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Starting from Scratch Journal


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
These girls are digging you, bro. Keep it up ;)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Approaching wasn't my top priority today but I made sure that I did at least one. It went well but I didn't get a number, you can't win them all. Here is how it went:

Me: Hey, I've got to tell you that you're incredibly cute. I'm Edd.

Her: Hi, I'm Lauren, it's really nice of you to say that.

Me: How's the shopping spree going?

Her: Not too bad. How's you're day going?

Me: Fine, let's move over here so we aren't in anyone's way. Are you creative at all?

Her: Yeah, I enjoy drawing.

Me: What sort of drawings? Landscapes or people?

Her: I just do it for fun I'm not really that specific. Are you creative at all?

Me: Yeah, I'm just a musician.

Her: Cool, what instrument do you play?

Me: Just guitar.

Her: That's cool, I use to play guitar but I gave up, I found it too difficult.

Me: It's just about hard work and playing it, anyone can learn. Where do you hail from? You don't sound Scottish.

She tells me about where she comes from and I try to grab her number on a high point. I didn't think it would happen because even though the dialogue sounds good and it seems like she's hooked, she was very monotonic throughout the conversation. She could have been making polite conversation as she was bored or she was copying my voice tone, I'm inclined to believe the latter otherwise she wouldn't have moved with me (albeit it was about an inch or so).

So that's another thing to go on my list: more dynamic (less monotonic) voice tone.

On a side not about yesterday and the Taiwanesse girl, I'm going to try and schedule a date for next thursday. She replied very late today and I'm now too tired to text back. I'm going to see if I can lead this date to more than a makeout session ;).


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Another good day of approaching today. I met about 10 girls and even though they all blew me out tried doing several different things on the list I have. I tried opening with a sexy smile, opening with a deep voice, slowing down my approach, not raising the pitch of my voice as the interaction moved along. These all improved the reactions and results, when I started without these adjustments girls just walked away, afterwards girls were happy to talk to me for a bit. One girl was into me from the start but I lost attraction as my repartée took a nosedive, however it has improved considerably since this started. On a final note; I've been thinking that repartée and being an asshole are related, just a thought I'm going to try and test. Only a quick post today, I'll get a more detailed one up later this week.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
It's been a challenging week, it seems like I've taken steps back instead of progressed onwards, it is probably just frustration at not reaching the hook point and getting blown out quite quickly. So I did some checking on my fundamentals (again) and concluded that my posture has gotten a bit lazy so I'm correcting (I was watching Iron man and when Robert Downey Jnr is trying on his suit that's the ideal posture to aim for, I think). Besides from that I've been trying to change a few things in my interactions with girls, from smiling sexily when I open to being slightly higher energy when I open to gaining early compliance. On with how my day went:

Walking down the street into the city centre I see a cute girl who is older than me, I go to open her but as soon as I show her that I'm interested she just continues walking. The next girl I go to open says thanks and then continues on with her day. The next 3 approaches follow the same pattern and I'm getting annoyed cause I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, maybe I just happened to choose 5 girls that didn't like me or had really important stuff to get on with. At this point I decide to change tac and just compliment the girls without trying to get into a conversation so I can build some momentum. The next 2 girls I approach now seem into me but as I had a plan in place I didn't think fast enough to get into a conversation with them. I ended up kicking myself that I let 2 really cute girls slip away... By this point I was really frustrated that I wasn't getting anywhere with any girls and was on the verge of heading home to figure out what I was doing wrong. After some deliberation I decided to stay and see what could happen over the next few approaches. I spotted a cute brunette walking by and decided to approach her, we had a brief conversation before she said she had to get on with her day. This made me feel better as I have had a conversation with a girl I've approached. I went to open another girl, but this one was crying... I was completely taken aback and just let her keep walking, maybe my day hasn't been that bad in comparison. I'm certain at this point that I will have a good conversation with a girl, I don't care about taking her number I just want a conversation that will last more than 10 seconds. I approach the next girl I notice and I finally get the conversation I was looking for! It spanned about 5 minutes and we talked for a while. I'm not going to type up the conversation but here is what we went through:

I opened her and we traded names. We banter for a while and we laugh, I use we statements and start to find out what she does, I also move her. She answers and starts to ask me what I do, I answer and turn it back to her and start to qualify her asking her how creative she is. She qualifies herself which is great, I start to deep dive her on what she does at uni and also tease her a little on it (she's studying radiography and I made comments about her just wanting to undress people and see them without clothes on). This goes on for a bit and I try and get her number... She says that she can't, she's going home soon, I ignore this and change the topic. I try again to get her number but she now claims to have a boyfriend. I ignore this and keep talking to her, I then move her inside a shop and we talk a bit more. I try one last time to get her number, she doesn't give it to me and soon after we say bye.

The best thing about this day was, was that I kept going even though I really didn't feel like it. I got some good experience out of today.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Lay Report

I met this really cute girl on the street 2 days ago, lovely shoulder-length brown hair, a lush tan which exudes some hint of foreign blood and some rather seductive brown eyes. I walk up to her and deliver my opener in which she replies with a Spanish accent.

Me: Hey, I saw you walking here and I had to tell you that you have gorgeous eyes. I'm Edd.

Her: Thanks.

Me: What's your name?

Her: My name's Laura.

Me: That's cool, what are you upto today? On a quick shopping spree?

Her: No, I'm just walking.

Me: Working?

Her: Haha, no walking.

Me: Wait, what... Wanking??

Her: Hahahaha, no WA-Lk-ING.

Me: Oh okay, I couldn't tell through the accent. How about we talk over here so we aren't in the foot traffic.

We talk for a little while, flirt for a little while and we talk about how she is going to buy a plane ticket for me to head to spain with her so we can fuck in her pool. Her eyes have that I-want-to-fuck-you look and we are quite happy talking about anything. I qualify her on her creativity and she says that she does a bit of drawing, I show approaval and start to deep dive her on it for a short while. After a bit more of the conversation she mentions that she wants to go and do some shopping, I suggest that we meet up later in the day, she agrees and we trade numbers.

A bit later I text her with a meet up time, she says it's too early and that we should meet up later. I'm trying to be mindful of how much negative compliance I could gain so we agree to meet up at 7 that evening.

7 rolls around and I turn up a few minutes late. When I see her I immediately try and kiss her so she understands that I am not going to be friends with her. She pulls away a little but has a teasing smile which tells me she wants to kiss me. So we're there meeting up for our quick date holding eachother quite close, playing a game of who will give in first. As I've started persisting, I'm not going to stop, so every few minutes I try and kiss, just to see if she'll cave into her temptation and to let her know I've not stopped persisting.

By this time we're at the park and we choose to sit on a rock instead of a bench.

Her: Move up a bit so I can sit down.

Me: Nah, I quite comfy, why don't you sit on me.

Her: But I won't be comfy then.

Me: I'm sure you'll cope.

I go ahead and grab her hands and guide her to sit on me and she complies. We continue our conversation about what we want to do. I deep dive what she plans to do with her life, what she enjoys doing and other more amorous topics. She asks me several questions some times I reply and give her a few snippets of my life but most of the time I try and build intrigue and to keep her guessing.

After about 5 minutes of talking in the park I try and kiss her again, she stops me and I say to her.

Me: You know you're a tease.

Her: Really?

Me: Yeah, I can't stop myself from wanting to kiss you, it has something to do with your eyes.

Her: My eyes? There's something about your eyes.

Me: No, it's definitely your eyes. Shall we go for a quick swim in this river.

I pick her up and walk over to the river and pretend I'm about to throw her in, she's laughing and is completely caught off guard with this. We sit back down and I g for another kiss, this time she caves. She goes in completely passionately and we end up making out in the middle of the park for a short time. We talk a bit more and then I suggest we go find somewhere a bit quiter. She agrees and we go off deeper into the park.

We walk for sometime unable to find any place that is private enough for us to get on with hat we both want. In the end we settle on a bench and make out on it. She lies down and I start to play with her breast with my mouth and hands, I listen to her soft moaning as I do so. I stop and then move my hand to her pussy and start rubbing just outside her jeans. She is so wet that I can feel her wetness through her jeans. I start rubbing and she tries to stop me.

Her: You can't do that.

Me: Just relax and enjoy it, you don't have to worry about anything.

Her: I'm not the problem though, you are. If you rub me I'll want to finish, and I don't want to finish here.

Me: You enjoy pleasure, don't you?

Her: yeah.

Me: And you're enjoying this.

Her: Yeah.

Me: Then I'll rub outside your jeans for 10 seconds and I'll stop when I reach 10, you don't have to worry about anything.

Her hand moves away and I rub her and count very slowly to 10. Once I hit 10 she has the expression of pure pleasure written accross her face and her eyes are pleading me to fuck her. We still can't find any where private enough so in the end we have to go on our seperate ways. Not without the suggestion that we meet up tomorrow so we can finish what we started.

Saturday comes around, I pick up my phone determined that I can fuck this girl if I play my cards right. She leaves the next day (today) back to spain and she is very in to me. I know that if I blatantly ask if she want's to meet up, I am fucked in the worst way possible. So I drop a text saying:

Me: Hey Laura, I hope you were able to finish last night ;).

Her: No :( without your help I couldn't finish. Did you? And my friend was very jealous of you, hahaha.

Oh yeah she has a friend who has slept with her but is apparently quite protective (and gets more protective later that day) and is terrible in bed. Anyway on with the texting.

Me: I bet you still want that release, don't you?

Her: hahaha yeah. I want to go back to Spain with a big smile :)

Me: If you want one of those we could meet later ;)

Her: Ok, see you this afternoon but I don't know what time because I'm quite busy.

We continue to text so we can sort out the time and place. We sort it all out after some time and we finally have a place to go which is less public: Her place. However she says I have to be quiet as she isn't allowed any guests. I reply back saying:

Me: I don't think you should be worrying about how loud I'm going to be ;) do you want to meet in town or at your place?

9 o'clock comes around and we meet at the same spot we did the day before. We kiss and start walking back to her place. She regales her day to me and her now very protective friend who is texting her every 5 minutes and always hassling her about me. I sympathise briefly and then change the conversation topic to something a bit more seduction-friendly. On the way back to her place we stop every so often to kiss and for me to touch her in inappropriate places. She tells me to stop but is obviously enjoying what I'm doing.

We get back to her place and sneak in through the front door and stealthily make our way into her room. She puts the tv on to drown out any sounds that we may make and we sit next to each other. Then the inevitable happens...

She's lying next/on top of me and with the look of utter bewilderment and childish glee in her eye.

Me: Are you like this with everyone?

Her: No.

Me: Just the one person then.

Her: Yeah.

She looks at me with lust and complete affection as she continues to kiss my neck...

We turn our attention to the tv, her phone starts to ring. Have a guess who's on the other side...

Her: Hey, you've been acting really strange lately. You've been texting me every 5 minutes and checking up on what I'm doing, why?


Her: No I'm not at home. (I start laughing, not cause she's just lied but because this guy has no idea that she's completely naked as I start fingering her; okay maybe a little cause she's lying)


Her: No, I still want to say goodbye to you before I go back to spain.


Her: You do't mind waiting and I'll text you when I'm home, yeah, okay, bye.

She hangs up and we continue on with our 2 person party.

I say that I've got to leave, I have a train to catch back home and all my stuff is back at my house. She grabs my arms and says.

Her: No, I want you to stay. Come to Spain with me, it's hot and we have a pool.

Me: I can't, I've got to go back home but if you are ever back in England drop me a line. Okay.

Her: yeah, okay.

We get up and put our clothes on. She gets a text from the other guy saying that he's waiting outside! We try and be quick about smuggling me back out. The coast is clear and we kiss and I walk back to get a taxi. And as I turn the corner, I see the other guy walking to her house. Our eyes meet and I as we pass eachother I can't help but laugh.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
After a couple of days of not many successful approaches, I'm glad that today was a huge improvement on this week. Just to summarise; Monday I approached 7 girls but none were really that interested in me, Tuesday I approached 5 and again the same results, Wednesday and Thursday I approached 13 and 11 girls respectively but I only got into a couple of conversations that died within seconds. I got a bit frustrated and went back to the drawing board to figure out where I was messing up... needless to say I was a bit tense and it was showing up in my interactions. So after I had calmed myself down today was a great day. I got into more conversations and got an stunning girls number. Here is how that interaction went:

Me: Hey, I saw you walking and I had to tell you that you have the greatest sense of style I have seen all day. I'm Edd.

Her: Thanks, I'm Layla.

Me: That's an odd name, where is it from?

Her: I've got a bit of singaporean and pakistani blood in me, as well as English and Irish.

Me: Wow, that's quite a mix, have you ever travelled there?

Her: No but I would like to.

Me: I think you're quite cute, it works well, how is your day going?

Her: You're quite cute as well. My day isn't too bad just back to work after my lunch hour.

Me: So you've just been on a shopping spree? I would do the same thing and come back with a wardrobe like Jennifer Aniston.

Her: Haha, yeah so would I.

Me: You don't happen to pole dance do you? Cause I think you've got a gorgeous body.

Her: Hahaha, no I go to the gym when I'm not feeling lazy.

Me: Yeah, but I find it's easier to sit down and just eat a tub of Ben and Jerry's.

Her: Yeah, cookie dough is soo addictive.

Me: It's too addictive. So what job do you do?

We talk, I move her and talk a bit more and then grab her number. We parted ways with a hug and I'm about to go and text her.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
A short update on how my approaching has been going... Overall this week hasn't been grand, I've been focusing on building up my teasing skills and even though they have been making some slight improvement I started to notice that I would lose several girls because I was putting pressure on myself to perform. This in turn led to bad interactions and me not wanting to approach because I would visualise the bad outcomes when I would open a girl. This then led to me not smiling and being upbeat when I approach and as I have neglected that the number of girls that will have conversations with me has dropped. I didn't see this happening when I started to learn how to be witty but unfortunately it has happened. So now I've taken a few steps back and making sure that I smile when I open and am a slightly higher energy. On the other hand though I have noticed that being higher energy helps with the pressure that I put on myself when trying to tease girls. Just for reference, I am fine with teasing girls when I know them fairly well but I struggle a lot at the start of an interaction... especially before the hook point. So my plan is to lay off the teasing until I have gotten other components of my game down, such as the push pull, chase framing, intrigue... However I will try to make sure more girls will have a conversation with me when I open.

I've considered what I can do differently when I open to get into conversations with girls and this is what I have so far:

- Sexy smile when opening.
- Be slightly higher energy than the girl.
- Keep eye-contact when delivering opener.
- Use a louder voice. (this mixes a bit with the higher energy)
- Have a linear conversation. (e.g. mention something about her attire or ask why she's on the streets)
- Persist once or twice with the girl if she is about to go (e.g. you've already stopped so you must kinda like me ;) )

If you have any suggestions I would love to hear, and I hope mine help you if you're at my stage :).


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
So for the past 2 days I have been trying to figure out the problem with my sticking point. I've wracked my brain to try and come up with solutions as well as approaching to test those solutions; and I think I've hit something. That something is: Being Higher Energy and smiling at the same time. The lack of this combination, as you can imagine, kills any interaction with women that you can hope for (to my knowledge). Just like any of you I have tested this out in the field and it comes back with quite good results, in the form that women are much more inclined to talk to you instead of just saying no and walking away. Anyway here is my account of today's approaching.

The first girl I approached was a terrible approach, I wasn't high energy and you could have spotted I was nervous from a mile off. Off course this girl didn't pay any attention and kept walking on but the point of that approach was to start.

The next girl wasn't that interested either but she was still worth approaching as you never know what may happen.

I approached this girl and got my opener out when she turned around and told me she was married.

This girl stopped when I approached her and we had a brief conversation consisting of introductions and her excusing herself and me persisting a little, but to no avail.

Before I approached this next girl I was getting into gear for being higher energy, it just happened to be one of those days where it takes you a little longer to get started. By the time I approached this girl I was focusing on being a little bit above her energy level.

Me: Hey, I saw you walking here and had to tell you that you have the most captivating eyes. I'm Edd.

Her: Thanks, I'm Helen.

Me: That's a cool name. What brings you out into the open, Helen?

Her: I'm just off to work.

Me: Cool, what's your job?

Her: I'm a dental nurse.

Me: I couldn't do that, I'd get scared of my hand being bitten off.

She laughs a little and then conversation soon trails off... I think that last definitely created a gap between us, I've got to be careful with this as it was an attempt at teasing, which, as you can see, is not great :s.

I have a few more approaches at the same kind of energy level and don't get great responses but they are a lot better than before! I finally try one last approach where my energy level is quite a bit higher than the girls, and this paid off, even though I didn't get a number, you can see the conversation is much better.

Me: Hi, I saw you walking and had to come and tell you that you have the most capitavating eyes that I have seen all day. I'm Edd.

Her: (blushing) Thanks. I'm Megan.

Me: Hi Megan, where are you heading today?

Her: I'm off to the University.

Me: That's cool, so are you a fresher then?

Her: No, I'm a second year, I'm helping out at the fresher's fair as I'm part of the wine society.

Me: Wine society, huh, I can imagine you getting drunk of all the wine you have their.

Her: haha, yeah, maybe.

Me: I love getting drunk of wine. We get so mellow off of it, like red wine makes everyone tired and white wine... well I'm not sure.

Her: Yeah but I'm not into white wine that much.

Me: Red is much nicer to drink.

We talk for a few more lines and she then says she has to get going. I try to get her number but she mentions she has a boyfriend.

Main things to take away from the past 2 days are that Being Higher Energy than the girl pays massive dividends!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Hey, I hope you all have had good summers so far and that your efforts go well in autumn! As for me this is a quick update on how my summer has gone so I hope you enjoy reading this.

So since I have started this Journal on approaching (if you've kept up with it) I have had a lot of ups and downs. So I have approached roughly 650 girls since the start of this journal. Out of those 650 I got maybe 50 numbers (I'm not too sure on that though), out of those 50 number maybe 10 of those transpire into dates, and out of those 10 dates I got laid once! So it's not looking bad to say the least. Out of the approaches some of the girls hooked very fast, some took a bit of time but it does seem like a reachable goal now.

Here are some things that I have noted about my approach and some solutions to them:

1- No girls getting into conversations with me (this seems to be a big one for me at the moment).
2- Girls getting cold as an interaction progresses.
3- Getting girls to text back.
4- Having the start of an interaction less awkward (i.e. I'm asking too many questions, not teasing, etc...).
5- Improving my fundamentals.

1- I've started to notice a degree of outcome dependence when I approach. As you could guess, I expect (maybe try too hard) to get into a conversation. I've noticed that when I'm just happy to give the compliment to the girl, and mean it without expecting to get into a conversation with her, I get into more conversations.
2- This, I think, is because I'm asking her to commit information to me without gaining any kind of trust (or enough attraction). I try to deep dive way to early into a conversation (such as I haven't moved her a large distance) which you see kills the interaction; I also think that because I am asking for the reasons she does stuff in her life and not getting the answers, I come off as judgemental, just from studying my mannerisms, I reckon this causes a large part of auto-rejection as I come off as a bit creepy for being a stranger that is all of a sudden asking for her deep personal reasons for doing what she does. So I plan on solving this by sticking to lighter topics and finding common ground we can relate on and asking about small things and not going to deep into them.
3- This is mostly going to be solved when I get the other two above sorted. If not I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
4- Again you might say that this can be sorted out by number 2 but one more thing to point out: Having a conversation flow linearly at the start seems to make a huge difference in how well the interaction goes.
5- This is mostly a memory issue as I'm sure many of you will agree. The ones I'm focusing on at the moment is how slowly I move and the depth and resonance of my voice, along with my shoulders and chest (but the last 2 are just finishing touches).


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Another day of approaching and I got into a couple of conversations, here are 2 of them:

Girl 1:

Me: Hey, I saw you wlking and had to tell you that you are incredibly cute. I'm Edd.

Her: Thanks, I'm Huliah. (She starts to leave)

Me: Stay a moment, you've already stopped.

Her: Okay.

Me: What brings you to the streets? That's a bit obvious you're on a shopping spree.

Her: Haha, yeah.

Me: Are you at the university then?

Her: Yeah.

Me: What are you studying?

Her: English and Philosophy. What do you do here.

Me: I study Maths, so we're kind of the opposite in what we study.

Her: Not really, Maths is up here and English and Philosophy is about here (she's gesturing heights with her hands).

Me: Shall we move to the side so that we aren't in everyone's way. What made you choose English and Philosophy?

Her: They were my two favorite subjects and I chose to continue them on. Where are you from?

Me: I'm from the South.

Her: Whereabouts?

Me: Do you know where Bournemouth is? I'm from a small town near there. How about you?

Her: Yeah I know there. I'm from Croydon in North London.

Me: Croydon, I guess you're a posh girl then.

Her: Haha, no I'm not really.

Me: I didn't think you were. Are you creative at all?

Her: No, not really. What do you mean by creative?

Me: Music, drawing, writing.

Her: No, I'm a really boring person.

Me: Okay, how about travelling?

Her: Yeah, I love travelling! I went to Amsterdam, Italy and Croatia over summer.

Me: That's awesome!

Her: I've got to go and meet my friends.

Me: Okay, but how about we meet for a coffee sometime?

Her: Okay, I'll give you my number. (She types it in)

Me: It's not like I had a choice.

Her: Haha, you approached me.

Me: You're the one flashing Victoria Secrets' bags around.

Her: Haha.

Me: Huliah, that's an unusual name, where's it from?

Her: It's Turkish.

Me: You're Turkish, that's cool. Anyway I'll see you around.

Girl 2:

Me: Hi, I saw you walking and had to tell you that you are really cute. I'm Edd

Her: Hi, I'm Katy.

Me: Hey Katy, what brings you to the streets?

Her: I'm off to meet my friends.

Me: That's cool, you look quite confused and dazed.

Her: Yeah, I've never been approached on the street before.

She starts to close up and I can tell that nothing is going to happen here so I give her an excuse to leave as I was hating every moment of that conversation as well. I have definitely noticed that I am forcing rapport too much and it doesn't feel normal. Solving it is in Chase's E-book though so I've got a good solution ready.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
I remembered that I haven't posted in here for a while, and it has this nice accompaniment of shedding some light on different sticking points. For this week I've only approached 1 girl, I've been struck down by tonsilitus and I've been bed-ridden for 2 days and haven't been focusing my full attention on approaching, as you might expect. Besides form that last week was quite good, I met maybe 30 girls and got a few numbers, one of which replied. The text conversation didn't last for very long however, I wanted to try something a little different, who wouldn't it's fun to try new things, and I tried to turn the topic sexual but as soon as I did no reply so either I came off asexual in the approach or it was too direct a comment and not enough implication. Either way I've noticed one solution that may help with getting numbers and texting back will be to have more interesting conversations, at the moment you could spot the dullness from a mile away... But it wasn't such a bad week I found out a girl thought I was hot and the next time she came over I ended up having a threesome with her and another girl who came round ;)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Enjoying your journal man, sounds like massive progress since June which is encouraging to a newer guy like myself. Great LR (Spain girl with over protective orbiter) hahaha
cheers, Ray


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Thanks Ray,

I'm glad it's encouraging you, I partly started this to help newer guys and melt some ice out of the glacier... It's great to hear that you see some progress cause I barely see it after all the rejections, but it's definitely worth it looking back! The Spanish girl and orbiter LR was one of the funniest things I've encountered from doing this!
Best of Luck for your own approaching :)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
A new day of approaching and it didn't start as well as I hoped but I pushed forward. Over the last few weeks I think I've gotten a little bit lazy with approaching and have started to meet less girls because I'm not focused enough, so I'm going to build some more resolve so I can re-correct the laziness. Here are the approaches I made, they aren't many but hopefully they can teach something.

Girl 1 I walked up to mostly just to get out of my and not expecting anything. I didn't want a conversation at all I didn't feel like talking at all but I want this skill. I got into this conversation with this girl and tried something different to see what would happen if I just skipped the boring questions that seem to be pitfalls in my game, the result was quite interesting:

Me: Hi, I saw you walking and I had to come and tell you that you're gorgeous. I'm Edd.

Her: Oh, err, hi... I'm Rachel.

Me: What brings you to the streets? (I take her hand as a small gesture, gaining compliance and breaking touch barrier)

Her: I'm just on my lunch from work. This is a bit weird.

Me: Nah, it's fun, so what are you doing to unwind from it then? (I would usually ask what job and why she picked it and so on, I decided that these are quite boring mostly cause many girls just don't seem that into the conversation even if they were at the start)

Her: I've just gone to the sewing shop to pick up some stuff.

Me: That's quite cool, were you getting some sewing equipment or knitting needles? (thinking about it I could have teased here with something like "I can definitely imagine you at the age of 80 in a rocking chair sewing/knitting away at a scarf for winter ;)" I'll save it for next time).

Her: I don't knit... My Gran does some sewing and I learnt off her.

The conversation takes a strange turn at that point as I struggle to find a way to make the conversation more interesting. The vibe was virtually non-existent and I was surprised when she moved with me (I can't remember when in the interaction I moved her). Part of the vibe problem was (and is) is that I'm not getting close enough to them, I'm standing about 2 feet away which makes any touch obvious and come off kind off creepy. I'll see how close I can get to a girl so that the touch problem fades and hopefully it will help with the vibe. As for the vibe itself I've tried being upbeat but that only helps the reception on approach and not the actual conversation maybe it is something to do with the distance between us as it may come off as incongruent and therefore a bit weird. I'll find a solution to them and hopefully get them up. One idea might be to get in closer and be a sexier man to decrease the vibe and touch problems.

I made 3 more approaches in town but got turned down by each girl and by that time some friends had come along and told me I look like I was about to fall asleep. I left with them understanding what they were saying but I hadn't finished approaching.

I go into the library to get some work done and sit next to this cute girl. I'm practising my sexy facial expressions whilst doing some problems and get stuck on a particular one. So I just ask for her help, a bit of a lame opener but she's noticed me and anything will do right now.

Me: Hey, you don't know how to solve this problem?

Her: I might do, what is it? (I show her)

Me: What do you think, I'm not sure, I've got my own work but I think I could help for a moment.

Me: Thanks so much, I've been stuck on this for ages.

We briefly talk about the question and then anounces she has a doctor's appointment. She leaves and I don't expect she'll be back. About an hour later she turns up again and this time sits in the seat next to me which is a haunting 2 foot away...

Me: Hey, back again!

Her: Yeah! Have you solved the problem?

Me: Yeah, the girls over there helped. Besides you said you were from the south?

Her: Yeah, London.

I can't remember this bit of the conversation but I do remember it turns onto the topic of her going to private school, I joked that she went to eton, she wasn't to impressed cause she thought I thought she looked like a guy, I just brushed it away with a deadpan voice and continued the conversation. We land on the topic of her holidaying and how it coincides with her dad's business excurtions. I failed to make this into a sex frame by saying something like "nah, I reckon you go there just to look at hot caribbean men with their shirts off ;)". The conversation then turned to maths and her asking for my help I gave some but started to pack up. I wasn't certain I was going to get her number, she had played with her hair a bit throughout the interaction and she did offer investment on her own, so I went for the number pull and landed her number. However I have a feeling it may be "just friends" territory cause the interaction was really platonic... Unless my sexy smile made her feel differently.

Just a last note on the problems. I've had a thought that I should use the tactic of saying I can't hear girls and get them to move closer and if they do so in a small way I will then guide them close with my arm, that will work for standing, no ideas for sitting yet.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
I had a pretty good day of approaching today, it felt as if I'm slowly making progress with my conversation and making it more interesting and upbeat. I got to town and started within the first 5 minutes as to get a good start and to help my social momentum. I noticed that I still have some approach anxiety at the start of any new outing but as long as I start quickly the fear dissipates very fast. On the other hand if I get stuck in my head it takes a long time to make the first approach. Town was quite busy as it is half term but most of the girls in school go around in groups and I don't approach groups as it is harder to seperate the girl.

My first approach was shot down immediately by the girl but I didn't mind as I was more concerned about starting. I move onto the next girl, I want to have as much practice in my conversations as possible so I approach.

Me: Hi, I was you walking here and I had to come and tell you that you are incredibly cute. I'm Edd.

Her: Hi, I'm Alex.

Me: Why are you dancing around me like that?

Her: I don't know why, I'm surprised I guess.

Me: Haha, that's cool, what are you doing here today then? Let's quickly move to the side we're in everyone's way.

Her:Okay, I'm off shopping.

Me: Off to buy some Victoria's Secret or La Senza lingerie?

Her: (Looks at me weirdly) No, I'm off to buy some tights for halloween.

Me: What are you going as?

Her: I'm going as a devil this year.

Me: No doubt, you look like you're a little devilish.

Not too sure what happens next in the conversation we talk a little about what she is studying, what she dressed up as for other halloween parties and so on. I grab her number and then we hug and leave. Whe I asked for her number I distinctly remember asking for it and her being on the fence and when I said we should anyway she was much happier that I took the lead and said we should. The vibe of the conversation was quite strong and fun. It was a good conversation and felt more like two people having a good time rather than me just trying to get something from here.

The next girl I approached carried on walking, that was mostly because she had headphones in and when I tried to stop her she was behind a huge crowd of people so there wasn't much time for her to stop.

I can't really remember number 4 so I guess the conversation didn't last long or didn't happen.

Girl number 5 was really cute but she looked like she had climbed out of a trainwreck, I approached her anyway cause I thought the practice would be worth while.

Me: Hi, I saw you walking and had to tell you that you are gorgeous. I'm Edd.

Her: Really?!?! I've been awake since 11, I feel like a mess.

Me: You do have very wind-swept hair. How come you've been up since 11?

Her: I went to a party in Manchester.

Me: That sounds crazy, I guess you study here then.

Her: No I study in the next city.

We talk a while longer and I go for the number pull but she say she has a boyfriend. I say we can be really discrete, she laughs but says she's a good girl. I push a little harder but the same answer ensues so we hug and part ways. Overall there wasn't much of a vibe in the conversation I couldn't find a way to open it up so it was more interesting. I tried teasing her with her hair but I don't think I pushed it hard enough and I am terrible with my tone on teasing. In the end the conversation had alright content but was lacking in any sense of connection.

I move onto a few more girls but they don't respond that well, I get into a short conversation but it dies quickly and we go on with our lives.

The last girl I spoke to was really into me, I noticed that she had spotted me from afar so I went up to her and opened her and she was quite nervous from the beginning and started to play with her hair.

Me: Hey, I saw you here and had to tell you that you have the most exquisite eyes. I'm Edd.

Her: Hi, I'm Jessica.

Me: Hey Jessica, What brings you to the streets today.

Her: I'm just here to shop.

Me: That's cool, you look stunned.

Her: Hahahaha, yeah I am.

This non-conversation carries on for a few more sentences at which point I try to move her to get a stronger conversation going. She denies compliance and says she has to get going. I then try to get her number cause it seems like she is attracted but she has a boyfriend. I end the day here. I didn't really get the last girl I knew she was attracted to me but she was quite closed and gave very short answers as responses. Maybe it could be my conversational skills aren't upto scratch to get her to open up.

Overall it wasn't too bad a day. My conversations are getting slightly more interesting and the vibe of the conversation is getting better but I keep failing to make conversation (in the sense I just try and ask a lot of questions). Fortunately, I do balance I's and you's more in the conversations. Things to work on are: becoming more relatable in conversation and commenting on the things the girl says, as well as that teasing (tone and structure) is getting slighltly beter but still can be improved.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Hey mate why don't you try some cold reads, or for an easy start just phrase some questions as non-questions... eg "what are you doing today" --> "looks like you're not so busy right now" or "looks like you're on your way to ..." and see if she opens up (as Smith put it). Yeah well I have the same problems as you but lately started trying above and I guess it's an improvement. Not easy to do though.
cheers, Ray


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
When I went out today, I took a while to get approaching (about 30 minutes) I passed up a lot of cute girls but I finally got into it. It was quite busy out today, lots of people walking around with the majority in groups. I went around town for a bit until I finally approached a cute girl who was in her late 20's I stopped her but she wasn't interested but stopped long enough to give me a smile before walking on.

The next girl was quite happy to meet me but again I could tell that she wasn't into me, we made some small talk before we parted ways. The small talk mostly consisted of her briefly talking about her oncoming trip to Mexico. There wasn't much of a vibe in either of the conversations and I am trying to work on my sexy vibe in interactions.

The next girl I meet was quite excited to meet me and we got into a good conversation, there wasn't any strong sexy vibe but some of the conversations was about sex (I guess we all start somewhere).

Me: Hi, I saw you walking and I had to come and tell you that you're gorgeous. I'm Edd.

Her: Hi, I'm Rosy.

Me: Hi Rosy, what brings you to the streets today.

Her: I live here.

Me: You live in the streets! You look very good for a homeless girl.

Her: No, hahaha, I live in the city. I'm off to meet a friend.

Me: That's cool, so what do you do when you aren't here?

Her: I work...

Me: No, I mean what do you do to enjoy yourself. Unless work is what you really love doing.

Her: I just stay at home. I'm quite a boring person.

Me: Okay... You aren't secretly a popstar are you? Cause that would be really cool!

Her: No, I can't sing to save my life.

Me: How about a rockstar? You could be lead guitarist and travel the world. If that's the case I'm coming with you!

Her: Hahahahah, yeah, you can be my groupie.

Me: I'm in, how about we move over here, we seem to be in everyone's way. (we move to the side of the pavement and I lean against the wall whilst she stands). So do you do anything creative at all?

Her: I'm a rockstar remember!

Me: I mean other than your music.

Her: No not really, I'm quite a boring person.

Me: That's a shame (said with a deadpan voice with a small pause, I think I should have let her fill the silence instead of me so she is forced to qualify herself). You're one of the people who stays at home and drinks a bottle of wine, aren't you? (Said in a teasing way).

Her: Yeah, I'm a true alcoholic! (Keeping the joke going in a warm way)

Me: Of course! All rockstars are since the time of John Bonham.

Her: Hahahaha!

Me: I like you, you're fun, but don't get any ideas, I'm not an easy groupie to get. How about we meet for coffee, sometime? (I realised that I should have said we should meet for coffee sometime, fortunately I corrected this after another high point).

Her: Hahaha, I'm a bit busy at the moment I'm meeting my friend (I ignore this and let her carry on), do you do this often? Meeting all the girls in the street?

Me: There's an awful lot of girls to meet.

Her: Cause this is the first time this has happened to me.

Me: I see, it's cause you're the girl who approaches the men, or even you get your security guard to pick all the cute guys to take to your room. (I get close and hug and point at guys) You could have that one or that one or him! You're fun we should meet for coffee later! Let's trade numbers.

Her: Hahahahaha, Sure!

Me: How old are you?

Her: 24, what about you?

Me: I'm old enough.

Her: That's not an answer, if you don't tell me I won't type my number in.

Me: I'm 20. (looking back I know that it was wrong to tell her and keep on making her guess instead of supplicating) Where are you having coffee with your friend cause there's so many coffee shops around here.

Her: We arent going for coffee we're having dinner.

Me: Ahhh, I say lunch cause I'm from the South. (I'm not sure why I said this, it creates a gap between us).

Her: Here you go.

Me: Cool, I hope you have a good time with your friend!

Her: Bye!

Looking back over the conversation it was quite good, a few things are a bit off but there was a strong vibe but it wasn't a sexy one but more friendly and high energy. I've got to be careful when making gaps in conversation and try to avoid them and also use social pressure to get her qualifying herself to me.

I left town as I had a lecture to go to. I get there and sit down and a cute girl sits down 2 seats away. I know she's noticed me and I try to think up of a situationally relevant opener, but none come to mind at the time (it was quite a boring room, maybe I could have pointed out that all the lecture theatre's are about as exciting as watching paint dry). Fortunately (and unfortunately) I hadn't brought any pens so I used this as my opener and then continued the conversation here and there throughout the lecture.

Me: Hey, do you have a spare pen?

Her: (Very happy that I struck up a conversation) Here let me check, but I don't think so. (She ruffles through her back) No, sorry I don't.

Me: No worries. (I get a pen off someone else then return my attention to her) Do you think he is ever going to start?

Her: I don't know but I love his lectures! He is so funny!

Me: He is. He reminds me of my old maths teacher, he always used to make the same jokes.

Her: Yeah, I love it when he just stares at the wall and talks to us at the same time!

Me: He does that?!?!

Her: Yeah!

Me: You'll have to nudge me when he does it then!

Her: Okay. (We stop talking as the lecture starts).

I can't remember much of the conversation as the lecture progresses but there was this bit I do remember.

Me: What plans have you got for Halloween?

Her: We're going to (some night) at the O2 academy.

Me: I've not heard of it before.

Her: It goes around the country and it's here over halloween it plays drum and bass type music. What about you?

Me: Drum and bass, that'll make a good night. We're going to space.

Her: Yeah, that's a good one!

Me: Yeah, We're thinking of going around stealing traffic cones.

Her: Hahahaha.

Me: Though I think you're going to be up to something, you look a bit like a devil.

Her: Hahahahahahah.

Me: Yeah, definitely, a sexy devil suits you. (I gave her a bit of a sexy smile and also look at her lips a bit to imply sexual interest).

Her: Hahahahahahahaha. (She's laughing and slightly shocked that I said that but in a good way).

Me: I like you, you're fun, lets meet for coffee sometime. (She nods her head and we trade numbers).

The lecture ends and we get up talk a little more I hug her and then we part ways. The conversation was much more sexual as I was implying more sexual interest with my non-verbals (e.g. looking at lips, talking about sex implicitly). She was also very eager to talk to me early on and was playing with her hair throughout the lecture which I assumed was because of me. There isn't much to fix with this but that's because we were listening to the lecturer most of the time and the conversation didn't get very deep. Thinking about it now I remember her qualifying her creativity to me and I deep dived briefly on that. Overall, even though I made 4 approaches today they went very well.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Halloween night has been pretty spectacular. I hit it off with a couple of girls but it came to nothing as I didn't move on the escalation windows... Besides that, here is my account of the evening.

I met a lot of old friends and one of them introduced me to a girl I hadn't met before who lived in my halls last year. We got talking and the conversation unfolded below:

Me: I like your outfit, what are you meant to be?

Her: Have you seen Despicable Me?

Me: No.

Her: Okay, well you know the minions, I'm one of those but the purple one from the 2nd film.

Me: Okay, why did you choose to come as a purple minion?

Her: It was a choice of 3. Either you come as scary, you come as slutty-scary or you come as a children's character.

Me: (Giving her less eye-contact to try and make her chase) So you chose the later, I like it.

Her: Thanks... (I can only remember this much on alcohol, but it was obvious she was attracted but seeing as I had only entered the party I rationalised that I could find someone better).

Of course I didn't see her again after that interaction unless it was a sporadic meeting in the hallway. The fun thing about this interaction was that she was chasing from the start. I incroporated something that a couple of my friends use (who I don't hang out with much but probably should do seeing as they are a bit popular with girls), they seem to look away a lot in an interaction, especially when a girl is talking. I tried this and the girl responded immediately by trying harder to get my attention.

The next girl was a bit cool but when we approached the topic of what we came as she left (to be fair I had put in next to zero effort for halloween as I'm a huge introvert). However she was very interested until I told her that I came as a murder victim (not very creative, I know you're thinking that).

The last girl was the most interesting encounter cause we had met before but we couldn't figure out when or where. The entire conversation was directed at trying to place eachother. I threw in a few sexual frames here and there (e.g. she mentioned we smoked weed and I said it sounded like we were getting intimate etc...) she laughed and I moved her a couple of times. We were sitting on the stairs and then we seem to place eachother and the vibe we had going (which was heading somewhere) vanished faster than a freefaller without a parachute. Nothing I could do seemed to relight that vibe we had going. As soon as we had placed eachother everything disappeared. I may have missed an escalation window. I believe that that was the case here and as soon as we placed eachother the intrigue had gone. In hindsight I should've gone and made a move before we figured it out. However I was uncertain cause it didn't seem like we knew eachother that well.

Anyway, moving on to my next outing in town (which should be tomorrow) here are my goals:

1- Use 1 push-pull in an interaction.
2- Use 1 implication of value (e.g. imply that you would bring value into her life).
3- Use a compliance ladder.

If anything, this night has made me more determined to get this skill down.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Okay, just a quick update as I'm wanting to get some shut eye. On the goal front, I've not been successful on all of them. I've managed the compliance one but I haven't found a way to get the other ones into my conversations as they haven't lasted more than 30 seconds for the last few days. On that front I should have approached a lot more but I didn't.

On a brighter note I've got 2 girls texting me as we speak and I have one really intrigued by me. I've also noticed a substantial increase in intial attraction from girls, I don't know why completely though.

Lastly, I've noticed something subtle that naturals and seducers do that distinguish them from other guys. Namely they don't have neutral eyebrows. They either have them furrowed or slightly raised which I think moves them out of being friend-zoned and more sexual. You can see it on movie posters, films even on girls chase!

I'm still working on those goals, I'm not giving up on them.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Finally got the other 2 goals done yesterday, it took a bit of time but I found a girl and got them done at the start of the conversation so that I didn't have to worry about getting them accomplished. Here are my goals for tomorrow:

1- Lightly tease every girl I get into a conversation with within 30 seconds.
2- Touch every girl I get into a conversation with on the arm at least 3 times.
3- Qualify each girl on either her creativity or adventurousness.

On a side note I've started to meet some girls in lectures either by striking up a conversation or writing fun notes. Here's how one interaction went:

Me: This lecture's as boring as watching paint dry. Have you got any valium? (Not great and it didn't get a response so I waited and tried again). Seriously, I have to take 20 right now! (This got her to write back and the conversation on the note didn't last long).

Her: I'll trade you some for a gun to shut the two behind you up.

Me: I haven't got a gun but we could throw them off a bridge. (This should have been more exaggerated, such as saying we should throw them into the nearest volcano or something).

Her: I don't know who to judge more, weird conversation. (I thought at the time this was a test so I thought for a while on how to best respond).

Me: Nah, anything to liven up this boring lecture. What's your name?

She wrote her name and the lecture ended. I tried to get her number but it didn't happen, neither was I expecting it to.