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Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
Hey thanks for clarifying. I really liked this interaction, very good vibe.

There's a few tweaks I would suggest, just for your consideration... My game sucks right now but this indirect game stuff I have it dialed in pretty tight. I can easily talk to a girl for half an hour and have her like me, at the very least as a friend, so she wants to see me again at least in that context. So I hope the following is helpful:
Bismarck: how long have you been here (in the building)?
I would have done something observational first.
  • When you ask her how long she's been here, it's already seeking rapport. The subtext is "I'm interested in you, tell me about yourself?"
  • Whereas if you do something observational, the subtext is "I can't help myself I had to comment on this thing. I'm extroverted. It's not about you, it's about me and my motor mouth I like hearing myself talk."
Questions are more rapport seeking than statements and observations, especially early on.
Her: 1 or 2 years (don't remember)
Bismarck: oh, coz I don't think I've ever seen you before
Good one!
Her: yeah I don't know anyone in the building
Bismarck: what do you do?
I would have commented on what she said. "What do you do" is non sequitor, it's a break in the conversation and a bit jarring. No need to change topics yet, the first topic could still go on a little more.

I would have said something that relates to what she said, that way the conversation has a natural flow. Each thing that's being said leads directly to the next thing that's being said, and so forth.

This is better than jumping around topics randomly just to keep the conversation going. Asking her what she does is also rapport seeking, because it is, once again, a question, and specifically a question about her. "I'm interested in you! I want to know about you?"

I may have said something like "yeah tell me about it, I've been here 6 months and I think I talked to 3 people here... it's weird how anonymous this place is." See if she bites on one of those conversational threads you dangle.
Her: I study pharmacy
Successful tease:
Bismarck: you're learning how to make drugs?
Her: (giggles) yes, you could say that
Bismarck: is it a good money maker?
Her: oh yeah, here it is
Bismarck: coz it is back home
Excellent. I really like this part a lot.
where are you from?
Boom! Yes, nice IOI from her.
Bismarck: I'm from xyz
Her: oh, nice. I'm also not from here, I'm from xyz and came here to study
Abrupt transition to date invite:
Bismarck: do you want to maybe get a drink sometime?
Yeah, way too abrupt. You absolutely have to qualify before asking a girl out, at least a little bit.

That's basically the whole reason Mystery had the A3 phase in his gameplan. MOST guys make the mistake you just made here... As soon as a girl shows even the slightest bit of interest, they pounce immediately towards a close of some sort. That basically sub communicates that you will be interested just because she's interest. And that's not a legitimate reason in a woman's mind.

Instead, when a girl shows interest, use that to build compliance gradually, make her qualify herself, and let her win you over gradually. I would also have liked a few more teases, cold reads, maybe a frame or two and a comfort piece. But the main stay of this early game is a lot of qualification. A good 8 minutes or so (interwoven with other elements like rapport, teasing, DHV, etc.)

Overall a very cool interaction, I just thought it could flow a little bit more naturally, and you could have been a little bit more patient with the close... but I really like where this is going. I think indirect game is where the real art is at because direct is largely a numbers game and a girl who takes a direct opener is almost as DTF as a tinder match...

Hopefully we can meet in the spring and do some of this stuff together!
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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Hey, Karea thanks for chiming in with such a wealth of insight!

It's good to break the interaction down like this and see what can be improved part by part, so I appreciate you giving me this added clarity that I will keep in mind going forward.

Monday 26 February 2024
Was returning home from dentist at 7ish p.m. and saw two hotties at the tram station. I walked with one of them into the arriving tram but then asked her inside whether this was the correct one for the station I was heading towards. She helped me out (I had to catch another tram two stops later, which she also had to catch).

I sat close to her on the second tram and continued chatting with her, then got her number for us to go get a drink at a rooftop bar. She has a 5-year-old son but she told me she's not married and I figure as long as I never see the kid I can still have fun with her. She's hot, with jet-black hair and tanned skin. She hails from South America. We've been in touch over text and it seems solid so far :)

Tuesday 27 February 2024
I was omw to work in the tramcar this morning and happened to sit next to a cute hot and stylish black-haired green-eyed girl bedecked in dark aqua blue corduroy pants with a colourful satchel to match poring over a hardback.

At first, I was settling in and didn’t notice her. My eyes rested on an older woman barking away at her smartphone in Spanish who was seated opposite us.

Eventually, I took her in, and opened with “What book are you reading?”

She turned her beautiful eyes to me and said, “It’s on psychology.”

I responded: “In general?”

She nodded.

I asked: “Do you study psychology?”

She shook her head.

I asked: “Is that Dutch?”

She nodded.

A bit of time passed. I told her: “It must be hard to concentrate with people yelling at their phones, no?”

She smiled and shook her head slightly.

Then some more time passed, and I said: “BTW nice trousers.” She smiled again. I said: “I like the color.”

The tramcar had arrived at my stop and I got up and left.

For next time: “Also, you have beautiful eyes. Are you single?”

(Indeed, she didn’t hook, but I chalk that down to her being startled due to being approached inside a tramcar. ABC!)

I also approached two girls at the supermarket around 7.45 p.m. They were standing in front of me at check out. This time, after a bit of fluff, I invited the cutest of them out on a date (that she could bring her friend to, my bringing one of mine if necessary) but she didn't bite.
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
On the last weekend of Feb, I traveled back home and a buddy served me up this thicc local girl who used to be a 10 10 years ago and now has let herself go a bit but is still cute (curvy, albeit with a few kgs too many (even if firm / not flubber)). I invited him out and he brought her along and then we were flirting and kissing when in isolation and my buddy drove me to hers once my other two buddies had left. With no resistance, I went in with the rubber after an otherworldly BJ then after some post-coital went in raw and finished up inside her warm moist twat.

Last week I got the amazing news that a personal wealth-creation objective was attained. I published it on my LI profile today so that I could access a news feed from the prestigious institution that admitted me and then spent the next two hours refreshing my page to see who would react to my post.

I feel like these fake hard-ons are an important barbed wire fence that we inadvertently permit to get wrapped around our shlongs. This entire SoMe world is like a hot-air balloon that only requires a sharp prick to pop, leaving nothing in its wake. The world is lived in the here and now, in real life, not inside cyberspace. Wasting time on SoMe makes you lose focus and then bleeds into the rest of your day.

Over the day today, I saw two hotties pass me by and didn't approach. Have to get out there and stop caring about rejection.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Crazy today.

Already walking out of the metro and on the final leg home, still carrying work items, I caught a fake blonde stunner smoking a cigarette and checking me out briefly (she was also walking in my general direction). Aside from her, I saw a hot Asiatic and another nondescript hot girl. All lone wolves.

Then I left the house right after changing into casual attire and dropping the work case off and went to do groceries from 6 to 7 p.m., and during that time, I saw another babe as I walked out of the supermarket with my groceries, who was also looking at me, and who walked right past me.

Then I dropped those groceries off at home before going to get others at the bio shop and on the way back from that I saw another babe walk past me (but who didn't look at me) and noticed one final one checking me out as I walked the last minute back to mine.

A couple of pointers that may facilitate the drive to approach when going about my day (which was how I got the Jap last June, since casual approaches when you're not going out specifically to approach give you more plausible deniability due to their spontaneous nature):
  • It doesn't matter what you tell her, just open
  • It will probably never be "smooth" like in the movies, but, again, that doesn't matter
  • Even if you woke up at 6 a.m. and have eye bags, just crack a smile and open them (your "eye bags" didn't stop the new hot intern at your office smiling at you when you entered the kitchen at lunchtime today)
  • If you had approached the 6 hotties who passed you by this afternoon, you would almost certainly have at least 1 number and a date lined up, if not more, and even if they all gave the bf excuse and weren't cooperative for whatever reasons, it would still have felt great
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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Just came back from a vacation in what is now my second favorite city in the entire world. I organized this vacation purely to quench a strong intellectual passion of mine - I wanted to educate myself about that city's culture and history (with a lot of art as well). Because the cost of staying there was high, and time was limited, game was not a priority.

Aside from a street day game approach that led to a number that then flaked, there was a day trip to another city during which I opened a two-set of 18-year-old cherubims in an art museum situationally and ended up having what was the best interaction of my entire vacation. I got one of their instas and saw that the girl was a 10 (but has now ghosted). (I also noticed that what I loved about these girls was their inexperience, their lack of game. They kept trying to connect with me (finding similarities) and after I got one of their instas she said "We'll let you get back to it," as if she were apologizing for taking up my time).

There was another interesting turn of events though. On the day that I traveled back home, my flight was canceled. The airline initially offered to lodge me in a hotel in a neighboring city (the one I had done the day trip to where I'd met the 18-y-o hotties) to catch a flight the next day, but I learned that there was a flight arriving back home at 11.30 p.m. on the same day, after a stopover in another country, which I opted for instead.

Crazily, after helping another passenger secure more money in vouchers for food (and for myself), busing to the neighboring city (fell asleep so the ride took 5 minutes for me), then managing to get the restaurant in the airport there to accept the vouchers (went to info desk coz they were initially denying their validity), and sitting down to eat with this other passenger, a short, overweight, and ugly lady, she started drinking heavily and harassing someone who was sitting nearby in the restaurant, speaking incoherent babble (before that she'd told me, in between sips of wine, that she'd been unable to stop her mother from being raped in front of her eyes - I'd replied that it was in the past and she should endeavour to let it go), and the hot waitress, with whom I'd had a bit of sexual tension, came up to try to get her to behave, then turned to me and said that I should talk to my friend, whereupon I told her that she was not my friend, that we'd had our flight cancelled and met on the queue at the airline check-in desk a few hours before, having been bused in from another city earlier, and she'd said that they were going to call the police. At this point, I picked up my luggage and left.

And in the queue for departures, what did the fates conspire to place before me if not an SHB, who initially seemed to be with another guy and a girl, who it soon transpired were a couple (so no, she wasn’t with then, she was alone) so I opened her with "Where are you traveling to?" (I'd already noticed her darting furtive glances my way), a long-ginger-haired pale-skinned girl with the most beautiful aqua/azure/green/yellow eyes I've ever seen, full of red lipstick over her meaty lips, with a delicious body to match, who I discovered was 21 years old.

She was super compliant and hooked straight away, asking me where I was sitting on the plane when I told her I was flying to the same city, telling me she would be in the row behind me, and then waiting literally for 5 or 10 minutes for me when my flight ticket got lost inside the luggage radar machine thingy. Before that, I'd already told her that we should stay in touch if she came to visit my city one day, that I'd "take you out for a coffee." I'd asked her if she was on Instagram, but though I clicked "follow" on her name, she never accepted it or requested to follow me back.

I was leading her and told her "Let's wait for the flight over there," and she complied.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to game her, as I was distracted, having spent the last few hours sitting next to the crazy short ugly fat lady engrossed reading a history book about a powerful dynasty that had ruled the city I'd just been visiting, and when I saw that she hadn't followed me back I made no effort to ask her to sit next to me on the plane, even though the seat next to mine turned out to be vacant. It was a small plane, so there were only two seats on either side of the corridor. So even though we spent about 30 minutes waiting for the flight next to each other chatting, I wasn't able to get her emotionally stimulated or sexually aroused, since she couldn't connect with my passion for history.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 27, 2014
Sounds like a wonderful trip Bis! Always nice to get away and see something different every now and then.

Whenever you have time to respond. What happened in the 30 minutes that you had talking to the cutie while waiting for your flight? I see you saying that she didn't connect with your passion for history, was that what caused it do die down a lil? And also the fact that she didn't follow you back? Or the old crazy lady just put you in a bad mindset for seducing?

Just tryna sus cos that was a great opportunity for an extended seduction really


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
I recently had a chat with @Marcellus (really cool dog btw) who told me that I should own my value and assume girls want me, because, from his vantage point, basing himself off of my track record on this here site wrt reports, they do. This helped me realize that I'm an attractive man, and to become more aware that girls want me, just as I am. Later, some female family members of mine also commented approvingly about my new haircut and style adjustments.

Thursday 18 April
I was walking out of the subway station omw home when I opened this hot Latina chick with the standard Proper style opener and then segwayed to "Are you in fashion" but she started saying she had a boyfriend in a way that made it very obvious that it wasn't true. No skin off my back.

Earlier in the day I had invited my entrepreneur buddy for a lemonade at the Italian joint at that square that gets lit on Thursday nights that has netted me two baes so far (South American and Mediterranean, as per my most recent reports).

I rocked up at 9 p.m., grabbed my non-alcoholic beverage, and then found a place inside at a counter-type table. I could sense plenty of AIs from various delectable dames, but I was mostly scrolling my SoMe, checking to see when my buddy would arrive. One babe in particular looked at me repeatedly.

Then, in rapid succession, not only my entrepreneur buddy but a few other bros, and gals that I know appeared on the scene. I greeted them and it was instant good vibes. We stepped outside to continue chatting.

Outside, it was crowded. Plenty of high-end twat. I espied this tall, lush, long-haired dirty blonde literally immobile waiting for the opportunity to pass through the throngs lounging about jabbering away excitedly. I was chatting with my entrepreneur buddy, who was complaining about the cold, explaining to him that the temperature kept changing, such that I'd had to walk back home to put on a warmer jumper when I'd come out.

I then turned to the babe and told her, "Pretty crowded tonight, huh?" and she said, "Yeah...anyway good shout on getting the warmer jumper" as she sauntered past me. I yelled after her, "Wait, you've been listening in on my conversation?" and she said, "Yes!"

Then I went after her, and told her, "Hold up, you're from xyz, right?" to which she goes, "Yes," and I say, "Yeah, your blonde hair gave it away," and she said "Ugh, what a cliché...it could be Scandinavian..." to which I said, "sure, but that's all Germanic, isn't it"

She wanted me to tell her where I'm from, and I made her guess. This was fun, watching her get flustered and not giving the info away. We also swapped names at some point. Then I was trying to cold read her job, and used this opportunity to touch her. I held her hand (she didn't move it away, a good sign) then her other hand, and was in general all up in her face, with strong EC to match. It was on.

She also wanted me to tell her my job, and I wasn't telling her, so she suggested guessing, and I let her guess. She never found out my job and I never found out about hers, upping the intrigue. I told her, at this point, that I could tell she was on her way somewhere, but that we could continue the conversation some other time, over a coffee. She said she was on her way home and seemed initially undecided about my suggestion.

But when she couldn't make headways with learning more about me on the spot, especially when I told her that I enjoyed chatting with her (cred. Juggler) but that I was here with my buddy and I didn't want to ignore him, she agreed to the number close. But she did so by literally commanding me with her hand, that I give her my phone.

And I went, "Uh? what's [does same gesture]?" and she kept doing the same gesture, then she said, "Your phone, give me your phone," to which I said, "Just ask for it then...[does same gesture] could mean a lot of things" to which she said, "Give me your phone and your money" then laughed. I then responded, "Oh, is that what you do? I thought you were a singer" lmao implying she was a hoe.

Anyway, we exchanged numbers then I kissed her on the cheeks to say goodbye.

After this, I went back to my social circle, and soon the girl who had been looking repeatedly at me when I was inside the bar appeared beside me, had managed to get herself introduced to South American (the girl I smashed, who was there), my entrepreneur buddy, and now she wanted to get to know me. Lmao.

Over the next 15 minutes or so (maybe a bit more) we got to chatting and I could tell in the first 5 that she was horny and that she wanted me to take her. However, it was getting late and I had to go home to sleep. Still, I had a bit of fun with her, held her waist, and her hand, brought her head onto my shoulder a few times, and had a huge boner throughout, because the chemistry between us was electric, and I had this super solid certainty that she was mine (can't explain this), but I resisted the temptation to start making out with her to attempt to reduce the amount of blue balls I would suffer later.

I got both her Instagram and her number, but this one has ghosted. She started saying she was Catholic and went to mass every Sunday, so I went "No sex before marriage, huh?" and she said, "No, I tried, but..." I was like "Yeah, exactly..." There was more to this conversation, such as me setting the frame that it was okay to have fun, and her saying she "didn't do" such things. Then the age thing appeared in conversation because I asked her if she was still studying and two "friends" of hers had appeared (a guy and a girl), whom she'd met through the Meetup app lol, and the girl was saying that I seemed older than 29, which I'd told the hottie was my age, but I didn't buckle. I'm older than 29, btw.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Friday 19 April
Was omw to get a burger since I'd arrived at a buddy's door too early and they'd delayed the start of the house party by 30 mins, when I saw this stylish svelte tall pretty girl waiting at the zebras. I did Proper's style opener but initially she didn't hear me because she had her headphones on.

I waited for her to take one off then repeated myself. She beamed from ear to ear, and giggled when I asked her if she was in fashion, and said thanks and moved on.

When I arrive in the house party 45 mins later, who do I meet inside but this babe :ROFLMAO: She was there with her beta boyfriend, a tall lanky local dude.

Didn't stay very long at the house party as I had to work this morning. Did a tour this morning and grabbed some digits. Am set to meet one of the girls for a drink tonight, let's see, may get my shlong wet.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 27, 2014
Any reason you didn't try and pull that second girl home from the Thursday report? She seemed very horny like you said? Insta/number usually leads nowhere when they're in that mood

And also good luck tonight too 😎


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
yo Marcellus! What up bro -

I had to go to sleep bruv, had work the next day and needed to get some rest as I hadn't been sleeping too well earlier in the week.

To pull her home I would have had to stick around.

She wrote me on Instagram and has replied on WhatsApp, and she's still here for three more weeks. I may still be able to taste her snatch.

The other girl also showed interest on WhatsApp, though she's been silent for a bit now.

Also, smashed last night, this delicious 35-year-old FSU girl who was raised in Latin America. Easily one of the best first time sex sessions I've had in my life. Crazy the amount of sexual compatibility between us, as well as general chemistry. Hard to explain. Took her to rooftop bar. We were there for 2 hours. At home, 3 hours of debauchery ensued. May still taste her before she leaves. Went au naturel, as condoms are for sailors. Also finished up inside her first time (PE), as I simply couldn't resist her feminine wiles. But then I lasted like a trooper. She said it was her first time orgasming during a first time sex sesh.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
So much has been happening that I think it's probably a good idea to get a few things down.

In June I moved to a new studio and it was a fresh start. The new studio is twice the size of my former one, allowing me to throw dinner parties, luncheons, and even, should I desire, house parties. It also feels better to have more space in my "domain."

Accordingly, I've been endeavoring to keep myself socially busy to keep the social momentum high. I've interspersed this with travel, and sex. I feel like social momentum helps with twat since it makes you less likely to enter ruminative self-deprecating thoughts (when you live alone).

Since moving to my new place I've brought two French girls over, ostensibly for smash, but I porked neither (one I literally could have, since I realized recently that I had a condom in my wallet all along, despite having run out of rubbers in my drawer FML).

But I baptized my new studio with a delicious Greek girl on 2 July, and have since been porking a Columbian FB and also deflowered a kinky Italian. I'll write up the LR for this last one soon.

The week 1-7 July
Porked a total babe on Tuesday 2 July, officially baptizing my new studio. Thursday 4 July almost porked another hottie (albeit not pretty, maybe cute (nice eyes)) but didn't go in because I thought I had no condoms and she insisted on protecsh. Socials on Saturday and Sunday.

The week 8-14 July
On Monday 8 July I met a Columbian hottie I’d porked last fall for a drink and a game of chess at a bar right next to mine. She didn’t want to come home to mine but then scheduled herself to come straight to mine on Wednesday 10 July, which she did. We smashed raw even though she’s not on the pill.

Met a hot platinum blonde Italian 22-y-o at a free food and drinks event on Tuesday 9 July. Extracted her from the event, we walked to a bar, had a non alcoholic beer with her, set frames, then walked a little further all the while holding her hand, then made out with her and groped her delicious derrière while bidding her my adieux.

Went out to a bar district with buddies on Thursday. Socials on Saturday and Sunday.

The week 15-21 July
This week, on Wednesday 17 July, I had a second date with the French girl who I didn't smash due to forgetting I had a condom in my wallet on Thursday 4 July. In the same week where I seemed to be going "too fast" with this girl (BS, just her attempting to establish that frame, which I will not align with, ghosting her instead), I went "too slow" with a hot German girl in Berlin whose friends dispersed literally in the first 5 minutes of me going up to talk to her, feeling pressure to escalate the vibe (being completely stone-cold sober) and not making out with her in the end due to believing it to be pointless since it was my last night in town (Saturday 20 July) and soon we'd have to leave the uni party.

That uni party showed me what a hookup vibe is like again. It made me realize I need to go back to such parties here where I live, since they are where you find an abundance of 18-24-year-old hot girls (pretty and good body) who are not yet beaten down by career life. It is from that pool that I seek to extract initially plates and then eventually the golden nugget. Whereas in the "career" locales chicks are trying to slow you down wrt reaching their panties, in the uni parties they are trying to get to the sex ASAP. I'd rather have the second problem TBH.

I also had the Columbian over for raw shex on Tuesday 16 July, and got a new L on Thursday 18 July. Socials on Saturday and Sunday.

The week 22-28 July
Business meeting Monday, was supposed to see Columbian Tuesday but will reschedule with "I'm sick" excuse (actually want to get STD checked since I went raw with the slutty kinky freaky Italian on Thu and her twat smelled funny, so I suspect I may have contracted sth).

Am trying to have a date on Wednesday, go out on Thursday, and for now have no plans for Friday. Saturday have a tour in the morning, which could yield fresh twat. There's supposed to be a buddy's dinner on Tuesday. I'm also going to meet a cute and apparently hot French girl for a coffee that I met at a work-related event two weeks ago.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Tuesday 23 July

I can almost taste the gold dust…

Taking a page out of ChrisXKiss’s book, I decided to simply approach as I went about my day without giving any attention to AA.

Note that I already had the positive momentum of the weekend in Berlin, where hot girls gave me ridiculous compliance. Even before that, the positive momentum of smashing the hot Greek dancer, then almost smashing the hot (if not pretty) French girl and getting back on the saddle with my former Colombian FB. Finally, porking the 22-year-old hot freaky Italian tattooed girl the night right before my departure for Berlin.

I was omw to meet this cute French girl I met at a work-related event some two weeks ago for a quick after lunch coffee before heading to the office to work for the afternoon (was teleworking in the morning), when I saw this sexy-looking girl with long brown hair dressed in a figure-hugging black dress and moccasins. I opened her with “you look like you speak English” and then “I wanted to say your style is quite nice, are you in fashion.”

She said she was “in law,” lol, then I learned she was a local, about to meet a client, and after a bit more chit-chat, I asked her if she wanted to grab a coffee to continue our conversation, and she said she had a boyfriend, but thanked me for being so open.

As I was crossing the train station I saw another hottie, with short shorts, dirty blonde, I did the same, but she just said “thanks” and kept walking.

The coffee with the French girl was not my best performance – I was still with a throatache, recovering from what I suppose was simply my body’s reaction to exhaustion after a very intense last couple of weeks.

We were sitting in the cafeteria of one of the office buildings of the corporation we both work for, and shortly into the convo I asked her if she was single lmao. Then we briefly went over online dating, dating in the city, etc. before changing topics. Anyway, the coffee was brief, only about 15 or 20 minutes, and I’m not sure if I will see her again.

Lessons learned are that, in these situations, it can take a few short platonic “coffees” before inviting for a drink and switching the social frame up to something more seductive – also perhaps use of indirect segways into the subject as opposed to the direct “are you single” out of nowhere lmao.

Edit – reading all this above, I notice now that it is my internal self-doubt spreading its wings.

Haha I kind of had these thoughts all throughout the approach with the hot blonde in the bus that you’ll read about further down. I sent the French girl a post-coffee text saying it was nice, and she responded super positively.

Then I sent her another text suggesting we continue our chat over a drink at a bar (right next to my place, but she doesn’t know that) and she again reacted super enthusiastically.

Basically, I can still smash her. This way I can get a French pussy, because the Lord knows I’ve been eking for one since the previous Frenchie got away when I forgot I had a condom in my wallet FML…While this one seems cuter than that one, I don’t know if she’s as physically fit. But anyway, the main thing is French girls turn me on.

Spent the afternoon at the office.

On the way back home, there was this cute girl standing in the tramcar. She had short dark brown hair and spectacles. She was reading a book.
I was standing beside her, facing away from her, and at first said nothing.

I like to let girls notice me before approaching.

After a while I asked her what book she was reading.

A lively chat ensued, but she had to leave at the next stop, before I was able to number close her. She said “it was nice to meet you!” though on her way out. She was delish.

But the best was yet to come.

At home, I grabbed dinner. I was going to meet some friends at a drinks and nibbles gathering at one of their houses.

To get there, I went to catch the bus.
As soon as I stepped out of my building, I saw this babe crossing the street. She was blonde, with a great pair of legs and an ass to kill for. She was stylishly appointed in mostly black attire (light fabric pants, where I could make out her g-string thong panties, and a dark grey top).

Turns out she was also going to catch the same bus. The bus stop is very close to my house.

At the bus stop, she went to lean on a restaurant’s vitrine to shield herself from the light rain. I stood at the front of the stop, with my umbrella open, answering SoMe on my smartphone.

Then we got on the bus, through different entrances. I wanted to sit in one of the few comfortable front-facing seats of these buses, but the ones at the front were taken on one side, and there was a ton of sand on the floor beneath the other.

So I walked to the back ones, and she was sitting at the window of one, with the one next to her lying vacant. I went and sat next to her.

But I didn’t approach her yet.

I put my satchel down at my feet, and then perused the SoMe on my smartphone once more. She did the same.

Then, when the bus wasn’t making so much noise (at a stop, as these buses are noisy and I was still struggling with throatache), I opened her with “Hey, it’s crazy but there’s a ton of sand at the front of the bus”

She asked me to repeat myself (I wasn’t talking very loud, due to throatache) then said “Oh, I didn’t see it”

From the very start though, I noticed that she was smiling sheepishly, and staring at my lips, whenever I spoke to her in a bedroom voice.

The conversation flowed well, and then we were both getting off at the same stop.

In order not to overwhelm her, I wanted to number close her outside the bus, away from prying eyes and ears. She’s a local after all, despite being probably 21 years old, doing her master’s in Sociology at a local uni a bit far from where she got on the bus (city center, where I live).

But then outside the bus she said “Bye!” and waltzed off. I wanted to call after her, but I couldn’t shout due to throatache, so I watched her disappear into the ether.

This is one of the hottest girls I’ve successfully approached here. I was quite proud of myself. Despite feeling under the weather, I went for it, and wow, the results were great! (Despite no close)

It helps that I recently fucked a 22-year-old who, after we fucked, said “I’m sure you know it, but you look really good with your shirt off”. Already the Colombian FB had told me, during our first fuck after all those months, “You’re delicious! I love it!”

So I know that I am attractive now, which makes me ballsier. But also, kind of quiets down my internal self-doubt programs, allowing me to engage such delicious young belles from a frame of “I am the prize” as opposed to being self-conscious about being 14 years her senior (which is the correct age differential (guy older girl younger), but our fourth-wave feminist anti-male society in the West demonizes on the left).

Wednesday 24 July

On my way back from work in the afternoon I saw a cute girl reading a book in the metro station. I opened her asking her about the book. We got on the tramcar together and continued chatting.

I had forgotten my smartphone at home so had her lend me a pen to write down the name of the author of her book but also her number for us to grab a drink.

Sent her a perfunctory ice-breaker (“wonderful to have met” (taken from Proper)) but she hasn’t gotten back to me. Will try something else (“This is Bismarck from the metro yesterday”) to try to resurrect it later today.

Edit – no need she just got back to me. This is on.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Still haven't fucked my personal "10"; on emotional attachment, sex, and dating

I don't know if perhaps I was unconsciously and negatively influenced by BlackDragon's doctrine of "meet her only once a week max., don't let her sleepover," etc.) for fuck buddies, keeping them at arm's length in order not to develop feelings. Also the whole mASF philosophy of "don't pay for her drink," etc.

This layered on top of an abusive and itinerant childhood where developing meaningful and lasting friendships was also rare (such that today my only real intimate friend is my older brother), where I was concordantly a loner from about age 14 to the end of high school, was the perfect cocktail to make me emotionally stunted.

Add to that LSE tendencies, where in high school I didn't make moves on the girls I was attracted to (moved to a different country at age 14, where there were two 10s in my year, in fact, IIRC in my tutorial class every morning) and this kept repeating itself later when for example I had a brunette Belgian 10 on one of my tours in 2015 (when I was already a jacked powerlifter) invited her out for a drink then didn't have the balls to take her straight home after first bar even though she didn't ask me where I was taking her (which I knew to be a green light), then the same when I cold approached a blonde Danish 10 on the street in 2017, insta-dated her (she came to a bar where I had been hanging out with some clients who had been on a tour with me earlier), and then didn't take her home (it was some time in the middle of the afternoon) and instead took her somewhere else for a second drink and then unceremoniously dropped her since I didn't accept that she wanted me sexually.

When I moved to a new country in 2021 the same thing repeated itself later that year with a Bulgarian 10 who was super flirtatious with me despite having an Austrian boyfriend, then in 2022 with a half-American half-French 10 who was single AFAIK.

Then I repeatedly go on dates with less attractive girls, who either have a nice body and an OK face, or vice versa and don't give them the time of day when they don't put out on the first date because I don't want to date girls that are not top shelf.

So that's where I'm at right now, was doing a quick recap of my resume in these here arts. Granted, if I look back with an analytical eye at all my past lays, there were a fair few hotties in there as well. Sadly they were never really more than ONS. A few I had short love affairs with, such as a Quebecois captain of the cheerleading squad, but she was, although very physically fit, not exactly beautiful face-wise, more like cute.

Now, my question here is about dates. I asked a girl recently if she hadn't been on dates with a guy and anxious to get into his pants, like tired of the whole multiple dates meshugas, and she said only with one guy who had genital warts and so they couldn't do the deed until 1.5 months after she first met him. Otherwise, she explained that the whole purpose of dates was to get to know the other person and to judge whether they are fit for a relationship.

On the sedfast or nextASF boards, I remember, however, a poster called pureevil, who authored a piece he titled "Fuck, then connect," where he explained that it was better to fuck the girl ASAP and connect afterward than the other way around.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Still haven't fucked my personal "10"; on emotional attachment, sex, and dating

I don't know if perhaps I was unconsciously and negatively influenced by BlackDragon's doctrine of "meet her only once a week max., don't let her sleepover," etc.) for fuck buddies, keeping them at arm's length in order not to develop feelings. Also the whole mASF philosophy of "don't pay for her drink," etc.

This layered on top of an abusive and itinerant childhood where developing meaningful and lasting friendships was also rare (such that today my only real intimate friend is my older brother), where I was concordantly a loner from about age 14 to the end of high school, was the perfect cocktail to make me emotionally stunted.

Add to that LSE tendencies, where in high school I didn't make moves on the girls I was attracted to (moved to a different country at age 14, where there were two 10s in my year, in fact, IIRC in my tutorial class every morning) and this kept repeating itself later when for example I had a brunette Belgian 10 on one of my tours in 2015 (when I was already a jacked powerlifter) invited her out for a drink then didn't have the balls to take her straight home after first bar even though she didn't ask me where I was taking her (which I knew to be a green light), then the same when I cold approached a blonde Danish 10 on the street in 2017, insta-dated her (she came to a bar where I had been hanging out with some clients who had been on a tour with me earlier), and then didn't take her home (it was some time in the middle of the afternoon) and instead took her somewhere else for a second drink and then unceremoniously dropped her since I didn't accept that she wanted me sexually.

When I moved to a new country in 2021 the same thing repeated itself later that year with a Bulgarian 10 who was super flirtatious with me despite having an Austrian beta boyfriend, then in 2022 with a half-American half-French 10.

Then I repeatedly go on dates with less attractive girls, who either have a nice body and an OK face, or vice versa and don't give them the time of day when they don't put out on the first date because I don't want to date girls that are not top shelf.

So that's where I'm at right now, was doing a quick recap of my resume in these here arts. Granted, if I look back with an analytical eye at all my past lays, there were a fair few hotties in there as well. Sadly they were never really more than ONS. A few I had short love affairs with, such as a Quebecois captain of the cheerleading squad, but she was, although very physically fit, not exactly beautiful face-wise, more like cute.

Now, my question here is about dates. I asked a girl recently if she hadn't been on dates with a guy and anxious to get into his pants, like tired of the whole multiple dates meshugas, and she said only with one guy who had genital warts and so they couldn't do the deed until 1.5 months after she first met him. Otherwise, she explained that the whole purpose of dates was to get to know the other person and to judge whether they are fit for a relationship.

On the sedfast or nextASF boards, I remember, however, a poster called pureevil, who authored a piece he titled "Fuck, then connect," where he explained that it was better to fuck the girl ASAP and connect afterward than the other way around.
bismark here is what you are mentioning it was irish asshole influence by pe:



Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
When I returned to the city where I live from summer holidays I was still under the positive momentum of having met my acquaintances and friends who live in my hometown, which had also catapulted me to the lay with the sexy Chinese expatriate girl I met (stationary set) during the day at 3 in the afternoon and fucked after taking out on a date the following evening.

This allowed me to excel at work, especially with a colleague who had since started gobbling up tasks from my basket when she returned from her long summer break during which I'd been essentially running the team (especially when our line manager was away) and who has the unsavory habit of publically (on our team chat) criticizing / questioning what I say, and who, having secured the manager's ear, then gets the manager's support. Still, I held my frame a number of times and managed to overcome all that with ease.

The Colombian flaked on Sunday 25 August but she came over and gave me her twat the next day, Monday 26 August, due to my lack of reactivity (and chill response, "sure no worries hope you had fun and get well soon" (she was complaining she'd partied too hard the night before)). She made noises about protecsh and I went to get the rubber but I still went in raw.

My next approach was on my way to another city (where I am since last Sunday 1 Sept and will be until Sunday 8.9). Already in the queue waiting to get into the train I approached this cute and slim Northern European girl with dirty blonde hair. Indirect, and she revealed she had a live-in boyfriend.

Then on the train itself, I espied a girl with short sports shorts and an amazing pair of legs. She was ginger with freckles. I noticed that once the train departed she went to sit on another (not her assigned) seat. After a while, I stood up, and tapped her on the arm, so she would remove her headphones, and told her that I was feeling nauseous from facing the opposite side to the train's direction and so was going to sit next to her. She responded positively with evident enthusiasm.

Then for the remainder of the train ride it was on and off (mostly her listening to music) but eventually we chatted and in between questions and answers I asked her if she'd like to get a coffee some time and she rejected the offer. Still, I did all I had to do. She was 20 years old and a professional cyclist with a rather masculine demeanor, but I felt like it was forced on her, perhaps by the society / culture in which she lives, because in truth she was just a girl.

Finally yesterday (Tuesday 3 Sept) at an event I managed to number close a girl who is starting a Master's in the same school as me (a different program though), and noticed while doing so that another hot girl I had opened (with freckles, green eyes, and dirty blonde / ginger hair, a great body, and stylish) and chatted with before was staring at me as I did so.

She agreed to get a coffee with me before I leave - let's see if I'll get the date and if I manage to bring her home and then smash - I'm staying in a basement studio that is, albeit stellarly located, a bit of a dump.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
The first week of September was great—I met a bunch of interesting people (the colleagues in my cohort for my postgraduate degree, which started the second week of September) and managed to keep the positive momentum going: despite staying in a basement studio in that expensive metropolis, I still pulled a girl home and smashed raw for 2 hours, then with a sleepover and nighttime/morning sex.

On my first week back to the city where I currently live the Colombian who I was fucking on and off pulled another stunt so, after consulting with DoWhatWorks and Pelusita, I decided to ghost her for good. This time she invited herself over to mine and then didn't show up or answer when I texted her if she was on her way. We'd been together 5 separate times and on balance, she simply wasn't worth the effort.

The rest of the month continued well, with lots of progress on all the manifold current avenues I'm pursuing, ending finally with an almost effortless bang last week (when I think back, there were things I did on autopilot like us vs. them, etc. but I wasn't aware of it at the time because I wasn't trying to seduce the girl, just being social and ever so slightly flirty/teasing. Nevertheless, she got attracted to me).

To end the month I took this 41-year-old blonde Baltic milf (divorced mother of a 7-year-old) from my tour on a date and pulled her home but only got a kiss on the lips before she fired up her ASD programs. The next morning I went to a mass given by the current pope and met this blonde azure-eyed chick (she was part of our party of five) and felt crazy chemistry with her (full-on sexual state transference, like intense EC, and then I took her hand into mine and she was caressing it...I had a huge boner during the first few minutes of the mass before I bolted). I took her on a date last night then brought her home and she resisted, I was super chill and non-needy during that process since I'm seeing the girl from the previous paragraph again this weekend.

As the momentum keeps going October has also started well...I got a number from a hot if not exactly pretty girl at a networking event on Wednesday 2 Oct but she's ghosted over text, and just now I managed to get a number from a cute and stylishly (poshly) appointed girl at the supermarket. The way I did it was to continue talking to her even after I had already paid for my items (she was behind me in the check-out queue) to avoid any awkwardness.

Then we walked out of the supermarket together. Not sure if I'll be seeing her again (I invited her for a coffee and she said yes before snagging her digits) though since she's an aristocrat and I didn't realize at the end that she was testing to see if I am also an aristocrat (and I don't think I passed her test - she basically asked me if I knew one of the current princes royal in my country, and I said I knew some people in the family but not him. There's more I could have said here, that would have passed this test, but I didn't think fast enough on my feet at the time).

I wanna say one last thing about being busy (a corollary of being on a mission, and having drive): girls can sense when you're going places, because it manifests in your vibe. So far this year I've gotten crazy compliments: the Colombian telling me I am delicious and that this enchants her; the platinum blonde tatted chav northern Italian saying "you must know this already but you look really good;" the other Colombian calling me hot, sexy, handsome, etc.; and finally the sex freak I pulled home last night who said that I'm "sexy" and suggested it's also because of my voice, she said I pull people in with my voice, that it has a sexy tonality. She also said that she had a feeling that when she finally sees me, I won't be available anymore because I'm attractive and won't be twiddling my thumbs waiting for her, so insinuating that I am a sought-after commodity on the sexual marketplace.

Anyway, here we are. Thanks for reading!


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Quick update -

I got some solid advice (as usual) from topcat re. Catholic or aristocratic girls. BTW shout out to Chase who also gave me great advice recently, re. checking for compliance on the date to see whether sex is a possibility straight away or not.

Oct 12 - topcat's advice inspired me to pursue this 25-year-old Catholic girl from Boston who ended up proving to be a wild sexpest. Had to get STD checked this morning though as I went raw with her (even though this was not my original intention, more in the linked thread). I didn't write up the report since she was a girl that came on a tour of mine, which I don't count.

Oct 23 - third bang sesh with the girl from this report, however, I took the condom off for her to blow me since I wasn't hard enough and then I put the same condom back on instead of grabbing a new one. This proved to be a mistake, since after some ramming holding her neck missionary then pulling out and going back in for doggy, then pulling out and going back in for missionary (she was cumming) I jizzed and when I pulled out noticed the condom had come off. I took her to the pharmacy next to hers to buy the day-after pill and she took it. Apparently it made her feel horrible during the weekend so she sent me an "it's over" text today, which I was already expecting (thanks for the advice Pelu).

So back to zero in my stable, but I'm not too fussed. There's a girl at work that I'm going for a coffee with soon, and I can still go out whenever my postgraduate studies allow it and meet hotties. Alleniversion, James D, and Atlas IV are also inspiring me to get back to "as I go about my day" day game.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
2024 RECAP


  • Imbibing the Skills / topcat / DoWhatWorks / TomInHo texting protocols. I used to text super short emotionless no smileys only to schedule dates / bangs. Now I've learned not to text "let's meet again soon" almost straight after a first smash sesh (which nowadays means nothing, even virgins are giving away their virginity like it was a candybar, so you gotta re-game her from scratch) but instead to chat with her, make her invest in the convo, and only then drop the next meet suggestion. Also, to match her level of investment over text
  • More aware of how to set the sexual frame on dates, and in general of how to present as the lover instead of the provider. It involves connecting with the girl, yes, but also light teasing, and disqualifying as bf candidate. You tell her you are open to LTR but also aware that the way to get there is through smash (not said explicitly, but implied)
  • Much better state in general due to success at low back rehab, doing 80 pull-ups and 115 push-ups per gym sesh, aside from other chest, legs, etc. sets, getting better physique, able to withstand a long smash sesh like the one I had on Wed 18 Dec night with the petite Russian who met with me again after our first meeting on Sat 14 Dec night due to my mastery of the abovementioned texting protocols, also finally found the right condoms that don't kill my boner, which further improved my sex game
  • The 21-year-old ginger-haired azure-eyed Italian at the airport on 6 April - could have invited her to sit next to me on the plane and turned her on (it was dark during the short flight) and then either fucked her in the plane or the destination airport WC. I didn't believe she wanted me so fear of rejection held me back
  • The 21-year-old Dutch-Hungarian aristocrat brunette I met at the supermarket on 4 Oct and went on a (too short) date with on Mon 25 Nov (was only able to drag it out so long again due to the abovementioned texting protocols, in this case, the text resurrection tech that is worth its weight in gold). Yes, conditions were suboptimal due to it only having been a 40-minute date, and no alcohol having been imbibed, but I could still have set the sexual frame like I did with other girls. I didn't treat her like the others, forgetting to follow the stellar advice given on this point by several SS luminaries
2025 GOALS
  • Big changes are coming in 2025 but as far as romance is concerned the important thing will continue to be the quest for a satisfying intimate relationship with a girl who is pretty and physically fit with whom I have strong chemistry
  • With a view to something more than just meat, that future main is a girl I am willing to "fix" (meaning, to deconstruct eventual anti-male fourth-wave feminist progressive programming)


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Note to self -

Because 2024 retention attempts felt very labour-intensive and ultimately flopped, I will be experimenting with not sending the next-day Skills text "thanks for coming over last night, it was hot" and instead letting some time pass and texting either the next day or the day after next more in the topcat style "sunshine emoji" and taking it from there so that the girl is kept wondering whether I like her or not as opposed to being given the upper hand on a silver platter and then having the power (or all the cards) to make or break the relationship going forward. I will also experiment with not texting every day or every other day for the same reasons.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Note to self -

Because 2024 retention attempts felt very labour-intensive and ultimately flopped, I will be experimenting with not sending the next-day Skills text "thanks for coming over last night, it was hot" and instead letting some time pass and texting either the next day or the day after next more in the topcat style "sunshine emoji" and taking it from there so that the girl is kept wondering whether I like her or not as opposed to being given the upper hand on a silver platter and then having the power (or all the cards) to make or break the relationship going forward. I will also experiment with not texting every day or every other day for the same reasons.

I usually send it after they leave, "thank you for coming out that was hot 3 fire emojis".... I do it right after they leave... i don't wait till next day...