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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Way too many flaky/low investment leads lately, which is frustrating.

I have not done a proper cold approach/daygame outing in almost three weeks - when I focus too much on work this can happen. It's all been 1-2 approaches here and there as I go about my days.

I think I start to get pissed off when I don't do a proper outing for too long. Contact with people is therapeutic, especially when they are attractive females. And it helps fill my pipeline with high quality leads.

Aiming for a 20 approach weekend - 10 on Saturday and 10 on Sunday.

Also have a photoshoot planned with a new photographer (for dating apps).


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Beautiful weekend - did 17 approaches over the two days. 3 short of my goal but its okay - Saturday was rough to get all of my approaches in since I also had that session with the photographer.

I wont go through all of them like I sometimes do. I had several good interactions and got 6 numbers out of the 17 in total, including one in a dark street corner with a professional-looking woman that I thought would never go well. I just went for it because I was very attracted to her - and guess what, it went very well. The anti-approach weasel can and should be ignored as often as possible.

I'll just share how happy these outings make me. I have no idea where I would be right now without the ability and confidence to talk to women during the day like I'm doing now - probably miserable and pissed off in my apartment. Daygame is therapeutic!!

One girl who didn't give me her number, because she said she was about to meet her boyfriend, told me: "thank you so much for approaching me like that. You are so nice. If you keep approaching women like that I know you will have a lot of success". I actually got a tear or two of joy hearing her say that.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
DayGame Stats/Number Flakyness.

As much as I enjoy these daygame outings and have a lot of good interactions, the majority of the leads I get from daygame are flaky. Over 50% of the phone numbers I get don't even respond to the icebreaker text.

Although this has always been the case for me, these numbers are in fact getting slightly worse than 2019, and I know this for a fact because I keep very good stats - thus, even though I am closing more (as in, the number:approach ratio is substantially higher) in 2020, the overall flakyness of the leads is increasing.

I do wonder what is going on. I want to blame the pandemic, but I also wonder if something else might be happening here. It's possible I'm just good at being persistent during the interaction, the girl follows my lead in the moment but when she gets home to think about what happened decides she doesn't want to respond. Could be a mix of multiple factors.

I'm not too worried though, because even though my date:number ratio has slightly decreased, my number:approach ratio is so much higher in 2020 than it was in 2019 it should more than compensate. I've also done only about half the approaches in 2020 compared to 2019 (because of some lost early pandemic months), even though my AA is now far less and I'm more efficient with my time.

Thus, when we start to get out of this stupid pandemic, I can travel again and more people are out, and without the AA, I'm in a good position to start killing it with daygame and really working high volume.

Online Dating

The world of online dating apps is rough. There are a lot of good women on these apps but only a small percentage of guys at the top are getting most of the attention from them - thus is the consequence of living in a deregulated global sexual marketplace, where any girl can go online and have access to top tier men.

2020 has been an experiment for me with online dating, the first time in many years that I've gone online and gotten some results (I have some good memories of fucking some girls from OkCupid all the way back in 2010, but that was a different era).

I am still not nearly getting the results I want. New professional photography pictures have helped, but I am definitely still not in the tier I want to be - I consistently match with 5's and below, sometimes 6's, and the occasional 7+. If I want to match consistently with the 7's and above I need to move up.

I have a shaved head and I'm a bit shorter than average (~5'7), which are already two strikes against me. To move up in the online dating world, and with closing more efficiently in general, I need to increase my SMV/fundamentals even more. I already have a great job and my finances are in order, but I can think of two more ways to do this.

Increasing my SMV

1.) Fitness.
I am in better shape than a lot of the women I am screwing right now - and I know that they know this, which is why they are excited about me. The ones that are at my fitness level or better in general are going for even higher SMV men.

I have good muscle definition in my arms and in my chest. Could be far better, but it is already better than at least 80-90% of guys. My biggest problem is some body fat overall, and especially in my midsection, that I need to continue decreasing. I have already made great progress the last few months with caloric restriction and I plan to continue this over the holidays.

Once I get more defined abs, and get into elite shape in general, I hope to show this in my photography to really try to get to that higher tier of men that are killing it with women online and in social media.

There is no excuse to be out of shape in 2020 if getting women is one of your goals. And for quality of life in general.

2.) Status - dance community. Historically in my life I've hooked up with some extraordinary women due to my dancing hobby, and this is without being an instructor or a performer. I'll never forget that time all the way back in 2011 that I fucked one of the hottest girls I've ever been with - only because in that moment, she saw me as THE guy that was the best dancer in the entire venue. There are a few other examples like her.

I've been dancing for over 10 years, I'm good and the women know I am good. So I've been realizing I need to do a far better job maximizing this advantage, meaning becoming a performer and/or an instructor, increasing my social circle game in these places, and closing better at the big events.

This was already a goal I stated in the beginning of this journal - unfortunately the stupid virus put a stop to this for now. On the bright side, I now have more time to focus on #1, so I'm a better position to maximize #2 later.

So, I have a plan to be better. Just a matter of executing it.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Was out daygaming today, taking advantage of a nice Saturday and set a modest goal of 5 approaches. Tried a new location I don't normally go to. The weather is getting progressively colder but I dont live so far north that it's unpleasant yet. Still a decent amount of people out, although this particular location has lighter foot traffic.

Mostly positive reactions but no strong hooks. One blowout. No numbers.

The one I want to write about here started off as a two-set and then became a three-set. It was two black girls, one of them wearing a stylish purple dress that made her look cute and sexy at the same time. The friend taking pictures was wearing normal clothes (jeans and a jacket) as I was not as attracted to her. I think my opener was something like "hello, how is your Tinder photoshoot going?" I definitely brought up Tinder within the first 20 seconds.

They quickly let me know that she was just engaged. I asked her long that has been going on, and she responded "4 months, but I've been seeing him for six years". They also somehow let me know she was 25, and thus has been dating the guy since she was 19. I made fun of her for dating the same guy for so long and missing out on so much in her 20's.

At this point, another black girl joins the set - overweight and not attractive to me at all, but I engage her in conversation immediately with something like "was just saying hello to your friend taking photos". She responds positively.

For a brief moment I felt like I was in control of the vibe, that I could take the conversation anywhere I wanted to. The problem was I had no idea where to take it. They had just let me know that the one girl I was attracted to in this set was taken, and I had no idea how to overcome that. A few more minutes of chit chat and I decided to eject.

Possibly I could have taken social media information at least. But it's seemingly very difficult to do any kind of social circle game in the middle of a pandemic.

Still, I came away with this feeling fairly positive. Two-sets still give me substantial AA. This was one of the first where I just approached without thinking about it too much, and the reaction was positive. The hardest two sets are the two moving targets, where you are just stopping them both as they are walking. Even these kinds of interactions are definitely starting to feel more normal.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I feel my motivation to deal with women right now heading toward a low point. It is a mix of factors - I know I will have to see my parents during the holiday season who are in their 60s, and they are extremely nervous about this Coronavirus. Case numbers are going crazy right now which drives up the risk, as well as increasing the chance of new lockdowns. Bars around me are still open for now, but I expect this might not be the case for much longer.

There are also the usual obstacles of setting up dates around the holidays. I've had a lot of flaky leads lately and doing proper follow up with all of them feels exhausting. Maybe I need to try no-fap (or reduced fap?) for a while to get my mojo flowing again.

Still putting a lot of focus on my fitness goals right now. Making good progress just eating right at a caloric deficit and regularly working out.

On the bright side, I've still got three plates I am spinning - the Bulgarian, latina MILF, and the "celibate" salsera from the congo. I'm hoping at least they can carry me through the horrible COVID Winter we are about to experience.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Been putting minimal effort into sourcing new women the past week or two, aside from the occasional dating app conversation and cold approach here and there. Right now I am just relying on my "plates" for intimacy.

1.) Silly game from the Latina MILF

She came over on Tuesday. She had this really wooish game she wanted to do with me, which involved throwing flower petals onto my bed, stating "intention", feelings, and "boundaries", then having me lay down on the bed and having her "adore" my body.

The night before she came over, she threw me a random question.

MILF: Are you open to us just hanging out and not being physically intimate?
Científico: Why are you asking this question?
MILF: I would like to hang out more before we jump into bed and I was wondering if you were open to that.
MILF: Just curious and putting it out there as a conversation topic.
MILF: I didn't mean to sound too abrupt.
Científico: Ok. We can talk about it tomorrow.

After that I proceeded to change the subject.

It was clearly a little shit test, since we never did talk about. We were fucking about 15-20 minutes after she arrived.

Then, during her little wooish game, she again stated "No penetration" as one of her boundaries. Again we were having sex about 20 minutes after that (she asked me to get the condom).

I think these are just little tests from her to see if I react or lose my cool. Since I give exactly no reaction, it's an automatic pass.

2.) Lunch with "Celibate" Congolese Salsera

This is the third time I see this girl. She shows up to the Ethiopian place with a bright red dress that hugs her body. It was made out of a thick material and nicely suited for the weather, as well as made her look sexy and elegant at the same time. I love the way this girl dresses. I couldn't wait to give her a big smooch when I saw her.

She showed up late and I called her out about it yet assured her I wasn't mad "because it's Saturday and I'm in a good mood".

I'm not following my typical rules with this one - I'm playing the boyfriend role and almost falling into her frame a little bit, telling her I'd listen to some random religious podcast she is listening to about relationships, after she told me "it's an instruction manual to me". She just moved to her house in the vicinity of this restaurant we met at, now living with her sister - I tried a few times to invite myself over but she kept saying no saying she had "to finish moving in and renovating".

I was going to try to be more persistent, but then she suggested that she come to my place on Tuesday to watch a foreign movie (something we have been planning). I accepted this alternative - likely easier to escalate at my place with no interference from her sister.

I don't know if I am setting myself up for failure here (I may very well easily be), but then again, my experience with these kinds of girls tells me that if I am to actually seduce her it has to be a slow burn with a lot of patience.

By the end of our lunch there was a lot of incidental touch with her sitting really close - then outside we kissed a lot. I'm looking forward to continuing this on Tuesday.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Looks like I probably failed with the "Celibate" salsera.

She came over to watch a movie, and at a crucial point it got hot and heavy. I stuck my hand inside her panties and fingered her - she was dripping wet. I took out my hard dick and she stroked it. For a bit it looked like it was going to happen - I change position to get better access to her lower end and started to remove her clothes. Then of course she put on the breaks, removed my hand from her vagina and would not let me move it back. Her body language stiffened as her some part of her brain activated that decided she didn't want to let it progress anymore.

I stopped escalating and went to the bathroom. When I came back out she had moved herself to my balcony, then told me she had to go. I was still kissing her at this point - one thing I need to learn in cases like this, and this is a mistake I've repeated before, is continuing to give attention even when the girl isn't behaving in a favorable way. Not sure it would have made a difference in this case.

She left and after she got home she called me and told me she did not want to see me again. Her excuse was that she is "not ready for intimacy".

I tried to tell her to think it over and that I'll talk to her after thanksgiving. She said ok.

Probably though, the damage is done. The most optimal outcome would have been to close tonight, not exactly sure how I could have made that happen though with so much engrained resistance in her brain. A difficult case for sure.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
One other thing that comes to mind is why spend too much time with women like this anyway? I am in a phase where I really want to work on myself., and sometimes I question how much I should really focusing on girls I feel only mediocre about, when I could be using this time to really build myself optimally.

I'm interviewing for another job right now that might offer a very large bump in my base salary. Recruiter reached out and I decided to humor them. Would be over 100k, and that doesn't even include commission, bonus, car allowance, and other potentially superior benefits over my current role. I really like my current company, but opportunities like this make me think about a potential move.

By the same token, I'm making great progress on my fitness and have lost some body fat just by regulating my eating and exercise - still have a long way to go.

Instead of getting my workout in and eating right, I skipped my workout today and ate too much Indian food with her.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Man, I hate missing opportunities to approach.

I was out running this morning. In my area, there are always other people out exercizing but in general very low volume. Not many girls to approach so I wasn't thinking about it.

Then, as I'm wrapping up my run (but still going full velocity), I round a corner and there a few meters in front of me is a beautiful girl with deep blue eyes and dirty blonde hair.

We make extended eye contact but I continue to run right past her. My brain was not in the approach mode. About 15-20 seconds after that happens I am kicking myself. I could have run after her but I made excuses.

These incidents happen sometime and I always want to document them here because I hate myself afterwards. Much better to approach and get rejected than not approach at all.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I'm a bit annoyed tonight. In a particularly egregious case of the eternal flake, I just had a woman flake on me no less than three times in a row.

This is a ridiculous one where every time she would reengage and come back, only to flake again every single time. I finally told her to stop texting me.

The vast majority of women are not like this - I can only imagine what is going on in the mind of this one for her to think such behavior is acceptable.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Mini approach outing today in my local neighborhood while running errands. Lower volume these days where I live, and it takes a while to find good sets, but it's important to do this once in a while to keep the AA from resurging.

1.) Pre-med student walking her dog. Approached from behind, walked past then opened while looking over my shoulder - then continued to walk with her. She was friendly but there was no hook, boyfriend objection when I tried to close. Persistence failed.

2.) Darker skinned girl leaving starbucks with a giant drink. Opened with "you are making me thirsty with that thing" and she smiled but backed away and told me I was too close (COVID objection). I still don't know the optimal way to deal with the COVID objection when it comes up, since it surprisingly doesn't come up that often. I said it's okay since we're in the open air, but as I started to respond she was already ejecting. I let her go.

3.) Shorter girl with dirty blonde hair. Was walking the opposite direction and I could see her looking at me - I stopped her from the front and we conversed. She was laughing at my stacks but did not hook. Tried to close and got the boyfriend objection. Persisted a bit talking about dating during COVID and she stayed in set - gave me encouragement and told me not to give up. I love when women give me this feedback as it highlights how in fact most women are just fine with men hitting on them. Persisted a final time and she still refused, so I let her go.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Tonight I was thinking about how I should incorporate DayGame into my routine a little more consistently. While it's a highly enjoyable activity, the problem is that it requires time and effort to at least get some results out of it. If you do not put in the volume, results will be only sporadic.

Tom Torero (who I learned a lot from) used to say at least 30-50 a week. The problem is that this goal is just unrealistic for me right now, for multiple reasons - foot traffic is down, weather is getting colder, and I have a full time job I need to balance with that. If I set a goal I cannot realistically meet, I fail - which is what's been happening. I just haven't set a concrete goal for how much daygame I want to do thus I've been getting lazy.

Like I said earlier, women are also not my #1 priority right now at this point in my life. Fitness, finances, and career are. I'm thinking lately I might be getting a little bit too comfortable in my current role, and I'm assessing to see if I need to make any changes.

Thus, I'll set a more modest goal for now - 10 per week. This is a goal I can actually meet, either walking around in my local neighborhood throughout the week, OR going out and doing a 10 approach outing one weekend day.

When the stupid COVID goes away I'll take vacation and plan a real outing, maybe to Colombia or back to Russia, and really do a proper cold approach/pick up holiday. Especially when I have arrived at my fitness goals and I have better social media/instagram. But for now, as they say, never let a good crisis go to waste.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I stumbled upon on opportunity to audition for an amateur dance team now in December, in a few weeks. This is with a dance company that is fairly well known in the area among the scene.

I'm gonna go for it. With all the experience I have, and the fact that dudes are usually needed for these teams (indeed - females/followers passes are already sold out), I have a decent shot of making it. This would help my social circle and social media game immensely. As well as being quite fun.

Wish me luck.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Weight Loss Update

Since I started keeping track of my nutrition and weight with Cronometer.com on the 11th of November, I've lost a little less than 2 pounds per week. Even before I started formally keeping track I had already lost 8-9 pounds, thus in the last two months or so I've lost roughly 13-15 lbs just by being at a caloric deficit and following a workout program.

Going to continue. Goal is to reach that 10-15% body fat range, so I can see my abs, and look good in photos. No excuse not to get this handled during the pandemic.

Private Party

Went to someone's house last night for another dancer party. Slightly more guys, but the women that were there were high quality.

I had varying levels of compliance with them, from some being super friendly and flirty, to others being cold and refusing dances. Par for the course. This will always be the case, but raising my status by being an instructor or performer will help my results (working on it).


Been working all week, but now it's the weekend and I need to get 7 approaches in to meet the modest goal of 10 I set for myself. Really this is just a goal to maintain some level of real-life interaction with females during this strange time - society would like us to limit all interactions to dating apps, which could easily drive someone mad. I'll get some in today and the rest in tomorrow.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I actually realized that those three approaches I was counting as part of my total for this week were actually from last week - so I reset the count and set out to do 10 this weekend.

Got out two unremarkable approaches in my neighborhood yesterday while running errands, so I had to do eight today. It was a sunny December day, colder (5-10 degrees C). Went out in the afternoon.

First I did a small loop in my local neighborhood and found it more or less deserted, so I knew I had to change my location to achieve the higher volume needed to get to 8 approaches. Got on the metro and went to the starting location of one of my favorite routes in the city. A little higher volume, but still sparse compared to how it normally is pre-COVID or even during the summer in 2020. I had to walk longer than usual to find sets.

Changes: Opening direct like always, but I am now throwing in a little statement right after the open but before the stack -"you seem like someone I would like to get to know, at first glance at least - I am not completely sure yet". This is meant to let the girl know I am not completely sold on her yet.

1.) Opened a girl as she was walking in my direction. She listened to my sales pitch and I could tell she was smiling under mask. She was however doing none of the work to carry a conversation - I must have stacked 4-5 times, then saw she wasnt hooking or doing anything (but staying in the interaction) so I tried to close anyway. She refused the close and wouldn't budge after I persisted, so I let her go.

2.) Very similar interaction as the first, boyfriend objection and refused close.

3.) Blowout, she didn't even stop to talk

4.) Cute friendly girl that listened again to my sales pitch but had the boyfriend objection and refused close, so similar to the previous ones.

5.) Girl walking in the opposite direction as me, she had good style, long blonde hair, and I could tell she was attractive even though she was wearing a mask and hat. Caught up to her and opened her as she was conveniently stopped at a stoplight.

This was the best interaction of the afternoon. When I opened her she stopped and didn't bother trying to cross the street anymore even after the light changed- so she was completely engaged with me. Here the extra statement I threw in actually did something as well:

Científico: you seem like someone I would like to get to know, at first glance at least - I am not completely sure yet
Girl: That is very good. I could be an axe murderer for all you know.
Científico: Or you could be trying to steal my kidneys and sell them in central america.
Girl: How did you figure out my plan!?

So this turned into a small roleplay. Could have run with this further but didn't know how (need to think about this for next time), so I transitioned to one of my usual stacks about her working for the CIA, then into where she is from and she hooks and asks me where I am from.

I need to start recording my sets again, because I don't remember exactly how the conversation went after this. Eventually I tried to close, and she said she isnt dating right now because she just broke up with her boyfriend of five years. Then we ended up talking about male/female interactions and past relationships for a time. I must have tried to close 1-2 more times (with her refusing) and before she finally agreed to give me her facebook. She looked quite good in her picture, a very cute girl under her mask and hat as I suspected.

We talked some more about social media and masks and society. I asked her what she thought about how masks are affecting society psychologically - talked about how I believe they are closing off a lot of people to each other, and pointed out I dont even know what she looks like yet. She says her facebook already revealed what she looked like, and I counter by telling her it could be photoshopped "like all those girls on Tinder". Eventually the conversation reaches a slight dull point and I know it's likely past-time to end it, so we separate.

This was a good one but by no means great. My multiple close attempts really set a chasey, "I'm trying to pick you up" frame that is not likely to be super attractive to her. She still hasn't even accepted my friend request so chances are low this will turn into anything. Still, it has given me some things to think about.

6.) Very cute Lebanese girl that had just sat at a bench - I actually guessed correctly when I did my geography stack, and she was impressed. But she did not hook. Tried to close after 1-2 more stacks with her not hooking, using my "beer girl or wine girl" close. She says "I know what you are trying to do" and here I should have problably played dumb and teased her, instead I just proceed with the close like normal. She does the "let me get your number" BS, to which I respond with the normal "It's my job to lead, your job to resist" line. She says "ok, I'm not interested". I eject.

7.) Bolivian girl. Transitioned to spanish but she seemed to prefer English. She was doing no work to carry the conversation and there was no hook. "I have boyfriend" Objection when I tried to close. Didnt respond to persistence.

8.) Young, blonde girl. Just like above, no hook, refused close.


- Out of the ten interactions, only one really hooked and closed (and only because of persistence). This is much lower than my average, but I've come to expect these kinds of variations as normal. Sometimes I have crazy days where I close over 50% of the interactions, and sometimes its 0%. Daygame has a high variance that any daygamer should accept as normal.

- Very tough low volume right now with the masks, and winter weather. Have to walk around quite a lot, and travel to different locations, to find sets. The entire session took 4 hours just to get 8 approaches in, highlighting how Daygame is a low throughput strategy ESPECIALLY right now. Thus why my 10 approach goal is reasonable to me right now, perhaps until after this COVID Winter. I wish cold approach were my full time job but it is not.

- Going off on the above point, I do believe the dating app/social media game advocates are partially right. While cold approach is fun and absolutely worth doing (because of the quality of the leads it generates), it cannot be the only way for a male to meet and retain females. It is just too low throughput. Think of sales - what company wouldn't leverage the power of social media and internet to find and retain leads? Not one that wants to survive in the marketplace. Thus why I'm working on my fitness and photography right now. Cold approach, as well as dating app leads that go dead could be reactivated with a good instagram or facebook.

- I need to start recording and analyzing my sets again. I don't know if I can turn around these low investment conversations where the girl doesn't hook, but at least the long exchange with girl #5 would have some nuggets there for improvement when the girl is engaged like that but not completely sold. I still need to develop more solid routines, ideally involving the girl qualifying herself to me a bit before I close. Maybe even experiment with indirect once in a while, as much as I dislike it.

- Blowouts are quite rare for me these days, probably because I make eye contact, have a loud voice, and approach with confidence. The girl has no choice but to stop and listen.

- Reasonable goal setting works. I got my 10 approaches done because that was the promise I made to myself, even though it took the entire afternoon. Any daygame practitioner needs to set goals, for the day, week, month, etc.

- There is another clear benefit to daygame - it aligns with my fitness goals. According to cronometer, I burned over 400 calories just walking around this afternoon.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
- Going off on the above point, I do believe the dating app/social media game advocates are partially right. While cold approach is fun and absolutely worth doing (because of the quality of the leads it generates), it cannot be the only way for a male to meet and retain females. It is just too low throughput. Think of sales - what company wouldn't leverage the power of social media and internet to find and retain leads? Not one that wants to survive in the marketplace. Thus why I'm working on my fitness and photography right now. Cold approach, as well as dating app leads that go dead could be reactivated with a good instagram or facebook.
I'm not sure what your experience with online dating is, but yeah online vs cold-approach is something that everyone probably needs to experience for themselves and experiment with. I personally used tinder for 2 years before focusing solely on cold approach. I went on about ~20 tinder dates with girls ranging from hideous to pretty much perfect, in the looks department. I'm happy I used it back then because I had some great experiences from it but I wanted more control and I realized it was making me complacent. If I were to go back and do it over, I wish I had not ditched cold-approach for tinder...but I would not be able to say that without diving deep into tinder in the first place.

Now that I've been doing daygame for about a year and a half I've been on about ~8(?) Day 2's and about ~10(?) instant dates (only one overlap). The girls I got out on day 2's were all at least very cute and the girls I instant-dated were mostly all gorgeous.

I think most people will agree that quality is higher with cold approach. As for quantity differences...well I think this can be somewhat mitigated with much higher skill. I learned so much from daygame these past 1.5 years and realized I still have a lot more to learn. I still have not come close to my results from online(pulls and lays) but I think this will happen within a year, once I break through a couple of sticking points. I feel like it should be feasible to average one new date a week and if you include instant dates pre-covid then this is definitely possible, but it takes far more energy than swiping on an app.

But I would not say I had optimized my online dating strategy back then either. My pics got upgraded significantly though. I found that one area where online works wonderfully, is when you're traveling and you want to hit the ground running. Or if you don't want to deal with language barriers. I have not cold-approached abroad though. Have you had experiences with that?

Thus why I'm working on my fitness and photography right now. Cold approach, as well as dating app leads that go dead could be reactivated with a good instagram or facebook.
Yeah, I never tried instagram but it's worth exploring. I think Tony Depp uses it, I'm curious to see how it works out for you

There is another clear benefit to daygame - it aligns with my fitness goals. According to cronometer, I burned over 400 calories just walking around this afternoon.
This is so true and super underrated. When I was going out every day for an hour or two, I'd at least be getting a brisk walk in. and averaging 8-10k steps a day. lots of health/longevity benefits from just walking, so daygaming regularly can literally save your life :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I'm happy I used it back then because I had some great experiences from it but I wanted more control and I realized it was making me complacent. If I were to go back and do it over, I wish I had not ditched cold-approach for tinder...but I would not be able to say that without diving deep into tinder in the first place.

Now that I've been doing daygame for about a year and a half I've been on about ~8(?) Day 2's and about ~10(?) instant dates (only one overlap). The girls I got out on day 2's were all at least very cute and the girls I instant-dated were mostly all gorgeous.

I think most people will agree that quality is higher with cold approach. As for quantity differences...well I think this can be somewhat mitigated with much higher skill

There is no doubt the quality from cold approach is typically higher. This fact alone motivates me to get some approaches out every week. But the fact remains that even for a daygamer with the highest skills, the outcome of most approaches is rejection. Unless you want to put in a very high amount of volume, energy, and effort (and make it your full time job), the quantity of these leads will not surpass those from dating apps/online when you have your social media/dating app game set up correctly.

Online leads will come at you passively, from the comfort of your own home. Now imagine if you could get those top-quality girls from online as well - combine this with cold approach, and you have truly optimized the dating market in 2020 and beyond. But to achieve this, you need to be at the very least in the top 10% of male profiles online. Ideally top 5%. It requires a lot of work with fitness and photography most guys are not willing to put in. I'm working to achieve this - or I will die trying. One or the other :p.

I have not cold-approached abroad though. Have you had experiences with that?

Very limited experience. I went to Madrid last year on a family trip, and I approached something 15-20 girls, opening in Spanish - and my blowout rate was crazy high (over 50%). Number closed less than 20%, lower than my average. Interesting to consider what might be happening there.

In contrast, I went on a very short trip to St. Petersburg, Russia several months later and opened ~8 girls at a mall there. I had a very high hook and close rate there, almost 50%, and one came out on a date. I really need to get back there for a proper daygame trip.

Yeah, I never tried instagram but it's worth exploring. I think Tony Depp uses it, I'm curious to see how it works out for you

Currently setting up an Instagram but very much a work in progress. I am trying to get my fitness more on point first before moving on to focus completely on photography. If I start actually sourcing girls from it of course I'll share what works.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Went on a date today with a woman from Facebook dating - had to help her find the free parking in my neighborhood, then we walked and got to a coffee shop.

We sat next to each other instead of across, which was very good right away. There was already some sexualizing from the text conversation previously, because when she accused me of "only looking for a friends with benefits" I talked about how I prefer chemistry and connection to "enhance the sex". She fell into that frame. When we were at the coffee shop, the sex talk gambits from Alek I tried (8 orgasms, mental G spot) worked well, and I seeded the pull by talking about dancing and that we would dance "if you're lucky".

This girl was more or less in my frame and attracted from the get-go. She is Ethiopian, and while she has some body fat, I found her big booty and thick lips attractive. She had a nice body that definitely passed the boner test.

When I went for the pull, there was no resistance and she followed my lead.

At my place, I put on music, we dance and I slowly escalate by the second or third song like I normally do.

It was funny, since she starts grabbing my dick and clearly is turned on, but would not let me get anywhere near her vagina. Then I realize that there is something stuffed in there - she's on her period. Damn.

I try to persuade her that it's not big deal, that I wont judge her and we should get a towel, but I wasn't successful. A lot of sexual play and she gave me a handjob, but no vaginal sex.

She did keep saying she is looking for an LTR that eventually leads to marriage. I kept brushing it off telling her "it has to be with the right woman". But this one might legitimately be crazy like that. Might have to tread carefully if I see her again.

She's in the 6-7 range, which is good - it means I am doing well with girls in this range. But I keep thinking about how I want to move up and get the higher quality girls. The real hotties. This is why I need to continue refining what I'm doing to level up in my results.

Positive news today with this Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine. The data in the recent NEJM paper actually looks quite solid. Thus, there may actually be a light at the end of the tunnel now.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
nice one cientifico. youre doing well.

i might have to hop on the FBD train since im hearing a lot of people having success with it lately.

im using the regular fb to generate leads so im curious to see how it compares.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
i might have to hop on the FBD train since im hearing a lot of people having success with it lately.

In fact I get a good number of matches on Facebook Dating. A lot of 6's and below. But also a significant number of 7's and maybe the occasional 8. More so than other dating apps for sure. It is really interesting.