Re: songbird fog talks about women
Rachel Came Over Tonight
I didn’t text Rachel back after she told me how much she liked my sober shenanigans. Today, she sends me a selfie of her. Then, I get a text from her.
What I ended up finding out was that she saw me daygaming at the school. I was working on this black girl who had previously been looking at me like I was a piece of meat. She was giving me an awfully hard time. Wouldn’t let me take down her number….refused to make plans with me…And then I was like…
fog: wait….you’re single right…?
Girl: no i have a boyfriend.
That explained some things. After that I kept pushing for a close, but she was having none of it! In fact, her body language started to get negative. I mirrored it. When I got the text from Rachel, I was unsure of the part that she saw. Did she see me and the black girl having negative body language towards each other? Or did she see it at the start, when the body language was good? This situation could have been good preselection.
So anyways, after Rach texts me that she saw me, I knew I hadda ask her to hang out:
Rach: i saw you
fog: nice

fog: what are you up to this week
Rach: blablablabla
Rach: what about yourself
fog: sick i got some things planned
fog: I’m thinking we need to get together sometime soon
Rach: when would you like to
Rach: i could maybe come hangout after this class if youre free
fog: what time is that at, 6pm?
Rach: yes
fog: hmmm yea i can make that work
Rach: busy guy eh
fog: I will see you around 6 rach
Rach: ok i will walk over i cant stay long though
She made it really easy. And she’s saying she can’t stay long. Well that was fine with me because I was excited to implement my new 10 minute rule. But I was a little worried, because I was not very horny, and I was placing a ton of pressure on myself to bang her. Because I felt like it was a do or die situation.
Shortly before 6 she walks into my house and plops herself on my couch. She starts telling me she saw me talking to the black girl. She wonders who it was. I tell her it’s a friend of a friend. A mutual friend! Well then she starts talking about the friends she was with when she saw me. She said her friends said they knew me because they met me at a party, and got a picture with me where they were both kissing my cheeks. I am more than happy about the preselection.
For anyone interested, here is the field report from that party:
Yes, rach and i were kissing within 10 minutes. Did I bang her? Nooooo….but I sure as heck did get further than last time. She was giving me a lot of resistance, but I kept pushing, and man WAS I SAVAGE AS HECK. i ordered her around and got her to do whatever i wanted. She was complaining how aggressive I was. But she didn’t complain when I flipped her on her belly, spanked her a bunch, ate her ass, stuck some fingers in her pussy and licked her clit.
I’m curious as to what she expected to happen when she came over. When I first started paying attention to her pussy, she didn’t seem wet at all. And while she was giving me resistance, she kept texting her mom. and she was texting her friend too, because she was finalizing her dinner plans. Well no wonder she couldn’t get in the mood.
She was giving me a ton of tests too, which were nothing but a mere annoyance to me. Here’s some:
- During her resistance, she was telling me I seemed frustrated.
- She was mocking the fuck out of me. When I said something, even if it was normal, she would say the same thing I just said in a really high pitched annoying voice.
- When I would hold her hands down, she started mocking me saying "oh you think you’re such a tough guy”
- She kept saying she could beat me up. I told her that she CANNOT beat me up, even if she tried. She asked me how I knew. I just gave off this dismissive vibe. I take self defense classes, but she doesn’t need to know that yet
- I took my shirt off, and she looks at me and says “You’re so little.”
- She’s got this thing with my height. Won’t stop telling me how she’s taller than me or trying to compare our height.
- She blamed ME for not texting her to hang out for 3 weeks. She complained how I never reply to her snaps. Typical girl.
It is clear to me that a lot of this is her trying to get a rise out of me. But the interesting thing is how she is testing my masculinity and dominance. Why is she so obsessed with trying to be dominant over me….it’s a huge power struggle it seems like. I wish she would just submit to me! I mostly reply to her tests by being amused or giving her a neutral face.
Some of the more interesting parts:
Rach: you haven’t seen anything yet (while I was eating her ass)
She was projecting into the future again, saying she will wear heels the next time she comes over. Just her general vibe was like, we’re seeing each other. And she seems to be quite intrigued by me. She’s amazed by how mysterious and weird I am.
I did take a little attainability hit towards the end. We were talking, she started being curious about how many girls I’ve been talking to. i told her I wake up covered in 6 girls every day.
Immediately after that she gets really grumpy and dismissive! I thought it was so interesting to see this happen. The damage done to my attainability was immediate and apparent. Chase’s advice on how to resolve a situation like this would have helped, but I couldn’t recall it at the time. Maaan, managing attainability is such a drag…….sometimes these sorts of comments i make really just make my job harder.
I felt a little worried because I didn’t want her to leave grumpy. I started showing her some of my facial expressions. She absolutely loved my agreeable/cute and sexy face, and started giggling a lot. Then I tried out some emotional cementing.
fog: we have laughed a lot today
Rach: i always laugh. even when i am alone. I am weird
Sooo… I guess it didnt really work.
She leaves, telling me to text her. I will likely not be texting her, and will wait till she texts me. Besides, I realized I’m not that into her….the chemicals that were released into my brain the last time we hang out, tricked me into thinking she’s prettier than she is. Hm, maybe I’m backwards rationalizing.
My First real Bus Approach
Today a girl and I on the bus locked eyes. I had a serious face on. She looked down. We locked eyes again, this time I smiled at her. Wanted to raise my attainability.
Then shortly after she takes off her earphones:
Bus Girl: You’re spilling your coffee!
I look down. My coffee was dripping all over the bus floor. We had a good laugh over that. Then she put her earphones back in and was bobbing her head all around while sneaking glances at me. Lol.
Bus approaches make me uncomfortable. So I wrote down my number on a piece of paper, and gave it to her. We locked eye contact again and smiled, as if it was a mutual agreement that we would get to know each other through text. After that I ignored her.
Before I got off, more eye contact with her. I smiled at her again and she gave me a weird uncomfortable polite smile. Hm…...
…..No text from her yet….I think the “4” in my phone number looked a little bit too much like a 9. Either that or I handled the aftermath of giving her my number wrong. This was a really fun situation.