IceCream said:
Congratulations man, you finally breakthrough.
You ran into a girl who is completely into you, and you captured that opportunity.
thanks ice cream
LR: i said all the right things
This is the full LR.
I was coming out of the grocery store with some food. I was extremely hungry and feeling weak. I try not to talk to girls on an empty stomach - it negatively impacts my presence. But I saw these two girls sitting out front with party supplies, so naturally I had to approach:
Fog: You girls look fun
Pinecone + Strawberry: We are!!!
Turns out they’re having a party that night. Also, Pinecone moved to the city about a week ago. We chat about this, then Strawberry says this:
Strawberry: Are you fun?
Fog: You will find out as we keep talking.
She makes a face like, “that was a good answer” and immediately invites me to her party. The girls start hounding me with questions, and Pinecone asks for my number, saying she will text me right now. I give it to her and then she texts me on the spot.
I left thinking…how the heck could these girls act so positively like this towards me despite my weak presence?
The Party
That night I go to their place….it’s Pinecone and Strawberry, and two other girls. It’s more like a get together than a party.
There’s Pepper, 41 years old, and she was Pinecone's and Strawberry's old boss. She’s definitely an interesting mix of driver/expressive and due to her age and relationship to the girls, I feel like she is the alpha female. There were moments where I felt like she was being ridiculously socially uncalibrated. For example, Strawberry kept expressing her inability to do math, but Pepper was absolutely adamant that she could learn. It basically turned into a tug of war. Although I felt like she was a little socially uncalibrated, I realized Pepper was just super stubborn and was holding a strong frame. Also…the way she talked was boring, factual and weirdly was hard for the other girls to pay attention to her. Pepper also gave me advice. For example, when the girls were asking me lots of questions, she said that it would be a good idea to tell “as much details as possible."
There was also an amiable (Amy), 21 years old, who was shy towards me at first, but after I made a bob’s burger reference her attitude towards me totally changed..she was socially uncalibrated in a different way: she was a total value suck! She never added value - instead, she always took value away from whatever someone was saying. For example:
Strawberry: i liked this tv show and i liked it since i was a kid
Amy: i think everyone liked it when they were a kid
And there’s Pinecone and Strawberry, both expressives, and seemingly pretty mature for their age… thought they were in their late 20s, but they were like 21 and 23 or something..
We’re all sitting outside on the back deck. Initially I am quiet, letting them talk amongst themselves. But then Strawberry demands to know about me. Earlier in the night I had been strategizing regarding things about myself I should reveal to women in order to trigger their attraction and comfort switches.
I started talking about how I have lived in multiple cities, except I did not tell the story linearly. Sometimes the girls would go off on a tangent amongst themselves based on what I said, but Strawberry would always focus it back on me. She was very curious - she wanted to know the story from a linear point of view. I noticed a pattern here. Before, girls have gotten intrigued when I tell them I have lived in multiple cities, but don’t talk about it from a linear point of view.
I snuck in the fact that I’ve worked with kids before, and how I felt like they were my own kids. Only Strawberry and Pepper were listening at that moment, and they both had a nice little emotional spike - they both went “AWWWWWWWW!” That was exactly the reaction I wanted. These kinds of reactions are important.
Me and Strawberry had established she met someone in my hometown and then she was asking me if I knew anyone in one of the other cities I had lived in:
Strawberry: Do you know Agnes?
Fog: OMG
Strawberry: what!!
Fog: no
Everybody: *laughs*
Strawberry: Are you an actor?
Fog: not at the moment
At one point, Pepper qualified me in front of the whole group, saying that I was a very interesting, intriguing guy. The rest of the group agreed.
But what about Pinecone? During this whole time, I had mostly verbally engaged with Strawberry, but there was a non-verbal side dialogue going on with Pinecone that lead me to believe she was highly attracted to me:
- She kept looking at me for my reaction to certain things that were going on
- When I gave her kino compliance tests, it was really good. For example, she put her hand in my hand when she showed me her nails, and gripped my hand.
- We were playing footsie
- She was giving me all sorts of looks, including sparkly eyes, and another specific look I’ve seen before that let me know she really liked my company.
We were all talking about going for brunch tomorrow, and that sort of made me think they were gonna let me stay the night…
Pinecone and Strawberry made some meatballs. I was using my fork to eat some meatballs. Then Pinecone came to stand beside me. She used my fork, and was eating meatballs with it. Then I said:
Fog: Hey i used that fork, you’re gonna get my cooties
Picone: i like cooties
AKA ill swap spit with you. I grabbed her thigh really quick. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that Amy had some sort of shocked look on her face. I wonder if she understood what was going on…
Anyways, they kept projecting into the future with me, so I was thinking..if i were to hook up with Pinecone later, i dont think there would be any attainability issues that could trigger LMR. I think the biggest issue would be that she would want me as a boyfriend and want to wait.
Going Inside
It’s getting pretty late so we go inside and sit on the couch. I knew this was gonna be an escalation window of sort. Pinecone comes and sits on the couch, beside me. We are sitting rather close…I put my arm on around her, but it is touching the couch, not her. Then she starts squirming around a little bit. I felt like she was unsure whether or not she should lay her head on my chest. After this, she starts moving farther down the couch away from me. This annoyed me. I almost want to chase her down the couch to sit closer to her. But I decided not to. I viewed it as in indicator as disinterest, which should be met with disinterest from me. Plus it could be a test. So I stayed where I was, and even maximized the distance between us by leaning away from her.
Right when we all sat down and Pinecone and I were sitting close together, Strawberry had a bad look on her face. Earlier in the night she had expressed negative emotions over the fact that her boyfriend in England had not texted her in 5 hours. I feel like she was perhaps jealous of Pinecone and me.
It is way past my bedtime at this point. I was very tired and I was not saying much - the girls were laughing and having a good time and I felt very much like I was being a value suck. But I was not being as much as a value suck as Amy. Pinecone and Strawberry repeatedly turned the conversation sexual, but Amy would always turn it back into platonic conversation.
For example, we were all stating three things we like most in life. Strawberry + Pinecone both agreed that sex was one of their favourite things. Meanwhile, when it was Amy’s turn, she said something like soup….LIKE COME ON…
Unfortunately when it was my turn, I didn’t say much. I really wanted to say how I like eating ass, but because it was so late and I was so tired, I was afraid my vocal tones would betray me and I would come across as tryhard.
In regards to the sexual conversation topics, they were talking about hooking up. Given my experiences with Pinecone so far, I knew this would make be the perfect opportunity for her to throw me a little shit test. My spidey senses were correct..Pinecone turned to me and said:
Pinecone: do you hook up a lot?
Fog: *long pause* every single day.
Pinecone also told me that she reminded me of her first boyfriend.
I felt like there was a 3some opportunity here. Pinecone and Strawberry seemed to click pretty well, and were pretty open about their sexuality and how much they loved sex. Strawberry did have a boyfriend, although she expressed earlier in the night how her boyfriend seems to be pretty loose about her meeting other guys.
But despite the potential 3some opportunity, I had something else to try to accomplish…a 2some with Pinecone. It did not help that I was really tired, and I was hitting a sticking point: I felt apprehension around isolating Pinecone to develop some rapport with her. I wasn’t sure how to do it appropriately without making her friends mad or making it awkward.
If I was alone with Pinecone at my place, it would have resulted in sex. If it was a bigger party, it would have resulted in sex. If it was the same size, and her friends gave me consent to hook up with her, it would have resulted in sex. So i believe the overall issue was just worrying what the friends would think - which is a terrible mindset. I was more worried about how her friends would feel than the possibility of losing Pinecone.
Anyways, back to the story...I mentioned that I was going to washington this weekend to Pinecone, and she sort of freaked out a bit. She wasn’t sure whether I was moving there or not - she said “you cant just do this to me” and said it had happened to her before. It also turned her on a little bit - she was twirling her hair. Perhaps this indicated my ability to walk away, which is what so many girls like.
i also thought that maybe they’d let me sleep over and in that case id…….hop into bed with Pinecone!
The End of the Night
It was time to call it a night. Amy left - Strawberry and I exchanged. relieved, knowing looks. No trash talking needed, we both knew that Amy was being a value suck.
I’m about to leave too, and i’m using a guttural vocal tone I’ve been working on lately (find it really helps with banter) to amp up the mood. We’re laughing and having a good time. I'm standing in the hallway, and each girl is standing in the doorway to her room (their rooms are right across from each other). Pinecone was giving me a look again, they had stated they were going to bed and I was trying to figure out how to make this work. Hey Pinecone wanna show me your room for a quick sec? Idk? false time constraint? I didn’t know how to lead without violating the fact that they said they were going to bed.
Remember the initial screen Strawberry had thrown at me? Well I guess I passed the screen, because both girls started talking about how much fun I was.
Anyways, Strawberry disappears into her room, and Pinecone walks me down the stairs, gives me a hug and there was a point where i was holding her hand briefly and I gave it a tug - she came closer and we kissed. It was pretty short, she ended it early and said something like this:
Pinecone: i dont wanna ruin a good thing
Friendzoned? Boyfriend-zoned? Her logical side probably kicked in when she said this.
I left feeling very disappointed. Here was a girl who was so into me…how could I let it slip like this, and only kiss her….at the VERY end too, AFC style?
I Redeem Myself
But I pinged her the next day for a reference point:
Fog: we should hang out again sometime this week
Pinecone: yes we should
Pinecone: what’s your week like
She agreed to come over to my house.
I show her my room, and I comment on how the big mirror in my room is good for selfies. She is quite direct here, stating that it would be good for fucking as well.
Not gonna lie, I was sort of nervous - she recognized this and pointed it out. I should have reframed to say I was excited, not nervous, but instead i just said I wasn’t nervous. She mentioned she was nervous too, and I believed it - she was rubbing her shoulder, as most girls do when there’s sexual tension in the air.
Anyways, I'm starting to escalate, and in between making out she says this:
Pinecone: Tell me about yourself
I knew this was coming - primarily because at the get together, she was giving me a facial expression like she wanted me to develop rapport with her. However, I didn't at the time.
She mentioned that at the get together, she felt like they had to force information about myself out of me. I don’t deflect questions about me anymore, but I have been trying out Jugglers “Conversational Pacing” technique that makes girls have to work to get information out of you. Perhaps my use of this technique could use some calibrating..I don’t want girls to feel like they have to pry overly hard to learn about me.
Regardless, after her request to learn more about me, I still didn't tell her too too much about myself. I knew she didn’t even care about me. She just wanted to share a frame with me, and to see that I understood her! She randomly opened up to me about her personal issues, and I know handled it correctly - she started holding my hand, which I viewed as a sign of comfort.
We're lying there and she says this:
Pinecone: What are your intentions with me?
Fog: i just want to keep spending time with you and see where it goes.
She goes on to talk about how she’s been hurt before and doesn’t want to get hurt again. Then soon after she says this:
Pinecone: I like all the answers you give me.
But then, she questioned my patience for making me wait for sex, and was also sort of talking about the thrill of the chase... i did not like that, and wasn’t sure what it was about. My vibe definitely changed and I was not feeling outcome independent. I didn’t like it because I felt like she was in control of the frame here, and was framing herself as the prize. I really was not sure how to get around this.
But I probably handled it right, because after that, all clothing is off and things are really getting hot in my room. She had a wicked hot body and gave me an amazing handjob, some amazing blowjobs, and the sex was incredible...she let me fuck her raw and this was an amazing experience for me because all ive ever had before is mediocre sex. And i lasted for 30 minutes during the second round....sooo, i was pretty happy. This really changes things for me.
Random Notes
1. We were chatting about what it feels like to have a connection with someone, and she offered me her trance words for feeling connected: relieved and comfortable
2. She did all her own emotional cementing

3. She says she has a IUD and is allergic to regular condoms
4. She asked more about why I approached her in the first place