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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Tbh I’m starting to doubt my ability to take on the additional academic objectives that need to be done in the next few days, but I feel they’re necessary if I want to have my pick of top transfer destinations.
Yeah, probably not happening.
This is a blow. It hurts.
But let’s be honest: I was already drowning in deadlines and unfinished business.
The main lesson: I need to move out ASAP. Working on it
Other lessons:
- Don’t waste time and energy on things that don’t deserve my attention.
- Schedule tasks. Leave buffers.
- I need to take care of my sexual and emotional needs. It’ll help.

Freedom is just around the corner. Or is it?

I know you're going to keep sticking to the game!! Keep your eyes on the prize! ;)
Stay tuned for tomorrow then ;)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 31, 2022
It doesn't matter, progress is progress, even if not visibly that measurable at first it will add up. If you haven't read it I recommend the book 'The Power of Atomic Habits' by James Clear, he gives an example of an airplane taking flight and how it can arrive at a completely different destination even with a one degree tilt! Anyways, I am so glad that you are journaling about the bolded below, it shows how you're able to grow into a successful and well rounded young man. Even by journaling what you are PLANNING to do even if it's not done right away, your brain will already get to work in solving that puzzle!
I've made significant progress in several areas, but no real breakthroughs.

  • Finances/moving out: I've been delaying invoicing pay and stuff in order to optimize my FAFSA numbers, lol. In a few days, that should go well. No progress on apartments but one thing at a time.
  • My parents' finances are likely to improve in a few months rather than at the end of the year due to unexpected events.
  • SC growth: Marginal improvements. Much more in the pipeline.
  • Fitness: Fat loss and other improvements continue. Medium-term improvements to skills-based fitness likely. I'm also taking a pretty rigorous PE class. Intending to plan some serious outdoor day trips soon.
  • State management: Sleep is improving. Other aspects either improving (e.g. screens, drive) or likely to improve soon (focus). I managed a 4-day streak, which is progress, and also definitely improved my capacity for non-ejaculatory orgasms and general energy handling. Last night, I also did some deep hypnagogic meditation, which was relaxing and interesting.
  • Academics: Main goals are trying to complete work sooner and further from deadlines, and generating the headspace and time to work on a scholarship essay contest and my pitch for UC undergrad research, the latter opportunity thanks to my mentor (who totally has a crush on me). I need to realize that not meeting these objectives will have costs.
  • Overall organization etc.: ...it's early days yet lol. But I'm making measurable improvements.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
The past week was…eventful, to say the least. I’m definitely making significant progress game wise.
But in several other areas of my life, I’ve gone a bridge too far. Stabilizing the situation won’t be easy.
And the situation at home is quietly becoming unsustainable.
Worst of all, the can can’t be kicked down the road any further. Actually, there are dozens of cans (tasks, goals, etc.) that are reaching that point.
If I can make it through the next three weeks and achieve or hold all the really essential objectives, it’ll be all right.
Right at this moment, I don’t know how that will all work.
But in certain ways, the current situation is worse than any previous point in my life. And the stakes are certainly a little higher than they were, say, a year ago.

Back to game. It might be hard to find a partner until I’m past this rough patch. But I’m doing what I can.

Nothing to do but keep going…

Edit: OK, that was kinda doom and gloom. Both Surveyor himself and his overall situation are better than ever in many ways.
That doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll be able to meet the challenge. Things have to be done both correctly and rapidly.
The home front badly needs attention, but so do academics and business.
And the cumulative stress is getting to me.

Maybe I’ll feel more confident in the morning. Doubtful, though. Sundays at home with the family are always unpleasant, and I won’t get a chance to sleep in.
Last edited:


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I’m still basically at the start line when it comes to SC game, despite noticeably improving my overall social skills.

This is frustrating. In the short term, I’m not really sure what to do about it, besides the things that I’m already doing.

It doesn’t help that I’m looking at things through the lens of being so horny that I can blow 2-3 times a day without taking a significant hit.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
The “Hillary Step moment” continues. So close, and yet so far.

I feel like my internal state is affecting my vibe. All I want is peace of mind and distance from the stressors. Is that too much to ask?

It doesn’t help that I’m taking concrete steps toward completely committing to the path of the seducer. I don’t believe there’s a choice tbh. But it still feels…not quite right. Especially as more feelings are involved right now than at any point in the past.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Meeting girls seems to be helping. Put on a new set of clothes, introduced myself to a classmate/club member, ran a cold approach with a girl who seemed very vaguely familiar (I guess that opener really works lol), and am chatting in DMs with another girl online.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Academics have temporarily collapsed but I think I can get it excused.
Fitness continues to improve but it’s time to prioritize it more.
I think the storm is passing. Time to hustle and move out!

As far as game…progress continues. Averaging 5 approaches per week. Gonna see if I can increase that to 10-12 or more. Hard to find quality girls without volume.
I think it’s high time I made a serious effort to score ⚡


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
As I tried and failed to fall asleep this evening, I realized something.
I've gotten a respectable number of green lights (most of them unsolicited) from girls at college in the past six months.
So why haven't I done something about that? Logistics plays a role. There's more to it than that, of course.

But first, let's do some numbers:
Fall 2022
5 green lights (3 classmates, 2 outside class)

Excuses for not closing:
a) Inability or unwillingness to build sufficient rapport etc.: 2 (both fairly similar cases)
b) Wild cards, insufficient investment from both sides, and impending personal difficulties: 1
c) Not interested in having sex with her: 2 (also similar to each other) + 1 under a)

These were only the obvious cases. There may have been others where I didn't fully understand where things stood.

Spring 2023
2 green lights so far (both classmates)

I don't intend to pursue either of them, despite having just gone through a period of extreme horniness, and obviously wanting feminine solace for emotional reasons as well.

One of them I simply find unappetizing, although last class I had the first convo of any length with her and she seems like a decent person. But, among other things, she was wearing ridiculous edgy thigh highs that left impressions and showed me that I wasn't missing much. Just not my type.

The other is all right personality and looks wise, and seems to be interested in me (altho that might expire), but we haven't vibed that much and I don't feel comfortable with her for some reason (actually might post a thread because it's interesting). If I was an experienced seducer, I'd probably go ahead anyway though because why not?

As someone said recently here, most young studs do as many ugly or otherwise unappealing girls as beautiful ones.

That's not who I am. I don't think it ever will be. I don't see a point wasting time, energy, attention, and vulnerability on people of any gender who aren't worth it.

Moving on...
I think this is my main non-logistics sticking point actually. I screen a lot for intangibles, personality, etc. And for now, I'm screening pretty tightly. No plans to change that.

Now, obviously there are several girls I'm interested in (even with "post-nut clarity"), and legions more whom I haven't met yet. But those aren't the type who are going to pursue me (at least until I've made another year or so of progress in all areas).

Which means I have to learn how to pursue better. And I'm learning. I'd like to learn faster. But I'm still hamstrung by logistics and my personal life is chaotic right now (at least my state is OK).

In three or four weeks, I hope to have gotten my act together and finally be on the right track. Progress continues, but the going isn't easy.

And when I've built a base and a baseline that are actually satisfactory, it will only make all those hotties wetter down there.

For now, nose to the grindstone. I'm making progress with retention (relative to the winter, anyway). Other areas are good. In general, the short-term outlook is still in flux, but the long-term indicators just keep improving.

I want nothing more than to be sleeping soundly in a sorority bedroom after a threesome right now. But...There. Is. No. Free. Lunch. I'm not like the AFCs who fail to understand that. All in good time...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Firstly, something happened on the home front to help break the logjam. The next few weeks will be tricky but progress is happening and I hope to have things mostly worked out in a month from now.

Progress continues with social/game skills (the two are not distinct. Surveyor certainly isn’t Jekyll).

Unfinished business is still piled up but tomorrow I hope to make a dent in it.

The medium-term environment is improving. Now to free my game, as we say in chess.

Recently, a significant event happened in class. It shocked me far less than a vaguely similar event in the fall, but is much more serious than that one.

My life is disorganized as hell. I need to find more alternative outlets besides the elusive (by choice/pickiness) one we focus on here. In progress.

Oh, and I’ve spotted a unicorn at college. Waiting to initiate contact until I’m not a mess, because that way I’ll have a decent chance. Wish me luck


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
The state of things as of today
- Coursework continues to be an issue. I missed class today due to oversleeping.
- California has been hit by a series of late rains of Biblical proportions. This has many benefits, but my mood and state have been affected.
- I’ve been questioning the changes in myself since I started this journal.
For one thing, getting an iPhone has affected my screen habits both positively and negatively.
- I’ve made very little progress so far streamlining, organizing, and rationalizing my life.
- One thing that I am planning out is a more systematic fitness program. While I still have normal (too much) belly fat, I feel hungry from the calorie deficits much more easily. Time to start balancing :) and then bulking 💪
- My campus job is about to start up again. This means I can feasibly get my own place, although it’s not enough to be completely independent financially. Added to which, I have a decent amount of savings built up.
- I’ve decided to travel much more, within my means. Which basically means day trips by bike, car, and train :p
- The medium-term outlook is very favorable. But the current situation needs to be dealt with ASAP.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I did three (four depending on how you count) sets on my errands this evening. For reference, I had on a casual polo-ish shirt, khakis, a stylish cap, and a 10-day PUA beard.

The third set was at a supermarket. The place was pretty busy; there was a line for the self-checkout (!) so I opened the lady in front of me situationally. I couldn’t really progress beyond small talk but there was a tall girl with a nose ring ahead giving me a couple of IoIs.
I managed to maneuver behind her (another lane opened up), and I asked her if the lane was open (it wasn’t clear what was going on).
(I had only one item to scan btw so I might’ve been able to intercept on the way out)
Now, if I had been an iota quicker on the ball, I’d have continued with “Are you a Bruin?” (cold read; we were a few miles from UCLA but a lot of them live in more affordable neighborhoods, and I got a certain vibe).
Unfortunately, I realized this about a minute later. I only had a brief window to open, and I missed it.

But I’m learning, and I’ll see if I can do better next time.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
The first half of the spring campaign is over. Results were very mixed and both personally and especially academically and business-wise, fell significantly short of objectives.
The operating assumption was that I would be finally free by one target date (originally last June!) after another.
Recently I got a very good offer for an apartment, and the potential roommates eventually ghosted the moment I told them I was ready to move ahead. This is college Discord, not a dating app :mad:
Furthermore, it looks like I won’t be hired for my campus job this semester due to insufficient work available. I had put a certain amount of effort into making it happen. Most likely, I failed.
I may need to withdraw from some of my courses at this rate as well. Damage control is difficult when I‘m in this disorganized state. And I (not my parents) sank hundreds of dollars into textbooks.
Added to which, I can barely function even under less difficult conditions than sometimes happened last semester.

I’ve had some pretty bad setbacks before. I can handle it in the long term. This will not do significant permanent damage to myself and my plans (although in the worst case, my entire college timetable could be altered).

Yet I firmly believe this was entirely avoidable. I’m 20 years old, so maybe I shouldn’t blame my parents. But their intentional actions as well as their lack of action at other times is the single biggest reason why I am in this situation.
One of the main points of moving out is that I will be gradually taking control of, and responsibility for, my own future. Yet the path toward doing so seems to always be longer than I had thought.

I’m staying with a friend for a week or so while his family is out of town. Hopefully it will improve things.

Regardless, I’m taking a break from the game until NET Tuesday, the 18th, and maybe longer. I probably won’t be on the forum as much but I may pop in once or twice.

The journey continues 🛣️


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Never stop learning. I might be on break from almost everything, but on a male bonding expedition I had my first real interactions with exurban/rural girls and women since I started seducing. Another time…


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Went on an activity date with a sensual Latin girl from college. It went well, except for the slightly awkward part when we sat down together and it turned out that she was taken already and what I thought was interest was just friendliness combined with her effortless sensuality and a man-woman dynamic that I’m not used to with American girls.
Still, it was a very positive experience. I need more friends like her, and I think my process is good enough that a similar adventure would work well as an actual date.
It’s hard to draw conclusions on how well I’ve progressed with frames etc., but the important thing is that I’m actually asking for dates without anxiety, and going on then smoothly.

The one BIG takeaway is that all international students have much different frames about dating and sex. Even if they’ve been in America for a year or two already.

This is an INCREDIBLY valuable lesson. Big thank you to the two senior seducers who helped me understand the dynamic. You know who you are.

I’m not totally sure where things go from here strategically. Hopefully the respite of spring break will allow me to finish the semester strong and set up everything necessary.
I got another apartment offer, which I’m looking into.
Overall, progress continues. And I’m feeling a little more confident about my ability to handle my workload.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Today I had something of a breakthrough.

The day before, twice, morning and evening, I had had epiphanies related to getting into women’s shoes in terms of mindset and movement patterns.
Said epiphanies being theoretical, it will take time to put them into practice.

Today I went to a big U to study. Ran two “real” sets (one # close, one positive no-hook) and a bunch of social/situational approaches. More importantly, I learned a LOT of things.

Approach #1: Library reading room. On entry, brunette gave (mainly passive) IoIs. Worked on a couch for a bit. Eventually pulled myself together, went for a water break, and opened on the way back.
It went really well but unfortunately I only gave her my number and I’m not sure if she’ll follow up.
Commuter student (all the way from exurbs), wholesome average-ish looks (above my threshold, but not enough to have developed good girl game), rides horses (we had a decent thread about that), interesting major, seemed like my type.
I said hi and soon locked myself in by sitting down perpendicular to her right. She was slightly nervous in the way inexperienced girls often are in a deep dive, but was very hooked, was pulling a lot of weight keeping convo going, overall super positive. She had a Zoom in several minutes so I asked for her Insta. She doesn’t have it (cool!) so I asked for her number. She had me give her mine and said she’d text me. A bit later, when she left for somewhere where she could talk out loud during the meeting (she was using a serious library voice the whole time), she gave me a big smile and wave.
Sadly, I doubt she’ll going to take the initiative to text me, no matter how much she liked me.

Takeaways from approach #1:
- I did pretty well, no real mistakes but there’s plenty of room for improvement in fundamentals and more advanced conversational skills.
- A slightly more playful/sensual frame might have been better, as would rapport building and perhaps a tiny bit of touch.
- I already kinda knew this, but many Gen Z freshmen have issues comprehending information when they’re talking to an attractive dude, and are also not super “with it” in terms of social frame and thinking the way adults do (“Yeah, [this] is a really good school” – as if I didn’t know that already!).
- I was slightly too chill. Apart from what I said above, I didn’t let her strong/naive interest help me slip into the “I’m slightly older but not too old for you” frame that I’m supposed to be practicing for when I transfer!! Leading, DHV, showing more overt interest…hell, just because I didn’t screw it up doesn’t mean I actively did well enough.
- Saying hi to girls on a “foreign” campus isn’t hard.

Either way, there will be more girls like her. And perhaps we’ll meet again.

This was the moment that I really passed through the invisible curtain keeping me from really getting into big-campus approaches.

Approach #2: Brunette with nice legs, crowded walkway with mainly unidirectional traffic, evening. Opened situational because I was curious about what was going on.

Takeaways from approach #2:

- For a full day or even full DG session, your outfit can’t be perfectly calibrated at all times. That said, I made a small inaccuracy.
- Verbals were imperfect. Too fast, not chill enough.
After 20 seconds from opener, “I’m Surveyor” and no pause before “What’s your major?” (a mistake in and of itself at that point)
The root was not anxiety but lack of attention to verbals.
I’m gonna work on this. Eventually the self-regulation will become subconscious and habitual, as happened with my posture.
- I got a decent response for a situational with no IoIs and only two secs of preopening. It can be done, but in such cases, I need to build rapport more quickly.
Probably, pacing her reality more will help.
- I flubbed the flow of the convo at several points. This was partly because I was about to go home and opened her largely because I was genuinely curious about the thing we were walking past.
Solution: Work out better process for flow of convo. I rely way too heavily on a few basic small talk questions.

So obviously I didn’t really hook, much less close, but nonetheless it was positive. Surveyor is a great guy with good vibes, after all.

Approach #3: Last leg of bus ride home, blond German tourist behind me, mid-late 20s, glasses, fancy leather jacket.
She was mainly staring off into space and I couldn’t preopen. Eventually I just opened in a friendly way a few stops before getting off. She was interested within that nonsexual frame but there was no chance of a real set with the amount of time left and my state.

Takeaways from approach #3:
Not sure yet. Worth thinking about more.

The rest of the week I’ll be doing opportunistic approaches at baseline tempo. I have a big backlog of work to get done.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Here is how I plan to push forward:

Approaches will help keep my attention on the outside world and boost my mood.
Moving forward with Social stuff will also help.
Fixing my Sleep is an essential and immediate priority.
Getting Outdoor exercise will provide massive benefits.
Local and regional Travel when possible will boost both mental health and general skills.
Detoxing from the things that complicate my daily life. This includes Moving out (finally!).
Improving Finances further will give me a bit more peace of mind and more importantly allow me to spend a little more freely.
Improving Retention and/or finding a partner to ejaculate into will help a lot. I may need to wait until I move out to be able to do either, though.
Procrastinating less about Academics will lower stress and help me do even better.
Last but not least, spending a little more time on Spirituality will yield major practical benefits as well.

Here’s to rolling forward! 🐢⚒️


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2020
Fixing my Sleep is an essential and immediate priority.

Boy do I have the thing for you

I used to have really bad sleep, insomnia, and massive snoring problems.

So for the past year I’ve been researching the best sleep practices. Now since my sleep is so much better than average I can wake up more refreshed on 6hrs compared to another dudes 9

Lmk if you’re interested and we can dm
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
It’s beautifully ironic that my goals with girls have come full circle toward being much what they were at the time of my OP, minus some of the exclusive-LTR idealism I had then.
The difference is, I now have the confidence that I won’t have too wait too long to find the type of girl that I want. Certainly, I can at least meet such girls almost whenever I want.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Today I had something of a breakthrough.

The day before, twice, morning and evening, I had had epiphanies related to getting into women’s shoes in terms of mindset and movement patterns.
Said epiphanies being theoretical, it will take time to put them into practice.

Today I went to a big U to study. Ran two “real” sets (one # close, one positive no-hook) and a bunch of social/situational approaches. More importantly, I learned a LOT of things.

Approach #1: Library reading room. On entry, brunette gave (mainly passive) IoIs. Worked on a couch for a bit. Eventually pulled myself together, went for a water break, and opened on the way back.
It went really well but unfortunately I only gave her my number and I’m not sure if she’ll follow up.
Commuter student (all the way from exurbs), wholesome average-ish looks (above my threshold, but not enough to have developed good girl game), rides horses (we had a decent thread about that), interesting major, seemed like my type.
I said hi and soon locked myself in by sitting down perpendicular to her right. She was slightly nervous in the way inexperienced girls often are in a deep dive, but was very hooked, was pulling a lot of weight keeping convo going, overall super positive. She had a Zoom in several minutes so I asked for her Insta. She doesn’t have it (cool!) so I asked for her number. She had me give her mine and said she’d text me. A bit later, when she left for somewhere where she could talk out loud during the meeting (she was using a serious library voice the whole time), she gave me a big smile and wave.
Sadly, I doubt she’ll going to take the initiative to text me, no matter how much she liked me.

Takeaways from approach #1:
- I did pretty well, no real mistakes but there’s plenty of room for improvement in fundamentals and more advanced conversational skills.
- A slightly more playful/sensual frame might have been better, as would rapport building and perhaps a tiny bit of touch.
- I already kinda knew this, but many Gen Z freshmen have issues comprehending information when they’re talking to an attractive dude, and are also not super “with it” in terms of social frame and thinking the way adults do (“Yeah, [this] is a really good school” – as if I didn’t know that already!).
- I was slightly too chill. Apart from what I said above, I didn’t let her strong/naive interest help me slip into the “I’m slightly older but not too old for you” frame that I’m supposed to be practicing for when I transfer!! Leading, DHV, showing more overt interest…hell, just because I didn’t screw it up doesn’t mean I actively did well enough.
- Saying hi to girls on a “foreign” campus isn’t hard.

Either way, there will be more girls like her. And perhaps we’ll meet again.

This was the moment that I really passed through the invisible curtain keeping me from really getting into big-campus approaches.

Approach #2: Brunette with nice legs, crowded walkway with mainly unidirectional traffic, evening. Opened situational because I was curious about what was going on.

Takeaways from approach #2:

- For a full day or even full DG session, your outfit can’t be perfectly calibrated at all times. That said, I made a small inaccuracy.
- Verbals were imperfect. Too fast, not chill enough.
After 20 seconds from opener, “I’m Surveyor” and no pause before “What’s your major?” (a mistake in and of itself at that point)
The root was not anxiety but lack of attention to verbals.
I’m gonna work on this. Eventually the self-regulation will become subconscious and habitual, as happened with my posture.
- I got a decent response for a situational with no IoIs and only two secs of preopening. It can be done, but in such cases, I need to build rapport more quickly.
Probably, pacing her reality more will help.
- I flubbed the flow of the convo at several points. This was partly because I was about to go home and opened her largely because I was genuinely curious about the thing we were walking past.
Solution: Work out better process for flow of convo. I rely way too heavily on a few basic small talk questions.

So obviously I didn’t really hook, much less close, but nonetheless it was positive. Surveyor is a great guy with good vibes, after all.

Approach #3: Last leg of bus ride home, blond German tourist behind me, mid-late 20s, glasses, fancy leather jacket.
She was mainly staring off into space and I couldn’t preopen. Eventually I just opened in a friendly way a few stops before getting off. She was interested within that nonsexual frame but there was no chance of a real set with the amount of time left and my state.

Takeaways from approach #3:
Not sure yet. Worth thinking about more.

The rest of the week I’ll be doing opportunistic approaches at baseline tempo. I have a big backlog of work to get done.
Bro how do you remember your approaches so accurately?

I have shit memory or I'm just not trying hard enough.

My method of approach analysis is I'll go into the field for a week and then at the end of the week I'll recall weak points from the the convos with my imperfect memory.

Do you think I should be more accurate or it doesn't really matter?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
It’s been a pretty good week.
Assuming I continue to push forward at the current rate, I think a reasonable time frame for my initial objectives would be by May 18.
It might be that logistics or other factors (I expect to finally move out in June; I more or less have a decent place lined up) impede actually getting a partner, but I have no doubt that by then I’ll have made a lot more progress, not just with girls, but in all areas of my life.
Bro how do you remember your approaches so accurately?
Because I have superpowers ⚡️ ;)
It helps that I wrote it up several hours later. I don’t always remember the exact details faces as well as I remember metadata, though.
My method of approach analysis is I'll go into the field for a week and then at the end of the week I'll recall weak points from the the convos with my imperfect memory.
Do it at the end of the day or right after the end of the session. Or if you’re sniping, during breaks.
Do you think I should be more accurate or it doesn't really matter?
It helps but it’s not a big deal.