QBABY: hey how are you
QBABY: do you speak spanish or prefer english?
FOG: english please

QBABY: oki
QBABY: are you currently living in medellin?
FOG: yeah
FOG: im so happy you speak english because
QBABY: jaja because what?
FOG: id rather seduce you in english than my gringo spanish
QBABY: jajaja and have you ever failed flirting in your gringo spanish?
FOG: only when theres no connection
QBABY: true connection goes further jeje
QBABY: how long have you lived here?
FOG: soooo long now
QBABY: rly?
FOG: yeah sometimes i think im actually colombian
FOG: i forget how to be canadian
QBABY: jajaja wow that definitely sounds like a long tiime
QBABY: where in medellin do you live?
FOG: right now im in provenza. is it close?
QBABY: yah, we are close
QBABY: i live in X
QBABY: like 15 minutes away from provenza
FOG: i want to meet you but i have one question first
QBABY: yeah, what question
FOG: are you an open minded person?
QBABY: depends on what

QBABY: i consider myself very flexible and open minded
QBABY: but definitely there are things that id rather say no to...but that depends on what
QBABY: why the question jaja
FOG: well the most open minded people i know think for themselves. they arent afraid to try a new experience that will broaden their perspective. or they pursue a connection with soemone their friends dont approve of
FOG: on the othe hand, some people are like sheep and dont think for themselves
FOG: its a shame how little trust they'll put in their own judgement
QBABY: oh i get what you mean now, ya in my opinion i like this kind of people who try next experiences to have a broader look of things and life itelf
FOG: thats the type of peple i get along best with
QBABY: i lived in asia almost one year ago and it seemed to me many people just dont like their experience of things...especially women
QBABY: most of the people i met was afraid of the judgement of others
QBABY: i find colombian people a little more open, but you can find many like that...
QBABY: think we'll get along jeje
FOG: oh yeah?
QBABY: uuuh ya
FOG: i agree. i think you are different than most mpeople
QBABY: so far i think the same and we have just exchanged a few sentences jeje
QBABY: what do you do in medellin?
FOG: im a kindergarten teacher
QBABY: wow, english teacher?
QBABY: cool, so do you like children?
FOG: yes im really passionate about helping children grow. its crazy how the experience of growing up can happen in so many different ways.
QBABY: the first years of life of a human are very important in the psyche
FOG: what about you? normally i can guess but....
FOG: 0.0
FOG: i have no clue
QBABY: jajaja normally you can guess? whys that?
FOG: ever since i was a kid, i always got it right. like you said, the first years of life are very important in the psyche
QBABY: jeje
QBABY: im an X for X company
FOG: i knew it
QBABY: jeje you should have said it
FOG: have you ever hung out with a canadian before?
QBABY: yep, my ex was canadian
QBABY: jaja
FOG: oh shit. you know about canadians
QBABY: jajaja i know just about one canadian...
FOG: youre gonna know about another canadian soon....
QBABY: looking forward to it
FOG: one day soon youre gonna be walking down the street to go meet fog
QBABY: what part of canada are you from?
FOG: the cold part
QBABY: jajaja good joke. all of canada is cold
QBABY: but dont tell me yet
QBABY: let me guess give me clues
QBABY: how cold
QBABY: how many degrees in winter?
FOG: lol...-40. please dont go there
QBABY: mmmm -40. thats probably the left side of canada, close to british colombia but northward
FOG: wow
QBABY: yes or no? to move to the next part which is guessing the state
FOG: i think im going to tell you when we meet

QBABY: jaja ok

FOG: lets make plans
QBABY: sounds good, are you free on weekends?
QBABY:for me its better some weekend because during the week im quite busy and at night i just wanna chill at home after a hard day
FOG: i know the feeling. after a long, hard day of X, you just want to relax and unwind
FOG: i have time this weekend
QBABY: saturday or friyay?
FOG: which one is better for you?
QBABY:my friends were talking to me to go out on saturdaym let me confirm with them if thats happening. if so we can meet tomorrow

QBABY: whats your whatsapp?
FOG: yeah