This long weekend I had an unfortunate situation to take care of which I wont detail in this journal. However it did get me in the mood to continue my recent new-found enthusiasm for cold approach during the day.
There is no doubt about it, cold approaching is fun. Who would want to restrict themselves to online dating apps when there are real live women outside you can go talk to? I feel sorry for the dudes that don't know how to cold approach and their only source of leads right now is dating apps - unless you are in upper echelon in looks (tall with a six pack), you are simply not going to get good results on dating apps without substantial effort in photography and fitness. I am working on it (new fitness routine I previously discussed, and currently talking to a legit freelance photographer) but in the meantime, cold approach remains one of my favorite ways to meet females.
Inspired by an article Chase recently wrote, I decided to scout out some new locations today. I had a very modest goal of three approaches just like the other day, knowing that foot traffic is down overall everywhere. However within the span of scouting out several spots in a few hours I got out 8 approaches and obtained 3 numbers, which is a successful day-game outing by that measure (though as any player knows, getting the phone number in fact means very little). Below is the breakdown:
Location A: Previous town I used to live
I recently moved locations in 2020 and decided to check out my old neighborhood as a first stop, not expecting much. Indeed, it was exactly as I imaged - very few approacheable sets on the main crowded street.
1.) I only did one approach here - I saw one latina-looking girl in a summer dress wearing a mask that I let pass due to AA - but then saw her again 20 minutes later and decided to open.
She was Portuguese, and it was low investment with a soft hook, and she gave me the boyfriend objection when I tried to close. I pushed past it with the usual "I dont want to be your boyfriend" and she actually complied and gave me the number - it's always funny when this happens. I don't believe the chances of a reply to my text is high but we'll see.
Location B: Nearby college campus
This was an entirely new place to daygame and it was fantastic. Lots of very young coeds walking around everywhere. In fact curiously enough, most of the students walking around about their business appeared to be women. I'm not even sure where the dudes were. I got looks and IOIs just walking around. I just know I shouldn't be day gaming there too much since I am a man in his 30's and I do not want to be seen on a campus excessively chatting up 18-22 year olds.
However it is quite clear that going to a college campus is a great way to find a high concentration of girls that are hot, and young, to chat with. There are several in my area and this wont be the last time I try this. One minor obstacle was finding girls by themselves - many were in large groups of 3 or more. Another thing I perhaps have to work on is not drawing too much attention to the fact that I am much older, and not a student. If any reader has tips on how to approach on a university campus I am happy to hear them.
Did three approaches here (all outside, all the girls wearing masks, I had no mask).
2.) Cute petite girl. This one felt good. She liked my direct opener and thanked me for the compliment in a way that appeared very genuine, and invited me to walk with her. There was nice investment in her responses and she asked a few questions about me, though I had to still do most of the work as always to keep the conversation flowing. I asked for the date and the number like I normally do and she responded "Sure!" with no hesitation. Hung out after the number close for a few minutes like I always try to do.
3.) Taller girl with nice legs, Greek. I used the geography stack I like to go for when I can't think of anything else and correctly guessed her nationality after my second try. This one had a much more awkward vibe and her body language indicated she wanted to eject, she never hooked or invested, and refused the number close with the old "boyfriend" excuse.
4.) Very hot girl. She said she was of Russian origin thus I tried some of my usual teases when I know the girl is Russian - such as accusing her of being in the Bolshoi ballet, or working for the CIA/GRU. Also had that awkward body language of being in a hurry and wanting to eject. I called it out and said "you look like you have to go, but just one more thing...." and went for the close. "Boyfriend" objection, she refused the close.
Location C: Shopping Mall
I could have done more at that campus but had to leave to go to another town to meet family later in the day. On the way decided to stop by a mall as my third location, to purchase 1-2 items I needed but also try approaching women. This mall is not anywhere near where I live thus I found it low risk to try daygame, even though traffic is down and masks are mandatory/
5.) Stopped a fast walking girl in a short skirt. She looked seriously concerned, backed away, and had zero interest. This was the only complete blowout of the day.
6.) Girl inside an H+M. No hook or investment at all. Refused close.
7.) Another girl walking in the main mall space - laughed at my teases and spikes but did not hook and showed zero investment. Refused close.
8.) Calling this one an approach even though it was one of those hustlers in the mall that approach you to try to sell you a product. She looked very cute, with dark green eyes (funny thing about masks - you notice the eyes of the girl more). I was warmed up from all the previous interactions, and as soon as she approached I immediately made it man/woman by asking if she had a boyfriend and that I would consider buying a product if I could take her out on a date. She responded that she did not have a boyfriend. There was plenty of flirting here, I let her go through her motions of trying to sell me her skin product but accused her of just wanting an excuse to touch me. I also said that I did not want to date her if all she wanted from me was business (lol). She got close and there lots of intense eye contact. I asked for the number and she gave it to me.
As we head into Fall, its time to get serious - more cold approaching and pinging old leads. I would love to have 1 or 2 friends-with-benefits as the weather gets colder.