Lay Report
I met this really cute girl on the street 2 days ago, lovely shoulder-length brown hair, a lush tan which exudes some hint of foreign blood and some rather seductive brown eyes. I walk up to her and deliver my opener in which she replies with a Spanish accent.
Me: Hey, I saw you walking here and I had to tell you that you have gorgeous eyes. I'm Edd.
Her: Thanks.
Me: What's your name?
Her: My name's Laura.
Me: That's cool, what are you upto today? On a quick shopping spree?
Her: No, I'm just walking.
Me: Working?
Her: Haha, no walking.
Me: Wait, what... Wanking??
Her: Hahahaha, no WA-Lk-ING.
Me: Oh okay, I couldn't tell through the accent. How about we talk over here so we aren't in the foot traffic.
We talk for a little while, flirt for a little while and we talk about how she is going to buy a plane ticket for me to head to spain with her so we can fuck in her pool. Her eyes have that I-want-to-fuck-you look and we are quite happy talking about anything. I qualify her on her creativity and she says that she does a bit of drawing, I show approaval and start to deep dive her on it for a short while. After a bit more of the conversation she mentions that she wants to go and do some shopping, I suggest that we meet up later in the day, she agrees and we trade numbers.
A bit later I text her with a meet up time, she says it's too early and that we should meet up later. I'm trying to be mindful of how much negative compliance I could gain so we agree to meet up at 7 that evening.
7 rolls around and I turn up a few minutes late. When I see her I immediately try and kiss her so she understands that I am not going to be friends with her. She pulls away a little but has a teasing smile which tells me she wants to kiss me. So we're there meeting up for our quick date holding eachother quite close, playing a game of who will give in first. As I've started persisting, I'm not going to stop, so every few minutes I try and kiss, just to see if she'll cave into her temptation and to let her know I've not stopped persisting.
By this time we're at the park and we choose to sit on a rock instead of a bench.
Her: Move up a bit so I can sit down.
Me: Nah, I quite comfy, why don't you sit on me.
Her: But I won't be comfy then.
Me: I'm sure you'll cope.
I go ahead and grab her hands and guide her to sit on me and she complies. We continue our conversation about what we want to do. I deep dive what she plans to do with her life, what she enjoys doing and other more amorous topics. She asks me several questions some times I reply and give her a few snippets of my life but most of the time I try and build intrigue and to keep her guessing.
After about 5 minutes of talking in the park I try and kiss her again, she stops me and I say to her.
Me: You know you're a tease.
Her: Really?
Me: Yeah, I can't stop myself from wanting to kiss you, it has something to do with your eyes.
Her: My eyes? There's something about your eyes.
Me: No, it's definitely your eyes. Shall we go for a quick swim in this river.
I pick her up and walk over to the river and pretend I'm about to throw her in, she's laughing and is completely caught off guard with this. We sit back down and I g for another kiss, this time she caves. She goes in completely passionately and we end up making out in the middle of the park for a short time. We talk a bit more and then I suggest we go find somewhere a bit quiter. She agrees and we go off deeper into the park.
We walk for sometime unable to find any place that is private enough for us to get on with hat we both want. In the end we settle on a bench and make out on it. She lies down and I start to play with her breast with my mouth and hands, I listen to her soft moaning as I do so. I stop and then move my hand to her pussy and start rubbing just outside her jeans. She is so wet that I can feel her wetness through her jeans. I start rubbing and she tries to stop me.
Her: You can't do that.
Me: Just relax and enjoy it, you don't have to worry about anything.
Her: I'm not the problem though, you are. If you rub me I'll want to finish, and I don't want to finish here.
Me: You enjoy pleasure, don't you?
Her: yeah.
Me: And you're enjoying this.
Her: Yeah.
Me: Then I'll rub outside your jeans for 10 seconds and I'll stop when I reach 10, you don't have to worry about anything.
Her hand moves away and I rub her and count very slowly to 10. Once I hit 10 she has the expression of pure pleasure written accross her face and her eyes are pleading me to fuck her. We still can't find any where private enough so in the end we have to go on our seperate ways. Not without the suggestion that we meet up tomorrow so we can finish what we started.
Saturday comes around, I pick up my phone determined that I can fuck this girl if I play my cards right. She leaves the next day (today) back to spain and she is very in to me. I know that if I blatantly ask if she want's to meet up, I am fucked in the worst way possible. So I drop a text saying:
Me: Hey Laura, I hope you were able to finish last night
Her: No
without your help I couldn't finish. Did you? And my friend was very jealous of you, hahaha.
Oh yeah she has a friend who has slept with her but is apparently quite protective (and gets more protective later that day) and is terrible in bed. Anyway on with the texting.
Me: I bet you still want that release, don't you?
Her: hahaha yeah. I want to go back to Spain with a big smile
Me: If you want one of those we could meet later
Her: Ok, see you this afternoon but I don't know what time because I'm quite busy.
We continue to text so we can sort out the time and place. We sort it all out after some time and we finally have a place to go which is less public: Her place. However she says I have to be quiet as she isn't allowed any guests. I reply back saying:
Me: I don't think you should be worrying about how loud I'm going to be
do you want to meet in town or at your place?
9 o'clock comes around and we meet at the same spot we did the day before. We kiss and start walking back to her place. She regales her day to me and her now very protective friend who is texting her every 5 minutes and always hassling her about me. I sympathise briefly and then change the conversation topic to something a bit more seduction-friendly. On the way back to her place we stop every so often to kiss and for me to touch her in inappropriate places. She tells me to stop but is obviously enjoying what I'm doing.
We get back to her place and sneak in through the front door and stealthily make our way into her room. She puts the tv on to drown out any sounds that we may make and we sit next to each other. Then the inevitable happens...
She's lying next/on top of me and with the look of utter bewilderment and childish glee in her eye.
Me: Are you like this with everyone?
Her: No.
Me: Just the one person then.
Her: Yeah.
She looks at me with lust and complete affection as she continues to kiss my neck...
We turn our attention to the tv, her phone starts to ring. Have a guess who's on the other side...
Her: Hey, you've been acting really strange lately. You've been texting me every 5 minutes and checking up on what I'm doing, why?
Her: No I'm not at home. (I start laughing, not cause she's just lied but because this guy has no idea that she's completely naked as I start fingering her; okay maybe a little cause she's lying)
Her: No, I still want to say goodbye to you before I go back to spain.
Her: You do't mind waiting and I'll text you when I'm home, yeah, okay, bye.
She hangs up and we continue on with our 2 person party.
I say that I've got to leave, I have a train to catch back home and all my stuff is back at my house. She grabs my arms and says.
Her: No, I want you to stay. Come to Spain with me, it's hot and we have a pool.
Me: I can't, I've got to go back home but if you are ever back in England drop me a line. Okay.
Her: yeah, okay.
We get up and put our clothes on. She gets a text from the other guy saying that he's waiting outside! We try and be quick about smuggling me back out. The coast is clear and we kiss and I walk back to get a taxi. And as I turn the corner, I see the other guy walking to her house. Our eyes meet and I as we pass eachother I can't help but laugh.