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Social Sex God in 3 Years: Final Progressions


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
What up.

Monday I went out to a bar that was dead AF. Still managed to make friends with a guy there, so not counting it as an L. There was literally two old ladies in the bar, so probably not gonna frequent there.

Tuesday I went out and made another friend at another dead bar. My bar finding skills need work, still kinda new to the drinking scene. Ended up playing some pool with my fuck buddy and made plans for Friday which I might flake on since Friday would be a good night to hit it up.

Today I have a couple options planned out for tonight. Gonna see if I can do some cold approach and then check out another bar. Really annoyed with this searching phase since I feel relatively confident lately in social interactions. It'll Pass once I get it all figured out though.

Side note, I'm probably only posting here and my field reports/LR's now. I'm trying to get really focused and I'm just sick of the problem focused people on the general boards. Putting the blinders up honestly.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Went out to play pool with a couple of friends, invited then to a bar I've never been to but they said they were tired. Had my friend drop me off at home around 10 and decided to call it an early night.

Sike I lied.

I went out around and 11 to a new bar I've never been to. Got there around 11:30. It was goth night and I'm not dressed to the theme. I wear a denim shirt-jacket, my raven skull necklace, black pants and my go-to red boots. I'm also wearing a patterned shirt I found after two years of it being lost in my mountain of clothes.

I get in and the place is dope. Secluded spots, game room, two dance floors, and a smoking area. My kind of spot. I get in and basically give myself a tour of the place. After I scout out I start opening slowly. Throw a few compliments, and settle into the smoking area. I see this dude dressed in - I shit you not - at least an 8 foot tall death reaper costume. He's talking to two girls so of course I have to open.

I maneuver into their conversation and apparently Death is a creeper. I settle into set and just exist there, getting my social wheels turning. They vibe okay with me and one girl peels off to get a drink. I take the opportunity to vibe the other girl so when she comes back its already like we get along. One girl is Peruvian, kinda thicc and short, the other a really sexy Italian-Portuguese chick. I try and chill with both. The Peruvian brings back two drinks and she doesn't know what to do with one of them since Italian already has one. I offer myself as tribute and drink it, making that my third free drink someone has offered me this week. We talk, I chill with strong eye contact. Peruvian seems to like me more than Italian which sucks but they're both fuckable. I decide to stay in set and they invite me to dance.

I get in and fuck up by not being physical enough with them on the dancefloor. They "go to the bathroom" and I never see them for the rest of the night. Oh well, still a good set. I continue dancing and this guy comes up to me essentially offering to wing me. We talk a bit and I agree to wing him for three girls on the other dancefloor. He ends up leaving the set in about two seconds so I never go in. He tells me they're lesbian.

I show him these two girls on the dancefloor and at this point I'm feeling myself. These Girls are also surrounded by three dudes. I nod to him to go in with me in a sec. I talk to a girl, compliment her chocker, but fuck up my vocal tonality and she loses interest. I see this and eject smoothly, moving on to a guy near the girls. I compliment his jacket and absorb some social proof, and make my way into the two girls' circle. I start dancing and create the party vibe. I fuck up by not being physically engaging and they eventually leave. My "wing" came in really late as well.

I dance with two other girls, two sisters who I would've tried with but the one with the body looked like someone ran a train in her mouth and her teeth were the tracks. I danced with them a bit with no intention and wished them a good night.

No street game as it was dead AF on a Wednesday night, so I walk home.

Honestly I'm not even disappointed with tonight. I found a dope club, sets were opening well for me and I had a fun night.

-open faster
-quick physicality
-cross the line then calibrate.
-get those quick numbers

I opened well, and my "chill with extroverted tendencies" persona is developing well. Gonna do some day game tomorrow, polrobably nap, then go out tomorrow night. So far I've went out every night this week so I don't wanna end my streak.

Happy hunting boys!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Thursday Night

Ended up only going out at night today. I went out with my friend Fluffy, since my other friend WittyKid decided to bail last minute. I'm getting used to my friends just wanted to stay inside and play video games since they're "tired". I'm going out regardless, I'm just trying to bring them along.

Anyways we hit up the same spot I went to on Wednesday and its actually dead. Fluffy has to drop something off so I'm just kinda wandering around not really knowing what to open. There's hardly any girls that aren't paired up with a dude that they came with. I open these guys outside smoking and one is a DJ for tonight. We talk a bit but I'm not warm and still fucking up so don't get him very excited. We traded facebooks and he let's me know there's not much going on around that area tonight. I talked to the bartender and some other staff, grabbed the door guy's name and we bounced not soon after.

We went to this college bar/club that's usually way higher energy and it took me a second to adjust. It's packed and me and Fluffy start dancing. We end up meeting these two girls on the dancefloor that we instantly hook because we're pretty much the only guys that have a drop of rhythm in the place. Its already like 1:30 so we decide to stay in set. The problem with going out with Fluffy is he has a girlfriend and I haven't shown him how to get to their/our after party yet. He's a great natural, just needs some tweaks in logistic a work. We ended up grabbing their numbers but they went home. Fluffy is disappointed but I remind him that this is a number's game.

-Found my new Thursday spot, trying to get a contact from that college so I can start slaying their girls.
-I need to get physical faster in clubs.
-I need to change my default style in high energy venues. Chill game doesn't work in those types of places.

Already awake today so I'm going out for cold approach for sure today, then deciding if I'm flaking my FB and going out or drilling her out again.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013

Went out and cold approached a bit today. Warmed up then stayed social throughout the day. Met up with a guy friend and we just talked and walked around downtown. Cold approached more and hooked this promoter girl. Grabbed her number then ended up dragging my friend to meet with my FB TaylorSwift and a friend of hers. Went pretty well, really wasn't trying to smash again. I was satisfied with the female energy. But this girl attracts soooo much attention holy shit.

We started at a bar, had a few drinks, bounced to a pool hall then to another bar, and there were at least 10 dudes hitting on my FB. I really got some insight on what its like to be an attractive girl. I should've pushed physically more, my initial idea was to plant a threesome with her friend but she's engaged. I want to be that guy that girls are just physically comfortable with, and I feel I could've but I pussied out and felt like I was baby sitting. I had to blow two guys out for the first time in my life, so now I know how it feels to be on the other end of it. I love the social dynamics of it all though, and game is starting to get reeeeally fun.

The promoter girl texted me back from my ping so I'll see what she's doing this weekend. Really want to get inside of that, she had a niice ass and wasn't blonde which is nice for a change.

Also met a 30 something guy with a style like mine, it was scary. He really reminded me of me, just chill but still leading. Gave me some good ideas for my chill game.

Gonna go out tomorrow, we'll see how that goes, hopefully cold approach as well. This Was day 5 straight of going out. Game is so fun right now!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013

One of my good friends was having family issues so I went to hang with him today. After I played some pool and made a few approaches. Not what I wanted to do with my Saturday, but sometimes personal relationships take precedent over game. Sundays are hard, gonna probably send some texts out, play soccer and then meet up with some friends I haven't seen in a bit to chill. Gonna cold approach at least once to normalize it.

Stay consistent.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013

Got good lessons on putting the blinders up and focusing on my goals. Had some friends from out of town flake on me and realized I need to bring friends to me and not the other way around.

Good cold approach day. Hammering in that this is normal me now, and feeling more myself than ever lately. The more I look at it, the more I realize I was letting my ex hold me back in terms of social development. Got good cold approaches in, also saw a girl I haven't seen in a while and I'm gonna bring her into my life. Gonna go for more of a social angle with this one. Texted the girl from Saturday(?) And she gave me: "I work all week but possibly one evening!" Which I responded with "for sure!" Not really sure how I want to play that one but I'll figure it out.

Looking to day game today mostly, then potentially go out at night, not sure where though. I'll ping some of my contacts I've gotten recently to see what's up.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Literally forgot I am going to a concert tonight. Should be a good night as I've already got some approaches in today. :)
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013

Went to a concert with a friend that ended up being fucking awesome. Ran into some old friends there as well, it was dope. Ended up playing pool afterwards with my FB and the friend I went to the concert with. Tried to see if we could double team her but no go. We both had to be up early the next day so she dropped me off.

Set up a tinder date for Thursday. Heading out in about an hour to an art district in town with a few friends, then going out tonight since me and my co worker busted out everything today and decided we don't need to go in tomorrow. Will let you know how it all goes :)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013

Tinder Date flaked, not even surprised at this point. Went out with an old FB that broke up with her boyfriend to the place I was going to anyway. Funny how when you're higher value than the girl you're with they'll go out of their way to disqualify every girl around you. She was literally pointing to girls going, "slut, slut, slut." I'm seriously talking about girls and opening then IN FRONT OF HER. At one point she had to pull me off of girls I was talking to to go home with me. I'm writing this now with her period blood on my fingers. Either going to the club tomorrow or hitting the bars, don't know which because I'm kind of drunk and forgot the dates. She passed out on me so debating on ubering home or crashing here. Leaning towards the uber tho. Don't worry I wore a condom boys!

See ya next time,


P.s. most girls are dumb AF, I didnt even dry to smash tonight but it ended up happening anyway. Liking having FBs that are vool with me talking openly to other girls. FBTaylorSwift is Definitely hotter though


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013

One of those nights where I wasn't feeling it whatsoever, but its all good. Still managed to approach, still got social, just not the result I wanted.

Day game today then hitting up a new neighborhood tonight. I need friends that like to go out. Its like pulling teeth trying to get my friends THAT JUST TURNED 21 to go out with me. I need new friends, plain and simple.

Also trying to get a group event possibly for Sunday, but looking at my friend group that's a maybe at best.

Really struggling with my immediate goals at the moment. Don't know if I need to be making new friends or pushing forward and going out alone. I can go out alone but sometimes its just draining starting from square one every night.

Gonna try and make friends today I think, with some cold approach sprinkled in. Goal will be to screen and get 5 new numbers.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
I need friends that like to go out. Its like pulling teeth trying to get my friends THAT JUST TURNED 21 to go out with me. I need new friends, plain and simple.

Also trying to get a group event possibly for Sunday, but looking at my friend group that's a maybe at best.

Really struggling with my immediate goals at the moment. Don't know if I need to be making new friends or pushing forward and going out alone. I can go out alone but sometimes its just draining starting from square one every night.

I know this feeling man. If I hang out with any one group of people too much, I stop having fun being with them. It's not them, it's me getting bored easily, but during those times I hop to another friend group or force myself to go out solo.

Are you in an area where there's a lot of fake id's?

Nearly everyone in my scene(s) have been using fakes from 17-20. One ironic thing I noticed because of this was how inexperienced some people are to the bar scene in bars that are stricter with fakes - they get people who have never been to a bar until turning 21 who don't know the realities of the risk in using a fake. Those people that used fakes have been going to the same bars for months/years, and prefer it even after turning of age because they're more comfortable there.

At a dive bar I regular at, it's common of me to ask why they picked this bar to go out to tonight and hear the answer "I just turned 21 and wanted a real bar, not that college bar stuff". I bring this up because, going out (or going to "adult" bars), is a new novelty in their life which makes the whole thing more exciting, which, in turn makes meeting you more exciting. The effect of that is an edge in making friends with strangers and attracting girls.

But yea, going out alone is more or less something I do when I am decisively trying to get laid or just don't feel like hanging with any of my current friends that are optimally available.

Ultimately in trying to be a Social God or whatever, it's something you need to know how to do and have as an option. It might make a good discussion to bring up how people that go out alone make new friends in the boards - I'm sure there's people that might have a lot to say.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Thanks for the advice, Hue! I'm still gonna go out alone regardless, it would just be more fun with others with me. I find it easier to get into a flow or "state", even though I know I shouldn't be depending on that. Definitely making an effort to get that figured out.

Do you have a journal?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013

Had A really good sushi dinner with my brother. Its been a while since we hung out and it turns out he's into personal development as well and we're reading the same book! He gave me general life advice and some girl advice as well. That was awesome and afterwards I headed home to figure out the plan for the night.

I went to a bar where my friend is the bartender. She gave me two free drinks so I tipped her fat. There was some live music that was pretty shitty but I got social and talked to some people.

Around 12 I headed to a club/bar a couple miles down the street. I'm building rapport with one of the bartenders and the door guy to build that regular status. Saw some more people I knew and slowly realized I was being a bitch and knew more people than I thought. Opened A few, but only two really stuck.

This one girl I opened blew the fuck open. We talked for a bit and her openness threw me off since my state was all over the place today. She peeled off and I stayed social once that happened. Ended up grabbing her number once they closed the patio. Felt like I could've pulled her but didn't get her logistics and mine are shit.

Went in and danced for a bit. They hit the lights and I saw a redhead. I'm on the hunt for a ginger at the moment and she lit the fuck up when I opened her. She was the first girl I got the vibe that I could've made out with her immediately. There was some serious energy between us. Her friend not-so-subtly suggested we exchange numbers. I asked her what she was doing tomorrow but club numbers are notoriously flaky. Its bad because she turned me on A.L.O.T. Next Time I see a redhead I'm going for the pull immediately. I don't Care if we have to fuck in the alley.

So two numbers from girls and another from a guy i know from social circle. Pretty good, when I went in expecting to get destroyed.

Its crazy how game will give me these crazy highs and lows. I feel like I'm close to breaking my next plateau. Tomorrow its day game and number checks. My next big day is Wednesday. Going to not one but two shows, the latter being one of my favorite hyphy artists. Should Be a good time :)

See ya next time.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013

What did I do Sunday?

Right, I went to a casting call with a good friend of mine. Felt super off but still met some people. Really wasn't feeling it so I just called it an Early night.


Better day, I went and met up with some friends and we went to play some pool. Someone opened me by asking to take a picture with my shoes haha. I ended up grabbing their contacts because their friend was hot. Nice to know my fashion is on point. Talked to my FB a bit then told her to keep an eye out for any redheads.

Contacted a few people and have a potential date set up for Friday, maybe one next week, hit up the girl I met downtown but she's in Arizona, and another girl I'm trying to meet up with Today(Tuesday).

So far the plan today is to hit up a show and that girl. I'll give her a name if she becomes relevant. Other than that just building a funnel at the moment. Sorry I haven't been updating daily, I get caught up sometimes.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013

Tuesday was interesting. Went out with some friends for a late brunch, then we went shopping for some threads. Grabbed a new outfit, and complimented a few girls in the store. Just being social, one girl seemed into me then ran off haha. Ended up getting offered a job so I might take them up on that, cute girls go through the place all the time. Just chilled with them back at their place.


Fucking wild. Didn't start the day off to a fast start, but met up with a couple friends later in the night. Met them at a bar that was dead. We talked for a bit then they wanted to go to strip club. I'd never been but was down so we Uber'd over.

This shit was so intimidating. The environment was wierd to me, but it was kinda fun. No idea what to do with myself in a strip club. They closed and we went to another one at like 2:30 am haha. Got in and just chilled. Opened this lesbian couple but couldn't pull them. I always try for lesbian girls, 'cause I really don't give a fuck what your sexual orentation is when it comes to me hah. That didn't go anywhere so we just went home. Ended up getting home at like 6 am.


Ate dinner with my mom then went to a friend's Friendsgiving. Just a few people, some of their friends and their girlfriends. No single girls thus far. I hit up my FB to even out the ratio a bit. More of my friends show up and it slowly becomes more lively. Their roommate comes home and she's really cute. Big eyes, nice lips. I keep an eye on her and social butterflied for a bit. Thought one of my friends pulled my FB but he ended up not doing it. Apparently he thought I'd get mad. Frankly I don't really care tbh.

Ended up talking with their roommate in the kitchen for like an hour. We connected on a lot of subjects. I asked my friend if she was single. He said she was but that she was asexual. This was my biggest mistake listening to him. She was giving me mad IOI's but becasue I listened to my friend I didn't do anything. From the vibe I felt I could've fucked her that night. Oh well, lesson learned, and not like I won't see her again.

Today(Friday) I have a few options for what to do with my night. Learning my lesson from tonight, I'm probably gonna' blow off my friend that's in town, for the weekend if he doesn't want to go out and do anything. He said he might go see my other friend, who has food poisoning but still wants to do something "low energy". Low energy=me not meeting anyone or fucking anyone. Besides, my out-of-town friend blew me off the other day so no biggie if I don't see him tonight. Really want to be selfish today and try and pull something.

My first set of the day was a five set outside of the coffee shop I frequent. I'm slowly learning how to work with groups of girls that are already friends. Didn't end up hanging out with them any longer but learned some good lessons from the experience, plus that as my first open felt really good!

Will try and post daily so I can get more details and mindsets up on here before I forget them. Things are going well though, I'm pushing forward. I feel like I'm so close to getting my vibe down I can feel it. It's literally flip flopping days now where one day I feel amazing, and the next day I feel off. It's all learning though, so I'm excited!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013

Tons of action tonight.

After the coffee shop, I went home and then met up with a friend of mine, let's call him... StrongMan. We had a few beers at the spot around the corner from my house. We talked about working out, sports, regular dude shit. I open an okay girl across from us and she tries to throw us on her friend. She said she's hot, but her eyes drift and she doesn't seem interested. The one I opened was engaged unfortunately.

10 minutes later I get opened by this girl from the left. She asks if anyone is sitting there, and at first I don't see her interest, then I recognize it. She compliments my jacket, then I ask her her name. She invites is to this place down the street for their anniversary party, but I worked at the place connected to it and didn't leave on good terms, and the cover was $20. I told her we'd stop by and I'd hit her up. She had a dude with her and I asked her how they knew each other. She said they were just friends. I took this as a good sign, along with the fact that she put her last name in my phone.

StrongMan knows some bars downtown that I've been dying to go to. We head over and the spot is packed. I wander around for a bit and he's an awesome wing and pushes me to go for it. I see these two girls and walk over. He walks over to the other one and my girl's eyes wander. They're also really boring and kinda obnoxious about the fact that they really have nothing going. I felt the lack of chemistry and StrongMan did too so we ejected. Turned around and told this girl she was in my way jokingly. She didn't get it right away so I told her I was only joking and dipped. We walk outside and I ask him why he's winging me since he has a girlfriend. He tells me he's young and wants to learn "girl dynamics" which is fucking awesome.

We decide to head to another bar but before we do I approach this cute brunette. My wing pulls around to the other one. Dude's a beast honestly. I tell her to introduce me to her friends. She's kinda drunk and StrongMan says something that he knows would make them walk away and lo and behold they did. I actually thought it was hilarious and wasn't even mad. I turn around and talk to this girl sitting next to her friend and her boyfriend. She's super sassy and at this point I'm entering my cocky phase. I start shitting on her playfully. I must've stepped on the gas too hard because I don't remember exactly what I said but she grabbed my necklace and broke it. I push ahead anyway, I was gonna grab her number but decided to say fuck that and dip.

We left that bar then headed to one across the street. Its dope and has multiple levels. We check out the top area then back down to the dance floor. They're playing dope electronic music and StrongMan tells me to talk to these girls on the dance floor. I make excuses and turn around to engage this girl and her fat friend. They're semi receptive so I dip out and try and help StrongMan with his. They have "boyfriends" and Aren't about it.

I talk to these two girls dancing and talk to this lesbian looking one first. She was actually super chill about me hitting on her friend. There was an old guy dancing with us and I started the whole thing off dancing with them. I ask the cuter one about her necklace. Her friend actually made it for her. I vibe a bit, the old dude is eventually replaced with my wing. I grab the cute one's number, then we dip out.

We're on the street now, just walking around. I get a call from Fluffy saying he's having a slow night driving. We meet up with him. Think I did an approach on the street but it didn't go anywhere. We hit up the next place and its packed as well. They try and get drinks and I just wheel around to another cute brunette. What I noticed is that my open was nice and strong today. No girl told me to fuck off or ignored me or anything. It was too good actually. I didn't know where to go with it after I had they're attention.

She eventually loses interest and gets surrounded by her friends. We go upstairs since we couldn't get a drink downstairs. Fluffy points out three girls and I see the blonde one has a tattoo and decide to open with that. I spit the shit and she tells me her name...I realize we went to high school together. She gets excited, gives me a hug and breaks her choker lol. I tell her to introduce me to her friends and Fluffy rolls in. I ask what they're doing and they say going to bed or something. I call her a little bitch(jokingly of course), she laughs and retorts by saying she parties hard all the time. We banter back and forth and I eventually grab her Snapchat. She loses her friends so I pick her up to spike her emotions a little bit. She finds them and last call rolls around.

I go to find StrongMan as Fluffy and I lost him. Find him at the bar as well as this ditsy brunette. She tells me someone GAVE her their CREDIT CARD to buy drinks with. Some people really amaze me. I chat for a bit but can't find the vibe. I dip out and compliment this girl on her hair then let her walk. We Start to head out and I see her again and get her name, then she disappears into the chaos again.

We find our was outside and its a madhouse. I start talking to whoever. Talked to this girl with a sheer top on. She wasn't about any of us haha. Then see this girl talking to three dudes. I'm feeling my balls at this point and go directly up to her. Me dudes disappear and she gets right in my face. I notice two things right away: She's drunk and her friend that we made friends with on the way out(a dude) is right next to her. And she has a boyfriend, which he confirms after I ask him, and then proceed to tell her I would've taken you home otherwise.

Its slowing down considerably so I text/Snapchat my leads. Me and Fluffy talk to one more girl and she gets mad at me because I asked her what happened to her pants. She had holes from the top of her thigh to the bottom of her shin. This ripped jean trend is getting out of hand... She eventually comes back and I shit on her again for trying to come back after she ditched us. I get real for a second and ask her about her ring. She opens up with this story about her family. She then walks away after that, although no longer pissed at me.

We leave not too long after. Fluffy drops me and StrongMan back at home.

I'm really starting to hate phone numbers. No matter how solid they seem, they neeevveeerr go anywhere. I might just start not getting numbers if I can't pull them.

Seriously fun night though, learned a lot and found some cool bars. Not sure what the plan is today, may hit up a couple of new friends and see what they're up to.

If anyone has any critiques I would love it.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013

Watched a movie with friends, uneventful.


Don't know why I keep trying with friends that don't have the same vision. I keep getting burned. Think I'm gonna cut contact with my "friends" for a week, focus on the objective. I have to focus on what I want for a week before I'm selfless. I keep trying to give my friends the benefit of the doubt but they don't see what I see. I'm probably just bitching but I think its necessary.

So nothing but cold approach and meditation next week.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Came out of my depressive coma and realized I just need to push for the win more right now. Been having too much fun in my comfort zone and not growing which explains my displeasure with where I'm at.

Gonna go out today and try and do something I haven't tried before.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Lay Report in coming!!!!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
LR: Jazzy Monday

Fuuck yeah.

I knew something was missing in my game that I was just on the edge of getting. After three up and down weeks after I fucked my first girl since my ex, I managed to pull same night to her place for the first time ever. Also my fastest pull, 30 minutes. Not that fast but hey it's a new one for me :)

Gonna' try a somewhat different approach to writing this LR. Hopefully will read more like a story and less like I'm explaining everything.

So the day starts off, it's early and hot - unusual weather for this "winter" - and I grab a burrito from the place next to my place. Go back inside fat and happy, then my stomach feels like garbage. I literally felt so sick I went back to bed at 10AM and woke up around 4PM in a daze. Kinda' flippin' out because I wanted to do cold approach today/tonight and just cut the daygame part right out. I get myself focused though, and decide to finally check out this Jazz spot on Mondays. I'd been putting this off for a while because I had some sort of stigma against going out at the start of the week. This turned out to be such an awesome decision.

I get ready, watched some game videos, meditated, got dressed and headed out. My fashion nowadays is on fucking point. I get opened regularly now, and people compliment my style constantly. Needless to say I feel good. I grab another burrito like a stubborn bull and grab an Uber to the spot. This place is actually dope. Its a basement style bar, super cozy and intimate, with a fat covered patio in the back. The music was also a nice change of pace from wub-wub clubs and Hip-Hop. The jazz was smooth, and created a vibe similar to a coffee shop electric with the hum of conversation, but with an added layer of sexuality and excitment. In one ear, soul soothing Jazz, in the other, hubbub of people engaging one another.

I go to grab a drink and run into one of my old co-workers from years ago. We catch up and it's awesome. I grab a drink finally, then head to the patio. Out here I engage a few people, just kind of warming up my social muscle. One reason I was hesitant was the last place I was was a huge downtown style bar with 200+ people in it. To switch to such a closer knit environment was a bit of a switch in gears on my part. I slowly opened and my friend that recently went out of town called. We have such a good relationship, talking puts us both in a good mood. I'm laughing on the phone and then another old co-worker walks in with someone else I know. I'm getting such accidental social proof. I end the phone call and catch up with those guys.

I'm pretty much just shooting the shit, occasionally peeling off to enter another group as I'm grabbing a beer. Nothing is really sticking, and my approach is being recieved well, but not as much instant attraction as I got on the weekend. This confuses me. I'd been trying to work on calibration by walking by and then opening, and I had a feeling squaring up wouldn't work.

I came back from grabbing a drink and I see so many people interacting with so many groups. Everyone plays instruments. They all have similar plans.

It dawns on me that it's a giant social circle.

I feel some clarity for a moment and start shifting into social-butterfly. I drop by everyone's convos and just shift around while I'm moving. I'm shifting energy around and it feels great. I talk to my first girl and she's doing live art with the Jazz. She starts reflecting my own usual questions back at me before they leave my mouth. She sounds like a promoter type, or the socialite type. All my conversations were relatively short other than the one I was having with my old co-workers. I got an idea of who was who by how they received my approach. Some engaged and even introduced me to others for me. Some just waited idly and I had to manuever for them. Some people took the wheel of conversation, others helped steer, and others backseat drove. Really interesting to see the different conversation dynamics.

I start to feel more and more myself, and my qualifications were on tonight. Every time I qualified someone on something genuinely, I felt so good inside and they just lit up. It felt good. I start approaching more girls and can feel my natural level of game come out. I compliment this one girl on her outfit and she gets drawn in. I feel like I make eye contact and a bubble drops around us and it's just me and her. This is how I like to feel with people a lot nowadays. Creating a moment of genuine connection amongst all the negative bullshit we all have to deal with on a daily basis.

She eventually glides off into the crowd, and I get a bit complacent. I maintain steady but not heavy socializing throughout the night. I even got invited to a private party next week. I felt myself start to slide down in terms of what I want, so I refocus. It's around 12:30AM when this happens, and I know this is the time to start really striking.

I approach a few girls I should've opened immediately. She's flirty and receptive but I approached from a bad angle. I can barely reel her in before a guy comes in and shuts circle on me. Hate when this happens, you get shut out on and have to turn and basically jump into the group next to you smoothly. I do this a couple times and some of the guys I talk to are condescending. I know this is a good sign because guys react usually negatively towards you when they see you as a threat. I'm a lone wolf in a new pack.

I contemplate going for the really difficult conversation at the other end of the patio with three girls, but I decide against it. See a girl in a fur hat and open from across the table. She thanks me, while maintaining eye contact. I purposely mouth my words and then wheel around the table to lean on the seat next to her. We start talking and I slowly sink into the chair further as she gets more comfortable. We have a good conversation, I facilitate the vibe and qualify while she creates comfort with me. Combined with eye contact, it's a perfect bubble. She tells me some things that insinuate that she's older. I'm careful to tip-toe around any subjects that would instantly call for her to ask me how old I am. Find out she's alone. Nice. She just moved here. Nice. Has her own place. Nice. Doesn't have a plan after this. Dope. I find all this out while maintaining the story-sharing vibe and creating that exciting tension.

They call to close the patio and I know I need to risk it more if I'm gonna' get good. I have solid fundamentals, I just need to lead. I ask her about her plans right now. She mentions an after hours techno place - which is dope to know - but is closed today. After this they kick us off the patio and she heads inside without me. Not wanting to chase, I cash in on my room working earlier and talk to my ex-co-workers. I do this basically right in front of her as she's sitting behind me. I get the feeling she's watching me but don't want to seem too eager to cut my friend off to walk over. I keep the corner of my eye out to see if she's leaving. I eventually grab my friend's number and then turn around to talk to her again.

I go out on a limb here because I've got nothing to lose, and ask her if she has alcohol at her place. She says no. Shiit. I then test her with, "is there anything fun to do at your house?" She says not really. I'm fumbling an easy pull here and running out of room for any more no's. She asks me if I have an Instagram. I'm like, "Oh fuck no I'm pulling or bust" and tell her no. She asks for my number and I give it to her. I change subject and she says she's gonna' smoke. I ask to join her and she says sure.

We head outside, and I reverse and build comfort some more. Asking about her family, history, etc. Two of my friends walk out and say goodbye to me. I wish them well. A guy comes into my conversation and I do my best to blow him out gently. I bubble her again and he eventually dips out. She mentioned earlier how she liked to smoke weed. I remember someone from RSD saying she'll tell you how to pull her. I ask her if she has any immediate obligations. She says no. So I then ask if she wants to smoke at her place. She actually agrees. I'm fucking awestruck. This girl just agreed to pull back to her place. I'm riding this wave of new ground and just vibe a bit. The Uber she ordered gets there and off we go.

I can't believe it... I'm in a cab with a girl I met tonight going to her place. Most likely to fuck each other's brains out. I hold up conversation on the ride over and we get there in about 5 minutes. We go inside and she gives me a quick tour, then up to her room. Holy shit am I fucking nervous but simultaneously delusionally confident. We take off her shoes in her room and she grabs her iPad. We listen to some music and watch some cartoons. She shows me something on her phone and I scoot over on her bed over to her. Had to get in range ;). We're listening to some music and I kiss her randomly. She's pleasantly surprised but I can tell she's a bit nervous still. I back off and continue conversation. I kiss her again about 5 minutes later, this time a bit more passionately. We roll off again and she passes me a joint. She Asks me about her work and feeling like she needs me to open up I tell her all about it. I hit the jointa bit and I start to get pretty high. I kiss her a third time, this time dragging her onto the bed. She lets out a few soft moans and she gets up to turn off the lights. We start going at it and honestly we're both pretty excited. I don't get much resistance after I kiss a girl, so it's pretty smooth sailing from there with a few step backs. We go at it for a while and I can't cum. Again. Annoying how I can't cum the first time with a girl. We eventually slow down and she finally asks me how old I am. I reflect and she says she's 31. Hoooleeee shiieet. I tell her the honest truth that I'm 21 then project that it's not a big deal. I ask her why she asked nonchalantly and she says because I was really good. Pumping my fists in my head, I talk to her for a bit, cuddle a bit, then she kicks me out. I leave and she says she'll text me.

Soo much I learned today, so happy I took the risk and went out on a Monday. Finally pulled to her place, literally spent like 30 minutes with her in the bar. The risk pays off, just fucking pull.

Till the next LR,
