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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
Okay, so first, of course it is going to be quite rare to see a girl who is out by herself walking by herself. Very rare.

It's great if we encounter a girl like this, but it can't be relied upon due to the low probability. What I've understood to be pragmatic is instead turning our attention to lone girls who are walking home, to their car, or just separated from their friend group. As you've surely noticed, a lone girl walking home is waaaaaay more valuable than a lone girl about to walk into a bar.
Low likelihood the lone girls out, pre-prime bar hours (arrival time (illusion of that video)), will be DTF for a SNL.
Maybe you're starting to see a theme here. All locations are designed so that I'll get some volume and a higher likelihood of a girl who just left the bar (and her friends) and is now walking home, to her car, or somewhere to wait for a ride.
Higher likelihood the lone girls out will be DTF for a SNL.

VS the guys using the same exact openers->hook sequence at pre-prime bar hours not getting success. thinking they are doing something wrong.

I had a coworker tell me about his car he was trying to sell a couple years ago. He put the sign up at his place and left a number there for them to call him but received no calls about it for weeks. He later brought the same car over to his friend who deals in car repairs, and left it out front there. ended up getting non-stop calls about the car that same day.

One place he's ignored by the hot girls in his city, which destroys his self esteem. In the next, they respond favorably to him (from his texts in the screenshots you can see the problem wasn't his "game"/opener).

Point I'm making is, yes game is important, but this aspect of it (being at the right place, at the right time (what's lost in the technical details is the girl in his LR was single, from out of town and tipsy drunk at gutter hour) isn't talked about enough for whatever reason.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019

Friday, June 4, 2021
FR (Street Nightgame/Bargame)
Great first approach at the bench outside of my apartment. Wasn’t even warmed up. Saw her from a distance, sat-down, opened, hooked strongly. Immersed well – vibe escalated quickly. SOTs of connection with introductory sex talk before long. ~12:45. FSC hits, bartender at a fancy hotel in town, attractive, called my age “cap” – thought that I looked very young. Built tension, tried pulling but just short and number close. Hug.

Follow it up when I see an average girl walking on the other side of the street. Intercept her. Becomes engaged in relationship gambit. My transitions were not as smooth. She was going to go into a bar to meet up with friends. Stopped her and isolated on the sidewalk. See a way hotter girl leave a bar down the sidewalk. Decide to quickly eject but still go for rapid number close. She rejects lol which I think is only the second time ever it has happened to me in my seduction career. Interaction was positive, close was just way rushed and shouldn’t even bothered as I missed the way hotter girl because she got into her car. Mistake.

Post-up for a while at my newer “red bench” location and remember how the first HB mentioned that girls like being groped by guys they like. Or at least it’s validating for them. I’ve heard this a few times now – potentil gambit material with contrast frames.

Decide not to open a three-set due to a quality screen. Also decide to enter a bar at 1:25 to build momentum. Bouncer tried charging me $10, but he let me in free after a little charm. The place was dead and I bailed within five minutes.

Into a different bar and see some people I know. No hook on the first approach there. Recovered with a solid spontaneous RPO when I almost walked into a girl when turning around a corner. It looked like it was going well until some song came on and she wanted to dance, and I didn’t want to dance. Liminality breaks. All my fault with that one.

The bar is near close and I eject. It begins to rain outside at an increasing pace. Seeing a lone girl a good bit ahead of me, I increase my pace until I’m almost near. RPO about the rain from a little bit behind. She’s in an elevated state and maybe a little too tipsy. Needed to escalate quicker – even had a quick opportunity for a make-out. Fucked it up when I made an ill-timed compliance demand, and she ended up going into a gas station to wait out the rain. I find a post-up spot to keep me dry and bring in any passerby.

Not my best hook on a passing girl – meh, I am not operating with the best momentum. A decent interaction, but I lose her in the end. The rain stops and the HB who was in the gas station now passes by me.

She doesn’t even remember our first interaction, so it’s probably safe to say she was too drunk. Still test it out, though, and this time I escalate the vibe very well. Her hand is on my chest and am about to walk to her place when people she knows walk by us. Three guys. They white-knight, but not before I make a good isolation attempt. These guys have clearly never heard anything like my game before. Good try, but they drag her away. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

Also of note is something the HB said when we were close and touchy. When I was holding her hand against my chest, she noted that I was shaking. And, well, I actually was. My voice was calm, but my own hand would just not cooperate. What the fuck. That is not good. I think I know a reason why I was thrown off in this scenario, but I’ll leave that to myself. Although most of it was probably just being rusty with kino and physical escalation.

Now, I head to the usual bench. Pass a MMF set who is nearby. The girl is really hot. I make a note to blow-up their set if I don’t find an opportunity after a little while. No new opportunities, so I head back to blow-up their set.

Open a guy first with a pretty simple and on-the-spot RPO that goes like “Have you ever had the feeling that the night is winding down, and now the bars are closed, but you just don’t want it to be over yet?”

Charm the first guy – the second guy has a weak presence here and is largely irrelevant. First guy informs me that he is coked up. HB is now standing across from me but hasn’t said a word nor looked up from her phone. So I just take a moment to just stare straight at her as if she’s being weird, and after the pause, I say, “So… how is your night going? You’re just… on your phone?”

And then this makes her feel bad that she’s on her phone and makes her realize that she’s being socially incongruenet, but she’s still a little cold to start. Immediately she goes to hug the first guy and says, “I’m his girl.”

I continue to proceed about how perfect their vibe is together and how it seems like they’ve known each other forever, etc. This wins her over and now she won’t stop talking to me. She becomes quite engaged with me specifically – actually, I don’t think that I say another word to either of the guys after this point. They chat while HB and I have our liminality.

She is probably the third hottest girl that I’ve ever approached after HBEmerald and HBRedWine. Hot as fuck girl.

Her previous boyfriend now plays in the NFL, and he’s a pretty big-name player, too. Also related to super big-name NBA player. Unsurprisingly, she is a little NARC and A LOT PPP. Channel this and she talks about her famous relatives in the sports world, including a very, very, VERY wealthy guy who has an ownership stake in an NBA team, and how she has a job lined up with an NFL team. Yeah, I elicit and keep her talking.

Eventually, her boyfriend notices how warms he is getting to be. His alarms go off, and he keeps trying to take her inside. She complies after a while but not before she gets really close to me and goes for a cute little handshake. Should’ve number closed even in front of the boyfriend in hindsight. No worries – I have to be proud of myself for taking over that set and doing very well with her.

There’s a two set but it’s meh.

Not my best night by any means, but I had some good moments and this is what is important when rebooting momentum.

Lastly, I think back to the first HB and realize that the bench outside of my apartment is a good spot if I ever get out early when there’s more traffic in that area, although I would likely face plenty of objections about meeting up with friends.

Game on.
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
It’s an inactive night, but again, I’m doing what I can to reboot momentum in a place with very little volume. So no wasted opportunities.

Have my first approach in about 30 minutes. Weird girl, no AI – make a note that “she was drunk as fuck or something up with her face.”

Yeah make a decision to go to the bench and try to catch someone leaving BAR4 when it closes at 2:00 AM. Wait there until 2:10 without an approach, and that’s the night.

Thursday, June 10, 2021
FR (Street Nightgame/Bargame)
I get out late slightly before 1:15. Come on – I need to be out sooner than this!

My first half-chance is when I see a girl yelling on her phone in front of a cop. Let that one slide, although I did consider it.

Three girls are sitting in their car with a door open. I feel their gaze follow me as I walk past. Could’ve at least said hi to gauge the situation, but them being inside of the car made calibration very tricky. When they clearly AI’d, I should’ve picked up quicker that a little hello likely would have been a solid entry into the set.

Enter BAR2. See a girl at a table by herself even though her cabal is clearly by her side. Slip into the chair next to her – kind of smooth but kind of a little too aggressive. 1-10 opener. Messy transition into the next phase and the immersion broke. Her friend comes over and makes out with her and is like “PRIDE MONTH!!!!!”

She then starts questioning me about Pride Month, and I’m like yeah, Pride Month. Sexaul liberation and that. The friend realizes that she just can’t hang in the conversation, stares at me blankly, and takes the friend to the dancefloor. The friend was definitely uncalibrated. Strange cat. Turns out to be a peculiar portent for later in the night.

Still hang-out in that chair after they leave to protect my social frame as it would have hindered me otherwise in this small place. Don’t see another opportunity for some time and leave for the red bench. Oh, there’s a guy sleeping on it. To me, it seems like a sign to go to BAR4.

Get to BAR4 not long before close. There’s only a handful of people inside. Enter a set with a target who has friends around. Working on it.

Oddly, a guy comes up to me. Asks if I have a girlfriend. Then asks if I have a boyfriend. Uhhhhhhhhh……

This guy continues to run EXTREMELY DIRECT GAME on me, calling me “sexy” and “beautiful.” Comments that he’d “eat me up” and literally offers to suck my dick on the spot.

Girl is like WTF, I’m like WTF, and I run my non=judgemental, sexual liberation frames about how many of my friends are gay or lesbian, how pure sexual desire is, etc, but also how personally I know that my only sexual interest is with hotttttttt girls. Probably arouse the guy too much. He’s very uncalibrated, but I do not view him as a threat a this point, and in fact, I just used him for sexual prizing with the girl.

Then he won’t go away and it starts getting REALLY WEIRD. He ran some form of backward ladder where he asked for sex, then to suck my dick… and then to see my feet. Observed his comments about how he believed that I must have beautiful feet. He even starts offering me money to see them.

I’m trying to get him away but am hesitant to both seek assistance from the staff and be confrontational to him because I am there underage. Guy also explains how he learned all about homosexuality during his multiple stints in prsion, and now he’s looking for love or something.

After continued attempts to pacify the situation, his persistence does not stop. At one point, he tries to play race and says, “Oh, so you don’t like X guys.”

It was clear-as-day at this point that I just needed to sacrifice my set and eject. Give a little shake of my head to HB and get the fuck out of there.

My walk home is about thirty minutes from this location. I’m making notes of my abnormal outing while on the way when I sense that something is off. I look over my shoulder. The guy gay is following me – he’s about 100 feet back in the misty haze of the night.

Unsettles me a bit. Pick up my pace. A few looks over my shoulder and he is getting closer, and closer, and closer… until I’m like, well, fuck that.

And let's just say that I have to hop some fences to lose him. Plus, I was in that bar with a fake ID so any authority in this situation is only for a last resort.

Will just leave it at that, and luckily I was able to get back safely.

But it was not a good situation. I have to be more careful in the future.
Friday, June 11, 2021
FR (Street Nightgame/Bargame)
It’s a slow start to the night. Out late as well – around 1:40. My first approach is a moving MFF set, I am holding the hand of one of the girls within 30 seconds. She’s walking home and wants someone to walk with her. Give her another look – nah, she is not fuckable. But I only saw the set from behind so had to make the approach to make sure and keep the momentum up. Not the quality that I;m looking for, though, and I eject.

I do this seduction thing to not just fuck girls but the fuck the girls I want to fuck.

Second approach is after BAR3 closes. A lone, thin dirty blonde with freckles is standing outside on her phone. Induce the AI and make the approach.

She’s a little tipsy – would have needed to asses her state after the pull. Because yeah, she hooked well and I very quickly felt that the vibe should and could be escalated. And boy, was it escalated. We were in the running for maybe a five-minute pull before her ride swerves by to pick her up, which also breaks the bubble.

Man, I had that girl. Felt it.

A frustrating mistake comes next as I look to switch post-up spots and promptly missed a really hot girl who walked by where I was a few seconds before. Can’t catch-up or open her calibratedly enough. Dammit. It happens.

Open and two-set and too drunk to move forward with.

Past 3:00 AM and it’s very quiet now, but I see a below-average two set that I open for momentum. Though that momentum is not capitalized upon as that’s all this night had left in it.
Saturday, June 12, 2021
LR--(Street Nightgame)
Really fucking good approach to start out. Girl at a street corner waiting for a ride. She’s not too attractive but fuckable. Very receptive and cool. Boyfriend is pikcing her up. She gets really into the Jada gambit. Like super into it. Says, “you can’t wait until life isn’t hard to be happy.” Which is by far the best advice any girl has given my imaginary friend. Don’t push that ineraction – it’s not worth it as she is just a cool girl to start off the night.

Make my way over to BAR3. $20 cover nahhhhhhhhhhh. I decide to post-up outside. Open a 30+ woman who was waiting for her friends without seeing her face. See her face and eject at the next opportunity, and also I saw another lone girl across the street.

The older girl probably was watching me approach the other girl, but it doesn’t matter. This girl is also not very hot… maybe just good enough. Maaaaaaaaybe. But at the borderline at absolute best. She’s very receptive and talks about how all of her guy friends just want to fuck her all of a sudden. Contrast that, get into more sexual frames, and we’re in business. Very close now and light taps to her arm to link. I’m beginning to see that the closeness is more important than the touching in the immersion phase. Then sprinkle in the touching to start and calibrate/escalate based on her. At least what I’m thinking right now. But definitely the closeness is big and can be integrated quickly if approached with good co-regualtion.

Her ride comes and I don’t try to hard to get her to stay. Quick number close for calibration, but she is not the kind of girl that I want. Good human being, though.

I walk to another post-up spot and see some guys I know, which I don’t like. Would greatly prefer if they don’t see me approach.

There aren’t any approach opportunities outside of BAR3 as it closes, so I travel over to BAR2 which usually stays open a few minutes longer. I soon spot a lone girl on the curb on her phone, surely waiting for a ride. There’s one of the guys I know loitering in a group a few steps away. This throws me off as I hover in the area. Then I realize that I need to make this approach because I need to make this approach – she is a hot girl. I make the approach, no AI given.

“Hey, can I ask you something?” is my pre-opener as it I felt it was more calibrated than “Hey, how is your night going?” in this scenario. Keep my vibe super relaxed and casual, and we go into the Jada sequence. HOOKED.

Awesome, it’s going great and I don’t even think about that guy seeing me. All about the liminality instead. HBLatinaRaver starts frame grabbing. Basic frame grabs – name, hometown, ethnicity. Key one is ethnicity – she complains that as a Latina, she faces a lot of racism here. I can tell this is a big thing for her. So, I say that I have a Mexican father and can also relate to how people just don’t understand us, and it’s very special when we find someone who does.

Ding-ding. When I see the look in her eyes, I know that I’m in. I start escalating the vibe HEAVY. Closeness, touching, arm around her, etc. She’s laughing and giggling – looking great and it’s only been a few minutes.

Suddenly, a car pulls up. It’s her Uber, confirmed by her checking the phone. I tell her to just cancel the Uber so we can keep talking for a few more minutes because of how special it is to find someone who we connect with, and that I’ll order her another one. She confirms that I’ll order one later for her. I’m like yeah yeah of course, I promise.

She cancels the Uber, and the car drives off. On we go.

Still looking great as the HEAVY us vs. them + relatability framing continues. Two middle-aged white knights walk by asking if we’re okay. I’m like yeah yeah thank you so much for checking. They ask again because we look like two lovers under the moonlight at this point, and HB is like yep!

And I never ease up on the tension, so the bubble is retained. The other people outside of the recently closed BAR are all gone now. As I’m setting up the pull, a cop drives by. He tells us to get out of the street. I respond, “Yessir, absolutely,” and I take the hand of HB, stand her up, and just start walking her to my place down the street.

Thank you cop!

She asks where we’re going – I say to my place so I can show her my music. Doesn’t believe that I live so close. I point to my apartment and say that I’ll prove it by showing her. She says that she has a boyfriend so she’ll just come in to use the bathroom before leaving.

Into my place. I make sure that she takes her shoes off, which was big. This is a very high energy girl who raves and stuff. She goes to the bathroom, and I take a few moments to calm myself and arrange my speaker next to my bed. My escalation is a littttle rusty at this point as it’s been a few weeks. So I breathe.

She returns from the bathroom, and I have her sit on my bed. Before I get into my music, I decide that since she’s a super proud Latina that I’ll play a sexy reggaeton song that fog recommends. It gets her going – she likes it – and starts dancing. Woohoo.

Then she plays a few of her favorite songs while she dances and I kinda just vibe and hold her with tension-filled little whsipers. I can touch her anywhere without resistance. Some sex talk and othering before I go for the make-out at what I felt was a good opportunity.

But she’s like “nooooooooooooo, I have a boyfriend” and backs away. Okay, I just say that we’ll listen to more music and sit her down on my bed. I keep the kino going. She asks to play a few more songs, and I let her.

We’re laying in bed, and she’s softly grinding against me. I’m kissing all over her neck, chest, cheeks, and shoulders – each time I go for her lips, she backs away citing her boyfriend. So I promise her that no matter what, I won’t kiss her on the lips unless she wants to. HB really is satisfied by this and is happy to let me feel and kiss everywhere else.

My clothes start coming off. Actually, all of my clothes come off. After I missed out on that one HB in April after I messed up the escalation, I decide that I’ll just make sure my clothes come off smoothly. She has no qualms about my lack of clothing, and I’m feeling all in hers. I’m still sex talking and prancing my fingers and lips all over her body, building arousal as much as I can.

She peppers in boyfriend objections, though I handle them verbally and it’s fine. Known the guy for five years. I just calm her down and keep tempting. Then once I think she’s ready, I offer to lick her nipples for that little extra push.

HB becomes very excited, pulls her shirt up, and pulls her bra down. Here we go. I’m licking her nipples, and she’s loving it. Moaning and eyes rolling.

After a while, I decide to take her bra off. But fuck, I can’t get her bra off smoothly and I botch the escalation after doing so well to handle the LMR. The lack of smoothness alerts her, and she softly puts her hands on my face. Says that she loves her boyfriend and can’t do this. Handle that objection with a simple assurance that we’re not doing anything that she doesn’t want to do because I hate that. But I never get back to licking her nipples.

She goes to the bathroom – I hear her say, “I can’t do this” – and returns to put her shoes on. I get her back sitting down on my bed for more music, but the shoes stay on. We continue to feel each other up and everything as the fractionation strategy continues.

Then, I make a really rushed a dumb move by telling her to suck my dick. If anything, I should’ve just said to “go down on me,” which she probably would have.

However, my verbiage was too harsh-sounding. She gets offended and all made that I think she “has no class” etc, etc. I’m able to calm her down by telling her how sorry I am, and that I wasn’t thinking straight because of how strong the vibe is between us, and that I wasn’t thinking straight because I am focused on her pleasure foremost. Makes her a happy girl, but that was the final nail in the coffin.

She tells me how hot and sexy I am while putting her hands on my face again. Although she knows that if she stayed the night that we’d have sex. Get her listening to music again, but it’s more for etiquette purposes than anything because I know that it’s tough sledding now. Gets a Snap from a friend, leading to her calling an Uber. I tell her to cancel it because I said that I promised that I’d order her one. Happy girl. I order it for her, walk her outside while she giddily holds my hand.

A few moments of us talking in the night. Closely.

One last hug and goodbye.

It was a very delicate approach. I did well to approach, hook, move her, handle her objections, handle the boyfriend LMR, fractionate, sexually prize, arouse, tempt, and begin the escalation.

But my physical escalations as FAR too sloppy. Handled the boyfriend LMR, fucked up the FSC by messing up the bra removal and my poorly-timed blowjob claim. But yeah you can call me out for writing about LMR to samuraijack and then mishandling this although my issue was more in the execution part of it I think.


Though I did fine.
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Okay so the big highlight on this night is that I see the enneagram girl from a while ago. Didn’t call her HBEnneagram at the time, but I should have. I’m at the red bench looking for my first approach when she walks by.

She’s really, really excited to see me. Sits down with me, starts hugging me, and snuggling into my chest. I mirror the heavy kino and have my arm around her, fondling her body however. Definitely could have made out with her. Oh yeah, she has her mom on the phone while this is going on.

Who is driving to pick her up lol. I tell her to text or call her mom and say that she’s fine, but no dice. I see that this is an issue here. So I say that my place is so close and we can wait for her mom there, and that I’ll show her my music while we wait. Interest but no dice because her mom is pulling up. They offer me a ride, and I’m like sure whatever for the social frame.

Charm the mom. HB apparently showed her my texts lol. LOL. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

But yeah charm her. We get to my place, and HB jumps out of the car to hug me. Honestly, I should’ve asked her mom if it was alright if we could hang out a little longer, and that I’d give her my phone number so she could call at any time. Didn’t think of it, though.

HB continuously love bombs me – probably a little tipsy yeah but definitely a dramatized performance. Tell her that if she loves me so much, then she’ll text me and we’ll hang out.

Walk off until they drive away before heading back out.

No other legitimate opportunities for the night.

Fuck volume.
Friday, June 18, 2021
Yeah HBEnneagram didn’t text me. This was just an off night. But I still pushed through it.

Honestly should have had pulled from a bar but fucked up my transition. Blew it.

Onto the next one. It happens.

Saturday, June 19, 2021
Terrible weather, but I was able to avoid a full-on rainout by exploring out into the wetness into the closing hours. Barely anyone out. Had a chance to hook onto a mixed set but did not do well enough. Wander for a little and see one girl walking alone with FaceTime on, but I approach anyway. Good that I made the approach in that difficult scenario but I’m not able to take it anywhere.

Being here right now doing what I’m doing and getting better at doing it is the key to the LEVEL UP.

Fuck volume, let’s go.
Last edited:


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Lofty’s Very First Online Experiments

In the last episode entitled, “Fuck volume, let’s go,” we made a promise to fuck volume, let’s go. Such a profound suggestion led me to consider potential remedies to this town having a <30k population in the summer months. Coinciding with this is another idea that a skilled seducer should be adept at many different avenues of game to truly become the Anytime Seducer.

So despite never having even downloaded online dating apps before, I see that they have been a consistent stream of success for members such as fog and DoWhatWorks. On top of this, I reasoned that experimenting with online game would also serve the following purposes:
  • Text Game Practice. This is one of my weaker areas and there isn’t much room for error with number closes, but it is all about practice and testing with online dating messages.
  • Volume Supplement. As noted above.
  • Access to a Wider Variety of Women. The vast majority of women that I approach now are college girls – online game could expose me to different types of women.
  • Leads Away From The Weekend. Online game could provide leads from Sunday – Wednesday when nightgaming isn’t pragmatic.
  • Being a Well-Rounded Seducer. Shouldn't a truly skilled seducer be competent in all game formats?
However, I still needed to overcome an apprehension about showing my face online. I retain no social media as I feel like the veil of anonymity can provide Mach advantages such as eliminating factors of reputation or unnecessary problems from outside sources. It remains highly difficult to move past this. Moreover, there were also slight tinges of tension regarding the views that some top seducers have towards online game at large.

I downloaded Bumble nevertheless in the early morning hours, whipped up a profile, and started swiping. I hear that the quality online is not great, but wow, I did see some really hot girls. This makes me assume that the quality factor is not related to the girls on these apps but rather to those who are accessible.

Within minutes, I receive my first match and message. Which prompts me to undergo an existential crisis about how I can’t do this, and I delete the app immediately.

I battle all morning about how I am simply disallowing myself an opportunity to improve by not at least testing in these mediums. After a discussion with fog, I once again decide that it’s time to give it a shot for real. Here are my thoughts and results after one day with the following apps:

Had to recreate my account, so I lost the first match. Didn’t receive another match the entire day, although there are 4 likes in my “Beeline.”

Decent amount of matches, but only one legitimately hot girl who doesn’t respond to my opener. The rest are very meh but passable. One of these is my strongest lead from the day and actually looks promising. She is a 25 y/o anime lover who works at a law firm in the wealthiest town in the state. Here is the messaging with full disclosure that my performance is extremely subpar and should not be followed by anyone:
Full Tinder Messaging with HBAni Through 6/22
Strategy: Based on her profile an claims to be an anime aficionado, I think to channel her the vanity of her expertise by pushing her to recommend an anime to watch, and then using that for plausible deniability.

Me: do you think we can be compatible if my favorite anime is fairy tail?? (knowing that no one actually really likes Fairy Tail – just trying to elicit a reaction/response)
HBAni: Fairy tail?!? Eh I won’t judge but *eyes emoji*
Me: lol it’s just kinda my own guilty pleasure *laughing emoji*
Me: do you have any guilty pleasures yourself?
HB: Yeah I do! It’s called Garkuen Babysitters Club *laughing emoji* It’s adorable
Me: will add it to my watchlist. or maybe we can watch it together *eyes emoji* (note: haven’t watched anime in years and don’t really want to but whatevs)
HB: Lol it’s a slice of life about cute babies, idk if it’s one to watch together *laughing emoji* but if you want to we can.
Me: haha i’m down. I bet you’re a late-night anime watcher is that right (time is ~11:40 PM, so I am screening/setting for pull)
HB: I used to but now I have to go into work, so I’m actually going to head to bed now but we can talk tomorrow!
Me: Gn :)
Alright, so the “we can if you want to” and exclamation mark at the end of her final message leaves me thinking that I’m in decent shape despite the average and rushed performance on my end. Would be interesting to see if we can siphon a nice Wednesday lay out if it. Logistics may be an issue as she lives about an hour from me and will have to drive.

Also saw HBStarmix on here, which was not surprising. Vaaaaaaaaalidation.

Asked waaaaaaaay a lot of questions, didn’t complete my profile before deleting.

fog was spot-on when he said that you really have to wade through a sea of below average girls here. Like seriously, I didn’t even know that this many below average girls even existed. Jesus.

Eventually match and message a decent upper-20s girl who lives about 45 minutes away. Two messages in she notes how she is “money-making” which yeah means that she’s a prostitute.

Get conversation going with one more girl who is of average at best quality. Force a pull attempt without enough investment from her to see what would happen, which was nothing and I didn’t mind that at all.

Saw this mentioned on the Internet, so I also gave it a download. It was a complete waste of a download.

Moving Forward and Further Thoughts

Overall notes from my one-day online gaming experience:
  • Holy fuck does swiping take forever, and holy fuck is it distracting. It is the intersection of Instagram and porn, if Instagram isn’t already porn.
  • Tinder seemed to have more volume than Bumble, but both start to reach into the 50+ mile radius before long – this is probably not realistic.
  • It is frustrating.
  • Girls on Tinder are super annoying about asking for “pickup lines.” Like, that is disparaging to what we do here lol.
  • Way too easy to slip into masturbation while swiping. Very dangerous combined with the frustration-inducing effects of the app.
Moving forward, I think that I will be using Tinder and Bumble for one more day before calling a close to this experiment. I am glad that I tried it for my own reference experiences, but my location still probably limits the capabilities of these apps and they do take up a lot of time that I am trying to put into other places. Moreover, I am trying to stay away from porn/masturbation which is very difficult for me when swiping through a bunch of hot girls that are just fishing for Insta followers. I have to do what is necessary to recover from ED and not move in the wrong direction after my recent improvements. Tinder is especially hyper-stimulating in this regard.

Also to continue the note on masturbation that is a major battle in my life, I have begun to note the “triggers” for these episodes as I think that I can definitely be considered an addict. It is cool now that I can orgasm without ejaculation with relative ease especially when using the finger lock method, but it also makes it easier to slip into hours of masturbation without end. Solving ED for good is too important to risk.

I have accordingly noted location-based triggers and emotional-mental triggers that seem to induce periods of masturbation:

Location-based triggers:
  • On my bed, facing upwards in times of idling
  • Sitting on my futon with my phone in hand
  • Laying on my bed with my laptop instead of sitting at my desk
Emotional-mental triggers:
  • Frustration
  • Regret
  • Boredom
  • Complacency
  • Reminiscing of past lays (and checking their Instagram)
  • Contrarian internal arguments (“I do not want to do this thing, therefore I will masturbate instead”)
  • False rationalizations and an inability to stop (“I have already orgasmed once, so I might as well orgasm more”)
Additional lifestyle issues that I need to resolve ASAP include:
  • Currently have missed three weeks of workouts after staying consistent for months
  • Must fix my fucked sleeping schedule (which has been about 6pm – 11pm)
  • Figure out my online business or generation of online income. I have a great remote internship with a very good media agency, but fuck that. I am miserable with it. I just can’t get myself to care about it even though the stuff I’m doing is very cool. It’s beyond evident that I will not be able to do the 9-5 thing for someone other than myself in any field. My future must be set-up for sustainability and financial freedom beginning NOW.
  • Must eat better. I am only eating one small meal of rice, pasta, or oatmeal daily and have lost far too much weight. Feeling extremely lethargic and sloggy.
Yeah, so overall, my conclusions of this post are that I will likely allocate further time into evening game/daygaming on the weekends rather than online game (even though it has been insightful and am glad that I tried), that I need to eliminate/avoid/recognize masturbatory triggers to continue my ED recovery, and develop a scalable online income generation plan of which any resources would be greatly appreciated.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
@Lofty Online dating was hell for me too. So easy to slip into masturbation. All that swiping is hypnotic and reminds you of flashing through porn pictures when you jerk off. Bad, bad, bad...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

It has become abundantly clear to me that in order to maximize and fulfill my potential as a seducer (and in life as a whole), I will need to increase my competence at ALL forms of game. I want to be the Anytime Seducer, I want to be seductively dangerous whenever I want, I want to lay girls wherever I go, I want to lay the girls that I desire the most.

As a result, I will be continually instituting improvement plans for:
  • Nightgame: Bar/club, street, social circle, etc
  • Daygame: Lone wolves, spontaneous encounters, social circle, improving number close process + dates + texting
  • Online: Texting/messaging, Tinder/Bumble strategies
  • Social Circle: Actually maintaining a social circle, permeating into other social circles (and also potentially permeating into high-status social circles intrigues me), building social circles, befriending girls without the purpose of fucking them, exploiting social circles to snipe extended connections or the hottest girl, future sights towards establishing a presence in/on Fetlife for BDSM purposes
  • Relationship Management: Actually maintaining something more than a ONS, practicing Witch15 strategies, texting for relationship management, future sights towards threesomes or more with gf, maintain a BDSM submissive
Also, I have realized that I treat everything in life like it’s Game 7 of the World Series. Even trying to calm myself becomes an intense process.

Soothe yourself, Lofty.

First off, I did not receive a message back from HBAni after sending her, “done with work and ready to relax?” Which makes sense. That is a not good message in hindsight because it subcommunicates neediness and sexual thirstiness. Yuck, yuck.

Matched with HBElzy last night ~8:00pm, but I was sleeping (fucked sleep schedule fucked me up here). 20 y/o bad bitch from a hood 50 miles away. Got that hairstyle where it’s just dyed a bright color just on top – hers is orange. Leeeeeettttt’s goooo. She wanted to meet up right away, but I didn’t see her message until ~11:00. Fuck. And also, I don’t have a car, and it is an extreme safety issue to Uber into her area. So that was out of the question. Plus, thought her super directness was WOW. Like I've been painstakingly leanring cold approach and this girl triple texts to open and aks me over?? Cold approach is my main thing... but there is little doubt in my mind that online can be leveraged for lays.

Regardless, I will try to get her over today.
HBElzy: Hey
HB: Heyyyy
HB: Heyyyy handsome wanna come hang wit me?
Me: hey baby i’d love to *kissing emoji*
HB: Come on then I’ll drop da pin Rn
Me: any way you can come here? I don’t have my car rn
HB: Yes maybe (;
HB: I’ll come get u
Me: cool, we can even chill here. you ready for the address?
HB: I can’t get there right this second cause my mom ain’t gone drive Rn lmaooooo *two whining emojis*
HB: I got 3 friends wit me lmaooooo
Me: lol how about we split an uber for you
HB: Can they come ??
HB: I’ll come fr then
HB: On everything
Me: sure. send me your address and i’ll order one :)
HB: U smoke
Me: I recently quit but people say that I give stoner vibes even when not high lol. have no problem if u all smoke here
HB: Would you get me some ?
Me: can’t do that sadly but we can chill and have fun anyway :)
HB: I’m scared to ride in a uber lmaooo can I trust you bc therrre’s crazy killers in this world
HB: And mfs will say anything
Me: does it seem like i’m like those guys? tbh most my friends are girls so i hate scummy guys like that. you can definitely trust me, promise :)
*no response for an hour so I set it up to keep it alive*
Me: but HB tbh I completely understand ur concern and that’s why i was also hesitant to uber to [town] lol
HB: No you seem like you would be chill. *hang loose emoji and lovey-eyes emoji*
I am thinking of sending her the following around 3pm if she doesn’t re-open me first:
there’s something about you. i feel like you’re not like most girls


i want to meet you but i have one question first
followed by
are you a bad bitch who likes to cuddle?
Matched with her earlier in the afternoon. Ok looks from her pictures but not special (sorry babe). Also about an hour drive away.
HBQuilt: Heyy
Me: there’s something about you HBQuilt
HB: What *lovey-face emoji with the three floating hearts*
Me: the glow in your eyes tells me that you’re not like most girls
HB: Nope I am very loyal and a good person
HB: I ain’t no hoe
HB: I am looking for a loyal relationship someone to have a future with
Me: so you value connection and the feeling of being understood?
*no response to that wtf*

Matched around 11:30ish last night. Looks seem fairly above-average from her pictures – mixed race alt-type girl. Seems like she’d be a good one to get. Goes to my school. Noticed her location was 2 miles away when we matched but about 55 when we finished messaging, so she probably commutes from school and a job.
Me: hey future lover
HBWillow: Yes sir lol
Me: i noticed something about your pictures
HB: Which is?
Me: the look in your eyes tells me that you’re different than most girls
HB: Different how do you think?
HB: you’re not afraid to break free from expectations. that you fully control who you want to be
*she “loves” this message*
Me: i also have a question for you
HB: I try to so thank you and what is it?
Me: are you the type of woman who likes to be open-minded and spontaneous?
HB: I believe I am. I believe theres a vast spectrum for that too lol so what do you call open minded or spontaneous?
Me: the type of person who lives life with no regrets. is that you?
HB: Mmmm does past regrets count? *sweat emoji and laughing emoji*
Me: we all have them but isn’t life all about letting go, moving on, and building a better future?
*no response for a while and I’m horny so I just rashly decide to fish for a pull*
Me: one more question for you HB :)
*no response, expectedly*

Field Report

So after the convo with HBWillow dies down around 12:50 pm, I am feeling extremely horny and decide to go wander around even though I assume the volume will be practically non-existent. All it takes is one, though.

I’m on the streets at 1:30 to try and snipe one of the few girls at the bars. I post-up outside BAR2 first as it typically clears out a few minutes before BAR3. Sadly, I am not met with any opportunities. On I go to post-up at my spot near BAR3, which I can tell is just closing from they song they play before closing.

At least it’s an absolutely beautiful night out because I am also not met with any opportunities. I move to the red bench. Seriously, it is so beautiful outside. The air is just different and energizing. I do see one guy obviously pulling an ugly girl. But his fundamentals were good. She was really nervous though. Doesn’t matter because what this did is light the fire for me to snap myself out of whatever funk I’ve been in AND TO FOCUS.

Wander around the BAR4 area hoping not to see the creepy stalker guy. Almost not surprisingly, the creepy stalker guy is loitering outside of the diner. The fuck. He doesn’t see me as I quickly redirect into the area behind it.

I walk through an awkwardly designed parking lot and notice two girls sitting on their raised porch behind a railing. They are about 20 feet to my right. I know that I will need to induce the AI to open, or at least get their eye contact or else it will be super uncalibrated.

The girl facing in my direction looks towards me, which is followed by her friend facing away from me turning her head towards me. She was pretty got. I sense nervous energy from the first girl, but the second girl seems bubbly. I notice their eyes and project my voice to ask how their night is going. The second girl says good and returns the question. Saying “alright,” I keep walking. It was a missed opportunity. A tough, tough approach to make happen, but I needed to do better. There is no doubt that online game had disrupted me in-field. I felt it; I must be able push aside the thoughts and feelings of online game.

My legs take my back near The Bench. Ah, The Bench. My buddy.

I’m there for a few minutes before continuing my journey. See an ugly girl in a MMMF set. When I walk by, I observe that one guy is animatedly telling a story about how he hijacked a car.

Back onto the main street. And of course, the creepy stalker guy is down the road (now on a bike), sees me this time, and yells out to me. I slip into a sandwich shop, which along with the diner, is about the only place open. Haven’t eaten in about 14 hours, so I decide that it’s probably a good idea to also buy a sandwich.

I buy a sandwich and decide to walk home. The guy has a bike so I know there’s a chance he’ll ride by me, though now I’m also getting the sense that he’s pretty harmless – just uncalibrated as fuck.

I’m walking home, eating my sandwich, enjoying the moonlight, when he rides towards me from the opporite direction starting from down the road. Then loops besides me. Asks why I think he’s out to get me. I very apathetically say that if he doesn’t leave right now that I’ll call the police.

This gets the message across. He’s butthurt, however, and whines about blah blah blah. I don’t even respond, and he eventually rides off.

I find a bench. Eat my sandwich.

I’m feeling very, very inspired by the moonlight.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Since the last post, so much has…

Well, I’ll get straight into it. Working texting/online game, the beautiful/beloved street nightgame, and also I've been up to some crazy BDSM stuff on the interwebs.

So let’s take a dive into the nitty gritty and see what we find. It may surprise you... or not.

Very strong likelihood I could’ve gotten a lay here, but I bailed after she sent more pictures. Decided that she was not hot enough and would definitely push for more than a ONS. Not actively using Badoo anymore.
Me: heyyy. how is your night going on a scale of 1-10?
Girl: very well and you.
Me: pretty well so far. i produce music so i am just relaxing doing that rn
Me: have a question for you
Girl: wow that’s good
Girl: Yes
Girl: Tell me
Me: do you consider yourself spontaneous and open minded?
Girl: Yes a little bit
Girl: You do not speak Spanish
Me: hablo un poco español pero no es bueno *laugh emoji*
Girl: Si hablas bien
Me: jajajaja *wink/tongue out emoji*
Me: i wonder what you would think if you heard my spanish in person
Girl: It’s that I don’t speak much English I’m learning I’m talking to you through the translator
Me: no worries! maybe i can teach you some english and you can teach me some spanish. sound good?
Girl: I would like to hear you speak Spanish
Me: come over to my place and you can!
Girl: if it sounds good i would like to learn more English
Me: sure. i can teach you while we hang out
Girl: Where do you live
Me: i’m in [town]. are you ready for the address?
Girl: seriously if you show me
Girl: first I would like to know more about you
Me: i live right by [place] near [place] on [street] (landmarking, h/t fog)
Me: you can ask me anything!
Girl: What is your name
Girl: How old are you (both are on my profile lol)
Me: tengo 21 años :) (she was 20 according to her profile)
Me: Lofty :)
Girl: Que Bueno
Girl: how bad I can’t handle? and I can’t go to your house.
Me: sure you can! we can hang out and speak Spanish
Girl: yes of course nothing else that does not drive
Me: oh okay so you don’t drive? how about grabbing an uber then?
Girl: I think you can’t because I don’t know how to ride an Uber
Me: it is very easy. i can order one to your house and it will take you to mine. just like a taxi :)
Girl: seriously that you don’t drive
Me: no i don’t have a car :(
Girl: that bad
Girl: who do you live with
Me: i have one roommate who is my age. he’s nice
Girl: you don’t live with your parents
Me: nope, i moved from home when i came here for college
Girl: ok and you don’t work
Me: i work. i do digital marketing
Girl: how good Lofty
Girl: you give me your photo
Me: just take a look at my profile *wink/tongue out emoji*
Girl: I want to see another photo of you
Me: [Girl name] there are four photos of me in my profile
Girl: I already saw them
Me: do you like them??
Girl: yes you look good
Me: cool. so we should hang out! do you live with a anyone (screening to potentially go to hers)
Girl: Yes i live with my family
Me: hmmm okay so how about i order you an uber to my house, we hangout, and i will order you one to go home too?
Girl: sounds good but i must tell you how i am
Me: tell me [Girl Name] :)
Girl: I’m short, I look like 16 but I’m already 20 (***********RED FLAG**************)
Me: okay, would you like to send me one more picture of you then? that way we both will have seen four pictures :) (I am questioning if she is hot enough)
Girl: but send me yours too
Girl: *picture*
Me: that is the same one as in your profile though :(
Girl: *picture* (Okay yeah, definitely not hot enough. Calling off the dogs.)
Girl: *picture*
Girl: And you
Me: they are in my profile *laugh emoji*
Girl: really
Me: yes all of them
Girl: *picture*
Girl: And this
Me: that is a new one yes
Girl: Ok
Me: thank you for sending! you are very nice [Girl name] :)
Girl: *picture*
Girl: I have no more photo
Girl: I have to sleep that I’m going to get up early tomorrow
Me: ok [Girl name], it was very nice talking to you :)
Me: good night *blush/smile emoji*
Girl: Thank you
Girl: Good night
Also of note is that I randomly messaged a SUPER HOT girl who was online but from across the country. We were sex talking within a few messages – I opened with “have a question for you :)” > “i feel like you are a bad bitch who also loves to cuddle. true?”

And man we really get into it. That bad bitch/cuddle theme is DYNAMITE and this becomes a very important set for the future. Also throw in a “one of my favorite things is when she snuggles into my chest in the middle of the night and looks up at me as I hold her close :)”… which prompted her to triple text a story about how she loved doing that with her ex and then give him handjobs. Yeah this was a fun one.

Did not hear back from HBElzy wtf. But we keep on working because we must. Also, I’ve stopped using my real pictures on Bumble and instead use pictures of one of my favorite soccer players… but we actually look so much alike that it still gives me a Verified Profile. Still, I am just sparring here – no intention to do a switcheroo catfish with these gals. Made the picture switch in order to ease my continued discomfort at showing my face online and also try to get more matches with better picture quality than just selfies (which has actually resulted in LESS matches… hmm.)
HB: Hii
Me: heyyy. have a question for you :)
HB: And what’s thatv
HB: That*
Me: getting the sense that you’re a very open minded and spontaneous woman who doesn’t like to be confined by stereotypes. is it true?
HB: That is definitely true
Me: hmmm knew it from your vibe. Seems like most girls these days just wanna conform but not you :)
Me: so imagine this. you just won the lottery and could go anywhere in the world. where are you going??
HB: I would probably go to Japan or India
HB: But I wouldn’t fly straight there. I would take a cruise
HB: Like I found a 22 day cruise all around the pacific rim and I thought it was really cool
Me: fun fact i lived in Osaka for a year. so i approve of your selection wholeheartedly *heart-eyes emoji*
HB: Awh that’s awesome
HB: My papaw lived in Japan for years
Me: coooool. what did he tell you about it?
HB: He doesn’t talk about it much, but I did find out that he did glee club while he was there
Me: i’m curious, so was that a talent passed down in the family? are you a good singer HB *eye-glass emoji*
HB: Well, I was accepted to boarding school to study vocal music so I’m not bad
Me: you are being modest
Me: admit it
Me: you are prob an amazing singer
HB: Don’t raise your expectations haha
Me: my hobby is music production so we’re gonna have to collab lol
HB: Ohhh that’s fun. How did you get into that
Me: stumbled across a youtube tutorial and it opened up a whole new world
Me: if I were to ask you what is one thing that you really like doing besides eating, sleeping, and school, what would it be?
HB: Traveling for sure
Me: we need to talk about that cruise more lol it sounds amazing
HB: Yes! I just feel like it would be so relaxing. But i also kinda feel like it would be best to take a plane because then I could stay longer and experience more
Me: on the cruise tho you can see all those beautiful sunsets *star-eyes emoji*
HB: You’re right you’re right
Me: would be a nice escape from the monotony of where we live even though i do hold this area close to my heart
Me: have you always lived in [state]?
HB: Yea I have. Have you?
Me: cooool and nah i’ve moved around a bunch
HB: Where all have you lived?
Me: oh jeez lol. [I list 4 states and Japan]
HB: Oh that’s awesome!! Yea i hate staying in one place. You’re living the life I want haha
Me: we’re gonna get you traveling HB *laugh emoji*
HB: Please
Me: okay well here’s one idea to start
HB: Tell me
Me: you should come travel to hang out with me :)
HB: That sounds wonderful
Me: awesome. when are you free?
HB: Not sure. I’m leaving to go camping tomorrow and won’t be back until Saturday
Me: oooo camping sounds super fun. so does that mean you’re free today or tonight?
HB: No:( Work
Me: Awww no worries haha we’re gonna get something planned
Me: imagine if we traveled together somewhere
Me: it’d be like our own secret trip
HB: That’d be fun
HB: Where would we go
Me: i think there’s a beautifully scenic spot you’d loooooooove but i want it to be a surprise *wink/tongue emoji*
HB: Ooooooo I’m intrigued
Me: it’s going to be an adventure so be ready HB *wink emoji*
HB: I can’t wait :)
Me: there’s something special about you and i just know it.
HB: You think?
*I don’t respond for hours*
HB: Is there an easier way for us to talk?
*Next day for the feelings*
Me: hey HB, need to let you know that i actually got back with my ex yesterday. i went to go hang out with friends (why i hadn’t responded, very sorry!) and she was there… and yeah. it was tough because we just talked and i’m super into you, it’s just that this girl and i have been through a lot *distraught face emoji*
Me: i seriously hope that you find a guy much better than me on here or anywhere else. you are beyond beautiful. like your eyes are actually amazing *two heart-eye emojis*. like i think you could be a model tbh. plus you’re incredibly fun to talk with and very insightful 
Me: and hope you have lottttts of fun camping this week and pleeeeease go on that cruise *three star-eyes emojis*
This was actually a really cool and attractive girl. All good, good practice.

Also another one here.
HB: hey
Me: hey! have a question for you :)
HB: yes?
Me: have a feeling that you’re a really open minded and spontaneous woman who isn’t afraid to be different. true?
HB: depends on the situation but most of the time yes
Me: knew it. are you also the type of woman who loves getting to know people beyond the surface level?
HB: yes 100%. I believe the more you get to know someone the more you can love them even at their worst
Me: amazing!! I love how you put that and i agree completely
Me: HB, i already can tell that you’re not like most girls :)
HB: well thank you so much!
HB: honestly i’m so tired of the meaningless relationships that most people want now days! I want the real thing! i honestly feel like i was born in the wrong generation because i love the thought of hand written notes and going on dates to spend more time together!
Me: omg! i loooooove hand written notes, it was like the cute thing my ex and i did together lolol. and yeah seriously, it’s like why do people even bother if they’re actually not going to get to know you at a deeper level because we deserve that effort from a partner right?
HB: i completely agree! unfortunately i haven’t found the one who wants the deeper connection.
Me: how do you think you’ll feel when you do find someone like that??
HB: i would be super happy! I think sometimes i can get in the way of things because i have a bunch of walls but a lot of the guys i come across just want hookups.
Me: my friends tell ne the saaaaame thing. booooooring *upside-down smiley face emoji*
Me: so event though you put up walls to protect yourself, i bet you’re super loyal and close with people who do trust right?
Me: *who you do trust
HB: yes i definitely am!
HB: if someone can earn my trust then i will stick with you no matter what! i protect the people i love
Me: sooo commendable in today’s world where most people are so selfish
Me: another question for you HB :)
HB: yes?
Me: do you think that a super cute date getting ice cream together would be a good first step to earn your trust?
HB: haha that sounds nice!
HB: i will say that i am super shy until i get to know you better. i can also be insecure
Me: completely understandable and that’s what dates are for right??
Me: and awesome, when are you free?
HB: would you want to add my snap or get my number?
Me: yeah sure, text me! [my number]
*switch to text*

HB: hey it’s HB!
Me: heyyy yeah this is so much better than bumble :)
HB: definitely!
Me: so have you ever been to [ice cream place near my place]?
HB: i have!
*Decide I’ve taken this far enough*
*Five hours later*

HB: hey!

Not much action here. Same type of deal as Bumble. Just sparring with those same pics. But yeah matches are pretty uncommon.

Well. Downloading this BDSM dating app turned out to be a life-changing decision.

I’ve fought with myself whether I wanted to share texting transcripts from my adventures here. For like the first time ever… I’m not. I may continue using much of the same material that has been working very well, and I don’t know all of who looks at my journal… so I’m not going to share it. With that said, if you are one of my guys and want to see, then reach out and I will show you an example.

Anyway, I’ve been messing around on here. After learning about the tons of scammers on the app, I thought of ways to really hone in on what I want to do and practice things. Including frame control things.

I would typically begin conversations with one of my two compliance stacks depending on whether they listed themselves as submissive or Dominant. If it is the former... then we get to it. If it is the latter… then I try to get them to submit.

Goal was to build compliance and receive their nudes in about 15 texts based on the stack. Didn’t matter where they were located – this was meant to be sparring.

Aaaaaaaand here’s how things went:
  • Acquired 4 long-distance submissives, including one who is normally a Domme
  • Received 50+ naughty pics in positions of my request from 11 different girls, pretty much living my high school virgin fantasies. Voice notes and videos as well
  • Highlights include having a 27-year-old virgin businesswoman get on her knees and stick her thumb in her mouth
  • Almost made an Amazonian Dominantrix submit to me over text, a girl who wears full-black contacts and whose profile picture featured her cutting a banana with a butcher knife
  • Got out-framed by some FinDom girl who I was messing with for frame practice. I allowed myself to get triggered by such a dumb comment – “Why are men so dumb.” Then she called me a narcissist and I made a mistake by combating this when it should have been ignored. I wasn’t outframed badly, but I was outframed in the end. She reeked of Twitter wars tbh. And out of 100+ interactions on the app, this was the only time that I was outframed and IT PISSED ME OFF… but I learned a lot from it. Also, I should consider being a FinDom.
  • And lots more
So yeah, to break down my online submissives specifically:
28-year-old Domme/Switch with 12 years of BDSM experience. Noted that she'd only switch for a good Daddy Dom, which apparently she believes is me... even though I’m just figuring it out as I go.

Shorter brunette, successful careerwoman. Started off a little hesitant, but contrast framing and second gen verbals over text sealed the deal – she knows that my words are different and asked me if I read a lot. Considered telling her that I have a background in seduction as, especially how I’ve seen on this app, that many girls have fantasies of being seduced. And even HBWildflower verbalized it as well. That’s the fantasy for some – being uncontrollably seduced… it’s not being manipulated for them, it’s about seduced. That’s the frame.

Anyway, this girl likes me a lot now in the “Daddy” frame which isn’t my favorite, but it’s all for practice. This girl is serious business. She sent me a picture of all of her toys… and yeah. Serious business. Told me that her favorite thing to do with her own submissives is “object insertion.” Jesus.

Currently managing this on SnapChat where she sends me naughty things all the time. She’s invested, and I have hand. Lives pretty far away, but it’s seeming like she’s quite willing to come and see me.
18-year-old submissive who is inexperienced and exploring her sexuality. This girl is my baby.

And she’s a bad bitch. Half of her hair is dyed red, and the other half is dyed jet black. Very attractive. Piercings aplenty, including on her nipples :)

Our first interaction on Kinkoo was AMAZING. I was so happy. Ran my compliance stack on her, based some things off of her, and things just went gloriously. Built tons of compliance and she was doing exactly what I asked. Pictures, voice notes, everything. Started getting some one-itis for this girl that I’d never seen in real-life. Not sure I’d felt any emotions this strong for a girl in a while. Also lives pretty far away, though.

Things took a bad turn once we moved to SnapChat. I learned the tough lesson that rough compliance can quickly flip into a “no, fuck you” sort of vibe. Basically, I had not worked enough social frame at all and was being kind of a dick because I really wasn’t sure how to manage a BDSM relationship at all, especially one that is long-distance. So things kind of went bad and we didn’t talk for a few days. Sent her strategic position of weakness message when I saw she was online on Kinkoo. The day after she became upset, she also was one of the featured profiles on Kinkoo’s main page and received tons of Roses, which are basically public SuperSwipes or whatever. So thought that wasn’t good.

But knew that I had to leave her alone for a few days. Then, I put up a cool story on SnapChat and saw that she viewed it. Knew that I was back in at that point. Other guys who messaged her on Kinkoo were probably meh. Sent her a Snap the following day in a simple frame that she operates in a lot of the time (“How r u”, “What’s up”, etc., type of thing) and she was receptive. Also, I’ve been learning a lot about SnapChat game and how to leverage pictures/videos vs. text. I’m actually thinking that taking a girl’s SnapChat if they use as their primary source of communication could actually be the way to go rather than phone numbers.

So yeah, I got this girl back. Which felt really good. Worked lots of social frame and became a little softer. Have to be able to read the submissive, I’ve been learning. Of note, she’s from a really poor town. Like $19,000 per capita income in the US, which is like terrible. Works two jobs which I can relate to as I’ve done that plenty, but yeah, that is legitimate poverty.

If I ever wanted to extend this past an online relationship as she would probably like, it’d be on me to go visit her and such. I’m open to that obviously because I really like her.

But the truth is that even though I like her a lot, it is rather extreme to maintain such a dynamic - in the end, we may just contact each other every once in a while for some fun and sexting :)
PhD student with some NARC vibes. This girl quickly became obsessed with me. Had her do some crazy stuff, such commanding her to record herself bowing down 20 times and thanking me after every rep. Also wanted to get really serious with it like as with asking me to approve her outfit for the day.

Was fun for a bit, but she’s just kinda average and I’ve already dropped her. Nice girl though :)
This is the virgin girl. Successful businesswoman – that type. It was amusing to see how enthused she became by my sex talking, so much so that she often responded with an exclamatory “Yes, Master!”

Yeah but I’ve already dropped her as well. Nice girl though :)
Perhaps most of all, my adventures on Kinkoo have given me tons of practice on frame control and inspired me to see possibilities beyond my previous imagination. It certainly has been a positive and constructive experience.

Some Takeaways from Recent Texting/Messaging Practice
  • Gunwitch’s text guide from SMMA might be the most underrated resource on texting. I’ve greatly increased my rate of response by forcing replies and gaining compliance with tactics such as commands, pacing, curiosity gambits, or second gen verbals at large followed by tag questions
  • Seducing women over text IS possible, no doubt about it. Simply put, I’ve seen it with my own eyes. It makes sense because words can access her imagination and fantasies. Agree with Skills about this based on my own reference experiences
  • fog is a leading innovator in this textgame thing – watch him work
  • He noted that in my previous text sets, “reason why you got no replies on some of those text sets was because you were screening too hard without following up with qualy”
  • See what happens when you frame her as what she wants to be or how she views herself
  • TENSION is perhaps the most important aspect of messaging. Is there tension in your texts? Is there something she wants to come back to? Is it something that she can reply to? Is it something that she wants to reply to? Can you make it easy for her to respond while also making her work? Can you keep her excited over time? Can you implement conversational framework concepts over texting?
  • I may have an issue about staying interested in girls
  • And much more to unravel

Field Reports
There have been a number of interesting interactions, and I’ve been learning and experiencing.
I’m out quite late – this is perhaps my biggest issue and has been for a while. I’m not maximizing my overall chances because I’m not getting out early enough. With every approach, I want to make something happen, though that is no reason to not allow myself the potential for more approaches if the first one doesn’t lead to a lay.

Just one approach opportunity on the night. Walking past BAR3, I notice a decent girl leaving. I redirect myself so that I’ll be walking besides her, although the direction we’re heading in will make it a social frame challenge. I induce the AI and hook her with the “Jada/Boyfriend” sequence. She becomes fairly invested in it. When the bar closes soon, her boyfriend comes out and quickly becomes defensive of her. I charm them both and continue talking for social frame purposes.

The boyfriend makes a few uncalibrated comments that are observed by both the girl and I. Especially when he misinterprets what we’re talking about and tells me to hit the gym. The girl becomes disgusted at him and explains that I’m not trying to fuck my friend. Yeah, take that. Though, I have lost bulk as I’ve written about. I’ve went from looking super lean and defined to looking too skinny. When I’m hovering at that 160 range, it can be a very fine line between the two.

Anyway, the girl initiates a handshake followed by the guy awkwardly giving one as well. I did okay to work through it. The biggest results from the night are simply that I must be working on all aspects of my game and not allowing distractions to take away from what I’m trying to accomplish.
The night begins with a voice from behind. A MILFy type in a mixed four-set mentions something about a guy in a long-sleeved white shirt. Hey, that’s me!

I turn around and see that she has picked up her pace to approach me. Not sure why, but her arms are also outstretched. So I give her a hug and proceed to keep walking with her as my arm is wrapped around her back. She is a bit tipsy. NARC. Talks about how she works for the university and is super smart. Sheesh.

It’s making her friends nervous, and they try to interrupt us. However, I just ignore and keep walking with her. She wants to get food. Here comes a mistake from me. She asks if BAR3 is still serving food. I say that I’m not sure (which I’m not), and that we could go check. I should have just offered to get food at my place… I mean her options would have been frozen vegetables, pasta, or oatmeal but she didn’t really have to know that.

We get to the bar, and she asks the bouncer if they’re still serving food. He says no. She then says that I lied to her about them having food, which I did not say. Anyway, tons of social frame is lost and the set is shot.

Before long, I notice a decent blonde leaving the bar alone. I slightly increase my pace to catch up to her before slowing down as I approach. I am not able to induce the AI, but I have to open at this moment because I’m already passing her. My words startle her a bit, but she is quickly receptive and bumping into my shoulder.

The vibe is good. We walk all the way back to her place, and yeah, looking good. At the front door of her complex, she informs me that she has a boyfriend. Break through that as normal. Another twist – she shows me the texts of how the boyfriend is coming over right now. I still try to push forward until I can’t anymore. I gave it a good effort, and in the end, she hugs me and offers her number. Not really any plans to text this one.

It’s past close for all the bars now, and my plan is to walk back in the direction of BAR3. As I do, I near a MF set. The girl is a hot, thin blonde. The guy is carrying her pink designer purse across his chest.

When I get closer, I hear the girl say something like, “Fuck Biden!” and then kinda look in my direction. I recognize that this is a hijack, and I fully intend on exploiting it.

I engage in discussions with her – HBRiverQueen – that incorporate many, many contrasting/othering/Us vs. Them frames. Lots of relatability and pacing/leading. I move her to some steps nearby, and we sit together as we talk about the world – and by that, I mean her worldview. The guy is practically nullified as he hovers awkwardly nearby.

I’m working and saying a lot of things – doesn’t matter if they’re true or not, whether I believe them or not, or whatever. What matters is if what I’m saying is bringing me closer to fucking her.

The guy occasionally chimes in but with awkwardness and poor social frame. I quite earlier in the interaction screened for relationship status by “assuming” that they were dating, which HBRiverQueen quickly clarified that they were just friends.

We probably talk for about 25 minutes and it’s time to pull. A little resistance, a little time objection, and then we’re walking to my place. I tell the guy that he can have my number, and simply text or call if he needs anything. He says ok.

HB and I walk for not long at all before the guy comes after us. He shoves me, and says, “Back off.” The shove does take me a few steps back, but I bounce back calmly. This process repeats probably about four times while I diffuse and pacify. The girl is standing here like wtf. Her friend made a completely chode of himself.

Any aggression from me would not be good – I simply nullified his own aggression by playing it all through HBRiverQueen who began to be quite appalled by him. It’s funny because he becomes the one to back off.

However, his behavior is enough to spook HBRiverQueen and fuck up the pull. This was a hot Southern girl who won a bunch of pageants in her homestate. That type. Would have been a good one. And would have probably had it if not for the wildcard. I charmed him decently… his frustration at never being able to be with this girl seemed to get him in the end.

Regardless, I number close her right in front of him as he asks for a handshake.

It becomes my last interaction of the night.

In the following days, I try to get HBRiverQueen over. First, she tries to use me for weed. Major arousal killer, even though if I did have weed, I probably would have had my dick in her mouth. Once reinitiating at a later date, in which she is responsive, my lack of sleep as I lay barely awake contributes to a major clusterfuck.
Me – 3:27 AM: Lofty
Me – 3:24 PM: heyyy. you know i kinda noticed something about you last night
HBRiverQueen – 3:33 PM: Hi! And what was that?!
Me – 3:43 PM: it was about your super unique vibe. like when we were talking, it felt like we already knew each other for so long! did you also feel that??
HB – 3:57 PM: Yeah! Honestly I think I have met you before somewhere
Me – 4:03 PM: yeah haha it feels like we have. are you the type of person who believes things happen for a reason??

Me – 7:42 PM: hmmm i was going to invite you to [ice cream shop near my place] with me (did this because I realized the last text was a miss and I valued experimentation over playing it safe)
HB – 10:00 PM: I just got off work *smiley-face emoji and tired face emoji*
Me – 10:03 PM: cool, no worries! was it a busy day at [restaurant she works at]?
HB – 10:10 PM: Yess I'm beat
Me – 10:20 PM: omg can relate, i worked all day too! so thinking i’m just going to chill at my place tonight and make some music. can be a bit of a perfectionist tho lol
Me – 11:30 PM: wanna swing by? we can just talk, listen to music, and hang out (again not caring too much about blowing the lead, just seeing if I can get a lay before I go out for the night)
HB – 11:34 PM: I'm pretty tired but do you have weed by chance? I need to pick up (once again everyone thinks I smoke/do drugs…)
Me – 11:36 PM: just quit smoking last month. we can chill and listen to some stoner music tho *laughing emoji*

Me – 5:37 PM: have a question for you :)
HB – 5:38 PM: What's up!
Me – 5:45 PM: has anyone ever told you that you’re not like most girls?
HB – 5:45 PM: Yes!
Me – 5:48 PM: like that’s what i noticed about you too. most girls are just obsessed with superficial things but you’re so much more about living life to the fullest right?
HB – 5:50 PM: Yeah! I just do what makes me happy. Everyone is so different and I really try to appreciate everyone for who they are too I guess
Me - 5:54 PM: definitely and that’s why we were able to have that talk i think. because we were able to see through all the smoke and mirrors and view people without judgement you know?

*I am tired as fuck and should definitely not be texting right now, barely awake*
*Decide to send a massively dumb text as her reply for my last text comes at the same time*

Me – 6:04 PM: but anyway was wondering if you wanted to hang again. you down for that?
HB – 6:04 PM: Yeah I guess you could say that! Ive always been that person that made sure no one was left out or felt out of place
HB – 6:04 PM: Im hanging out with some coworkers tonight!
Me – 6:08 PM: ahhh the [popular restaurant she works at] crew haha. what are y’all gonna be up to?

Even after I keep talking about it, I still am not getting out early enough. I’m out so late tonight that when I step outside, I hear birds chirping. It’s around 2:00 AM. Bars close at about 2:30 – 3:00 on Fridays, though many don’t stay out that late and volume is already not good. Come on, Lofty.

It’s 2:05 and BAR3 is still charging cover. Fuck that. I go to the red bench nearby. Also of note, there are a bunch of flashing cop cars outside of the bar.

In not long at all, a two-set walks out of the bar and into my direction. One of the girls is fairly hot noirette (HBA) while her friend is decent and fuckable (HBB).

HBB opens me about how I should wait for a ride somewhere else because the cops are trying to bust people for fakes. I definitely wonder how they can bust me when I’m not even in the bar, but it’s clear that this is an awesome opportunity to latch into the set. I do, and the three of us keep walking. The friend is hotter, but I know that HBB should be my target for now.

I walk beside HBB while HBA walks behind us. HBB is very receptive to me and my verbals, she often bumps into my shoulders as we walk like girls do. She is a rich girl NARC from my homestate… but the milieu of the places are quite different, to say the least. I mention where my hometown is in relation to hers (landmarking) and she’s like, “Kinda!” And inside I’m like no, stfu that’s exactly where it is. Smh tbh.

But yeah we keep walking in the direction of their place. I know that I will have to charm HBA. I try to work her into the conversation. She is very withdrawn and quiet. I run my Connection Gambit/Like Sisters Gambit on them, and it hits well. This warms her up some. I invite her to walk three-wide beside us. She replies, “Oh I wouldn’t want to interrupt anything *nervous/ laugh*”

Well that kinda made things take a step back a little bit because that causes ASD to hit HBB, and she’s all like, “No no no no.”

I work things back in the right direction as we keep walking to their place. My instincts know what can happen.

They live at the apartment complex where “The Bench” is outside of, so I’m quite familiar with where we’re going. I note how I was on my way to see my friend at an apartment slightly past there – and then, eventually, I would plan to note how she texted me that she fell asleep.

To get to their place, we have to walk past BAR4, i.e. “Trashy Bar” – a place that certainly has lived up to that billing. When we walk past, the workers are hanging outside because there’s literally no one in there. HBB asks them if they are still open, and they say yes. HBB asks the group if we want to go inside. This is a massive, massive point in the interaction. I have four options in my mind:
  1. I lead them away from the bar and keep walking to their place. Then hope that I can get inside, isolate HBB, and then escalate… or maybe escalate to a threesome but HBA is very tough to work with as mentioned.
  2. I lead them away from the bar and keep walking to their place. Then isolate HBB at The Bench while HBA goes inside… which will allow us to later go in discreetly, Uber to my place, or escalate outside
  3. Go into the bar, then onto their place, hoping I can get inside like in Option 1
  4. Go into the bar and try to isolate HBB there, trying to get HBA to go home before us.
I choose Option 4 with Option 3 also in the back of my mind. In hindsight, Option 1 may have been the best.

But I just walk into the bar, and they follow. I take a seat at the counter, HBA sits next to me, and HBB sits to the side of HBA. Fuck. I motion for HBB to come sit beside me. She can’t hear me. I then go sit at the stool beside her. That was bad for social frame. In addition, perhaps I could have turned my attention to HBA. After all, she DID sit next to me. She was the hotter girl and just a little nervous around me. Fuck, I realize how big of a mistake that was I type this. My target at that point should have switched to HBA – fuck it that I worked mostly on HBB before. Fuck.

Regardless, I game HBB okay while we sit next to each other. She orders us key lime shots and pays for it. Now, I’ve actually never had a shot before and had about two sips of alcohol in my life. It especially unsettles me that the bartender mentions that this is only her second day ever making drinks. I have zero interest in drinking.

But I know that I have to take this shot for the social frame. Not sure if I was supposed to ever feel just one shit, but yeah, I never felt any effects from it I don’t think.

I keep gaming, and we’re in there for maybe 20-25 minutes at this point. It’s about 2:40. I can tell that HBA is getting really bored sitting off to the side. She’s aimlessly scrolling through social media and SnapChat. I get caught in no-man’s land between strategizing the pull and trying to escalate the vibe with HBB.

I’m still thinking there’s a good chance with HBB and that HBA will just leave before us. My hand is on HBB’s thigh as we talk. I’m getting hints of those eyes… but not the full thing yet.

It all gets blown up when HBA taps her on the shoulder and says, “We need to go.”

Rushes of ASD and I have to settle for the number close. Didn’t really like the vibe of the girl all that much. The type where the moment who step away, you’re like, “Bitch.”

I mean she was trying to frame herself as cool by talking about “snorting heroin in the bathroom.” Excuse me… just no… just no in so many ways coming from this girl.

Yeah made some mistakes here but also did some good things. Pretty much everything was good up until my lack of a proper pull strategy, and I also should’ve tried to game/char, the friend more and seen how that went. Kinda got caught in the illusion of HBB’s receptiveness.

The streets are quiet now – BAR3 should just about be closing. I make my way in that direction. I do see a lone girl on an empty side street from a distance, except there is also a guy yelling at her down the other direction of the sidewalk. If I walked near her, my social frame would be a big question as that sidewalk doesn’t lead to much and she’s in a very remote location. I decode that mu chances will be better to see if I can catch a lone wolf outside of BAR3.

Turns out to be a mistake. Not much happening. I go back and look if the girl is still there, and she’s not.

So some good things on the night, some things that could have been improved.
Took foreeeeeeever getting out. It’s almost 1:10. Come on, Lofty. Let’s go. Get out earlier. Will be a primary focus. This needs to be resolved right now.

As for how I felt, I feel sluggish as I was getting ready, but when I got out, I feel ready.

The nightlife is even more limited than usual due to 4th of July closings. Looks like the BAR3 is about the only place open in town – maybe BAR4 might be as well. I decide that my best chance for now might be to go into BAR3. Although, they have cover despite closing in about 15 minutes. So no. I go to the red bench.

Across and down the street – it’s a pretty wide street – I see the silhouette of someone walking. I can’t tell what they look like, but I know it’s a person. If I were to walk across calibratedly and intercept them, I’d have to make the move right at this very moment. I decide not to due to all of the moving variables.

Turns out to be a fairly hot lone girl who swerves into her apartment. Well… fuck. It happens, I guess.

My eyes spot a decent girl leave the bar and off into the direction of my apartment. I probably would not have been able to catch up if it was not for a three-set mentioning to her about a stray cat in the alleyway. Which she goes to look for. I’m walking by when she returns to the sidewalk. Hook and receptive. Too bad her boyfriend is walking up to us. Speak with them both briefly for social frame and… eject. Back to the red bench.

BAR3 closes. A small handful of people conglomerate outside. I pace my way over to see if there’s an opportunity to either jump in or catch a fish.

I’m over there, hovering around, when I see a super hot brunette wearing a low-cut white shirt and tiny little jean shorts. She’s also walking over to the front of the bar, arms folded. I can tell from her body language that something is off – I keep her in my peripheral vision as I post-up against a railing with my phone prop.

HBAdore struts into the vicinity with frantic eyes scoping out the insides of the bar. Clearly, she’s looking for someone. I rotate my body, feel her recognition of me, and open with my standard pre-opener of “Hey, how is your night going?”

She doesn’t respond, so I just keep staring into her eyes to signal my acknowledgment of how it was rude. Eventually, she says, “…Not good” and then walks away.

By that point I had noticed her watery eyes, and combined with her body language, it was evident that she was in a distressed state. She remains in my periphery awhile she somewhat frantically searches around as I remain posted up, unfazed by her response towards me. I know better at this point in my career.

Soon enough, she begins walking back in the direction she came. That’s the cue, and I calmly plan my steps so I casually intercept at the side as our bodies horizontally align on the sidewalk. Her vibe tells me that despite her being upset, she’s open to my relaxed presence and understands that I am safe.

I get a little look up from her pretty blue eyes, which are now tearing, followed by my re-opening, “Hey, you know, most of my friends are girls, and they’d never forgive me if I didn’t try to help a crying a girl. We all have bad nights, of course, so tell me… what’s up?”

Her crying prevents her from getting many words out, but I know that she’s receptive to my presence and tone. So I just keep on pacing about how bad nights can become better, how we can’t live in the past and have to step into the present, how some people are just so selfish and those aren’t the types we want to surround ourselves with.

HB’s body becomes super close to mine as she chokes out a few comments about “that boy” and how “that boy didn’t talk to me all night.” Ah yes, the boy she was looking for. Turns out he’s a football player – a starting wide receiver who is likely to play in the NFL. An appetizing catch for a PPP like her.

But he’s not with her now – I’m with her now. The intensity of her tears and sad sounds intensifies as she talks about it, and at a point that I’ve become familiar with, I feel her grazing shoulders with mine, pivot my feet, stop, and say, “Wait, hold on.” She does, and I tell her to look at me. She does. I lightly, very gently place my hands on her upper arms. Then I say, “Here, breathe… my sister is a therapist and taught me these breathing exercises to help you feel so much better at any you’re sad. Here… breathe with me… match my breaths…”

I guide her through a number of breaths as my soft hold of her turns into her head against my chest, which then turns into her head against my chest as my hands embrace her back… and I sensually whisper words of reassurance to her in between our breaths. Her body feels quite nice to hold.

Before long, her crying subsides, and she looks up at me with a nice little smile from my chest. Lovely, lovely.

I sweep my hands across the pasture of her back in one smooth motion before asking her if she feels better now with me. She does. I slowly turn my body back in the direction we were heading and take a step with my eyes still on her.

Her first step is met with a slight stumble due to her heels, and I delicately reinforce her by sliding my left hand down to hers. She grips it tightly.

Soft themes bounce off our tongues as we enjoy a beautiful night away. It feels rather nice to have this hottie on my hand, attracting stares from the scant passerby. A car speeds by with a rush of voices, “I see you, he’s getting some ass tonight!”

Ah yes, this gives me a nice opportunity to once again contrast myself against disrespectful guys who only view women as sexual objects and how I hate that. Because what I really like… well… you know how it goes.

We’re on our way to her place, which is in this same direction. It’s a little bit of a walk, but we’re happy in each other’s bubble. Conversation fades off at one moment to a dreamy gaze up at the moon, to which I muse on all the places that I want to see in the world… and if I were to ask if she won the lottery and money was no object, where would she book the next plane flight to?

Her answer is quick. Hawaii. Ah, so you can bask on the beach, soak in the rays of the sun against your skin, and feel the warm sand on your feet to help you forget about everything else except for your own happiness. She likes the idea.

We’re getting closer to her place, and I’m working to ensure that her mind is staying in all of the right places. It would be a good one.

But it is the nighttime, the nighttime with a girl. Wildcards can pop out of the deck at any moment.

And one plays its hand here. A SnapChat call from her football player boyfriend. Not just any call. A booty call.

Gone is the hand, gone is the closeness. Our bubble… pop.

I’m not able to rehook as the lure of social frame consumes her, and amiably off into the night we separate. Just like that, that’s how it goes. One moment is one thing and the next is another.

So we must savor them, prolong them, and create them anew.
You know, I recently had the thought that, man, I've come a long way. My world has changed.

Time to change it again.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Monday, July 12, 2021

Last night I had a dream that I was having TRE shakes. Then, I woke up with sleep paralysis. Quite the contrast.

I’ve been getting more spontaneous TRE shakes over the past few weeks. My thinking is that it has something to do with my more refined command of sexual energy and orgasm control. Nervous system going bonkers.

Speaking of the nervous system, that is something that felt very much pleasure on Wednesday. Collared and leashed a girl – it was awesome:

LR: The Land of Milk and Honey

More BDSM to come in this journal. Seduction is an extreme benefit to BDSM adventures, if that even needs to be said.

In a few years time, I wonder what the mix of these two will look like for me.

Still using this situation where I am using fake pics of someone who we have a resemblance, so much so that Bumble still verifies me. This is because I am hesitant to show my face online, and my intention right now with online game is to practice textgame… and yeah, I don’t really think there’s that big of a gap between say, the fake pics and my pics, if any.

So, it might have cost me a lay. Or, rather, I might have had a lay if I did things a little differently. Did well to set-up the date with good logistics. Following this, I tried to come up with a way for me not to do a catfish thing because it is simply fucked up to have a girl drive an hour to meet with someone who the pictures do not match exactly. She was decent looks-wise.

I have to keep thinking about how I want to approach my privacy and security online. Because I have completely revamped my textgame (and in a way that is congruent with ME), and now I see wet opportunities more than ever on these apps.
7/7 (While I’m also chatting with HBKittenX)
HB: *gif that says “What’s Up”*
Me: sup :) . have a question for you
HBMatchee: No problem ask away
Me: have a feeling that you’re a really open-minded and spontaneous woman who isn’t afraid to be different. true?
HB: Yes did you guess that from my pictures or my zodiac ?
Me: Hmmm it’s a secret *wink/tongue out emoji*
Me: but i knew it. now are you also the type of woman who loves getting to know people beyond the surface level?
HB: Yes I’m always interested in a genuine conversation.
Me: omg saaaame. That aspect of connection is what i value the most tbh
HB: Right ! It’s nice to see someone else does too
Me: yesssss because it seems like the only thing most people are after these days is sex right? but aren’t people so much more than just sexual objects?
HB: Yes I really can really relate some ppl get lost in the bs. Like what about after that ? If there’s no real commitment on either side then the sex brings unwanted problems one can’t be all in and the other it’s just nor really involved

Me: exactly!! and what those people don’t realize is that intimacy is actually even so much better when you truly care about the other person you know?
HB: Yeah but you know how these social media norms are they only can get the weak. Sometimes there’s some of us who’s extremely strong willed and sometimes we were just smart enough to get the lesson that life’s trying to teach us along the way. (OMG A++++ MATERIAL, THANK U)
Me: extremely strong willed. like you HBMatchee
Me: i think we may have something here :)
HB: Let’s keep talking to see what happens
Me: do you also like to dive into deep conversations face-to-face?
HB: Yes I will say I am passionate about everything I say . I’m also open minded and will listen to what other’s opinions.
Me: all of those are so important… and so rare.
Me: have another question for you
HB: Ok I’m always ready
Me: do you like to go on cute dates to get ice cream while getting to know each other on a deeper level?
HB: Yes of course

Me: amazing. So are you free to come to [my town] later and grab ice cream with me :)
HB: When you say later you mean later this week ?
HB: I don’t mind I just have to plan
Me: makes perfect sense! so when are you free from say, right now until Sunday?
HB: Let’s meet Saturday if you’d like ?
Me: sure. 7 pm good for you?
HB: No problem but why so late ?
Me: i run my own digital marketing business so work doesn’t stop on the weekends *sweat drop emoji*
HB: Oh ok well I’ll see you Saturday at 7 pm but will i still be able to get in touch with you here.
Me: awesome. and yeah texting would probably be easier lol. text me… [my Google Voice number]
HB: Ok

*switch to texting*

HB: It’s HBMatchee
Me: hey HBMatchee, yeah this is so much better than bumble lol
Me: and btw the ice cream place i had in mind is [ice cream place near my apartment] on [street]
HB: In [her town] or [my town] ?
Me: i don’t have a car sadly so [my town] haha. all good with you?
HB: Yeah that’s cool
Me: awesome. super excited to see you then. you’re different than other girls and i just know it.
HB: What are other girls like ?
Me: you know. closed minded, conformists, and trapped in the illusion of social norms. (See what I did there? – It’s the opposite of how she framed herself earlier :p)
HB: Lol it’s crazy to believe that ppl can believe the social norms like it’s normal and the creators that are living a completely different lifestyle because their lives are completely sheltered and by money or social status.
Me: exactly!!! money and social status are blinders that don’t show how life truly is for everyone else. and now it’s like those who do understand have to stick together and fight for a better, more inclusive world.
HB: But it's hard to find those people when your not that social
Me: for sure. and that’s why we can feel alone sometimes. but it’s also why it can be so special when we finally do find someone we can relate with
HB: I agree

*I now give full focus to SnapChatting with HBKittenX*

Me (~11:00 AM): heyyy. super excited to see you later :)
HB: Hey Lofty do you mind if we meet up tomorrow my brother and I are otw to [city] my younger brother is having car trouble and we live the closest to him *sad sweat drop emoji*
Me: it happens, no worries! you good for tomorrow around 6:00?
HB: Yes sir no problem :)
Me: sweet. good luck with your bro today and see you then :)

7/11 (this was my plan to NOT do the catfish switcheroo and still meet her… eh. no big deal that it didn’t work.)
Me (~2:00 PM): hey HBMatchee, actually have some crazy news... after we switched to sunday i just hung out with friends last night. long story short... i ended up getting back with my ex *laugh emoji and sweat drop emoji*
Me: i just got caught up in old feels if you know that goes lol. but you have this super cool vibe and i’ve loved every single second talking you. like seriously, you’re different.
Me: so here’s something interesting. my brother recently got out of a relationship and we’re practically the same person tbh. from looks to vibe we kinda got the same thing going on. would you be interested in chatting with him and seeing if there’s a spark? i mentioned you to him and he’s down to give it a try
HB: It's ok Lofty i wish you well and i hope your brother finds someone special have a blessed afternoon doll
HB: thank you! best of luck in all that you do and may all your dreams come true *super smiley emoji*

*okay yeah definitely see why that didn’t work based on her response. made her feel second-rate and everything. thing I wonder is if she would have questioned my looks when compared to the picture after it was verified after all (though there are some differences between the fake pics and me of course). hmm.*

Got some work in.
Me (~9:50 PM): have a question for you :)
HB: What’s up
Me: have a feeling that you’re a bad bitch who also loves to cuddle. true?
HB: Ooh spot on!
HB: Very nice hahah
Me: knew it from ur vibe. and that intimate stuff is my favorite part bby. is it yours?
HB: Hmm cuddling is cool it its with the right person.
HB: Favorite position to cuddle in?
Me: all the ones where my skin sensually rubs up against yours
HB: Hm
HB: Question
HB: What topic could you give a 30 min presentation on with no presentation? (WTF LOLOLOL)

Me: how to sweep a deserving girl off her feet and into unforgettable, indulgent romance
HB: Intresting
HB: So you’re heavy into romance I see do you write?
Me: yes! i love imagination and the beauty of personal connection. do you want to hear some of my writing?
HB: Absolutely!!
HB: I’ve hot a minor in English so I have a deep love for literature
Me: amazing!! i can’t wait to share my passion with someone who loves words as much as i do :)
Me: now i have another question for you

7/9 (zero fucks given – I’m getting ready to go out)
HB (~7:50 PM): Sorry I’ve been a bit busy what’s your question
Me: no worries, it happens :)
Me: if you’re busy then i guess i’ll cut straight to it *wink/tongue out emoji*
HB: Lol so when are you gonna share your writing??
Me: haha well are you free tonight? i’m a little private about sharing my writing tbh but feel like i can definitely trust you *wink/tongue out emoji*
HB: Hm

*I wait about an hour*

Me: …uhhhhh, you asked to hear my writing remember…?
HB: Fair
HB: Can I get a preview of some of your writing
Me: i’m hesitant to share it online tbh. usually write to relax myself and am very private with it, especially with romance
HB: Hm
HB: Do you write anything other than romance?
Me: lots of journaling and whatever comes to mind
HB: Aw so you can’t show me anything?
Me: how about this… you bring some of your writing, i’ll read you something first, and then if you like it, you can read yours?

*think I triggered FSC too hard/quick here with too much arousal, too soon – will need further testing to see for sure. and yeah she was UHHHHHHHHHH yeah that one comment was absurdly rude*

A little dormant on here… for now.

HBEnchantress has already agreed to drive 6 hours to have BDSM sex. It’s only a matter of logistics and timing now.

Things have been flaming out with HBcoldfire. This girl is pretty crazy. She also said something that I didn’t like much a few days ago. Haven’t talked to her since. She looks really hot on her stories though. But what’s the point if it’s not too realistic to meet up with her… my time is better spent elsewhere especially as I’m kinda bored of sexting in general - like okay did that with hot girls. It was cool for a couple days but blowjobs are better.

I’m beginning to be a believer in SnapChat game (if necessary, that is). Honestly, I think that if SnapChat is a girl’s primary form of communication (which it is for many girls around me – see HBAdore), number closing and trying to text these girls is a social frame loss and more. SnapClose instead... potentially. Requires testing.

Field Reports
Biggest chance of the night was when I opened a girl who was walking in the opposite direction of me about 20 outside of BAR2. She was hooked and receptive – she was on her way to go bitch out her ex or something. I had a chance here but was not creative or persistent enough. Redirecting would have been a big social frame challenge, though perhaps I could have gone with her. Then redirect. Number closed in the end. HBLuckygirl.
7/10 (~2:15 AM, shortly after we met)
Me: Lofty
HBLuckygirl: wish me luck Lofty
Me: HBLuckygirl i wish you every single ounce of luck possible lol. let me know how it goes for real (WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)

2:50 AM (don’t care about destroying the lead)
Me: yoooo gotta give me an update here! im dying to know how badly you bitchslapped him *two laughing emojis*

11:15 AM
Me: nahhhh you can’t leave me hanging like that *diagonal laughing emoji*

11:54 AM
HB: very anticlimactic story :( i screamed at him for an hour and watched him cry like alittle bitch boy then blocked him so that’s all!

12:46 AM
Me: hell yea! Too many guys treat their gfs like shit and get away with it. so this is a big W :)
Me: now i have a question for you lol
Also saw that friend of HBEnnagram. I’ve seen her like 3 or 4 times now and never recognized her HAHA. Not usually like me, but she is just such a… regular human. Like no distinctive features. Just a human. Don’t think I’d even recognize her if I saw her again. She recognized me though. Eh, not the nicest. That whole friend group wasn’t really. Yuuuuuuuck.

Was at the bench past 3:00 AM for an approach. A hot girl, well half-hot and half-very provactively dressed in those trendy open-back leggings – walked by with a pack of English Muffins. Hooked with Jada Sequence. She recently went through a break up from an abusive 3-year relationship and is getting therapy for it, so she got really into it. Gave some good advice. Thing is though is that her new guy was waiting for her and the English Muffins at the door.
Didn’t stop her from giving me a big hug, however.
Cover all around every place WTF.

Hook a girl hard at one of my post-up locations as she walked by with the Jada sequence. Another girl who was in an abusive relationship and now is with the love of her life. See, this is why I do it. It hooks and sets the frames. I trust myself from that point to work the verbals and transition. Bacchus, I know it is not your favorite, but I am hooking HARD with this and it’s been field-tested A LOT. I do need to go to other venues to keep a variety, though.

Approach a meh two-set on the sidewalk. Meh. Their ride comes.

Approached by some guy who wants my thoughts on an argument with his friend group. Wants me to back him up that you can’t “try” to hold a phone. He says you either do or you don’t. I keep walking because I don’t really care and am trying to approach girls. He keeps walking with me. My mind is thinking, well, no, you can reach out for it and not be able to grab it. In addition, you can hold it but then drop it. In both of these examples you tried to hold the phone but failed. But I just agree with him so he slinks off and keep walking.

Also, I realized that I’m not feeling too interested in many girls. I’m actually screening pretty heavily for quality now. Throwing up lots of quality screens. Hmmm.

Was able to slip into BAR3 without paying cover shortly before close, and had 1ish approach opportunities but did not convert. My hover lasted too long. I am becoming increasingly bearish on the hover. It is bad for social frame if the hovering takes too long. I think Glow and Bacchus have also talked about this.

Hover for a moment is okay, and hanging in your own world is okay. Hovering for too long in a confined space is a social frame loss. Better positioning/movements to induce the AI is preferred in these situations.

Overall, I didn’t do as well as I should have this weekend – especially coming off the lay. I continue to harm and stress myself with getting out too late. It needs to improve.
Also, I went out for a walk last night – mostly for relaxation and to start establishing a consistent routine. Otherwise, very, very little volume here on Sundays.

Furthermore, I am also exploring a change from Google Voice to TextMe or other similar apps as these do not telegraph that they are any different than a regular phone number (see HBKittenX) and support video as well (see HBTattyGirl).

A couple weeks left in this town for the summer, and I’m not entirely sure what comes after that. So it’s very important to make the most of this remaining time.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Friday, July 30, 2021

This post signals the end of an era. Before I get into why, though, I must talk about the events since the last post.

I had two weeks remaining in that town, and I wanted to make the most of it! So, I went out everyday and approached everyday. The first eight days of the effort literally could have all ended in lays. Each day, I was CLOSE. Wildcards, cockblocks… failed pulls… girls driving me home but not coming inside. I was doing good work but wasn’t able to put everything together. Still, I was learning a lot and building social momentum. Trying new venues, trying new situations, pushing myself further.

Reputation also became a factor. It may have taken my whole summer, but by the end of my time in town, I had approached nearly every girl in the venue or someone in their friend group. It helped and hurt at times – I noticed, however, that me trying to push things as far as they can go may cause ASD when the girl sees you again even if it was a good, positive interaction. For example, I approached this absolute hottie with stunning icey eyes in a brown slip dress on my final night. And I had her HOOKED! One of the hottest girls I’ve ever approached for sure, and I’m always trying to approach the hottest girls. That’s what we want here, isn’t it?

Sadly, her friend came over and pulled her away. The friend was a girl who I almost pulled the week before after handling a bevy of boyfriend objections on a street nightgame approach past 3 AM. Even though it was a positive approach, she was likely afraid of me revealing how close we were to going home together in the midst of her friends. So, her instincts responded by wanting nothing to do with me. I guess it’s sort of like how Chase said I was kinda the “walking dick” in The Strawberry Princess report. I am a fuckboy now!

Though in the future, I am going to take closer consideration to my pull attempts. Almost like with a type of vibe I’d imagine Glow to have. Befriend lots of girls without trying to fuck them – arouse arouse arouse until you know she’s wet and ready. Let that sexual tension build until it simply must pop with the pull. This is something that will protect my reputation, even though it will be a shift from “fuck every girl you approach.” I mean, that is still the initial goal. But when approaching in venues especially, I’m beginning to understand there comes a point where there will be greater benefits from being the cool sexy guy who every hot girl wants to be asked home by, rather than the mysterious fuckboy who tries to take all the hot girls in the place home. Make sense?

I think it’s an intuition thing. Also, I believe it’s following a recognition of the Whore/Whore complex that I think I’ve had – something which I may make a post about.

For now, here are my in-field notes from my outings over this time period. I won’t be expanding on them at this time, just the notes. It was additionally satisfying to have a cold approach lay before I left. I have no regrets and am at peace. My life has changed for the better forever, and I fully intend on making it better and better through the unbridled force of my own will.
Out around 8:43 - just relaxing and having fun - slight drizzle just starting - super casual outfit

Chance with ugly girl with tons of makeup - half chance with girl going into restaurant was dressed well - no AI

Note: saw people hanging out was like what - Searching for Cirrus will be a life journey - almost think that a potential holdback to maintain a social circle was sexual competence - now we move forward

Note: Need to travel around so moving onto new places becomes very easy - light traveler - that’s how it should be done - while here, while there - will keep parents happy as well - always moving and experiencing new things - personal brand without showing my face

9:13 – BAR3 looks not good

9:30 – BAR7 closed

9:47 - approach opportunity at store - no AI

9:48 - second approach opportunity with AI

9:55 - girl AIs me like three times
Out around 11:58 - having a nice walk and seeing what the night has in store

12:02 – BAR2 is not doable

12:05 – BAR3 looks decent - trying to track down - lone girl

12:08 - couldn’t get there - lived at [place] - didn’t catch up in time opportunity would have been to run around and intercept

12:11 - decision now for BAR3 or BAR6 - might as well check BAR6 since I am near this direction - then back if it does not look good - but it is definitely doable tonight - as it is every night - also BAR5 to check

12:18 – BAR5 closed, BAR9 just closing - three-set opportunity

12:20 - Bingo at BAR7? Looks good - surprisingly good - gotta go into BAR7 - does look like some table game though - also going to have opportunities at The Bench after closing

12:24 - gotta go into BAR7 and get in-set as soon as possible

12:29 - first set - no AI - no hook freshman lol - three set / had a chance at the beginning - but did not hook - freshman there for orientation - lots of stimulation here - need to hook hard - induce AI - did not pace reality well - not really good at all tbh - gotta get back in set / needed to isolate - let’s go 2 come on - let’s go

12:35 - left trying to catch a girl leaving - she went across the street

12:41 - Second set - terrible - ask questions - cold read - pacing - learning a lot about myself very quickly

12:50 - third set - very weak hook on ugly girl - may need to start slipping phone into pocket / did have few decent post locations in there

12:54 - going to BAR3

1:06 - Snap close with girl who talks enough - though was a decent interaction - if Snap closing then I have to make sure is added - was girl that I saw before on that quiet night about the afterparty - back to main street - time objection - outfit could be an issue - face is also a little red - also should have asked for a ride home

1:18 - do have to be careful with reputation about going in and out of places

1:40 - good set - drunk guy - really fucking annoying - wanted to fight - “his girl” - simp guy - didn’t back down though - have a two MFF sets around - which how to open - gotta open well - gotta open - three set - have to find an opportunity to open - lost social frame when I tried to set up pull to quick - really had a chance

1:46 - have to find an opportunity to open

1:46 - bar is closing

1:48 - gotta latch on as possible - hang outside

1:56 - really had a chance with that one girl but just did not do well enough - also had that ugly girl set (guy was her boyfriend maybe)

Met rapper - cool guy, little bit of a NARC
Out around 12:42 - timing and positioning was a little off for solid two decent - needed to at least open

12:45 – BAR2 just closed - timing a minute off on that girl who was getting into car

12:53 – BAR3 dead as fuck - couple decent girls isn’t there - girl from last night is in a two set - either approach them or bounce to BAR6/main street - can open with calling back to yesterday - nah - she is obviously a regular - not good use of time - would if I had more time

12:56 - onto BAR7 - reputation also a factor if frequenting these places on slow nights especially

1:05 - lone girl on phone in Diner?

1:07 – BAR7 closed – BAR8 seems busy?

1:09 - at BAR8 - lots of groups - a bit louder - mixed set is a possibility - gotta get in-set - have to find a way to open this mixed set - potentially chose the wrong chair

1:12 - really not even sure how I can game here - come on - need to open this one girl - how is that going to work - could’ve used ex girlfriend opener for sure - can wait outside of BAR8

1:26 - low state girl - weak hook - not that receptive

1:28 – BAR9 dead as fuck

1:30 - decision to wait outside BAR8 or go back in

1:32 - outside of BAR8 is a new post up spot as well - can see people walking onto main streett from BAR6 as well - post-up spot closer to inside BAR8 should be good

1:34 - girl walking really fast - missed it - wasn’t paying attention - wasn’t that long hot but still needed to approach

1:38 - sounds like BAR8 is closing - no more music - have to be ready - posture post-up spot outside BAR8

1:42 – BAR8 closing - girls from BAR3 now coming over near BAR8 - think the one girl from last night recognized me - probably an AI - waiting fourset - would be a fucked set - but probably would be receptive

1:47 - people congregating outside - can try to latch on - need to try to latch on as possible - missed one with average girl - quickly got on phone- come on

Girl who drove me home outside of diner - really cool – could not get inside – boyfriend objections – time objections - works at BAR – SNAPCHAT close
Out around 1:12 - white abstract shirt actually looks good - let’s go

1:14 – BAR2 is closed

1:18 - In BAR3 - kind of dead - one got girl that in a three set that I should really open - monitor situation - gotta open a set as possible - come on - let’s go - are we going open the two set or not - okay monitor situation looks like one is leaving is the other also leaving - alright come on let’s go

1:23 - weird ass running girl

1:35 – BAR5 closed

Had it with crying girl - agreed to come back - was going to get wallet and ID from brother at BAR6

Saw one below average girl again - saw HBRiverQueen (looked hot)

2:40 - saw that cool relationship girl again - thought I might have a chance at points - really needed to at least make the pull attempt - didn’t feel like I had the juice to have it go successfully - though I think there were some moments of liminality - was waiting for a guy - same guy as before - opportunity was there - did not generate enough arousal - could have sexually prized more - needed to move topic away from specific situation - saw her walk out of apartment crying - I wasn’t sitting down anymore - door was open - “bitching out my friend” - looks like guy in “situationship” fucked her friend

text to girl: girl nahhhh
Out around 1:32 - work quickly and smart - feeling good

1:36 – BAR2 is a no, BAR is a no – BAR3 looks to be clearing out/closing, though BAR2 is clsoing

1:57 - everything closed - decision to walk towards main street or go to Bench

2:00 - opportunity for a MFF set got the AI

2:20 - saw rapper at the bench - got an AI but was hesitant to convert with rapper there – works as the security guard at the apartment!
Out around 1:55 - let’s go, all we need is one - feeling good, let’s feel great!

2:03 – BAR2 not looking good - build state!

2:06 - decision to go in BAR3 or wait outside - need to build state - and build momentum

2:09 - female fatale gambit

2:15 - gotta try going in BAR3

2:17 - $20 cover - they can go fuck themselves

2:22 - moving to main street

Solid MF - she was DTF - did some good things, could hace pacified the guy a little better

2:37 – BAR5 closed - very much in the Game!

3:10 - girl who stuck around but was weird - not that hot - could have just tried leading her away - could have done it

Drug guy
Out around 1:19 - let’s go! - feeling good and vibe of the night is good

Timing is a little off on first approach opportunity - just missed by a moment - not over yet - far from it - she was calling as she was stopped in the middle of the road

1:30 - heel girl on FaceTime

1:33 - $20 cover at BAR3

1:35 - just missed it - would have had a chance

1:42 - checking BAR2 - missed AI in three set

1:47 - BAR3 closing - in-position

1:55 - no hook - did have the vibe

1:56 - no hook - come on - get the vibe - bad timing - merging into three set didn’t work

1:58 - moving to mainstreet

HBHeartsy - drove me home - works at BAR - starts working at 9 - is a teacher - very excited about job - just graduated - hates guys - said was in love with some guy who treats her poorly - thought my digital marketing thing was cool - was a little tipsy but not too tipsy - said she’d been texting from her computer – rrrrreallly hot

Misjudged approach with walking girl

AI from girl in-set

Rapper at the bench
HB on way back from groceries, opened with comment about backdoor, some guy she’s seeing but she defines terms, from LA, went to high school with friend wearing Dodgers sweatshirt, said reminder guy, set sexual and nonjudgmental frames, accidentally repeated something I said over Snap but recovered ok – friends approved of me – ASD – should have pulled – said would come over – needed to push past resistance MORE – did really well – 0 to 100 state – really proud of myself
Out around 1:11 feeling good - let’s go - seeing group of hot girls going into BAR3

1:16 - solid 4 set in BAR3 - AI from girl talking to guy - not drinking alcohol is a big social frame issue in that case - why else in there

1:24 - getting to BAR7

1:27 - not let into BAR7

HB - friend is Zoe(sp?) - met outside of BAR7 - said that she’ll text me later - ASD with friend seeing her - needed to move her car - grabbed my hand - had the AI - don’t want to be seen by her talking to other girls - asked for phone or Snap - should have done Snap - some guy really likes her and tries to showboat with cars

1:45 – BAR7 closed - some people outside - attractive four set - posted up - need to approach the four-set - cannot wait on first girl to text me - have to keep going - fucked up the four set - creepy guy - girls were there for orientation..: was a big opportunity for Mach behavior - keep it in mind that girls are here still coming for orientation - and just approach

1:58 - hot two set opportunity - girl lost phone - went back into BAR7

2:00 - brainstorming test to HB - will send at 2:11 - “heyyy have a question for you ”

Note - need to change Snap name
Out around 12:36 - feeling good - little bit quiet of a night – BAR7 was decent last Tuesday? - make the most of it! - let’s go!

12:39 – BAR2 is dead as fuck - checking BAR3 - build momentum any way possible - value logistics! - was a decent MFF set in there however - but keep going

12:44 – BAR3 looking dead - moving on - going to main street

Note: “You look a little like someone I used to know / You remind me of someone I used to know”

12:55 - Getting to main street

12:57 – BAR7 closed, BAR5 closed, BAR terrible, BAR8 is the place

1 quick AI at BAR8 - quality was not great - saw hot three set leaving - tried following them - no juice - also was ugly girl standing alone - turns out she has a really hot friend

Average girl from last week with lots of FSC is friends with really hot girl I saw at BAR8 before - left trying to follow them - gotta get into BAR8 and just open

1:10 going back into BAR8

1:14 - one open - no hook - quality In here is really fucking low

1:17 - second approach - no hook - 5/17 - approach of girl from last week - tried to say some guy was her boyfriend

1:46 - good set - needed to try and persist to get her to stay - friend cockblocked - knew GUY - needed to try and persist to get her to stay - happened quick - needed to make the attempt - needed to at least try and persist to get her to stat friend became jealous - was holding back a little because of quality - but she was good enough - out of town - had a chance - opened by talking to guy who I recognized from Sunday night - name is Kyler - has a twin brother - both girls went to HS - one girl plays softball - was average but just good enough really - had a little Madonna/Whore complex - first girl was a little hotter but not much (Maddie?) - forget other girls name but maybe started with K - leaving on Friday - said was going to BAR6 tomorrow - could have another chance there - get out early - could have been a little more aware of her space - she was a little too close to the table and broke liminality - social frame boost from name dropping GUY wasn’t worth the risk as it could potentially compromise my privacy because he knows that I go here - softball girl was going back for a 5th year and doing grad school - other girl was looking for a marketing job - wanted a job in Nashville

1:58 - hot girl set - didn’t hook really hot girl - girl from last week was around me - got one girl to like me - gave me lots of tests and resistance at the beginning (“you need to leave right now”) - hot girl had AIed me when I was talking to others - maybe just should have called them friends as she inferred - said my objectification sentence was “good but weird” - could have handled that better - girl from last week cockblocked (ASD) - reputation becoming a factor - also did well enough pacifying that guy in the set - would have been better if he worked with me though - girl was very into astrology - showed me her stones - said she didn’t show them to many people - should have set more relatability frames - learn about astrology for chick crack

2:20 - ugly fat girl set lol as momentum builds - red flags too lol - girl was really weird and NARC and gross (sorry but did that to herself) - saw HBRiverQueen walking nearby with a guy not long before

“That my tongue is not all over your nipples right now”

Note: Beginning to see a lot of familiar faces now - did take like the entire summer though
Out around 1:06 - feeling good - beautiful night!

1:10 - like two girls in BAR2 - checking BAR3

Note: “Hey... do you know who you remind me of? ... Yeah, someone I used to know, it’s like you have a similar vibe but maybe it’s a little different...”

Field-tested that opener after weak RPO - did not like it - did not seem that natural - said that she got it a lot - she was receptive enough - little hook - but weak - “don’t think that I’m special” - got dragged away by guy - smoother material for me personally - good that I approached on impulse

No hook on other girl - had AI

1:23 - getting to main street - may check BAR6/outside of BAR6

Note: should rethink plausible deniability over offseason - learn to draw beautiful portraits? - something enticing and interactive for her vanity

1:29 - BAR is done - lone girl in the distance – BAR6 closing? - activity in that direction

1:36 – BAR6 back room is busy - saw alt girl - no hook - social frame loss - hooking us garden - let’s get w hook

1:43 - good set - cockblocked - had a chance - should’ve just tried to pull - might’ve had a chance - somewhat receptive girl - BAR6 closing now - really need to continue getting out earlier - good chance with girl coming out

1:50 - outside of BAR6 - pulled away by two friends - should have just kept going as they came - maybe could have latched onto three set - so though

she’s sleeping now, good experience for both sides, will get her a ride home in a few hours
LR: Baddie Chalice
Out around 1:27 - focus and let’s go! - good energy to the night

1:32 – BAR closed

1:33 - went into BAR after seeing girl - was girl I approached in BAR3 before - major bitch vibes - same opener lol - checking BAR3 but could have done better - should have disqualified

1:36 – BAR3 closing - had two set opportunity

1:42 - bitch three set - stuck in there though

1:46 - going to main street - could have tried taking picture of bitch three set who def AI’d again

2:01 - hot two set - needed to approach - did not get AI from either and they walked into road

Ugly girls drive me home - should not have said yes - didn’t even try – mooooving ON!!

2:45 - going over to fuck - don’t cum or once max - make clear it’s only short term - not sure if friend are a still there

3:08 - girl here

Completely fucked it up
Out around 1:11 - feeling good - night is active - beautiful night - let’s go!

Saw guy from couple nights ago - going to BAR2 - was the afterparty guy - said friends were at BAR? - decided to move on

1:19 - ugly girl as is it for the momentum - needed better eye contact - was not hot though - was also on phone

1:25 - big AI from ok girl in social state in three set - going to main street (BAR6/BAR7 - depending on cover) - $10 cover at BAR3

1:31 - Hail Mary texts to recent leads - also consider HBRiverQueen but might see her at BAR6 - seems to go to BAR6 often

1:34 - getting to main street - let’s go

1:36 - BAR doesn’t look good - going to BAR6 - liked BAR6 before

Note: build momentum - let’s go

1:39 - really hot girl from BAR8 at table at BAR6 - they turned around and AI’d - could have reopened with open loop - checking out BAR8 - then may go to BAR6 and set

1:41 – BAR8 is completely dead

1:46 - checking BAR6 - see lone girl walking - let’s catch up

1:50 - see girl walking to frat - could have hooked better - needed to make it about her - she said “I’ll see you later” - literally walking into a frat - made offer for discreetness - could have Snapchat closed

1:57 - okay hook with hot girl- straight into other group - make it about HER

1:59 - $10 cover at BAR - checking BAR6 and then going near BAR3/BAR2

2:02 - entire friend group is at BAR6 - cockblocking girl wants nothing to do with me - remember to isolate - let’s go - really hot girl going into the bathroom - opportunity is to catch her as she comes out - that’s going to be the chance - hook HARD and disqualify after receiving some investment

2:06 - decent hook on REALLY HOT girl - cockblocked by other girl - I may have actually had a chance - social frame was hurt with her - didn’t remember her friend either – she was nervous in excited way

2:23 - see HB from social circle - hesitate due to social frame - also wasn’t sure it was her - now hovering - wit guys - gave it a try - know that I didn’t have enough juice to pull broke immersion due to subpar conversational management - dreamed a little off - but I tried - heading in direction of BAR3 and BAR2

2:30 - see people walking into gas station - get an AI from one hot girl

2:36 - saw girls I knew from before - that one girl on Snapchat - should have denied knowing her - was with guy who liked me from before - fuck that - should have denied knowing her - “never seen you before in my life” - guy would have helped me - reminder to watch social frame though

2:39 - bitch girl - no hook

2:54 - really good hot two set - feel like I maybe could have had a chance - ride came - objections came - verbals could have been a little better - they were right up my alley - added on Snap – HBFreesoul was really hot - she was awesome - time objections - her verbals were really good - should have called her free spirited - crash this mixed set outside of BAR3 - probably tried to pull too quickly - could have NARCed guy a little more - think was a football player - though it was GUY for a second - so glad that I didn’t say that - gave it a good try - both girls were receptive - need to focus on contrasting harder - need stop the hover - girl asked to fix my necklace - receptive from start - said they both sing

3:07 - ugly girl pissing in front of car

Note: still be careful about social frame - not every girl is cool - really pay attention to persistence and signs of them wanting to leave (looking around, any discomfort etc.) – DIFFUSE AND REALIGN

3:13 - heading back to main street for a final try - also going to give Snapchatting HBFreesoul a good try - best solution is to try for the last gasp tomorrow on a date

Note: getting foggy out

Note: also test

3:32 - Stopped a two set - one girl was receptive but in a LTR - other girl was really ugly

3:46 - going to diner
And that’s a wrap on the era.

Moving On For a Location and Financially Independent Life

Alright, here’s what I mean. Here’s what I’ve got going on.

Thanks to CLEP testing (a MUST to look into for EVERY American student), extremely heavy courseloads, finagling, more finagling, and more finagling, I will be able to finish my education online and sooner rather than later. Fuck the system!!!

The impetus for this decision is that I greatly desire to live a location and financially independent livelihood. I want to be able to be where I want to be whenever I want to be there, and I don’t want to waste my life doing things that waste my life.

On top of this, I completely despise the internship that I worked so hard to get at an A-list media agency. Hate it. These people are delusional. Or is it me? Either way, it’s not for me.

In addition, I gamed that small town and it’s time for new things for Lofty.

So I’ve made the decision to move home to the rural land with my highly conservative parents in order to reduce my living costs and create my online business. It’s possible that I will be out of the field for months. But this is the way forward. I know it.

I will also be working on my physique with sights towards reaching a consistent 170. Plus, I will be focusing on my skincare as well. And maybe learning how to dance??

This is the offseason.

I hope to be generating enough income to move out and select my new location by January 1.

Not sure how much I’ll be around in the meantime.

What an adventure it’s been. I’m actually starting to tear up a little. I didn’t mean to, it just kind of happened.

Thank you so much to everyone who has offered a gracious hand in my journey so far. You guys are family to me.

I’ve written plenty about how much all this means to me. I hope every word I write and every approach I make shows that.

Cheers to the past and cheers to the future.

I haven’t forgotten, either.

To start is to do, and I need to be involved in lots of doing.

Always and Forever.

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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
And what an adventure it has been so far, Lofty!

You and your journal personally inspired many fellow brother-in-arms here in a powerful and non-trivial way, myself included. Especially giving the taste of what is possible... with your intriguing brand of game.

Following your journey so far has always been a great pleasure, and you might have found yourself suddenly hearing our cheers and pumped fists at your newest success. Maybe over the sound of eating that victory donut...

I wish you all the best,



Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
If your journey brings you to NYC, give me a holler ;)

Looking forward to seeing you back in the field!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
And what an adventure it has been so far, Lofty!

You and your journal personally inspired many fellow brother-in-arms here in a powerful and non-trivial way, myself included. Especially giving the taste of what is possible... with your intriguing brand of game.

Following your journey so far has always been a great pleasure, and you might have found yourself suddenly hearing our cheers and pumped fists at your newest success. Maybe over the sound of eating that victory donut...

I wish you all the best,

It's crazy because you've inspired me more than you know. Seeing what you do with your verbals in like a million different languages always leaves me awe-stricken and feeling inspired to raise my limits. But I guess this what the community is about - driving each other to new heights, together, in a shared companionship of unfettered resolve.

You should know you're one of key pieces of the new gen we've got going on here, the generation of Bacchus laid the groundwork for.

We'll be in touch...
If your journey brings you to NYC, give me a holler ;)

Looking forward to seeing you back in the field!
Oh, it will. I'm not sure when or for how long, but it will.

Can't wait for that day when we game together.

It's going to be one of those wet NYC days.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Bye Lofty. You came in like a meteor to this forum and the dedication to mastering the craft and success you've had in such a short time has been in pretty incredible. I'm sure you'll take that same dedication to creating your business (or businesses). Look forward to reading about what you got up to when you return.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Laying in darkness, I see the light.

A diamond-studded light. A star-sprinkled light. A light that makes the gleaming rays of morning sunlight envious, the kind of which fills the canister of the heart with an unbreakable ether to distribute throughout the limbs, mind, and spirit.

This light is the showering bath of Cirrus. Not a goal, not a motivation, and certainly not a platitude.



Not a reason to live, not a reason to stay alive, and certainly not a reason to be a mouse-sized robotic cog in the dreams of the other.


It’s the ever-illuminated, infinitely-energized aurora that I can draw to my fingertips and unleash the heavenly Chaos to shape my own world to the exact specifications of the rulebook of which I write.

A year has passed since My Little Wildflower, and it’s clear to me now.

We are our own Gods playing our own Game.

Let’s play.

The Fruit or the Feast (Sex Updates)

It’s this past Sunday afternoon, and the happy thoughts of my wild escapade one year prior have given the day a swath of sacredness.

So even before I swipe open that little ghost of a SnapChat notification, I’m smiling from ear to ear – like a dangerously peaceful version of the Cheshire Cat.

The message – oh, three messages – dances around in the pleasure centers of my mind as I subvocalize the sounds to myself in the voice of one who I know.

You're so good when it comes to saying anything or like expressing what you're feeling, I don't know what to say or how to explain what I'm feeling but I feel like you always explain it for me and I don't have to struggle for you to understand me

You make me very happy all the time and I think meeting you was one of the best things in my life, I don't think anything can change that because no matter what happens the way you make me feel is something I've been craving for my whole life

Because you understand me. You know what I want and you give me what I want

Just ahhhhhhh. Tell me, my friends, is that satisfying or is that satisfying? The power of... perception... that's what we do here.

The woman at the other end of the line is an 18 year-old dancer who the word sylphlike was made for. Long, lean arms, a tiny little waist, pleasantly perky breasts, a derrière of beauté, long, lean legs, well-pampered lavish black locks of Tresemmé, and soft chocolate irises that look oh-so-nice when gazing upwards just as my good girl has been trained.

Call her the fruit, or call her the feast. Either way, I’ll have my cake and eat it too.

She’s HBEuphony. The innocently inquisitive girl who had curiously downloaded Kinkoo after learning about it on TikTok, and now dreams of each opportunity she gets to put on a prettyyy silver collar, kneel naked next to my desk chair with perfect slavegirl posture, and savor the occasional pet through her hair as she eagerly awaits my cock inside of her orifices.

My girl is completely complaint and dedicated to obeying my every command while, in her words, loving every second. And yes, trust me, I’ve not made the mistakes I have with kink in the past – the progression here has been a true process by all accounts. It does take a lot of responsibility once it reaches this level, oh yes it does.

Our bonds have been deeply forged, and she feels the level of connection that she didn’t know could be reality. We’ve learned many things from each other, and I’ve never enjoyed discussions with any girl as much as her – she’s opened my eyes to what a fantastic LTR prospect is truly like. Whether the topics are sexual or not, we amplify each other.

But I know the time will come when her heart is broken. I don’t want that, and I will take no joy from it. And I do sometimes caution myself that she is getting very, very attached, but I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize giving her the best experience possible, either. While our separation is inevitable whenever I make my next move, whenever that may be, I have been working really hard to teach her some things about sexual dynamics and building her up mentally in a healthy way, as she’s very intelligent but often struggles with certain aspects of her life. When I move on, I want to leave her in the best position I can where 1. She’ll always remember what we had with the fondest of feelings and 2. She’ll takeaway lots to use and apply towards building a wonderful life.

And like I said, I’ve learned lots, too.

I know this is the process of destructing the past selves and crafting ones anew, and never stopping to do so.

Of note, I deliberated with myself for a time about whether to post my lay report with her or not. In the end, I've decided that I will not be posting this one as I would like to keep many of the things I do on Kinkoo private for now, and this instance included lots of messaging within the app that built the foundation for not only the initial interaction but also the entire relationship. Omitting them in a report just doesn't make sense to me, while devulging these texts wouldn’t be very prudent considering that Kinkoo is a community where things could get around. It’s not all that unlikely someone who could read the report may go on the app and come across some of the people I talk to on there, and I wouldn’t want to encounter any peculiar situations such as where tech is repeated to the same girl, certain information is shared, and a trace is led back here or whatnot. Which generally wouldn't help anyone involved. Although, report writing rushes through my bloodstream now - I can't wait to get back to the journaling of old once the time comes.

Sparking The Electric Fingers (Texting Philosophy Updates)

So, since returning home my poor logistics haven't been quite as dire as I originally thought. You can find a way if you want to. It’s still really, really not good, however, but there are never good reasons not to get better by the day. Find a way.

With this in mind, I’ve continued my texting work that was an area of focus during the summer. Between HBEuphony and practice on the online apps, I feel good about how my textgame has developed.

I wholeheartedly believe that social frame should be a KEY point of emphasis for texting. I’ve discussed my learnings with some community members, and this has been important as well. Special thanks to Carousel and fog in this regard.

Here are some notes about it all, and thoughts on what has been driving greater success with future unlocks in tow:
To start i now think my most significant improvement has been in the realms of SOCIAL FRAME.

This includes what i previously called “a stimulating texting style to mirror online linguistic developments stemming from social media trends.”

Which can be more accurately called CALIBRATING the language style to the target based on her demographic/social identity through whatever colloquialisms and nuances.

And honestly not even sure it’s only calibration but also establishing frames for her to follow from the start so she is led to calibrate based on me as well.

Anyway that’s just one part of it and i can now explain the tech further in more technical terms.

These focuses have included:
- Lots of early intrigue baiting to force responses (adapted from Gun’s text guide)
- Generating compliance and investment through ruses/pacing + leading
- Contrasting heavily against other men and/or society regarding sexual social topics (PRIZING + RELATABILITY + MACH)
- Initially making it easy for her to respond when there is little investment - again lots of baiting w/ tag questions and leading questions... so an easy response is simply “yes”, which also sees her falling into the frames i’m setting
- Once she is compliant and invested, qualifying her to feed her vanity and strengthen the narrative between the us, such as telling her something like “most girls don’t think this way, but you do... you’re different than other girls and i already know it”)
- Setting early SOT type of frames in the ruses/paces, then leading to sexual frames

Moreover I really think we can observe the application of the 3 keys to textgame which I hope to flesh out more.

The initial sexual, emotional, and arousal frames can already set over texting, as well as opening many open loops in this topics as prizing and other traditionally verbal techs are performed in messaging form.

And in The Land of Milk & Honey LR, I spoke with her on the phone as she drove over so social frame was solidified (avoiding the DANGER factor) and also preventing the manifestation of ASD/FSC that may have happened otherwise, so really when she arrived it was a clear path to escalation.

A general structure may be as follows:
intrigue bait > rainbow ruses/pace + tag questions > establishing relatability and prizing frames > build tension/vibe through tactics such as contrasting > fractionate topics until she is invested and compliant > “soft close” > close/logistics

More specifically:
- Establishing social frame by using a modern language style (which depending on the girl may include no caps, colloquialisms/acronyms, tactful emoji usage, adding repeated letters into the end of words like “yesssss”, etc)
- Generating investment and compliance through intrigue baiting/rainbow rusing - most often used two rainbow ruses followed by a tag question before focusing on relatability/rapport
- Pacing with an early sexual frame once she falls into the previous frames (increasing her chances of response)
- Prizing myself, particularly using contrasting and continuing to use leading questions
- “Qualifying” (don’t really like this term but whatevvverrrr) her to accentuate levels to feed her vanity/narcissism to solidify the narrative (“most girls don’t think this way, but you do... you’re different than other girls and i already know it”)

Furthermore, I’m increasingly liking SnapChat as a platform – even one to move her to later - though I presume this is largely context dependent (her age, messaging preferences + usage styles, what is the popular platform for her demographic/social frame, etc).

Still exploring a lot of these things though.

Another interesting thing is that on the kink platforms I’ve modified my messaging style to be more mature and professional sounding (capital letters, proper punctuation, more sophisticated tone).

This shift is a factor of social frame.

Because what is expected/associated with someone like this. The other texting tone would be operating at a social frame loss in this context.

But still using the HIGH levels of relatability and contrast (ex: “My sub friend tells me that most Doms on here are actually so disrespectful and overassertive as if they expect you to submit right away as if you didn’t even have standards or preferences of your own. Personally I find this really strange because I believe that developing an intimate understanding of a submissive and her desires is just as important as the physical sex. Isn’t the connection just so much stronger when your submission transcends beyond just a shallow replication of pornography and you feel allowed to escape into your deepest fantasies with someone who truly respects you?”)

But overall perhaps the most important point is the observation of the 3 keys over messaging + the application contrasting/prizing and other verbal tech into text form, included anti-ASD/FSC frames (see The Land of Milk & Honey LR).

Also, this tech is congruent with ME and my verbals, so the progression retains harmonious potential at all points.
As aforementioned, I have leveraged online apps for study and reps. What I do on Kinkoo is different than what I do on Tinder, but for say Tinder and a few others I’ve tried, my research and practice has been approached in a similar manner that I used in the summer.

For privacy reasons, I don’t want to use my own pictures – instead, I found pictures of someone who apparently looks so similar to me that I’m still able to “verify” my account (so much for that “verification” process…) – and I’m not gunning for the lay here. Instead, these are insights and reps to ready me for other scenarios. Accordingly, I push the set as far as I can before wrapping it with a bow in usually a cordial enough way because her feelings are important. Crucially, I do not match or message girls below my fuckablity baseline as that is less likely to provide applicable insights and skew things inaccurately. So I ensure the quality of these girls is good before messaging.

I’ve included some texting examples below.
Me: have a question for you :)
HB: what is it?
Me: have a feeling that you’re an open minded and spontaneous woman who isn’t afraid to be different. true?
HB: haha yes that’s actually spot on!
Me: something about your vibe tells me that you’re not like most girls
Me: hm. are you also the type of woman who wants to live a life without regrets?
HB: yes i am :)
Me: one more question for you then :)
HB: sure what’s up?
Me: if i asked when you were free to come over so we could hang out and learn more about each other, when would you say?
HB: it depends, what are you expecting to do?
Me: talk, hang out, listen to music, and maybe go on a walk or get some food depending on the vibe? sound good??
HB: that actually sounds fun!
Me: cool :)
Me: you free on Thursday or Friday around 6:00?
HB: no sorry i’m gonna be moving into a new dorm those days :/
Me: no worries, i get that you’re busy! so when will work well for you??
HB: it’s easier for me to hangout on a weekend, but not this weekend lol sorry
HB: hi Lofty
Me: have a question for you :)
HB: I’ll have an answer ;)
Me: have a feeling that you’re an open minded and spontaneous woman who isn’t afraid to be different. true?
HB: True! I like trying new things!
Me: i can tell from your vibe! i already know that you’re not like most girls.
Me: hmmm. Are you also the type of woman who wants to live a life without regrets?
HB: For sure!
Me: me too! i told myself no more regrets :)
Me: so how about we go on a nature photoshoot together? sound good to you?? (she had multiple things in her profile relating to photography)
HB: That would be fun!
Me: yesssss. i’m free on saturday or sunday afternoon, what’s good for you?
HB: Sunday works!
Me: sweet, let’s plan the specifics as it gets closer (shutting this one down)
HB: Lets!
Me: have a question for you HB :)
HB: okay, go for it
Me: have a feeling that you’re an open minded and spontaneous woman who isn’t afraid to be different. true?
HB: i believe that’s true
Me: hm. are you also the type of woman who wants to live a life without regret??
HB: very much so :)
Me: amazing, i really had that feeling about you. sometimes you can just tell the vibe you know?
HB: absolutely :)
Me: waitt there’s something else about you!!
HB: what *laughing emoji*
Me: i’ll tell you on snap! add me: xxx (fake Snap username)
HB: okay *laughing emoji*
HB: wait add me xxx
Me: your profile is so mysterious (one of her pictures was of some empty hallway)
Me: HB what are you hiding
HB: my love for boys named Lofty
Me: is this something you’d be willing to show under the right circumstances
HB: yes
Me: im thinking tonight could be the right circumstance hbu
HB: i think so too
Me: come vibe with me and let’s see :)
HB: pick me up then
Me: i don’t have a car *tear-drop emoji*. you good to uber?
HB: only if you pay for it
Me: sure, i can pay for it but make sure to bring your speaker (her profile said something about her playlist – don’t care about the speaker, it’s just for compliance)
HB: yess done
Me: waittt my aunt just asked me to watch my niece. she’s a single mom and sometimes gets called in for the night shift, and i’m the only one she trusts so… another night work for you?
HB: yes for sure
Me: heyy. have a question for you :)
HB: Ya what’s up :)
Me: have a feeling that you’re an open minded and spontaneous woman who isn’t afraid to be different. true?
HB: Very *laughing emoji*
HB: How’d ya get that feeling?
Me: the vibe in your pcitures says a lot about you. for example it also says
HB: ???
Me: for example it also says that you love to chill and hang out with new people to see what the vibe is like. is that about right?
HB: Lmfao yessir
Me: knew it *tongue-out emoji*
Me: would be amazing to see what more we could learn about each other in person wouldn’t it
HB: Lol yes
Me: so when can we pencil in a netflix binge onto your calendar (bio said she likes Netflix binges)
HB: Im down, Im at school atm but I’m gonna be heading home for the weekend
HB: U got snap?
Me: have a question for you :)
HB: What is it :)
Me: have a feeling that you’re an open minded and spontaneous woman who isn’t afraid to be different. true?
HB: Probably true *thinking emoji*
HB: If im confident with my surroundings i am like that
Me: makes sense, like when you’re with people you trust *eyelids closed emoji*
Me: hm. are you also the type of woman who wants to live a life without regrets?
HB: For sure!
HB: But sometimes that happens so *shrug emoji*
HB: Wbu?
Me: I promised myself no more regrets :)
Me: and that’s why i want to take you on a cute adventure for our first date. how does that sound??
HB: I would like that *smiley with cowboy hat emoji*
Me: can’t wait to go on an adventure with you HB *eyelids closed emoji*
Me: what day and time works best for you?
HB: Im kinda always free I have some classes but not that crazy
Me: have a question for you :)
HB: Yes love :)
Me: have a feeling that you’re an open minded and spontaneous woman who isn’t afraid to be different. true?
HB: Yes, v much true, but what makes u think that about me ?
Me: something about your vibe tells me that you’re not like most girls
Me: are you also the type of woman who wants to live a life without regrets?
*she hearts the first message*
HB: Yes, I try to not have any regrets
Me: perfect me too. so one more question for you then :)
HB: Yes
Me: if I asked you when you were free to come over, when would you say?
HB: Depends, I don’t go to anyone’s house when I first meet them, & I work sun-thurs
Me: makes perfect sense! always hear from my friends that there are tons of weird guys on here so i completely get it and want you to feel 100% comfortable :)
Me: do you like going on walks and discussing spirituality? (She mentioned spirituality in her profile)
HB: Yeah there is, & thx that’s nice *pink beating heart emoji*
HB: & yes I do
Me: awesome, i love those deep talks because it really helps you get to know someone. what time are you free tomorrow?? (tomorrow = a Saturday, her off day)
HB: Um anytime, wbu?
Me: some things came up and i actually have to watch my niece today *sweat drop emoji*
Me: i know we’re both really busy with work but let’s find a time soon :)
HB: yeah, & don’t feel bad or anything, things happen <3
HB: Have fun w your niece !
Me: thank you! she’s a sweetie *heart emoji*
HB: Bet she is
Me: have a question for you :)
HB: Yeah
HB: Ask away
Me: have a feeling that you’re an open minded and spontaneous woman who isn’t afraid to be different. true?
HB: True
HB: Why
Me: because i felt that vibe from youuu
Me: hmmm are you also the type of woman who wants to live a life without regrets?
HB: Yes
HB: But how do you know all this without really knowing me
Me: because something about your vibe tells me that you’re not like most girls
Me: of course i want to get to know you more so how about we plan a day to meet up? sound good?
HB: Well when can you
Me: tonight works for me. good for you too?
HB: Where do you want to go
Me: ahhh sorry, i actually gotta watch my niece tonight. hopefully soon though :)
HB: Yeah hopefully
Me: heyy have a question for you :)
HB: What’s that
Me: have a feeling that you’re an open minded and spontaneous woman who isn’t afraid to be different. true?
HB: sure
Me: hm. are you also the type of woman who wants to live a life without regrets?
HB: Lofty lol get to yuur question
Me: if i said you could come over tonight, what would you say?
HB: Seeing how I don’t know you and you could be a murderer no
Me: yeah i get that 100%. my friends tell me how there are some really weird guys on here. promise i’m safe as can be, you promise you’re not a serial killer??
HB: I’m definitely not lol I don’t want to go to hell or prison
Me: saaaame lol i’ve never broken any laws or anything *laughing emoji*
HB: I think everyone has broken a law. I know I have (FUCK LOL, tried to build social frame + mitigate danger factor and it turned out to be a tricky one, so I decide to hold frame + prize to recover)
Me: yeah totally i never judge anyone for how they choose to live their lives. personally though i really value things like health, safety, and relationships so i always try to do the right things you know?
HB: No I feel that but I’ve done underage drinking and driven on an expired license
Me: ahhhh all good. feel like i need to tell you something though
HB: what’s that
Me: i’d absolutely love to listen to [her listed favorite song, which was also my listed favorite song – well it’s a good song but also some a more mainstream kinda sexy tune many girls like :p] with you and get to know each other on a deeper level. would you like something like that too?
HB: Sure
Me: awesome. what’s the best day for you this week?
HB: I don’t get my hair done til Sunday
Me: have a question for you :)
HB: Ask away
Me: have a feeling that you’re an open minded and spontaneous woman who isn’t afraid to be different. true?
HB: What are you getting at? Lol
Me: seeing if your vibe is what i think it is :)
HB: *laughing emoji* ok so what’s the question?
Me: if i were to ask you when you’re free to hang out, when would you say?
HB: This weekend maybe?
Me: have a question for you :)
HB: i have an answer for you :)
Me: have a feeling that you’re an open minded and spontaneous woman who isn’t afraid to be different. true?
*she hearts this message*
HB: i’d say so
Me: hm. something about your vibe tells me that you’re not like most girls
Me: are you also the type of woman who wants to live a life without regrets?
HB: oh for sure , you only live once *shrug emoji*
*I heart this message*

Me: exactly :)
Me: one more question for you then :)
HB: one more answer for you then :)
Me: if i asked when you were free to hang out, when would you say?
HB: in a week , because i’ll be back in town in a week :)
*DOWN is an alternative, lesser-known app – you either swipe “Down,” “Date,” or “Pass.” There’s bot/scammers on here so be careful if using it, but I actually saw that here is the potential for some results here (could also depend on location), largely due to the social frame of a quick escalation to sexual frames. As a result of the inherent social frame, I would only swipe “Down”*

Me: Heyy have a question for you *sneaky grin emoji*
HB: Yes
Me: If I said I could come over rn, what would you say?
HB: Come over
Me: *three sneaky grin emojis*
Me: Hmmm I’m about an hour or so away from you. One more question then
HB: Yes
HB: What’s the question
Me: I’ll for sure drive an hour to come see you but I’m wondering something first. Do you love to give intensely passionate blowjobs? (completely fucking around now if you didn’t notice and it’s just beginning :p)
HB: Not really I just feel like riding dick and whatever else you want to do to me
Me: Hmmm do you like doggystyle while having your hair pulled?
HB: Yes
HB: We can do it in my house but I won’t mind car sex I’m in the mood to be naughty
Me: I love to be kinky with naughty girls. Maybe I’ll even tie your hands behind your back in the car and force your head into the car seat as I fuck your tight pussy from behind. Do you like the sound of that?
HB: Yes making my pussy wet *moaning emoji* I like my hair to be pulled I like you to take control let me know your in charge while fucking my pussy. I like to ride dick slow than speed it up and be choked
Me: Mmmm HB I am going to choke you while I make you ride my massive cock and stick my fingers in your mouth while I make you tell me how much you love the feeling of my dick deep inside of you *two purple devil face emojis*
HB: Omg yes I wish you can come right now!! I’m so horny and need to get this out of me, I need you to fuck me right now
*goes on a little longer before I stop responding but yeah lol*
*Her bio was: Newly single, trying this app out. Hopefully not the same bs as others. Looking for my first threesome with two men*

Me: Have a question for you
HB: ?
Me: So you’re a kinky girl who wants to feel comfortable having fun without judgement?
HB: Yes..
Me: Perfect. Those are the vibes I’m all about :)
Me: When are you free to meet up? Have a feeling we’ll have lots of chemistry
HB: ASAP. When are you free?
Regarding Kinkoo, there’s a few girls from there who I keep in touch with. Such as this one super elegant, gorgeous beauty named HBMoonlightClassy and HBHexKiss, a strong-framed, highly intelligent girl who makes good money by selling content (and it is very rewarding to think of what our interactions have consisted of with entirely free accord from both of us, and then to think of what others pay $$$$$ for...) - though distance is the problem and it serves as more fire for financial and location independence.

Mmm, HBMoonlightClassy… look at one of her messages to me after I was pacing her imagination…

I can imagine every second of this. I’m getting wetter thinking of your dick deep inside me and begging you to use me...

...to fuck me like you own me.

Mmm, HBMoonlightClassy.

Love Girls, Love Life (Future Directions and Overall Updates)

It’s also been interesting to see multiple of these prominent submissives reveal to me that they’re not actually that experienced with in-person sex. It’s one part of the illusion – no need to be affected by it.

Even girls like HBHexKiss can game guys into selling pics to them for lots of money (which she explained to me that the guys who act tough and assertive at the beginning, demanding nudes and acting abrasive right away, etc, are usually the ones she can extract the most money from) while she really hasn’t had all that much sex herself. It's difficult for her to feel comfortable, social frame-wise, with so many men.

Aspects of the illusion. See through the shroud. Exploit it. Lovvvvve it.

Buuuuut it hasn’t been all fun and kink for me since I’ve last written in this beloved journal.

I had to have surgery, and got hit with a longer than expected hospital stay due to a complication. It wasn’t fun, but I’m thankful that it wasn’t worse, which it easily could have been. This is a potent reminder of something I once read.

That the true Master keeps one hand on the coffers at all times. At any moment, we may enter. Other people may sip their teacups and pretend like the one guarantee in life doesn’t exist. But for us, this is power. Each breath is power, each second longer is power.

And of course, there's the foremost reason for this hiatus and life shakeup: business. The journey to freedom. Financial autonomy.

I was naive a few months back, but hey, sometimes naive is good. Even after things are set in motion, things take time. I’ve got a good start here with some tasty things cooking. I must remember how the mastery-oriented approach applies to all worthwhile processes in life. While I’m not sure when I’ll be able to make my next move and return to the field in full, I know and believe in myself to become one step closer every single moment of my life.

Building my fundamentals has been another focus. The health scare was a slight setback, but I’m back working out now with a good diet. I’ve also began mewing (h/t Lobo) and have seen good results, alongside with chewing mastic gum – which I definitely think helps accelerate mewing progress, particularly in the beginning as the stronger muscles get more easily used to the new positioning. New skincare and haircare routines (thanks Dreamer and DML) also have been good – currently testing niacinamide and a new facial cleanser and am excited to evaluate the effects.

Music-wise, my songs have hit over 100,000 streams! Well, that actually doesn’t add up to much cash if that’s what comes to mind, but it is still pretty cool.

Additionally, after eliminating pornography from my life and getting my dick back on track, I’m working on figuring out a healthy masturbation frequency alongside sexytime with HBEuphony. Sexytime of which is always… interesting considering my very conservative parents and how they really don’t need to know about it. If they knew about her, it’d just make things so much harder on everyone. There will be a time to introduce a girl to my parents, but it’s not now.

In all, I wake up and smile. I’m doing it (and my friends are doing it too – you know who you are :p),

I’m shaping my own reality, being my own God who controls the wind of fortune, setting sail to take this ship into the wispy portions of the sky and beyond.

So I have to end this entry with a cheer to HBWildflower. Hope you’re good babe, you crazy Cluster B you.

That night I learned what was possible, and this petal-in-the-breeze that we call life hasn’t been the same ever since.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Just incredible and inspiring. In one year you already seem to have online abundance with HBs (mind sharing details of what you're profile structure is like? I'm in awe of how quickly they are agreeing to meet up even if you have no intention of going for the lay) and HBs who are devoted to you in and out of the bedroom.

Not sure if you've shared, but you have an incredible work ethic and seem to be able to upskill very quickly in whatever area you choose (music, women) Are there any particular strategies you use to achieve this? Would love to know what a day in the life of Lofty actually looks like.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Hey Beam,

First off, I’ll say this.

You may be really hard on yourself sometimes, but each time I read your journal, you’ve been out there in the field (even considering that crazy lockdown!), going on dates, and doing things that many other men are never willing to do.

Through the highs and lows of your life, you always find a way to bounce back and dedicate yourself to improvement. To me, that’s not only inspiring.

That’s the X-Factor.

Just incredible and inspiring. In one year you already seem to have online abundance with HBs (mind sharing details of what you're profile structure is like? I'm in awe of how quickly they are agreeing to meet up even if you have no intention of going for the lay) and HBs who are devoted to you in and out of the bedroom.
It’s the bearing of the mastery-oriented approach. Study + Application of Learnings/Experience + Refinement/Innovation in an everlasting process. Lots of reps and trialing went into developing that Tinder stack that was getting extremely high response rates and efficient progressions. And lots more studying and in-field experience of seduction even made development of that tech possible.

In terms of the profile structure.

Social frame really became the focus. Girls have many different social frames, and often these are shifting based on her state and environment. As there aren’t the same opportunities to evaluate and adjust for these factors like in-person sets because she’s just swiping, the way that I thought about it was... how can this profile violate as few social frames as possible, while also doing a little prizing to set things up?

So another way to think about this is within the concept of "knee-jerk" that Gunwitch talks about in SMMA. We can apply the idea of social frame across so many things - it's just so valuable.

Now if aspects of the profile are knee-jerk, that will polarize you and disqualify you from certain girls. It’s also important here to say that I wholeheartedly believe that looks - and the notorious “LMS” as a whole - are just parts of social frame. And certainly NOT comprising all of social frame, either. Sprezzatura/The Law of Least Effort, our words and minds, and so, so much else can contribute to social frame. And we have the ability to shape social frame, too.

As a result of these ideas, the profile gradually began to lean more and more towards the basis of being “Non knee-jerk” as I evaluated responses and behavior from girls. Being as "Non knee-jerk" as possible allows us the greatest amount of girls to not disqualify us based on the factor of social frame alone - and this isn't like in-person where you can still even work with a knee-jerk reaction at the earliest stage. It's swipe and done. So we want to minimize the potential for that.

I’ll breakdown how I came to approach each profile section in the spoiler:
Pictures: I found that 5 pictures is just around the sweetspot. If it’s lower, then social frame is lost (what’s with this guy, is he hiding something, why isn’t he showing more, etc). That’s something that can make a girl swipe left because there are questions within the social frame. If there are many pictures, then that does not follow sprezzatura and social frame is also lost (hmmmm this guy has a lot of stuff on here – is something up? He’s trying really hard, so is he not usually good with girls? Is he covering for something else?). Towards this end of the spectrum, it’s better than too few pictures but still not ideal. Sprezzatura.

In terms of the pictures themselves, there are better people to cover this subject such as fog. However, the selected pictures followed the same philosophy of sprezzatura just like a pristine pre-approach. Good quality photos in situations that did not seem contrived are my preference. Not giving her anything to swipe left to.

Name: Chose a non knee-jerk alias and recommend doing so as necessary. A name that wouldn’t be so unusual that a girl would think twice about it, and something that has the familiarity of a romantic lover type of name. If someone has a super unusual name… or one that most girls see as super plain… then just use an alias. No ego, just optimize. This is actually more important than I think some people realize. Can always say that it's a nickname that your friends call you.

Like if a guy’s name is Oleander, realize that it’s a social frame loss for the majority of women. Ideally, you want the name to operate between social frame-neutral to social frame-positive for as many women as you can. Most names probably operate somewhere in there, but it’s something to be aware of. Also good for keeping some anonymity if that's of interest.

About Me: Tried various versions here. What I settled on was simply “philosophical romantic.” This already sets the frame that you’re not just looking for sex, understand women, and have an interesting mind all while following sprezzatura. So a little prizing and not negating social frame or giving her anything to swipe left to. But there is plenty of room to play around here. Congruency is also important and to ensure that it remains consistent throughout is vital.

Age: I eventually decided this was best at 21 in my environment. Had other profiles testing it both higher and lower at certain points, and I think this also something that should be calibrated to the area. For example, I was seeing that most of the girls had (listed) ages of 18-22ish, and not much above that.

This probably includes high school girls lying about their age, college girls visiting home, single moms lying about their age, and so forth. So the strategy here was to, again, not have the age be knee-jerk to the highest amount of girls. If it was 18, then that will be knee-jerk for a lot of girls at the higher end of the that range. If it was too high, then that may be knee-jerk for the high school girls at the lower end of that range. Though, this is in a small town, and a larger city likely has much more diverse demographics where this may not matter as much.

Passions: I had Photography, Sports, Writer, Travel, and Reading. Again, a little prizing of areas that can open up SOTs that would not give her anything to swipe left to, and also potentially matching with the social frames of the girl.

Job Title/Company

These two were used to negate any knee-jerk about careers which some girls may also screen for. It can prize you as independent and financially capable while not automatically intruding into the “Provider” or “Fuckboy” frames. Of course certain socially undesirable job titles are not optimal, and those should be avoided. In all, the job title will communicate a lot about your social frame and how she will perceive that social frame. Don’t give her something to say no to, and be creative as necessary to weave a new social frame.

Spotify Anthem: Imagine if a song was a SOT, and a lot of girls knew about it and loved it. I’d opt for choosing one of those types of songs here and it should be beneficial overall. Like The Weeknd, etc - see what girls have as their anthem and align the social frame. Also can prize you as the romantic type of someone who a woman can relate to.

So once more, big point here is to not be knee-jerk with something like an obscure deathcore song that she may think, “Ok, he's not for me.” Therefore, the choice here should be something that will fall between social frame-neutral to social frame-plus.

Gender: Man

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Obviously this will align with the social frame of most girls.

I didn’t include any other info. Needless to say, there are no single correct solutions here and plenty of room to experiment. As a whole, my advice is to not shoot yourself in the foot and operate your profile from social frame-neutral to social frame-positive for as many women as possible. Just as the lay doesn’t happen because of the opener, the close doesn’t happen online because of your first picture. But they can certainly ruin the chance of a close, or at least give you a more difficult scenario. Again, and again, this is a matter of social frame.

On an app like Down, the social frame changes because of app’s nature. So I understood that if they matched, then I could escalate to the close quicker. The social frame is additionally different on Kinkoo, so different things are done there, too.

It's important to know the social frame so we can not only calibrate it, but so we can also exploit it.
In terms of texting structure, I outlined a lot of it in my notes within the spoiler of the previous post. In short, I try to generate responsiveness through intrigue bait about her (which with each response, generates more compliance and investment, which increases odds of responsiveness) as I set seduction-conducive frames that build tension for the close as social frame is built positively. It’s okay to fractionate here if needed, as the close seems to have the highest rate of success when it serves as a release of the tension. And also, it’s crucial to always remain calibrated as possible over text and it’s especially delicate on dating apps where she’s never met you before. Give her nothing to say “No, he's not for me” to.

Finally… these are girls that we’ve matched with. Naturally, there’s the frame of her already accepting the possibility of meeting you - if she’s actively doing the swiping, of course. So once girls get to this stage, it really is about getting her responsive first and foremost. If she’s not responsive, then yeah, it's likely a social frame thing and should be addressed.

Not sure if you've shared, but you have an incredible work ethic and seem to be able to upskill very quickly in whatever area you choose (music, women) Are there any particular strategies you use to achieve this? Would love to know what a day in the life of Lofty actually looks like.
My greatest recommendation to is fully buy-in to the mastery-oriented approach. Love the process, focus on the process, love your focus on the process, and view the result as the fruit of the love that you have for your process.

I'd say to research and identify correct solutions to develop your process and accelerate the learning curve as much as possible. This makes a big, big difference. For example, I was exposed to GC and then saw Bacchus, Gunwitch, Teevster, Carousel, Chase, etc.

I may not have been experienced in the area, but from the way that they wrote I knew it was likely that proper solutions were being presented. Notice how they don’t promise an end result after the conclusion of some magical course and an upselling into a bootcamp. They’re not result-based. They’re process-based.

They write about the process. Developing skills, gaining experience, understanding concepts, learning as you go, refining as you go, never backing away from advanced concepts, and always striving for mastery – the mastery of which never is fully reached.

They don’t lie about it being hard. They tell you that it’s hard, it takes work, and you WILL fail. A lot.

Just like they did. Because their anecdotal experiences and wisdom proves that they are practitioners of the mastery-oriented approach, and their success is their growth from this years-long dedication. While I didn’t fully grasp the nuance of what they did, it was clear that they had a pretty darn good way of doing things. No need to be combative about that, just a destruction of the ego and an acceptance that they can and should be learned from.

So once those kinds of solutions and resources are identified, I accept learning in this manner and block out all of the other, “Get Rich Quick” and Keyboard Jockey type of stuff. Which will be so much of the stuff out there. But I put the blinders on, devour as much good information as I can, and practice it as much as I can. This gives me a start as I begin to cultivate my own personal feel for this discipline.

Because that start MUST happen for “Chaos” to occur. This term is something I’ve read that sensibly explains that when you do things, things will happen. If you don’t do things, things don’t happen, and the status quo continues. So therefore, the best strategy is one of action, one of disruption. Of course, this is something that is often understood intuitively. As the action-based equivalent in seduction is getting in-field and writing field reports, that’s what I did.

My experience accordingly bolsters my conceptual understandings and serves as insight for refinement. I can discover what works, what doesn’t work, and discover new things that I didn’t even know existed as I address what I encounter. From there, I can begin innovating on my own or researching any specific ways to solve whatever hiccups arise. Furthermore, more experienced members of the community tend to identify and relate with an action-based strategy as they aid you along the way.

There’s also an internal locus of control – my development is and was always in my own hands. Results start to come bit-by-bit, I feel that I’m getting better, and the positive feedback loop continues. The down periods come and go, but the mastery-oriented approach is always comforting in these times because I know it’s just something that happens and I have full agency to improve upon the situation. No ego... we crush that time after time. We continue to troubleshoot, analyze, and make the adjustments. Momentum builds and things continue. Also notice how even this journal we’re in right now isn’t really about me – it’s about a process.

So yeah, there’s no magic or anything... just identifying good resources and hitting the accelerator to develop the skills within that field. We still have to start from ground zero more or less when starting a new skill... but the plethora of amazing resources allows us to grow even quicker if we allow this possibility for ourselves. Like for seduction, so many amazing resources that I’ve cited tons throughout the past year. For entrepreneurship, MJ DeMarco’s materials are a good resource. We can accelerate that learning curve by leveraging the plethora of these resources available online or elsewhere (for free or little cost), a true blessing of our era, and gain competency at quicker clips than maybe ever before... and innovate from there. The entire Internet is our library, and the world is our laboratory.

When I gain some competency in some area, then I can consider what else to add to my life and incorporate that into my routine in the manner described. I think there's surely people who do similar things, so it's not from a wondrous epiphany or such. Just the good ol' mastery-oriented approach... and not life-sucking hyperrealities such as the endless scrolls of social media.

In terms of my daily schedule, it’s simply that I truly love the mastery-oriented approach and understand that if I want something worthwhile, I can set a process in motion to build these skills. And when you love your focus on the process, development just becomes a key foundation of your life. You seek it and cherish it – it’s not punishment, nor is it glory.

It’s autonomy.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Appreciate the kind words man. Yeah I am hard on myself, it's hard not to be but you are right, I'm not doing too bad. Still feel like an eternity away from where I want to be.

And the detailed reply... I don't really have much more questions at the moment since you've made it extremely clear.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Monday, December 20, 2021

The winds of the world are howling an eerie chant. The sun beams down with illuminating rays of curious portents. The constellations are telling a certain story for those willing to place an ear on the ground and an eye in sky.

Are you listening?

A storm is brewing. And there are some ominous accumulations.

Whether it pours or not, I intend to be lofted above the dangerous clouds either way.

So I’ve been working hard trying to accelerate development in my intended domains. These sets of converging skills will make my life, and every sweet drip of that dream salivates my tongue even more. There’s no whetting this appetite until I have the everlasting feast before me.

Relationship Update

It’s true that I never met a girl like HBEuphony before – she is uniquely pleasant and uniquely curious on top of her sultry looks. Time with her is a different sort of hyperreality, and the time has been invaluable both in terms of building experience in relationship control and formulating special memories. Perspective changing. Bacchus could not have been more right in encouraging the importance of gaining LTR experience for many, many reasons.

I’m still not sure when I’ll move away and break things off – that’s dependent on a few factors – but I hate how emotional the separation will be if things continue the direction they are. She practically wants to birth my children at this point. I’ve seen how Witch15, dedicated perception, and insights from a seducer’s journey can do that.

Her sexual world has been revolutionized while I’ve gained lots of valuable experience. More than that, though, lots of strides have been gained in long-term compliance building. She’s completely and gleefully obedient inside and outside of the bedroom. A happy learner to my direction. It’s reached this level because of the effort I put into understanding her desired identities and narratives, and how I’ve really worked at bringing us to those dreams. I put a lot of work into building her up to make her life sparkle with or without me, but of course, she ties everything back to me as her trusted, guiding hand.

Here's a message she sent to me:
“When we first started talking, I wasn’t feeling so good about myself or what I’m doing with my life or the friends I have. I was honestly kinda depressed at that time and I was still seeing a therapist, but now not only am I not depressed but I feel much much more happy about my life. I feel more confident, I feel more opened, I have friends who I actually enjoy spending time with and I feel like I can do soo much more.”
Those are all some of the things that I’ve worked on with her. I swear reading this message was one of the happiest moments in my life. I’m a big believer in Machiavellianism for mutual benefit and all my work paid off – our relationship is awesome, and I’ve changed the trajectory of her life in a positive way. Wow, my heart feels so warm :)

She’s gonna be good. She’ll touch a lot of people’s lives, create many beautiful things in this world, and be a wonderful mother one day.

But my mission is still in the early stages. Sorry babe. It’s all good, I know our time together will mean a lot for her.

Another point here is that it’s been highly beneficial for my sexual experience. Things are much more… at ease. Not like wild flurries of the past, or if it is a wild flurry, it’s one that is a controlled wild flurry. Kink has been a part of this dynamic, but it’s also WAY more controlled. I wince when thinking of how I operated with kink in those past ONS lays. Experience is in a teacher in these subjects, though. I’ve also experimented with various techs that I studied from Major_Mark and David Shade. Just really creating realities for her to believe and play within.

Experimented with other things too, such as guiding her through masturbation over SnapChat. I enjoy this because it allows me to see how well I can activate her mind, and it also is complete compliance crack. Plus, sometimes logistics can be annoying for us, so an occasional session like this relieves that burden and adds an interesting variety. I’ll include a transcript of one of these sessions below. Do lots of compliance stuff and identity/narrative reinforcement + construction (she is a PPP/SUB with SUB conditioning). Last note would be that her compliance and all of this is the result of A LOT of work over time.
[We were talking about stuff, then it transitioned to what would happen if we went to a BDSM event together, so this transcript picks up around there]

HBEuphony: Yess that’s exactly what I meant (she had asked me something = social frame is aligned really well which is what I try to do before getting into it)
Me: Do you think you’d get a little wet each time I introduced you as my submissive?
HB: Yes Sir (she has internalized that as soon as it gets sexual/my tone shifts, she automatically starts saying Sir – big compliance thing I trained her to do. Also she is a very intelligent and can handle things like that)
Me: And how do you think you’d feel if you tell people that I’m your owner?
HB: Very proud of myself to call you my owner Sir
HB: No
HB: Honored is a better word
Me: Good girl
Me: And how do you think you’d feel when you see other girls looking at me with lust, and that you’re the only one who is allowed to lick me, serve me, and worship me? (prizing + leveraging her narrative)
HB: Also very honored, and I would try not to disappoint you. I would try my best to be the best submissive I can for you Sir
Me: You’d do anything to please me, wouldn’t you slavegirl?
HB: Yes Sir

Me: Are you in your room right now?
HB: Yes Sir
Me: On a scale of 1-10, how horny are you right now?
HB: 7 Sir
Me: Imagine me rubbing my hard cock all over your face as you lay down and feel completely helpless under the weight of my muscular body
Me: Now how horny do you feel?
HB: 9 Sir
Me: Imagine me rubbing my cock around your lips while I press your head down into the pillow, stick my thumb deep inside your mouth, move it up and down, remove it, wrap my hand tightly around your neck, make you beg for my cock, stick my dick inside your mouth when I’m satisfied with your begging, and face fuck you as my little fucktoy until I cum down your throat and have you thank me for it
Me: Now how horny do you feel?

HB: 10 Sir
Me: Have you started moving your hips a little and noticing your hand touching down your body?
HB: Yes Sir
Me: Beg to be commanded by me.
HB: Please command me Sir
HB: Let me obey everything you tell me
HB: Please Sir

Me: That’s a good start
Me: Beg more
HB: Please Sir I want it really bad
Me: You can do better than that babygirl
HB: Please command me Sir, obeying everything you tell me makes me more horny than anything and makes me feel like a good obedient submissive
HB: Please let me pleasure you by doing what you tell me to
Me: Hmmm that’s much better
Me: Say please please please
Me: I like when you do that (reinforcing the behaviors I like)
HB: Please please please Sir

Me: Okay just a little more baby, you’re sooooo close
Me: Plead as much as you can
Me: As submissive as you can
HB: Pleaseeee Sir I’m begging you I really want it Sir
HB: Pleasee pleaseee command me any way you want Sir
Me: Stick two fingers in your pussy
HB: Yes Sir
Me: Move them up and down
HB: Yes Sir
Me: They are not allowed to leave your pussy until I tell you
Me: Understood slavegirl?

HB: Yes Sir
Me: Now spread out the two fingers
Me: Try to spread them as far apart as you can inside of your tight little pussy
HB: Yes Sir
Me: Slowly move them as deep as you can inside of you
Me: Try to reach the back wall of your pussy
Me: Are you doing it HB?
HB: Yes Sir
Me: Good girl
Me: Now bring your two fingers back together, rubbing against the back wall of your vagina as you do
Me: Keep your fingers in that position
Me: And tell me how you’re feeling

HB: It feels really good Sir, I feel very horny and want more
Me: Good
Me: You’ll get more if you keep behaving well
Me: Will you keep behaving well my dirty little princess?
HB: Yes Sir
Me: Now spread your fingers apart again as wiiiiiiiide as you can
Me: Reaching the upper and lowermost spots deep inside of your pussy
Me: Then bring the fingers back together
Me: Keep doing that motion
Me: Again
Me: And again

HB: Yes Sir
Me: Do it 25 times
Me: Do not leave this screen (on SnapChat you can see when the other person is on the chat screen – neither of us has left, which is preferrable)
Me: You will imagine they are my fingers
Me: And you will imagine my other hand playing with your right nipple
Me: Got it?
HB: Yes Sir
HB: I did it 25 times Sir
Me: And how are you feeling now HB? Is your pussy feeling very lubricated to please my cock and help it slide up and down your vagina?
HB: Yes Sir

Me: Begin thrusting your two fingers deep inside your vagina as fast as you can
Me: As if my cock slid inside you
Me: And was fucking you
Me: Fucking you soooo good
Me: Dominating you
Me: Making you my bitch
Me: Just like you are
Me: You’re MY bitch
Me: And no one else’s
Me: MY personal slut (HAHAHA this has become one of my favorite kinky things to say)
Me: Your body is mine
Me: Your mind is mine
Me: You serve ME
Me: Isn’t that right HB?
HB: Yes Sir
Me: Pause
Me: Do not remove your fingers
HB: Yes Sir
Me: Would you like to feel even more pleasure babygirl?
Me: Soooo much pleasure?

HB: Yess Sir (one of things she does is add extra letters to show excitement/agreement – I started incorporating that as well)
Me: Beg
HB: Please command me however you want Sir, tell me what to do next, let me serve you to my best so I can feel the most pleasure I’ve ever felt
HB: Pleaseeee Sir
HB: Pleasee
HB: Please Sir (See how she automatically said please please please after I reinforced it :D)
Me: Very good HB (reinforcing good behavior)
Me: Very good
Me: Begin thrusting again

Me: My cock is fucking you soooooo good right now
Me: Hitting every spot inside of you
Me: Every single place that makes you squirm and moan
Me: You feel it throbbing now
Me: Envision the waves of pleasure flowing upwards from your pussy, through your spine, and to your head
Me: You’re mine
Me: I want your head to be buzzing with INTENSE pleasure
Me: Are you feeling gooooood?
HB: Yess Sir

Me: Present yourself for me (“Present yourself for me” is a protocol I’ve taught her where she sends me pictures after taking off each article of clothing)
HB: Yes Sir

*she sends me the pictures of her undressing*

HB: I’m naked for you Sir (a line that is also part of the protocol)
Me: Good girl
Me: Imagine me holding you verrrry close right now for being a good little slavegirl
Me: Show me your body
Me: The body I own
Me: And no one else is allowed to see (something she reaffirmed that she wanted earlier in the conversation)
Me: Get in Position 2 (also have taught her different positions – this one is my favorite where she is kneeling with “perfect slavegirl posture” and places her hands on her thighs, legs together)
Me: And send me a picture from the front, side, and back
Me: If you do so to my satisfaction, you will be pleasured immensely
Me: Do you like the sound of that HB?
HB: Yes Sir
Me: Very good
Me: Now go please me

*She sends pictures from the front and back :D*

Me: That’s my good girl
Me: Very good
Me: Now from the side

*She sends a picture from the side :D*

Me: I’m very pleased with you HB (reinforcing good behavior)
Me: You did verrrrrrry well
Me: You’ve made me extremely proud of you for being such a good girl *eyelids closed emoji*
Me: Return to your room
Me: Kneel at your bedside
Me: And tell me when you’re ready for further instructions

HB: I’m ready for further instructions Sir
Me: You must be feeling verrrrrry submissive and owned right now, isn’t that right HB?
HB: Yes Sir
Me: You’re feeling extremely honored to be my slave? (recalling how she used “honored” from before)
HB: Yes Sir
Me: That’s my good, submissive pet *eyelids closed emoji*
Me: Imagine me stroking my hand through your hair
Me: Tilting your chin up
Me: And kissing you soooo passionately

HB: Yesssss Sir
Me: Return to your comfy bed
Me: Feeeeel sooooooo comfortbale and warm
Me: Face the ceiling
Me: And spread your legs just a little
Me: Are you feeling verrrrrry comfortable and warm my babygirl?
HB: Yes Sir
Me: Wonderful
Me: Only good, amazing feelings?
HB: Yes Sir
Me: Take those fingers that were just inside your pussy
Me: And place them inside of your mouth
Me: Suck on them as if they were my massive, throbbing cock
Me: Think of what it would be like to feel my cock getting harder and harder in your mouth
Me: You’d like that wouldn’t you?

HB: Yes Sir
Me: You’d love it, right? Taking my cock in your face?
HB: Yes Sir I would love it
Me: Remove your fingers
Me: Are they very wet?
HB: Yes Sir
Me: I know you lovvvvve it when I command you to caress your horny little clit (she gets off easily from clitoral stimulation now)
Me: Do you think that would feel good for you?
HB: Yes Sir
Me: You will feel it soooo much
Me: Soooon
Me: But not now
Me Place your two fingers on your right nipple
Me: Circle around it 10 times
Me: Slooooooowly and sensually

HB: Yes Sir
Me: Pretend it’s my tongue
Me: Dominating your nipple
Me: Using your body for my pleasure
Me: However I want to
Me: While you love it
Me: Because you’re all mine (recalling/reinforcing her ideal narratives)
Me: And you are obsessed with the pleasure only I can give you (following a narrative statement with a reinforcement of how I want her to view the narrative)
HB: I did it 10 times Sir

Me: Mmmm are your nipples verrrrry erect and hard for me now?
HB: Yes Sir
Me: You’re an excited little girl aren’t you?
HB: Yes Sir
Me: Do it to your other nipple now
Me: 10 times
Me: Slooooooowly and sensually
Me: My tongue circling around your erect nipple
Me: As your eyes roll back and you can barely even handle how good it feels
Me: You’re completely under my control
Me: And you love it
HB: I did it 10 times Sir
Me: Very nice
Me: You’re behaving so well tonight, just as you always do *eyelids closed emoji*

Me: Soon your fingers will be on your clit
Me: Sooooooon
Me: Almost there
Me: But not yet
Me: Place those two fingers between your breasts
Me: And guide them up into your mouth again
Me: Touching every piece of skin between them
Me: Noticing every hair on your skin standing up with excitement
Me: As you wonder what may come next

Me: Suck on your fingers more
Me: Get them as wet as you can
Me: Suck
Me: Suck
Me: Suck
Me: And then place your hand over your pussy
Me: Then tell me how you’re feeling :)

HB: I’m feeling very good, horny and aroused Sir
Me: Mmm
Me: Horny and very aroused (restating and amplifying)
Me: Think of how horny and aroused you are
Me: Imagine being TWICE as horny and aroused (learned this tech from Major_Mark)
Me: And feel it
Me: Feel as aroused and horny as you can
Me: More than you EVER thought possible
Me: Whose pussy is your hand covering right now?
HB: My pussy that belongs to you Sir
Me: Yes HB
Me: You’re all mine
Me: Every single inch of you
Me: Is all mine

Me: Take one of your very wet fingers
Me: And gently caress your clit
Me: Start very slowly
Me: Just back and forth
Me: Very slowly
Me: Teasing your throbbing clit
Me: I know it’s begging for more
Me: I know
Me: It’ll come (ambiguity)
Me: Relax
Me: And enjoy the sensation
Me: Of being owned
Me: And pleasured more than anyone else could ever pleasure you (can prize this way/narrative build due to current social frame)
Me: How good are you feeling baby?
HB: Very good Sir
HB: I feel amazing Sir

Me: Perfect
Me: I want you to feel the best you ever have
Me: You deserve it
Me: It’s been a long week for you
Me: I know it has
Me: But it’s been a good day hasn’t it?
Me: It’s getting even better now

Me: You’re indulging in all of your pleasure
Me: That has been building up sooooo much
Me: You’re going to cum sooooo soon
Me: Take your other wet finger
Me: And rub your clit with it even faster
Me: Getting faster and faster
Me: Just with that oneeee finger
Me: Faster and faster
Me: Make yourself feel as gooooooood as you can
Me: As if I’m watching and enjoying the sight of you pleasuring yourself under my command
Me: Describe what’s going through your mind right now :)
Me: Keep rubbing while you type :)

HB: I want to feel your cock Sir, I want to feel you soo so bad
HB: I want to pleasure you more than anyone else ever has and be proud of myself
HB: I want you to be proud of me Sir
HB: I want to be the best for you Sir
Me: Oh my HB
Me: I know you do
Me: You do such a good job for me
Me: You work so hard for me
Me: You have sooooo much potential
Me: I care for you so much
Me: You are an amazing submissive
Me: And you get better by the day

Me: You deserve soooo much pleasure from my cock
Me: Which is why right now
Me: I want you to begin rubbing your clit as fast as you can
Me: As good as you can
Me: Make it feel soooooo good
Me: Imagine you’re taking my cock
Me: My cock is inside you now
Me: Pounding you
Me: Hitting the back wall of your pussy
Me: With my skin rubbing against your clit
Me: My hands wrapped around your shoulders
Me: Pulling you downwards with every thrust
Me: Deeper and deeper inside of you

Me: You haven’t cum yet, right my HB?
HB: Yes Sir
Me: You would never cum without my permission, right my angel? (highly emotional pet name for her, rarely used)
HB: Yes Sir
Me: How close are you
Me: Tell me
HB: Very very close Sir
Me: How badly do you want to cum for me?

HB: Really badly Sir
HB: I want to cum so hard Sir
Me: You will soon
Me: I’m not done teasing my slavegirl yet though
Me: Tickle your clit with those two fingers
Me: Tickle it
Me: Tease it
Me: Know how close you are
Me: But know you can’t cum
Me: Teaseeeee it
Me: Keep teasing it

Me: You’re my bitch
Me: MY bitch
Me: My darling
Me: My angel
Me: Do you think you can handle it when you cum very powerful baby?
Me: Can you handle something that intense?
Me: I know you can
Me: What do you think baby?
Me: Are you ready?

HB: Yes Sir I’m ready
Me: Rub your clit however you need to in order to feel the MOST pleasure
Me: Do it
Me: Faster
Me: Bring yourself as close as you can
Me: Then ask for permission
Me: Understood?

HB: Yes Sir
Me: Focus on the pleasure
Me: All over your body
Me: From head to toe
Me: All over
Me: Like a dream
Me: Because you’re with me
Me: I’m your owner
Me: Out of all the submissives who beg for me
Me: I’ve chosen you (same type of thing as noted before with this type of social frame prizing)
Me: Because I see how special you are (narrative/identity)
Me: My angel
Me: My HB
Me: And when you continue to prove how good you can be for me, this is what can happen (opportunity + challenge + conditioning)
Me: And even more
Me: Pleasure
Me: Beyond anything you ever imagined
Me: But it’s real
Me: And you feel it
Me: Right now
Me: In your throbbing clit

HB: May I please have permission to cum Sir?
Me: Say please please please
HB: Pleaseee please please Sir
Me: Good girl
Me: Cum for me :)
Me: I want this to be so intense for you baby
Me: Feel the blood in your clit throbbing
Me: Your vagina clamping down

Me: Getting soooo tight
Me: My cock fucking you
Me: You feel my cock fucking you
Me: You begging more and more
Me: You’ve earned it
Me: You’ve been soooooo gooood
Me: I’m very proud of you
Me: Very very proud of you
Me: I want to hold you as you’re cumming and kiss you
Me: For being such a good girl *heart emoji*
Me: When you’re ready, describe to me in detail how you’re feeling :)

HB: Thank you for giving me permission to cum Sir
HB: It really felt amazinggg
Me: Mmmmmm
Me: You earned it :)
Me: It was very intense for you my babygirl?
HB: Yes Sir
HB: It was one of the most intense things I have ever felt
Me: :)
Me: I’m so glad
Me: You really deserved it

*I continue talking with her as a form of “aftercare” and to continue setting narrative frames while she’s in a highly influenceable state*
It is pretty entertaining to train hot girls, of course made possible through lot of study of the mechanisms of female sexual psychology.



Apart from gaining more kinky sexual experience with HBEuphony – to the point where I feel good controlling the vibe very calibratedly – I have also been working on building a presence within the kink community. This is something that I believe will have massive rewards within a few years time.

Kink lays (as in, having a social frame of “kink” from the start) place such a high value on social frame. Again, the social frame is inherently sexualized. By communicating experience and safety to the submissives, they then will feel little inhibitions. There’s a good reason why if you go into an online kink community you may see all the submissives flock to a few prized Dominants while other “Doms” are viewed as little more than sexual predators.

As mentioned, I see immense potential in these efforts and already have had a taste of it too… but there’s a lot more to come. Pelusita is also an example of these possibilities, and I’m thankful for his advice on the matter. He was kind enough to explain some nuance regarding social frame-building within these communities. And he is one of the best ever for a reason…

Along with accelerating my progress through this and approaching it with a mastery-oriented mindset, I also deconstructed the profile of another very successful Dominant – one who really, really understand these dynamics. I’m sure other people see this guy with many illusions clouding their eyes. But me, no, I see exactly what he’s doing. So I learned and am doing these things too – people with high success in their fields are generally an awesome learning resource. And no, it’s not about being “mentored” or thinking they are “lucky.”

I’ve seen that if you open your eyes and dig deeper, the process is there for you to learn from while creating results of your own. It’s not an easy process, though, it’s hard. I’m very happy about that because once you break past that certain point that few do… well, the returns begin to be asymmetrical.

Another point – in some of these places, the quality of girls is high as fuck. It all makes sense if you pay attention to social frame. Also, if you want, it’s very acceptable to not post public face pics in these places and just take care of that privately. Which is great too.

I will be playing a lot in this space. While Kinkoo was fine as an entry point to learn from, I know I’m opening up the doors to a brand new world.


As always, the journey of refining our fundamentals is a continuous process.

I’ll list out recent trials and observations. Needless to say, it is not about getting laid because of a sharper jawline or whatever – I sincerely hope no one reading interprets it like that. These are refinements on top of a dedication to good health and game!
  • Jawline/Facial Structure:
    I started mewing this year after seeing Lobo’s recommendation. It’s definitely made a nice impact on my facial definition – super glad I followed through with it. I also chew mastic gum every other day to accelerate the progress. Interestingly, I notice that when my facial muscles get stronger from chewing the mastic gum, it’s like the tongue and jaw want to end up in the mewing position anyway. For mastic gum, I would highly recommend the ROCKJAW brand and avoiding a number of the sketchy, low-quality brands out there. Additionally, I use a nice, free app that sends notifications and teaches proper, healthy mewing form.
  • Dental Care:
    Been frustrated with subpar dental products for years. You know, when it says “protects” and “whitening” but doesn’t do it? So, I got sick of it and researched healthy, high-quality dental products. After researching, I tried this brand of toothpaste called Squigle and it’s amazing! It’s SLS-free and for the first time, I feel like a toothpaste actually works for cleaning and helps my teeth look better. They even feel way better against my tongue. Don’t expect a foamy mess when using it, but trust the product on this one. Well worth the price. Also tried using a tonguebrush for the first time and not the weird-looking metal scraper ones. This Orabrush brand. Also amazing – I was shocked at how much better my tongue looked, how much softer it was for sexy time, and how much cleaner my mouth felt. Highly recommend.
  • Lip Care:
    Another point of long-time frustration was with chapstick/lip balm. It was like no products (yes, even Burt’s Bees) actually was a long-term solution for your lips. Felt as if the whole industry was a big marketing scam where it helps your lips for a few hours when applied, but then your lips get chapped if you go a few hours without using them. FUCK THAT. After research, I tried using an overnight lip mask with no lip balm during the day. Well, it was a smashing success. My lips have become healthy and sooooo soft without the need to glob on Burt’s Bees every few hours. It actually helps the health of your lips instead of just masking the issue. Lips are looking plush and feel smooth even without a few days of using it. Have gotten many comments from HBEuphony about how good my lips feel on her skin. Amazing for sensual play. Wonderful product, highly recommend.
  • Shaving:
    Hate shaving and don’t like facial hair. Facial hair has always felt uncomfortable on my skin and makes my acne breakout. But then I’d have to shave daily, and my sensitive skin would get irritated and cut with garbage manual razors. Finally invested in an electric razor which was a good choice. However, what’s the point of using an electric razor only then to clean it up afterwards with a manual razor? Seemed dumb. So I researched solutions and found this all-natural pre-shaving lotion made specifically for electric shaves. Was another big success (though not perfect, but very good). Now I can just apply it, wait a few minutes, use the electric razor, be all good to go with a close shave, and only have a few hairs to go over again. Smooth.
  • Skincare:
    Upon recommendation from Dreamer and DML, I began to test chemical exfoliation rather than physical exfoliation. While the dermaroller definitely helps, I have to agree that chemical exfoliation is far superior and doesn’t result in the temporary discomfort/redness that the dermaroller does. Seen great results with using niacinamide, and it’s cut out the need for the dermaroller entirely. It’s also more time-efficient and inexpensive. Skin is looking the best it has in years!
  • Time-Blocked Daily Schedules:
    Also picked up the time-blocking tip from DML. It’s very easy to do with Google Calendar or whatever and sync across devices. I also set desktop reminders and notifications for 10 minutes before the next time block begins. Love it, also highly recommend. I was definitely feeling burnt-out and this method has helped me feel rejuvenated + productive.
Process, process, process. And while I will not hit my previous goal of moving to the city by January, I know I’m getting closer and closer to my intended lifestyle. I’ll make my life what I want, I know I will.

Hope everyone has a great holiday season and cherishes all of life’s little moments!
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 13, 2021
Inspiring post, @Lofty

Did you try with vocal messages as well?

For jawline, most impactful thing are body fat and water retention. Here you can manipulate diet, junk food and sodium intake.

I use some products from The Ordinary as well. If you want to add some diversity, I recommend Hyaluronic Acid(The Ordinary), let it 5-10 mins, and then apply moisture cream which contains niacinamide(I use it from Cerave).


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Inspiring post, @Lofty

Did you try with vocal messages as well?
Thanks man and yeah I have!

So generally I use SnapChat as my preferred platform and move girls to there. The diversity in message types from text messages to audio messages to pics to videos to video calls to voice calls to stories gives a lot of options to stimulate her, intrigue her, and prize yourself all while seeming natural and native to an immersive platform. Wrote more about my testing and preferences for Snap in an earlier post too.

I've noticed that audio messages thrown into a convo can be great for investment/compliance purposes because then she also feels a greater need to reciprocate with an audio message herself, or at least a higher-investment text message (given that a good social frame is in place... or else she may not respond to anything). And of course even more importantly, an audio message can be extremely effective if capitalizing on a high point and communicate a good sense of reassuring comfort if she has any uncertainties. When I've used it, I've seen good effects.

The one thing that holds me back from using audio messages more is that I really am cautious regarding privacy in seduction, and I don't like how my voice can be floating around for her to replay multiple times at the tap of a button (I set all Snap convos to save for 24 hours). And when I send the audio messages over Snap and say something really stimulating, they also tend to save it in the chat which can be a delicate thing to handle social frame wise. So overall, I do like it, but I prefer trying to build up to a video call or voice call because:
  1. I can calibrate to her in real-time and drive her state in the way I want to (I'm big on verbal/influence game)
  2. I can set more frames, build more compliance, and iron out more logistics quicker
  3. I can emotionally stimulate her more, sexually arouse her more, and build more social frame (for example, in one of my previous LRs I met a girl on an app and she had to drive over an hour to my place. She had some nerves before leaving, so I video called her and showed her around my apartment while chatting to communicate I was super safe. Worked great and she really appreciated it. Then I spoke with her the entire time she drove over and did all my verbal game right over the phone. So when she arrived, the gaming was already done and she was all ready for escalation)
  4. It's efficient because you can cover a lot of ground compared to having to wait for a response
  5. Audio messages can be a privacy risk if she goes around sharing the message (even if it is nothing bad and she's just dropping it in her groupchat with friends, I lose some control over my social frame, which I don't like despite it possibly benefiting me in the short-term)
That said, I definitely think there's a place for voice messages in a seducer's arsenal if they feel comfortable with the privacy aspect. I know Bismarck also uses them regularly, and I remember a time when Lobo aroused the fuck out of a girl with audio messages. Can definitely be a good tactic. Teevster additionally does an interesting thing where he sends girls video messages.

I also really trust in my verbals/texting, so I do like texting to a high point and get talking to her in real-time. Plus if you're going back and forth sending audio messages, you can just talk to her in real-time you know?

But yeah if it's dropping her an audio message every now and then or with a very calculated strategy, I certainly see a great use for that if you don't mind the privacy aspect.

For jawline, most impactful thing are body fat and water retention. Here you can manipulate diet, junk food and sodium intake.
Cool, will be reading up on it more! Even though I try to maintain a nice diet and exercise daily, I'm always down for new insights and refinements.

I use some products from The Ordinary as well. If you want to add some diversity, I recommend Hyaluronic Acid(The Ordinary), let it 5-10 mins, and then apply moisture cream which contains niacinamide(I use it from Cerave).
Thanks for the rec - just ordered some of the hyaluronic acid. Looks like great stuff. Also will grab the Cerave moisturizer and compare it to the Olay moisturizer I've been using. I do think there could be an improvement from the Olay, so it will be a good experiment.

Appreciate the comment!
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