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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 27, 2014
I personally go for 'we' should get a coffee sometime. I always feel it's better to suggest and for me it makes my closing more consistent then just asking but who knows, try both I guess and assess results?

Keep doing your thing!!!!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Good point Marcellus! Today I went for a stroll around 7pm and locked eyes with this showstopper who was walking with a girlfriend. Now I know from past experience that when there is a strong AI you can open a 2-set and focus exclusively on your target and it could go well regardless...

ABC definitely!! Gotta tattoo that on my forehead lmao

Also, gonna switch from "do you wanna get a drink" (which immediately leads to ASD) to "wanna get a coffee some time" (as suggested by that Brazilian poster what's his name).

I say "we should have a quick meet and greet to see if the vibe is there" so i bring them both something low pressure like coffee or a drink.... So you can bring them both up...

or you can do the yes ladder: "do you like tacos or tequila or ____ fill in the blank" when she goes "i love tacos" then you go to I know this amazing taco place call, have you been there? and then you can do a future projection...

But it does not matter if coffee or drink (but yeah most of the girls i met for coffee) then I bounced them to cool bar for the drink...

So yeah coffee makes it even more casual, for them to agree on. The thing is if they don't drink coffee, which is a minority, you can address the objection, is just for the meet and greet to see if the vibe is there, we can bounce somewhere else.

My point is that the emphasis is not the beverage but the low key meet, low pressure for her.
Last edited:


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Monday 4 July 2022
The amount of twat around is ridiculous. I go for a stroll after work around 6.30 p.m. and see continual baes in sets of all sizes. I look into the eyes of this jet-black-haired stylish-looking girl with a bubbly vibe and we lock. She then looks down in submissiveness.

I continue walking but then I want to go back. I walk behind her with the intent to approach but then I see her stop at a tourist bangles shop and select a jumper to try on so I turn back with some flimsy excuse to impede me from approaching. But I keep thinking that this girl seems to be up to nothing and so would be an ideal set to shoot the shit with.

So I turn back again and this time walk straight up to her, opening with "Hey! [pause] I saw you and thought you look stylish so wanted to say hi"
She immediately hooks, asking me where I'm from. What follows is fluff talk where she says it's her last night in town and she leaves tomorrow afternoon. I ask her if she's seen the rooftop bars in the city. She says she hasn't. I tell her "I'm busy now but we could meet up later and get a drink watching the sunset" and she says "OK, take my number"

I text her but radio silence.

To be fair, on my walk back home I saw so many more delectable lone wolves I should have approached and number closed a few more, to double or triple book, in so doing decreasing the chances that 1 or 2 flakes will result in 0 dates.

Stay tuned for more.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
There's this girl...

A few months ago I had an e-chat with a lady who was helping me out with something. A few days after our chat she asked me to give advice/help out (with her application) this girl who was applying for an internship in the company where I work. As a quid-pro-quo, I did as she asked.

Turns out the girl is cute and has a nice body to match. Almost an 8. Who woulda thunk...

We did a Zoom call and I checked her application texts. She got selected for the internship. Then she asked me something else and I forgot about answering her.

A few months later she hits me up on WA asking if I knew about rooms or apartments in the city where I live since she was coming here for 1 month. I told her about a jazz festival that was happening the weekend of her arrival and about this tour of the city I had launched if she wanted to find out more about its history and culture. She booked the tour and came to see it a little over a month ago. I was still trialing it then, and she was one of the lab rats. She and two other girls on that day.

After the tour, it must have been 4.30/5.00 p.m., we were alone and went to have a smoothie, which she paid for. A few days later I invited her to watch a soccer match (I was supposed to go with other people but they flaked, and she was supposed to join me with other people but they flaked as well, so we ended up by ourselves but soon a female acquaintance of mine showed up with her boyfriend so it became a social event, where she and I shared some dessert).

We met once more when we went to a house party that I invited her to together. At this party, when she left I was mackin' on a hot Brazilian. She later texted me something like "Make the most of the Brazilian", and I wrote her back that "You were getting along nicely with that Macedonian too *wink*" to which she replied that she wasn't the least bit interested in him and simply wanted to find out what Macedonia is like.

There's been more texting with this girl than I've ever really done with any other girl that I recall (maybe even girls that I fucked weekly for 1+ years lmao) but always very low investment from my side. Usually, she texts much more than I do, and I think she's fun enough so I don't completely ignore her as I otherwise would. In a recent exchange, we ended up swapping pics, her of her in a bikini (now) and me of me topless in swimming trunks (a few years ago, when I was an intermediate powerlifter with 15kg of muscle mass that I have since lost). There is the danger that she may be using me simply for attention/validation from a high-status man.

She's back in town for a week before departing for the summer and then returning in September for 1 year. She texted me yesterday when she landed asking if I had plans for the weekend. I replied today that I'm gonna be away. She asked me when I'd be back. I said end of the weekend, and that we could meet Monday evening before she flies on Wednesday. She said "Deal" then she said a Russian colleague of hers is here and that she will join us.

I'm thinking of simply ghosting and then on Monday if she inquires making up some excuse to not go with her and the Russian. Don't wanna act butthurt, but also don't wanna go and be the emotional tampon/male orbiter. In one of our text exchanges, she said her parents were visiting her (before her month here was up) and asked me for restaurant tips. I gave her a few and she said she would buy me 2 ice-creams but she never reciprocated.

For me, this is uncharted land, since I don't have experience meeting girls socially and then smashing them later. Especially doing shit for chicks before porking them. I find that the more shit I do for a girl, and the more time I spend with her, pre-coitus, the harder it becomes to end up with coitus. Not saying that sort of thing is impossible, just saying I'm not experienced with it. BTW she's 26 and will be 27 in December, so not exactly fresh off the presses, with at least 10 years of coital experience under her belt. She says she doesn't like beer, haha. Only wine and cider and shit.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Saw 2 smoking lone wolves during morning stroll and two more during afterwork stroll (which was more a brisk walk as I was running late for an engagement) and didn't approach any of them.

Then saw a couple more and still nada. Major AA vibes. Will rectify this tomorrow by meditating a bit before heading out for the hunt.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Thursday 14 July 2022
A member of the local community was going out to that square with the grass, statue, and bars that I tend to hit up on Thursdays when the weather isn't shitty around here. Turns out his cousin was in town for the weekend.

We walked over there, arriving around 9.30 p.m. I saw several people I know which made it easy to socialize, even though this isn't exactly cold approaching. Still, we were coming back from a 7-11 when the cousin opened this smoking babe. He will have taken inspiration from the tale I told him of opening a 20-year-old Slovakian bombshell there in early June, only to have her talk about sex with me and more importantly how she had met the guy in question right there.

Later, I opened this French girl who had stared intently at me when I passed by her. She was wearing short shorts displaying her long legs. Still, though her green eyes were enticing enough, she had an ugly nose. Turns out she knew an acquaintance, had probably seen me at a party or something. The open was fun. I went up to the girl she was talking to and said: "Do you mind if I borrow her for 2 minutes?" She said: "What do you want to borrow me for?" I said "I want to have a quick chat with you" then I managed to isolate her just by having her take one or two steps away from the other girl, and then I said, "I saw you and liked your style so wanted to say hi."

I also went into a set the cousin had opened with one really hot girl and another OK girl. But it tanked.

Friday 15 July 2022
At the Zara around lunchtime (1.15 p.m.ish) I opened this girl with a banging body in gym attire by telling her I liked her style. She thanked me and blushed profusely as she walked out of the store. On closer inspection, she wasn't pretty.

Tomorrow I'm gonna hit two museums that I haven't visited here and keep an eye on potential talent for indirect opens. Completely wiped, vacuumed, and washed my studio today so it's ready for action.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Saturday 16 July 2022
With a freshly clean studio, and zero bookings for my city free walking tour, I decided to hit a new museum in the morning using my yearly card (so not having to pay cover charge). It was fun but not the best place to casually situationally approach, since you were supposed to waltz about in earphones listening to shit.

Later went to a buddy's goodbye house party. Met this tall sporty German dirty blonde with a totally smashable bod. Number closed her (she even suggested we exchange numbers) to go see the fireworks for this special day that will occur here soon, but after ice-breaker text sent the next day no response.

Sunday 17 July 2022
I organized a hike. To the hike came two hot chicks, one okay-looking chick, and two more guys. Two of the chicks had boyfriends, one long-distance (one of the hotties) the other the OK-looking chick.

The hot chick with the long-distance boyfriend ("HCwtLDBF") was a chick I have a little history with. Last year during the internship I met her during a museum visit and she was startled that I didn't care about her or her equally hot friend and wanted to see the museum at my own slow pace while the other dude, a sniveling WBAFC (who incidentally got a juicy-ass employment contract once the internship was over - just goes to show how often the best reliable workhorse drones are the most starved of twat) was following them around like they were his sun.

I invited the other hot girl from that museum visit to a party I was throwing at mine and she invited HCwtLDBF to that party. Of course, I knew nothing of this long-distance boyfriend, and HCwtLDBF proceeded to flirt with me in my house, insinuating I was having sex in there due to my saying I had been cursing loudly the night before as I unpacked and configured the IKEA furniture I'd purchased for my tiny studio.

I then texted HCwtLDBF to organize for the two of us to go get a drink and she replied "I'm afraid I won't be able to do that" without clarifying what the rejection was about. I promptly forgot about her.

Fast forward to last Sunday, HCwtLDBF had texted me out of the blue saying she wanted to join the hike as well. She still said naught about the bf. It was the other hot chick, who when she saw the electricity between us - I was literally talking in a low bass voice and HCwtLDBF was melting before me, staring me in the eyes with desire, in front of the others on the train - who loudly said, "you live with your boyfriend, right?" only to have her reply "no," "ah, yes, he's a long-distance relationship, now I remember." If it wasn't for her (the other hot chick, or "toHC"), I would still not know about this bf.

Organically, we split during the walk and for prolonged periods of time, I was alone with HCwtLDBF. I kept manhandling her playfully, pushing her around, play-slapping her, teasing her. I talked about sex (displaying non-judgemental frames) and she agreed. Then I told her to hold my arm when she tripped over and she complied. I had a strong desire to grope her juicy ass.

Later I told her "You know, I was heartbroken when you didn't agree to come to have a drink with me last year." She said, "you mean the first time you invited me out?" I said, "Yeah." She said, "well, I already had a boyfriend at the time." I said, "I cried for endless nights, staying up." She could tell I was just teasing.

Later yet I said: "Doesn't it get lonely with him not here?" and she said: "Yes, it does" but then launched into this explanation that it was more than just sex blablabla. She also said she'd been single for a long time before him. That they'd been together for 2 years now. That they made plans and that she saw a future with him. She's 26 now.

Later yet I said: "If you didn't have a boyfriend I would take you behind those bushes and do bad things to you," she said "and you think I would let you?" haha. Finally, I told her to run, to which she said: "will you run with me?" and I said, "no, but I'll watch your ass wiggling in front of me." She couldn't take all of this anymore and went to call her bf at one point during the hike haha.

She was wearing short leggings and she's tall and slim, ginger, from the Baltics. The girl is a lollipop. Not the prettiest in the world, but her big light blue eyes are mesmerizing.

Monday 18 July 2022
Went to meet a local wing around 8 p.m. after work and we went for a round of approaches. On my way to meet him, I approached this hot chick with earphones on. I told her she looked nice she said "thank you very much" and left.

Once I was with wing we approached this two-set, where one of the girls, of Afghani descent, was hooked on me (I said, "well, we're gonna continue walking around" and she said: "where are you from?" haha) and I number closed but no reply because the ugly friend probably cockblocked.

We approached some more two-sets but nothing significant. Approaches were always indirect (me asking them a question, a la Mystery).

Then I saw this short chick standing listening to music in the middle of the sidewalk with a fringe dirty blonde blue eyes cute face some tat art. I circled back and opened with "I like your shirt." We vibed a bit then I took her to get a bevvie from the 7-11 and there was my mistake: not holding her hand straight away to test for compliance and to see if she meant business or if she was just going to waste my time. Early into it she said she wasn't in the best of spirits and I asked her did she mean she'd just broken up with her boyfriend and she said yes.

Anyway, the insta-date lasted from about 9 until 10.20 p.m. and she walked back to my front door but no cigar. Waste of time. I felt emasculated, as she moved away from me on the bench twice and then wouldn't scoot back closer for me to hug her, neither would she let me hold her hand as we walked after the bench and bevvie were over.

Tuesday 19 July 2022
Didn't approach anything though went after a chick at lunchtime but she darted into a shop and I had someone to meet so I left.

Wednesday 20 July 2022
This morning I went to get a hot beverage at a coffee shop and noticed this girl staring at me who was behind me in the queue. I situationally opened her while we waited for our beverages "what drink did you get?" then some back and forth transpired she was from Austria and was here for the first time since Saturday last and leaving tomorrow. I told her I had to work but that later I'd be free to go see an exhibit (she was on the museum trip) but she said she had a boyfriend I said "so what?" :) She said she wouldn't give me her number.

In the late morning, I went to run some errands and as I was returning from the post office I saw this delicious elegant belle in a skirt. God I wanted to take her right there. I went up to her and said: "You look like you speak English" to which she said "yes" then I said: "you're looking great today so I wanted to come and say hi" she said "thanks, have a nice day" but I stayed and it transpired she had come to visit a friend and was doing a tour using her smartphone. I took her to one of the sights on the tour and explained it to her. On the way to the sight, she said she was from Paris and while I was explaining I touched her face. Again she said, "have a nice day" when the explanation was over, and though I knew I could stay in set and do with her as I wished I also knew I had to get back to work (telework) so I simply exited the premises. She had beautiful green eyes.

I walked out at lunchtime and saw this smoking tall hydrogenated blonde with tracksuit pants, sneaks, and a short top with no bra, displaying her beautiful breasts. I walked after her once I realized she was a lone wolf (when I first spotted her coming my way there were two girls close by who appeared to be with her). But she was walking fast (and I don't run after chicks due to my back problems) and I didn't call out "hey, blonde girl, hold up!" so she eventually realized I was walking behind her (chicks have great instincts for this stuff, especially when it's a quiet street) and so I didn't open.

On my way back home I saw this hot blonde walking in my direction with short shorts and a top (all black). I stopped her saying "you look like you speak English," she said "yes," I said "you look really good today, so I wanted to say hi" her eyes were sparkling as she said "thanks" then it transpired she had just arrived at 7 a.m. this morning for the first time in the city here for 2 days I said "I love arriving in a new place for the first time, it's so exciting," she said "yeah, it is, you pay more attention," I said "you're exploring, discovering it for the first time, everything is new, etc." she was eating it up. Very strong EC. But I knew I had to get back to work so I told her as much then suggested we continue this conversation over coffee she agreed to give me her number (though she initially offered her Instagram) then said "I can't promise anything as I may be sleepy"

Also, she told me she had just flown in from Jamaica, where she had spent 1.5 months. She was from Poland. Polish devil. Ice-breaker text has received no response.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Saturday 23 July 2022
Went to a neighboring town to chat birds up. Hit it up with a local wing. Did a number of approaches, and the most memorable included that of a short sensual south American with a figure-hugging cream-colored dress. I watched her hips sway her derriere to the sides and I wanted her. She didn't speak English so we used Google translate on her phone to translate to Spanish.

I said I liked how her body moved and how it fit her dress. Then after some chit-chat, I wrote on her Google translate: (she had said she was going home to shower before coming back out to party) "I'm going home with you" to which she said, "no, but thank you!"

The other highlights include opening a 10: blonde, blue-eyed, beautiful, with a body to die for. I went up to her and asked her: "You look cross. Why is that?" She excused herself that the reason was that she was desperate to go to the toilet (lmao) so our chat didn't last long.

Passed by a short cutie who was staring me down so turned around to approach her she said she knew me from a party, that I had said I was a drug dealer haha. They were there for the festival later that day and I said "I'll grab your number then we can meet later." She gave me her number but then ghosted me. Not sure if because my wing was just standing there without uttering a single word, which is odd in social circle scenarios (to with which he is not really familiar), or what.

Before meeting my wing and getting on the train I had already approached this cute hot stylishly attired brunette ("You look stylish") and number closed her and she answered ice-breaker text but even though she's foreign and said she wants to come and live here I doubt it'll go far since our convo was just bland no emotional rollercoaster.

Back on the way home, I approached two more baes, one from Iran and the other from Belarus, one a curly brown-haired green-eyed exotic cutie, the other a blonde bombshell street-playing violinist, but no cigar.

Monday 25 July 2022
This morning I was running errands speed walking around the city center where I live, and I saw (counted them) 15 lone wolf 7.5-9/10 hotness baes. I couldn't resist even though I was pressed for time and approached a delicious Brazilian bombshell.

"You look like you speak English. You have a great sense of style!" She replied that she had thrown her clothes on in order "not to have to think" about what to wear, haha, but I said she was looking good. She was in all black with white sneaks and was the typical tanned dark-haired beaut from those parts.

I'd give her a solid 8. She was an air hostess for Emirates and was leaving in 1 hour and I was in a rush so I didn't even number-close, which I perhaps could have, considering I am curious about visiting Dubai, where she said she lives. ABC!!!


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Monday 25 July - part 2
As I walked out of my studio (dressed in a light blue linen button-down shirt, light grey light fabric trousers, stainless steel wristwatch and black Asics sneaks) to meet local wing at 8 pm I saw this pretty tanned black-haired girl (an 8) eating a waffle. I approached her and said "nice bag" and we chatted a bit. I quickly ascertained she was Brazilian from her accent and she told me she was going to be in the city for 24 hours and that she lived in a neighboring country where she worked in a hostel so she wouldn't have to pay for accommodation (and that she'd been doing this around Europe for some time).

I told her I had to leave to go meet a friend but that I'd be down to continue this conversation later over a coffee and she wrote her number on my phone, even attempting to call me on WhatsApp to confirm it worked, which I took as a sign of interest/investment.

I met up with wing and there was some other dude there, who said he was from the local community but he also said he "goes both ways" and I thought to myself: "lol - this guy's gay, and yet here he is pretending he likes girls when he sucks dick and takes it up the ass? lmao"

Anyway, while I strolled around the city to mack on the ridiculous volume of baes (it continued from the morning, I swear today it was out of control) I felt awkward about approaching considering I was with this buttpirate in tow. Regardless, I was intermittently texting Brazilian HB and we set a time (I had already suggested 9 pm when I left her) for 9.30 pm.

I arrived at 9.45 pm and took her to a bar close by. I'd never been to this bar (the one I usually go to was closed). As we walked to the bar, I held her hand for us to cross the street and she was open to it. Then I removed my hand from hers once we'd crossed the street. Old trick that works as a physical push-pull. Girls don't expect it and it works to set you apart from the hordes.

At the bar, at a tall table outside, she was sitting while I was standing. I held her hand at one point. We were basically vibing and connecting (and I peppered in light sprinkles of non-judgemental frames). After one hour had passed I invited her to have another drink on my balcony and she said she wanted to go to another bar. Here I should have insisted (she had asked me: "to drink what?" on my balcony and I'd said "Alcohol, beer or wine, depending on what you like" (I could have bought 2 small beer bottles from the 7-11 outside my house when I passed by there on the way back from walking with wing and fag home to go take a quick dump before meeting her, and this would have given me an opportunity to say "I have beer at mine" but I had thought I could go to a bar and in 40 minutes extract her and buy the drinks before the 7-11 closed but that plan fell through as we stayed 1 hour in the first bar).

So I buckled to her suggestion to go to another bar, but it was her frame and basically chump city. Things were still more or less OK as I walked holding her hand to the second bar, but then once we were at the bar, as we ordered drinks (like in the first bar I was paying only for mine and her hers), some ugly feminist girl with a nose ring (like a cow) turned to me (after making a show of watching us like an autist) and said: "Is this a first date?" and the Brazilian girl responded: "we met on the street" and she said, "because you should have paid for her drink" in the guise of giving me dating tips. I simply looked at her and walked away without saying anything, turning my back to her, not acknowledging her, which may have come off as my being butthurt. The Brazilian stayed behind and said something to her.

We sat outside and she tried to sit opposite me but I told her to sit next to me at the table "so we could see the view" but then she put her chair far away from mine. At 11.45 pm she said she had to get back to her hostel to go sightseeing tomorrow and had the cheek to ask me for sights to see in the city lmao. I said I had no recommendations for her. We hugged goodbye and she said "see you around the world somewhere, ok?" and I said "bye" and left.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
some ugly feminist girl with a nose ring (like a cow) turned to me (after making a show of watching us like an autist) and said: "Is this a first date?" and the Brazilian girl responded: "we met on the street" and she said, "because you should have paid for her drink" in the guise of giving me dating tips. I simply looked at her and walked away without saying anything, turning my back to her, not acknowledging her, which may have come off as my being butthurt. The Brazilian stayed behind and said something to her.
Total wildcard. Think this is where it fell through. Seems like she peaked some concern in your girl , and it flipped the dynamic of her being more on your girls team than you were.

Maybe could have defused it since your girl responded first, by agreeing and amplifying the cow nose girl’s input, or meta framing her if she tried to get into a dialogue about it.

Feminist: Well you should’ve paid for her drink….

You: I know, I can be such a barbarian sometimes (then physically comfort your girl in some way, like putting your arm around her)

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
ugly feminist girl with a nose ring (like a cow) turned to me (after making a show of watching us like an autist) and said: "Is this a first date?" and the Brazilian girl responded: "we met on the street" and she said, "because you should have paid for her drink" in the guise of giving me dating tips. I simply looked at her and walked away without saying anything, turning my back to her, not acknowledging her, which may have come off as my being butthurt. The Brazilian stayed behind and said something to her.
Yeah, I think the cow got you good. Generally you wanna mind sprezzatura and just ignore silly people confronting you, but your girl gave her attention, which made your move of turning your back to her effectively breaking circle (if I'm understanding this right). Maybe it came out to your girl as if you just gonna bail if some obstacle turn up, so she got skittish. @Rakehell is on point I think, you just gotta shrug it off and laugh, like it's no big deal, because it isn't, really, she just some random ass girl intervening.

We sat outside and she tried to sit opposite me but I told her to sit next to me at the table "so we could see the view" but then she put her chair far away from mine.
You could maybe confront her, but like kinda in a conforting way, like "hey is there something wrong? Do you want me to pay for your drink? lol". I think she liked you but was a bit on the fence since that other girl came up

At 11.45 pm she said she had to get back to her hostel to go sightseeing tomorrow and had the cheek to ask me for sights to see in the city lmao. I said I had no recommendations for her. We hugged goodbye and she said "see you around the world somewhere, ok?" and I said "bye" and left.
Maybe this was her throwing some final chance to get her in the morning or something but I'm not sure, maybe she was just messing you or something, if you're busy in the morning doesn't matter anyway


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Thanks for your contributions Rakehell and Beck Bass. You guys raise good points and I also suspect that my handling of the feminist swerved Brazilian babe against me.

Tuesday 26 July 2022
Today is of note because I approached from sunrise to sunset as I went about my day. Right at 8.00 am I approached a hottie outside my studio on the street and then a handful more throughout the day.

Nothing bit though.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Wednesday 27 July 2022
Having noticed that direct approaches don't seem to lead anywhere in the vast majority of cases, today I decided to take a page out of my old gamebook and meditate for 15 minutes before leaving my studio straight after work (5.15 p.m.). And what a difference that + the dragon tea I'd imbibed at lunchtime made to my state! (Albeit still fragile and easily derailed, since the chronic pain is always just around the corner).

I stepped out and saw a lone wolf at the tourist sight right outside my studio. I looked at the tourist sight for a bit (I was super chill after the meditation) and then opened her with: "what do you think about it?" and she said, "it's really small!" I said "yeah...but they have xxx for it" to which she said, "yeah, I know." Then she walked away. After a bit, I followed her a bit further up one of the streets but then she was walking back. I said to her: "what are you up to?" and she said: "oh I'm just walking around" and then walked away from me.

I had a plan for the route I would be following for 1 hour and only approached one more girl who was stationary listening to music and browsing her social media at the top of some stairs. She was a petite Asian-American "blonde" bombshell from Virginia. I asked her the directions to a certain part of the city, but she said she didn't know as it was her first time in Europe. It was at that point that I asked her where are you from and she then asked me the same question. She told me sorry I can't help you, have a good one. Basically telling me to leave haha.

I then walked around but didn't approach a moving set at the park or a seated set on a park bench. I saw two such sets for which I need to build a process - avoid looking at her, pretending I didn't notice her, then sit next to her and browse my smartphone, before opening when once I see her looking at me (hard to do IMO - how do I know when she's looking at me or not lmao).


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Really appreciate your detailed play-by-play there Bacc. I've already been pondering its tenets...

Friday 29 July 2022
I still had some items to brush up on to prepare for two meetings, so I woke up nice and early at 6 – though I only got out of bed at 6.30 – and went for a brisk morning walk, after core-strengthening and stretching exercises and cold shower, from 7.15 to 7.45ish.

This sort of set the mood for the day – i.e., brisk walks and being more or less lost in my task-related thoughts as opposed to out on the prowl searching for snatch. During my lunchtime walk, I started registering the almost limitless supply of sexy baes in single sets strolling auf der strasse.

As the afternoon wore on, I was starting to get the itch again.

Winter-like productive work styles can only go so far in full-blown summer when gals are strutting their goods super scantily clad down the promenade, and one can hardly walk around without thinking about sex.

I wanted to eat some cereal so I went to buy two bottles of raw whole milk. It was 3.15 or so when the following interaction unfolded:

I saw a short girl with long curly light brown hair in front of me. She had white shorts on, and a light green top. She was carrying a satchel with marketing for a bookshop I saw her walk out of. I could see the black thong sporadically surfacing from the white shorts fabric, as her ass gyrated while she walked.

I was hooked.

Still, I wanted to make it spontaneous, for her sake.

Luckily, she stopped at a pedestrian red light. So, instead of jaywalking, I stopped next to her (she was on my right) and looked to my left, as if scouring for traffic. Then I pretended to notice her for the first time, taking her in and arresting my attention on her bookshop knapsack before launching into my situational as she was putting her second earphone in:

“Did you buy any interesting books?”
She smiled at me and replied: “Yes. ‘book name that I forgot.’” Her eyes were green. She was cute.
“‘Book name that I forgot?’ What is it about?” We started walking side by side, as the light had turned green.
“It’s about something I forgot. I bought it for a friend”
“I like that bookshop. Sometimes it has a carpet stretching out onto the street”
“I never noticed it”
“It’s how it caught my attention the first time”
“What books have you bought there?”
“I haven’t bought anything there yet. Sometimes I like to go to a bookshop and just peruse the covers, reading the first few pages of several books, and leaving without buying anything. Did you buy anything for yourself or only that book for your friend?”
“Not this time. But I come here often”
“Ah, so you live around here?”
“But you seem foreign”
“Yes, I’m from xxx. And you?”
“Give a guess”
“From here?”
“No. It’s also further south”
“No, yyy”
“Oh! That was going to be my next guess”
“Where in xxx are you from?”
“From the north”
“I want to visit the islands”
“I studied on an island, zzz”
“I want to visit qqq, to see the ggg, and the aaa ruins”
“I thought you were going to say sss and was about to say “nooo”

When I spoke about the ruins, she stopped walking to show me her necklace, which contained an undeciphered aaa script. This girl was getting cooler by the minute.

We continued walking whereupon she asked me what I was doing here. I told her I worked. I asked her the same question; she said she worked as well.

I said, “Well, I guess that’s one thing we already have in common.” She giggled.

I told her I was supposed to be at work but that I did this thing where I’d put a pile of coins on the spacebar with Word open so that I never appeared as away on Teams or Skype for Business. She said it was a clever idea.

She then asked me what I did for work.

“Haha, no…I work in yyy. What about you?”
“I’m a hhh”

Then we spoke about other bookshops. Before that, I had said that I already had plans for the evening today but that between 5 and 7 I’d be free if she’d like to meet again and have a coffee. She said she might be seeing a friend then.

I said, “Ok, maybe over the weekend then.” She said “Ok.”

I scanned her WhatsApp barcode thingy and she said, “But text me because I don’t have your number.”

She then said, “Also, I will be leaving soon.” As she said this, an electric light flashed in her eyes when she looked at me. I could see the window there, to bury my erect cock deep into her labia, without removing her black thong, as I used to do with my Chinese sex slave some years ago.

“Oh yeah? Where are you moving to?”
“Zzz (a neighboring city)”
“I like that city. I love the canals and old buildings about to fall forwards and to the sides”

She agreed but she also said she liked it here, and that over there it would be more touristic and expensive, and crowded.

Then we continued walking until I had to turn onto my street. I kissed her on each cheek and bid her adieu.

I have a good feeling about this one.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
So since I last wrote here I f-closed the girl in my previous post and have been seeing her about once a week, with a 1-month lag end of Aug. I don't want to get into too much detail as it is personal and we are getting more intimate at this point, having met upwards of 5 times, and spent several nights together.

But I told her I don't seek exclusivity when she brought it up, even though I kept the door open to something more serious. She also lives overseas now, which makes me the master of my domain.

I have done some approaches - mostly indirect, my preferred style - since July.

In Aug I was lucky to visit the city dreams are made of and to stay there with one of the forum puas-in-the-making and to meet two more who are on the path plus two other old hands - you guys know who you are and I want to say again that it was amazing to meet you IRL!! There really are some quality people on here. Thanks, Chase for hosting us on this wonderful forum :)

What I need now though, in order to keep my wits about me and not fall into the passion trap, is to set up a disciplined regimen of 1 hour daily approaching (or at least 30 minutes when time doesn't permit) of beautiful girls in the supermarket or grocery store (if I'm doing "going about my day" game) or on the street/park/bus stop/train station/etc. (if going on "sessions")

Today I was walking out of the apartment at around 5.30 p.m. or so to go to the grocery store and the supermarket when, as soon as I stepped out of my apartment, I saw a super-hot black-haired girl in a cream-colored rainjacket, tight grey jeans, and black boots. I walked up side-by-side with her near this tourist attraction and asked her something about it to start the conversation. She said she didn't speak English, and that she was Italian, but I persisted and then convinced her to come to take a walk with me.

As I walked to the grocery store I chatted with her, she was 28, just broken up after an 8-year-long relationship, a bodybuilder from southern Italy with a cute (I wouldn't call it beautiful) face. She was wearing spectacles haha. Anyway, I tried to set up a delayed date (later tonight) but no cigar after she said "Instagram" lol and refused to relay her WhatsApp.

During the walk I held her hand, held the small of her back (initially to "protect" her from the cars as we crossed zebras, later to "warm her hand"), and tried to set the appropriate frames - gotta enjoy life, life is short, since you live with your parents back home you need to travel overseas to experience freedom, there is an energy when you are exploring a new place, etc.

At one point she asked me "Why don't you have a girl?" haha (I took it as a compliment). I told her "she lives overseas" and later she asked me "can I see your girl?" and I said "why, do you want to see if she's hot?" with a smirk but I clarified that it "was not serious" with her and that I could "see other girls." She asked me "can she see other guys?" and I said, "yes, but she only wants to see me." I then also told her that I had met her by speaking to her on the street "on this street, actually" which may have been a bit over the top (even though it was true lmao).

Anyway, was nice to get back in the field and interact with a dame after this 2-month hiatus.

Stay tuned for more!


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Didn't do any more approaches after Tuesday 4 October, which was a bit of a bummer. Then again, opportunities don't always present themselves for indirect, unless you shout after girls and run back to them, in which case you'll have mostly flavours of direct to choose from. I've also noticed that after spending an entire day in my studio teleworking I am not in a very social mood. I feel more social after a day spent at the office interacting with colleagues.

Yesterday I was at this house party and there were a handful of smashable baes. One was from Sweden, with spectacles and hippie flowery tight pants. She was a doobie-smoking sociologist type, and I suspect there was some chemistry there, but I had my sights set on other shores. There was this Finnish chick, cute, dirty blonde, tight bod, good taste in dress, that I hit it off with, after giving her double cheek kiss (close to lips) to greet her, which always shocks Nordic sensibilities off of the open.

There was also an Italian fresh intern just arrived in the city, who I could tell was attracted to me from the first moment. I purposefully held back from greeting her, to preserve value, until she caught me chatting with the guy she had come to the party with and a French girl. This way she was the one to greet me. Later I was interacting with a buddy and she was there. I held her waist and flirted with her a bit. She ate it up. Later still I was again chatting with her circle and her and me did "cheers" with our glasses, during which she told me to look in her eyes. I whispered in her ear "it's never bad with me, even if I don't look in your eyes" and she said "someone's confident" and I replied "it's what I've been told..." then I added "we're southern xxx, it's never bad with us..." and she started telling me about how I was lucky "because there are beautiful women everywhere, but all the attractive men (a small subset) are from southern xxx" and I told her, "so you're saying I'm cute?" and she said, "yes" while she touched my chest lmao

The chick I smashed from the tour in June was also there, and clearly on the prowl. I said "hi" and flirted a bit, mostly giving her fuck eyes, but I knew she wanted fresh dick, which I could see her later in the process of getting. No harm no foul - the girl's free to do as she pleases.

Anyway, the reason I'm doing this write-up is that at 1.45 a.m. or so I was completely exhausted (I had already gone out the night before and drunk a bit (1.5 beers) and slept really badly for some reason) and the loud music and crowdedness of the party coupled with my physical tiredness (plus the fact I'd already tried (alas without success) to extract the Finn from her gay friend who was literally latched onto her with super-glue to number-close her earlier in the night) led me to simply say goodbye to the host who'd invited me and the cute Austrian blue-eyed black-haired babe he was chatting with (and which I'd been inches away from kissing in the mouth some time before - but held off from kissing since I could tell said host liked her and I want to be invited to more of his parties) who had baked the birthday cake and then head down the stairs, as opposed to fighting through the crowd, grabbing Finn, taking her to the side, and shouting at her that I wanted to see her again and for her to give me her number.

The result is that now my post-party attempts to secure her digitos from two friends in common are coming to naught, and I will most likely never see her again, which is a shame. This is the second time this happens - the first was at the NYE house party 2021-2022, in which there was a delicious girl from the Baltics who I flirted with (and who ate it up) that I also wanted to smash but didn't get the digitos from, and instead ended up in open flirt mode with this nice body but average face Polish 30-year-old who walked all the way back almost to my front door but then I didn't invite inside (it was 4.00 a.m. and I wanted to still be able to study the next day for a job interview that was scheduled for early January).

Lesson: never again leave a house party without the digits of the girl(s) you want to fuck. (A)lways (B)e (C)losing! I haven't seen sexy Baltic girl since 31 December 2021 and 8 October 2022 was probably the last time I saw sexy Finn.

Onwards and upwards.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Quick update: so I did find that girl (the tasty Finn) through my work's employee registry, and told her to text me on WA. Then when she did, I invited her out for a drink. Lol she sent me this longwinded paragraph telling me she only wanted to be my colleague.

In other news, last week (Wed 12 Oct) I was hanging out with a close friend and his girl when the blue-eyed black-haired Austrian devil who I met in both house parties the weekend before last popped up out of the woodwork (at said bar) with a tall handsome German, presumably en route to her boudoir after a few beverages and some niceties.

I'm throwing a house party on Sat 22 Oct. Also, the girl that I day game approached and was banging since July gave me some drama about not wanting to get attached to me and said she needs to "create some distance" with that goal in mind.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
25 Oct
After taking a walk after work on Monday 24 October, seeing about a handful of delectable belles, and not approaching, today after work I did. I was walking after a girl when I saw an even hotter girl walk in my direction. I aborted the first and walked after the second, and called out to her when I was close: "Hey!"

She stopped.
I said, without blinking or looking away: "I was walking and saw you and I like your style"
She said, "Thanks" with a big smile
I said, "Are you in fashion?" (cred. Proper)
She said, "No"
I said, "do you study it?"
She said, "No, I teach Dutch"
I said, "Ah, you're a Dutch teacher"
She said, "Yes"
Here I didn't know what to say for a second, and she giggled slightly
I said, "Are you cold?"
She said, "Yes"
I said, "I think it isn't the temperature, just the wind"
She said, "Yes"
I said, "Well, I was on the way to the shop, and just thought I'd come and say hello"
She said, "Thank you that is very nice! Have a nice day"

For next time: "Are you single?"


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Yesterday I was invited to another house party.

I felt really good because I recently began a new low back rehabilitation regimen under a licensed coach specialized in low back issues and the changes I've started implementing, aside from twice-daily exercises, have so far borne fruit in terms of longer periods of pain-free disposition.

Aside from that, yesterday my manager bought lunch for the team, and we went to this expensive joint, and it was a great time.

So I arrived at the party feeling like a million dollars. As soon as I walked in around 10 p.m. (it had started at 9), this svelte black-haired girl with meaty lips came up to say hi. She was bedecked in a stylish kimono.

She said she was Polish. I asked her if she'd seen this new Polish picture that's doing the rounds (has won an award at Cannes), and how my Polish friend had invited me to watch it but I had said I had a house party to go to.

Shortly after this one of the two guys who live there (the one who invited me) came up to say hi. We hugged. He asked me how I was doing and I said I was doing great. Then he said his country was playing soccer (it's the world cup rn) and that they were watching it upstairs. So I told Polish I'd BRB and went upstairs to catch the end of the match.

I sat watching the match for about an hour surrounded by a couple of dudes, chatting while sipping my two short beer cans. Then the match ended and I stayed upstairs chatting with the recent arrivals. Upstairs was also the smoking area (downstairs was the dance floor), so I smoked a Marlboro and even had one or two tokes off a doobie a bit later. I was chatting with a sexy Italian girl whose boyfriend was there and never really left her side, with some intelligent Italian dudes who were here visiting for the first time, and eventually with a Dutch guy and a German friend of mine.

Eventually, Polish reappeared, to smoke a cigarette herself. So after I was done chatting with the sexy Italian girl, I went back to her. And we continued our conversation. I told her, at one point, that I liked Polish girls, "because they are feminine, and it is very attractive." She didn't try to deny this fact (in retrospect I could have gone a bit further and set other, better frames, like "non-judgemental and passionate.") She was contrasting Polish with girls from my country (her housemate is from my country), so we spoke about that for a bit. I also complimented her kimono.

At this point, we started chatting with some people, and she held my waist. I held hers back. After a bit, I went downstairs to get some mulled wine. I whispered in her ear that I was going to do that and that I'd be back.

When I came back she was chatting with some girls and I didn't interrupt, starting chatting with other people. She then went downstairs without telling me anything and I fought back the urge to follow her down. Then she came back and held my waist again. At that point, it was a done deal. I isolated her slightly from my buddy and the French dude we were chatting with, and a hot but brief makeout ensued. She was delicious. We chatted with them a bit more and then made out a bit again. Then she went downstairs. I stayed upstairs and then went downstairs to get some water.

There I bumped into a ginger Italian bae. Could have made out straight away, as it was around 1.30 a.m. at this point, the lights were out, and people were dancing about. I was also in a flow state. Didn't seize that moment though, as I was worried Polish would see me. Better to have a bird in your hand than to see two flying. I then went to Polish and tried to extract her home, but she said she had come with her girlfriend so couldn't leave without her (a girl I know). The truth is that girl was there with her boyfriend, and I suspect Polish had gotten there by herself, since that girl wasn't there when I arrived, and Polish was already there.

So I invited her to come to a party with me today (another house party I was invited to), she gave me her number, and I left.

But of course, taking this girl to another house party (especially far from my place) will get me nowhere nearer to the goal of fucking her, and now that I've already made out with her, I've already given her the validation hit she was looking for, and I've also already shown her my hand. It will be damage control to try to hijack the usual beta male three-date courtship circus at this point. She holds the frame.