go back over and ask her again directly

Científico: I’m going home, you wanna come with me?
HI: No thanks, but thank you for the offer I really appreciate it
HI: You have my number
Científico: Okay, we’ll grab wine later. You like wine right?
HI: Kinda, I like liquor more
Científico: Sure, there are a lot of hookah lounges close to where I live
HI: I don’t like hookah though.
Científico: Okay, we’ll figure it out. See you later

I give her the Spanish cheek-kiss then walk out. I’ll text her soon tonight, about 24 hours post-close, and see if she responds. I’m not sure that last exchange was perfect – better to discuss the date over text, but I’m proud I controlled myself and didn’t escalate to full make out even though the vibe was very sexy at one point with this woman.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 18, 2019
Been following your journal for a minute @Científico and it's a solid read. Definitely going to steal your "are you a beer or a wine girl" line. It's great.

It also seems like you're putting your dancing skills to good use. What better way ramp up sexual tension than by leading a women in a sensual salsa dance, right? This is definitely a skill I'm going to pick up.

You're doing well. I'm almost jealous lol. Keep up the good work man!

- Protean
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I appreciate your comment, Protean. I am glad that you enjoy reading this journal, hopefully as much as I enjoy writing it.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Today I managed a cold approach, number close in one of the most unlikely places - an indian lunch buffet.

I am having lunch with an old supervisor and I get up to get a second plate. There at the buffet looking at some samosas was a very cute indian girl with an extremely attractive face. It takes me about 5 seconds to open, I dont really hesitate much:

Científico: You look very Indian
Indian Cutie (IC): I am!
Científico: You could be in one of those bollywood movies dancing *pointing to the TV above her playing a bollywood film*
IC: haha
Científico: Do you know how to dance bollywood? The head of HR at my company is indian and he demonstrated some steps for us at one of our last meetings.

Here I proceed to actually demonstrate some of the steps and the girl is laughing :p

IC: Those are classic! Hahaha
Científico: So you do know them
IC: Yes I was taught young

Here we somehow segway into some normal rapport building conversation, I ask her about her job and she tells me she just graduated from medical school. I tell her about how I used to be a graduate student and I get to the hook point when she asks me for more details.

Unfortunately, after this I believe I make a mistake - in asking her out I go direct, which was problably unnecessary since she was already hooked! I am just so used to it during cold approach I did it without thinking.

Científico: I also talked to you because I think you are cute and wanted to ask you out for a drink
IC: Oh!
Científico: Are you a beer girl or a wine girl?
IC: Neither! I'm boring! (smiling)
Científico: Surely you drink coffee then.
IC: Yes
Científico: Then how about I get your number, I send you a message, and we'll get together soon

Here she is hesitating

IC: I dont know about this...I might move away soon
Científico: Do you have a new job lined up?
IC: No I'm looking for work now...more of a long term plan
Científico: No problem then!
IC: I dont know if this is a good idea. I have to think about it.
Científico: I'll send you one message. When you receive it you can think about it then.
IC: I dont know...what do you think? *pointing to her friend who had come to the buffet*

At this point I introduce myself to the friend, say "I was just chatting with your friend here", then turn back to the indian girl and pull out my phone. She puts in her number. Second mistake I make here is forgetting the name - it is an uncommon Indian name and I had to ask for it a second time, which likely also hurt my chances of a reply. Been burned by that before. Third mistake is not engaging the friend enough.

After the # close I continue the hold the conversation for a moment while we are both walking away from the buffet - just to continue to establish more rapport as is important after the close. Then I go back to the lunch with my old supervisor (lol).

Mistakes made here:
1.) going direct when it was unnecessary
2.) forgetting the name of the girl and having to ask for it a second time (no excuse for this, have to remember to commit names to memory the first time they say it)
3.) Not engaging/winning over the friend enough

These mistakes might kill the chances that she will reply, but at least I got the number and made the attempt and learned from it which is most important.

In other news - My pipeline is quite strong right now and I am dealing with many leads - I even fired up my Bumble and got matched with a short Filipina who seems like a particularly strong lead right now. Should have some more dates coming up. One that worries me right now is SCS from the post above - I had to send another reengage text today two days after she did not respond to my initial texts trying to schedule a date #2. She then responded immediately and we had some good banter, but she told me she was busy until next week. I really hope I didnt botch the opportunity on Friday with this really sexy, highly desirable girl by not attempting the first date pull.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 18, 2019
Second mistake I make here is forgetting the name - it is an uncommon Indian name and I had to ask for it a second time, which likely also hurt my chances of a reply. Been burned by that before.

Yeah forgetting names is a tough one. One trick I do is when I ask for the number I tell them to spell their names as I add the contact details. It’s a reasonable request, especially when the girl has an ethnic name, but be careful. If her name’s easy she’ll know what you’re doing lol

Hopefully this approach bears fruit.

- Protean
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Very little cold approaching or other lead generation this week unfortunately - just been extremely busy with work (but at least things are going very well at work!). Couple of updates:

1.) Unremarkable date with girl from professional networking event

All way back in January at a professional networking event at a bar, I got the number of that married colombiana I ended up having the date with, in which I botched the escalation in what could have been a fast sex opportunity (FR for that was posted).

During the same event I also number closed another woman who approached me. She is a bigger girl, maybe an inch or two taller than me but with a girlish face and smile. I was attracted and closed with my usual "beer girl or wine girl".

I had to be fairly persistent to get this date. I left her alone for about a month since she told me the first time I asked her out that her grandmother had just died. I followed up again in mid-late February, and after a few rounds of scheduling we finally agreed on this past wednesday at one of my favorite corner wine bars.

The vibe was off from the start, unfortunately. She was not dressed for a date and she did not look as good, or as cute, as I remembered. I found myself not having much desire to actually try to seduce and run through my usual dating routines. Perhaps sensing this, or perhaps due to her indifference herself, she revealed she was married at some point mid-way through the date. Overall it felt much more like a talk among friends than potential lovers.

I'm completely fine with it. The attraction on my side just wasn't there that much anyway. Perhaps it would have been had she dressed herself in a sexy way, but maybe that was on purpose.

2.) Upcoming dates

I've got two this weekend, one funny enough scheduled for tonight with a girl I met on the Bumble dating app.

Historically, I have hated dating apps. I do not care for the superficial nature of apps, the way that pictures and height are the single most important factors in attracting girls to you. I also know how saturated the market is on these apps and how fierce the competition is, and how women essentially have their pick among the top guys on these apps. However sometimes I get bored and get back into it, which is what I decided to do this week.

I downloaded the app on Monday and on Tuesday I got a match from a cute Filipina girl that messaged me immediately. It was strong from the start - I was able to get her off the app and onto texting within a few hours, with her telling me she finds bald guys sexy (I am completely clean shaven), and lots of back and forth conversation - mostly initiated by her. She sent me a nice video of herself confirming she is indeed a very cute little Filipina. We scheduled the date for today and continued the banter. Wednesday I just sent a little message wishing her a good day and she responded immediately calling me "handsome". Then last night she sent me a supportive message knowing I had a big work presentation today (I didn't respond because it was late).

Today though, the day of the date, she has gone completely cold. No response to any message I have sent since early morning, and now its almost Friday night. If she ends up being a no-call no-show, she probably wins the award for flake of the year.

Tomorrow, Saturday, I have another date with the vegan girl I met at a brunch, which I mentioned in a previous post:

However, another woman shows up late and sits next to me – I was not originally interested and she is a little on the heavier side (a bigger girl, perhaps slightly overweight, and slightly taller than me – though sometimes I go for those kinds of curves).

Maybe she gamed me, but we had some nice isolated conversation and she told me about how she smokes cannabis, and she looked dare I say slightly nervous talking to me – I could definitely sense some attraction cues. Especially after I pulled out the “sensible girl” routine (see SCS date above). So I ended up closing and getting the number with the promise of getting together for wine, she has already responded to the icebreaker text.

Looking forward to this one too - something tells me there is potential for something to happen.

Otherwise, will try to get out in the field and do some more lead generation this weekend...especially tonight if my date flakes. Which would be quite a shame to be honest.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Filipina girl from Bumble did flake last night. She did not respond to any text at all the entire day. But then, today, around noon I get the following messages:

Girl: Hey! Had a busy day yesterday.
Girl: Hope all went good with you.

Yeah, I'll take a while to respond to this one, if I do at all. If I were to come back and ask her out again, it signals to her that she can get away with a lot. If I am to message her again it somehow has to convey a non-neediness, but also tell her I won't tolerate BS. Fine line to walk. I'll hold off for a while and see if she pushes. I never get flakes like this from women I meet in the field :D

Today, I went to work out and had no intention of approaching. I come out of the gym, dirty, smelly, and unshaven. But I did see one absolutely stunning-looking dark-haired asian girl and my brain said "MUST APPROACH". She was a moving target. Opened direct and did not stop her momentum (we continued walking), used my normal geography stack, commented that from her outfit she looks like she is Hollywood (sunglasses, big furry jacket). Once I did she was receptive but there was no hook. She replied with the "boyfriend" objection once I asked her out and I countered with the "I have a rigorous application process for that line" line. Then when I asked for the number again she says okay, I stop walking and she also stops (some compliance here) and we exchanged numbers. Lingered for a bit after the close talking about random BS until a few minutes later she started to indicate she had to go. We'll see if she responds, I think chances are unlikely since I never got to the hook point. Some girls just won't hook, which is likely a problem with my fundamentals.

Today I also have the date with the vegan from the brunch. We have been pinging today discussing the venue, so it looks like this one is probably on.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
1.) Date with vegan brunch girl

This date was pretty much a complete disaster. Easily the worst of 2020 so far.

First off was the timing - she wanted to meet early afternoon because of work the next day, but her behavior during texting made it clear her schedule was actually more flexible than she led on. I pushed it towards early evening and we agreed on 6:30 as a compromise time, but this was still very early for a date and lot of night activity for Saturday had not started yet.

I pick a wine bar close to my apartment, and she shows up with her hair done, at least just slightly fuller than when I met her. She has that same "nervous" vibe about her as she did when I first met her - whenever she speaks she quickly makes eye contact, then looks away, then makes it again. The way she spoke was very matter-of-fact and logical, she didnt smile much, and much of my humor/spike routines I typically do in venue 1 were completely falling flat. Too many awkward silences as she is a bit quiet and reserved and much of her answers were short, as in, my attempts to deep dive were not having their intended effect. She also mentioned some topics during this that were important to her that I was not able to relate to effectively. Overall something about the vibe was very off in venue 1, and we could both sense it.

She resists my first attempt to switch venues, but after a bit of leading she agrees. She then tells me she has eaten nothing all day and wants to get food. We shift to go a nearby Ethiopian restaurant. I make fun of her for forgetting to eat, and she reacts defensively (again, this girl is way too serious!!). On the walk to venue 2 I start talking to her about previous boyfriends (which may have been incongruent the way I did it , but I was trying to establishment some kind of sexual tension), and she blurts out that she is "not feeling it in that way".

In the past I would have simply given up here, but I respond with "who said anything about dating? I have a very rigorous application process for that.". This was one of the few times she smiled/laughed during the date. Basically just swatting it away and continuing with the plan. But I also knew at that point that this date was likely to go nowhere, as the bad vibe in venue 1 had seriously damaged my chances.

We eat a vegeterian platter at the Ethiopian place and I escalate physically somewhat by taking her hand a few times. She is semi-compliant. Then I lead her to a next door bar that has music - and in fact she is somewhat compliant to some more physical esclation there via dancing.

I decided to pull home after this third venue - it was a hard no, and she said she has go home and go to bed because she has work in the morning. Gave up after some minor persistence. Not going to text her again.

This date was a reminder that sometimes you do have to drastically adapt your strategy to meet the girl where she is at, if you want to have a successful seduction. I utterly failed at adapting my vibe to hers, to relate to her, and thus failed to spark any attraction in venue 1. I attempted to compensate by relying on more routines more heavily but this fell flat. I also need to know these sex talk routines from Alek cold next time - I will be sure to run through them before my next date scheduled for Tuesday.

2.) Night out salsa dancing

The date above was over early, so I had still had time to go out. Place was packed.

I made two attempts to pull, both unsuccessful. One was a very sexy, married, chinese MILF. We danced bachata very sensually, and at one point she ran her hands all over my body. We parted but I caught up to her again as she was about leave. I ask:

"Are you leaving us so soon"
Her - "well yes...should I stay?"

Of course I tell her yes, lead her out again onto the dance floor, and continue to build the sexual tension through dancing which at this point was sky high. I try to pull home for more dancing and wine and I can tell she is conflicted at first. But the more I persist, the more she seems to make up her mind not to. The main objection was "I'm married and there are people here that know my husband". Not sure what I could have done to turn the outcome around here.

Second attempt at pulling was another white woman who was just a fantastic dancer, and again the sexual tension during the dancing sky high. She says in response "not anytime soon". I get her number.

I number close several other women, and reconnect with a few MILFs that I can try to get out on dates again. Overall it was a great night - it was one of those nights that I didn't get much chance to relax, as whenever I would go back to the bar or the side of the dance floor I wouldnt last there long - some woman would always come up and ask me to dance after a few minutes. It's great to be a top dancer :D.

3.) Upcoming stuff

It's Sunday, so tonight I'll wind down my weekend and get ready for the work week. Might do some cold approaching if opportunity knocks. Will also follow up with SCS again (this time via phone call at first). Got a date scheduled Tuesday with a really hot MILF I met at a fitness studio.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Sunday update 2 -

Bumble Girl

Bumble girl pinged me again. 30 hours or so after she sent those last two texts, I get another one from her again:

Bumble Girl: Hey! Had a busy day yesterday.
Bumble Girl: Hope all went good with you.
Bumble Girl: No reply? lol

She's pushing here. So I decide to respond.

Científico: Well, I liked you when we were chatting last week before Friday but now I'm not sure. I understand things happen outside of your control that can interfere. Just some communication is polite and decent.

She responds about 3 hours later:

Bumble Girl: I understand. I do apologize. Hope we can still meet up whenever you can.

This is essentially where I wanted things to go if I were to try to meet her again. She now knows what she did isn't acceptable. I'm thinking about responding with "okay, but you buy first round of drinks" and taking it from there.

Cold Approaches

Did two today. Hesitation cost me an opportunity inside of a grocery store to a gorgeous black woman, so I needed to make this up with others. One was to a latina woman that idling around outside. I approach and she looks happy that I did, and hooks, but mentions her husband in conversation and says "I am very much in love with him" after I try to close. But the vibe was overall very positive and warm with this woman.

The other approach was to another gorgeous black woman walking back to a parking garage where her car was parked. There was no hook here unfortunately, close went nowhere.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Date with hot MILF - FR++

Last night was my date with this MILF that approached me at a gym after a fitness class. Very positive overall, two venues with successful bounce-back and no resistance. Sex did not happen once back at my apartment - she just wasn't comfortable. But a lot of touching and caressing each other. I'll type up the full report later and share it.

Sexy Chinese Student

I had this girl on Monday agree to a second date this weekend, which was fantastic. But then yesterday I get this doozy:

Hi Científico. Hope you enjoy the beautiful weather. Actually I'm wondering if we can postpone our gathering because I'm pretty worried about the coronavirus. In China, it's more severe than we thought before, but it seems like people here are still not taking it seriously. Please take care.

Lol, now it's getting serious when this coronavirus hysteria is affecting my dating life. I have not responded to this yet, and didn't get around to it yesterday because of my date with the MILF. I think my best chance is a phone call, which I'll try to make tonight before going over to the other MILF's house that invited me over for dinner (and sexy time).


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
This coronavirus shit is starting to seriously affect my work and social life. Events and parties getting cancelled, unable to travel, etc.

However, last night I went over to this MILF's house and we spent a solid two hours fucking. It was great sex. I have no doubt I can go over there any time I want to get quarantined.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Next week I have some work activities scheduled, but we'll see how many of these activities pan out due to this ongoing pandemic.

Went to the grocery store to pick up some things and noticed a cute pacific-islander looking girl in yoga pants giving me some subtle IOIs - getting close and lingering, as well as slight eye contact and smile when I was checking out with a few items. Did not approach and regretted it afterwards. It just seems strange to approach now in the midst of a pandemic. My total approach numbers are in fact quite down in March compared to previous months in 2020, due to both the pandemic and work stuff.

I'm also regretting what I did with SCS. She continues to be a bit flaky with responding to my messages, but responds when I persist and blames it on her not checking her normal texts but always checking WeChat instead. Today she revealed she is "having dinner with friends at home". I might just get her on the phone and go straight for the "dinner at home" date to avoid a public place.

Curious to see how the next months will pan out....
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
What interesting times we live in the midst of this chaos. Certainly a fascinating time to be alive.

My cold approaching has been pretty much null the past week or two, and meeting women through the usual night/dancing venues I frequent of course is not possible now. I can imaging online dating will be even more of a slog than usual because you simply cannot get the girls out to a bar or restaurant - they are closed and only do take out. A few updates on existing leads:

1.) SCS:

I texted SCS and had another interaction with her, which led to a phone call. Earlier after she had cancelled our date due to the coronavirus and I texted her asking for a phone call. She never replied and I initiated again almost 6 days later. I'm chasing here a bit but I have nothing to lose, and I genuinely kinda like this girl. Text exchange below:

Científico: Hey you. Hope things are well and you are staying healthy
SCS: Sorry just notice your message
SCS: Usually I only check my WeChat. I'm having dinner with my friends at home. I'll talk to you later.
SCS: Please take care and stay healthy

I would learn later during our call that the "friends" she refers to here are almost certainly her roommates, but I am not 100% sure of that.

Científico: Ok. I'll check back later
Científico: By the way - yesterday I just moved to (town). 1km from (place we met). :cool:
SCS: Cool!

My intention here was to actually wait and check back later, maybe 3-4 days. No rush right now considering the circumstances. But then she initiates:

SCS: We just finished our dinner :). Hopefully I'm not bothering you. I'm free tomorrow. Plz call me tomorrow afternoon or night if you have time :)

Perfect. I did not reply that night, and waited almost 12 hours.

Científico: Sounds good! Talk to you later. Keep washing your hands.

Then, around 8 pm on Monday, I call her. She picks up and it's a 30 min conversation.

This conversation of course had a goal. I was going to go straight for the "dinner at my place" date, which I asked during the call using a "yes" ladder about her liking wine, vegetables, and dessert. She said "Well I would rather go to a restaurant" to which I replied "but they are all closed right now". To which she counters that she doesnt know if I have the virus, to which I say that with her roomates she is the one putting me more at risk. In the end we leave it open, and I promise I will follow up once my field activities (which I am still doing) start dwindling and I can actually be at home a few days by myself and be fairly confident I don't have the virus. Complicating matters is her telling me that she will likely go back to China soon (which appears to be controlling the outbreak at this point) to escape this pandemic in the USA. I'm hoping that with a little more persistence I can get her to come over before this happens.

I may fail, but this is a top quality girl that I'm not ready to give up on.

2.) Hot gym MILF

I've already been on one date with this woman that essentially approached me at a fitness studio. She initiates texts a lot, both before and after our date in which I got her home, ran into LMR, did not push too hard to get past it but did kiss/touch a lot. I went straight for the "dinner at my place" date with this one too over text and she immediately accepted. It will happen tomorrow. I'm hoping I can get supplies to make something from the grocery store tomorrow morning. I have not typed any FR yet and will problably wait until after this date to do so.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Now with the number of cases in the USA increasing by large numbers every day and the societal freakout over this virus in full swing, I have a feeling pick up is going to become substantially more difficult. Getting phone numbers with daygame or online will be much less fruitful because the in-person meets become more complicated. The "Hot gym MILF" (post above) cancelled our meet last minute earlier this week, because apparently she told me she had a big fight with her daughter, accusing her of "not caring about her health".

Thus another date claimed by the pandemic!!

Honestly, this might be the time now to take a break from pick up, and focus on other personal projects in addition to work projects I can do at home. This will include
1.) A more regular running routine
2.) Taking my bike out for long rides when the weather is nice
3.) Working on studying Russian, a project I have had on hold for a while

This social isolation thing really sucks. But what can I do? To continue pick up/seduction during this time is not only far less likely to be fruitful, it could also be risky with this highly contagious virus going around. This will be a trying time for sure.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
It's been several weeks since my last update. Life has changed quite a lot with this stupid pandemic.

Online dating is still available but I hate it. It's just too much work to filter out the real leads from the fakers and the flakes. I dont know about you guys, but I hate interacting with a block of text and a picture not knowing if the person on the other end actually is what she appears to be. I also think the flakiness and ghost rate is substantially higher than with interactions initiated in the field - it's almost like the girls take you much less seriously when its something that started on a dating app.

I much prefer meeting women in the field. Daygame is still possible but it requires a long slog, since daytime foot traffic has decreased. The only exception is some public parks on the nice days. Last week I actually got out a cold approach on the sidewalk when I was walking with my bike. She hooked in the moment but has not responded to any of my texts.

I am slowly starting to come to the realization that I just need to ride this out and stop focusing on women for a while. There is an extra hurdle to seeing women because you essentially have to go straight for the home meet, and that triggers resistance and Coronavirus-related objections. It turns into a huge time sink to find a woman, online or otherwise, that will meet with you. Instead of engaging in this, I will "embrace the pause" and build up other areas of my life. On the positive side, I am running or biking almost every single day, and I picked back up a personal project that has been on hold for a while. Work is still busy from home, but going very well (with just one or two minor hiccups). I quite like my new company and I am still working to build and ensure success career-wise, which is still higher-priority than women.

One project I think I will try: I have a large repository of phone numbers in my phone acquired from the field, either through dancing, meetups, or daygame. Once this pandemic starts to abate and the social restrictions start to lift, I think a mass-text to all these numbers is in order. Unlike online leads, I already know they are real women I find attractive (that part is done :) ). My thinking is women in general will be extra-horny once the social isolation starts to reverse itself, and some of these might reactivate into real leads. Time will tell.

Until then, cheers. I dont anticipate many journal updates during this pandemic time.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Just one little kick in the nuts here: I should not let cold approach opportunities pass me by, even during this awkward quarantine time.

I was walking with some pizza back to my apartment after picking it up, and this skinny but very cute blonde girl walks past me. We make strong eye contact that we both hold but I don't approach.

I really should have. Even during this awkward coronavirus time I should be flexing my cold approach muscles once in a while. The anti-approach weasel is just a little stronger because of the increased societal pressure to social distance. But again, the worse thing that can happen is a rejection - I know how to deal with that.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Thought I would write a new "pandemic update" today. In short, when it comes to the societal level at the time of this writing, it's not looking very good.

Things like bars or parties or large social events will take a while to come back - at least until we get to herd immunity or we get a vaccine. A vaccine is very difficult due to various factors, mainly how we don't understand the biology of this virus and our immune response to it. To get to herd immunity we need 60-70% of the population infected, recovered and with protective immunity. We don't even know how long lasting any post-recovery immunity is. Thus anyone with a brain needs to be thinking about adapting to this new normal long term - 1-2 years at least. Perhaps more.

The good news is, I got laid on Friday. It's a funny story, since I met this girl on a well known sugar daddy site that has been mentioned on GC by others. The advantage of this particular website is you get lots of female attention. The disadvantage is that many of them want money.

This particular girl I started chatting with months ago. Lot's of good funny banter back in March. I invited her over but she refused and said "after the pandemic". Then, two months later (Friday) she texts me out of the blue and wants to meet up. Initially she mentions she wants money, but then drops it (says "ok let's just meet and see if we like each other") after I fail to respond. She gives me an address to pick her up, and I recognize her immediately - an extremely attractive mongolian 21 year old with asian complexion, wearing a mini skirt. We get take out, have wine at my place, I escalate and get past the LMR and we have hot sex. After the sex she is quite honest in telling me she doesnt want any relationship and is only interested in money (lol). If I want to see her again it's going to be hard getting past that frame.

I also go on my bike yesterday for an errand and exercise, having day-game in the back of my mind. I am out for two hours and go 8 miles, then turning around and going 8 miles back. In that time I see only 4 viable sets to open - foot traffic is down and lots of people wearing masks. I dont get out a single approach. The approach anxiety has definitely returned. Here are the four opportunities I missed:
1.) Cute brunette girl going very slowly on the trail with her own bike. Could have easily pulled up next to her and said "want to race?"
2.) Gorgeous brunette walking with headphones on the other end of the trail. Made eye contact, she smiled and looked away. Chickened out
3.) -and 4.) Gorgeous joggers that were walking on the trail. Should have stopped and opened.

I went out today for an hour walk to get lunch and did not see ONE set I wanted to approach. Having the bike definately helps as I can cover a much larger area and see more people. It will problably become the staple of any future pandemic daygame routine.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Pandemic Daygame Experiment 05/23/2020

Finally writing this up. Several days ago I decided to try an actual daygame mission, the first one I've really set out to do since the lockdown began.

Foot traffic is down, but on nice weekend days the past several months I've liked to go out on my bicycle long distances, going on walking/biking trials with plenty of parks to stop on along the way. A week or two ago I had the idea of combining this exercise routine with daygame.

Since foot traffic is down everywhere and the number of viable sets to approach is low, going out on the bike allows me to cover a large area in a day and increase the amount of people I see. There are definately people, and cute girls, that go out on nice days to exercise or simply enjoy the weather. The route I had planned out was along a ~15 mile stretch (thus, go 15 miles in one direction, then turn back and head home 15 miles back). There were three planned locations to stop at, get off the bike, lock it, and walk around/approach. Although it's possible to see a cute approachable woman (alone, not jogging, not wearing a mask) on the trial between parks it's less likely.

It was a nice Saturday with good sunny weather. I set a modest goal of 5 approaches. Normally a pre-pandemic daygame mission at place like a mall would have a goal of 10, but these were more "target-rich" environments. I limited myself to approach single women (out by themselves) that were not wearing masks. Learning to approach groups of two or more women would increase the number of viable sets for sure. Might be about time to start doing that.

I set off on my journey. At the mouth of the trial close to home I see a decent/average looking girl with her bike checking her phone - I think about approaching but hesitate (the AA was strong) and a few minutes later a male friend arrives to meet her. I was glad I didn't approach.

I go to the first location without seeing much that motivates me to stop and approach. I stop at a park along a river, my first scheduled area to walk around. I see nothing but a cute woman speaking in Italian on a park bench, obviously on a FaceTime call. I linger and walk around the park for ~15 minutes, not seeing any other woman worth approaching. The Italian never gets off her call. I decide to continue.

I get to the second location, another park along the same river. Here there are plenty of people hanging out, some women simply taking in the sun and reading. Here I see my first set, a girl on the grass reading a book. I grab my balls and conquer the AA.

1.) Cute brunette

I walk right up to her with my bike and open with a simple "hey, how are you this Saturday" followed by the direct, "I thought you were cute and wanted to say hi", then immediately going into my normal geography stack "you look like you could be from...."

She reacts with a fierce face, which I comment on and make fun of a little bit. She says "well you're judging me based on the way I look...."

I say something like "Just trying to make conversation. Is this what your normally do on pandemic Saturdays?"

She actually softens to this, and I remember her hooking when she asks me a question about where I am coming from. We talk a bit about work. After she talks about her career (she is getting an MD), I spike it up with "You seem like such a sensible girl...no parties...no boys...do you go to church?"

In response to this she tells me about her live-in boyfriend. I tell her congratulations, that I don't want to be her boyfriend, and try to # close anyway - knowing full well chances were low. She refuses amicably. I tell her it was nice to meet her and move on.

2.) Hot Albanian

After walking around some more in the same location, AA now vanquished, I see set #2 - similar to the first girl, also by herself on the grass sitting and checking her phone. She was in fact so immersed in her phone she was hunched over ignoring everything around her - thus it was the perfect stack.

Me: "Hey how are you - just wanted to say you look a bit curious with your face glued to the phone like that on a day like this."

She reacts well to this, telling me it's important but immediately hooking and engaging me in conversation. She is from Albania. This convo lasted about 30 minutes and covers a wide range of topics, from work to travel to epidemiology to personal life during a pandemic. She was fun to talk to. I go for the number close and get it.

After getting some light food at a nearby take out place, I continue to walk around looking for set #3. I see it from a distance - a south-asian looking woman with a great body.

3.) Egyptian MILF

I go to her and approach with the direct opener, realizing she is a bit older than what I initially thought but still approachable. She engages me in conversation and is polite but is clearly not hooking - again gives me "I have a boyfriend". It goes nowhere and I move on.

I get back on my bike now and go to the third and final location, another ~5 mile ride. I see nothing on the way that compels me to stop. Once I arrive I see set #4 - a cute short black girl taking her place on the grass by herself.

4.) Short black cutie

I approach with my normal direct opener and she tells me she appreciates it. There is a soft hook but I can tell this girl is shy. We talk about her family, work - normal stuff. I still need to get better at spiking up these conversations. I go for the number close, she gives me the old "why dont you give me your number....", but I persist ("I'm not gonna call you 18 times a day") and she agrees to exchanging numbers. Second number close of the day. As I walk away I catch her looking at me, smile at her and she smiles back.

I set off on my way back. Stopped at the second location again looking for approach #5 but see nothing viable. However I do see a group of three latinas sitting by the water, all gorgeous, and one of them gives me CLEAR IOI - sustained eye contact and smile. I need to start seizing these opportunities and approaching groups.

Continue on my way. Get almost all the way home without seeing anything. Back at the mouth of the trial (where I started), I chicken out of one approach (a cute short brunette), but 5 minutes later I see a sexy blonde walking her dog and know immediately this was to be set #5.

5.) Swedish MILF

This woman is gorgeous wearing pink leggings. I catch her just outside her apartment building. Friendly, appreciative of the compliment, but refuses the number close ("I dont give out my number like that, maybe I'll see you around") and heads inside.

Results: 2/5 approaches resulting in a number, not bad. I consider this trip a victory since it got me out of my stupor at home, and biking or running (aside from going to the grocery store) are essentially the only activities I'm doing outside of my apartment. I was glad to turn biking into a daygame activity as well. I will likely turn this into a weekly ritual assuming the weather is nice - and time to learn to approach groups, especially when one of the girls gives you an IOI.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Had my MILF fuck-buddy over last night. Returning customer from pre-lockdown. Great sex like always. Had to overcome some Coronavirus-related paranoia to even get her over for sex.

She told me some kinky stuff about her past this time. She's had threesomes and moresomes before, but what she really prefers is to be fucked by two men at the same time. She's had this type of threesome more than anything.

However, at one point at a dance congress years ago one guy succesfully seduced both her and the girl she was staying with in her room. Stayed the night with both of them in their room and had sex, both in the evening and in the morning after. Apparantly it led to a jealousy issue since the guy liked her more than her roomate.

Looking back, I should have asked for more details about this. What was the guy like and how did he make this happen? This is the kind of epic experience I want to have at a dance congress - seducing two women together. I can always ask again next time :).

Today is a perfect day for the bike.
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