A Date...
Met this girl in Publix the other night, pretty basic shit. Had some basic conversation, a small neg, brought her back from autorejection and then did a little shopping in the store together before grabbing her number.
She responds to ice breaker and I can tell there's a good chance she'll come out on a date.
Hit her up, get date logistics set to go and then meet her up for coffee.
3 main points of the date
1st off I met this girl for the date and I soon find out she's quite the romantic. We didn't pick a place to eat so we're walking around looking for an idea. She subtly suggests we go to the expensive steakhouse (bitch be crazy).
I suggest something more casual/cheap. We go to a pick up Italian restaurant where you order at the front prior to ordering. I asked her if she had cash on her (for the $10 meal we were splitting 5 and 5), she said yes, and then questioned on why I wasn't paying.
I tell her I'm broke, take her money, and go buy food.
Anyway first point of date
1. When I first meet her tonight I was leaning on a park bench in this outdoor mall area and she came up half expecting a hug, but ambivalent if she should take initiative or not. I give her a hug and hold her in warmly and she doesn't budge and embraces me.
One point in particular right after this we started walking and I put my hand on the small of her back as we walked. She came closer and I soon took my hand off her back, really for no reason... Kind of lame in retrospect.
Walking with ones hand on the small of the back is an easy, low effort way to get touch established, have her invest passively, and set a more sexual/masculine expectation.
New habit to implement with girls you meet/date.
If girl is decently receptive, put hand on small of back and lead as so until she withdraws. Go until she pulls away or other.
We get to the restaurant finally and sit down, order food, etc bullshit.
Good Action. While ordering the food (shes sitting at our table at this point in time) I'm thinking to myself "of shit what am I going to say/talk about right now to get into some meatier conversation. I hope it doesn't get awkward." typical bullshit.
I go sit back down with her and say something basically just off the cuff and hope it sticks,
"What was the most interesting thing that happened to you this week?". I said it with not really any chance of it going anywhere but merely giving me time to think of where to go next...
and then a stroke of genius arised
She responds very nil to my question, to be frank.
Her: "Uh Idk the most interesting thing ha, how am I supposed to answer that?"
Me: (Thinking like damn your boring) "Answer however you please" (in my mind I'm thinking it's a question to get dialogue started just make something up if you have to)
Her: "Uh ha idk I guess this that boring thing... I don't really know"
Me: "Well make something up!.." (playful/assholish challenge)
Her: (knocked out of autopilot) "Oh! Wow, uh I guess I killed my roommate"
Me: "No way you're kidding me, why would you do such a thing?"
Her: "well reason xyz etc etc"
Me: "Wow how interesting"
and thus spawned this dramatic non real scenario that we continued to talk about for a good 2 minutes or so. Just ridiculous jib jab about her killing her roommate and the story behind it.
Helped me deep dive her a bit and get to know what makes her tick in a fun way, and most importantly got us off small talk instantly into fun stimulating conversation.
*I want to remember this and play around with a bit more. Its similar to role playing but you get the girl to talk about this hypothetical situation and steer her to paint the picture... imagine if you could turn things sexual with this? Get her giving a hypothetical sexual situation... Might be worth exploring!
The rest of the date in the restaurant goes well.
Nothing to crazy to write up.
Deep diving could be improved a bit. I have trouble once in a topic finding the exact thread to go deeper into and exactly how to go about it.
*With deep diving I don't think I ever mastered it but I just got pretty good to the point where it built connections and thus I stopped focusing on it (for some reason deep diving for me was like my biggest focus of conversation when I was new).
However I think I could polish off a few knicks here and there and go deeper/further into her dreams/goals/emotions/etc.
*I talked about myself quite a bit, and am making a bad habit out of it. Not going overboard but not allowing myself to be the mysterious man to be worked on to be revealed.
*Another thing I did well was talk about what I wanted to talk about rather than run out of things to say. I also had a lot of passion about certain subjects which felt good to speak with such emotion about. Though these subjects don't necessarily tell a LOT about myself as much as they do give a glimpse of my personality and what makes me tick.
Next we walk back to our cars. She gets in mine to listen to music. We actually sing together "Just a small town girl" when the song comes on and it was quite an amazing duet.
At this point my plan is to find an excuse to bounce her back to my house and escalate (it's been a good hour/half at this point).
I like to get girls to drive my car so it feels as if they're driving themselves to my house and it's more "their decision" and thus more in control/comfortable with the whole shebang.
She's in the driver seat and I tell her to drive. She tentative, and will hardly warm up to the idea. I keep convincing her she'll do amazing and she eventually starts the car and drives around. I respond positively and she keeps driving.
I tell her she doing good and to go on the main highway towards the gas station.
I kept telling her "yeah your in control here, your the driver" and she's about to go the way towards my house but last minute gets the idea to go visit some neighborhood she thinks is absolutely amazing in the opposite direction. I try my best to get her to turn around without sounding like I have an agenda, but she's excited about her idea to visit this neighborhood and I figure just let her wear herself out and then we'll head to my place on the way back.
20 minutes later we get done looking at her neighborhood and head back towards my place.
I think it was a mistake letting this girl drive but I wasn't anticipating she'd go the opposite way we needed to head.
At this point it was a bit hard to get her to go my direction. I talk her into going to the gas station on the way to my house, and she complies. I try and amp up the fun vibe so she doesn't have time to logically process where we're going.
I succeed to a certain point but not enough to disengage her logical mind.
We get to the gas station and she's still in the drivers seat. I start to deem this not a great thing and suggest we change. She says she likes driving now.
I decide not to make it into this huge production (after admitting I don't like driving etc etc I want a choeffer, and then be like "Oh by the way I want to drive now") and let her remain in her seat.
I'm thinking now I perhaps should've just taken the keys and told her to chill in the seat and that it's only fair that I show her my favorite neighborhood (mine
) since she showed me mine.
I let her remain in the driver seat. I get back in and we leave. I do my best to talk her into going towards my house, she almost complies but then changes her mind again real quick saying it's late and time for her to get back.
3. Lastly we end up back in the parkinglot we started at. I'm thinking at this point it's going to be hard to turn things around to get her home with me now.
We talk in the car a bit more and I go into proposing that she comes back with me, follow me in her car, and we'll have a romantic nightcap under the stars while drinking wine and eating cheese. I can tell she really likes the idea but is saying no because she knows it's at my house and doesn't want to risk being a slut. She verbally says "I don't go home with a guy on the first date" which makes me think that perhaps I've allowed myself to be put in the boyfriend role, which I feel I'm typically pretty good at avoiding.
*Also note I haven't made a move to kiss her yet. I was planning on not kissing her until we both get home, but at this point I feel as if I should kiss her so she doesn't think I'm a bitch.
I keep persuading her to come home with me (persist a good 4-6 times) she eventually leaves my car into hers, with the remark I don't take no for an answer. She's in her car and I get out and go persist more that she come with me for 15 minutes, and can leave at her pleasure.
She eventually rolls the window up, smiles warmly, and waves warmly.
I walk away back to my car.
I believe that perhaps my persistence made the point I'm not a little bitch and that made up for me not going for the kiss... idk if that's even a deal breaker or not or if it's just in my mind that you should make some sort of move (kiss) to show her you're not a little vagina, but I try my best not to kiss girls in non seduction locations.
What I would do if I could do over again (2 routes).
Route 1: go for the informational date, and bid farewell right after the dinner, build sexual tension prior to leaving and hopefully get her to chase.
Route 2: I would've drove myself or found a way around the whole driving in the wrong direction which took things completely in the wrong direction of what needed to be done.
Also could've gone the route of her still driving but when we went to the gas station and she was on the verge of going to my house I could've not mentioned the neighborhood we're going to is mine and then appeal to the aspects she liked most about neighborhoods which I learned through her talking.
(family oriented, pretty suburb, etc etc)
Thats where my biggest mistake was of letting things getting off track was allowing her to drive to her neighborhood in the wrong direction, and not succeeding in getting her back to mine.
Also for you guys reading what's yalls experience been with not kissing a girl on the first date and the expectation it sets as far as being a sex worthy pimp? Lame or not a big deal?
I believe I'll see this girl again for another date. I'm thinking date compression ASAP and try and build some intrigue but don't invite her home or get physical on date 2, then invite her home for date 3 and hit bangtown USA.
Will keep posted.
Keep it pimpin