Eventful weekend.
Daygame Outing Saturday.
It was a beautiful day and I took full advantage. The goal was 10 approaches and I did 13. Got three numbers. Some difficult sets were done, including three two-sets -- the most I have ever done in one outing. Clearly I need to think about how to do these better.
Bonus Approach #1 - Latina MILF. Still in my local neighborhood, calling this a bonus since I wasnt at the planned location yet. It was pleasant - The woman hooked but refused the close, telling me she is engaged.
#1 - blonde woman just outside metro station, in planned location now. Appreciated the boldness and compliment but did not hook. Told me she was married. Her ride was waiting for her and whoever the driver was witnessed the interaction.
#2 - Very friendly woman with a dog sitting on grass in a park. Hooked and we vibed on travel and adventure. Had a vaping apparatus she was smoking weed from and offered me a hit. Hooked but said she had a boyfriend, I blew past that as always and got the number anyway. She hasnt responded to the opener, will try to reengage a few times like I always do.
#3 - Blonde sitting on a grass. No hook and refused close.
#4 - Very shy Vietnamese girl. Would not hook after multiple stacks. Forced the number anyway even though I knew it's a likely flake. Predictably no response yet.
#5 - Tall persian woman, very much taller in fact - problably close to 6 feet, compared to my ~5'7. This interaction was interesting and worth dissecting because she was very much intrigued by me at first, but at some point I probably DLVed myself and she changed her mind quite suddenly. The conversation from what I remember went something like this.
Científico: I'm going to say something cheeky
Tall Persian (TP): Oh? Please do tell *lowers mask so I see whole face*
Científico: I think you look very nice.
Cientifico: I'm going to guess you are middle eastern, like from Lebanon or Syria.
TP: Wow, you're very close. I'm from Iran. Where are you from?
The above is essentially my standard approach. Direct followed by geography stack. I use this quite commonly when I can't think of another stack. She hooks immediately and we start vibing a bit about our respective countries and languages. I notice she has had her phone open the whole time, so I accuse her of swiping on Tinder. She responds - "I don't do online dating, not my style". I answer "That's great - neither do I. Hence why I'm talking to you."
It was at this moment that she does a 180 and wants to eject from the interaction. I see it in her body language. I try to close and then she responds "I'm good, but I really appreciate the directness!".
Possibly, being too up-front that I was trying to date her? Possibly could have taken it in a different direction, like "really? How do you meet guys then". Would not have drawn so much direct attention to the fact that I was trying to pick her up.
#6 - First two set of the day. I saw both girls (blonde and brunette) and thought they looked quite stunning, albeit on the younger side (18-20 most likely, hopefully not below 18).
The AA came back at first. I still struggle opening two-sets. But I conquered it and front-stopped them both, again, direct with the geography stack.
I saw it in the blondes face that was intrigued, but the brunette was not having it. I also did not stop their momentum, especially the brunette, and as she continued walking the blonde joined her and both girls started walking around me. I tried to move with them but by then it was already awkward.
I decided to try to call it out directly - "hey, can you just stop for a moment?" and the brunette answered with a shit test of sorts - "you had your chance already to get to the point but didnt soooo". I didn't have a good response to this.
#7 -Second two set of the day. Two blonde girls, also on the younger side. Both girls had low momentum and it was easy to stop them. But then they let me know they were only 17 and were about to meet their parents. I let them go without trying to close. Stupid masks, sometimes it is impossible to tell!
#8 - Third two-set. This time, two Latinas, one unattractive girl taking photos or her attractive friend. The unattractive friend gave me sustained eye contact as I was getting closer so I knew I had to open. But, but, this very much had a "what do you want" kind of vibe, especially from the attractive friend. I had no idea how to carry it forward so I just attempted to close right away, with predictable results - "no thanks".
#9 - Cute nerdy girl reading on a bench by herself. Had a bright and colorful jacket so I used the playful "you look like a parrot" stack. She did not want to engage that much, did not hook, and when I tried to close she gave me an "I have a girlfriend" objection. I tried to push through in exactly the same manner as I do in response to the "I have a boyfriend" answer, but to no avail unfortunately.
#10 - Saw this beautiful dark haired woman walking by suddenly as I got off the phone with a friend. I did not hesitate and decided to open in less than a second. It was a very short interaction with an immediate hook, and she accepted the idea for a date. She said "I have to go meet a friend" and I closed with "great, shoot me your # and we can get a drink soon". She says: Sure, give me your #!. I take her phone and call myself. She's been responsive over texts.
Bonus approach #2 - Very cute woman walking dog. Hook but refused close, boyfriend objection
Bonus approach #3 - Cute girl outside of metro station, back in my neighborhood. Was amazed that I had the courage to approach. Told me she has been with her boyfriend three years and cannot date me.
Lazy Sunday
Sunday was very much low energy, due to the above outing and other stuff I had going on on Saturday that drained my energy Sunday. I did go to this outdoor thing with dancers, in which I had a funny interaction with a girl I tried to # close:
Científico: Shoot me your # and we'll get a drink soon
Girl: Actually, you've done this before. You already have my number.
Científico: Really?
Girl: Yes, sometime last year. I was waiting for you to text. But then you didn't and I thought "okay, fuck that guy".
Científico: Okay, hold on, let's check this out.
I look her up on my phone and indeed - I had her number, but one digit was wrong.
Científico: Cool, we can pick this up again now
Girl: Well I have a boyfriend now. I didn't then.
Científico: I dont want to be your boyfriend blah blah (standard anti-boyfriend response)
Girl: Okay. Glad we cleared this up.
I've been texting/vibing and now she agreed to the date - just have to set up logistics.