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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
There may be a slight delay of a few days in moving out but it looks like it’s going ahead.

-Only recently have I begun to understand how utterly essential rapport is in interactions that aren’t already highly sexualized, i.e. most DG approaches.

-Related: I want to become very aware of the emotions and vibe that I project.

-I’m going to try doing a lot more visualization exercises and see what happens.

-A pair of unrelated recent incidents have challenged my previous views on a few points. Still processing.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Escape is imminent. One to two days.

After that, it’s absolutely essential that I both rest a lot and get as much as possible done over the summer.

(I wrote out several more paragraphs but I think there’s no need to keep them now that I’ve analyzed those feelings.)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Aaaaaaaand the great breakthrough got held up a few days because of an embarrassingly trivial wild card causing technical issues. On top of that, my sleep has been difficult even though I’ve been consistent about going to bed before midnight. Siblings home for the summer and other issues.
Who cares? I’ve been working toward this for at least a year and a half. A few more days is nothing. Soon I’ll be free ⚡️

I’m beginning to come to some conclusions about how to go about my summer campaign.

Cold approach is a skill that I’m still committed to learning. However, processing all the sets I’ve done and and experiences I’ve had so far, I’m convinced that my chances to pull high-quality (FwB or even GF) girls my own age from cold approach are nowhere near as good as I could be doing if I got my act together at college and in SC. And most of that is just fixing the rest of my life so I feel good.

In the fall I want to expand to more “transfer campuses”. It’s a nice hybrid of cold approach and minimal social frame, although my experiences with it so far have been pretty mixed.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I prefer not to talk much about my background but I think it’s worth analyzing the role my parents have played in shaping my past and present habits and views.
Until I turned 18 (when my mom stopped being controlling), my parents would not allow me to meet girls my age outside of a highly supervised setting, so I rarely did. For various reasons, I didn’t rebel at the time, despite the fact that in hindsight they have been significantly more restrictive than the parents of nearly all of my other religious friends.

Also, and arguably more importantly, to this day they absolutely suck socially. My father’s circle has gradually faded until it’s mainly family and my mom’s friends’ husbands. My mom’s (extensive) social life is mainly independent of the rest of us, and it tends to be bilateral rather than an actual circle. She’s also quite willing to put distance between herself and people she can’t tolerate, such as, more recently, open Trump supporters among her acquaintances. As a child, I was told not to play anymore with certain kids for unspecified and apparently arbitrary reasons.

Unsurprisingly, they didn’t do a good job of imparting social skills to us. It doesn’t help that we were all encouraged to read well above our grade levels. I, the eldest, was mostly self-taught, reading chapter books at 5 and regularly consuming 600+ page novels (think the later Harry Potter books) in a single day, in addition to hefty adult nonfiction tomes. My parents’ ideas of recreation were also rather frugal and somewhat staid. We rarely went more than an hour and a quarter from home, rarely visited theme parks (I’ve never been to Disneyland in my life), and preferred cheap museums to anything else (I’ve never been camping in my life either). Once my siblings hit a certain age, they started to prefer lounging at home to frequent outings, and this didn’t help at all.
In any case, I’m the product of a broken parenting system that I refuse to be limited by.

It also might be interesting to note that the next sibling, who just graduated HS, is currently in the process of rapidly distancing themself from religion. I don’t know how far they intend to go, nor does it matter much to me. But unlike them, my belief is woven into me in a way that makes it impossible to abandon entirely. Pragmatism and realism is not hypocrisy, and a red-blooded man is not an angel.

Anyway, given that I was previously under my parents’ thumb (and until 15, pretty much willingly), I think it’s alright to blame them for the past, especially the distant past.

But I’m sick of not feeling in full control of my own destiny. Even now, as my emotional independence grows daily, I’m not sure how long it will take to wean myself off of their finances. It could be years.

Fully deprogramming will take a while. It’s also complicated by the fact that my belief system, while denominationally the same as my parents’, clearly differs in practical interpretations. For instance, I see having a healthy and active social life as having religious significance of a sort. And while I really would like to live in a socioeconomic milieu that’s more supportive of practical, reasonable implementations of conservative values, I don’t believe it’s realistic to expect most men, including myself, to wait until marriage (which is what age, exactly?), even if it’s nice in theory.

Can one have one’s cake and eat it too? I think the answer is “Yes, mostly”. But I don’t see myself going clubbing or anything for the foreseeable future.

I usually write up seduction-specific developments at this point, but this post is already a bit long so I’ll break it up.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Funny enough, the biggest reason I’m so picky about girls isn’t my background. It’s the fact that my overarching priority is my still somewhat delicate mental health. I still have a low tolerance for drama and games. No girl is probably better than a difficult or toxic one. One-off encounters have their own set of emotional and physical risks and won’t satisfy most of my emotional needs.

That said I have a high sex drive and a strong need for love and intimacy and deep good feelings.

Yesterday (Sat) I did a short recon mission with my wing while we discussed goals, means, and our next expedition. Two situationals: a hired gun outdoors and a 4-set of a girl, two non-milfs, and a toddler. In neither of these did I deploy my new process.

Funny enough, I didn’t discuss it that much on page 1 since I didn’t realize it was notable, but early on in my adventures I was pretty darn good at building rapport. I just lacked the awareness, confidence, and aggressiveness to exploit it.

The current bottleneck is frustrating as hell. Hopefully in a day or two it’ll be good. I’ll have my own space where I can live confidently alone, and of course bring girls over.

Peace of mind is close, yet I feel helpless. Prone just ten yards from the finish line. Living with my siblings home all day every day is impossible. I feel trapped.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Despite not having recovered, I find myself having to do a full day of errands tomorrow. Maybe it will help me feel better to be out and about.
Besides, staying at home is a cycle of pain and distractions that I need to break out of.
Logically, there are plenty of proactive things I could do.
Realistically, I’ve temporarily lost the ability to make myself do them. The animal brain always wins if you try to force things.
Due to how this sort of thing has gone in the past, I’m wary of pushing back too hard and too fast.
But I must have freedom.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I may have screwed myself over through procrastination. Hopefully it isn’t too late.

I’ve fallen into a spiral of depression, languishing at home as if the pandemic is still ongoing. Meanwhile, my siblings do the same, minus the depression, driving me further into myself. I rarely “start my day”.

I’ve come so far. But I’ve completely burned through my willpower and the few simple tasks needed to complete the process seem beyond me. I literally am past caring whether or not I succeed.

I’m beginning to hate my family for putting me through this. Love involves empathy, which they seem not to have for me. A few days ago, my father told me that if I really wanted to move out, I would be trying harder. Of course, he has gotten used to ignoring the signs of Surveyor shutting down.

It’s really frustrating that I’m still to an extent beholden to my parents. Not sure exactly when I’ll be completely independent and free to turn my back on them but one thing at a time.

I’m about to head out to a friend’s instead of catching up on sleep. Maybe I’ll get the necessary headspace there.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Hey dude,

I may have screwed myself over through procrastination. Hopefully it isn’t too late.

I’ve fallen into a spiral of depression, languishing at home as if the pandemic is still ongoing. Meanwhile, my siblings do the same, minus the depression, driving me further into myself. I rarely “start my day”.

  1. Pick something small that you want to improve at and can work at consistently every day with low effort and also enjoy. Could be 10 minutes of calisthenics first thing in the morning, or 30 minutes of Pimsleur language training (one lesson), or write one short story, or draw one drawing. Whatever it is, position it soon after waking, and make sure you do it daily. You can lounge/procrastinate the rest of the day. Must be something that is EASY to begin yet gives you a feeling of success after you've done it.

  2. Spend a lot of time thinking about your main sources of procrastination. Video games? YouTube? Movies? TV shows? News? Social media? Think about them: "These are where I'm putting my time. These are sucking up all my time. I am wasting tons of time on these. I am getting NOTHING of value out of this. They are just sucking away my time and life." Don't push yourself off them yet. Just allow yourself to get really angry at them first, as you tie the feeling of procrastination to these sources of it, over the course of days and weeks. This is how you redirect the anger from yourself for procrastinating (which does nothing; you can't leave yourself behind) to these sources of procrastination (which does everything, once you are pissed off at them enough to cut them out).

  3. After you've been doing the small thing consistently for a few weeks, and the habit is fairly set, choose a second small thing to do daily -- again, something not too taxing, but that is different from the first one (e.g., if the first one is an art, make the second one physical, or a language, or training in some skill, etc.), and doesn't take too long to do. Now you're getting double the winner effect.

  4. Do that for a few more weeks then see if you can add a third small thing. Many high productivity runs I've had come after getting myself doing three small things for daily victories, then all of a sudden you're drafting up daily to-do lists and jamming through them, banging things out, feeling on top of the world, looking back over procrastination periods going, "Wow, I really pulled myself out of it with just those three little things, didn't I?"

You need two things to escape procrastination:

  • Gains from the winner effect to start shifting the mind in a productive direction (start with one, since one is all "lazy you" can handle, then add a second once the first one is a habit, then a third later still).

  • A clear focus on your main sources of procrastination that clearly ties them as time wasters sucking your lifeblood away so that you shift the anger around that from yourself to the distractions.

Once you've got some traction with the stuff you're doing to experience daily wins, and the association in your head is strong enough between "these 5 time-wasters and endless, soul-destroying procrastination" you will get angry at the sources of procrastination and ban yourself from them so you can focus on doing more stuff that adds value to your life instead of subtracts it.

If you need help and the procrastination is digital install Focusme.

But before you ban the distractions, get a few small daily wins going, and make sure the association in your head is super strong with "these things are the bad things making me waste my time doing nothing useful at all" so that you stick with a ban -- might take a few weeks before you're ready to do that. Don't rush it, let the winner effect + anger directed at the distractions rather than yourself gradually build.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I’m starting to seriously consider snapping and just playing the field relentlessly.

I probably won’t right now though as I need connection and deep intimacy and I think it would be healthier to start off with something like that.

Most likely I’ll go wild later in college.

In any event, I’m not yet done deprogramming and reprogramming as regards sexual expression.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I’m planning the 4th right now (hopefully with my wing) but in general I’ve been having a lookie-loo at representative samples and I’m thinking exurbs are a good place to explore and game over the summer.
As far as I can see without a ton of infield there, it really plays to my strengths.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
-I’ve been taking advantage of the difficult and slow situation to cut more so I can be done with it. The big calorie deficits probably haven’t helped my mood but it won’t be for much longer.

-I’m planning to go winging tomorrow. We keep scrubbing (usually his fault) and it’s getting annoying. Wish me luck

-My summer program is about to start but I just discovered it’ll be completely online 😡

-I’ve made a fair bit of progress with introspection and stuff.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
@BIGGUS DICKUS: PUSSY MAN ’s recent LR got me thinking about positive energy.
Looking back, I notice a pretty strong correlation between my mood and both reactions and compliance.
However, back when I was most positive was also when I was the least sexual, so I need to learn to blend the two.
I like to think I’m a naturally positive person overall, but the situation I’m trying to get out of would push almost anyone’s limits over time. Luckily my languishing under my parents’ roof is about to be over for good. I think.

The mainproblem I’m currently grappling with is this:

-Strategically, my gut and brain both tell me I really should go monk mode for six weeks or so in order to recover and build a new, more independent and more structured life.

-I spend WAY too much time and headspace thinking about girls.

-The reason for this is obviously that nature really, really, really wants a guy like me to just get a girl already and hopefully make some babies. The urge will intensify the longer I wait and tbh I’m a little concerned that when I do it’ll be like a dam bursting and maybe overwhelm my partner a bit.
As it is, I often get off twice a day without much more than my own fantasies.

-I don’t see an alternative to strong screening for comfort and other things. Worth noting, though, that in all the situations where I’ve been seriously rattled by drama, I wasn’t in a position to be dominant (e.g. significantly older girl not entering into my frame).

I’m not sure what to do about all this, other than keep approaching (volume provides more choice), and just keep going in general. Because for all that I make it sound like the last straw, I’m still making constant incremental progress in many areas.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I’m beginning to see just how much has to be done to get my habits and rhythms where they should be once I escape. I still haven’t sorted out the simple issue of invoicing and settling the several thousand in outstanding balance from my main clients after what happened a few weeks ago.

And deadlines, hard and soft, for other things are now on the horizon.

Added to which, my habits have gotten a bit chaotic in the last several days. That needs to be addressed.

The same unruffled attitude I generally take toward these temporary disruptions, although it helps me keep a surprisingly even keel, might actually be hindering me from taking action.

Now for the good news…

Incremental background progress continues in many areas. My viewpoint is markedly maturing as I process things.

I’ve noticeably improved my social life in the past two weeks. Mainly with my old all-male social circles so far but the momentum is already carrying back into the summer-mode community college circles.

I’m also working on my new process, which I haven’t really tried infield yet. I’m mostly waiting to finish fixing my state so my vibe can be freely positive etc.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
I think it’s good that your thoughtful

But you need to be a man of action

I approach even if my state is off

Because I want to be able to get laid even on my bad days

Great seducers can do this

Ain’t no time like the present moment,



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I think it’s good that your thoughtful

But you need to be a man of action
I agree in principle. But I’ve learned the hard way not to try to divide up my focus between too many things at once. And to be patient with myself while I lay foundations and set conditions for future intiatives.

The time will come when I’m a lot more aggressive, decisive, and so forth. Oh, believe me, it will come. But realistically I need to be recovering, regenerating, making good habits, building up reserves and material power, and growing my independence and my social base.

I’m continuing to make steady progress in several areas, including my understanding of girls. So why wear myself out trying to run a full tempo of stuff off of a baseline that so far has shown to not have been good enough?

I’ve tried on and off to fully implement concepts of Decisive Action! since I was 16. What I’ve learned is that it requires a well-lubricated and field-ready machine, and a crap-ton more discipline and organization than just raw aggressiveness and insouciant élan.

Ever wonder why I often talk and think about my personal life in military/planning terms? It’s cause that mindset seems to be the only one that has produced much practical success for me. The things all y’all see are only the tip of the iceberg — I really do have constant challenges to continue gradually solving.

As @Wick would say, this is how I’ve learned to grow out of the immature Hero mindset.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I forgot this may not be your main priority atm.
The breakout will happen. But such things are built on preparation.

Anyway, today I was able to sort-of-meditate myself into a really pumped state but it was for less than an hour.
This might actually be a more significant breakthrough than it might sound.

During the rest of the week, I want to gradually start moving forward again. I think it’s gonna happen.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
Ever wonder why I often talk and think about my personal life in military/planning terms? It’s cause that mindset seems to be the only one that has produced much practical success for me. The things all y’all see are only the tip of the iceberg — I really do have constant challenges to continue gradually solving.

As @Wick would say, this is how I’ve learned to grow out of the immature Hero mindset.

Did you read that book I mentioned? King, Warrior, Magician, Lover?

I ask because I disagree with what you said... haha.

The Hero must go on his journey. Along the way he finds that he is not invincible, and he has limits. And he also must find that what he fights for must be a higher cause than his own. But the journey is still important to take. To follow his heart, and discover those limits.

In a way, you don't grow out of this, you build the Warrior on top of the hero. The warrior understands his limits, and the higher cause he's fighting for, but that was learned through the Hero's journey.


Not disagreeing that using military language is helping you. In fact, it sounds to me like discipline and focus is what is helping you. That is within the realm of Hero/Warrior. But it is the King who should be in the throne. Ask yourself, who is sitting in the throne? Is it the King, or perhaps the Magician or Lover or Warrior? Or even one of the immature archetypes? Then ask what that part of you needs to feel comfortable relinquishing control to the King.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Did you read that book I mentioned? King, Warrior, Magician, Lover?
Part of it so far (via Archive.org). Maybe I should make continuing it a higher priority, idk.
The Hero must go on his journey. Along the way he finds that he is not invincible, and he has limits. And he also must find that what he fights for must be a higher cause than his own. But the journey is still important to take. To follow his heart, and discover those limits.
Btdt haha
In a way, you don't grow out of this, you build the Warrior on top of the hero. The warrior understands his limits, and the higher cause he's fighting for, but that was learned through the Hero's journey.
Funny enough, up to October I did have that. It kind of got worn down through all the fatigue and stress, and I haven’t really gotten that clarity back yet.
But it is the King who should be in the throne. Ask yourself, who is sitting in the throne? Is it the King, or perhaps the Magician or Lover or Warrior? Or even one of the immature archetypes? Then ask what that part of you needs to feel comfortable relinquishing control to the King.
I think I need to read the book to understand that part haha

While I expect to have a place all to myself for a few weeks, that’s a narrow window. I’m not sure about after that, but probably there’ll be unknown housemates and possibly other barriers.

So I think I need to, while understanding the power of having good logistics, also free myself of thinking “I have nowhere to pull to” and find other places to make out and stuff.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Once I added my prestigious summer program to my IG bio, I began getting several follow requests a day.

I’m also learning the power of mutual connections in attracting followers.

Given the social frames, it’s worth experimenting a bit, but for the next few days I need to focus on gathering my strength for the final push out and raising state.