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Nueva década, nueva vida


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Another good daygame outing today.

Went out on the bike, did not have a specific target # of approaches this time. Got to my favorite park, locked up the bike and stayed there for the duration. The day was absolutely gorgeous and there was a good number of people out.

1.) Cute Colombiana.
First one of the day. Girl was sitting on a bench reading a book. However her attention was wandering and she was looking around and saw me. Hesitated slightly due to AA before the first approach, but repeated eye contact told me she was a winner.

I approached, opened direct - she smiled and instantly hooked. Turns out she is colombian so we switch to spanish. The conversation is going very well for several minutes, but as I am grabbing the number she is distracted by texts on her phone. She explains that she is meeting a friend, apologizes and takes my info. I tell her no worries and seed the date by asking what she likes to drink. Some more smiling and sustained eye contact as we say goodbye. She responded to my icebreaker text within minutes. Seems positive so far.

2.) Gorgeous virgin islander
The second approach happened perhaps 5-10 minutes after wrapping up with the Cute Colombiana. I am walking along and I see this incredible looking dark haired woman with perfect curves on her lower half, walking in the same direction and slightly ahead. I walk up to her and open direct like always. She is friendly, receptive, and also hooks fairly fast - turns out she is from the US virgin islands, which is quite interesting.

We are chatting about family history and where we are from (I am also from the Caribbean), and remarkably she number closes me by asking "Do you want to exchange contact info?" Nice.

This one also responded to the icebreaker text.

After these two good approaches I feel quite succesfull. I get out two more, #3 to a sexy italian and #4 to an asian cutie with big sunglasses. Unfortunately both of those dont go as well - the italian pulls out the boyfriend excuse and doesnt budge when I try to persist, while the asian is frosty and not hooking.

I chickened out of a final approach before I decide to go home. Thus, 4 approaches today, 2 numbers. Not too bad if you ask me.

Now I have to refine my dating and texting model in this pandemic time. I suppose I simply have to go for the home-meet and hope for the best, though it's possible I could get creative with outdoor dates too?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
This gorgeous virgin islander (approach #2 above) has been very responsive to texts all day. Then, when I pull the trigger, the response is "let's wait until after the curfew is over"

I am in one of the US cities that is currently experiencing protests, of course. We can add "civil unrest" in addition to "global pandemic" as another obstacle to getting laid right now.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Another gorgeous Sunday today, thus perfect for another daygame outing. Unlike the previous two, today's was not as successful unfortunately.

I got on my bike and headed off to my favorite park again. Saw a few potential sets on the way - one older, slavic-looking MILF who was interacting in a loose way with another older gentleman walking a dog. Could have approached but it would have meant likely engaging the gentleman too. Another girl with a gorgeous ass on the trail definitely caught my eye - almost approached, but then saw she was on the phone.

Once arrived at my favorite park and locking up my bike, I saw the first set to approach immediately - a cute, short woman with big headphones on and sunglasses sitting on the grass.

#1 - Cute girl with headphones was immediately receptive and friendly. Turns out she came to the park from the same place I started. It was going well until someone started calling her...."oh, this is my fiance, he's problably looking for me - hey babe, I'm by the bike racks".

Oh well. I ejected soon after that (to which she said "aw ok, see you later" - almost like she was disappointed). I thought after the fact that I could have quickly gotten her number and still tried my chances at a seduction later. I saw her and the fiance walking together shortly afterwards in the park - dude was about twice my size.

#2 - Fit girl was wearing some kind of black sport top and tight leggings. She looked hot. Was walking in my direction and I opened as we passed. Unfortunately my approach failed to stop her momentum and she kept walking - she probably needed a more forceful 12 o clock front stop instead of the 10 or 11 o clock that I did. First blowout since I started approaching again during this pandemic.

#3 - Short blonde was idling around in another nearby park I reached on my bike. I was stopped, I observed her walking past - unsure of if I wanted to approach or not since she was perhaps only slightly over the attractiveness threshold of a girl I would be interested in. Then she took a seat on a park bench nearby which I interpreted as an IOI. I approached and she was happy I did - receptive and cute. It was a good pleasant conversation and problably the best of the day. Unfortunately when I tried to close she refused - said she had a boyfriend stationed in Qatar that would be coming back soon. My usual persistence did not work, so I moved on.

#4 - hot latina MILF was walking along the trail close to my starting point. I passed her on the bike then pulled over maybe 100 meters in front of her path - my intention was to approach as she passed me. Unfortunately she went off in another direction maybe 20 meters before reaching my position. I went after her and approached. Total blowout, she did not have even the slightest interest in engaging with me. Next time I wont wait to approach a woman walking on the trail - I will stop immediately on my bike and open.

#5 - French cutie another case of a failure to stop momemtum, similar to #2. The only difference is she did engage me in some minimal conversation before saying "I have to go meet my friends". I should have pulled out the usual "That's okay, I like busy people, but before you go, you should give me your number and we'll meet for wine" but I did not this time.

Finally, #6 - sexy italian was a taller woman I saw walking on a sidewalk close to my apartment building as I was on my way home. Pulled over on my bike, waited for her to walk to my position before opening. She was friendly and there was a soft social hook. A few minutes of conversation before she ejected saying she had to go home, to which this time I pulled out the "That's okay, I like busy people, but before you go, you should give me your number and we'll meet for wine". She refused the close and said she had a boyfriend. Usual persistence did not work, with her saying "I wouldn't want him doing that to me".

Thus, 6 approaches, no numbers. Hopefully next time will be more fruitful.

In other news, I've started to re-engage old leads on my phone (from daygame, dancing, or other sources), starting on the oldest from 2019 and working my way to the most recent ones. There is about a 25% response rate so far, which is not too bad. Still working on getting these responders out on dates.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I had an instant date with absolutely gorgeous haitian girl today who was out with her bicycle. Close to 10/10. Every part of her body was perfect - gorgeous face, nice tits, perfect ass. Cold approach in my local neighborhood that turned into an hours long chat with margaritas.

The good: She hooked and I was able to challenge her and engage her. We spent about an hour chatting on a park bench, I transitioned over to a bar with take out margaritas and built some good compliance. We sat down at another location (seperate chairs, unfortunately) with our drinks and continued the chat. She was asking a lot of questions and really engaged in the conversation. I saw an opportunity to continue escalating.

The bad: I knew that I had to distinguish myself from all the other guys out there with some good sex talk routines, unfortunately I have not brushed up on my notes on this and was unable to segway the conversation in this direction effectively. Right now, transitioning to sex talk is clearly my biggest sticking point. I really need to be more prepared and lead. I attempted a bounce-back with a dance lesson and plausible deniability (since she had said before that she was really interested in learning) and she refused with COVID-related objections. There was no opportunity to touch or build any kind of sexual tension.

The ugly: It turns out we are neighbors, and as we walked by my place she continued the COVID-related objections when I persisted with the "come back to my place for a dance lesson" idea. She wouldn't even hug or touch. I stupidly attempted to force the issue by stopping her movement by stopping her bike and she said "you're freaking me out". I didn't handle this well and just said "ok, see you later".

This might be a fuck up, but against my expectations she responded to the ice breaker text with "thanks for the drink, it was nice chatting with you". I'll give it at least several days before re-engaging.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I was supposed to hang out with that "Gorgeous virgin islander" today. But then I get this doozy of a text when I attempt to set up the plans:
"Hey! I think you are great but i reconnected with my ex boyfriend this week so i wont be able to date you."

lol, not sure how I'm going to recover from that one.

Luckily, I doubled-booked myself intentionally. Texting old leads has uncovered the fact that a turkish girl I used to date last year is very keen on meeting up. That will happen this afternoon.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
A lot of flakes lately. Two leads I've reengaged from months/years ago have agreed to dates but then flaked the day off. A lot of others are being flaky in their responses.

Met with the turkish girl on Sunday, she is very sweet but very sexually inexperienced as I know from my previous interactions. She will require a long courtship process to get anywhere, and she is going back to Turkey soon due to the COVID situation. My interest in her isnt so strong to be honest.

Bottom line is I need more leads, and during this crazy time there are only two ways to get them: Cold Approach during the day or Online. The weather isnt looking so great this weekend. I hate online but I'm considering getting back on some of these apps. Thankfully still have more old leads to re-engage on my phone.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Some days this pandemic situation can get quite frustrating. I went out today a few times and did 5 approaches total - two in the early afternoon, three later in the evening. None of them turned into number closes - either soft social hooks with the boyfriend excuse after the close, or just total blowouts. The fifth approach was a bit painful since the girl (a short slavic looking girl walking her dog, cute but not a stunner) straight up told me she was single after I tried to close, just not interested.

Whatever positive momentum I had back in May when I started cold approaching again seems to have gone away.

It's bullshit since we all know how this game works - a man must be immune to rejection and be willing to face it over and over and over and over again. After that 5th approach I let a few others pass me by (note to self: walking around in my neighorhood during sunset hours seems to be a decent time to approach girls out exercising). I really need to be consistent about seizing every good opportunity, especially if I want to use daygame to it's full potential. I'm at almost 500 lifetime approaches and I still have not learned this lesson fully. This is ESPECIALLY important now that daygame is literally the only way to approach women in the field - nightgame and dancing game no longer exists.

The other thing I did yesterday was finally download a bunch of dating apps. Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, Coffee meets Bagel, Inner Circle, J-swipe. I'm trying them all. I guess it is time to finally adapt to these new crazy times. No joke, I'm even experimenting taking photos of myself in different settings. I have a few matches on all the apps (one that seems promising on Hinge?) but I need to find ways to increase the number.


One interesting thing did happen today. As I was out on my bike, I was thinking about that Haitian girl I met several weeks ago and instant-dated --- the only phone number from daygame I got in the month of June (from a total of 13 approaches this month - not great numbers). She had not responded to my texts after the icebreaker. She had told me one of the parks I regularly visit was her favorite spot to read. I even had her mind as I looked around in that park. After seeing no women to approach I got back on my bike to go to another favorite daygame spot. As I got back on the trail - who do I see going by on her bike? THE HAITIAN GIRL.

At first I did not recognize her since her hair was different (black girls often change their hair). In fact I passed her. But after I arrived at my destination I looked back and saw her again - it was definitely her. I quickly caught up to her and approached and said "wanna race?" She said "excuse me?" before recognizing me, then suggested we go sit down. She picked a bench but as I sat next to her she started to complain about social distancing. This started a funny little mini discussion about how I would sit, since there was no place for me to be comfortable if I didn't sit next to her on the bench. I suggested the grass but she said she didn't want it on her skin (wtf?).

I stood up and just leaned against a post nearby for a few minutes, after this she actually got up and sat on the grass because "the sun was too intense" and said "there you happy?"

After this we both sat on the grass for 45 minutes. Unlike last time, this time I managed to transition into sex talk after starting with coronavirus and vaccines, social life during the pandemic, dating in general and during the pandemic, and finally into sex where I used the "11 orgasms" and "you dont know where your G-spot is" routine. We also revealed some details about our past dating lives.

After this time she gets up and says she will start heading back, and asks if I'm going too. I tell her I'll stay for a while longer and said "I'm happy fate brought us back together, talk to you later".

We'll see if this episode helps my chances in actually getting a response from her. I wont text her right away and what will probably happen is I'll need to court her for a while before it goes anywhere since she is so resistant to any close contact due to the stupid virus. But I'm happy I got to see her again.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I'm already getting tired of Tinder and these other dating apps. I get some matches, but very few of the quality that I want. Every time I go down this rabbit hole it is a road to frustration. I crave real, legitimate interactions with women, you know, the way we were programmed for millions of years - not trying to open through a stupid phone screen. The matches I do get are women I would never approach in the field.

Normally when I get to this point I just delete the apps and focus on meeting women in the field. Unfortunately, this time around its not that simple since my ability to generate leads in the field has been reduced. It's going to be a rough pandemic, especially when I run out of old leads to text. I'll continue to experiment with different photos to see if I can get some occasional good leads on these apps. It's happened before.

Three more approaches today, no numbers. Two blowouts and one soft social hook who refused the number close.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Revising my policy of not approaching girls wearing masks or face coverings. When I do it its completely normal - there doesnt seem to be any increased tendency for negative reactions. Just another excuse from the anti-approach weasel.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I had a date last night with an old lead - one of the girls that responded to my "pandemic reengage" text series.

Unfortunately, I did not handle it well. I ended up taking her to an event with a few other people, against my better judgement. We did not have sex but for the night we acted like a couple (with her kissing me and showing some affection in front of the others).

However, I suspect now she might end up friend-zoning me. I've seen it before that women have this weird mechanism that if you get too lovey-dovey and heavy with the kissing but DONT CLOSE with sex the girl ends up getting flaky and wont want to meet up again. It's happened several times.

I'd love to be wrong, but I think it might happen this time again. If so it will just solidify previous lessons.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I'm kinda frustrated with this girl that I had a date with July 4th. Not at her, but at my handling of the situation.

She has not responded to my last two texts which confirms my suspicions. I'm not sure I'll write a field report since I'm already fairly convinced what the problem is. I simply lost control of the situation, made the entire thing feel too serious, too many boyfriend and relationship vibes, when what she really wanted was to be seduced and fucked.

I broke with what I know works best - which is fast but calibrated escalation, with no one but me and the girl. Parties and social events come later. I just got lazy and decided to make an exception here, to my detriment. I feel stupid.

These experiences that hurt the most are the ones one also learns the most from. But what really hurts in this case is the fact that I've made this mistake before. I should have known better.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I went on a proper daygame outing in my neighborhood. Goal of 5 Approaches. It really felt good to hit the streets after not doing so for a few weeks.

It was a mixed bag. I had three awkward blowouts where the girl or woman was just completely non-receptive. Some hesitation before approaching in these cases which I believe hurt me. I am quickly learning that hesitation is a death sentence. If the girl see's you linger around for more than 2 seconds it becomes obvious that you are gathering the courage to approach. There must be no hesitation. One MILF started putting her mask on during the set and expressed no interest in talking to me.

However, there were two good ones.

1.) A hot latina MILF in tight leggings walking a small dog. I approach confidently and do not hesitate which I believe helped me here. I open direct (like always) and use the geography stack, saying she looks like she is from the middle east (and I named 2-3 countries). She is receptive to it, and it turns out I'm completely wrong. She is from Panama, which makes it easy since I can switch to Spanish on her and that almost immediately helps build rapport.

I stack again accusing her of working for the CIA. She plays along and says "oh, how did you know?" in a flirty way. Then a small girl comes out of a food place holding a take out bag. I ask "your daughter?" and she goes "yes". I ask the girl if she can speak Spanish. She coyly says "I know a few words....hola?"

Great, I think. I can have a conversation with her mother without the daughter understanding. This can only help me.

Despite the fact that her daughter came out, she does not show any evidence of wanting to leave and seems to be enjoying the interaction with me. I try to gather some more information about her but she is continually evasive (in a flirty way). I decide to close using my normal "I have a question: are you a beer girl or a wine girl?" close. She responds she doesn't drink. I ask if she drinks coffee or tea. Only water, she replies.

Then I close "well, why dont I get your number, I'll send you a message, and we can go out for a stroll together one of these days".

The girls timing could not be better. She asks the woman in English "Do you think daddy will want a salad?"

The woman replies to me "No, I dont think so" while grinning. I wink at her and wish her a nice day.

2.) The second good one was the last one of the afternoon. A cute dark skinned, and obviously southeast asian girl with a mask on, walking on the sidewalk in the opposite direction. This was another approach where I decided in a few seconds that I was going to do it, which again is the pattern here.

The approaches in which I did NOT hesitate were the good ones. The ones in which I lingered more than 5 seconds were the bad ones.

This girl had a mask on but I did not let it deter me. As she as she was about to pass me I opened her and immediately turned around. Her momentum stopped completely - she was not one of those girls that would have continued walking.

She really gave off this innocent girl vibe. She told me she is 22 and has had a steady boyfriend for 7 years (meaning she has been dating him since she was 15????) She used that as an objection when I tried to close but I was able to get her number despite the objection with a little leadership, and simply saying "I'll send you one message, and you can decide if you want to respond or not" while taking my phone out. She complied and gave up the number.

We had a little rapport going as well because she works in a research lab, an area I am familiar with.

My suspicions are that she is a very sexually repressed young woman just waiting to be unleashed, but we'll see if she ends up responding to my message or not. There was no discernable hook so I give it a maybe 20-30% chance. I'll problably use the "scheduler text" formula from one of Chase's articles.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
The best time for cold appears to be around sunset. A lot of girls out walking their dogs or exercising/walking, taking advantage of the better temperatures (my area gets very hot during the day now in July).

I went out for a 5k run 30-45 min after sunset and saw 2-3 sets I could have approached had I not been focused on my workout. One girl even gave me an IOI. I need to make it a semi-consistent routine to go out during this time and get a few approaches in.

However, as much as I hate dating apps, I recognize that they are a necessity during this horrible pandemic. Make no mistake, this COVID shit WILL last a WHILE longer. We all need to adapt.

I'm currently getting 1-2 decent leads per week on Bumble. But it's not enough. An ongoing project is to continue to optimize my profile pictures.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Went out on another daygame outing today at the optimal time. Had a modest goal of 2 sets and made the goal. It required seizing every opportunity and destroying AA, because essentially I only saw two sets I wanted to approach in my 2 km walk. Daygame during a pandemic is hard.

The good news I was successful at that. There is NO EXCUSE now not to approach, since this is literally the only time I can have non-online interactions with women. Its proving to be enough motivation to wipe out any remaining AA.

Both times it was moving targets, little hesitation. Both times the girl didn't blow me out but didn't hook either, and both times the body language indicated they wanted to eject after a few minutes. Tried to close both times but they both refused. The first approach the girl was about to meet a guy (Indeed - I saw her walk up to him. lol). The second one was a gorgeous, very hot indian woman that was friendly but didn't hook and also refused the close.

Then who do I run into? The fucking Haitian girl. lol. I didn't recognize her at first since she was wearing a very elegant red dress, had different hair, and was wearing a surgical mask. She opened me and when I asked her who she was she almost ejected. Realizing what was happening, I got back into the interaction, and we tentatively scheduled our date for Saturday. She had been postponing so this was a good way to get that on the calendar.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Just had a woman over at my place. Black, nice big tits, big ass. I go for her type sometimes. Old dancing lead from my phone, persistence got the date.

Went and got a drink at a local bar, did some of my usual routines/spikes. Got her back to my place and escalated. Lots of kissing, touching. Unfortunately got ED which slowed down my escalation - maybe she sensed it, and as soon as things slowed down the LMR increased. Did not close.

She drove an hour to come see me, thus I'm not sure I'll see her again since I didn't close. Women are like that.

This fits into my old pattern. I can get the dates, and can always lead back to my place. Once at my place however my close rate isn't very good. I need to figure out why.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
The pandemic continues to be exceedingly annoying. 100% of people wear face-masks within businesses, and most wear them outside - even when its over 30 degrees Celsius and sunny. Personally I can't stand wearing a mask outside, and it makes approaching women more difficult when I cannot see their faces.

At this point I have nearly exhausted all the old leads I could revive from my phone. It was nice while it lasted. The only things left to meet new women are cold approach (much, much lower throughput now) and dating apps (which don't work to my satisfaction).

Like it or not, the focus needs to be off women right now and into other areas. The good thing is that professionally I am doing very well and making more money than I ever have. The best strategy now would be to maintain this career trajectory and to improve my physical attributes via body fat reduction and muscle gain, so I can be at a higher SMV post-pandemic compared to pre-pandemic.

I am trying the 5:2 intermittent fasting plan as of this week as an experiment to see if it helps reduce my body fat, particularly around the face and belly. This will be coupled with a consistent workout routine on my non-fasting days.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
The pandemic continues to be exceedingly annoying. 100% of people wear face-masks within businesses, and most wear them outside - even when its over 30 degrees Celsius and sunny. Personally I can't stand wearing a mask outside, and it makes approaching women more difficult when I cannot see their faces.

At this point I have nearly exhausted all the old leads I could revive from my phone. It was nice while it lasted. The only things left to meet new women are cold approach (much, much lower throughput now) and dating apps (which don't work to my satisfaction).

Like it or not, the focus needs to be off women right now and into other areas. The good thing is that professionally I am doing very well and making more money than I ever have. The best strategy now would be to maintain this career trajectory and to improve my physical attributes via body fat reduction and muscle gain, so I can be at a higher SMV post-pandemic compared to pre-pandemic.

I am trying the 5:2 intermittent fasting plan as of this week as an experiment to see if it helps reduce my body fat, particularly around the face and belly. This will be coupled with a consistent workout routine on my non-fasting days.

I told you so! Do not give up on the cold approach is harder, but it seem, since less people doing it women are more receptive... Just cold approach "about your day" style
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2019
Yeah forgetting names is a tough one. One trick I do is when I ask for the number I tell them to spell their names as I add the contact details. It’s a reasonable request, especially when the girl has an ethnic name, but be careful. If her name’s easy she’ll know what you’re doing lol

Hopefully this approach bears fruit.

- Protean
I learned to pronounce the name at least three times, slowly.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Thanks gentlemen for the comments.

On Friday, I went out to an old dancing venue I used to frequent pre-pandemic the other day with a female friend - the music was great, the women were beautiful, and it was full of people generally not giving a fuck. There were temperature checks at the door and masks were "required", however people would regularly take them off. Some didn't have them entirely. This could easily be a fun pick up spot, and I could legitimately go all-out with this place and completely throw caution to the wind.

I wont do that though. At most I will go to the place sparingly, maybe once a month. There is still in fact a pandemic as much as my body, heart, and soul wants to deny it.

Got out one cold approach during the day today, but got cock-blocked by her phone ringing. Overall my volume of approaches is way down during the summer. I cannot stand the heat, and the number of sets I want to approach that I see during the day is limited.

Still working on old leads from my phone. I recently reactivated a daygame lead from earlier this year. Here is what I wrote about her at the time.

2.) Gorgeous virgin islander
The second approach happened perhaps 5-10 minutes after wrapping up with the Cute Colombiana. I am walking along and I see this incredible looking dark haired woman with perfect curves on her lower half, walking in the same direction and slightly ahead. I walk up to her and open direct like always. She is friendly, receptive, and also hooks fairly fast - turns out she is from the US virgin islands, which is quite interesting.

We are chatting about family history and where we are from (I am also from the Caribbean), and remarkably she number closes me by asking "Do you want to exchange contact info?" Nice.

This one also responded to the icebreaker text.

Then, this happened:

I was supposed to hang out with that "Gorgeous virgin islander" today. But then I get this doozy of a text when I attempt to set up the plans:
"Hey! I think you are great but i reconnected with my ex boyfriend this week so i wont be able to date you."

lol, not sure how I'm going to recover from that one.

All I did was text "I think you're great too" in response, and left her alone until last week when I decided to text her. She is keenly texting me back, though when I tried to set up the meet she told me she is taking a COVID test and is going to see her family until September. I replied "great" and she responded with an emoji and asked if I have Instagram. I told her I just started an Instagram account (which is true), then she asked me to follow her.

Frankly, I have no idea how to game properly on Instagram. Need to tread carefully here.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
This might be a subconscious defense-mechanism to the shitty circumstances we all find ourselves in with this stupid pandemic - however I find my sex drive and my motivation to actually meet women has decreased the past few months.

Like I am perfectly content working out, doing my job, consuming cannabis, and playing video games at home. The desire for contact with women has just gone down.

If I could actually go out I would. When I went on Friday it lifted my spirits considerably. But its not something I crave anymore. I'm certainly masturbating a lot less.

Let's just hope we have a vaccine that works before this causes permanent damage.