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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
When you text them your icebreaker with the cliffhanger "i just noticed something" does that work well? I think sometimes it's a tight rope walk of when she's already attracted and down to meet you and you get too gamey you just put yourself at a bigger risk of losing her, but i can see how it can reel in maybe girls if you do it right. What do you follow it up with when they say "what?" Atleast it's a good segway to start the conversation and topic that will lead to the closes.

I find myself sometimes asking something boring when idk what to say when they say "you too!" After i send "nice to meet you". Alot of times just something like "so uhh gonna study rest of the evening?" Or some other chump text


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015

im in a new area of bogota - zona t - for the next week before going back to medellin.

i met noza on the street while looking for a place to eat. i opened by asking her if she knew any good restaurants around the area. she said she didn't know of any good places to eat, but she was waiting for a friend to arrive and maybe he'd know. i wasnt attracted to the girl, but she was quite conversational so we easily got into chatting social frame.

then her friend showed up. it was a guy, one of her old coworkers. i mentioned to the guy that i had met noza because i was looking for an opinion for a restaurant. the guy agreed to be my tour guide for a bit and help me find a restaurant to eat at. I thought, why not.

Once we started walking, noza started hitting on me and bumping into me several times. i now had a decision to make....do i want to try to take this as far as possible. or do i want to reject the girl? she wasn't a prize, but i relished in the challenge of practicing my skillset with the pressure of another guy there. plus, i justified to myself that this situation had basically landed on my lap, so it was no skin off my back really. i could back off whenever

after walking around for ages, but not finding a restaurant i liked, we agreed to buy some weed instead. we sat down on some benches in the park and waited for the dealer the guy had contacted to show up. I sat beside the girl and put my arm loosely around her. she started shifting around - a common behavior when a girl is trying to get me to cuddle her more. I sit closer to her and really drape my arm around her. Her head ends up on my chest. Then, she is shifting around her hand on my leg so i grab her hand and hold it. When the guy saw all this happening, he got a sour look on his face. But he cooled off after a few minutes.

Later on, the guy left for a short period of time to go to the bathroom. Me and the girl were still cuddled up on the bench. I turned on an intimate vibe and some magical moments happened. She asked about the scar on my leg that i got from fucking k the bartender. I told her the story, and she also wanted to know how I met her. This led to some slight jealousy and attainability problems. I managed to fix it with some qualification shortly after that led to a high point. We discussed what happened when I met k:

fog: when me and k met, there was a strong connection right away. has that ever happened to you?
noza: with you!

After this, I made it mutual that I felt connected with her too. She was really curious about why. Through some earlier screening, I had found out she's more of a princess than anything. So I told her I liked her for for having such interesting perspectives, and that she wasn't like the other girls. She beamed. We got lost in each others eyes for quite a while.

Then the guy came back. His dealer was taking forever to show up, so we were talking about leaving. noza really wanted to go home with me. but i told her i was tired and went home alone. the escalation practice was all i wanted
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015

note: this report includes the original field report from the 1st time i met this girl.


I've just started smoking a joint on a street corner in front of a fence near a park in Bogota. im wearing blue boots, a hat, black shorts, my atlantic city casino sweater and a black jacket. As I'm smoking, I spot in my peripherals a girl wearing a red dress and a long black leather jacket walking towards me...my attention goes back to the joint, which has gone out, so i turn around to face the fence to get some privacy to light it, since weeds illegal here. i hear a voice behind me:

mila: hey can i have some?

i turn around. its the girl. shes a native colombian, has jet black curly hair, late 20s/early 30s, speaks poor english, and apparently....she likes weed. im not opposed to company so we start smoking together. she asks me a couple social frame questions. its really breezy conversation. shes friendly as most colombians are. to move things a little further, i tell her she reminds me of my ex. her face lights up and she touches her hair.

fog: it's because of your hair...but you have a different energy about you.


During this time the joint is hitting super bad so we go sit on a bench in the park, and talk while she rolls a new joint. I have some questions for her...like what her favorite animal is. she says its a dog. why? because dogs are really good friends. i cold read her that she's a really good friend. she gets into why she is, saying she's empathetic. Asking a girl what her favorite animal always helps me find out whether she's OCP/SUB/PPP. Her answer was typical of SUB.

After carefully building up some more social frame and emotional stimulation (found out shes also slants OCP), I quiz her on her english and start saying tough words for spanish speakers. She does not know the word "strengths". We share a laugh that i am trying to throw her off track or something. After the laugh she asks for my number and we make loose plans to meet again sometime.


The joint is re-rolled but we don't smoke there on the bench - she takes me around the corner onto a quieter street where the cops probably wont find us. we stop outside the entrance to a parking garage and start smoking. my plan is to continue emotional stimulation and practice sexual arousal.

i ask if anyones lied to her, and she says yes and tries to explain her best in english. she gets slightly agitated. i noticed this question often triggers girls to get amped up. after, she goes back to grill me more on social frame. She wonders where im from, how old i am, how long i've been here, and if i want to stay here. its time to be attainable so i tell her i really want to live here - because the culture in bogota reminds me of back home.


im getting good reactions from her so i start seeding the pull:

fog: do you like wine?
mila:. yes

and shortly after that, i verbally turn the conversation sexual but she doesn't understand. Some strangers pass by, and I make a cold read about their sex life - about how its so obvious the guy ties the girl up to the bed during sex and makes her scream. unfortunately, sex talk makes me nervous and this instance was no exception. all my energy went into managing my tone so it didn't get squeaky. this caused me to ignore important aspects of non-verbal communication like gestures and a helpful vibe. so, its no wonder she didn't understand.

whatever. i thread cut back to the seed:

fog: i have a bottle of wine at my place
mila: *super enthusiastic* that is amazing!

and then i cycle back to the sexual arousal key. this time i focus on arousing her with nonverbals. the topic we discuss verbally is non-sexual, but i focus on these 3 non-verbal elements at the same time:

1. I am feeling euphoric as shit from the weed, so I transfer this euphoric energy over to her
2. i start talking in gentle, sensual tones to her like she's my girlfriend
3. i imagine fucking her

she definitely understands this. a wildly soft look appears on her face and we drown in each others eyes for several long moments. alright. time to pull.

fog: you, me. we drink the wine.

she's teetering on the edge of it and we almost start walking away to my place. but she mentions still has to go to her dealers house. hmmm. we start making plans to meet the next day. after we make the plans, she asks me to come to her dealers house with her, a 10 minute walk away.


I could have pulled her this day, but I decided not to. At that moment, i had run all 3 keys and was at a high point. i was also right in the middle of a window to start more intimate forms of touch with her. but, my instincts were telling me that walking to her dealers house was not exactly going to be a sexy time. and that more language barriers were going to pop up between us, thus killing attraction.

I chose to stay on the safe side. I told her goodbye and went home.


i text her immediately after leaving her and she's quite receptive. but, then she flaked on me twice and ignored me for a week. which i sort deserved, because my texting was shit. However, flakey behavior and ignoring texts seems to be pretty common among the girls i fuck here in colombia, so i wasnt worried.

after she ignored me for a week, it was time to get back in touch. but what was i going to say? i considered starting a new thread. but then i remembered 2 things: 1) @Glow's technique - he used to resend the same text when the girl doesn't reply. ive been field testing that out so i tried it here, and 2) i find that questions about my work often pop up towards the end of the first round of social frame. the teacher job reply often triggers the girl to open up a window for me, i take advantage of this window by asking for compliance or going to a new key. so i wanted to stay on this road in the conversation.

i resent the same text. she replied positively saying she wanted to see me and we made plans. I also found out shes a mother.

MARCH 24TH, 2021
fog: hey mila nice to meet you, i just realized something - fog
mila: hello!!! nice to meet you. excuse me, i brought your lighter without realizing it.
mila: your name is fog?
fog: yes
fog: we see us tomorrow at 5. bring the lighter with you
mila: great nice to meet you :)
mila: yes :)
MARCH 25TH, 2021
8pm is better
mila: could be tomorrow? i can't make it today, i'm doing my daughters homework
mila: yes?
fog: i like the idea mila
MARCH 26TH, 2021
mila: hello today i can't excuse me,, how about tomorrow? at 5pm
fog: alright. i expect you to be here with my lighter tomorrow at 5pm
mila: are you angry?
fog: no :) i am busy the days after tomorrow
mila: what do you normally do in your day? what's your job?
fog: im a kindergarten teacher. i teach english to the children
APRIL 1ST, 2021
im a kindergarten teacher. i teach english to the children
mila: good!!!!
mila: i want to see you
fog: do you need a taxi to arrive here?
mila: yes tomorrow
fog: yes
mila: good :)
fog: :)
mila: goodnight :)
the next day, logistical texting happens


she arrives outside my apartment building the next day. i put on my, "im treating you like you're my girlfriend" vibe on and she's returns it with her feminine energy. it all feels natural. as my arm wraps around her lower back, It seems we are picking up where we left off, which was at the edge of getting closer with each other.

she wants to smoke weed and starts walking down the street trying to find a place to smoke. no, woman! i tell her we are going to go the courtyard of the apartment building to smoke. she follows me in through the main entrance of the apartment building and we walk to the courtyard. when we get there, she is spooked. she's worried about getting caught, because the courtyard is a fairly public place. ive been smoking in there and never got in trouble so i reassure her there will be no problem. we sit down side by side in front of a garden with a water fountain in front of it. the andes mountains loom the distance. we start hitting her pipe.

Several key things happened here. I start hitting on some sexual narratives for subs, and she gets quite excited. This is what i found out:

1. FULFILLMENT - Shes in social work and likes to help people because it makes her feel fulfilled.
2. LETTING GO - She likes to express herself through dance, and the reason is because it helps her with a release

"i really like this", she keeps repeating all throughout this entire time. Then, all of a sudden it seems shes implying she wants to be qualified. I hop on it right away and tell her i like her and that shes not like the other girls... its a special moment, and both of us go silent, gazing into each others eyes....

minutes later we've finished smoking, so i lead her up to my apartment. on the way there she bumps into me so i grab her hand and hold it.


We get into my apartment and sit down on the couch. I ask what music she likes. Reggaeton. So I start playing this song (my secret weapon lately) that i learned from WEED. The minute I put this shit on she melts into me and we start making out.

I take her to my room. the girl starts tripping over herself trying to get me to fuck her. its like she just cannot wait another moment for my dick to be in her. and it would be except ive been watching too much porn lately meaning im having troubles getting it up. :/ so i slow things down. we kiss for a bit while i focus on reseting my mind.

in a couple of minutes im ready to go....

....and what happens is the best sex of my life. she loses a lot of her inhibitions and not only do we fuck like rabbits, but we also make love!

for the rest of the night, she is obsessed with me. We fuck again before cuddling for a while, and then i kick her out softly.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
back in medellin, picking up where i left off with a bunch of chicks.

i just spent 2 days with k the bartender.

what was really interesting to me was that i discovered the very core roots of who she is. Who is she? I found out her favorite animals: a dog and a cat. she described the dog's personality as DEPENDENT. i did not ask her to describe the cat, although the main answer i always get for the cats personality is INDEPENDENT.

what are the roles of DEPENDENCY and INDEPENDENCY in her life? i was curious. Well, she said as a child she was alone lot because her mom was always at work. she wanted an animal for company, but she never had one. So she had to be INDEPENDENT to survive.

On the opposite of that is DEPENDENCY. she was attached to me at the hip the entire time. it makes me think that she becomes dependent quickly on others because of her past. she is also submissive - she was dependent on me for all decisions.

so what to do with these insights? her main sexual fantasy is submission, but shes' got a pretty princess fantasy too. im just not sure if its sexual. if i could... bring her back to the past [in her imagination], get her to rewrite her story so she didn't have to be independent and then get her to explain her new perspective, i think it would be highly stimulating for her...maybe it would turn her into more of a SUB?
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
When you text them your icebreaker with the cliffhanger "i just noticed something" does that work well? I think sometimes it's a tight rope walk of when she's already attracted and down to meet you and you get too gamey you just put yourself at a bigger risk of losing her, but i can see how it can reel in maybe girls if you do it right. What do you follow it up with when they say "what?" Atleast it's a good segway to start the conversation and topic that will lead to the closes.

I find myself sometimes asking something boring when idk what to say when they say "you too!" After i send "nice to meet you". Alot of times just something like "so uhh gonna study rest of the evening?" Or some other chump text

@Phoenix -

ive been field testing "i just realized something about you" for a couple of months, and i got a 100% response rate with it when i send it instantly after meeting her. anytime there's already value built, she will feel the need to resolve the tension created by an open loop. if there's not enough value, she won't feel compelled to do anything.

looking at it from the perspective of gun's 3 keys, a good time to introduce a new key would be right after you ask for compliance from her and she completes it. so, theoretically it makes sense to switch to a new key right after you get her number. ie you build social frame in person, she complies by giving you her number, and you start running some emotional stimulation thru text - an open loop is a form of emotional stimulation.

im still playing around with exactly what to follow up the open loop with. good options include small talk flirtation (chase frames!) and basic cold reads. depending on how you phrase the open loop, you can also transition into some short stimulating gambits. my personal favorite to use is "what would you do if you won the lottery today?"


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
@Phoenix -

ive been field testing "i just realized something about you" for a couple of months, and i got a 100% response rate with it when i send it instantly after meeting her. anytime there's already value built, she will feel the need to resolve the tension created by an open loop. if there's not enough value, she won't feel compelled to do anything.

looking at it from the perspective of gun's 3 keys, a good time to introduce a new key would be right after you ask for compliance from her and she completes it. so, theoretically it makes sense to switch to a new key right after you get her number. ie you build social frame in person, she complies by giving you her number, and you start running some emotional stimulation thru text - an open loop is a form of emotional stimulation.

im still playing around with exactly what to follow up the open loop with. good options include small talk flirtation (chase frames!) and basic cold reads. depending on how you phrase the open loop, you can also transition into some short stimulating gambits. my personal favorite to use is "what would you do if you won the lottery today?"
Ah okay, i read through your log and so this is one example of me texting a girl:

Me: Hey hb, nice to meet you, i just realized something -Peter
Her: What did you realize haha?
Me: You remind me of my ex, but there's a different energy about you

And she didn't reply.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Ah okay, i read through your log and so this is one example of me texting a girl:

Me: Hey hb, nice to meet you, i just realized something -Peter
Her: What did you realize haha?
Me: You remind me of my ex, but there's a different energy about you

And she didn't reply.

do you have a field report of this?

i rarely use "you remind me of my ex" now. if i do, its in person and after social frame has been built previously.

i noticed it doesn't work well thru texting/online and can trigger attainability issues..

you could try this as an alternative:

you: nice to meet you, i have a question for you...
her: tell me
you: what will you do if you win the lottery today


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015

Earlier in the day, I had a sober daygame session centred around taking on approach situations that were out of my comfort zone. I also experimented with wearing my hat backwards - something i have always felt anxiety over.

Later around 6pm, i hit some bowls then venture out into the colombian night to find a pharmacy. i casually walk around adjusting my posture and vibe, and do drivebys - saying hi to every passersby - to keep in a warm state for my next session. With my focus on finding some OTC medication, I'm not planning on doing any approaches.

But then I spot a stationary girl on the sidewalk with a nice ass - it's a great opportunity. so i walk up to her and ask about a restaurant to eat at to set the social frame. The conversation is entirely in spanish and she doesn't speak a word of english.

As we chat, she takes her mask off and I soak her in. I am shocked to see that she reminds me of my psychologist. Long brown hair, and a gentle face. She is wearing a tight, revealing spandex body suit with some sort of jacket over top to help hide the cleavage. Solid HB7.

Conversation spills over into more than just restaurants. We sit down nearby on a bench to get to know each other. I find out she's waiting for a friend.

As we sit, she's pretty touchy with me. I put my arm around her back several times when she comes close to whisper in my ear. We're into each other.

Overall though, I feel like I'm struggling through all this because it's entirely in spanish, and im high so my subcomms are off. I could be doing better and moving way faster.

She wants me to put her number in my phone. But I don't have my phone on me. And I definitely still do not know my colombian number yet, so I wasn't able to put it in her phone. we settled for her adding me on FACEBOOK and she sent me a message immediately.

Shortly after, her friend, a guy, shows up and she embraces me as i drape my arm around her shoulders. She happily says to the guy, "this is my new friend."

Me, her and the guy start walking (we're going to look for a pharmacy) and she brushes into me. So, I grab her hand and start holding it. She is receptive and has an interesting reaction. I couldn't really tell what the reaction was as i had never seen it before... it seemed to encompass a few different emotions. in the moment, i believed she was thinking "oh, its a little quick but he seems confident."

anyways, things go steadily downhill from here as I make mistakes due to the weed. rookie mistakes....like being cold, losing control over my vocal tones, misreading the situation.

I am not surprised when our spark goes out and the vibe between us becomes more like two strangers who don't really know each other.

We ended up all sitting at a park on a bench. I THINK the guy asked in spanish if i was going to sleep with the girl and i said no. she looked upset, hugged me and then left lol.


im not happy about this. my use of weed is getting in the way of pickup. if i want to achieve my potential, it will require dedication to sobriety
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
ive been consistently approaching the hottest girls i can find on the street. girls that make me very, very nervous. every day for 2 weeks now. ran into some real stunners. is a nice feeling, will keep going

i did bow out once though. there was a glowing girl wearing a black dress in the park with fake tits and a fake ass, surrounded by 5 guys. my mind thought something was fishy...like she was a prozzy or something so i didnt do it. looking back, i think its bullshit that i didnt approach. it would have been a great reference point especially with the guys there.

the other week my phone got pickpocketed. last night, i got a new phone along with 2 numbers... meaning ill have 2X the online leads. my plan is to go on 45-60 dates over the next ~3 months. i want to perfect my skills on dates. got lots to work on....like sexual verbals and intermediate social frame
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015

ive been working on non verbal gambits more recently. calling up emotions at will to transfer over to the girl. this shit hits them 1000x harder than any verbals could.

bulldozing the girl with them, but also COVERTLY, SUBTLY introducing them into the interaction.

- the tingly "something horrifying just happened" feeling from horror movies
- the ecstatic "i just won the lottery!" feeling
- the intrigued feeling (seems to be a lil hard to consistently pull this one up)
- other peak experiences
- general kinesthetic feeling (this will always be there as a trusty backup, first recommended by gunwitch)

will pair nice with my verbal stacks

todays daygame session: ....on shrooms, i approached a 4 set of girls, went direct on one of them, then left. then i came back and asked the group for directions.

i am dedicating effort into throwing myself into uncomfortable situations like this to desensitize myself/get relief from all forms of approach anxiety/achieve better subcomms... the going back up to the group part was what made me the most uncomfortable
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015

blue boots. backwards cap. black long sleeve tshirt. black shorts with drawstrings hanging out

calling up some euphoric feelings to erase any hint of the frustrated state i was in earlier

im prowling the tourist area of medellin

as i walk down the sidewalk, im solicited by homeless venezuelans for money. i ignore them cuz im following a train of thought on how to accomplish my goals for the session: improved hovering and verbal social frame

i park myself in an empty bus stop, hoping for a bish to appear. the plan is to set an implicit meta frame of waiting for the bus, then build on it with verbal social frame

couple minutes go by, no ones showing up. im restless.

so i continue walking down the street. and spot a HB with nice energy waiting to cross the street. its busy rush hour traffic and shes stuck there waiting for the road to clear. perfect victim.

i position myself parallel to her in her peripherals, 20 feet from her, and ignore her existence while observing the traffic. if shes noticed me, it will come across that im also planning to cross the street - NOT that im out approaching. i quickly observe the traffic and its super busy, so i know my crossing-the-street frame is set if she has noticed me

i swivel around and continue walking in her direction on the street, like im gonna cross further down. as i give her a slice of awareness, i see shes noticed me and has opened up body her body language to me. so i wade right into her presence

we start talking:

fog: american?
girl: no im colombian
fog: you speak english though
girl: yeah
fog: ok i need some help....are you the type of girl who can give me some relationship advice?
girl: of course!
fog: its not for me its for my friend kate
girl: is this your girlfriend?
fog: no shes a girl im travelling with
girl: ok
fog: and theres this other guy that she likes and is talking to
girl: so her boyfriend is back home, and the new guy is a colombian
fog: yea -- I start running the non-judgemental, letting loose, and deserving frames from Loftys jada gambit.

she has a good reaction to me saying slut shaming is unfair then she gives me her advice that my friend should stay loyal. At this point we've been holding close proximity and strong eye contact, but I start getting some mindset issues. i get in my head, lose state and start becoming emotionally distant, and she gets a bit distant too. as the energy is dying between us, I dryly pop in another social gambit

fog: that reminds me... i saw the lottery today. its a lot of money. it got me thinking about what i would do if i won.....what would you do?
girl: travel to italy, england, iceland, buy some stuff for my mom and brother
fog: I see...so imagine you get to italy...leave your bags at the hotel....and walk out onto the street. whats the first thing youre gonna do?
girl: well id have a bunch of money so id go eat and talk to some strangers

after this we wrap up the convo and i walk away

perfect the verbal and non-verbal aspects of a sequence like this? id be happy
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
texting experiments

where are you from?
fog: canada, you
girl: im venezuelan but ive been living in colombia since 2018
fog: ive heard so much about venezuela
girl: omg hopefully the good things about it! our arepas are the best
ive tried them and i agree :) whats your opinion on colombian arepas?
girl: jajajaja well the ones from the coast are good and arepas de heuvo sooo good. but still prefer venezeulans jajajaja
fog: some people do not like arepas de heuvo. i cant believe it they are crazy
girl: omg get away from those people, probably they're psychos or don't like happiness!
girl: both options are not cool at all

^building social frame and creating a high point with othering

chuckling at the high agreeableness of it all

well some girls are loyal, but others are not. my friend kate is visiting me here and she has a boyfriend back home. the other night she cheated on him.
girl: damn that sucks :(
fog: i encouraged her to do what she wanted and not follow societys rules
girl: i guess thats okay if you dont hurt anyone. i hope this situation makes her realize that maybe shes not that happy in her relationship or maybe that she prefers a different type of relationship.
fog: thats insightful HB. maybe ill tell her what you said. she is always so selfless and deserves to be happy and have a relationship she desires....
girl: hopefully she will!
fog: hopefully. now imagine this. you are walking down the street one day to go meet fog and eat arepas
girl: jajajajja sounds like a good plan
fog: we will have to find time
girl: of course!
fog: let me know your schedule :)
girl: well from monday to friday im always working usually till 6pm, im free on weekends :)
saturday or sunday works for me. whats your preference?


saw the conversation was heading into talk of the future, so i linked the soft close by also talking about the future. my hope was to make the soft close seem less like a complete change in topic. i debate whether this is apparent over text or even a thing


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
fog: hopefully. now imagine this. you are walking down the street one day to go meet fog and eat arepas
girl: jajajajja sounds like a good plan

nice soft close fog!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015

spent the week practising hover drills and sizzle drills. yesterday i started combining them.

social sexual sizzle

my basic sizzle drills are pumping social or sexual energy out into the world through my presence and state.

it involves making subtle mindset and posture tweaks until the majority of girls are having an emotional reaction to my presence on the street, pre-approach

for example, i call up euphoric-intrigued feelings and sink into them while broadening my shoulders and recentering my weight of gravity to my mid-back to come across as heavy. this social presence causes curiosity spikes from girl passerbys. if i wanna cause a more sexual type of arousal, i call up sexual feelings instead

sizzling while hovering

i practiced hovering on stationary sets. at first i was doing it with no sizzle, and noticed more negative reactions than anything. to be expected.

when i went in, sizzling, the reactions improved dramatically and girls receptivity upon hovering and opening skyrocketed.

now its a matter of experimenting with the sizzle during the hover to maximize results. tailoring it to her moment by moment so it fits to her like the pieces of a puzzle. turning the sizzle into a burn for a quick sec when i enter her peripherals. switching flavors of sizzles. gonna have fun collecting these reference points


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 11, 2015
social sexual sizzle

my basic sizzle drills are pumping social or sexual energy out into the world through my presence and state.

it involves making subtle mindset and posture tweaks until the majority of girls are having an emotional reaction to my presence on the street, pre-approach

for example, i call up euphoric-intrigued feelings and sink into them while broadening my shoulders and recentering my weight of gravity to my mid-back to come across as heavy. this social presence causes curiosity spikes from girl passerbys. if i wanna cause a more sexual type of arousal, i call up sexual feelings instead
Man, I am going through this as well. Cool to see that we are going through some of the same paradigm shifts.

Quick question, how did you get into the feeling of the sexual energy? Took me a year of hard studying and meditations to start pumping it at will, but man: My fundamentals are totally different now. But I also have not taken the technicalities of the seduction as seriously as the woo-woo part. Working on sexual energy feels so good that I forget other aspects.

Do you also project that sexuality (through eyes, touch voice), how do you do so?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015

3 text tactics for showing women you're not a social outlier​

What is Social Frame?

The social frame is a concept coined by Gunwitch. It refers to the malleable social dynamics constructed in every virtual or physical interaction.

One way to build social frame is to communicate to women you're socially similar to her and not part of an opposing group. This causes her to feel more comfortable around you and....melts resistance towards exploring the exciting possibilities between you two....

It can be accomplished through text using the following 3 tactics: landmarking, implicit social proof, and othering

1. Landmarking

Communicate that you are familiar with her environment by mentioning relevant landmarks in locations important to her. It could be from her hometown, the city you're both living in, or any environment you're discussing that she's found herself in

HB: youre in medellin?
FOG: yeah what neighborhood are you in
HB: im in san janvier
FOG: oh, close to the metro cable. nice place.

HB: yes, very close.
HB: where do you live?
FOG: your heart

2. Implicit Social Proof

Imply that you've communicated with and had relationships with other people before in work and play.

FOG: hi darling are you from around here
HB: hiii im venezuelan
HB: living in medellin.
HB: and ur canadian?
FOG: canadian yes
FOG: ive heard so much about venezuela
HB: yes?
FOG: yeah my ex girlfriend kate is venezulan and she told me some good things and bad things about the culture

HB: ohhhh u like venezuelans?
^Quick note, I like how this implied social proof can fly under the radar as a side piece of information. The focus of the topic is the piece of information thats been heard - NOT who you've heard it from. Regardless, It can serve as a branch for the girl to spin off who you heard it from into the main topic - as seen in the above example.

HB: so what kind of things do you like to do?
FOG: i love to volunteer at the old age home :) its very fulfilling to visit with the old folk

HB: aw thats so sweet! i bet they have good stories how often do you go?

3. Othering

Compare and contrast yourself and the girl against other less desirable social groups on a topic. Communicate that its you and her vs. the other people. This forces her into a "either you're with me or against me" position.

HB: where are you from?
FOG: canada, you?
HB: im venezuelan but ive been living in colombia since 2018
FOG: ive heard so much about venezuela
HB: omg hopefully the good things about it!! our arepas are the best.
FOG: ive tried them and i agree :)whats your opinion on colombian arepas?
HB: jajajaj well the ones from the coast are good and arepas de heuvo soooo good. but still prefer venezeualans jajaja
FOG: some people do not like arepas de heuvo. i cant believe it they are crazy

HB: omg get away from those people, probably theyre psychos or dont like happiness
HB: both options are not cool at all
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
LR: Colors of Chemistry

i smile fondly as i recall this.

the sun has gone down in medellin and sitting with me is qbaby. a supercute 24 year old colombian hipster with long shiny brown hair. we're on a busy rooftop patio getting to know each other.

shes leaning in, listening intently as I explain a story about my friend kate:

i got a call the other night from my friend kate... and shes crying. i was like, oh dear. she told me she had a really bad night out at the bar. there were guys groping her, touching her all night, it was such a shame. she wanted to experience the joy of a new connection, but these guys didn't even bother getting to know her...they just made her feel like a piece of meat. then when she tried to walk home, some creep started following her. and thats when she broke down and called me to ask, can you walk me home? of course ill walk you home kate!

as i tell this, i see her eyes gleaming - signs of a good start. a couple of minutes later, i bring up a perspective on meeting new people:

have you ever noticed how the experience of meeting new people can go in completely different ways? sometimes you meet people, and it's really boring. You have these dull, forgettable experiences with them. On the other hand, sometimes you meet a person and it goes really well. you really connect with them because they have such an interesting perspective.

now she bursts with excitement. i know what shes thinking. she gives me 2 subtle verbal IOIs right after. one of which is her apologizing for sometimes speaking rough english. shes doing great, and i let her know.

after some more talk discussing the difference between fulfilling and unfulfilling relationships, she wants to grab a drink at another bar. we head there and on the way she confesses to me about a negative life-changing experience she had recently. i get her to recall the emotions and manage them with empathy.

at the new bar i find us huddled outside again, this time our legs firmly pressed together. slow colombian rhythms thump from the speakers inside, setting a vibe i quite like. from here, i continue to focus on deep diving her past and add in OTHERing to make her feel more connected to me.

later when i directly ask her what her biggest dream is, she needs a second to think about it, but returns the question.....so i explain the fantasy of extreme intelligence. amidst a shocked-impressed look from her, i continue and talk about the fantasy of indulgence. she becomes overwhelmed by my description of easement, especially when i contrast with a "grab life by the horns" statement.. her eyes get wide and she exclaims:

her: wow that was a lot!

soon after the moments start to pass a little more tenderly as she wonders out loud if its fate that we met. we get lost in each others eyes longer than usual and i escalate the vibe. what are we gonna do about this between us, hmm? she nudges the conversation back to social frame after and i chuckle in my head.

i seed the pull with music, and we leave the bar to walk back to my place. on the way there I stress the importance of nonjudgement, privacy and anonymity. we move on to flirt cultures and she starts to giggle and get more feminine. by the time we're close to seclusion, the topic has turned towards what it feels like to get closer to someone.

sitting on my couch together, I get her to show me her tattoos, which leads to cheek and neck kisses between us. when I slowly bring my lips closer to hers, she starts leaning in as well. our lips almost meet but i pull away slowly - a tease that causes her to jump on me and start kissing me passionately.

that night, we become lovers. the memory is one i will cherish forever :)

QBABY: hey how are you
QBABY: do you speak spanish or prefer english?
FOG: english please :)
QBABY: oki
QBABY: are you currently living in medellin?
FOG: yeah
FOG: im so happy you speak english because
QBABY: jaja because what?
FOG: id rather seduce you in english than my gringo spanish
QBABY: jajaja and have you ever failed flirting in your gringo spanish?
FOG: only when theres no connection
QBABY: true connection goes further jeje
QBABY: how long have you lived here?
FOG: soooo long now
QBABY: rly?
FOG: yeah sometimes i think im actually colombian
FOG: i forget how to be canadian
QBABY: jajaja wow that definitely sounds like a long tiime
QBABY: where in medellin do you live?
FOG: right now im in provenza. is it close?
QBABY: yah, we are close
QBABY: i live in X
QBABY: like 15 minutes away from provenza
FOG: i want to meet you but i have one question first
QBABY: yeah, what question
FOG: are you an open minded person?
QBABY: depends on what :D
QBABY: i consider myself very flexible and open minded
QBABY: but definitely there are things that id rather say no to...but that depends on what
QBABY: why the question jaja
FOG: well the most open minded people i know think for themselves. they arent afraid to try a new experience that will broaden their perspective. or they pursue a connection with soemone their friends dont approve of
FOG: on the othe hand, some people are like sheep and dont think for themselves
FOG: its a shame how little trust they'll put in their own judgement
QBABY: oh i get what you mean now, ya in my opinion i like this kind of people who try next experiences to have a broader look of things and life itelf
FOG: thats the type of peple i get along best with
QBABY: i lived in asia almost one year ago and it seemed to me many people just dont like their experience of things...especially women
QBABY: most of the people i met was afraid of the judgement of others
QBABY: i find colombian people a little more open, but you can find many like that...
QBABY: think we'll get along jeje
FOG: oh yeah?
QBABY: uuuh ya
FOG: i agree. i think you are different than most mpeople
QBABY: so far i think the same and we have just exchanged a few sentences jeje
QBABY: what do you do in medellin?
FOG: im a kindergarten teacher
QBABY: wow, english teacher?
QBABY: cool, so do you like children?
FOG: yes im really passionate about helping children grow. its crazy how the experience of growing up can happen in so many different ways.
QBABY: the first years of life of a human are very important in the psyche
FOG: what about you? normally i can guess but....
FOG: 0.0
FOG: i have no clue
QBABY: jajaja normally you can guess? whys that?
FOG: ever since i was a kid, i always got it right. like you said, the first years of life are very important in the psyche
QBABY: jeje
QBABY: im an X for X company
FOG: i knew it
QBABY: jeje you should have said it
FOG: have you ever hung out with a canadian before?
QBABY: yep, my ex was canadian
QBABY: jaja
FOG: oh shit. you know about canadians
QBABY: jajaja i know just about one canadian...
FOG: youre gonna know about another canadian soon....
QBABY: looking forward to it
FOG: one day soon youre gonna be walking down the street to go meet fog
QBABY: what part of canada are you from?
FOG: the cold part
QBABY: jajaja good joke. all of canada is cold
QBABY: but dont tell me yet
QBABY: let me guess give me clues
QBABY: how cold
QBABY: how many degrees in winter?
FOG: lol...-40. please dont go there
QBABY: mmmm -40. thats probably the left side of canada, close to british colombia but northward
FOG: wow
QBABY: yes or no? to move to the next part which is guessing the state
FOG: i think im going to tell you when we meet :)
QBABY: jaja ok :D
FOG: lets make plans
QBABY: sounds good, are you free on weekends?
QBABY:for me its better some weekend because during the week im quite busy and at night i just wanna chill at home after a hard day
FOG: i know the feeling. after a long, hard day of X, you just want to relax and unwind
FOG: i have time this weekend
QBABY: saturday or friyay?
FOG: which one is better for you?
QBABY:my friends were talking to me to go out on saturdaym let me confirm with them if thats happening. if so we can meet tomorrow :D
QBABY: whats your whatsapp?
FOG: yeah :)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015

It helps to be feeling something around women!

I've discussed this before, but only briefly, and it deserves more exploration and analysis as a useful technique.

I noticed that when I feel positive emotions strongly, I experience more interest from women in me and my presence. Not just that but, their state is impacted by me.

But I’m not always feeling strongly. Sometimes I’m completely emotionless, and come across as serious. When I’m like this, I’m more invisible and less likely to generate interest or impact a women’s state.

So, after months of experimentation, I’ve nailed down a way to ALWAYS feel more strongly.

I accomplish it in part with positive peak experiences.

A peak experience refers to a real or imaginary experience that generates extremely strong feelings within us. When recalling/visualizing a peak experience, typically I’m overcome by wonderfully positive feelings and energy. This energy stimulates me, and leaks out into the world where it influences women!

My personal favourite peak experiences involve euphoria and curiosity:
  • I visualize that I just won the lottery, and a rush of euphoria shoots throughout my body. super tingly.
  • I recall the time I possibly spotted a long-lost childhood friend in a foreign country, and now I’m overcome by a wave of wild curiosity. I feel like I’m on the edge of something.
I do play around with these feelings individually, but layering them together provides a more unique feeling for women to latch onto.

Typically I'm stimulating myself with peak experiences in the following situations:

1. In the pre-approach

I use it to generate pre-approach interest. For example, recently I was walking down the boardwalk at the beach. Looking off into the distance, I triggered strong feelings of sexual curiosity within me using peak experiences and visualizations. Nearly every girl who passed by stared me down. As soon as they noticed me, their state raised and they started mimicked my feelings back to me.

2. As a pair with verbals

I use it to increase congruency of the verbals, thus adding an extra oomph. For example, I was exploring with a girl what she'd do if she won the lottery while simultaneously imagining I had just won an insane amount of money. I felt a euphoric high, and I watched as she became more stimulated herself.

These are the steps I follow to do it consistently:

1. Recall the peak experience associated with an emotion/feeling
2. Don't fight the physiological response. For example, your facial expressions might change. Let it happen.
3. Feel into the internal energy of the emotion/feeling. Like, you know that energy rushing through your body when you're happy? Be aware of it, and let yourself feel it as strongly as possible.
4. Using meditation, push it onto her, or pull her into it
4A. Push it onto her: Envision this energy as a lightbeam that shoots out of your body, into the world, and hits the girl like a brick wall.
4B. Pull her into it: Envision this energy as a force field that sucks things into it. Sit back and be observable [like how some chicks let you observe them in the preapproach], and wait for her to get pulled in when she observes your energy.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, really, and something I will continue exploring deeper. For now, this is what i could put into words that made sense, and provides a more clear direction moving forward for generating even more interest and stimulation from women.

@Velasco introduced me to the concept of peak experiences a while back and I'm highly grateful for it. He really made things click for me in terms of my understanding and development of increasingly powerful states and vibes.

Emotional contagion
Mirror neurons
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015

I've been freed from the shackles of my biggest sticking point, (weed!) leaving me to take full control of my destiny with women

My addiction to this nasty drug the past few years has been holding me back. It temporarily reverts me back to full aspbergers, which I've worked so hard to get rid of since my journey began. I was starting to get scared I would not achieve my full potential, so i mustered up the determination to quit for good. on my team is wonderful lofty holding me accountable.

sooo. here I find myself now. sober, extremely aware, highly knowledgable, with the best fundamentals of my life. I'm turning into a hot, high value guy, and this is reflected back to me by women every day. Now I just need to get out there into the field to get my experience levels in check with my current knowledge and awareness.

I've been daygaming every day, and going to the bar every weekend. I started from low momentum, but I've managed to accelerate quite quickly. I push myself every session and it feels goooood...

6 months or less from now, i expect to be breaking through into dizzying new heights

...ill be sharing my progress soon :)
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