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Social Sex God in 3 Years: Final Progressions


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Tried to get a picture up but guess it's not working haha, they're like red boots of some kind dunno. They have a zipper on the side, more of an oxblood color.

Lemme get off my phone and I'll type some shit up real quick.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Yeah - looks rediculous on here but if you open it in another window it works fine.

Opened three today, went well, had to run to class on campus so I had to eject too early, sucks.

Gonna' head out dancing, don't really want to but it's better than sitting here doing nothing. So I'm off to do that.

Havin' issues finding chelseas in stores so online might be the way to go.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Weekly update to keep my honest:

-12 Approaches
-1 number from social circle

Halfway to beating my last month outings. Only number I'm really worried about is approaches for consistency.


Did nothing. I suck. Went to work, went home.

Wake up hung over from work. Head to a park for some calisthenics. Do that, start feeling sick in the middle so I call it early. Walk to the train because my legs and body are sore. See one at the train, approach. It goes okay, doesn't hook super hard, but she's asking me questions. Going alright, still forgetting that flirt vibe, DAMN. Ask her what school she goes to, is she from around here after she had asked me if I live around here. I get more and more girls asking me this, odd. Find out SHE'S 16 IN THE HIGH SCHOOL I WENT TO. Damnit. I laugh and tell her I'm the equivalent of a sophomore in college (19). I let conversation trail off because I don't want anything to do with an underage girl that goes to my old school. If it wasn't my old school things may have been different, but I just wasn't feeling it. Shame because she looked old enough and had some nice thighs.

Get on the train, see nothing. Walk home, change, then head to work.

-Get FLIRTY. Needs to happen. I'm so clueless how to flirt outside of social circle, it's crazy. Gotta' solve this haha.
-Damn asian girls and their never aging faces. Haha.

Big show for me on Friday. Nightgame, of course. Gonna' try and build some macro momentum: approach everyday leading up to it, night game the night before. Even though my focus is daygame, I still need to train this. It's better than starting from 0 when I finally turn of age.

See ya'll later,



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Need to sit down and redefine my goals because I feel like I'm just shooting in the dark right now.

Regardless of my ranking, I'm a space monkey. My name is Jake. 19 years old. So by the time I'm 22, I'll be a force to be reckoned with.

Here's the overall goal:

Go out anywhere and make friends/lay women/have fun. Over everything, have fun, because if I'm not having fun, it's just a chore.

First year
1) Get fundamentals handled, and basics of conversation, date layouts, social circle game, and dance floor game.
Been ignoring a few of my fundamentals over others - my fashion is good but not quite down yet, body is easy, but eye contact, conversation, voice, and non-verbals need work.
2) Conversation needs hella work.
God, I'm so bad at talking. It's embarassing. Gonna' hit this hard most definitely, observe and report.
3) Dates
Gotten flaked on plenty, but not many dates. Need to work on this and start analyzing my interactions from start to finish. Gonna' start paying way more attention to these.
4) Social Circle Game
Ah, the place where I fuck up the most and miss the most escalation-windows. Definitely gonna' get this handled, but slowly. Don't wanna' ruin friendships for the sake of growth(yet).
5)Dance floor game
The most depressing game I've done so far. Always come out of this feeling like shit. Gonna' see if I can fix that for sure.

Want to redo this for a shorter six month goal. See where I want to be in six months and know the steps and process I need to have to get there.

1) Get a date off cold approach
-Yet to be done, I've got the number flake down it seems haha. Definitely want to get this done by September.
-Get my approach to where I don't get flaked by numbers. See what works where, and how I can refine it.
2) Fuck Social Circle For Now
-And if I do do social circle, it's purely to practice game. My intent is mad skewed, and that showed tonight. Got jealous that a friend of mine was at this girl's house that I had been undecided on recently. I wanted to just be friends but I knew I should've just went for it, fuck whatever else happens.
So: I'm choosing loneliness over everything now. I'm tired of getting mad when a friend gets with a girl I was half trying half not trying to get with. I need to have my intentions clear from the get go. So no new friends #Drake.
3)Daygame EVERYDAY.
-Even if it's just one approach, I need to ingrain this. Too much on and off, and I need to see this. recognize it early and stop the behavior before it gets rooted in me.

I think this is definitely manageable. I didn't put nightgame because I don't have enough places to do it where I wouldn't burn the spot down within a couple weeks. I'm still going to work on it when I can because why not, but it won't be a main focus right now. Daygame will be that focus.


Fundamentals check:
-Posture: pretty good right now. Could be better, gotta' learn on getting my chin higher up.
-Voice: Yet to work on this because I've been working on posture and eye contact. Need to address this soon.
-Fashion: ON POINT. Still grabbing pieces here and there, but it's good enough to get me compliments on something almost everyday.
-Facial hair: Can't do much about not being able to grow it haha.
-Non-verbals:Another I haven't gotten to yet.
-Eye contact: Still a work in progress. There's so much nuance that I have yet to discover. Until I get the basics down I feel like I'll be learning nuance of eye contact almost always. I'm learning that what your eyes convey can determine how strong the eye contact is, and not just boring your eyes into the other persons.
-Convo: Still a large sticking point for me. Need to talk constantly until I can get that down.

Last couple days

Took yesterday(Wednesday) off, Today I approached two. Get a "I don't speak english" and a "boyfriend". Not much, and I feel like shit because of it. Not happening tomorrow. Gonna' do at LEAST 5.

I'm at 15 approaches this month and 1 number. Close to beating last month. If I push it tomorrow I can destroy that completely.

Feeling super shakey on my mindset today so I'm gonna' process that away tomorrow.

Tomorrow: Approach at least 5. Move 1, attempt 1 number. If I want to do more, hella. If I get blown out 5 times and want to stop, I'll do one more and then stop. I'm also going to a show tonight so I'm not counting that for the 5.

Damn, just feeling hella' shakey today. I guess I just need to commit to the process more.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 7, 2015
I'm learning that what your eyes
convey can determine how strong the
eye contact is, and not just boring
your eyes into the other persons.
Man, you just made my day! I think you've just given me the last piece to solving the puzzle of having a great eye contact. And oh...it's nice that you're still pushing for daily improvements. That's what's needed to achieve success. Good luck man.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 28, 2013
Hey Jake,

I've noticed you've been regularly posting in the journals too, so I wanted to check out was this was all about. Solid job, my man! You're getting excellent results for the amount of approaches you're doing; sounds like your opening has been one of your strong suits.

Speaking of which, I read your comment about how important that pause after "I saw you walking/sitting there" is when doing direct openers, and that totally blew my mind. Fantastic observation. I've been struggling with openers myself and I think that might be a really helpful tip. Props to you for keeping this journal man, or that's something I might've never caught.

Never give up,


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Day 1 of 30

Got out today and approached today. Shaking some dust off after an emotionally draining weekend.

Both not much, just some basic conversation. One in-direct, one direct. Direct one went well, but I felt pressure from her to keep the conversation going. She was looking at me expectantly to keep conversation up. A definite miscalibration from me because I felt that I had her hooked enough to get a sentence going herself. Was getting big eyes and everything from her. Oh well, I'll make sure to keep in mind that while attraction can mean one thing, it doesn't mean I can slack off on convo and use a pause like I usually can. Thinking about it now, It was probably much too early to do something like that - put pressure on her to continue. Next time I'll just go for a number or keep convo up.

Second in-direct went alright, although I broke too early. Easy lesson I've already learned - push it harder.

Want to get huge numbers up in the next 30 days. We'll see.

What do you guys think of this outfit? Excuse my dirty mirror haha




Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Also because I'm bored, some tinder stats. Not using my stats from last year as I deleted a majority of those matches/skewed numbers/changed my profile.

137 (make that 138)matches from this year - not counting ones that I've umatched/have unmatched me. This is counting those weird spam accounts so probably less.
44 responded to my opener ("Hey name, pretty smile :), or other various ones I've tried but that one got the best reactions)
6 numbers from it (Low I know, should go for that more but I suck at this shit haha, much prefer in person, but gotta' get good, ya' know?)
1 or 2 girls opened me, so cool haha.
0 dates from it.

Meaning of the 44 matches I got, I got 13% to give me a number. Shitty ratio haha.

Trying to see how I can up this in my spare time I guess. This is just gonna' be a random kinda' thought train to see if I can improve by writing this stuff out.
-Deep diving/question asking doesn't really work. Flirting gets me far closer, but I feel that I kinda' suck at that haha.
-Opener is good, gets reactions usually, can go into something from that so that's good.
-Have matched with two girls who have met me before? Don't remember them but that's cool haha.
-Don't know what to do when I get the number. Continue to text or make a call? Set up a date right away?
-Should I ping girls who stopped responding, for shits and giggles?
-What should I do when girls "duck" a flirty comment from me? Example: Messaged:"What kinda' trouble you been getting into" and recently got back, "Me? Trouble? Never haha, but not too much I'm kinda' boring to be honest" Should I just lead it and make me the one that's troublesome? Switch the roles? Or should I take it as her screening herself out? Hmmm
-Message timing really seems to have no effect, as I'm genuinely busy so I'll message whenever I feel it.
-Had this girl who gave me one word answers. Matched her message length and she eventually gave me her number. Texted her and she stopped texting. She is from another country so I've deduced it's: 1)She's from another country so she doesn't text very well, 2)She's not interested. Just gonna' go with the compliance and maybe call this one tomorrow?
-Don't know how to roll off when they miss the flirty comments. Should I move to logic or push the agenda?
-Some of these girls are 20+ miles away. Get them to invest and come to me or what? Not that I have greeaat logistics, my endgame would consist of smashing when my mom isn't home (I live in an apartment with a dog...haha), going to theirs or OUTDOORS haha.
-I feel like this canned opener is gonna' get me in trouble at some point LOL.

Mostly just shit I need to test (no pun intended) but if anyone has insight, throw it my way.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Day 2 of 30

Went out to meet up with a friend and another old friend. To the mall! haha

Got in, right away approached one. Really got this one, she was flustered, told me about what she was up to today, dropped the boyfriend thing. Called me handsome Validation+1, let her go.

Next one, my friend was still at work and she was passing. I ran to approach her. Couldn't read her reaction, and this was another one that Expected Me To Lead. Didn't know how, not used to this so I ejected again haha.

We eventually got food, the three of us. In-directed one in the line. We got our food, ate, left.

Not much but still hit my goal(2 approaches). Two more and I break last month's numbers HA!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Day 3 of 30

Went to class on campus, it's snowing. Shit.

Headed to a club with a few buddies. Had to drop my friend's car off, so I drove him to his roomate's work to do so. Fluffy's windshield wiper flew off, so I tried to go to Soopers to get a new one. See one in there, direct open her then get moving.

Head to the spot, it's a gay bar. But it's the best club I've ever been to. Totally different vibe than usual. I approach two on the dance floor, dance. Super fun, I'll post more details and mindsets when I get time.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Days 3-5 of 30


We get to the spot and instantly the vibe is different than any bar I've been to. Not only is everyone seeming to be having way more fun, the music is better, people are dancing, but it's what I always thought a bar was supposed to be like. Save for how many gay guys there were of course.

We start dancing and I have two left for today. I don't engage very much, just soaking up the environment. After I'm most definitely having fun, I check the time and I see I have to approach soon. Me and Fluffy walk outside, see this gorgeous girl. Walk back in and dance with my old manager (who's gay) and just fuck around. She walks back in. I time it to where she's walking past our group then stop her "daygame" style. "Hey, I saw you and I have to say you're absolutely gorgeous". She thanks me, strong eye contact back, holds my hand through the open, so I ask her to dance. She comes with me. Mind you I think this is one of the hottest girls in the spot. Short, shirt cut low revealingly, shorts cut so you can see her ass, which is nice, beautiful eyes. Too bad it turns out she was lesbian.

Dance with her, turns out she's the social hottie here. Everyone is trying to get her attention. I'm just having fun even if we're not dancing. She's dancing with someone else for a while so I'm feeling good and in the zone, ask another girl to dance. She does, I dance with her for a bit,she grinds on me. Flip back, girl is still dancing with someone else. Grab another girl. She's drunk as soon as I grab her I can tell, try to spin her, she falls off axis and we hit someone with our entertwined fingers. HAHA. Let her go and laugh, she seems embarassed and walks off. I'm in too good a mood to care really.

Things wind down and we head to iHop after.

I know this isn't the spot to pull - even though I have some minor experience with lesbian girls going after me, I'm more using this for a "When you're in the club, THIS is what you should feel like" kinda' thing. That's what I think my nights should feel like when I'm in the zone. Easy, fun, no value taking, just being part of the atmosphere.


Woke up late, fuck. Did three real quick ones to make myself feel better. Seriously, I was feeling manic and feenin' for an approach. Definitely sighed in relief after I got the first one. Ran to work afterwards.


Approached one in a Whole Foods after I got out of the gym. She seemed out of it, talking very softly. Know I have to dial back when I get these and show some serious attainability here. That's all I did so I'm at a -2 right now.

Going out, will report later, sorry I don't have time to post more details,



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Re: Day 1 of 30

Fucked up and didn't approach yesterday so I have to start over Blah. Had a dream last night being late to a music festival, rushing over and seeing a really cute asian girl across the street. Didn't approach her so I have to make up for it in real life hahaha!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013

Got 3 or 4 in? Didn't really keep track because a lot I ejected early because I went out at the wrong time and ran into a few high school kids :S

Noteworthy approach:
I saw this girl walking and she had a fantastic body, definitely not what I'm used to. I wanted to approach her.

Then she meets up with her friend. I have a bit of anxiety, so I wait for the time to strike.

And then she stops and talks with two other dudes. LOL.

I walk past them and slow my pace a bit so they can catch up. I have to make a turn so I hope they follow me on it. They do. I slow my pace even more, let them pass, then approach her. I think this is my first two set?

"Hey, I saw you..."
"And I had to tell you you're absolutely gorgeous. I'm Jake."

This set doesn't blow right open, at all. She used breaking rapport tonality on ME. I felt hella' pressured, so I just stuck in for a bit and tried to talk. Her tonality was really fucking with me though. She's from Santa Barbara, so I knew she had a different aura about her and was probably used to this kind of thing. She intros me to the friend who is really friendly. I think she snapchatted part of the interaction haha. Anyway I feel super nervous and eject. She says, "See you later" - second time this has happened, does this mean they want me to stick in the set? Gotta' explore this further.

Did a few others but like I said, ejected early for not wanting to deal with underage kids reasons. Feels different being the one to auto-reject.

Snowed HARD on us yesterday, forced inside. Went to work for 2 hours, we closed early because of the weather, then I went home and watched some Game of Thrones, only to find out they killed my favorite character I was drawing fundamentals from. :/

Sooo forced to start over, AGAIN, Day one today. Going out tonight fo' sho, and doing a few before I get to class on campus.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013

Went to class and got some one on one training, catching up on some basics I was missing, was really fun.

Went out to the gay club fo the winz.

Got in, I'm pretty drunk. Dancing, not as many people as last time and not as good of music. Dancing anyway, just vibing. This girl comes up and dances on me, this is happening more and more frequently. We dance, we start to make out and she BITES THE SHIT OUT OF MY LIP, BREAKS SKIN. Seeing she's drunk I turn her around and walk away. Puts me in a mood all night, the inside of my bottom lip having black and red marks on it. Show my battle scars to my friends, get shit on the rest of the night haha.


Shitty days, decide I'm taking a week to myself. No contacting friends, just me, working out, work, cold approach. Gonna' head out now and see what happens. Go to class still though.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Don't really want to go into too much detail right now, but went to the hospital Friday morning. Bit of a wake up call that I need a lifestyle change : back to working out, no drinking. Back on it today, report coming later :)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
So far had two lays this year, which blows all previous years out of the water. I banged the last girl I had sex with again tonight. She told me we didn't want to have sex tonight, but the way she was stroking my dick told me otherwise. Come home to find out my mom wasn't home yet, but honestly it was a risk that wasn't calculated and I wasn't willing to get caught by my mom haha.

She's already hitting me with the "I feel like I barely know you" stuff. Which is relatively true. Not gonna lie, for some reason it hurt my feelings a bit when she said this. It made me question my morals about hooking up without a girl knowing me. But then again, she knew me enough to have sex, and that speaks volumes to me.

I'd consider wifing this girl up, but I do have the other girl I had sex with this month that I want to hit up again. I'm definitely gonna give it some time.

She told me she doesn't believe in FWB. So far I've fucked her twice with no strings so her actions are saying otherwise. She says that eventually we'll get emotionally attached. I feel like I'll deal with that when i get there. She's speaking through her thoughts about the future and past. I'm merely concerned with the present, as childish as that probably sounds. I've learned to not listen to what a girl says but what her emotions are telling me.

I'm getting better at the bursts of passion during foreplay. It's definitely effective. I still feel like I need to be more vocal during sex however.

I don't want to get tied down just yet. I want to test the limits of my newfound style of game.

To new heights,



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013

Dating the girl in the previous post. It's cool, she likes me, I like her. We have sex. All the time. Overall she's really cool. There's a few things that bother me about her, perhaps we can grow together. If not, I'll enjoy the time we do have together.

Still trying to remain social. I need to try harder at that though. I'm trying to branch our social circle out a bit. It's been a lot of "let's kickback, get drunk and chill" rather than socializing with new people. It' fun, yeah, but the single guys in our group need a chance as well, and I figure the more girls in our group, the odds are simply gonna' raise that they're gonna' get laid as well.

I'm playing with this playful physicality lately. I used to do the creepy arm touches, uncalibrated, etc. Now I'm doing something I remember one of my friends doing: tackling, picking girls up, etc. over the top with it. Just testing it out, definitely not something I plan on using forever.

Just an update. See ya'll soon.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Time to update this bitch again.

So far I've went out 4 times this week, with two days still being productive with one asking my natural friends about social calibration and the other was my friends and I going to a pool hall and I eneded up setting up a date. Fucked a pretty cute girl this week, and learned a lot of lessons.

I had a lot of success at a nightclub for the first time. Now, a lot of success for me is not getting shunned into a corner like a stray dog. I actually got social, met a lot of people, saw three people I knew previously, then finessed my way into an after party. This night club is going to be my new Friday/Saturday spot, its so fucking sick and just opened in my city. I just have to figure out how to get in for free to save money. Think I'll work on the staff and what not on a slow night.

But holy shit does going out a lot help! I feel like I'm learning subconsciously on top of the things that I'm writing down. Gonna make some points on what I want to learn this week as well as this week's biggest accomplishments.

-slayed a pretty hot girl
-met about 10-20 people, varying degrees of connection
-Went out consistently even though I've been sick since Tuesday. Ironically, I feel better after I start talking to people.

Work on this week:
-physicality, something that's really lacking in my game.
-fleshing out more of a process to get warm
-using those connections while they're still hot.

Gonna start updating this more regularly again. I feel on fire lately!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 7, 2015
Glad to have you back Jake! You've given me the last push of motivation I need to update my own journal.
Is your journal up to 3years yet?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Thanks Mystique!

It'll be two years in January, so I still have a little bit of time. :)

Hell yeah man get after it!

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers