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Nueva década, nueva vida


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Today is a beautiful Fall day with perfect temperature. The women will be out in force today.

While on my morning run, I saw a dude teaching an outdoor yoga class of ~15 fit women. Gentlemen, this dude has the right idea!

Will try a daygame outing today in a brand new location I scouted out earlier in the week. A bit further out than normal but it's a beautiful outdoor mall place by water - I think there is high potential for it. Goal is 10 approaches.
Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Eventful weekend.

Daygame Outing Saturday.

It was a beautiful day and I took full advantage. The goal was 10 approaches and I did 13. Got three numbers. Some difficult sets were done, including three two-sets -- the most I have ever done in one outing. Clearly I need to think about how to do these better.

Bonus Approach #1 - Latina MILF. Still in my local neighborhood, calling this a bonus since I wasnt at the planned location yet. It was pleasant - The woman hooked but refused the close, telling me she is engaged.

#1 - blonde woman just outside metro station, in planned location now. Appreciated the boldness and compliment but did not hook. Told me she was married. Her ride was waiting for her and whoever the driver was witnessed the interaction.

#2 - Very friendly woman with a dog sitting on grass in a park. Hooked and we vibed on travel and adventure. Had a vaping apparatus she was smoking weed from and offered me a hit. Hooked but said she had a boyfriend, I blew past that as always and got the number anyway. She hasnt responded to the opener, will try to reengage a few times like I always do.

#3 - Blonde sitting on a grass. No hook and refused close.

#4 - Very shy Vietnamese girl. Would not hook after multiple stacks. Forced the number anyway even though I knew it's a likely flake. Predictably no response yet.

#5 - Tall persian woman, very much taller in fact - problably close to 6 feet, compared to my ~5'7. This interaction was interesting and worth dissecting because she was very much intrigued by me at first, but at some point I probably DLVed myself and she changed her mind quite suddenly. The conversation from what I remember went something like this.

Científico: I'm going to say something cheeky
Tall Persian (TP): Oh? Please do tell *lowers mask so I see whole face*
Científico: I think you look very nice.
Cientifico: I'm going to guess you are middle eastern, like from Lebanon or Syria.
TP: Wow, you're very close. I'm from Iran. Where are you from?

The above is essentially my standard approach. Direct followed by geography stack. I use this quite commonly when I can't think of another stack. She hooks immediately and we start vibing a bit about our respective countries and languages. I notice she has had her phone open the whole time, so I accuse her of swiping on Tinder. She responds - "I don't do online dating, not my style". I answer "That's great - neither do I. Hence why I'm talking to you."

It was at this moment that she does a 180 and wants to eject from the interaction. I see it in her body language. I try to close and then she responds "I'm good, but I really appreciate the directness!".

Possibly, being too up-front that I was trying to date her? Possibly could have taken it in a different direction, like "really? How do you meet guys then". Would not have drawn so much direct attention to the fact that I was trying to pick her up.

#6 - First two set of the day. I saw both girls (blonde and brunette) and thought they looked quite stunning, albeit on the younger side (18-20 most likely, hopefully not below 18).

The AA came back at first. I still struggle opening two-sets. But I conquered it and front-stopped them both, again, direct with the geography stack.

I saw it in the blondes face that was intrigued, but the brunette was not having it. I also did not stop their momentum, especially the brunette, and as she continued walking the blonde joined her and both girls started walking around me. I tried to move with them but by then it was already awkward.

I decided to try to call it out directly - "hey, can you just stop for a moment?" and the brunette answered with a shit test of sorts - "you had your chance already to get to the point but didnt soooo". I didn't have a good response to this.

#7 -Second two set of the day. Two blonde girls, also on the younger side. Both girls had low momentum and it was easy to stop them. But then they let me know they were only 17 and were about to meet their parents. I let them go without trying to close. Stupid masks, sometimes it is impossible to tell!

#8 - Third two-set. This time, two Latinas, one unattractive girl taking photos or her attractive friend. The unattractive friend gave me sustained eye contact as I was getting closer so I knew I had to open. But, but, this very much had a "what do you want" kind of vibe, especially from the attractive friend. I had no idea how to carry it forward so I just attempted to close right away, with predictable results - "no thanks".

#9 - Cute nerdy girl reading on a bench by herself. Had a bright and colorful jacket so I used the playful "you look like a parrot" stack. She did not want to engage that much, did not hook, and when I tried to close she gave me an "I have a girlfriend" objection. I tried to push through in exactly the same manner as I do in response to the "I have a boyfriend" answer, but to no avail unfortunately.

#10 - Saw this beautiful dark haired woman walking by suddenly as I got off the phone with a friend. I did not hesitate and decided to open in less than a second. It was a very short interaction with an immediate hook, and she accepted the idea for a date. She said "I have to go meet a friend" and I closed with "great, shoot me your # and we can get a drink soon". She says: Sure, give me your #!. I take her phone and call myself. She's been responsive over texts.

Bonus approach #2 - Very cute woman walking dog. Hook but refused close, boyfriend objection

Bonus approach #3 - Cute girl outside of metro station, back in my neighborhood. Was amazed that I had the courage to approach. Told me she has been with her boyfriend three years and cannot date me.

Lazy Sunday

Sunday was very much low energy, due to the above outing and other stuff I had going on on Saturday that drained my energy Sunday. I did go to this outdoor thing with dancers, in which I had a funny interaction with a girl I tried to # close:

Científico: Shoot me your # and we'll get a drink soon
Girl: Actually, you've done this before. You already have my number.
Científico: Really?
Girl: Yes, sometime last year. I was waiting for you to text. But then you didn't and I thought "okay, fuck that guy".
Científico: Okay, hold on, let's check this out.

I look her up on my phone and indeed - I had her number, but one digit was wrong.

Científico: Cool, we can pick this up again now
Girl: Well I have a boyfriend now. I didn't then.
Científico: I dont want to be your boyfriend blah blah (standard anti-boyfriend response)
Girl: Okay. Glad we cleared this up.

I've been texting/vibing and now she agreed to the date - just have to set up logistics.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Venue Reconnaissance

Today went out on a walk to scout out different venues in my local neighborhood. Goal is to know multiple places to take women on dates, especially places with more favorable lounge-style seating and atmospheres where I can sit next to the girl and build comfort if necessary. Found a few candidates (although some of them are a ~15 minute walking distance).

From now on I'll have multiple venue plans just in case I feel the girl isn't ready for the bounce-back attempt, I can go for a second venue instead, and one where we can sit close together.

Upcoming Dates

A few from online dating apps this week, including one average-looking latina girl who was actually persistent - I was ready to let the conversation die because she was hitting me with way too many COVID objections/concerns.

However, I admired her persistence - it mirrored exactly what I do (girl doesn't respond, roll off 48 hours then try again). She did this exactly on me, twice! I decided to reward her efforts.

Again, goes to show you that online dating apps favor women - this is how they can seek out men of higher value (and get them). A man will have a hard time doing this on an online dating app, but he can always approach in the field.

I also double-booked myself on Friday - there is a MILF in her 40's that I met dancing that is very eager to meet up, and today (Tuesday) she was already trying to set up logistics for Friday. Meanwhile, I am still working on that beautiful virgin islands girl that I approached all the way back in May. Last time we did not meet because of my COVID scare. She is still responding to texts and I don't feel like dropping the lead just yet. She also agreed for Friday, but last time she gave me logistical objections and didn't want to come to my home town - I expect she might do the same thing now.

Thus, I can either try to meet them both on the same day, or just cancel one. I will likely try the former, keep the date with the virgin islands girl short in her turf (and try to set up a second date with more favorable logistics), then go back and meet the MILF on my turf - I think this MILF wants to get laid.


Now that we've had sex, trying to determine how I want this relationship to evolve. We are still vibing quite happily over text.

I do not want a monogamous relationship with this woman, but I enjoyed the sex and the time spent with her. Thus I think for the next date I'll just invite myself over to her place for more sex and music.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Another notch tonight. As I suspected, this MILF really needed to get laid.

Turns out, she had just separated from her husband a few months ago.

We met up for "dancing". She parks exactly where I tell her, we meet and I take her to a local bar as the first venue. This venue had some smaller tables where I could actually sit close to her, and I could tell the attraction was there right away as I was able to touch her, take her hand, etc.

No resistance to the bounce-back. Once back at my place, I put on music, get wine and we start dancing like normal. I take her out on the balcony and this is where I escalate with kissing. And she gives me a little bit of token LMR - "Since we're kissing, I need to be clear with you - I dont have sex with guys on the first date, I need to set boundaries".

I just smile and nod, tell her its okay then keep kissing her. It's a classic case of her body enjoying it and clearly telling me she wants it, but the words coming out of her mouth occasionally contradict what is clearly happening (us progressing to sex).

Once on my bed, more token LMR.
"Científico, my body is really turned on by this, but I cant do it, I'm not comfortable, we need to slow down"

In response to girls saying "we need to slow down" - I always do the same thing, which is clearly slow down the rate at which I am kissing her (learned from one of Chase's articles at one point). This gets a big laugh and she is still clearly turned on.

I am fingering her and I grab a condom and put it on my dick. No more resistance as her desires take over.

She loves every moment.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018

Was at a private party at a residence last night with ~15-20 people (dancers like me that can't stand being home all the time due to COVID). It was a nice small group, and some attractive women in the group as well.

Got IOIs from several of the women. I think having good dancing game (which I have down cold) while setting man-to-woman frames is working my favor in these kinds of situations.

For example, one exchange with one of the women I number closed:

Her: I was looking for you earlier, wanted you to dance with me
Me: How romantic
Her: *grin*

There was another shorter man that seemed to know most of them and invited them to the party, but I'm not sure if he is actually banging them or if he is just a beta-orbiter type. I suspect the latter. When you're the guy inviting lots of women to the party it often means you're the entertainer, not the lover - unless you've already banged them before bringing them into your social circle.

With this kind of social circle game I know discretion is more important. Still number closed two of the women, and probably should have number closed a third blonde-slavic cutie that was also giving me IOIs and ample opportunity to close before she left. I regret not doing it, something was holding me back mentally - combination of wanting to be more discreet grabbing the phone numbers of all these ladies, and the fact that I sensed the short dude was trying to make moves himself on this particular woman.

Date #2 with Cute Salsera

Today I have a second date with a girl I thought I wouldn't have. I recounted the first date over month ago in this journal:

My date today went well by my account, even though I wasn't able to get her to my place. It was essentially an afternoon coffee date with an old lead I met dancing just before the pandemic. Initially the girl tried to get me to "meet her halfway" but I convinced her to just drive to me. She parked where I told her, and even though I wasn't 100% sure I remembered what she looked like - of course I found her attractive since I was the one that number closed her. She was wearing a cute summer dress with flowers on it and was all smiles when I met her. She was full of positive energy and I think we vibed well due to that.

I walked her around my neighborhood and took her to a place where we got take out coffee. We sat at the first planned location across from each other and had more conversations. I did some qualification teases and spikes (such as, "you're cute, but are you interesting? What else do you do" and "That's a really cute dress you're wearing, you didn't have to try to impress me so much" ) and she reacted well. Some light physical escalation when I commented on some bracelets she was wearing, and then took her hand completely. She complied to all the touch.

I had two possibilities after the first location. The first plan was to just take her to my apartment for "dancing". I tried with some persistence but she kept saying "no, next time, next time". We actually walked by my apartment and I tried to take her up but there was more resistance I could not break through, even though I tried my best to handle her objections. So, instead I did plan B - which was a nearby open field with lots of grass. There was some more qualification on the way as she started discussing dating and relationships with me - I asked her what kind of guys she likes and she gave me a serious answer, and followed up with what kind of girls I like, to which I replied jokingly "tall, blonde, scandinavian" (exactly the opposite of her, since she is a cute shorter black girl from the Congo). We laughed together before I gave her my own serious answer.

We sat down on the grass next to each other, touching. This is when I tried to kiss her. She initially denied me but at the second or third attempt I used my hand to physically (and gently) guide her face to mine and she complied, and kissed me. One thing I am mindful of now is not to go heavy on the kissing - I LOVE kissing women, but if its too hot and heavy too early it just triggers ASD. Thus I tried to keep myself in check and kept it short and sweet. I could have even done less than I did, but in this case I don't think it mattered.

I walked her back to her car and gave her "homework", which was to send me her favorite song from a musical artist we discussed. She got back home and immediately texted me to let me know she got back, then 20-30 minutes later texted me with her "homework". I think this is a good sign for date #2. I just need to figure out how to continue this to ultimately get her to the best seduction location - my apartment.

She texted me again several weeks ago telling me the reason why she didn't want to go on a second date with me was because she is celibate, and she didn't think I would be up for it. Then she says that if I am okay with it she would love to go on a second date with me.

I say yes. I've dealt with her type before (one Mormon, and one conservative Turkish girl). They need a LOT of comfort and you need to go the boyfriend route. She is very cute so I wont mind spending some time romancing her and seeing if I can activate her womanly desires.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Date with "Celibate" Salsera

Had a nice time with this chick last night, who told me she is celibate. I had her drive to me, and she shows up dressed up very nicely - full makeup, hair done, tight dress that hugged her body and showed off her feminine curves. Then we drove together to a restaurant where I was going to take her out to dinner.

This was intentional. My experience with these sexually inexperienced girls tells me that doing more "boyfriend"ish activities is necessary to reach a deeper level of intimacy with them.

Upon getting there, we realize that dining there wasn't really in the cards - due to COVID they only have outdoor seating, and the temperature was below 10 degrees Celsius. Just too cold for eating outside.

We get takeout and I take her back to my place to eat instead. She was initially nervous about going back to my apartment, but with the music, chill vibes, and finally kissing - her guard went down.

I was kissing her entire body, on and off, interspersed with other activities (for example, playing with my dartboard). She is very sensual and I could tell she was excited. I would periodically try to lightly escalate, take off random bits of clothing and kiss the skin underneath, and she would put on the brakes and move the clothing back. It was all very playful.

I knew sex wouldn't in the cards this time, but could happen in a future meet if I turn her on enough. She revealed that she isn't a virgin, but that she has been celibate for a while and the last guy got angry about her denying him sex - she said it "turned ugly".

She has been talking up future dates, so I can tell she is highly interested.

I am not sure how long I'll hang in there before I get disinterested. But I am getting sex now from other girls, so those needs are being met elsewhere. Possibly with enough persistence this one will give in to her desires as well with time.

Good Results Lately

I've gotten laid three times within one month, which is crazy good and the best I've done in years. For sure since before my 4 year LTR that ended in 2018.

I think it comes down to a number of factors. First is that I've been working good volume and I'm always talking to 15-20 girls at a time, from various lead sources (online, cold approach, social circle/dancing). Second is that my text game/closing has improved - I am quite better at letting the girl know exactly where I am coming from in a calibrated way, controlling the frame so she knows its man/woman, but I also know when to back off and reengage later if need be. Third is that I'm getting better at handling LMR once the girl is back at my place.

Looking forward to continuing this. It might also be that with the COVID girls are extra horny for a guy that will lead them to sexual satisfaction ;)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Today (late in the day) I went to a new outdoor shopping area. It was around 5 pm, getting dark and overcast, so not the prettiest day/time for cold approach.

The goal of this outing actually was not to approach women - I just wanted to buy some new clothes. Any potential cold approaches would be secondary and I didn't set any goals for number of approaches.

However, I walked by this little boutique store and inside I saw this very cute purple-haired woman I knew for a fact was available for the right dude. How did I know this? Because in my online dating app experiments I've actually seen her profile before - she did not swipe right on me.

This store is clearly meant for women, but I go in anyway and pretend to be interested in some items. She comes up and asked me if I need help finding anything. I tell her I am just browsing, then attempt a tease by telling her she looks like an anime character (again, referencing the purple hair). It falls flat. Then I attempt to move the conversation to a more personal level (asking her: how is business? What's your name? then finally - what do you like to do outside of work?)

These attempts fail. She was not having it to have a guy pick her up inside her own store.

I've never successfully picked up a "hired gun", as these approaches are inherently more difficult than normal. In this case it was made even more difficult because:

1.) She was within earshot of several customers, at least 3-4, all women. There is a much higher social cost to being picked up for her when others are listening. This was likely the primary reason.
2.) The mask wearing. She cannot see my smile or facial expressions and I cannot see hers. Which limits my ability to create a calmer vibe.

Oh well. After this failed attempt, I go outside, now in a mood to approach more, and talk to two other women:

1.) Indian cutie. Was walking with an H+M bag and walk up beside her. Fail to stop her momemtum, she does not hook and turns to go into a restaurant - refuses the close.

2.) Latina cutie. This one actually stops and we converse for a good 3-4 minutes. But when I try to close she lets me know she is married.

The good news is now I know another good daygame location, especially for a sunny day.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Trying to figure out the best way to deal with low investment numbers - the ones that respond to texts occasionally but then let the conversation die down.

I got several of these from dancing right now. All of them very attractive women. My current approach is to just let it sit for two days when the girl fails to respond, then re-engage one of several ways.

1.) Continue the same conversation thread, for example:

Cientifico: What's a good day to get drinks soon?

Two days pass

Cientifico: Don't worry, it's not a trick question

2.) Start a new thread, with a meme, photo ping, or "hey chica".

3.) Call out - for example, "are you always this talkative?"

4.) Final hail mary voice note. I try this when the girl fails to respond to multiple reengage attempts. Essentially a 30 second voice note with me telling her I like her vibe and I'd like to meet her for a drink. I recently started to implement this but havent had success bringing leads back from the dead with this yet.

5.) Phone call. Could try in combination with #4 above, as in I try to call and she doesn't answer, then leave her the voice note.

If everything fails, I move the number to the "dead" list that will nonetheless receive some kind of reengage text every few months.

Not sure how much more I can improve this process?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Trying to figure out the best way to deal with low investment numbers - the ones that respond to texts occasionally but then let the conversation die down.

I got several of these from dancing right now. All of them very attractive women. My current approach is to just let it sit for two days when the girl fails to respond, then re-engage one of several ways.

1.) Continue the same conversation thread, for example:

2.) Start a new thread, with a meme, photo ping, or "hey chica".

3.) Call out - for example, "are you always this talkative?"

4.) Final hail mary voice note. I try this when the girl fails to respond to multiple reengage attempts. Essentially a 30 second voice note with me telling her I like her vibe and I'd like to meet her for a drink. I recently started to implement this but havent had success bringing leads back from the dead with this yet.

5.) Phone call. Could try in combination with #4 above, as in I try to call and she doesn't answer, then leave her the voice note.

If everything fails, I move the number to the "dead" list that will nonetheless receive some kind of reengage text every few months.

Not sure how much more I can improve this process?

it seems you are in a hot streak, don't let your mojo cool down till burn out stage (good problem too have).... The texting needs work since you did not follow the soft close advice, try number 3, if that does not work you need to ping eventually on massive pinging stage such as halloween, valentines, new years etc....


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 9, 2020
However, I walked by this little boutique store and inside I saw this very cute purple-haired woman I knew for a fact was available for the right dude. How did I know this? Because in my online dating app experiments I've actually seen her profile before - she did not swipe right on me.

This store is clearly meant for women, but I go in anyway and pretend to be interested in some items. She comes up and asked me if I need help finding anything. I tell her I am just browsing, then attempt a tease by telling her she looks like an anime character (again, referencing the purple hair). It falls flat. Then I attempt to move the conversation to a more personal level (asking her: how is business? What's your name? then finally - what do you like to do outside of work?)

These attempts fail. She was not having it to have a guy pick her up inside her own store.

I've never successfully picked up a "hired gun", as these approaches are inherently more difficult than normal. In this case it was made even more difficult because:

1.) She was within earshot of several customers, at least 3-4, all women. There is a much higher social cost to being picked up for her when others are listening. This was likely the primary reason.
2.) The mask wearing. She cannot see my smile or facial expressions and I cannot see hers. Which limits my ability to create a calmer vibe.

Indirect is a great way to go in a store clerk scenario I feel. Anything that makes her interested in you where she is asking you those questions is better. Mystery had a whole bunch of seminars on hired guns check that out if you are interested. I have not tried hired guns either yet so no personal experience. I had just peeked at the Mystery seminars a little and from what I remember, he would recommend you build social value indirectly first before opening a hired gun. Of course, he was talking of bartenders. But in this scenario, it would be opening a group of customers, getting them laughing and building that social value, where she looks at you and goes wow who is that guy and you have warmed her up and you open her after that.

Of course all this is far more work than just one on one direct game and many guys don't want to bother with stuff like this.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Potential returning customers for the upcoming COVID-Winter

Get ready for this COVID Winter, especially if you live in a colder climate in the northern hemisphere. Colder climates will mean more indoor gatherings which will mean rising case numbers, which will mean more lockdowns. It's already happening in Europe. Here in the US it will happen as well, especially if Biden wins. Mark my words and get ready. I wouldn't be completely surprised if we have mandated closings of bars and restaurants again at some point, making dates outside impossible again.

Best thing to do is to get some regular friends-with-benefits. I am in a good position to turn both the Bulgarian and the Latina MILF into this - seeing them both again this weekend (Bulgarian on Saturday, MILF on Sunday). A possible third option is this "celibate" salsera from the Congo - I think a third date with her is very likely - just need to be patient and persistent with her.

Date Prep for Tomorrow

I am really trying to finally get this beautiful virgin islands woman out on a date. This has to be one of the most frustrating leads ever. I cold approached her on a sunny day all the way back in May of this year, but still have not been able to get her out on a date. Quoting my description of the approach here just for clarity:

I am walking along and I see this incredible looking dark haired woman with perfect curves on her lower half, walking in the same direction and slightly ahead. I walk up to her and open direct like always. She is friendly, receptive, and also hooks fairly fast - turns out she is from the US virgin islands, which is quite interesting.

We are chatting about family history and where we are from (I am also from the Caribbean), and remarkably she number closes me by asking "Do you want to exchange contact info?" Nice.

It seemed very positive at the time. But then the obstacles appear:
- She says she reconnected with her ex and cannot date me. I drop her for a good 2-3 months before reengaging and she does so happily - no mention of the ex again
- Date is scheduled in August or September, she flakes saying she is sick. No problem I tell her.
- Date is scheduled in September and I have my COVID scare and have to cancel
- At some point here called her up and we have a 20 min conversation - establishes good rapport
- Date is scheduled in late September or early October - she flakes again saying she is sick.
- Another 20 min phone conversation
- Date is scheduled for tomorrow. She sends another shit test yesterday:

Virgin Islands Cutie: Científico, I've decided to move back to NYC next month and I dont want to start anything new here. So I dont think we should meet.

Unbelievable. I respond:

Científico: I have no expectations for our meet. You are thinking 5-6 steps ahead ;)
Científico: Let's just enjoy a drink.
VIC: Okkk cool
Científico: How was your wednesday?

She didn't respond to my last probing text. No problem, I'll just reengage tomorrow morning with the exact place and approximate time I want her to meet me.

This one is going to be challenging. She had given me objections to meeting me in my turf before. So, we agreed on a halfway location. Now that there is a time constraint, it really is to my benefit to do a fast seduction ---- but now with crappy logistics. I'm gonna have to apply my charms to make it work and plan the entire thing very well. And I fully expect her to try to flake again tomorrow. But I think I have a good text ready in this case. We will see what happens.

I also planned a date with a flaky Tinder girl as a backup. May or may not work out.

Date Venue Recon + A few approaches

Thinking about this date with the virgin islands girl (and potential future dates in this area), I actually went to this location tonight to scope out venues.

The situation is bleak. A lot of venues I used to go to are closed now. However, one of my favorite cocktail bars in the area is still open - thank goodness!! This is where I will tell her to meet me.

I wasn't thinking about cold approaching at all, but of course I couldn't pass up some opportunities. Dark, cloudy, cold and overcast it was very terrible conditions.

1.) Blowout from girl walking in the opposite direction. "I'm on the phone".

2.) Woman sitting outside of the cocktail bar having a glass of wine. Blonde, and a bit older than me - at least late 30's, possibly early 40's. I had to kinda walk around her to get to the Q-code to make a reservation at the bar for tomorrow. I kinda use this awkwardness to engage her in conversation and she hooks right away. It was a good easy number close and she responded to the icebreaker.

It's clear at this point I actually do decently well with women in their 30's and older. But I've heard it said that game is all about getting women that are younger than you, and hotter than you. To get there I still have some work to do.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Honestly, a bit pissed off tonight.

Predictably, I had to deal with a mountain of objections, rescheduling the venue, and follow ups to try to make this date happen with the virgin islands girl. But I just couldn't break through. Just an incredible amount of excuses from her, her agreeing to meet then changing her mind, until it became clear to me that she really wasn't going to let me meet up an hour before the date was scheduled. Maybe I'll post the convo at some point but I'm not sure there was anything I could have done to save it. This one hurts a bit with all the investment I put in over the last few months.

But I'll get over it.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 9, 2020
Honestly, a bit pissed off tonight.

Predictably, I had to deal with a mountain of objections, rescheduling the venue, and follow ups to try to make this date happen with the virgin islands girl. But I just couldn't break through. Maybe I'll post the convo at some point but I'm not sure there was anything I could have done to save it. This one hurts a bit with all the investment I put in over the last few months.

But I'll get over it.
Maybe it would have been better to call her out to hang out with you and your friends where your friends include a couple of girls. When I was solely focusing on daygame except from a couple of guy friends and women I was going on dates with, I had no social circle. Since I began developing one, I have seen how girl's attraction for you suddenly rises when they see you interact in a social circle. Especially if it is a social circle you have put together as in you have introduced the people to each other and you guys hang out maybe once a week.

Make some new guy friends, maybe at a bar or through a meetup or a language exchange app or something and befriend some girls even better if they are good looking, don't hit on them. Then bring the girls and merge them with your guy friends and you will now be the leader of that social circle. You don't have to invest too much time, meet them once a week and create a whatsapp or Facebook group where all you guys can chat.

The girls that you daygame who do not seem to be hot for you, just invite them to hang out with you and your friends, tell her she can bring a friend as well if she wants. Then when she sees you being a leader of your circle, where they all look up to you and when she sees your social value, her attraction to you will go up, if she is available that is (sometimes even when she is not;)). Suddenly there is jealousy, you are not chasing now, she sees that you have a SOCIAL LIFE and you have girls in your life and now you just became more attractive. Like Mystery says, having pre-selection and social proof is tantamount to you now having grown a pair of perfect boobies and makes you that much more attractive to the girl. :)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
hi scientifico

"My current approach is to just let it sit for two days when the girl fails to respond"

do you do the opposite? where you leave girls on read for 2 days, then respond?

5.) Phone call. Could try in combination with #4 above, as in I try to call and she doesn't answer, then leave her the voice note.

"Not sure how much more I can improve this process?"

Definitely get her on the phone with you...i have been experimenting with this for the last couple of months and its working for me....if she ignores a request for investment, say you're kidding and ask for lesser investment, then call her as soon as she responds, get her feeling good emotions in a short phone call and then schedule something with her. for me this looks something like "kidding. not ready for that. favorite color?" she responds with her favorite color and i instantly call her. moves things a long quicker than waiting around texting each other.

sending best wishes for warmer numbers in the coming days


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Had a very low-key weekend, except for Friday night (detailed below). Only hung out with the Bulgarian Saturday, MILF cancelled due to her own possible COVID scare (but still has very keen interest). Focused on some other projects and didn't cold approach at all, but still following up with older leads.

As fun and important cold approach is to fill the pipeline with high quality leads, I also believe in taking breaks and recharging every few weeks. I did more approaches in October anyway than any month this year. Thankfully, I do not live crazy north right now, so we will almost certainly have more days of nice temperatures before the COVID Winter really sets in. Thus there is still time to go out and find women.

Friday Night Outing

The disaster with the virgin islands girl had me itching to do something with myself on Friday instead of sitting at home.

A female friend (that I am not interested in sexually, but always hangs around me wanting to dance) contacted me telling me she was going out to one of the only venues in the area that still has dancing, so I decided to go.

Every time I go to this place I am amazed. Its packed and everyone is mingling/dancing with each other. 50% of the people in there aren't wearing masks or not wearing them properly, and the staff doesn't care. It is only a matter of time before we get an outbreak at this place during the COVID Winter. I was wearing my neck gaiter over my mouth and nose 99% of the time.

Regardless, I had a great time. The girl I fucked in September was there - I thought there was possibility of it being awkward since I haven't contacted her, but in fact she seemed very happy to see me. There were some noteworthy interactions, two of which I'll highlight.

1.) Married Latina MILF.

She was standing by the bar holding two drinks (for some friends that were dancing), wearing a tight blue dress that hugged her body. I approach and try to take her out for a dance. Which honestly was incredibly stupid given her situation (lol), so she had no interest in that. I open her again in Spanish and we vibe on where her accent (in Spanish) is from. She is from Bolivia. After this exchange (5 min) she hooks and she actually finds a place to put her drinks down, then I take her out on the dance floor and have fun with her. She isn't a great dancer but I always find ways to make the dancing enjoyable, even for the low skill ladies.

Later on in the evening, I am outside on the patio (where people take smoke breaks) getting some fresh air. She goes outside, looks right and sees me and immediately comes over to me. What she didn't realize was that her friends were also there, so she was 75% of the way to me before she notices her friends are also out there, and she starts to feel very awkward.

I tell her "let's go meet your friends", and just merge the groups. A dude and a girl, both also from Bolivia and very cool. They actually go back inside after 10 minutes and leave me and the MILF outside again together, we chit chat further for a few minutes before I suggest we go back in and dance.

This time I decided I was going to try to close, so while we are dancing I go through the normal "beer girl or wine girl" close and ask for the phone number. It goes like this:

Científico: Let me get your number, I'll send you a message and we'll get a drink
Bolivian MILF (BM): I would LOVE to but.....*holds up finger*
Científico: (Standard Response): I don't want to be your husband, I have a very rigorous application process for that
Científico: I'll send you one message and you don't have to respond or not.
BM: My husband is going to KILL me!! You are Bad!! *Starts playfully hitting me*

Later on she is dancing with me again, close to the table where her friends had a table and could see her, and she is telling me.

BM: You shouldnt be around me too much. My friends know my husband.
Científico: Oh? I can just go dance with some other chicas then.
BM: Do that. And we'll dance again later, at the other end of the bar.

I left without finding her again, which may have been a mistake. It's almost like in the moment I interacted with her, she had unspokenly agreed to cheat on her husband. I texted her an icebreaker late that night and she didn't respond. I haven't followed up yet, though I'll probably ping her tomorrow morning. My interest in her is lukewarm - I'm not crazy about her, but I wouldn't mind shagging her.

2.) Sexy Black Dancer

I know some guys don't care for black girls, but in my humble opinion this is one of the sexiest girls going out to these places right now. She is a regular and every time I go somewhere to dance socially she is there. Does not bother wearing a mask 75% of the time. Has an incredible body and doesn't mind showing it off. Always drawing attention from several males.

I got this chica's number several weeks ago the first time I met her and it has been flaky.
- Got the number and sent an icebreaker, then follow up. No response to both texts.
- See her out a second time. Acted very cool and greeted her normally, asked her what trouble she has been getting into, but didn't put any particular attention on her throughout the night. Had several good interactions with her. Texted another follow up the next day saying it was nice to see her.
- She responds to this message, saying she will let me know when she is free to hang out next week (!). I tell her sure.
- No response to my follow up.
- See her out again on Friday. We see each other and immediately we start dancing. I don't make any compliance requests and just make a comment about the last venue I saw her at I knew she would be interested in. She tells me "I'm lit as fuck so I can't dance well right now". Indeed, she was drunk, but I make fun of her and just tell her her bachata will get better but her salsa will get worse.
- Get her out for another dance shortly before I leave. She is even sloppier now, lol. However I am impressed since she could actually sing the lyrics to the particular song we danced to in Spanish, so I start talking to her in Spanish and in our convo I make a vague refence about getting a drink. She understands enough and says ok.

The next day, I follow up again. But this time I just call her out:

Científico: You were definately lit last night :D (slightly different emoji here, I used the smiling one with the sweat drop)

It takes her over a day to respond, but then she says:

Sexy Black Dancer (SBD): I was a messsssss lol

Gonna go with what fog said here and just leave it like this for 2-3 days before I respond.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
hi man, nice job here...youre doing good..

Later on in the evening, I am outside on the patio (where people take smoke breaks) getting some fresh air. She goes outside, looks right and sees me and immediately comes over to me. What she didn't realize was that her friends were also there, so she was 75% of the way to me before she notices her friends are also out there, and she starts to feel very awkward.

I tell her "let's go meet your friends", and just merge the groups. A dude and a girl, both also from Bolivia and very cool. They actually go back inside after 10 minutes and leave me and the MILF outside again together, we chit chat further for a few minutes before I suggest we go back in and dance.

i see an opportunity here for you to be moving faster. what if you had kept her alone and bounced back to your place instead?

I texted her an icebreaker late that night and she didn't respond.

Best thing to do is to get texting with her while she's in a state of receptivity. Like, while you're still interacting with each other. And then continue the conversation once you've left each other. You'll never have to worry about no-responses doing this. And this allows you to keep her in a state of receptivity towards you when transitioning from person->text, and then back into person again.

Personally I would have asked her to text me something from a high point in the conversation.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
i see an opportunity here for you to be moving faster. what if you had kept her alone and bounced back to your place instead?

You're completely right of course. I should have at least found out her situation, did she drive there by herself or come with the friends, and thought about pulling right then and there.

I probably didn't do so because this place is a ~25 minute drive from my apartment, it's isolated and everyone drives there - making the logistics for pulling directly difficult. I think I still have a limiting belief about my ability to pull directly from this place.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
First cold approach in November was a success. I'm walking outside after a job in the field and its sunny, but cold and windy. Less people out in general. I'm thinking "this Winter is going to be rough - less women out to approach".

Then I see her - taller, slender brunette woman with a rose colored jacket. I think I have to stop her, this is likely my only good opportunity for the day.

She turns in my direction, making it easy.

Científico: Hello there, I'm going to say something cheeky.
GIrl: *stops and removes headphones* Yes?
Científico: I think you look very nice.
Científico: What were you rocking out to? Justin Bieber?

My normal direct approach + Justin Bieber stack is pretty standard for me when the girl is wearing headphones.

Girl: Oh, thank you. No, I'm listening to Selena Gomez
Científico: *not knowing this artist* Interesting, what kind of music is that?
Girl: She's *blah blah blah*

Good sign here since she is already investing in the interaction by answering my question and explaining who the artist is. But she hasn't hooked yet so I stack again with the geography stack I often use.

Científico: You look like you could be from southern Europe. Spanish? Italian?
Girl: Actually no, I'm from Mexico.
Científico: Perfecto, hablas Español?
Girl: No....my parents never taught me.
Científico: Oh you should learn. It's very useful for talking to handsome latino men (pointing to me) or the other latinos around here. We are quite common!
Girl: I agree. Where are you from?

Hook point. From then on it was easy to move to the number close, more vibing on the book she was carrying (Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond, which will be useful fodder to start the text interaction).
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