If you go to latin america and in some parts of Europe this happens.....
As you can see you have guys saying don't do professional pics, some saying do professional pics, some saying do photopheeler some saying don't do photopheler big confusion...
So i will clarify op.... I paid for professional pics they did not work, i did it with a professional photographer = bad So what i am saying if you are going to go the professional route it has to be a dude that is endorce by a seducer that knows what he is doing OR A SEDUCER THAT TAKE PROFESSIONAL PICS, both have to be legit, if is not there then is not worth paying the money....
Same with coaching, is that a dude that is doing the numbers game and is in some 3rd world country or traveling or is a seducer in his city that is making it work with proper structure and consistent results (dww, thomino, top cat) i was doing this too when i was doing online.
finally, about photopheeler the whole point is to get an IDEA of the pics to gauge were your pics as, is just a tool...