Need to sit down and redefine my goals because I feel like I'm just shooting in the dark right now.
Regardless of my ranking, I'm a space monkey. My name is Jake. 19 years old. So by the time I'm 22, I'll be a force to be reckoned with.
Here's the overall goal:
Go out anywhere and make friends/lay women/have fun. Over everything, have fun, because if I'm not having fun, it's just a chore.
First year
1) Get fundamentals handled, and basics of conversation, date layouts, social circle game, and dance floor game.
Been ignoring a few of my fundamentals over others - my fashion is good but not quite down yet, body is easy, but eye contact, conversation, voice, and non-verbals need work.
2) Conversation needs hella work.
God, I'm so bad at talking. It's embarassing. Gonna' hit this hard most definitely, observe and report.
3) Dates
Gotten flaked on plenty, but not many dates. Need to work on this and start analyzing my interactions from start to finish. Gonna' start paying way more attention to these.
4) Social Circle Game
Ah, the place where I fuck up the most and miss the most escalation-windows. Definitely gonna' get this handled, but slowly. Don't wanna' ruin friendships for the sake of growth(yet).
5)Dance floor game
The most depressing game I've done so far. Always come out of this feeling like shit. Gonna' see if I can fix that for sure.
Want to redo this for a shorter six month goal. See where I want to be in six months and know the steps and process I need to have to get there.
1) Get a date off cold approach
-Yet to be done, I've got the number flake down it seems haha. Definitely want to get this done by September.
-Get my approach to where I don't get flaked by numbers. See what works where, and how I can refine it.
2) Fuck Social Circle For Now
-And if I do do social circle, it's purely to practice game. My intent is mad skewed, and that showed tonight. Got jealous that a friend of mine was at this girl's house that I had been undecided on recently. I wanted to just be friends but I knew I should've just went for it, fuck whatever else happens.
I'm choosing loneliness over everything now. I'm tired of getting mad when a friend gets with a girl I was half trying half not trying to get with. I need to have my intentions clear from the get go. So no new friends #Drake.
3)Daygame EVERYDAY.
-Even if it's just one approach, I need to ingrain this. Too much on and off, and I need to see this. recognize it early and stop the behavior before it gets rooted in me.
I think this is definitely manageable. I didn't put nightgame because I don't have enough places to do it where I wouldn't burn the spot down within a couple weeks. I'm still going to work on it when I can because why not, but it won't be a main focus right now. Daygame will be that focus.
Fundamentals check:
-Posture: pretty good right now. Could be better, gotta' learn on getting my chin higher up.
-Voice: Yet to work on this because I've been working on posture and eye contact. Need to address this soon.
-Fashion: ON POINT. Still grabbing pieces here and there, but it's good enough to get me compliments on something almost everyday.
-Facial hair: Can't do much about not being able to grow it haha.
-Non-verbals:Another I haven't gotten to yet.
-Eye contact: Still a work in progress. There's so much nuance that I have yet to discover. Until I get the basics down I feel like I'll be learning nuance of eye contact almost always. I'm learning that what your eyes convey can determine how strong the eye contact is, and not just boring your eyes into the other persons.
-Convo: Still a large sticking point for me. Need to talk constantly until I can get that down.
Last couple days
Took yesterday(Wednesday) off, Today I approached two. Get a "I don't speak english" and a "boyfriend". Not much, and I feel like shit because of it. Not happening tomorrow. Gonna' do at LEAST 5.
I'm at 15 approaches this month and 1 number. Close to beating last month. If I push it tomorrow I can destroy that completely.
Feeling super shakey on my mindset today so I'm gonna' process that away tomorrow.
Tomorrow: Approach at least 5. Move 1, attempt 1 number. If I want to do more, hella. If I get blown out 5 times and want to stop, I'll do one more and then stop. I'm also going to a show tonight so I'm not counting that for the 5.
Damn, just feeling hella' shakey today. I guess I just need to commit to the process more.