"Cheat meals" have consequences
After the vegan junk food and the beer I had last night with the Bulgarian, I checked the scale this morning and found I had gained a full two points overnight. This was weight I had steadily lost over the course of the previous week.
Really, it's amazing. The body is very good at taking ANY excess calories and storing it immediately. No doubt this is a result of millions of years of evolution. The problem is that in modern times, in the developed world, this works against us with the overabundance and accessibility of so many high calorie foods everywhere.
No problem though. It was an experiment worth trying and now I know the result - controlling the diet has to happen every meal if I want to get the results I desire.
I spent the entire afternoon and some of the early evening outside doing DayGame and dancing (as I'll describe below) today, thus I'm certainly at a very large calorie deficit today to compensate.
DayGame Session
I got out only one approach in my neighborhood earlier in the week. This I'll call approach
#1. It was an older, hot woman walking her dog that didnt hook never stopped her momemtum. Borderline blowout.
To meet the goal of 10 for the week I set for myself, I had to approach at least 9 women today. My female dancing friend had let me know about an outdoor dancing event at a nearby town, so I decided to combine this event with daygame and spend the entire afternoon outside. Today was an unseasonably warm December day, so I knew I had to take advantage.
I set out there early to take advantage of the hours before the event started to approach women.
My local neighborhood was deserted as it often is these days. So I got on the metro and went to one of my favorite areas in the city to start, which was sortoff on the way to the town where the dancing event was happening.
Here there were certainly more ladies walking around - though not very many stationary targets. Mostly moving sets that I had to stop momemtum.
I look around though, and I see a gorgeous brunette lying on the grass reading her kindle. I decide to approach but when I do I notice she looks familiar. Indeed - I know her. Turns out, this is the
beautiful green-eyed Brazilian brunette that I approached here months ago. What happened with her is documented in this journal - she had very keen interest at first, likely because she was new in the country and because of the boldness of my approach. She came out on the date and I failed to effectively build sexual tension, she refused the bounce-back to my place. I sent one follow up text she did not respond to, and I didn't follow up after that.
The energy of the earlier interactions was gone with her. She was pleasant and we chatted for 5-10 minutes, but conversation was dull this time and I failed to tease or to get her to qualify. I floated the possibility of hanging out again and she said "maybe". I called her out - "that is not a confident answer". She says, "okay yes". I texted her a few minutes ago, but I really doubt this chick is going to give me another chance, which is a damn shame considering I would rate her a solid 9/10.
I continue to approach new girls.
#2 - blowout from short latina. She did not stop
#3 - sexy blonde in leggings. Another blowout that didn't even stop to listen to my sales pitch.
#4 - redhead that stopped very briefly to listen to sales pitch but then ejected.
#5 - short cute little dirty blonde. Stopped momentum, which is good, but then she gave me the COVID objection. I backed away slightly and we continued to chat. She was doing absolutely no work to carry the conversation, only reacting to what I said. This went on for a good 5 minutes. I tried to close and refused.
#6 - Asian that didnt stop. Another blowout.
Was having very poor luck with these moving targets here, so decided to go ahead and change my location.
On the metro ride there, I noticed in the same car a very attractive, short brunette taking selfies of herself. I was crossing my fingers she would get out in the same stop I did.
Luckily, she did, so I took the opportunity to approach soon after we got off the train without my face-covering since it was an open-air platform.
#7 - I would rate this the best interaction of the day. As soon as I approached she engaged and displayed the classic signs of attraction - playing with her hair, and laughing at my teases and stacks. So far so good. I told her about the dancing and she called me out for not being "safe", to which I retorted that she is also doing the same thing with the friend she is meeting outside of her bubble and that I'm telling her mother. She hooks and asks me where I'm from. We talked about languages and where she is from, what she is doing that day, what I'm doing that day, etc.
The interaction had good energy but she signals she has to go. I go to close and unfortunately run into the boyfriend objection. I try to persist a lot with this one using everything I've got.
Girl: I'm sorry I have a boyfriend
Científico: I don't want to be your boyfriend, I have a very rigorous application process for that.
Girl: I know, but it wouldn't be respectful to him to meet you for coffee.
Científico: Does he control and monitor your every move with a surveillance camera over your head or are you an independent person?
Girl: I wouldn't want him meeting with any girls. So I'm just being respectful to him.
Científico: Look, I know a cute girl like you will always have something going on, but I'll just send you one message now and one in 6 months, and you can respond to both or neither
Girl: *hesitates* But I've been with him for two years, what is another 6 months going to do?
Científico: So the wedding is planned already?
Girl: That's the plan for any long term relationship isn't it?
Científico: The divorce rate is 50% you know
Girl: What are you saying!?
Científico: I'm saying us primates are not naturally monogamous
Científico: I'll ask one more time, I'll only send one message not 18
Girl: *hesitates again* I'm sorry I know I won't respond. I really hope you enjoy the rest of your day though and it was great meeting you.
After this one I make my way down a busy shopping street to where the event is. This is a target rich environment, a lot of moving targets again.
#8 - Asian woman shopping around. Engages with me, slows down her momentum and seems to enjoy my approach but doesn't hook, refuses close with boyfriend objection.
#9 - Asian girl with high momentum - she doesn't stop so I walk next to her for a bit. Doesn't completely ignore me but offers nothing but shrugged responses, so I eject.
#10 - cute short girl not wearing a mask, which is a rarity in these times. She was engaged and friendly and we walk together for several minutes, though I don't remember her hooking. I walk with her for a bit and turns out, she was meeting a guy friend. It came as a surprise when we get to him so I had no choice but try to close in front of the guy and she refuses. I should have gotten this information and tried to close earlier. Funny enough, later on I'll see this couple at the dancing thing - turns out she is a dancer. They leave fairly quickly so I don't get to reengage.
Bonus approach #11 - Stationary girl on her phone. Turns out she is young, under 21. Gives me COVID objection and talks about some weird stuff she is reading. For some reason I get a vibe I don't like from this girl so I decide I don't even want to close.
Bonus approach #12 - Close to where the dancing is now, I see this professional looking woman walking close to me. She makes eye contact and quickly looks away. I open and she is receptive. Use some of my typical teases and stacks and they go well but no hook. Refuses close saying "my husband wouldn't like that".
So, only one good hook and no numbers. Overall, my results from daygame lately (last 1-2 months) have been dismal. Occasionally I'll get a good lead (Brazilian girl mentioned above is a case in point), but to get these leads I have to wade through a sea of rejections, low investment sets and flaky numbers.
Could be the low volume (10 per week isn't very much), the COVID Winter making girls less receptive, or problems with my approach technique. The bottom line is that day-game is by far the most difficult form of game and seduction. I'll still do it, but if I can get girls from social circle/dancing and online more effectively I see myself transitioning to those as my primary methods in the future.
Dancing Event
In contrast to the daygame described above, at the dancing thing I had great social momentum and investment from all the women I talked to. Number closed or made plans with two older MILF types that I believe are horny and wanting to meet guys, plus one very young 20 year old venezuelan
- One Asian MILF I've known for years and I invited to a party one time was there. Very good interaction with her. I decided I'm going to try to get her, so I floated the possibility of us hanging out one-on-one and she says: let me know. I texted her and she is responding.
- Another blonde MILF that was making no effort at all to hide her interest. I wasn't sure if I was going to try to close her since she is problably late 40's or early 50's. She was dancing very close to me, I did a bachata move I often do that involves me making the woman body roll from behind, and this causes her light jacket to somehow fall off. She goes "wow I'm already taking my clothes off". Okay, I decided to get her number and she is enthusiastic. Responded to the icebreaker already with a long high investment text.
- The 20 year old Venezuelan I noticed was there by herself. She knew some of the other latino guys but hung out in the background with her phone sometimes not talking to anyone. I approached and she was friendly. Took her out for a dance then chatted her up afterwards. Compliance was high with her from the get-go. Went for the number and she gave it to me, but did give me a minor distance objection since she lives far. Before she left she came over to say goodbye, and she has responded to the icebreaker already.
If I were to always get great leads from dancing like this, I may not even need daygame.