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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I've largely succeeded in eliminating AA the past few days/weeks - if I see an approach opportunity, I've been taking them without much hesitation at all. This is good since cold approach during pandemic time is one of the only consistent and reliable ways to get high quality leads (the other is probably dating apps, but you have to have a top notch profile).

Today I got out two approaches just on my walk back from another job in the field.

1.) Girl with a mask on taking pictures of ducks. She was low investment from the beginning. Acknowledged my approach but continued her walk and slowly started ejecting from the set as I tried to lead it. I could tell she was smiling under her mask, so it wasn't a negative thing, just a lack of interest from her.

I perhaps could have been slightly more forceful in my stopping of her

2.) Spanish woman with her bike. She hooked within a minute or two. Good eye contact and piercing blue eyes.

I went for the # close, and I got the typical "oh, let me get YOUR #" BS. In response to this I've recently found another line, which I used here effectively. I told her "That's not how this works. It's my job to lead, your job to resist". Then followed up with the "I'll send you two messages, one now, and one in six months, and you can reply to both, or neither".

She fell right into my frame and I got her digits. Good example of how leading confidently causes women to follow.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Unfortunately I suspect I might have this stupid Coronavirus. If I do its very mild - just some restricted airflow when breathing through the mouth, and fatigue.

Cancelled all dates and parties as precaution, and got myself a test just to make sure. I'll know the result within a week.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Symptoms are still pretty light. Honestly, if this is the Coronavirus, it's not a huge deal. I still feel a slight pain in my chest and restricted breathing but it wasn't enough to deter me from going for a ~6k jog today, and performing some additional exercises at home. I can see how the restricted airflow could really affect someone that is already immunocompromised, elderly, or otherwise unhealthy - however in my case I see myself getting through this with ease. Like I said, no other symptoms, not even a fever. I kind of want to confirm this is actually COVID (awaiting test results).

I hope it is, so I can look forward to at least some short term immunity from reinfection for a few months - studies done on monkeys confirm this happens after the infection clears and they are subsequently re-challenged with more virus. Thus, this would mean I can attend social gatherings again worry-free soon.


I wanted to jot down some thoughts on ONLINE DATING, which I have a love/hate relationship with since the COVID started and made it harder to obtain leads in the field. I recently obtained a new batch of photos of myself which I took for a test drive on Tinder/Bumble over the weekend (since I am socially isolating right now anyway).

The good news is that these new photos are indeed getting me more matches on both apps - as much as 3-4x more! As in, before I would get <5 Bumble matches a day, and now I'm getting ~20. However, they are generally of lower quality than the women I would approach in the field. Most are 6's or below. Occasionally I will get a 7 or even an 8 but they are rarer. Tinder is slightly better than Bumble in terms of the # of matches I get.

I simultaneously started a fake Bumble profile with some good quality photos of some handsome Russian guy I found. Nearly identical profile text (in fact I removed some of it for his profile). The women on this app go crazy for this guy, and he is regularly getting matches with 8's and 9's - these are the women I might actually approach in the field. He is getting 3-4x what my new improved profile is getting (60+), and some of the 7's and below he is matching with actively chase him. I imagine if he were also on Tinder he would reach 99+ in less than 24 hours.

What does this tell me? I still have substantial room for improvement to reach that upper-echelon of guys that are consistently matching with 8's and above. I may not ever be able to duplicate the results of this Russian guy, but I'm certainly going to keep trying. Having a ripped body, especially for a guy with a shaved head like me, is critical to reaching to top potential on Tinder. Having the best photography with good style, facial hair, expressions, and variety are also critical.

One thing I also discovered about PhotoFeeler (which is a website that helps you rate photos with feedback from people) - for online dating, the ONLY parameter that matters to get matches is the "attractiveness" rating. The main photo of the Russian guy is getting a ~9/10 rating, which is not even close to the ~7/10 rating my top photo is getting. So at least I have a benchmark to work with.

Another thing I am also noticing is that these apps by no means represent the entire dating pool. There are lots of women I know from dancing or social circle that I never see on these apps, and this is a great thing.

Cold approach will forever be my favorite way of meeting women, since it is an essential skill for a man to be able to chat up a woman he is interested in anywhere, and it makes him more dominant and able to lead during dates and other areas of life as well. However, having a good dating profile to get a good lead from here and there does not hurt in this climate.

This is something I'll actively continue to work on and experiment in the months ahead.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
My COVID test was negative. It was one of those sensitive swab/PCR tests that really should have picked it up if it was there. Thus, whatever I had, it was not this stupid SARS-CoV-2 virus. Possibly another respiratory bug. Or, possibly something else entirely. I will never know. I feel more or less back to normal now, just been skimping on my fitness routine this week. I will get back into it over the weekend.

Online Dating

This week I've continued my experiments with online. Surprisingly, I have a few decent leads that I have set up dates with this weekend. Many came at me with logistical battles as they live 30-60 minutes away and were not willing to travel to me. I will experiment and see if I can run the two-date model with these (As in, meet for a quick first date, then go for a second dinner-at-my-place date --- alternative is to hold the frame and risk losing the girl). One girl from Tinder is supposed to come straight over on Saturday.

So, clearly it's working. I am still not matching with some of the girls I would like to match with, so I'm talking to another pro photographer to try to improve my photos even more. It's a nice source of largely passive leads.

However, I pity the guys that rely on this exclusively. You lose out by not being able to initiate interactions in the field - they are higher quality, and way more fun.

DayGame Session at College Campus

Even though it was work day yesterday, it was so beautiful I could not pass up doing some cold approaching during the day. I decided to make my way back to that college campus I visited a few weeks ago to approach some young coeds, and sit outside to work there on my laptop some of the time as well.

The AA hit me initially. Probably because this is not a normal environment for a dude in his 30s to be there just to approach women. But as always I got over it after a few initial approaches. Did 7 approaches during the day. Almost all of them had masks on, which I kinda find absurd - many of these were out in the open air in open fields - do people really think they are going to catch the virus when the air will quickly dissipate any viral particles? But I digress.

1.) First approach, before I got to the campus, was a MILF walking her dog in my local neighborhood. She actually hooked but refused the close, and gave me some heavy Coronavirus objections (as in, please stand six feet away from me at all times). Some people freak out like this when you approach but I find its a very small minority, probably substantially less than 5%. I should start keeping track.

2.) Girl on the campus now. Complemented what she wearing and used the geography stack. She was very friendly but did not hook and refused the close, did the "let me get your #" response. I held my frame and she would not give me her number, so I let her go.

3.) Another girl, blonde, more tense than the last one. Refused close with boyfriend objections.

4.) Very rushed set as she told me she was late for class, though she was clearly intrigued by me and said "you're funny". Resistant to giving me her contact info but she responded to my persistence and I got the digits. Not expecting much.

5.) Sexy darker-skinned student. Was responding positively to me but also did not hook. Went for the close and it was a clear "yes" with no objections though. Not sure what to expect from this one yet, however I give this one an over 50% chance she wont reply as well.

6.) Cute red head. Intense eye contact, very calm vibe. Firmly said no when I tried to close, however.

7.) Cute polish girl. No hook, refused close, boyfriend objections.

Notes: When approaching these younger students, it's almost like another pattern emerges - in general,, more open to persuasion/leadership, they hook a bit less (shyness?) but they still give out their numbers at the same rate. Need to put in more volume in places like this - I have another campus in mind to try next.

Dancing Venue

A female friend of mine let me know about another bar opening up that has dancing. I decide to check it out.

It's funny because if an outbreak is going to happen, it will happen at a place like this. People are dancing, they are close, they are mingling, they are taking off their masks to drink or smoke hookah, and it's a smaller space. So, I will be limiting my time in places like this. However, it was fun and I got three additional phone numbers - I have been dancing for a long time so the girls know I am good, and this causes them to seek me out sometimes. Everytime I tried to close after a dance and some chit chat I got the number, with no objections at all. One of the girls even told me "Look, I'm married, but we can go out and get wine anyway".

One of the girls whose phone number I got is ridiculously attractive - so I'm hoping I can move that one along.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
One thing that happens with these online dating leads - the girl shows up, and quite often she doesnt look as good as her pictures. This happened with the girl I met today. Had a quick first date, did the questions game, had lunch and kept it light and short. Not sure I'm going to bother setting up a second date - she is a single mom with a lot of baggage, and I'm not sure how interested I am in her sexually.

The location we met at was a nice outdoor mall, decently suited for daygame. After parting with the girl I met I stuck around intentionally and did 4 approaches. Unfortunately, none of them hooked or gave me their phone numbers. However, on the bright side - I successfully approached a two-set, which still give me anxiety even though I am hundreds of approaches into my day-game career at this point. The girl I tried to close clearly thought I had balls.

Girl from Tinder is coming straight over tonight (confirmed again via text) - we will see how that goes.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Israeli Tinder Girl

She shows up and she is a petite, short, Israeli girl with cute bum. However the face was not super attractive. We sat out on my balcony for about an hour drinking having wine and chatting before I tried to make moves. Unfortunately she was giving me heavy resistance, so I knew she was going to require lots of comfort building to deal with the LMR.

Maybe I will get criticized for this, but I just didn't feel like it. If a girl is just over my attractiveness threshold for sex AND she comes straight to my place, she better be about it. I ended up gently kicking her out, playing video games and texting other girls. lol.

These online dating leads can be curious, since basically you end up going on dates with women you normally wouldn't approach in the field. The girls are choosing you rather than you choosing the girls. Which is why it should be a supplement to your game and not the focus.

Kicking Brazilian girl to the curb.

Here is another example of an online dating lead gone awry. I matched with this girl in an app called Inner Circle, which is an new up and coming app that requires you to pay to see your matches and send messages (like always, these apps are designed to fleece you). However the app gave me a three day free trial, which was enough time to match with this cute Brazilian girl and get her contact info before the app locked me out again.

Our date was originally set for Friday, and there was logistics battle - she lives over 30 minutes away, and was unwilling to come straight to my town to meet me. Thus we agreed on a date half way, and I was going to try a "two-date model".

On Friday, she calls me and cancels, saying something came up with her mother. No big deal, I tell her - and we reschedule for today (Sunday).

Today, I send her the bar I'd like to meet her in and attempt to confirm the time. I suggest 7 pm. She says she is with her friends having Brunch and doesnt know how long it will take, and will get back to me.

5 pm rolls around she still has not confirmed. The text exchange goes like this:

Científico: Status?
Brazilian: *sends selfie with a friend* still in (x town).

At this point I know she is testing to see what she can get away with, and I know I have to hold the frame.

Científico: It's getting a little late to confirm dont you think? -2 points :)
Brazilian: Can we reschedule?
Científico: Listen, you're cute and I'm sure you're a great girl, but this is your second time cancelling in three days. I'd like someone that respects my time and is able to make solid plans.
Brazilian: I'm sorry
Brazilian: I didn't mean to cause any harm! Just being honest.

I thought that last text was retarded and didn't respond. She comes back 20 minutes later:

Brazilian: I do want to meet you.
Científico: Okay. If you want to reschedule, we will meet at a bar in (my town). The earliest I am available is Thursday. Does this work for you?

So, now I am expecting her to make some concessions and meet me where I want to meet. Unfortunately she STILL insists on meeting close to her, and in fact suggests a location even further from me than the initial compromise location!

Brazilian: Friday! let's meet in (x town further away)
Científico: Friday in (my town)
Brazilian: Friday in (x town)
Cientifico: Considering you have cancelled twice, I think you owe me this much. We will meet in (my town)
Brazilian: I am not driving to (my town). I have my reasons.
Científico: Cool
Brazilian: So, we meet at (y bar) in (x town) on Friday. Looking forward to it!
Científico: I'm not driving to (x town). Like I said, you owe me.
Cientifico: I'm sure you can find some other chump that will drive there :)
Brazilian: Yeah! :cool: Good bye

I regretted sending the "I'm sure you can find" last text I sent, but honestly it's of little consequence. This girl is a brat that thinks she can get away with anything, and would have only been good for sex.

Is it just me, or do these kinds of weird stories not happen with leads acquired via cold approach/daygame?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Israeli Tinder Girl

She shows up and she is a petite, short, Israeli girl with cute bum. However the face was not super attractive. We sat out on my balcony for about an hour drinking having wine and chatting before I tried to make moves. Unfortunately she was giving me heavy resistance, so I knew she was going to require lots of comfort building to deal with the LMR.

Maybe I will get criticized for this, but I just didn't feel like it. If a girl is just over my attractiveness threshold for sex AND she comes straight to my place, she better be about it. I ended up gently kicking her out, playing video games and texting other girls. lol.

These online dating leads can be curious, since basically you end up going on dates with women you normally wouldn't approach in the field. The girls are choosing you rather than you choosing the girls. Which is why it should be a supplement to your game and not the focus.

Kicking Brazilian girl to the curb.

Here is another example of an online dating lead gone awry. I matched with this girl in an app called Inner Circle, which is an new up and coming app that requires you to pay to see your matches and send messages (like always, these apps are designed to fleece you). However the app gave me a three day free trial, which was enough time to match with this cute Brazilian girl and get her contact info before the app locked me out again.

Our date was originally set for Friday, and there was logistics battle - she lives over 30 minutes away, and was unwilling to come straight to my town to meet me. Thus we agreed on a date half way, and I was going to try a "two-date model".

On Friday, she calls me and cancels, saying something came up with her mother. No big deal, I tell her - and we reschedule for today (Sunday).

Today, I send her the bar I'd like to meet her in and attempt to confirm the time. I suggest 7 pm. She says she is with her friends having Brunch and doesnt know how long it will take, and will get back to me.

5 pm rolls around she still has not confirmed. The text exchange goes like this:

At this point I know she is testing to see what she can get away with, and I know I have to hold the frame.

I thought that last text was retarded and didn't respond. She comes back 20 minutes later:

So, now I am expecting her to make some concessions and meet me where I want to meet. Unfortunately she STILL insists on meeting close to her, and in fact suggests a location even further from me than the initial compromise location!

I regretted sending the "I'm sure you can find" last text I sent, but honestly it's of little consequence. This girl is a brat that thinks she can get away with anything, and would have only been good for sex.

Is it just me, or do these kinds of weird stories not happen with leads acquired via cold approach/daygame?

Totally horrible... come on brother! You rather hold frame than get laid...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
She shows up and she is a petite, short, Israeli girl with cute bum. However the face was not super attractive. We sat out on my balcony for about an hour drinking having wine and chatting before I tried to make moves. Unfortunately she was giving me heavy resistance, so I knew she was going to require lots of comfort building to deal with the LMR.

The reason she gave you resistance was because you waited an hour to do anything.

When a girl comes straight to your place, she wants quick sex. If you cause her to wait longer than necessary, and she'll lose faith in you.

Make a move in max 10-15 minutes, every single time, and you will never struggle with this again.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
The reason she gave you resistance was because you waited an hour to do anything.

When a girl comes straight to your place, she wants quick sex. If you cause her to wait longer than necessary, and she'll lose faith in you.

Make a move in max 10-15 minutes, every single time, and you will never struggle with this again.

Thanks for this comment. Indeed that is all I wanted too, so I'll move faster next time.

Totally horrible... come on brother! You rather hold frame than get laid...

That Brazilian girl's behavior was intolerable, and I wasn't going to jump through her hoops. I don't believe any self respecting high value man would. I think there is a non-zero chance she will come back, but if she doesn't, I'm fine with that too.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Thanks for this comment. Indeed that is all I wanted too, so I'll move faster next time.

That Brazilian girl's behavior was intolerable, and I wasn't going to jump through her hoops. I don't believe any self respecting high value man would. I think there is a non-zero chance she will come back, but if she doesn't, I'm fine with that too.

Brazilian women in USA,, not in Brazil are kind of like that, they require a bit more patience, and like to make you jump through hoops... But once you game them and bang them, you kind of turn the tables... You stablishing boundaries worked, but then you over played your card instead of letting her save some face...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Brazilian women in USA,, not in Brazil are kind of like that, they require a bit more patience, and like to make you jump through hoops... But once you game them and bang them, you kind of turn the tables... You stablishing boundaries worked, but then you over played your card instead of letting her save some face...

I suppose I could have let her reschedule a second time and gotten the same planned mid-way venue again, but don't I lose value myself by doing this? Don't I then seem to be a man that is a pushover? I figured getting her to agree on a favorable location for me would have put us on even ground again.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Another beautiful day, thus another perfect day for working outside/sprinkling in cold approach. I'll be heading into one of my favorite locations today.

Two upcoming dates:

1.) Slavic looking short haired girl, from online. We were supposed to meet tonight but she just asked to reschedule for Thursday. No problem, I said.

2.) Spanish woman from cold approach. Supposed to meet Wednesday. I describe the approach here:

2.) Spanish woman with her bike. She hooked within a minute or two. Good eye contact and piercing blue eyes.

I went for the # close, and I got the typical "oh, let me get YOUR #" BS. In response to this I've recently found another line, which I used here effectively. I told her "That's not how this works. It's my job to lead, your job to resist". Then followed up with the "I'll send you two messages, one now, and one in six months, and you can reply to both, or neither".

She fell right into my frame and I got her digits. Good example of how leading confidently causes women to follow.

When I walked away from this I thought, low chance of a response. However she has been surprising me by being engaged through the texting.

No logistics problems with these ladies. I will meet them both in my local neighborhood at a bar within walking distance.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Today's daygame outing was very solid - lots of very great, high quality interactions, and a high rate of number closes.

Of course as any player knows - getting the number in fact means very little. One has to convert them to dates and lays.

Went to one of my favorite spots in the city. Foot traffic was down overall, as expected, because it was a weekday and of course because of the ongoing pandemic. However, still plenty of sets to approach with high quality women - especially if I hung around long enough.

Upon arriving, did a quick walk around and found my first set.

Blonde girl sitting by herself reading a book. Used a lot of my standard attraction material and she was amused but not hooking. Refused the close and I ended the interaction after a few minutes.

At this point, I had to find a secluded spot to piss, and I knew the perfect place - so walked in that direction. On the way there found my second set.

2.) Woman walking in my direction with a mask and a bright red t-shirt that said "Istanbul" on it. She made eye contact. I stopped her and complimented her eyes, then moved immediately to the geography stack and asked if she was Turkish. She was. She hooked when she asked me where I was from. Went for the close after a few minutes of chit chat - she gave me some light resistence saying she was dating someone, then when I did the usual "I dont want to be your boyfriend" she said "okay, take my info and we can chat later". When she said "info" she meant Facebook, but I went for the number and she gave no resistence to that change.

As were parting I asked her to lower her mask so I could see her face, and she complied - problably late 30's, and attractive.

3.) Still on the way to the pissing spot, I spot a woman in the distance lying on the grass with a yoga mat, applying sun-screen to her fit body. As I get closer to her I notice she is substantially older - 40's, or possibly even early 50's. I hesitate on the approach but decided she would pass the boner test so I went for it.

This one went very well. Clearly, she was thrilled a man was approaching her. Enthusiastic # close and already responding to texts.

On the way back from my pissing spot I spot a very cute latina walking with an older woman, possibly a mother or grandmother. AA takes over me and I don't approach. I really need to get better at approaching these two-sets.

I get back to my favorite location and sit down to work on my laptop, watching people go by.

4.) I see this absolutely stunning dark haired girl walk by after maybe 20-30 minutes, so I get up and go approach. She is polite but doesn't hook and politely declines the close, unfortunately.

5.) Same story as the above - another dark haired girl, stunning looking. She had a bitchy attitude and was giving me shit tests immediately, but wasn't totally rejecting me so I go with it. I go for the close and she mentions a boyfriend. I push past it with "oh really? So do I - lets do a double date" and she gives me the digits.

Unfortunately here I make a classic mistake - I forget her name! This lowers substantially the chance she will reply. But - as I'm writing this she is actually one of the first girls to reply to the opener. Go figure.

6.) Blowout from tall girl. She was walking fast and needed more conviction when I front-stopped her, I'm convinced.

7.) Brazilian girl hanging out in my study spot. I actually take my time to approach her because she was sitting next to the girl I approached in set #1, so I waited until one of them moved away from the other before making my approach. This patience paid off. I was able to approach when the girl moved to another spot with more shade.

This one also goes quite well. She was wearing an outfit with very similar colors as me, so I use this as a stack and it works well. Pretty with beautiful green eyes. Turns out, she is coming straight from Brazil and has only been in the USA for 2 weeks. Nice hook and was asking good questions about me. Agrees to the date and gives the number with no hesitation or resistance. Probably my favorite set of the day. Let's just hope she replies.

8.) Blowout from cute red head - was absorbed into her phone and did not want to give me attention.

9.) On my way back home now, spot a tattooed chick with a skateboard getting off the metro stop at the same time. I open on the escalators and there was good engagement right away. I wine-close after a few minutes and she gives me the digits, no resistance.

So - 9 approaches and 5 numbers. Rock solid stats today.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Had the date with Spanish woman from cold approach. I'm describing the approach again just for the sake of clarity:

Spanish woman with her bike. She hooked within a minute or two. Good eye contact and piercing blue eyes.

I went for the # close, and I got the typical "oh, let me get YOUR #" BS. In response to this I've recently found another line, which I used here effectively. I told her "That's not how this works. It's my job to lead, your job to resist". Then followed up with the "I'll send you two messages, one now, and one in six months, and you can reply to both, or neither".

She fell right into my frame and I got her digits. Good example of how leading confidently causes women to follow.

I'm not sure how it went. I'm almost in the mindset now that any date that doesn't end with the girl naked in my bed asking me to fuck her is a failure, but this might be an unrealistic expectation? There are guys/pickup coaches out there that claim to be closing ~90% of the dates they go on, but I don't know how much of this is marketing BS and how much of it is actually true. I've heard other pick up coaches claim that 25%/50%/25% is more realistic, as in 25% close on the first date, 50% close on the second date, and 25% close on the third date. This sounds more reasonable to me, but I don't know much honestly since my close rate isn't very good yet.

Apparently, she had tried to text me yesterday to confirm the time today but the text did not go through. I reached out to her this morning to confirm and she said she already texted me asking me the same question, so I called and sorted it out. We agreed for 6 pm at a bar right down the street from my place.

As always with daygame, as opposed to online, I got an upgrade from when I approached - she wasn't sweaty from her bike and her hair was done slightly better, but no other makeup.

My plan was to do a 1-venue date then attempt to pull back to my apartment for a "dance lesson".

We were sitting at a table across from each other. We both get wine. The conversation started and was a bit too serious for my liking, but probably fine since I believe it solidified some things we have in common - we are essentially in the same industry and we talked a bit about careers, her background and my background. I threw in some of my old spikes here in and there (as in "you seem like a sensible girl, no parties, no boys, you go to church....") just to try to remind her that this is not friend-friend.

Then, I segwayed into the questions game (thanks to @Skippy for this awesome suggestion as it's already becoming something I'm always using in my dates). Started with basic safe questions, then went on to the more man/woman and sexual questions. Talked a bit about dancing and tried to seed the pull by mentioning I have good music in my apartment. In general this girl has a more serious vibe

After about 90 minutes, she goes to the bathroom, I pay the tab, and I go for the pull when she comes back.

Científico: Would you like to get another glass of wine?
Spanish Cutie (SC): No, I think I've had enough for tonight.
Científico: Let me ask another question then: would you like to practice some dancing with me?
SC: **Hesitation and smiling**
Científico: Looks like you're thinking about it
SC: No, I don't think so, it's not a good idea, blah blah
Científico: Are you sure? This offer is only good for a limited time. I'll even give you a discount.
SC: ***More hesitation***
Científico: How was your wine?

Possibly, I should have just kept quiet and let this hang in the air rather than calling out the fact that she was thinking about it. She was very clearly considering it, and instead I diffused the tension by calling it out then changing the subject. I'm very much open to feedback on this from ya'll reading this. After about 30-60 seconds of chit chat about the wine I get up and start walking with her. I ask her again and throw in a false time constraint.

Científico: Okay, it's time for your bachata class, but you can only stay for 30 minutes since I too have work in the morning
SC: No, let's do it another night.
Científico: Are you sure? Like I said, I cant have you stay very long.
SC: I'm sure

At this point I drop it - we both walk back to the same parking garage since I also have to move my car, do the Spanish-cheek kissing and part ways.

At this point my plan is to go for date #2, which would be a dinner date at my place. If somehow I didn't mess this up in an unknown way that will cause her to become flaky now.

Have a similar date tomorrow with the short haired slavic chick from online.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I suppose I could have let her reschedule a second time and gotten the same planned mid-way venue again, but don't I lose value myself by doing this? Don't I then seem to be a man that is a pushover? I figured getting her to agree on a favorable location for me would have put us on even ground again.

oh....i see your dilemma, and you are right, i would agree, with a strong boundary disclaimer..... Such as i tell you what, i am going to go ahead and meet you there cause i have had amazing relationships and good experiences in the past with brazilian women, they are kind of my weakness.... But, if this time you cancel, then i am pretty much done, cause i have low tolerance for people that do not respect my time, i can't even remember the last girl that flake on me like you are doing, blah blah...

So i would have agreed, and throw some boundaries and limit your style...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I have Monday off this week, thank goodness. Can work on some more personal stuff tomorrow and perhaps approach more.

Recapping two dates in this post....

Short haired Bulgarian

Had this date on Thursday. I found her on an online dating website, which seems to be attracting women in their 30's to me the most - especially late 30's. Like I said, a nice source of passive leads, but not always of the highest quality.

This short Bulgarian women is 37, so she falls into this category. Met her at a Mexican restaurant, since she said she wanted to eat and I wasn't against the idea. I suggested this particular place and she met me there.

She's cute, although I wasn't completely crazy about her at first. In fact I wasn't even sure if I was going to try to pull. However, the conversation flowed mostly organically and I think we were both vibing extremely well. I decided to just go for it. It's almost as if she gamed me.

She tries to mention a counter idea, which is just walking outside, but I shoot that down and tell her we are going to my place. She falls into my frame and agrees.

At my place I put on music, get wine, and we sit on the balcony. I start the escalation, kissing, and she likes it, but puts on the breaks to go further despite some persistence from me. I am non-reactive and understanding.

I can tell she likes me, so after the date I don't even bother sending a post-date text, and I just reengage two days later. I know she was relieved I did because after I started the conversation, she has double texted several times, and this morning sent me another LONG text essentially expressing how she is excited about meeting me again (saying she "enjoyed my amalgamation of intellect and seductiveness", lol).

Gorgeous Brasileira

This one is from Daygame, from that 9 approach day I recounted earlier this week. I describe the approach here.

7.) Brazilian girl hanging out in my study spot. I actually take my time to approach her because she was sitting next to the girl I approached in set #1, so I waited until one of them moved away from the other before making my approach. This patience paid off. I was able to approach when the girl moved to another spot with more shade.

This one also goes quite well. She was wearing an outfit with very similar colors as me, so I use this as a stack and it works well. Pretty with beautiful green eyes. Turns out, she is coming straight from Brazil and has only been in the USA for 2 weeks. Nice hook and was asking good questions about me. Agrees to the date and gives the number with no hesitation or resistance. Probably my favorite set of the day. Let's just hope she replies.

The same day I get the number, she sends me a VERY enthusiastic reply to my opener, saying "let's get that drink sometime *kiss emoji*". So I can tell right away the date is on. However, I don't believe I did this well and I need to get better at capitalizing these kinds of opportunities.

Today, the day of the date, she sends me a couple of shit tests. The first is about the weather, and immediately following up saying "I have a boyfriend so we have to do this as friends".

I ignore the boyfriend text and tell her to not be afraid of a little water, and she agrees to meet.

There is no doubt about it - this is one of the most beautiful girls I've met in months. This is the main reason why cold approach is always superior - the quality you get can be outstanding. Late 20's, big green eyes.

I meet her in the metro stop and she immediately calls me out for not wearing a mask, and gives me COVID objections when I try to get close to hug her/cheek kiss. So, not a great start. However I don't react and change the subject as we start walking so I believe I handled this well.

My plan once again was to try a one-venue date followed by the pull back to my apartment. Without going into too many details, at the venue, we sit across from each other, and I rely a lot on my old verbal routines, the questions game, and some sex talk gambits from this site. I don't believe I effectively built sexual tension - I could not do it from the verbal material alone without physically getting close to her and touching her, and this is my fault for poor venue selection/not thinking this through. This likely happened with the Spanish girl as well earlier in the week. She brings up the boyfriend again a few times, which I brush off with the standard "I dont want to be your boyfriend" and accused her of moving too fast. She is a feisty Brazilian, so she fires back with "I'm not moving anywhere". I go back and forth between sex talk and normal topics, and try to seed the pull by talking about dancing (as always) and asking if she wants to learn. She says she does, and brings up some dance from Brazil that "she could teach me". However when I actually try to pull (explicitly saying - hey lets go to my balcony for another glass of wine and some music) it's a very firm no - there wasn't any hesitation or obvious consideration like the Spanish girl. I persist 4-5 times but she does not budge.

So, my pattern continues. I have a very poor rate of closing these dates once I get them and I need to understand why.

My thoughts:

1.) Main thing I think is going on is that I need to get better at building sexual tension by choosing better venues and touching more before trying to pull. I moved recently - at my previous location, before COVID, I had a few great lounge-style places where I could sit next to the girl and touch her. I was also doing two-venues instead of one. I went through a long stretch of dates where I was always getting the pull back to my apartment, and now I've had two in a row from daygame refuse.

At the very least, I need to come up with some kind of routine in which I end up sitting next to her on the table. This one-venue strategy lately where I try to build sexual tension just from verbal escalation/eye contact alone before pulling isn't working, especially with the more attractive girls.

2.) Need to get better at my sex talk transitions. Some of them tonight were probably a bit forced and uncalibrated.

3.) Where did this boyfriend shit test come from? She never mentioned him during the initial approach or the texting right afterwards. My only conclusion is that this came up in her mind the day of the date, so it's possible I need to sexualize and make my intentions clear more during the texting beforehand. Inviting girls to my balcony first might actually be a better strategy during COVID where my available date venues are more limited. It's actually working somewhat often, especially with these online leads.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Today, the day of the date, she sends me a couple of shit tests. The first is about the weather, and immediately following up saying "I have a boyfriend so we have to do this as friends".

3.) Where did this boyfriend shit test come from? She never mentioned him during the initial approach or the texting right afterwards.

You are taking her words very literally. This is just resistance.

Reword it to, "Where did this resistance come from?" and it makes more sense, right?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2019
Body to body, soul to soul- builds the sexual connection . For the eyes and mouth cannot do it all.

In all my dealings with women if we're in public subtle touches is the go-to for me. Across the table dates seem like an interview(a real date), not laid back enough for her to feel my scent of a fresh air vibe, which is very crucial to letting her drop guard.

Casually, using subtle kino to build a connection until I can isolate and transition to ass grabbing. ;)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Thanks for the comments gentlemen.

Got out some cold approaches in my local neighborhood today - caught a stoner-starbucks girl as she was leaving work, and she was super happy to talk to me. It was an easy # close.

One thing I learned - sometimes you can stop the girls momentum by simply asking her "Can you stop for a moment?". It worked on a stunningly beautiful Russian woman who I started talking to but continued walking.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Today is a fantastic day for daygame, but the outing was atrocious. In stark contrast to the 9 approach/5 number day I had last week, this time I approached 10 and did not get a single phone number.

Maybe it was something about my vibe, or outfit today. This is why it's important to try daygame during different times, locations, outfits, weather, etc. It can be surprisingly inconsistent.