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Seduction Isn't A Piggy Bank, Probability, or Menial Labor


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
@Will_V I understand the importance of identity and agree with your post in general. What doesn’t seem straightforward to me is this part:
Set some big goals and achieve them
It feels like it’s the only one of these things that is not fully dependent on you. Because you can take responsibility, you can throw yourself in all kinds of difficult situations, develop routines, but is there a way to make sure you will achieve the goals you set?

Because I think this is what confuses me, even if I fully know who I am and what I want, if I am unable to get what I want, how can I really be looked up to for guidance by other people?

I understand you should be able to face your mistakes and failures and take responsibility, but after a point responsibility doesn’t seem enough. If you are not delivering, and let’s say get lost while sailing every single time, people will start getting tired of it.

And I don’t see a way to make sure that you will be succeeding in general. Maybe it’s fine and you should be ok with your failures as well and bouncing back, but after a while if they pile up and you seem to not be achieving your goals, it feels that it will affect your identity.

To get back to the original point of the article, maybe you fully believe in connecting with new people and opening women showing your intentions. If you keep trying and failing time after time though, it seems very difficult to keep seeing yourself as the cool social guy who people love having around.

Maybe there is always a way to win long term, if you really search for it. It’s just that for me going and acting on what I want is something I can see how to practice, but believing I will be a winner in the end is not obvious.

Maybe you just train every skill so much that you are confident you can handle most situations after a while. I feel my main issue has always been that I have not felt good enough at my level in most things. Probably because I understood what I didn’t know yet, so I didn’t feel deserving to lead others.

It’s connected to this idea that you learn better, when you teach. I just never really feel qualified for teaching unless I am well beyond the level I am teaching. And even then if I know I still have many things to learn I will be hesitant leading people.

And regarding my initial point, especially with things that are social and include influencing people it’s not straightforward to me how you train yourself and at some point you say ok I am good at this now. Maybe you just have to follow a process, treat social interactions as practice, and believe that at the end of it you will find success. When the success doesn’t seem to be coming though, it’s a bit of a question how to keep believing in yourself and that you will make it eventually.


Jan 15, 2024
It feels like it’s the only one of these things that is not fully dependent on you. Because you can take responsibility, you can throw yourself in all kinds of difficult situations, develop routines, but is there a way to make sure you will achieve the goals you set?

Because I think this is what confuses me, even if I fully know who I am and what I want, if I am unable to get what I want, how can I really be looked up to for guidance by other people?

In my opinion, it's not about achieving goals, but more of a attitude where you do things which take you closer to your goals. You can't totally control the outcome, but you can control yourself. Doing things everyday that moves me towards what I want makes me a happier and confident person, and I feel like other people can sense it aswell. It doesn't matter that I am not at the endpoint yet, I still can feel proud of myself. On the days when I don't do what I know would be the best for me and my journey, I feel shitty, like I have betrayed myself. Obviously the vibe I give on those days will be very different than on the good days.

James D

Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 23, 2017
Im old school and not that familiar with new terms.
For me, to approach in public/ daygame .
My intention would be (as cheesy as this sounds) “Love”.
Ie ‘I Love Women’ and I am pumped / very impressed /floored by their beauty.

must a bit Zan Perrion but that’s where I’d start with Intention . Just me.
I like that but it's easy to get derailed with this mindset.

Guys think they're being genuine witnesses to women's beauty.

However, in reality, they're often secretly hoping that women will like them simply because they had the balls to express interest.

Then when women don't respond the way they wanted, they become negative.

Usually women can tell right away in which camp a guy falls.

The "floored by their beauty" vibe can work very well if it is sincere and devoid of any neediness.

When done right, that vibe will make her intrigued.

It is that intrigue that you then capitalize on to build more compliance.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
This is an interesting video,
This guy is quite Chad -like , tall buff and handsome. Kinda debunks the BP theory of “all girls wanna bang Chad”

Would you experienced guys say is this guys ‘sticking points’..from these interactions?

where is he going wrong? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Besides what Chase listed, there's also the fact that he continually leaves awkward pauses after the opener that pile on the negative tension.

Like with the blue girl at 00:29, he drops a few lines he'd memorized about not selling anything and ends with 'I wanted to say hi' so she slows down and says 'hi' and then he's completely lost and confused. What'd you expect? It makes it very clear to her that he's spamming. Because if he was actually interested in her he'd be expressing and vibing a lot more.

When you don't know what to say you have to just get in there and say whatever comes to mind, tell her she's really blue or whatever, it's not what you say but the energy behind it. You can talk complete nonsense to girls if your vibe is good.

His tone and body language is a bit limp and comes across as if he's unsure of himself and what he's doing, rather than confidently expressing whatever motivated him to approach in the first place. So the girls first impression of him is of someone with conflicting intentions, which puts them on the defensive.

Anyway props to him for walking the walk and putting the footage out there, it's not easy to have everyone scrutinize you. But he's got some stuff to work on.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2024
I like that but it's easy to get derailed with this mindset.

Guys think they're being genuine witnesses to women's beauty.

However, in reality, they're often secretly hoping that women will like them simply because they had the balls to express interest.

Then when women don't respond the way they wanted, they become negative.

Usually women can tell right away in which camp a guy falls.

The "floored by their beauty" vibe can work very well if it is sincere and devoid of any neediness.

When done right, that vibe will make her intrigued.

It is that intrigue that you then capitalize on to build more compliance.
Yes agreed re the secretly hoping that women will like them.
I should expand on my intention thing.
It’s always sexual and it’s always that my primary interest is to fuck the chick
I let my brain fill with those thoughts so that overcomes any nervousness.
I do it different ways depending on how I feel really tbh. It’s all in the moment,

could be more sweetie game .. could be more Bruce Willis-y game with some alpha attitude. But always sexuality underneath.

I think that’s the biggest hurdle to get into pickup. Strengthening the wiring between cocky& balls and brain.

sexual attraction is all primal anyway so that way key to understanding for me and get over Nice Guy Syndrome.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
@Will_V I understand the importance of identity and agree with your post in general. What doesn’t seem straightforward to me is this part:

It feels like it’s the only one of these things that is not fully dependent on you. Because you can take responsibility, you can throw yourself in all kinds of difficult situations, develop routines, but is there a way to make sure you will achieve the goals you set?

It's your responsibility to set goals you can achieve, and to adjust them according to your capabilities.

If your motivation and you ego are really beaten up, you've got to focus on goals that are entirely about mechanical actions - fitness is the most basic one I can think of.

Other goals that mostly depend on you can be related to finding a better job, or starting a business, or achieving a level of competence in something such as flying or sailing or whatever you enjoy.

The reality though is that it is only to the extent that your goals are difficult and present you with adverse conditions that your identity is strengthened. Nobody's identity is strengthened by receiving a participation trophy which they can get by doing nothing.

Because I think this is what confuses me, even if I fully know who I am and what I want, if I am unable to get what I want, how can I really be looked up to for guidance by other people?

That's true, people generally look up to capable people.

But you have to start somewhere, and there are many areas of competence. For example, a guy might be a social leader who other people look to for the best advice or personal direction, but he has little or no fighting ability - many politicians are like this. Or a guy might be physically strong and tough and able to handle chaotic or violent situations, but he's lost when it comes to the soft skills of handling people - many military men are like this.

The area of competence that crosses most domains, in my opinion, is mental resilience and adaptability. Someone with great emotional control, who is alert to his surroundings and the truth of what is going on around him, and is able to strategize and make plans, fail gracefully, analyze and modify them, and execute them again under pressure, will sooner or later find himself in a position of some authority and control, no matter where he is and what position he starts from.

I understand you should be able to face your mistakes and failures and take responsibility, but after a point responsibility doesn’t seem enough. If you are not delivering, and let’s say get lost while sailing every single time, people will start getting tired of it.

That's true, so it's up to you to figure out how to navigate, without letting your ego or your negative self-talk get in the way. This is where emotional control and resilience comes in.

And I don’t see a way to make sure that you will be succeeding in general. Maybe it’s fine and you should be ok with your failures as well and bouncing back, but after a while if they pile up and you seem to not be achieving your goals, it feels that it will affect your identity.

Well then you are being a bad coach to yourself, to put it simply.

A good coach looks at you objectively, understands where you're at, and comes up with tests and lessons that stretch your capabilities just enough that you struggle a little before succeeding, not so much that it breaks you.

That's why I emphasize socializing in general for guys who are clearly struggling hard with cold approach, because for some people, socializing is the level that stretches their capabilities the right amount.

To get back to the original point of the article, maybe you fully believe in connecting with new people and opening women showing your intentions. If you keep trying and failing time after time though, it seems very difficult to keep seeing yourself as the cool social guy who people love having around.

That's exactly the point. All training has an effect, for better or worse. Every good coach knows this. If you push someone too hard, you can train them to perceive themselves as a failure. If you push someone not enough, you train them to be afraid of failing.

You need to find your point of competence so you know that OK, I can push myself a little beyond that, but not too far.

My suggestion for finding it is to look at all your social interactions and determine where you consistently have a positive experience.

If you don't have any positive social experiences at all, you'll need to just hang out with people at work or go play sports or some other social activity, and just work on the very basics of being pleasant, smiling, and providing positive energy in general. That takes plenty of humility, but it must be done.

Maybe there is always a way to win long term, if you really search for it. It’s just that for me going and acting on what I want is something I can see how to practice, but believing I will be a winner in the end is not obvious.

Nothing wrong with that, belief is always weaker than action.

The important thing is to set up your immediate goals so that they are reasonable compared to your current level of competence, so you can actually progress over time, step by step, in the direction you want to go.

Maybe you just train every skill so much that you are confident you can handle most situations after a while. I feel my main issue has always been that I have not felt good enough at my level in most things. Probably because I understood what I didn’t know yet, so I didn’t feel deserving to lead others.

Why are you worrying about leading others? It's not necessary for seduction, what's much more important is your ability to connect with and stimulate a girl one-on-one.

If you struggle in group social situations, focus on being a good team member before trying to be the leader. If you can't do the first, you can't do the second. Anyone who looks at being a team member as a weak or contemptible position isn't fit to be a leader and no one will respond to him anyway.

Leadership isn't something anyone should desperately try to get - it usually isn't half as fun as what it's made out to be, comes with a lot of responsibility and menial work, and doesn't give you a whole lot of freedom of action. It fits a certain personality type whose abilities coincide with what it requires.

It’s connected to this idea that you learn better, when you teach. I just never really feel qualified for teaching unless I am well beyond the level I am teaching. And even then if I know I still have many things to learn I will be hesitant leading people.

You can learn some things when you teach, but not as much as some people think. You mostly just learn how to teach. And if you don't like teaching, it doesn't give you very much satisfaction.

And regarding my initial point, especially with things that are social and include influencing people it’s not straightforward to me how you train yourself and at some point you say ok I am good at this now. Maybe you just have to follow a process, treat social interactions as practice, and believe that at the end of it you will find success. When the success doesn’t seem to be coming though, it’s a bit of a question how to keep believing in yourself and that you will make it eventually.

Sounds like you need to let go of these thought loops about the future and what you can or can't be and what other people think of you, and just focus on taking proximate action in the context of what you need to learn and achieve right now.

The rest will come when it comes. Everyone ends up where they deserve to be eventually, your job is to get the most out of yourself right now so that your destiny, whatever it may be, can be eventually fulfilled.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
The reality though is that it is only to the extent that your goals are difficult and present you with adverse conditions that your identity is strengthened. Nobody's identity is strengthened by receiving a participation trophy which they can get by doing nothing.
I agree with this, was simply wondering how to handle feeling like you cannot achieve your goals. But I suppose if you create smaller goals and take things step by step you will constantly feel you are growing by achieving them, without being all anxious about achieving the end objective.
The area of competence that crosses most domains, in my opinion, is mental resilience and adaptability. Someone with great emotional control, who is alert to his surroundings and the truth of what is going on around him, and is able to strategize and make plans, fail gracefully, analyze and modify them, and execute them again under pressure, will sooner or later find himself in a position of some authority and control, no matter where he is and what position he starts from.
I can see that. I guess being more strategic in general and analysing things in order to get the results I want is something I could focus more on.
You need to find your point of competence so you know that OK, I can push myself a little beyond that, but not too far.

My suggestion for finding it is to look at all your social interactions and determine where you consistently have a positive experience.
Yeah I suppose this is important in context as well. For example if you are very chill with friends but pretty awkward at work. Or if on one day you feel very social in a great mood and on the other you don’t feel that energetic. Managing to calibrate how to push yourself in different scenarios understanding where your base is in each of them.

Leadership isn't something anyone should desperately try to get - it usually isn't half as fun as what it's made out to be, comes with a lot of responsibility and menial work, and doesn't give you a whole lot of freedom of action. It fits a certain personality type whose abilities coincide with what it requires.
Yes I understand that, I don’t even care about leadership positions per se, it’s more about having this vibe that will make a woman be open to follow your leadership in the relationship you form together.
Sounds like you need to let go of these thought loops about the future and what you can or can't be and what other people think of you, and just focus on taking proximate action in the context of what you need to learn and achieve right now.

The rest will come when it comes. Everyone ends up where they deserve to be eventually, your job is to get the most out of yourself right now so that your destiny, whatever it may be, can be eventually fulfilled.
You are right about the fact that I am thinking too much about the future and what I could achieve or not.

I feel my main issue is I want to know that I am generally on the right path. That let’s say if I want to improve myself with women I am taking the right steps, and it will gradually come.

Because I am worried a bit about doing things without a clear long term direction, and in the end getting nowhere.

But I feel that just with the material existing around for everything, if you start working on what you want, and you follow legitimate advice, sooner or later you will improve.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Regarding leadership... I don't think it's necessary (to succeed with women) to have some group of people in general, that you are the boss or leader of.

You just need to be able to lead the woman. Little things, like when you are walking around, tell her "let's go this way" or "let's try out this café, it looks nice."

Of course if she objects then you adapt accordingly. Like if she says "Oh no, I went ther once and the staff was super rude" then you say ok let's go somewhere else. No big deal.

I once had a semi-gf (we made out and met up for weeks or months, but no sex, I think she may have been a virgin and was scared of it) who told me "You never know what to do!" I think I was a bit indecisive at the time and not used to lead in the way that I just described.

So I changed that with future girls and had better results.

But then of course there is the odd girl who also like to take the lead. This happened to me in my last LTR: Whenever we were travelling together and exploring a city, a typical situation was that I said "Let's go this way" and my gf would say "No, let's go the other way." Result in this constellation: Constant fights wearing you down. You are going to clash with her all the time. Fortunately this kind of girl seems to be the exception, not the norm.
Last edited:


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Warren Beatty

This is an interesting video,
This guy is quite Chad -like , tall buff and handsome. Kinda debunks the BP theory of “all girls wanna bang Chad”

Would you experienced guys say is this guys ‘sticking points’..from these interactions?

where is he going wrong? 🤷🏻‍♂️
He's angry and scaring them. Good for him for being able to tell he's coming off awkward


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I agree with this, was simply wondering how to handle feeling like you cannot achieve your goals. But I suppose if you create smaller goals and take things step by step you will constantly feel you are growing by achieving them, without being all anxious about achieving the end objective.


I can see that. I guess being more strategic in general and analysing things in order to get the results I want is something I could focus more on.

Yeah - when there's a substantial difference between your desired results and your actual results, and you've put in enough time to establish a baseline, you have to be able to sit down and honestly and openly analyze what's going on.

For example, if your immediate reactions are bad, it has to be something to do with your appearance and first impression. She doesn't know anything about you at that point. You have to try and put yourself in her shoes, as much as you can as a man, and imagine the broad strokes of her experience with you, feel out where things are breaking down.

Yeah I suppose this is important in context as well. For example if you are very chill with friends but pretty awkward at work. Or if on one day you feel very social in a great mood and on the other you don’t feel that energetic. Managing to calibrate how to push yourself in different scenarios understanding where your base is in each of them.

Yeah, inconsistency is a brutal enemy to your progress at anything. You have to establish precision before you can establish accuracy. Otherwise you're at the mercy of whatever happens to be going through your mind that day. And you always feel like the rug could be pulled out at any time.

Emotional control is a hugely underrated attribute for males, it's very hard to be competent at anything when your emotions can seize control of you. Meditation, self-reflection, discipline, and taking good care of yourself in general, can do any man a world of good.

Yes I understand that, I don’t even care about leadership positions per se, it’s more about having this vibe that will make a woman be open to follow your leadership in the relationship you form together.

Leading a group and leading a woman are somewhat different skills. As long as you're confident and sure of yourself, you can lead a woman through a seduction - her emotions and sexuality put her in a submissive state, if she's attracted to you.

People in general, and especially men, require a lot more logical trust and evidence of specific competence to follow you, because they are not following you emotionally, they are following you to reach their goals.

With a woman you're seducing, all you need to do is keep things moving along toward the bedroom, that's really it as far as leading per se. There is sexual framing, objection handling, etc, but as long as you keep her emotionally stimulated and don't take her too seriously, it's usually not a big deal.

Relationships require a bit more than that, because she's not only following you emotionally, but she's also evaluating whether you'll help her reach her goals.

You are right about the fact that I am thinking too much about the future and what I could achieve or not.

I feel my main issue is I want to know that I am generally on the right path. That let’s say if I want to improve myself with women I am taking the right steps, and it will gradually come.

What you need to be doing is setting incremental goals and achieving them. Your recent journal entry, which I read a few days ago, showed a big incremental improvement in opening girls and getting positive, excited reactions - which is exactly what you needed to improve. That's real progress - not how you happen to feel or what you think about the future or anything else.

If you hone your opening, and then do that for all the other parts of your seductions, you can't help but make progress. It's inevitable.

The end doesn't matter, there is no end really. You just improve every day, that's it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
What you need to be doing is setting incremental goals and achieving them. Your recent journal entry, which I read a few days ago, showed a big incremental improvement in opening girls and getting positive, excited reactions - which is exactly what you needed to improve. That's real progress - not how you happen to feel or what you think about the future or anything else.
Yeah I think the main issue regarding this is exactly the precision you mentioned earlier. Although I know how it felt at that moment, and I understand what makes it different from the other approaches, it seems difficult to just replicate it on command. For example, if I am leaving work tired, it feels pretty impossible to access this kind of energy, and technically I can try to emulate it, but it won't be the same.

And it's not the only time that I've had these kind of good reactions, it may happen from time to time, but it does feel like it's random and not even specifically connected to something. I mean literally that day, I had immediate rejections one after the other, then one approach went pretty well and something flipped, I felt at the top of the world and with total non neediness distributing good vibes. But I've had it also happen just because the day is sunny, or I received a message from a girl I Ilke, or maybe I just felt for some reason that life is beautiful.

And it does feel difficult to orchestrate this. I remember once, before I approached a girl sitting down, I put on a song I really liked for a bit, and when I went there I was full of excitement, and playful seductiveness. Other times in the club I may start dancing and it can get me in quite a mood. Yesterday I kinda tried in the moment to simply take a deep breath down and connect to the ground before an approach, focusing on these positive emotions and it did seem to work for a second. I surely need a way to stay in this positively expanding energy more.

Because the issue is I cannot really practice technique without it, it just falls flat, if I even get a longer interaction. And when I achieve that state, it feels that the technique can easily flow. It's literally maddening, one moment you may feel like a loser and few minutes later like a natural.

Maybe some form of targeted mediation where you consciously put yourself back to this state again and again, until you get used to it being your default is needed. Together with taking care of your life, so that you passively feel good in general.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2024
He's angry and scaring them. Good for him for being able to tell he's coming off awkward

Spot on
He’s obviously frustrated.
A woman can spot that in a blink of an eye.
That’s what women refer to as “vibe”.
I always hear chicks dropping that word.
When I quiz them why they dated or hooked up with Such and such a guy… they often reply “ it was a vibe thing” (lol)
Chicks are annoying that way.
Usually that translates as “ sexy” or “ fun” or “ gregarious” can be other things tho.

women almost speak another language tbh.

job Sinn had a good lil book in the old days named ‘ how to speak womanese’ . Funny but quite useful that book for the basics.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2024
If I had to pick one thing for guys to work on ( and myself atm) it would be ‘ creating a sexy vibe’. But again as this is womanese it’s kinda hard to explain . But it comes down to working on fashion body language and voice tonality primarily,

Ross Jeffries old courses are great for the voice stuff imo. Very underrated..

it’s the only course I know of that will teach a guy to talk like a ‘creep ‘ 😆

RSD jeffys ‘the resonator ‘ is now bad either,

Any one know of any other courses like these 2 for Voice Work? Thanks Jim


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Damn Will. This was good! One of my favourite posts in later years!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2024
Damn Will. This was good! One of my favourite posts in later years!
Hi Teevster
I’ve been following u for a long long time online. Since your old days hanging around with a certain ‘Sleazy’ individual 😃

I wanted to ask you - do you have an audio course on your sexual framing/ sex talk stuff?? (Hoping so) if so I will buy immediately! 👍

if not. Why not haha
Do u do coaching on if? I will sign up also asap I want to learn this pronto.

I’ve been posting on the other guy’s blog whom I mentioned on and off for many years … but he has unfortunately ‘gone off the deep end’ imo. Into black pill weirdo world (. It’s seems to me anyway)

so I am here now 😃
It’s much friendlier and open minded so far

Glad i found it .. I had heard all the forums were dead or closed these day.

all help from you Teevster or anyone here that knows the answers to above appreciated . Thanks Jim

ps I am very old forgive my writing style haha


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2024
Besides what Chase listed, there's also the fact that he continually leaves awkward pauses after the opener that pile on the negative tension.
Totally 👍
Spot on observations.
At one point it’s obvious he really has nothing to say or no game to run after his first few lines.. he stalls and just says “ errrr .. well ..Um.. I just thought you looked nice so I just wanted to say hello “ (or some such)

total fail haha.

like, why would a chick want to continue after that. The guy clearly has no gameplan.
He’s handing it over to the chick to start ‘doing the work’. That’s not gonna happen in day game imo unless he is drop dead gorgeous imo.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Hi Teevster
I’ve been following u for a long long time online. Since your old days hanging around with a certain ‘Sleazy’ individual 😃

I wanted to ask you - do you have an audio course on your sexual framing/ sex talk stuff?? (Hoping so) if so I will buy immediately! 👍

if not. Why not haha
Do u do coaching on if? I will sign up also asap I want to learn this pronto.

I’ve been posting on the other guy’s blog whom I mentioned on and off for many years … but he has unfortunately ‘gone off the deep end’ imo. Into black pill weirdo world (. It’s seems to me anyway)

so I am here now 😃
It’s much friendlier and open minded so far

Glad i found it .. I had heard all the forums were dead or closed these day.

all help from you Teevster or anyone here that knows the answers to above appreciated . Thanks Jim

ps I am very old forgive my writing style haha

Hey man.

Sleazy was an awesome dude with the best physical game out there. I have not talked to him for years unfortunately. He seemed to have gradually moved away from pick up. I hope he is doing well. You in touch with him?

I do not have any audio courses - and Chase actually wanted me to make one. I would personally be down, but I am gradually stepping down on pick up - and currently focus on articles primarily (as this is what I love the most actually).

PM sendt regarding the rest to not derail.
ps I am very old forgive my writing style haha

You should have seen mine when I started out posting on forums - much worse than yours ;)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Appreciate it @Teevster! Your articles really show what's possible when you've got advanced social skills, and every guy should be aiming to get there.

Thanks man.

Can't say my skills are that sharp atm as PU have taken the backseat in 2024, but 2025 I expect to get back onto the hedonistic hamster wheel :)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2024
Hey man.

Sleazy was an awesome dude with the best physical game out there. I have not talked to him for years unfortunately. He seemed to have gradually moved away from pick up. I hope he is doing well. You in touch with him?

I do not have any audio courses - and Chase actually wanted me to make one. I would personally be down, but I am gradually stepping down on pick up - and currently focus on articles primarily (as this is what I love the most actually).

PM sendt regarding the rest to not derail.

You should have seen mine when I started out posting on forums - much worse than yours ;)

Hi teevster
Yeah I post on his blog still a bit and have debates with him and Alek Novy now and again.
And got a coaching call with him re general game strategy and basic stuff.
I’ve been following him since his first book and read some of his older postings also, so researched him and his style pretty well.
I think it mainly worked so well for him cos he’s 6.3” tall and pretty good looking tbh. Plus a witty and maybe intense guy, he’s got a great commanding deep voice also I noticed from the coaching call.
( But his principles can still be applied, just not as successfully for me imo)

I think u mentioned in another thread re ‘seduction = doing less not more ‘he was always a bit ‘weird’ but back then it was in a good way’

I would tend to agree. His blog is pretty extreme now and BP tbh. Imo. also I get the impression he does not like to admit he is ever wrong about anything to do with men and women haha. 😆 😮 maybe it’s a German thing lol

thanks for the reply.