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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
I've had an epiphany today... well, of sorts. It's to do with why I think I was always struggling to keep attraction in girls just after I had met them. I'm mostly posting this so it sinks in my head and stays. This is about the third time I've written about it in 10 minutes. On with it...

A little background info first though. I am signed to a few other sites and blogs and what not however this is by far the site I use more. That being said the others do have some very interesting theories, and assuming they are authentic, then in theory I could be able to mix the styles of seduction. Which is what I landed on.

See, I always believed that in the start of a conversation I have to display high value... but I don't. My fundamentals are my high value and girls will notice me long before I've even spoken to them. This left me confused. Everyone says "Qualifying is an important part of seduction you can't miss" but surely by starting a conversation we're entering rapport? So when everyone says qualify before rapport I got confused. I kept on trying to display high value in a conversation which led to me digging my own grave; high value is displayed non-verbally.

Then this got me scratching my head even more. What the fuck am I supposed to do. I have to have fun at the start of the conversation but talking leads immediately into rapport surely... Then I got it. Lots of people say be high energy, have fun and so on but what they forget to say is this. Having fun, being high energy is a way of screening the other person.

Think of it like this, if you're happy do you want to be surrounded by depressed people? Doubtful.

This is what being high energy is... For me at least. It's a way of qualifying other people to you immediately. It's the first qualifier everyone does. If they respond in a fun, happy way they've passed, if they look at you like "I don't want to talk to you" they fail your screen. It's about finding the people that I want to meet.

By this theory, flirting is the same thing. Being high energy means I'm looking for other high energy individuals. Being flirtatious means I want other flirtatious girls and then I can use more some techniques to figure out who wants to fuck me and who is just flirtatious by nature.

For me, thinking of it like this makes so much goddamn sense. I've tried it out over the past few days more consciously each time and it works. Well, it worked as long as I was outcome independent.

So this was my huge epiphany of the day... maybe days. I actually get it now, which is a bit weird looking back when I didn't get it... It's cool shit. Catch you all in a bit!

Edit: I'm not saying this is the be-all, end-all solution for reaching the hook point, it's a different perspective that helped me :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Another day out in town meeting girls. I've exhausted myself from doing a lot of game over the past few days and it showed when I met a few girls today. I set off later than usual and don't talk to anyone on the way, by the time I get to town my social momentum is near non-existant. I decide I best get started so I talk to a few people and then start approaching.

The first 5 approaches consisted of blow outs and I can see why. I was quiet, easy to get and not really pushing the interaction forward that much. It's the start of my day so I quickly forget and try to meet more women. It's a busy day, difficult to move around and not many girls on their own... Mostly big groups. I make a few laps of the place, talk to normal people and try to have fun but my bed is calling me.

I've not approached for a while now and there's this very hot girl walking the opposite direction to me. For some reason I'm drawn to her and I open her. It's a short interaction, easy to type what was said and has a big mistake.

Me: Hi, do you think it's alright to give someone you met a sincere compliment? (Smile, rapport neutral voice, head level, maybe one of my arms was in front of my body?)
Her: Ummm, yeah! (She's smiling genuinely, very pleased I approached)
Me: Give me one. (I smile a little devilishly, hands in pockets thumbs poking out, head and body turned away slightly)
Her: I don't know, it probably won't sound sincere.
Me: Well, look me up and down, pick something you like and tell me.
Her: I like how blue your eyes are.
Me: Thanks. (I turn my head and body more away from her now, as I do this she starts playing with her hair) Where are you going?
Her: I'm heading home.
Me: Oh... Fuck. (I've lost her interest now, Oh... Fuck.)

Not sure of why I said that, I wasn't thinking... I forget that I have to accept the girl for who she is, what she's doing. However, I noted after the conversation that by taking away the certainty I was sure of her she started to get more interested. I reckon if I continued a little bit longer into the conversation I could have had her chasing me by qualifying her. Unfortunately I shot myself in the foot but now I want to try my new little tactic out. I did try and stick around for longer but I was drained of energy... I do have tonight and tomorrow to try it though.

Continuing on from last night though. After I got home and attempting to sleep I get a text from Paige saying "hello". Pretty confusing for me as I have no idea what she wanted but guessed she wanted to meet up later? I leave it as I'm now more interested in sleep than sex, and it might not be sex anyway.

I wake up at 9ish or so and shoot a text her way saying; hi, cool meeting you, how was the night? She's replied and I've yet to message back but my plan is to see if we can meet up later and then come back to my place. I'll keep you all posted.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Update on Paige. She's heading out on Friday and has invited me to go... I said I might be busy so if I can make it I will but coffee is an option as well. She agreed with me and I've got a date on Friday with her. I think I can manage to get her back to mine... We'll find out.

On approaching, I got two numbers today... You can read about it here, if your interested :).


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Having been out of action for a week I've gotten round to doing some more approaches. I'm a little fuzzy, my head isn't feeling good and my sleep pattern is fucked up at the moment. Only myself to blame. I headed out and attempted to get myself in a better mood, it worked a little but I was constantly scanning around for women to approach. I make my first approach, I get rejected, I'm pretty glad to get the first approach done, I've got a lot of social momentum to build.

Next girl I approach responded well to me and we have a short conversation. I mess up at the very start and tell her I'm really tired after a crazy night, a bit further into the conversation and she's playing with her hair. I haven't flirted with her yet, but I guess she saw value in my "crazy night". I'm struggling to think of what to say and I keep moving, fidgeting and breaking eye-contact constantly. She soon copies my body language to crossed-arms (is crossing arms any good in a conversation? I don't have enough reference points yet.). This makes me want to try harder to keep her attention and I quickly exit the conversation out of mental fatigue.

Most of my other approaches consisted of rejections and I focused mostly on my opening fundamentals; Loud voice, pregnant pause, etc. Some responses generated better responses than others but I kept getting rejected anyway. I know my vibe was off and I was losing the battle for fixing it. I kept going (I had a goal I was determined to complete) and come my last approach I was doing considerably better.

I realised that I seem to act aloof immediately after my opener, so I think I might try being more "genuine" (I am just less aloof) and then make her want to qualify herself by "not being sure" about her. Worth a shot. Talk soon


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Today I learnt the following: 1- I'm very ourcome dependent. 2- My flirting is improving. 3- I have a lot of will power after some shit days.

Why'd I start with that? Well, today was pretty shit. I got into town feeling alright, trying to feel like I'm the best thing to have walked this planet, like a gargantuan dino. After 3 or so approaches I was less than enthusiastic. I don't know how I got demoralised so quickly but the rejections felt harsher than ususal, and looking back now I think I was expecting to have awesome conversations with all 3 immediately considering my earlier success.

I still attempt to meet more girls and I spot this really hot girl and go to approach her. She starts getting in range and I call out to her and before I can even start my opener she says "Hi Edd". I was absolutely fucking stunned. All my words left me, wrung from my brain. Being as shocked as I was she kept talking saying how this is the fourth time that I've approached her and that she was mift that I didn't remember her. I didn't really know what to feel here. Part of me told me to feel bad the other side said I meet a lot of girls. So I spent some time trying to remember this girl whilst ingraining her into my head (bad idea now I think about it) but I had zero control of the conversation at this point and quickly ejected.

My mind is racing through and through, I have a thought and approach some more girls to get me out of this mental paradox I've created for myself. As I approach a few girls I notice that they are all rejecting me rather quickly, not even stopping and are brushing past me like racing hounds. Most girls did this except one girl which I had a brief conversation with, which got a little sexual but I wasn't doing enough to keep her interest and she quickly excused herself.

By this point I was pretty frustrated with my progress and took a moment to cool down and reflect. I settled on the conclusion that I haven't done much cold approach for a bit and have to rebuild my momentum, which will help me develop some outcome independence. To build up some social momentum I do a couple of complement ejects and if the girl sticks around for a little bit I'll start a conversation with her. My luck starts to change here. Girls start to receive me more warmly and soon I'm in a short conversation with a cute girl. It goes nowhere as I ask interviewer questions and there is no up-beat vibe. I'm feeling better as I'm getting somewhere at least; baby steps pay off. A few more approaches and I'm in a conversation with another cute girl.

This girl is pretty cute and I'm talking to her and getting some basic info. I'm trying to enjoy myself but at the same time I can feel that I want this conversation to go well. My vibe nosedives at this point and I attempt to flirt with her as I've found out she does psychology. My line was something like "You don't want to read my mind I don't think you're dirty enough for it". It was delivered without any kind of vibe (so probably a bit creepy) and she hadn't shown any attraction to me before so I wasn't certain she'd take it well. She didn't and quickly excused herself, I guess this was in Chase's most recent post. I know it builds attraction flirting so I'm guessing I didn't come off well.

After not doing well I decide to call it quits and walk home pondering about the approaches I made. I felt pretty bad but thought off 3 good things that came from today... the list above. Making me feel better. I also noticed that when I was doing well, I was having fun and really didn't care about what happened between me and the girl, I had a "let's see" attitude. As in this girl is cute let's see what happens if I do this. More often than not it worked well. I'm going to try this again. It's also less outcome dependent than what I was doing today which was I want this approach to go well.

Talk to y'all soon.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Pretty whack day of approaching. After yesterdays eventful day game I made some changes to help alleviate some pressure off me. A couple of things I changed to reduce my outcome dependence and up my mood before I got into meeting girls. First off I walked listening to upbeat music knowing it would help. As I kept walking I transferred the energy to a more social form by saying hi to people who were walking past. Got into a brief conversation with a guy photographing trees, he was careful not to mention who he was taking photo's for so I assumed it was for a girl he liked. I kept walking through the park and kept talking to people, did a couple of compliment ejects and approached a girl properly. I didn't expect anything and we had a short conversation and then moved on. Opened another girl a bit further on, she excused herself immediately. I'm feeling rather good right now, much more social and ready to try a few things.

Before I left my house I wrote down a couple of goals for the day. One was to say hi to 5 people on the walk, check. The other was to flirt/chase frame twice. I get into the shopping centre and walk around and open a few girls. They're receptive to me. The first girl was into me, I was talking to her and tried flirting, I got my tone and body language wrong and that killed that interaction. Next girl I met, the conversation followed the same pattern, we got talking but I struggle to make it fun and my attempt at flirting flopped. Same issue, my body language is off. I noticed as I kept approaching throughout the day I'm still tilting my head down, I'm a little tense and I think my body language is incongurent; half of my body says I like you, the other half says I'm not interested. Big Red Flag. I'm pretty glad I've spotted this, I was wondering what was up.

I approach another girl, she is a bit larger than I go for but I'm in this for the practice. I open her directly with a compliment, she looks dead confused, glass being shattered confused. I try and qualify her immediately in the conversation to see what would happen, I teased her a bit first on being confused. She isn't that receptive to either of it, I reckon my non-verbals are triping me up. She then asks me directions and I give them and exit the conversation, sensing it's a no go.

A few more girls approached some receptive some not so and I meet this one girl who is pretty hot, naturally I go and talk to her. I open and she is warm to me. We have a quiet chat and I move her to the side and sit down, she doesn't sit with me but the conversation continues. I start to flirt with her but I've placed myself out of range meaning I can't touch her without looking like I'm chasing. She enjoys the flirting but to me it doesn't feel sexual. The words worked but there lacked meaning behind them. I notice she could sense the same and soon after we leave the conversation.

I keep opening girls here and there, some stop some don't. I don't get a number from any of these girls who do stop.

My approaches go like this. I open the girl face on as they're usually walking the opposite direction from me. I raise my voice a little but I have a platonic voice, no pregnant pauses and my facial expressions seem tense, like I'm forcing them (I am much more relaxed though compared to other days). I open and offer my hand and I feel my head tilt down a bit. Assuming the girls stays I then try and make some light hearted small-talk to ease the tension, sometimes it works, sometimes not. By this point, I have my arms crossed, my body pointing away a bit with my eyes moving around a more than they should. I feel social pressure to ease the tension so I get stuck in my head. As I try and think of something fun, witty and clever to say my eyes wonder and my voice quietens. I'm not sure if I'm smiling still at this point, I guess so but it seems forced if anything. If I can't find anything to say I fall back on interviewer tactics which destroys the conversation. If I do manage I can recover a little bit, but the precedent of the interaction has been set. My voice tone comes off as a little serious as I'm focused more on myself than the conversation I'm having. I also become more guarded and less "aggressive", this is dwindling though which is awesome! I've noted though that if I start off the interaction with anyone of these things the rest follow; if I don't do any, the interaction goes smoothly and the girl is soon attracted.

Like one of my last approaches of the day that got me an instant date, a kiss within 5 minutes of meeting her and some sexual touch soon after.

I'm walking and spot this really cute girl, exactly my type, walking the opposite direction. I open her with a direct compliment and use a couple of pregnant pauses, a less platonic voice tone and a sexier demeanor overall. She responds immediately to this and soon we're in a conversation that is going somewhere. I have my arms crossed, body turned away, but I'm trying to focus more on the conversation than anything else. When she gave me her name I gave her a nickname in an attempt to be polarising and she like it so I stuck with it calling her "book" for the rest of the time we talked.

I got investment from her by asking to see a tattoo that she had on her hand. I asked her a couple of questions about it, what's does it mean, why'd you get it. Turns out she just got drunk one night and drew it herself. I decide to qualify her on her creativity, she doesn't play ball so I switch to adventurousness and spontaneity which she passes with flying colours. I move her to the side and notice that she's a smoker. That's cool and I ask her for a ciggerette to build more investment. She agrees and I start to flirt with her, telling her she comes of as a bit risqué and sexual, all of this implicit. She loves it and I keep it up. Before I know it I'm feeling sexual attraction for this girl and excited and intuition tells me that this is usually a good time to start escalating a bit. I flirt a bit more and tell her "you're going to love this then" and kiss her. We kiss a bit deeply, tongues and that for a couple of seconds. Too long if I want to make her want more. After our kiss I flirt some more and high five her but don't let go off her hand and tell her we're doing a boyfriend-girlfriend role-play. We exchange numbers and I suggest we go to a coffeeshop and lead her there. The coffeeshop I choose wasn't a small independent shop but a larger chain, a mistake as it was very busy and looking up it might be some of the reason deep diving her failed.

By the time we start walking to the coffeeshop I think I got more outcome dependent as the atmosphere started to change from a sexual vibe to a more platonic vibe. I gather this is maybe meant to happen during rapport but it caught me off-guard and I got a little awkward. As the coffeeshop moves closer I say to her "you don't mind buying do you." She agrees and pays for my coffee when we arrive.

We kiss in the queue and it's less sexual. Each kiss now seems to kill any sexual tension and feels more like filler now.

We take a seat and I tell her to sit next to me not opposite me and we face each other, holding hands like bf-gf, and I try to deepdive her. I got something majorly wrong here. Either I should have had some lighter conversation just before or I wasn't vulnerable enough. Probably both. I kept asking her questions and she kept giving me no-go answers. I persisted a little but she wouldn't budge. I struggle to relate as there is nothing to relate to and we keep topic jumping. It doesn't help that I keep bringing up negative threads in an attempt to keep the conversation alive.

After a while I decide I'm putting too much effort into the converastion and decide to do something different. Using social pressure I say that she comes off as awkward in the hopes that she will reinitiate or give me a bone... which has unforunately died down :(. She does respond and asks me a question. I decide that if she isn't opening up maybe I have to first so I delve a little deeper in the hopes that she can relate. I involve her in the conversation but she doesn't relate and soon we're back to eye-drifting.

In a vain attempt to keep things alive I tell her to compliment me, she does after a while. I kiss her as a reward, nothing. I don't say a word and hold eye-contact to build tension, putting on a rather shit bored look, nothing. I try playing a game of slaps like in the wedding crashers, a little something. When it's her turn to slap me I flirt with her making her laugh, bring her in close and kiss her as my hand explores her leg, her hand does a little of the same. We stop and everything dies down again. Am I missing an escalation window? Cause all of this happened in half an hour or so...

As we finish our coffee some guy sits down with us as there are no spare seats. I am about to argue with him and politely tell him to fuck off but as I'm saying my words she suggests we go outside and smoke again. We go outside and as we get near some benches she drags me to sit down with her and we smoke. I try to deep dive again, nothing.

We sit for a bit and notice her checking out some other guy who has a girl-friend, escalation window missed??? I decide to move her to another part of town and we talk about our parents. I decide that I've got to be completely vulnerable and open up and relate my own experience with hers. I hit something, finally. It turns out that she has only recently got in touch with her dad, is now living with him and she isn't so fond off her mum. I fuck up here now as I get trapped in my head and stop trying to be vulnerable, lose the thread and spiral into topic jumping with negative threads. As we finish our ciggerettes I decide that I've fucked up really badly and I've shot myself in the foot with a double barrel. I hug her and leave her, I'll try texting her later but I doubt anything will come of it.

What I learnt was:
- Focus on the conversation.
- Have congruent body language.
- Don't tilt my head down.
- Build some light hearted conversation at the start.
- Gain early compliance.
- Qualify girl, move and flirt.
- Be more polarising.
- During rapport I have to be completely vulnerable.
- Small, independent coffeeshops are the way forward.
- Reward the girl for investment.
- Don't force rapport.
- If something isn't happening how I want it to, I'm doing something wrong.
- Be lighthearted before going into rapport.

And others that are in the back of my brain but aren't coming to me just yet. I'm rather proud of today, even though I felt a bit ridiculous when fucking up. But I made some awesome progress!!!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
I was going to post in here last night after I got in but I didn't see the point; I approached 2 girls and had pretty good interactions and I learned a few things but nothing new. However, I did have a few unusual incidents last night which included turning down sex. Sounds crazy, right. You'll understand when I explain it.

Last night I went out to my preferred bar and it was dead. One girl in the entire place and she was obviously taken. I order and strike up a conversation with the bartender and we end up discussing a few topics in depth for what felt like several hours, only half an hour went by. I was inebriated so that's a factor but it was interesting to say the least. A sweedish guy starts to talk to me, I think he immediately tried to challenge my dominance, but I didn't really register it. I talk to him for a couple of minutes and then excuse myself as I want to meet some girls. I leave the bar and start walking to another one.

Before I went out I read this True Independence post. It stuck in my mind, a little cause I was pre-drinking, but something wasn't feeling right. I had been wondering what was always causing me to fuck up in deep diving situations whenever I try. I've never had issues before; so I thought that I would talk to a girl as I would any friend when deep diving her. An opportunity arises with an alright looking girl walking in the opposite direction onto the next bar.

She had short, blue, bowl-cut hair and was carrying a telescope. Instead of trying to practice game on her I tried to practice deep diving on her. I opened her, questioning her on her telescope. She starts to chat to me about how she's into astronomy, is starting to learn about it and is planning to observe the heavens over the next few nights. Instead of worrying about what to say to keep the conversation alive, I talk to her as I would anyone I was interested in. She opens up, in a short time, mostly about Astrology, but I haven't queried her on anything else yet.

I decide in a tipsy stupor that trying to flirt with her in the middle of a deep dive is a good plan. Not a great idea. It didn't kill the interaction but it derailed it slightly, putting me onto damage control and killing the vibe we had just created. My flirt worked a little, it made her laugh but it didn't fit in the conversation. It was more an awkward giggle than anything else. I quickly put us back onto topic and we chat for a couple more moments before she excuses herself. I let her go, I'm not interested in her and I was using her to practice my deep diving anyway. We walk on and I remember that flirting during the middle of a deep dive is counter-productive. Flirt at the end to release the intensity of the deep dive.

I walk on, see a girl crying on the side of the road as cars are passing by. She's pretty drunk and I'm concerned this woman's going to have a passenger ticket with the grim reaper soon. I shout out a few times and finally walk over to her. Turns out her dad has just died and no one is letting her into a bar for a drink. She doesn't smell of booze but she isn't helping her cause stumbling around. I commiserate and lead her of the road and sit her down. She proceeds to tell me everything that has happened in her life. Her dad has died that day, she can't get a drink cause of some issue that makes her look drunk, she's 32 and nobody wants her, she's lost her job and on the dole (benefits) and a few other things that I couldn't make out.

I chat to her, mostly to learn to be less judgemental about people, and she rants about her life. I relate to her the best I can. She mentions she's cold, I bring her inside to warm her up. She compliments my shoes then my jeans, I tell her she's working up my body... Autopilot response now ;). After she laughs she breaks down again. She compliments me once more and tells me that all she wants is a drink and someone to be with. I take this as a sign she wants to fuck. However, I'm not going down this route. True, I'm horny like a bull who's been kept away from females for weeks. Here's why:
a. I'm not attracted to her whatsoever she isn't good-looking,
b. she's emotionally messed up at the moment, I have no idea if she's going to regret it in the morning,
c. I don't know if she is drunk or not, she's acting like it and I don't want another reason for her to regret sleeping with me,
d. I am really not attracted to her.

After a final break down, I decide that I want to get on with my night and try to excuse myself when she stops but she starts to test me. She says she's old enough to be my mum and that isn't right, she doesn't know me etc... I laugh at all of this. I can't help it I find it hilarious, and I tell her I'm glad you're not my mum. She agrees with me, continues to test me. I keep laughing. She then slaps my leg and I decide that now I have got to get out. I excuse myself and walk off. She catches up to me and continues the conversation. Saying that she doesn't want to have sex with me. I don't believe her and tell her. I then warmly bid farewell to her and hope she feels better in the morning and finally get to the next bar.

After an interesting interaction with 32 I spot a cute 2-some and after a few minutes of scoping the place out, I approach them. I try the "I completely diagree" opener. They love it and I get into a conversation. Now I hit a big issue. The girl I like is opposite me and her friend is much more dominant in the conversation. I'm also much less experienced at night game (even though it shouldn't matter) and this makes me anxious; I don't know how to handle the social dynamics. In the end I try and make conversation on getting directions but his leads me to cop out by convincing them I'm from out of town. They give me directions and I've snookered myself as I don't know how to keep the conversation going.

The girl I like isn't involved, her friend is spouting routes out of her mouth like an uzi and I'm feeling dishevelled at being a noob in the situation. I give in and exit the conversation and head to the bar they recommended.

When I get there it is overwhelmingly populated by horny men, and me. I check the place out, sit for 30 seconds or so, watching everything, and then leave, go home and rest.

Well that was the plan. On they way home I get stopped by a homeless guy asking for change. I don't give him any but he offers me a seat on the pavement... Why the hell not, I think. I sit there chatting to this guy and turns out he studied maths as well, was in the army for 22 years or something and lives in a park. I chat for a bit, learning about different people. I then decide I've had enough of this peculiar night, say goodbye and finally I get home.

I head out again today for some practice. I listen to music on the walk, don't say hi to anyone but I'm in a rather good mood anyway. I get into the centre and approach this girl as a warm up. It goes nowhere and a while later I approach another girl. Same result. I keep approaching girls but I get into short conversations with them and then they excuse themselves. The interactions themselves are the same as I've had for a little bit. I decided that there is something that I'm missing on getting more women to stop for me.

After a little soul-searching and game analysis I decide that the issue is the same as it has always been, I'm not bringing enough energy into the conversation. I consider that even though I'm the one who's approaching and I want the girls to chase I should be leading their emotions to where I want them to be. I want them to feel good around me, turned on around me and wanting me. If I want them to be in that situation I have to make them feel good from the off.

With the old/new realisation in the fore-front of my mind. I approach this cute blonde. Feigning a bit of high energy I open her. She responds very well to me, lifting my mood and making me happier and more upbeat naturally. I chat with her, use a routine to try it out and she laps it up like a cat, and I flirt with her, touching her on her arm. I open my body language, I'm not balancing my body language but just enjoying myself. She tells me that she has a boyfriend. This doesn't faze me and I quickly tell her "we'll have to be discreet then" and change topic. We flirt a little more, I qualify her and move her. She's having a good time, keeps looking down and such, not many other attraction indicators (maybe I was really wrapped up in the conversation), however we have some how gotten closer whilst talking. I go for her number but she declines saying that her boyfriend won't approve. I try and put a false time constraint on our "meet-up" saying we'll be talking for 15 minutes as friends. She declines twice more and I move on.

I give the high energy opening another shot and the next girl rejects me, confusingly though, she touches my hand as she says she's busy. Maybe she was genuinely interested and busy or being a flirt. No matter, I go and meet the next girl.

This gir was by Victoria's Secret. Which, if you've followed this journal, is what I used to use to get sexual with women (in a conversation). This girl is seriously hot, flowing brunette hair, black clothing that accents her body's curves perfectly and a gorgeous face that could give VS models a run (mabe, strip ;) ) for their money. I open her with high energy using a reverse compliment. She compliments me by saying that I'm very confident. We trade names and I go in for another routine, courtesy of Glenn Pearce. I use the cat routine and add in "we named our cats weirdly". She agrees with the routine and I tease her a little bit on it and make it slightly sexual. I don't feel like I'm being smooth but apparently she's loving it. I learn that she works in VS and is a student. My body language here is quite open but I'm turned away slightly. My eye-contact is more focused than a lion hunting gazelle... I only break it twice during the conversation. The conversation doesn't last long at all, she's on her lunch and wants to get going but she lingers for a brief moment, it was easy to miss... I did 'til it happened. I go in for her number anyway, not cause of her pause, more because I wanted it. She gives it to me and tells me to prank call her in a moment. I respond with "I'll shoot you a text in a few hours". I hold strong eye contact again as we say bye and I feel pretty damn good.

Things I learnt from this are:
- High Energy Vibe, at least at the start of the conversation and it'll build up when a girl responds.
- Strong Eye Contact, especially at the start of the conversation.
- Flirting shouldn't be used During Deep Diving.
- Remain in control of the interaction, this keeps her guessing.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Had a couple of new ideas I wanted to test out today. After watching Never Say Never Again I wanted to test some of the non-verbals that Sean Connery employs, and the ones suggested by GC. The main two I wanted to focus on was slowing my movements all the way down and giving my voice a "purr". I give it a little test run after watching the film, moving as slowly as Connery does in the film and adding a purr to my voice when I can. The slowing down of my movements was much easier to control, the purr came and went, it also seems to limit my loudness, however I'm sure that's inexperience.

With these things in mind, as well as being high energy, I set off with a slow, comfortable pace. I'm focusing more on my movements than building up social momentum. Most people tend to look at me now that I have slowed down my walk and everyone moves out of my way. However, with some new things in mind I get a little anxious about approaching girls but I still do anyway.

The first 3 were done in an hour and all rejected me. No worries, I've not built social momentum and am a little nervous with my new characteristics. I wasn't bringing enough energy as I was nervous and trying to be low effort... Maybe a little too low effort. I give myself a couple of practice approaches to test my new approach vibe (not on anyone just saying the words out loud). I think I hit a winner and go and give it a shot.

The next couple of girls don't stop for me, I messed up the vibe again. My voice isn't loud either when I try purring my voice, a factor. However I spot this cute blonde walking out of a shop and open her. I nail the vibe and she immediately starts laughing nervously and blushing like I've never seen before. I tease her a little on it. I stop her from walking away and move her to the side, planting myself against the wall. I ask her where she's from and she gives me an answer. I purposefully misinterpret it and she laughs, correcting me and giving me more information about herself. She repeats the same question back and I set up a chase frame, she blushes some more and giggles. I decide that I want to qualify her now and ask her if she's adventuruous. At this point she disqualifies herself and then leaves the conversaion...

Leaving me a little confused... Attainability?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Woah, are my legs aching. I'm trying to increase the volume of time I spent out doing day game, and my shoes aren't cut out for long walks... I've got to get some new ones. But I doubt you're interested in my shoe size. Practising my fundamentals has helped increase how much attraction I get from girls but I'm still missing something as it seems to evaporate in conversations. I have a few ideas why and want to test them, but I've noticed I'm unreliable at testing them as I have a short attention span for them... Other ideas distract me. I also jotted down that if I have a plan then my progress will be much faster and I will know what areas to work on next and which areas I don't have to worry about.

For now, here's how my day went. I got into town without raising my social momentum, but I start approaching girls immediately. I do a couple of compliment ejects, some girls I try for a conversation. I don't get any responses from any of the girls, they all walk away... Ouch, hahaha. Without having any conversations I'm figuring that I'm doing something wrong again, I'm working a bit on my energy so I'm sure it's not that. It coud how be quiet I'm being. I try being louder with the next couple of girl that I meet. Some of them walk away as well but a couple of them stop.

The first girl to stop is from Spain, she's looks pleased to see me however I keep asking her questions in an attempt to keep her in the conversation. I keep doing this, it's getting a little frustrating. She leaves and I carry on. The next girl is really cute, but during the conversation I forget how to use words and have to bow out because I've got nothing to say. On the plus side, she moved with me immediately.

By this point I've realised that whenever I open girls with a compliment they all walk away from me. Other openers don't seem to do this, I switch styles. I meet a few girls now using a reverse compliment and I seem to be getting some better results. However, with my new purr in my voice I seem to have a bit more sway in my words.

I approach another cute girl. She stops and gleams a big smile back at me, gives me a compliment and we exchange names. I mention that she's got an unusual accent (no cold read, I forgot here) and she brings up that she's from Bulgaria. I move her and she keeps talking about how she's an English teacher and such. I then attempt to qualify her by implicitly stating that I value adventuruousness. It doesn't come off well and she leaves the conversation quickly after. I also recall that she had been qualifying herself on it just before I moved her and I forgot to validate her on it.

Other than that my day was really just sore. No numbers and a slightly bruised ego, but still I've got lots I've learnt from this.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
After being away for a little bit, I've gone out to approach for the first time since Sunday. Did a little night game; still breaking myself in. My aim at the moment is to get comfortable with approaching in bars as I find my anxiety gets in the way, but I did what I wanted to do... Meet 5 girls. I set off around 9ish and found myself at the first bar, ordering Jack & Coke, at about 9:45. I struck up a conversation with a couple of girls behind me who were in fancy dress. Two of them were in Ghostbusters costumes, the other one was a mismatch of outfits. I commented on their appearance, guessing who they were meant to be, and one of the girls quickly responded well to me. We had a conversation with one of the guys chipping in once in a while, he was originally talking to them. We had a decent conversation that revolved around them being 80's themed. She wanted to find out my age, and I went the polarising route by remarking that I was an 05 child. Of course she didn't believe me and persisted with trying to find my true age out. I stuck to my cards, and the conversation drifted to a few things here and there but never really making any actual headway. Eventually she got sidetracked with another conversation and that ended that. I tried then to engage her friend, but she seemed disinterested and I left.

I looked around the bar a little and some guys caught my eye and I was curious as to what they were dressed as. Building up my social momentum seemed like a good plan. Soon after talking to them, one girl started leaning on my shoulder with her arm. I finished my conversation with them and turned some of my attention to her. We talked back and forth about her, she was dressed as a pikachu which was my opening. She was more flirtatious with me than the last girl, and I wanted to polarise so I commented that I was 10 years old again. This caught her off guard and she started to test me/ get annoyed at me. I stuck to what I had said and soon after she told me to get lost and talked to the other guys who I assumed were her friends. I reckon she was hooked from the start but my polarising didn't go down to well. Fuck her if she can't take a joke.

I approached one more girl at the bar but she was not interested in me at all, and after my failings with the two girls before hand I didn't feel pretty good hanging around. I left that bar and went to another I know pretty well.

Getting to the next bar, I opened a girl standing beside me. I commented on how she had brought so many friends. I didn't turn my body language to her at all, but when she replied I gave her some attention. I knew she like me 'cause when she threw back my comment I deflected it with "they will be when I meet them" (she asked if they were mine), she smiled and turned to the bar. I did the same and then re-initiated the conversation asking where she was heading. I made a little headway then bowed out of the conversation, I was scared.

I head to the outside area, take in the view, and strike up a conversation with a couple of women sitting down. They lend me a light and I sit down to start a conversation with them. They're a pretty talkative bunch, and they keep the conversation alive and willingly keep talking to me, whilst I put next to 0 effort in. I query them on what they plan to do, and they respond. I play the "I don't believe them" card and it keeps them talking a bit more. After a few minutes of mindless chit-chat I qualify them on being adventuruous and they pass. They also mention they're parents and I dig a little into what its like for them. I don't deep dive them too much but listen and build some rapport. After a brief chat on that topic, I flirt a little by mentioning that they do a little skinny dipping. They open up a little on that. However My body language is good, I think, during this as I remained a little skeptical of them throughout. I do my polarising thing and they play along, one of them is a teacher, quizing me on what it's like to be in school. Soon after I get bored, bid them farewell, and leave for the next bar.

Having approached 4 out of the 5 girls I wanted to meet that night, I head to the last bar in a busy part of town. I walk in order a third J&D and coke, and molt around the bar. It's pretty loud with not many girls to meet, and I'm still pretty nervous. A couple of girls walk over to the bar and order some drinks near me. I open one of them but she tests me, I fail and she loses interest and turns away back to her group. I down the rest of my drink and leave, feeling half good.

I completed my goal of approaching 5 girls and learnt a couple of other things. Firstly, my fundamentals are pretty strong. Girls are receptive to me and are happy to talk to me, some seem easy to hook (starting to happen more frequently). I'm slowly overcoming my anxiety of approaching in busy places and in mixed groups. Finally, my approaching is slowly starting to pay off with stronger openers, I'm having more fun.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
So today was enlightening. I was mostly focusing on my opening; projecting my voice and being high energy. The goal for the day was to do them both 5 times. I walked into town with a friend and she upped my social momentum, we had a good chat and it left me in a good mood. When we get into town we do our own thing and I start to approach girls. The first one wasn't receptive to me and kept walking. I considered this approach as a warm up to help get me in the frame of mind I like when meeting girls.

The next girl I open I was louder and more upbeat but she seemed distant and kept walking. I walk around for a while not approaching anyone, getting stuck in my own head. I was feeling good, but I couldn't bring myself to approach. Currently my emotions are going a bi haywire as my gf and I are about to break up (she's going to study in Canada). I try and put them aside, and on the way to the train station I open a cute girl with black hair and long eye-lashes. She seemed to hook immediately, asking me questions, getting involved into me. However, I struggled to build a good vibe. It felt slightly lower energy than I was at the time and I didn't want to drop my state. Probably not a great thing to do, I could have tried to build her to my level. I failed to inject any life into the conversation and didn't follow my process; I left quickly and she seemed to not want me to go.

Coming out of the train station I spot another cute girl coming the opposite direction. I open her and she is receptive to me. I orientate myself so I am leaning against the wall whilst we're talking. My body language is slightly turned away and my eye-contact is mostly locked on hers. I didn't build any sexual vibe, it was mainly platonic but it didn't seem to matter. I questioned her on where she was going, leading to an interesting turn where I implied she worked in bed. She laughed and slowly she started to turn more of her body towards me and open up. After a little bit I give her more attention with my body and we have a little discussion on a few things. I cold read her on being passionate but being a little timid. She rejects the cold read and I ask her what her interpretation of herself is. She deflects it by mentioning that how others perceive her isn't the same as how she perceives herself. I should have persisted a little more to find out what she thinks. We then end up on the topic of age and after her trying to figure mine out I attempt to guess hers. I tease her saying she's about 70 cause I can see grey hairs starting to appear. She teases me back, I laugh and poke fun at her for the way she teased me. She defends herself and I quit teasing her, but she continues by wanting me to actually guess her age. I might want to add I had already tried to get her number a few moments before but she wasn't ready it seems. So I try and guess her age but I overshoot by 7 years, which is a lot for me. She's pretty mortified and leaves the conversation. I can't help but laugh.

I made a couple more approaches but they didn't really have much in them. Mostly rejections, but I did complete my goals for the day which is a bonus. Same goals for tomorrow.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
I've got to get this out into the open. I'm feeling rather shit; I had to say goodbye to my ex today. She's currently in the air, flying to Canada as of typing this. I feel heartbroken. No other way to describe it. However, from this experience, this day, I've learnt more than I could have imagined.

After breaking down, crying, in the train station, and on the train, I kept reading 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and had a major paradigm shift. In the first habit, he talks about a model for achieving success. Most of what is taught on here is parallel to his example. I, on the otherhand, haven't embodied this completely.

See the first thing is all about taking responsibillity for ones actions, feelings and the consequences that follow. I half-heartedly applied the 1st, never contemplated the 2nd and hence the 3rd I never properly believed in.

I've been impatient in learning this ability. I've been wanting to give everything here a few tries and then declared it completed. Obviously this has been a fools attempt at learning such a complicated skill. It's a flaw that I've only just realised and I'm now trying to shift this characteristic out of me. To do this I've already compiled a list of fundamentals that I plan to work on; many thanks Chase. I've been adding a purr to my voice for about 2 weeks now and I trip up every now and again, but it's slowly sticking, I think. The other ones are, Slower movements, Strong eye-contact, Slower talking, Slow Smiling, Giving attention, Get Interesting Clothes, Get Meaningful Accessories (I prefer it over interesting).

From this paradigm shift I've been able to come to terms mostly with what has happened and I don't feel as bad. I don't have any friends to talk to, so my only coping resources are that of my family, cold approaching and here at GC. Seems pretty lousy maybe, but really I can change it, I have to try and be patient. With Averln leaving, I've decided to start a new chapter here. I want to get this skill down. I wish you guys could hear how it sounds because then you would feel the weight behind it.

That being said, I do have a couple of sex techniques that are pretty good, untested on different girls unfortunately. Although, I did make her come last night to the point she had to stop me several times because she couldn't handle much more. Plus the maids will hate us for making the bed very damp ;).

Here is the start of my new chapter. Even though I was feeling down today I still managed to approach 9 girls. I tried smiling genuinely as I have lost that over the past couple of weeks. All bar 2 of the girls stopped smiled and looked down when I opened them. I got into a couple of conversations but nothing happened really.

I met one girl and opened her with a simple compliment. She took it well, and we exchanged names. Me, being at a loss for words, expanded on her unusual name. She ellaborated breifly on it. I had her body facing me, her arms where a little crossed. My body language was a bit too open, to the point all my cards were on the table. I then attempted to tease her but it came off very competitively and value-taking. This made her sour towards me, she retaliated a little. I try to defuse the negative feelings by flirting with her, but it comes off wrong. She then excuses herself and I'm left laughing from my mistake.

I approached another girl outside the station; complimenting her style. She responded rather well to me but I must have come off a little differently as she stood there, dazed. We exchange names and I tell her to compliment me as I was struggling to think of things to say. She tells me I'm cute. Again, stuck for words, I orientate myself closer to her and say "Look in the mirror, don't you think we look like a hot couple". Unfortunately it bombed and she left as well. I was again fully open, but I felt like I was being aloof. I was uncalibrated in the conversation and either I didn't build enough confort, or I came off as weird from how I delivered it.

After that I decided to do compliment ejects, focusing on smiling sincerely, and a little later keeping my purr on. Which led to a few later girls being quite interested but I wasn't thinking fast enough.

All in all, for a really shit day I've somehow managed to turn it around. I'm still feeling a bit off, but that'll stay for a while to come. Last time this happened the worst hit 2 weeks after breaking up. That was roughly when I started this Journal. I've made some pretty great self discoveries which I plan on utilising. Honestly, I miss her, I know she misses me, but I want this. I do know that in May, when she comes back, she'll be wanting to see me again, and I plan on being much more advanced in my seduction career than I am now. Keep in touch, I'm going to be using any resource that I have at my disposal to get good.

How am I going to achieve this? I have an idea; make a plan, stick to it, and use resources to develop my game. This will mostly come from the GC community, and Chase's E-book.

Here's my starting point:
- Smile genuinely at 50 girls when approaching. 1 week from today to complete this (Wednesday 19th August).
- Turn body away slightly after opening 50 times. 2 weeks from today.

I'm counting the 6 who I did approach smiling today.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
A new day on my new chapter. I woke up feeling a thousand times better than yesterday. A chat with my family did a world of good for me. My purr is starting to stick sub-consciously, I was really surprised when I spoke to the painter (he's doing some work in the house) and it just happened. I'm going to be wary of it still though as it might revert if I'm not vigilant. After going through my morning routine I read a number of GC articles on opening and came across a few points that I was stuck on. Firstly, I was focused more on reactions than results. Next, I've been too tense, my smile and facial expressions kept screaming red flags. Finally, it's fine to ask questions, just make at least 1 statement beforehand, less interview-y.

With these things in mind, I set off at a relaxed pace towards the city centre. I walked down a long way listening to music that was helping me get over what's just happened... I was feeling pretty good. As I walked past my university I noticed a cute girl out of my peripheral vision. I waited for her to notice me and then approached. I gave her a genuine compliment, focusing on relaxing (helping slow down my smile) and maintained strong eye-contact. I could tell she hooked immediately. I asked her how her day was going, she returned the question. I made a quick quip about how it would get better if I had a martini. This makes her laugh. I progress the interaction to get a little information I could work with. She responds back by mentioning she's doing some work experience. I cold-read her, saying that she is a driven girl. She agrees and then I proceed to qualify her on what she does to relax, does she have any hobbies? Specifically is she creative or adventuruous. At first she says no, but quickly takes it back and mentions she does some dancing. I touch her arm, open up my body more to face her and give her some more attention. At this point I try and move her a little bit but she declines saying she has to run an errand and get back immediately. Instead, I go for her number, she resists a little at first but I persist and she gives it to me and she whips her phone out so she can get mine. I touch her arm and say bye and make my way towards town.

Once in town I leave my headphones in just to keep listening, I don't ever do this but I gave myself this luxury. I didn't approach anyone but instead paid attention to the looks I was getting from women. I know, reactions, but I wanted to see how my slowed down movements were doing. Lots of girls gave me a lot of approach invitations. Some came so close they nearly bumped into me ;).

I did make another approach. I saw this girl from afar and thought why not. I opened her with a compliment and she took it well. I asked her how her day was going and then she replied, then asked the same question. I made some random statement that got her to laugh then asked her what she was upto. She was meeting up with her boyfriend. I dismissed it, saying she can talk to me for a bit. I planted myself against the wall and tried to find out a little more about her. She complied and soon I as qualifying her on her adventuruousness. She qualified herself and started to turn more of her body towards me, I waited then did the same. She mentioned that she did music and I tried to capitalise on that by flirting a little bit with her... Implying her fingering was quite good. She deflected it and I tried to press on with my frame but it messed up cause I couldn't think of anything to say other than "sure" with an I don't believe you tonality. The interaction doesn't last much longer and I excuse myself. I also missed a point where she was self-qualifying herself to me with her music. Might have been an issue but I'm not completely convinced.

Thats all from today. Both girls I got in a genuine smile and an oppurtunity to turn my body language away from them.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Did some day and night game today; night game went pretty well for me, stayed out longer than usual and slowly overcoming the anxiety of approaching. Day game wasn't that impressive so I'm not going to bother typing it up. The gist of it was that I was quite low energy and repulsive with girls. My non-verbals weren't welcoming.

For the night I set off to get to my preferred bar for around 9ish, considering it's a Friday I thought I'd get in just before the crowd struck. I get there and the place is nearly dead. I strike up a conversation with one of the bartenders I'm getting to know quite well and we have a good conversation that lasts about 5 minutes. During this time a cute girl plants herself next to me and orders a couple of drinks and some crisps. The guy behind the bar asks for ID and I see this as my way in with a witty opening "you don't have to ID her for the crisps". They both laugh and he gets her order. As he does that I start to talk to her, she turns her body more towards me and we have a brief conversation. I turn the conversation sexual and touch her arm as I do so, she accepts the frame and she gets more interested. She seems into me but I don't turn towards her and when the bartender gets back they have a short conversation. I look away and act bored. It comes off wrong as I look at them during their conversation. Eventually she does turn back to me but leaves soon after. I guess I didn't show enough interest myself.

I stay around until I finish my drink and then leave to find a busier bar. On the way I approach a group of 2 girls and open the cuter one directly. She is taken aback and not interested. I bail on the interaction and head to a group of bars I know will be good.

In the first bar I look around but get a bit nervous so exit. I chill outside and there's a couple of cute girls standing around a few feet from me. I lull where I am and don't bother to approach but feign noticing them. After a while they turn and walk in my direction and I open one of them but she dismisses me but her friend (who had been checking me out) turned around and had the biggest grin on her face. They left before I could stop them, and I didn't even try to stop them...
Anyway, at the same spot, a girl opens me from behind asking for a light. Her friend has one but she asks me specifically. I give her one and ask what good places there are around to go to. She replies and seems to get more invested in the converasation; turning towards me and leaning in a bit. I wait before I do the same and soon we're talking about music. Turns out she's into house music, which I'm getting into and I ask her about Felix Jaehn. She's never heard of him and I feel awkward, I try to keep the conversation alive but I bail and head to another bar.

I check out the bar and the girls inside check me out. Always a bonus. I head upstairs and look around and spot a cute girl who's with friends but just been isolated and isn't talking to anyone. I go up and brush past her, pretend to just notice her and open her directly. She's interested and we start talking. My body's not directly facing her and I'm there letting her do most of the talking. Quite quickly I move her to the side a little and soon qualifying begins. I've somehow got her hand in mine and go for a twirl. She resists and I go more in for it and do a little dance then twirl myself, risky I think. It pays off and she twirls for me and quickly we're talking about travelling. She mentions that she's gone to Milan and we talk a little about it. I can barely hear her so I mostly rely on conveying myself through my non-verbals (which are good in rapport). I'm planted against the side and she's their trying to keep my attention when she strays off a topic I can't really relate on. After chatting a little more I suggest we trade numbers and she tries to counter with facebook. I persist and get her number, she double checks its hers by phoning her phone. Turns out she typed it in wrong and re-types it in. As she does so I try and move her to a free table but she resists heavily, and seeing as the night has just started I drop it. I then leave her for the rest of the night and head out of the bar.

In a different bar I look around and there aren't many cute girls but there is one group with a few older women. I don't go in directly and instead ask for any good places and if the place we're in is any good. The cutest girl immediately responds to me and starts asking me where I'm from. I deflect it the first time but the second time I cave. I could have gone "you're a bit anxious to know about me ;)" but wasn't quick enough on my feet. She then asks to clarify what I mean whether I mean the city of the bar. I get her to repeat the question and then answer the bar. She says it pretty good and I interject with saying that it seems a bit dull. I've created a gap here between us. I push on and exchange names, she give me hers and then introduces me to her friend as well. I then take my leave. I lost control of the conversation early by caving in and making the gap wasn't great.

I decide that I'm going to go back, my legs are aching from walking about 5 hours in quite uncomfy shoes for the past few days straight. On the way back I open another cute girl directly. I give her another compiment on her hair using it as a transition into some repartée. She mentions that she's going for the bus and I make a witty comment making her laugh. Quickly after I move her to the side. She tries to resist saying she has to get her bus... eventually we compromise on stopping for 30 seconds. I start to dive deeper into what she does and turns out she's into walking and wants to join a circus. I high five her and she starts telling me about it. Around here a group of guys walk past and one of them walks right between us trying to get into our conversation. She looks at him but I ignore it and don't break circle. Eventually he leaves and we're back talking with out some other guy. As she talks about the circus she lands on burlesque and I go for a flirt.

Her: Yeah, a bit of burlesque, dancing...
Me: So, you've been on some poles before. (Touched her but didn't really convey a sexual vibe)
Her: Uhhh... No, and we were...
Me: So, you just had you're hands all over them then. (No touch this time, and no sexual vibe either)

After this she leaves and I stand there with a smile on laughing at how the interaction nose-dived so quickly. It was going well until then. Either, I didn't have my non-verbals in hand or I flirted at the wrong time. I'm more inclined to the former.

That was my night, got one number and more experience with night game.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
This week has been quite good for epiphanies. After yesterday's eye opener I finally locked in on something that's been haunting me and I was never quite sure what it was.

I was always contemplating that it had to be something to do with my approach. Was I high energy enough? Was what I was saying bad? Am I messing up my opener? Turns out it was a mixture of all these. See, I discovered that after I open I apply this weird look to my face right after I give my name. Now this doesn't happen all the time, just to the girls that aren't high energy. However, during day-game few people are high energy and when I meet a girl like this I contort my face into this look. The tension in my face messes with me getting on with the conversation making it awkward and the face disqualifies the girl immediately. So my opener is redundant. Leaving me to unattainable to the girl.

To those interested the look is something like this. I turn my face to the side, so the left of my face is more exposed. I purse my lips, lower my eyebrows and tilt my head down a little bit. It looks a little angry with no smile, with a smile its more sexy, but I also used it without a smile and had more tension in my face than needed to make the look. Showing that I was discomforted with the conversation and not that interested in the girl.

So this goes on for a number of my approaches for the day, until I finally pick up on it. Which is by the 8th approach. I've kind of gotten into a couple of conversations but they dropped because of this look and tension I had.

After this I then went back trying to figure out what is happening to me, and this is when I get my eureka moment. So, on the walk home I go and test my theory. Instead of using this default expression I will use a sexy smile tending more to the right of my face, not tilt my head and just have a relaxed expression rather than a tense one.

I open her directly in the middle of the road. I use this as an excuse to move her immediately, the look on my face and relaxed expression help me a lot. I smile sexily at her some more and soon I make her laugh a little to break the tension. As soon as I've done this I qualify her. I find out if she's creative or adventuruous, she's creative. Studying textiles. I then deep dive her a little bit to build a more solid connection with her. She tells me a little bit and I relate a little bit as well to stop investment imbalance. After she tells me a bit more and I suggest we meet for a coffee when we're both free. She agrees and gives me her number. I keep talking to her a little while longer and then we get on with our days. It was a much better interaction, reinforced with some results.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Had the chance to test out some new things. I've been lagging a bit on my approach rate so when I got to town, I focused on that first. I approached a woman on the way down, she was happy about the complement but didn't stop to talk. The next girl I approached was in town, a no go there. Next a girl in a group of 2, they ignored me. And another couple of approaches and nothing substantial. I'm going about seeing what things will work with girls. I stop to think for a moment and pick up on my fundamentals. Mainly, they're good but as soon as I approach I drop them and I become unattractive. The next few approaches are all about keeping them going through the opener. After several takes I get it. Slowly girls are more responsive and I'm getting into a couple of conversations but nothing that last.

Another few approaches and I notice that I'm quite vanilla. I'm not bringing anything into the conversation, I'm just there. I begin to think about what different things I can do to make myself have fun. I approach some more and don't give a shit what I'm saying. This leads to a slight argument with one girl. She stopped and completely dismissed me, me being confused tried to tease her about being rude... She took it the wrong way. I defend my position and she gets a little pissed off, I think she's a feminist. Besides, I refuse to change my opinion and she walks away. Putting me in a bit of a bad mood shortly but I soon snap out of it.

I meet another girl and she's more receptive than the others but the conversation drops. I got past the opener but don't really know what to do after. Remembering that how I say something is more important I try sending mixed signals. I get rejected a few more times and finally get into an actual conversation with a cute girl. I open her and she responds well, she mentions she's going to work but her body doesn't move too much away from me. She then complements my necklace and I try and keep her with me but she tries and excuses herself. Seeing as she's still on the fence I go for a number, knowing it's unlikely to happen. She says she has a boyfriend but I press it, she says she likes me but sorry.

With my energy getting better I make a couple more approaches and meet another cute girl who stops. She doesn't believe my complement and then goes and complements my style instead. I'm slightly arrogant and say "yeah, I've got better style". Then after some introductions and light banter I ask her what she does. She claims nothing. I give her a skeptical look (I've been dying to use it) and she breaks. She talks about how she works with her dad. She then goes searching for things about them, I deflect them and then turn it back to her. After a bit more information I then qualify her on her creativity. She says she does art and asks me if I am I say "yeah" and she asks what. I reply never giving her more than what she asks for and then turn it back to her. She finds out I play guitar and then she starts talking about how she is and was terrible at music... WTF. Anyway, I move her and then she talks about her friend who she's about to meet, he's having his hair done and then she complements my hair. She talks about how she has to be leaving soon and I go for her number, she types it in and we go on our ways.

This was my second to last approach but it was the best of the day. I realised that I have to up my energy, keep my fundamentals tight when approaching and not be static at the start of an interaction.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Back from night-game, had a fun night and enjoyed it a lot. Picked up on somethings that I do great and others I can improve upon. I set off, aiming to get to the first bar around 9ish. I've found that this is usually the best time to get settled in and chill out. I hung by the bar and tried to open a couple of girls, they don't respond, I guess they didn't hear me. A couple of girls plant themselves next to me at the bar, I open the majority of them and have short lived conversations, lacking any energy and based on boring questions. One girl I do open, however, gets in a pretty deep conversation with me.

I talk to her and she turns towards me, I'm chatting random stuff more relying on my non-verbals to communicate that I'm cool. I'm attempting to be high energy and it goes well, but no sexual talk whatsoever. It goes well, slightly platonic (I tried a couple of sexy smiles but didn't pull 'em off well), and soon we're talking about eachothers lives. Whenever she probes into my life I deflect it and turn it back to her. However, her legs go into and ankle lock, she's a little uncomfortable. I find out that she's a doctor in training, second year. I deep even further into her past and relate to her about my sister who's a junior doctor now. I go deeper and ask whether she always wanted to do medicine or something else. She ellaborates on it all and I listen, interrupting here and there to relate to her. I touch her a couple of times in the conversation and attempt a couple of sexual innuendo's but they don't go too far. I qualify her, going in for more information and she complies. Next, I go for the number, she declines I persist a little then decide to drop it and go for it later. I pick up were we left off and we've covered a bit of ground and I go for a couple of flirts but they don't come off well, I leave them. I chat a little longer, go for the number once more but it's a no go. I then let her get on with her night.

I meet a cool guy at the bar and soon when I go to the top of the bar for some air he makes me a part of there group. The group instantly takes a warming to me. Pretty soon we're all laughing, I'm feeling lower energy than all of them but still attempt to enjoy myself. Soon a girl comes into the group who knows them all, I wait a bit and then introduce myself and compliment her earings. I mess up a little bit, boring conversation. I drop it and turn back to some of the other guys in the group. A bit of drama follows between a guy and his girlfriend and then turn back to the cute girl and start forging a connection. I make more interesting conversation and make it a little sexual. I get her to hug me and then get her to expand on her life. She's talks about herself and I relate back here and there. I should have gone for the number pull but missed it and before I know it some more drama happens and I break circle, the girl, a couple of minutes later, leaves. I give her a hug and fail to get her number... Fuck.

Oh well, shit happens... I'm not perfect. We head to another bar and I feel lower energy for some reason (might be the 3 hours sleep I got last night). I think, however, that everyone else is completely enjoying themselves and are having awesome times, whereas I'm naturally quite low energy... Definitely smooth and suave style. I make a couple of approaches in there but nothing really comes from them, I'm bringing people down an energy level. I try another approach later on but the girl has a boyfriend and is being dismissive of me.

I did meet a guy who seems to be quite good at game and noted some of his qualities he did when talking in a high energy environment:
- Repeating positive words to relate. E.g. "Yeah, Yeah, Exactly, Yeah!" and often times related back but if he didn't have experience in the topic her made vague analogies.
- Touched a lot, well, much more compared to me and was constantly moving back and forth.
- Exaggerated motions.

It seems, from above, to convey emotion in a conversation I would have to focus on more non-verbal communication and voice tone.

We head to another bar, I'm somehow leading a bit here and there. When we get in I get us all to find a free table, then we go dancing. I pull some moves and then twirl a girl on the dance floor. She tries to trade names but I'm lost in my own world it seems. A little later she then goes through the group exchanging names and arrives at me. I give her my name and then twirl her again. Didn't make any approaches in this bar/club but focused more on being relaxed.

A fun thing did happen. As I was walking up the stairs a girl walks down exactly in my way. Neither of us budge. We're there, holding eye-contact for 5-10 seconds straight, neither letting up. She's got the higher ground but I'm not giving in. She breaks. Glances to the side. I know I've won and she starts to use words to get me to move. I point to the side and say something to do with her moving to the side. She loosens her grip and then starts calling me a freak with smile. Complaining to the people around. I walk on. I'm tired and want to type this up, but I loved that small victory. After that I knew she was dead attracted to me. Just a story I wanted to share.

Here are some things I think I should be focusing on:
- Fundamentals.
- Non-verbal Communication.
- Being High Energy (Fuck me this keeps coming up).
- Polarise.

I'm mostly focusing on the first 2, I want to build those up to ridiculous levels but they count for nothing if I bring girls energies down. Polarise is also, high energy, but more see how far I can push the boundaries, sorta shit.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Just a brief update. I made 3 approaches today before getting kicked out of a small shopping arcade. Some girls in a shop, which I've never stepped in, called security on me. I ended up inside my head, being pissed off and what not and decided to cool off and head home. I wasn't focused on meeting girls after that.

Before I did get kicked out I had a breakthrough conversation. I tried interrupting a girl with my own opinions from the start, used lots of touch and raised my eye-brows to keep her talking.

I opened strongly, she was an indie girl, wearing cat ears or something. I point them out and she tells me there from manga comics. She mentions cat and I interrupt teasing she'll be raising tigers or something. She laughs and builds more on the conversation. I keep interrupting here and there, not too much though. She seems quite involved in the conversation and I move her. I did notice in my peripherals that the girls in the shop (the ones who later called security) were watching me. I move her to the side so I don't have to deal with there stares (the girl has her back to them).

She isn't facing me completely now, I try harder to keep her attention but it fails... Talking too much about me. I quit it, let her get a word in and slowly her attention returns back to me. I make a flirt once or twice, can't remember how well received they were, they weren't rejected however. We talking and shit and then the security guy interrupts us and cockblocks me. Though when he asks the girl if she's with me she answers yes, that's something... She wants to be there with me, guess he didn't expect that. So I get kicked out and call it a day, I couldn't take my mind off revenge fantasies. I stopped them when they popped up but didn't manage to prevent them... Until I had a Vesper Martini (shaken, of course ;) ).


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Back from a relaxing few days at home. Time to put some more hardwork into meeting girls. I've lost my momentum from the past week but it was dissipating anyway. I went out and got lost in my head, focused on trying to get out of it. I walk up to one girl and approach but I forget to smile and she walks away from me. The next girl I open was a gorgeous Italian. I delivered my opener but she didn't hear it the first time and kept walking. She briefly caught sight of me, stopped and I reopened her. My approach was strong, smile, relaxed stance, sexy voice (could have been louder). She smiles back and we shake hands. My body language moves slightly away from her. I hear here accent and cold-read her as being Spanish. She corrects me and I mention that they're very similar. I then give her the nickname "Lasagne" and she laughs. My body language doesn't change much, I don't give her more or less attention it stays neutral. I try and create a conversation but then fall back on boring topics and the conversation dies.

The next approach takes a while to happen and goes nowhere. The next girl I talk to is in a store and as she's an assistant she asks me if she can help me. I could have responded with something like "Hmmm, what do you mean?" with a sexy smile or "if you've got a spare hour" again sexily. However, I go with "I'm just curious" in a boring tone. She then shows me some cocoa beans and we begin a conversation which is very flirty. She offers some to try and I reply "Trying to drug me now" with a sexier tone of voice, she laughs and begins join in. There are flirts here and there throughout the conversation as she offers things to me. I give her a nickname "hyper" cause she seems quite hyper and energetic. I'm doing very little work, I've gotten her to talk about how she used to work in an adult store and she shared a funny story. Didn't realise there was an opportunity to find out about what she likes in the sack. We head to the counter and she asks me what I want. I tell her I thought she was cute. She blushes a little and I go for her number. Turns out she has a boyfriend and she's a good girl. I tell her that we'll have to go back to mine instead. She laughs but declines, I exit the shop.

The next girl I meet is a very hot girl. I open her and my approach was fucking good. I felt relaxed doing it and enjoyed it. She smiles and we shake hands, her body doesn't turn itself towards me. When this happens I know I have to attract her some more and get her facing me completely. I fuck up and forget what to do. I used a false time constraint on her and then bailed. Her face was priceless. I could have done a cold reading, given her a nickname or used a routine instead.

The last girl I open was my attempt at being more polarising from the off. It took a while to finally get it out but when I did it felt good and the girl took it well too. I spot her and deliver the opener "Hey, I've got to say you've got a gorgeous body". I extend my hand and she declines saying she has sticky hands from eating an apple. I use it as an excuse to touch her hands and they don't feel sticky, whatever. She then goes on about how she's a robot, hence her body. I'm completely thrown by this and try to keep up but fuck up by making a shit flirt (bad non-verbals) and then looking at her as I touched her. I can tell she's feeling awkward so I let her go.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
11 girls approached and 1 number. I've been watching some videos and reading different blogs in my attempt to get past my sticking point... Which I think is losing attraction after the opener. I've tried more sexually direct openers and some of them go well, more touching, and other polarising things seem to do well. I haven't used them too much so I'm still a little off when using them. I'm also trying to talk about any bullshit that I can think of whilst focusing on my non-verbal commmunication.

Today I set off at a relaxed pace, feeling rather at ease... Not worried at all. Walking through the park I say hi to a couple of girls to build a little social momentum. One of the girls stares almost angrily at me and says hi back. I leave them to walking and then get stopped by a jehovahs witness. I have a conversation with her as it'll boost my momentum. This lasts about 15 minutes and then I carry on with my walk. All throughout my stroll to the city centre I was talking out loud about random shit... It was helping me get into a good mood. I started to approach some people as I was leaving the university campus.

The first girl I meet is thrilled with my compliment, unfortunately she's working and walks on. The next one after that ignores me.

I''m in town, feeling pretty good walking around and get chatting to a new friend I've made. He's pretty cool and rocks up some more social momentum. Once our conversation is over I turn my attention to meeting girls. The first few girls I approach brush me off. No worries I keep at it. I make some more approaches but I barely get into a conversation with anyone. I'm just not hitting the right notes with anyone today.

A little while later I notice this cute girl... Brown hair, a little shorter than me, looks fucking gorgeous. I open her and she's immediately taken back by my opener, so much so she starts blushing a little bit. I call her out on it, focusing on not making myself seem too easy with my body. She seems shy so I just talk shit about the necklace she's wearing and how it looks antique. She answers a few questions on it and I touch her here and there, remaining in control of the conversation. I didn't give strong eye-contact after the opener. I also think my body language control could have been much better. I get the sense that she was attracted to me, but I was dropping the ball somewhere. She mentions it's her birthday coming up and I give her a hug, I go in slowly and hold on briefly. This was an opportunity to get her talking about herself but I've just picked up on it.

Anyway, as we were talking she mentions she's meeting a friend and I try to keep her there for a little longer... I've got to find a better way of doing this, it rarely works. She insists she has to go. I go for the number and say we should meet up sometime and whip my phone out and get her to type in her number. As she's typing I try to flirt with her a little but she doesn't buy into it completely just verbally. I leave it, hug her and move on.

The next girls I approach don't seem that into me and brush me off. Seeing as I'm having troubles with this I'm going to type up how I approach in as much detail as I can.

I notice a girl I like. I try and make it seem like I haven't noticed her if I look directly at her, otherwise it's peripheral's until she's close. I walk up to her when she's a few feet away from me and deliver my opener, I'm not too close to her but not far... Like 2-3 feet usually. My voice is monontonic most of the time, I don't use many pauses usually. I'm not emphasising any part of my opener. My fundamentals are strong, when I open my body isn't completely facing her, I generally have strong eye-contact and I smile sexily but I don't have a huge smile on my face, almost a half-smile. When I give her my hand to shake, I let our hands lull in the air a little and I'm starting to not let go until she tries to let go. My eyebrows do nothing, my head tilts a little to the side, I don't feel like I'm injecting much energy into the opener at the start.

That's as much that I can think of right now, I'll type some more up if I think of them. I'm going to focus on my opening for a little bit. Try and get my fundamentals and vibe much stronger to get more women talking to me. If few are stopping for me that's got to be my issue right now.

Edit: Thought of a few more things: I don't smile completely througout my opener, don't use my hands during my opening, I have a weak smile when I do smile.