1.) Date with gorgeous Chinese Ph.D. student
Friday night was my first date with the student I approached while working a week or two ago, post referring to it quoted here:
Managed a nice cold approach Thursday morning at a site I normally work at (big research institution).
On Thursday I was heading into this site for work. As I go in through the visitor gate and security, I notice this asian girl with a friendly-looking face. Something about her told me she would be receptive to my approach, maybe it was a subtle IOI when I caught her looking at me once or twice. I dont remember exactly. But something drove me to approach even though when I go to this location I try to minimize it - I try not to mix work with pleasure.
I open direct once we both walk out of the security screening. She is immediately receptive as my gut told me. Hooks within a minute or two. Is a Ph.D. student visiting from China, but doing her Ph.D. here. I close with my normal "Are you a beer girl or a wine girl" and she answers "BOTH". Surprising since a lot of asians I run into dont drink. I get her number and date is scheduled for next week.
The texting goes quite well.
Científico: Hey Sexy Chinese Student (SCS) ! So great talking to you this morning. Talk to you again soon

SCS: Nice to talk to you as well
Several days later:
Científico: Happy Saturday SCS! How was your week at work? I hope you are adjusting well to the new job. I have had such a busy week, I am SO happy it’s finally the weekend

Científico: Wanted to touch base - What’s your schedule like within the next days/week for that drink we discussed?
SCS: Happy weekend Científico! It’s great to hear that you are enjoying your weekend

I was so busy with everything, and I need to work during weekends because I have a presentation in the next week

SCS: So maybe next weekend works for me

Científico: Next weekend def works. How about some wine on Friday?
SCS: Sounds good

Científico: Perfect
This text was sent on the previous Sunday, so the date is still 5 days away. I sometimes still wonder what to do in this situation. Some in the past have called for sending some kind of reengage ping to keep her "warm" in the interim, but lately I have simply ceased communication until the day of or the day before the date. It has been working quite fine. If the girl is interested she will plan for it.
The day before the date, I reengage:
Científico: Hey SCS - hope your week has treated you great! How has the new job been? I’ve been doing an instrument demo in (town) to a bunch of googly eyed scientists

Científico:Let’s meet at my favorite wine bar in (my town) tomorrow. Does 7 pm work? Or do you need later
She does not respond to these texts. I ping her again on Friday (about 7-8 hours before the date is scheduled) with one of my standard reengage texts:
Científico: SCS, did you get kidnapped? Tell them I’ll pay the ransom
This works and reengages her:
SCS: Sorry I was tooooo busy yesterday
SCS:Stayed up whole night
SCS:Yes 7pm works for me
Científico: No worries

Científico: You think you can meet at 6?
Here I ask her to move the date time one hour earlier. Reason is I legitimately had another commitment I wanted to get to (was trying to fit two dates into one night). I also figured it would be a nice DHV, communicating to her that although I want to see her, she is not the only thing I have going on that night. She finds out later in the date of course, here she simply acknowledges my request:
SCS: I’ll try
Científico:Great! I’ll see you at the ABC Winery in (hometown).
SCS: Cool!
About 10 minutes before 6, I text again:
Científico: Getting there now. Will save you a spot at the bar
SCS: Great!
SCS: I’m on my way
Científico: Actually you will find me by the windows
She arrives about 20 minutes after 6. I do not think much of it because of the last minute time change - and, she looks gorgeous. Like always with daygame, when they show up to the date they look better than when you originally approach them. It's like you get an upgrade.
During the first venue of the date some deep diving about China, and some discussion of her work/my work. I spike things up with some of my usual routines, as in – telling her “you are such a sensible girl, I bet you go to church, no parties, no boys – your mother must be so proud”. The response was favorable. A tiny bit of physical escalation at this first venue. She loves the wine and seems to be having a great time.
I then suggest another venue down the street with music and a more lounge-like atmosphere, which she accepts. When I ask for the check and it comes, she immediately reaches for her credit card – I stop her and tell her I’ll get this one, she can get the next one.
At the second venue we get another round of drinks, and – I am in luck. They are playing kizomba music which is one of my favorites for escalating physically. I stand her up and “teach her a few steps” by the bar, she is not shy and she gets close (as the dance essentially requires). We then sit back down and chat some more (fractionating).
I tell her I have to go soon, she says its fine. I tell her I’m having a good time with her and she agrees. When I ask for the check, again she reaches immediately for her credit card. I let her pay this time. Then she tries to call an Uber to get home but her app is malfunctioning. After 5-10 minutes of fruitless restarts I call a Lyft myself and have it drive to her address (only 4-5 miles away, thus cheap). She is grateful and gets in. After about 15 min I text her:
Científico: Let me know when you get home. Drinks were fun, I’ll talk to you son
SCS: I arrived home J. Thanks for your invitation, I really enjoy the drink J
SCS: Hope you enjoy your party!
So far so good. This is a deviation from my normal method of attempting a first date pull. For a second date I will do another lounge bar close to my apartment then pull home after the first venue. I do quite like this one and hope it works out – cold approach can land you opportunities with some real gems like this girl if you do it enough.
2.) Brunch Meetup
On Saturday morning I go to a special vegan brunch meetup, again to be out in the field and meet people (and hopefully some women).
I show up and there are about 20-30 people there, of all ages and genders. There are about 2 women I am interested in. In the mingling portion before we sit, I make sure to mingle with a group that has at least one of these women (always go for what you want) so that I ended up sitting across from her.
This woman was Colombian and turns out she is married, and although I’ve had success getting a married Colombian woman out on a date before – something told me this one was not going to be in the cards since she mentioned her husband a lot in conversation. The other girl I was interested in ended up sitting further away.
However, another woman shows up late and sits next to me – I was not originally interested and she is a little on the heavier side (a bigger girl, perhaps slightly overweight, and slightly taller than me – though sometimes I go for those kinds of curves).
Maybe she gamed me, but we had some nice isolated conversation and she told me about how she smokes cannabis, and she looked dare I say slightly nervous talking to me – I could definitely sense some attraction cues. Especially after I pulled out the “sensible girl” routine (see SCS date above). So I ended up closing and getting the number with the promise of getting together for wine, she has already responded to the icebreaker text.
3.) Saturday Daygame Session – 11 approaches at a mall
After the brunch I legitimately had some things to buy, so I go to the mall and make it a daygame mission as well.
As usual my goal was 10 approaches and I did 11. Unfortunately, my results were shit. Maybe it’s the women that go to this particular mall, my fundamentals, or just me being rusty – but out of 11 approaches I only had one cute Thai girl hook and got her number (she has not responded yet).
A few other close calls, but the main thing is just that the girls were not hooking. I’ve had good days and bad days, but the reality is that these kinds of cold approach missions are not easy. It would worry me if I wasn’t already having success getting dates from various lead sources.
4.) Night out salsa dancing
To continue this productive weekend, I go out to one of my favorite venues. As usual lots of women. I closed three numbers, two of which I think I will actually pursue.
One was a cute black girl who was clearly there by herself. She liked my dancing and my strong close (“are you a beer girl or a wine girl”). After I left, she sent me an icebreaker text before I could send her one, which is quite rare. Did not attempt a same-night pull with her because the vibe wasn’t sexual enough yet.
The other woman I will pursue is far more interesting. I was walking by the bar and this hot Indian woman with thick full lips and a curvaceous body walks by and gives me a clear IOI (looks me in the eye with a slight smile). I let her pass, but then turn around and catch up to her as she had seated herself at an isolated corner of the bar.
I ask her to dance and she says she is ‘taking a break’. There was a time I would have disengaged at this point, it’s almost like a minor shit test. Without missing a beat I segway into conversation about her, not remember now exactly what I said. I do remember commenting about how I think she is problably from India, and she says she was born in the USA but her parents are from there.
At this point I’ve already broken the physical touch barrier and have my hand on her opposite shoulder and my other hand either holding hers, or on her leg. She is accepting of this in a way that only happens in night game. Then this memorable exchange occurs
Hot Indian (HI): I think you are an advanced dancer.
Científico: How do you know? I could be a complete beginner.
HI: I don’t think so
Científico: Have you been watching me dance?
HI: *smirks and looks away* No
Científico: Then what is it about me that makes you think I’m advanced
HI: I don’t know…..you just seem so confident
Científico: Ooooh I like compliments
HI: I do too
Científico: But I’m not that easy you know. You have to do more than just compliment me
After this we continue chatting and I grab her number with my normal “beer girl or wine girl” close. She says she likes liquor. Then a bachata comes on and I ask her to dance. She gives me the token “I’m taking a break” resistance but as soon as I take her hand and lead, she follows.
We dance something like 4 songs in a row. She isn’t the greatest dancer but she escalates the physical touch very sexily, and at several points I let her grind her ass on my crotch. I could have easily gone for the full make out but I have learned from the past – no more doing that at bars. Instead, I try to pull home:
Científico: So do you want to learn to dance kizomba (segwaying off previous conversation about the dance).
HI: Yes, I do
Científico: Come back to my place and I’ll teach you. We’ll put on some good music and drink more wine.
HI: Well, I came here with this guy. He drove me here and is supposed to drop me off later.
Científico: Is this supposed to be a date?
HI: I really don’t know.
Científico: Haha, seems like this guy isn’t doing a very good job.
HI: yeah…..
Científico: Why don’t you just tell him you are going back with me?
HI: I think I will stick to the original plan, it’s what I do 99% of the time.
Científico: And are you interesting and adventurous 1% of the time?
HI: Sometimes…..
At this point I am pushing but she is not budging, at least verbally. It is about 1:30 am and I am thinking about calling it a night. This guy she mentioned was nowhere to be found which is kinda strange. Not sure what I could have done better here. Obviously I wasn’t going to be able to lead her out of the venue and into my car exactly the same way I led her out to the dance floor.
Shortly after the above exchange I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I go back out and ask a cute Asian to dance – this girl is a better dancer, and HI is watching from a distance. Then I grab my jacket and go back over and ask her again directly
Científico: I’m going home, you wanna come with me?
HI: No thanks, but thank you for the offer I really appreciate it
HI: You have my number
Científico: Okay, we’ll grab wine later. You like wine right?
HI: Kinda, I like liquor more
Científico: Sure, there are a lot of hookah lounges close to where I live
HI: I don’t like hookah though.
Científico: Okay, we’ll figure it out. See you later
I give her the Spanish cheek-kiss then walk out. I’ll text her soon tonight, about 24 hours post-close, and see if she responds. I’m not sure that last exchange was perfect – better to discuss the date over text, but I’m proud I controlled myself and didn’t escalate to full make out even though the vibe was very sexy at one point with this woman.