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The Adventures of Wes

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
tonight I'm going to a party with my youth group.

I have this personal theory that our brains associate certain places with certain emotions. The house that we hold the party at every month is the same house and without fail, I am always present when I step inside and become the "Life of the party". Actually let me re-say that.
None of the other guys at the party have game at all so in comparison, I am the most Alpha and mysterious at the party.
Whenever new girls come in, they gravitate towards me because my fundamentals exuding experience (little, though more than the other guys) and sexual energy.
Hopefully that one girl comes back from last time.
Because of the emotion I have conditioned my brain to feel when I go there, every time I step inside my brain thinks: "oh, we're here again? well, we're supposed to feel this way in this location (pumps chemicals into body)


Meditating is getting better. I had another realization for being present.
All the time that I was present in the past, I noticed a similarity...
I can't remember ever being concerned for what time it was or when I had to leave. In fact, I felt like I had all the time in the world.
If I can incorporate this relaxed mindset in my interactions regularly, it'll work wonders.
We'd finish talking and then look at the time like: "damn, look at how much time passed...we must really connect"
Invite girls into that world.
Normally at school or in stores or malls, I'm talking to a girl with the back of my mind thinking about leaving. Truthfully, I don't want to be there. I want to escape. I'm thinking of all the things I have to do and I don't want to waste time. I'm very future oriented.
Usually the "things" I have to do aren't even that important. Stuff like: I HAVE to go look for x person.
I HAVE to go to the cafeteria and look at today's menu.
blah blah blah.
then I miss out of furthering good opportunities.

Deep diving

I thought I was good at this. Well, I am...but only when I'm interested in a person.
If there's nothing about then that has me curious then I suck. Also I'm quite oblivious to things that could start another topic.
Frankly, I often just don't care about learning more about somebody. I feel as if I already know them by looking in their eyes.
I've gotta work on this. Especially deep diving in "rushed feeling" situations.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
That party on Friday never happened. They changed the location and it was too far for my brother and I to go to. My brother was not down with using his gas.
Instead, On Saturday, I went with my asian friends to "Filipino Pride Day" which is held at this place in my town called "The Landing". It's sorta like an outdoor shopping center combine with a food court inside and a stage outside where concerts are held. It's really beautiful too because it sits right by the river so we get this seabreeze and this nice view of the river.
(my town isn't all bad, i guess)
Anyway, there were HUNDREDS of asians there. Probably all the asians in town. Which included the jailbait...and GOOD GOD...there was too many jailbait. These girls looked like children...and if they WERE my age, they still looked young. A common filipino stereotype is that they're short. I felt like a giant there...and i'm only 5'8.

I approached like crazy...so many that I cannot remember them all. Had a lot of rejections. Had a lot of mundane boring conversations. It was difficult...asian girls are annoying shy and timid when i'm meeting them. I had to keep reeling them in saying: "it's alright, I don't bite." and hug them to comfort them.
All the hottest asian chicks were locking hands with their boyfriends which was annoying to me. The only available girls were jailbait looking girls or girls with their familes.
two interactions really stood out to me:

(putting this as FR later)
Feisty Shit-testing latina girl
My friends and I were gathered in a crowd around a break-dancing circle. Across the circle I spotted two latina girls looking in awe at the guys windmilling and doing footwork on the concrete. I didn't approach right away and came back later after a group of black guy break-dancers tried to talk to them. I walked in their direction while we were outside of the circle.
The guys saw me looking at them and said; "HEY Jemaine! Wassup man!?" and proceeded to dap me up and stuff.
I was like: "that is...NOT...my name. " and dapped with them anyway.
the latinas were standing nearby and heard me say it and started laughing.
them: hahaha he said "that is NOT my name"
then the guys told me I looked JUST like one of their friends. I told them its cool and asked them if they were spitting game at the latina girls. They told me they were and they weren't having any luck.
Ha..well then, my turn.
The girls noticed me looking at them from afar and I noticed them whispering about me looking at them.
I couldn't decide which one I liked more. They were both hot.
I moved to another side of the circle closer to them and then caught the taller one's eye. We held eyes and then she looked away and said something to her friend. Then they both started walking toward me as if they were going to walk right pass me. They looked straight ahead like they were going to ignore my presence.
umm...approach invitation? I think yes.
I held up my hand in a "stop" motion and said: hey...I kept noticing both of you around the circle. You both are gorgeous.
they stopped and locked themselves in infront of me.
Then I introduced myself, got there names, blah blah.
The break-dance music was too loud so I said: let's move over there..it's quieter.
And I started walking. The taller one said: But I can hear you fine.
I replied with: yea, but I can't hear my own voice. (and kept walking, they followed)
After that we stood away from all the commotion and I tried to assume what kind of latinas they were. The taller girl was Columbian (after many guesses) and the shorter one was puerto-rican.
I should stop letting girls get control over me with this guessing nationalities game. I made them guess where I was from first and lied to them and told them I was from Canada. (just to get us talking about something) Then the taller one flipped it around and told me to guess where she was from.
I had my eyes locked with her the most even though I tried to talk to both of them SHE was obviously the leader. The other girl just stood there quietly and laughing at things I was saying.
I tried to get the columbian girl's number and good god was she being difficult.
she was like: ohhh...you're smoooth...not gonna work on me.
Me: put it in.
her: I have a boyfriend.
me: I don't care.
her: I DO care.
this threw me off and I stood there for about 20 seconds thinking saying; um...well..um...
Ugh...I hate how I was fast thinking enough. She just stood there, eyes locked at mine smiling a devious smile.
me: I won't abuse the power of having your number.
her: yea...but I want to respect my boyfriend and not give my number out to boys.
me: you don't have a boyfriend.
her: (laughs) yes I do! wanna see a picture?(she reaches for her friend who is holding her phone)
me: no, I don't need to see a picture.
her: his name is ____. He's arabic.
me: oohh so he spit some of those Alladin charms at you then?
her: mhm.
me: He even took you on a magic carpet ride?
her: (laughs) yea.
me: Well how about I take you on an awesome elephant ride around Africa?
her: (laughs) nooo...I can't.
me: I think you want to.
her: no I don't.
me: If you don't why are you still here talking to me? (She's had her eyes locked with mine this whole time smiling deviously. Although she was being dificult and kinda bitchy, I could tell she was attracted to me)
her: Because...I'm not going to just walk away from you. It's rude. I'm waiting for this to finish so we can go over there.
I just looked at her, reading her face, trying to figure out if she was shit-testing me or giving me token resistance. She stood there with the same devious smile and eyes on me.
I couldn't figure it out...She was probably testing me but I had no idea how to reply to: "we're waiting for this to finish so we can go over there"
Me: alright then, go.
Then they walked away and sat over by the river on some steps.
My friend Victor and a few other guys immediately came over to see how it went. They saw me pull the girls away with me.
As I was telling them what happened, I looked in the distance and saw the girls looking in my direction. Then they turned their heads away and continued talking.

details I left out: the shorter one, I found out, was jailbait. She was in 8th or 9th grade. The taller columbian girl was a senior in highschool. I think that Maybe the younger one was the one who was interested in me and the older girl was just wing-girling her.
It didn't work out in their favor because I became more interested in the girl with a boyfriend.
Either that or the columbian girl really did like me but was shit-testing me.
Obviously I wasn't man enough to handle her.
Latinas man.
She was feisty.


Once again, I saw another girl in the break-dancing circle who looked familiar. Turns out, I saw her before when I was meeting TimothyDelaghetto when He came to my town.
I never had the chance to approach her there and I was kicking myself afterwards.
TimothyDelaghetto is a Youtube star who makes Vlogs and does comedy and makes music.
My friends, my brother, that girl and I all appear in his vlog too.
my brother and I= 4:02
my friends= 4:26
this girl: 4:33-34...the cute girl on the right.

Anyway, turned out she was jailbait. Sophomore in highschool...15 years old. -_-
It was the same deal with her as it was the latina girl.
I saw her in the circle, walked to her. Put the back of my hand on her arm to get her attention, and opened.
me: you look familiar...you were at the meetup to see timothydelaghetto, weren't you?
her: yea (smiles)
me: thought so... I never got the chance to talk to you then...you are super cute. what's your name?
her: (her name)
introduced myself then said let's move over there to where its quieter.
She looked at her friend and was giving an awkward smile.
her friend (the girl by her in the video) looked at me and saw what was going on.
i told her: don't worry..i'll bring her back safe.
after persisting a little bit to their excuses and shit, I got her to walk with me.
Her body languege showed that she was nervous and awkward.
I tried to get to know her but she was very hard to talk to. She wouldn't look me in the eyes and gave short answers.
I sat down at a bench and had her sit down with me.
She spouts out of nowhere: this is awkward...I have a boyfriend.
I just go on and find out a little about her boyfriend and learn how long they've been together. 4 months. -__-
Find out after that she's too young for me and then she gets up and says she has to go back to her friend.
We walk back together and then I tell her friend: see? brought her back safe and sound.

Didn't get anything from that. no experience...nothing. she just stood out to me among the many other girls I approached because she was so pretty.
Other than that, nothing worth mentioning. Other interactions were pretty much the same.

As the event went on,I started getting more into state and calming down a bit.
I had a really chill vibe about me and had an almost make-out with a fat asian girl who wanted to take a picture with me.
I figured i could get the experience even if she was not attractive to me.
Mostly I was being an enetertainer in that situation. If I had calmed down a bit, I could've had a chance.

that's all for now.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I've been re-charging my batteries since the pride day. Haven't been doing anything out of the ordinary.
Although, I did spring up the idea that I could quite possibly invite girls to just "chill" with me when I'm on one of my "un-social introvert" days.
During my re-charging, I'm usually sprawled out on a couch in my mom's living room watching netflix.
Or reading articles online
Or reading magazines
Or catching up on subscriptions on my youtube account.
I should spend that time with some girls. maybe cuddle and watch a movie or something.

that's all for now. deuces.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Today was great.

1) I learned the name of that dance we were doing at the sweet 16 party. It was called "the crybaby". The one where we got down on the floor and started pounding the floor with our fist and humping the floor rhythmically. Haha so much fun.

2). Re-discovered an epiphany I had awhile back.
Just like with night game, in daygame I get better results when I'm having fun.
Sometimes I can be in this whole "gotta pickup girls" "gotta get a kiss" "gotta get results" mindset that I'm actually hurting my chances by being needy and desperate. But when I'm just going around socializing and having fun, providing value...girls gravitate to me like they did on the dance floor.
Well, not exactly gravitate....but they're not difficult.

I missed meditating for 2 days so far. I felt like crap this morning. I was stressing and being in my head too much thinking "how can I get into state". I love being in state...it's like my dormant greatest self is sleeping and then gets awakened and then I'm showing girls who I REALLY am. I'm not really that awkward or socially stupid. It's just that when I THINK I am, then I become that.
"you think, therefore you are"
So I kept telling myself: "there's nothing wrong with me, there's nothing wrong with me"
That way, I don't fall into other peoples stronger frames of them trying to paint me as an awkward weirdo.
The people with stronger frames seem to define what everyone is. I just can't let them categorize me. Instead, I must be the one to frame them as the "one messed up" because they're not doing what I'm doing.
Today was a day of running into girls I've already approached.
Heres out it went:

Ran into puerto rican girl with boyfriend in the library. She was sitting at a computer. She saw me, smiled and waved. I waved back and kept walking. Later on after getting some personal things done, I walked over to where she was sitting and reached out for a hug.
Me: "how are you?"
Her: ehhh..alive
Me: I like that answer.
Then a tutor came in to help her with her work.
So I left.

Usually, girls I've approached around school have been cold the second time seeing me. Pretending they don't know me. Now, they're waving, smiling, saying heyyy.
Texting back.
It seems that I'm getting to a stage where they actually want to have something to do with me.
I'm currently trying to work on text game because now it looks like I'll NEED it.
I haven't really texted girls all summer. I'd get the number then never text the girl and delete the number later.
When I did text, girls never texted back...that shit hurt...so I quit trying to text altogether and wanted to go for more than getting numbers, which brings me here. Trying to get make outs and dates.

Texted "French girl" saying: French girl!
Her: heyy
Me: you at school? Wassup?
Her: not yet.
Me: when are you getting here?
No reply back.
I guess I came off as needy..
I really gotta work on texting...I used to be beast at it.

Maybe I should go for commanding instead like: "meet me at the cafeteria when you get here"
or maybe add a "I've got a surprise for you"

Saw a girl I approached sitting down outside of the cafeteria. At first, I thought it was the green haired black girl and maybe she changed her hairstyle.
Turns out it was a Haitian girl I approached weeks ago.
Eh, what the hell...let's see where I can take this.
Let me just say this...I LOVE foreign girls but at the same time...they can be a pain.
Language barriers.
Anyways, conversation was going fine. I sat with her and we were talking for quite a bit.
Really chill vibe. Set chase frame. Set a sexual frame.
Got her believing that I thought she was "stalking" me because she was so interested in me.
She kept trying to deny it but I kept the frame and told her I feel flattered that I have a stalker now and she laughed.
Was playful. Soft sexy tone voice.
Almost created some sexual tension a few times but I broke it by looking away a few times or by breaking circle and talking to friends who walked past. I could tell she was getting annoyed that I kept doing that.
I couldn't figure out if I wanted to kiss her or not.
It could've happened. Yet another opportunity missed.
I guess I'm afraid that these girls that I'm not that into will become obsessed with me afterwards and I won't know how to handle them liking me more than I like them.
So I exited.
I know she must've been disappointed.

Walked around having fun.
Asking random people: "hey...what does the fox say?"
Just being self-amused.
Walked in the library. Girl was sitting at a table by herself and looked up at me.
Said my "you can see me?!" line.
Then I went on saying I was the campus ghost and basically stayed in this whole character as she sat there playing along.
I wasn't attracted to her but it was fun talking to her.
Moved on.
Walked outside. Saw a girl make eye contact with me sitting at an outdoor table on her laptop.
A small middle eastern looking (found out she was puerto rican) girl.
"I need your help...I've been wondering this for the longest time...what does the fox say?"
She started playing along and being cool and i ended up sitting with her for a long ass time flirting and getting to know her as she tried to get to know me. Told her I was over 200 years old and I was a vampire...and I'm quite dangerous.
(this is what happens when I'm having too much fun)
Was sitting pretty close and had moments where I could've kissed her but I kept looking away. And I couldn't bring myself to do it by being picky as hell.
She had something wrong with her mouth. Like a birth defect. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
When I'm having fun, I don't just approach cute girls...I approach everyone. I often end up really far with girls I DON'T want to be with.
Why does this keep happening to me...
Excuses excuses.

My friend Victor got out of class and I told him about how much fun I'm having and he wanted to join in and do some approaches. He approached one girl while I lingered around to critique how he did.
He did fine but he's not closing distances and touching enough. The girl liked him but wasn't comfortable. Her arms were crossed.

Then I approached a fresh from pureto Rico girl in the cafeteria...one I thought had met before. Turns out I didn't.
Sat down with her and talked with her anyway while Victor lingered around to hear the conversation.
She told me she had a boyfriend but i got her number anyway.
As a matter of fact...she made sure I got her number.
During our conversation, right when I was commanding her to stand up so i could check her out, she got a phone call about a job interview. I waited for her to finish. She was searching for a pen to write some info down and I let her use my pencil.
After, I told her that she owes me her number since I lent my pencil.
She agreed. Took my phone and put her number in then called herself. Her phone rang and she added me in.
I was surprised by this.
Maybe she's down for something...
While I was getting the number, one of her guy friends came and sat down. I said hey to him and kept on going until it was time to leave.

Yup....that's all for now.
Not much progress.
I swear I'm going to get tired of being in the same place one day and I'm going to break out of this circle.
It's time to level up.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I just avoided meditation today. It's hard to keep up...especially when I wake up at different times and have different amounts of time before I leave home.
Also, I get very present-oriented that I forget to think about the future, forget to plan, and ultimately screw myself over.
I have to study for this test today and complete a shit load of assignments online.
I might not get any approaches today.

Anyway, I read somebody's post and it reminded me that I won't go anywhere if I don't stay consistent. So, I'm going to get into work mode, finish all of this work, and then whatever time is left, I'll use for approaches.
Time to have fun.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Which felt like millions of years ago...wasn't that eventful. If it was I forgot. I remember studying at school and working my butt out and then took the bus home only to run into my neighbor who goes to the college across the street.
She invited me to chill with her and her bf. (no...it wasn't going towards that) and we talked and chilled together while they were taking hits from their bong.
Asked me if I wanted to try.
I never tried so...might as well have new experiences...for reference points.
Well, I smoked before but nothing really happened. I was just really chill.
This time I actually was hallucinating and shit.
I didn't think it was gonna happen because Of the experience last time. I figured that people just hype up weed smoking.
Okay,so...this is what happened.
Took it in. Held it...started coughing and my chest was burning. They were trying to explain to me how to make it go away. The bf was telling me to repeat some word over and over again so it'll go away.
Then, the girl starts explaining to me how they grind it up...that's the last memory I have of things being normal.
While she was explaining to me time started sloooowwwwiiiinnggggg doooowwwwwnnnnn....
And both their hands and feet looked smaller.
I was like: wtf? And didn't even consider the fact that I was high now.
They started laughing at the expression on my face and then things got weirder.
They started taking me on this journey through all these worlds.
Every time I focused on anything. A word, a feeling, a picture, a sound...I would go into that world.which lasted what felt like years.
He kept telling me that everything was being magnified and he'd start going into explanation and I'd start to try to listen but then once I start listening his voice slowed down and their heads would float to the side and we went into another world based on the theme of whatever I was focusing on.
God...I went into like millions and billions of worlds.
I kept asking what time it was and they'd tell me only 18 minutes passed and I freaked out thinking that the sun went down and I had to go home so my mom wouldn't be worried.
They told me to calm down.
Anyways, the worlds (as I called them...he called them frames and said that I was "lagging")
Was like zooming in on a thought and breaking it down into everything that it could be and everything it's related to until there's nothing left....then you come back to reality with an answer.
But then I felt like I didn't hear their explaination while I was in the world so I kept making them repeat themselves.
This happens so many times.
Each world had its own theme music playing and would change the room a different color or hue or whatever.
And the background patterns were different each time too.
They kept putting me into the worlds to mess with me by forcing me to focus on something like music they randomly played or them randomly coughing or making animal sounds...then I went into the world of latin music or of animal sounds and stuff.
Then I'd come out and start accusing them of doing this to me. They were saying I was coming up with some weird conspiracy that they were against me and I just needed to calm down. They were just coughing and having a normal conversation but I was magnifying it into something bigger than it was.
They became senseis and started showing me everything my senses and body was doing.
Whenever music played, my body would dance by itself.
Whatever I touched felt like "more" of that feeling...like sweat on my hands felt like my hands were soaked with water and were super slippery.
Whatever I tasted was amplified...and tasted super good.
Ate pasta and I tasted ALL the flavors.
I had no control over whatever body parts I wasn't focused on so when I walked around I felt like I was floating around the room.
They were trying to get me to draw a picture or make music or write what I was think because it could come out really artistic but I began suspecting them again and kept accusing them of being part of some evil "system".
I don't know where I got that from.
Each world was like a year or something and I went through millions of them...they said I have a very overactive imagination...
There was so much that I experienced that I can't even fit it all...
So if anyone wants to ask about my trip then pm or something.
I came out having like a bunch of the answers to my own unanswered questions about life or the universe.
The guy gave me advice while I was in a world. He said: there's no point in asking because in reality you already know the answer...and you will know the answer at the end of it all.
He said: just sit back and enjoy it.

Personally I think that can tie into being present-oriented...
Just drink in the moment and feel it and experience It instead of questioning it. You already know the answers so you're wasting your time by questioning.

Got home still tripping. Hid it from my mom well....went in my room and started experimenting with the other worlds. Listened to different kinds of music and started making art.
Made this amazing picture. I should post it...it was really cool.
Songs lasted forever...like if it was a two minute song...that junk lasted like 20 minutes.
Like isaid...it felt like I lived for like billions of years and lived many lifetimes...and I felt like I found the answers to everything In existence.

Okay thats all for now...I can go on for years about this experience.
Apparently I will never have an effect that intense ever again.
That's all...deuces.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
The weekend.

Whatever I smoked on Thursday left me really drained and tired on Friday. The effects didn't ware off until afternoon.
I had to run errands with my mom and then got some naps in.
Not much happened.
Then Saturday.

I spent a lot of the day texting my female friend (who I happened to make out with in her car last year) about the whole experience on Thursday because...she's a pot head. I got into deep diving her over text. Which was a complete accident.
She was starting to fascinate me and I wanted to learn more about it.
Deep diving really works well when you're genuinely curious about who you're talking to.
We were getting deep...turns out she's depressed and has no motivation to do anything.
I then went on to giving her really inspiring words.
And she was basically de-constructing herself. Examining herself, looking within as I guided her.
Then we came to some conclusion.
I'll probably just post the text conversation later.
But...the fact that we were talking and getting so deep made me want to hang with her (and she lives right down the road from me) so...I said: let's chill.
She tells me she's babysitting and she can't.
I'm like: since when do you babysit? And I kept persisting.
Turns out she babysits her autistic brother and we cannot just simply go into another room and fuck while leaving her brother un supervised.

Oh well.
After texting her, I got a call from my female friend who I talk about here a lot. The one who I fingered and also made out with and had a few ups and downs with. She called me asking if I wanted to go with her to a costume party. I said sure....and I wanted to take it as an opportunity to game, with her being preselection.

Then my neighbors were texting me asking me to chill with them...and now I couldn't help but feel great that everyone seems to want to spend time with me and is fighting over me.
Feels great.
I keep getting texts now.
Anyways, I declined and said I was going out to a party.

Hours later at party.
It was lame. There was hardly any people there. Just me, my female friend, two girls who came with us, a couple and another guy. So about 7 people. Lol.
We ate for a little bit then we left.
We ended up going to this other party that was held in a ware house.
I think the girls were calling it a kegger?
But anyway, that was lame too. It had more people but not much. It wasn't lively at all. Very few hot girls and a lot of dudes. Chode dudes. Reminded me of annoying ass hipsters who have to verbalized that they found a band or were the fan of something first.
I pretty much stuck with the three girls I was with and was talking with them. Then this hot girl in a nurse costume walked up to me and asked:
Heyy...do you know where the keg is at?
Me: um...what?
Her: do you know where the keg is at?
Me: (looks at the three girls I'm with) um...(the girls aren't even paying attention to this girl and are leaving me to answer her question)
Me: idk what you're talking about...but I like your costume.
Her: thanks! (and she walks away)

I'm standing there so confused. And then the girls look back at me like: Wes! That girl was totally hitting on you!
Me: she was!? What kind of fucking question is where's the keg at? Is it that thing over there? (points to it)
The girls: yea.
Me: oh wow...damn...
Female friend: yea...you blew that opportunity.
I couldn't believe myself and was hoping for another chance but we ended up leaving there because it was lame.
Then all four of us went to the club.
They stripped down in front of me in the car and changed out of their costumes and got into some clubbing clothes.
So yes. I had THREE HALF NAKED girls in a car with me. Lol

Oh yea side note: since I was being non-judgmental and cool the whole time about being with girls, they showed their true colors and were cool around me.let me just say...girls are HORNY as hell. LIKE WAAYYYY more than guys are.
They were making all kinds of sexual innuendos and talking about sex and were overall just really horny. Talking non-stop about hot guys.
I just stayed chill about it and didn't act like it was a big deal.
I truly felt like an alpha of the group and felt like they were giving me preselection.
At times, my female friend seemed to be making moves on me but I pretty much ignored them and she was probably going into auto-reject. When I would try to hug her she would pull away.

Anyway gotta wrap this up.
Went to the club. It was also lame. I hate when clubs play dub-step because I cannot dance to it.
All it is is bass drops and noises.
We walk in and guys are giving attention to the girls I'm with. Guy holds door open for them then pushes me away and says: I'll hold it for them, not for you.
I just push his hand away like "don't touch me, fool, do you want to die early?"

A bunch of codes standing around.
There were more guys than girls and the girls were annoying because they pretty much don't let any guy dance with them.
You have to be really confident and do something bold.
These two well dressed muscular guys walked up to us and talked to my female friend and one of the other girls. They did t mind that i was with them and just did it. They had confidence.
I didn't really mind because I didn't really look at these girls that way.
They asked the girls to dance and then they went out on the dance floor and started dancing.
I looked at the girl still with me and said...let's dance.
So that we're not just standing there awkwardly.
Then we started grinding.
God, she could move her ass.
We were going AT it.
I was feeling up her legs and had my hand on her pussy but I didn't rub it or anything. I felt like that would be going too far.

Gotta catch a bus. I'll continue when I get home.
To be continued.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012

Anyway. Me and girl danced for awhile and then we stopped.
We'll call her T.
My female friend: J
And the other girl: A.

The guys with J and A stopped dancing too. The guy with A pulled her to some seats and they started talking. It was A's first time at a club and she's already getting attention lol. She's a short thin cute Asian girl.

j and T lingered around A the who.e time she was with the guy to make sure she was safe. I just went off on my own and tried to approach some girls.
A girl in a bunny costume walks past and I touch her arm. She looks at me. I pull her in so I can talk into her ear.
Me: let's dance.
Her: I don't dance...I rave :p
Then she keeps walking.

I'm standing there like wtf does that even mean? Can I stop running into girls who say stupid things?
And I kept opening the tiny bit of girls there until the girls I was with wanted to leave.
Apparently A exchanged numbers with the guy.
We got in the car and they were acting like girls talking about how 'hot' the guy was. I just stayed chill and un judgmental about anything they were talking about.
Long story short we all ended up sleeping at my female friend J's house.
We watched "We're the Millers" until we all fell asleep on the couches.
It was fun hanging with them.
That's all.

Oh yea also today....approached only one girl...I was too busy to pay attention.
I was walking and saw a white girl with yoga pants and thick sexy legs walking toward me.
She was wearing sunglasses, had her hair in a pony-tail and was wearing a tight neon pink shirt.
I held my hand up for her to stop.
Me: hey, stop real quick....you squat don't you?
Her: yea...sometimes. (curious look)
Me: I figured because I saw you walking and I was thinking...good god she has some sexy legs...she must squat.
Her: haha thanks...that makes my day!
Me: what's your name?
Her: Lauren
Me: I'm Tevin.
(shakes hands)
Me: so where are you headed?
Her: to class.
Then I starting learning about her on the walk to an elevator. Where she's from...etc. found out she had a bf asking: are you single?
She said no and then it got quiet as we stood by the elevator.
She was standing there texting in her phone.
Then I said: alright well it was nice to meet ya.
And I walked away.
She looked up surprised and disappointed like: oh you're leaving?!
Then she shrugged and got on the elevator.
I began to regret letting her go after and figured that if I see her again...I'm going to get her number.

Well...that's all for now. Deuces.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Alright...I have something to admit.

When it comes to having anything more than the first interaction with women and getting their number, I have anxiety.

Lately, I've been walking around campus and I can't help but notice all the girls I walk pass that I've talked to before and gotten the numbers of and then I never bothered texting them.
These girls are probably thinking: why did he never text me?
I never try to take take things anywhere.
And I've always hidden behind the excuse: "I don't have a car"
"I don't have my own place to take them back to"
"there's no way I'm going back to a girls place. I'm uncomfortable with that"

I'm possibly leaving a lot of girls disappointed.
This started coming to my attention more when i was having a conversation with A, the Asian girl who I went to the club with.
She said that she was finally starting to feel close to me (I've known her since she was a freshman in highschool. She's graduated now) she said: you don't just friendzone girls, you push them away completely.

Its true...I've been pushing away all girls that I find attractive that I come into contact with.
When I get to know them, my heart's not in it. It's almost as if I'm sticking one leg in the water and not jumping right in.
On occasion, I'd genuinely get close to some girls and it would be great. We both walk away like: whoa! I feel closer to this person now.
Then it soon fades away.
On my end at least.
If a girl is not regularly in my life, she will still feel like stranger to me. No matter what she knows about me.
It's as if everything that we talked about, everything that happened...never happened.

I'm afraid of getting close to them. Because I know...that if I get close to them, I risk thinking about them a lot and becoming obsessed with them.
I also fear getting close to them because often times, you see all of a person's flaws and quirks, and that taints my view that I want to maintain of them.
Shallow right?
If I can't get over this, then I'm not going to have any luck improving my game.
All this time, I've been thinking that maybe I just need to add in more spontaneous kisses.
When really, I'm such a newb at deep diving and building connections. (with anyone)
How in the world do I get over this? I keep on trying the deep diving techniques and they work for awhile...then I'm back here again.
It's crazy because sometimes I don't even feel like I'm close with my own family. MY OWN FAMILY.
Often they are just other meat-suits staying in the same place as me.

I also don't truly understand closeness. When you learn a great deal about someone, isn't something supposed to change in the way you interact with each other?
Why is it that when time passes and I see them again, they have this frame up as if nothing ever happened?

All in all, I suck at maintaining relationships. There really needs to be a post on this.

Anyways, got this really hot girls number today. She didn't reply to my text yet...(which got me reading "what to do when a girl doesn't text back" because this has been happening too much lately and is the exact reason I don't text girls anyway. That shit hurts.)

Here's what happened:

I walk in library to look for any friends of mine who usually hang around in there.
I walk past this girl sitting alone at a round table. Obviously studying, flipping through flash cards. She's also texting.
I didn't get a good look at her. She seemed cute but her face was facing downwards and I couldn't see her face.
She could've been this girl that I kept seeing around campus who keeps tricking me by being good looking from first glance but when she looks up or makes eye contact with you, she has this really derpy smushed in face look, as if someone smashed a shovel into her face and she never got surgery to fix it.
Yup. I've almost approached that girl so many times. Then she looks at me and I'm like: WHOA...NO.
Thankfully it wasn't that girl, I walked past a few more times and confirmed it.
Actually this girl was very cute.
Reminded me of Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games.
Although she doesn't have the same facial features as Jennfer Lawrence, she has these cute brown freckles along her nose, dark brown hair, like Katniss...and a similar body shape.
When I walked past the third time, I noticed...this girl was also packing some beautiful boobs in that tank top of hers. At least C cups...maybe D.
I told my friend I was going to approach her and then as we both walked towards the exit together I walked over to her.
I deliver my opener slowly looking into her eyes.
"I kept seeing you here' as I walked past and couldn't help but notice how cute you are"

Introduced myself. Got her name, shook hands, I sat down, we start talking. Conversation goes much similar to how all my conversations have been going lately. And then I have to leave and I get her number.
I catch the bus home and about twenty minutes later shoot her a text saying:
"hey Haley (in British accent) its Wes. save my number :) "

We were talking about accents and I mentioned how she could make herself sound like a sexy foreign person by saying her name in a British accent.

I'll probably get aost up on the whole interaction but I'm ending it now because this post is getting long. And I'm pretty tired.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I haven't been meditating at all lately.
I may need to start that back up because I'm approaching less at school now.

Anyway, the fact that I was upset about never texting any of the girls I talked to...I decided to text some of of the ones I didn't delete.
I texted two. I only want to handle two right now.
The first girl is the Brazilian girl that I met in the mall. I believe I wrote about in the third post.
Sent her a message saying: hey____. Long time no talk. How's it going?
Ten minutes later she replied saying heyy what's up!
Me: I asked you first lol I'm good. Do you remember me?
Then we started talking about when we first met.
Then I kept suggesting we meet up. But she wasn't giving me straight answers and kept asking me questions about myself.
She was trying to get to know me. I kept trying to indicate that we can do all of that in person but she still avoided it until it got really late and I'm guessing she went to bed.i fell asleep as well.

As I was texting her, I was also texting this girl from Liberia. She's a model.
We caught up. She told me that her birthday just passed and that she's flying to California to celebrate it.
I suggested we catch up more when she comes back and we should hang out.
She agrees.
I then say I had to go and then I stop texting her and continued texting Brazilian girl until it got pretty late.

Since I couldn't get any "dates" set up...I'll text two mow girls in my phone and see if I can take it anywhere. (dates...I don't like that word...I feel like it will immediately scare them off. That's why I use "hang out" or "chill"...which probably seems TOO friendly) maybe I'll find some fancy British word for dates to use so that it sounds more than a friendly occasion and sounds foreign and sexy at the same time.
Like maybe French. Lol rendezvous.

Approached none today. I think it's time to start getting serious about this again.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Your second to last post spoke to me in a profound way. Strange, me and you are in the same boat about not taking it further than a text and not understanding "closeness". Same result with my parents i do not feel emotionally close to them at all, but i think i can trace it to a few reasons. Girls have given me their numbers but some i have never txted back for your same reasons above. They are strangers after that high of a good interaction and it seems pointless or even a drag contacting them. Especially when they flake or not answer back after you gave it a go, seems like a pointless exercise.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Eternity said:
Your second to last post spoke to me in a profound way. Strange, me and you are in the same boat about not taking it further than a text and not understanding "closeness". Same result with my parents i do not feel emotionally close to them at all, but i think i can trace it to a few reasons. Girls have given me their numbers but some i have never txted back for your same reasons above. They are strangers after that high of a good interaction and it seems pointless or even a drag contacting them. Especially when they flake or not answer back after you gave it a go, seems like a pointless exercise.

Awesome that we relate to each other.
You're right...I think that the girls realize this too when the "high" is gone. If they're truly interested they'd text back...and maybe even text first. Chase says plenty of times that we should go for girls who are interested and also pick up on the signals of interested and disinterested girls for future reference.
I know that can be hard to do because a lot of the time, I am picky about who I approach....and when I do, I approach the hottest girls I've seen all day/in the area.
When in fact, they're not interested (or immediately place me as friend)
So we're just kicking a dead horse when we text them.

Don't worry, I'm going to try anything I can think of to solve this and then record it here.
Thanks for the reply man.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
For me, i truly do not care if i ever see them again after a good interaction. Sounds cold don't it? It's just that i don't feel this need to contact a stranger because i do not feel "close" or care enough about the person to take it further. Yeah if we want pussy we go to make the effort but when you are not feeling it you just push it aside and forget about it. I known the words to escalate or interest them but i know if i say them, they will sound hollow, rehearsed and if they backfire it's an ego boost for her and and an ego depletion for me. Closeness is definitely an issue here, and your post put the feelings i had into words i could not find so thanks and its cool we can relate on this.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Eternity said:
For me, i truly do not care if i ever see them again after a good interaction. Sounds cold don't it? It's just that i don't feel this need to contact a stranger because i do not feel "close" or care enough about the person to take it further. Yeah if we want pussy we go to make the effort but when you are not feeling it you just push it aside and forget about it. I known the words to escalate or interest them but i know if i say them, they will sound hollow, rehearsed and if they backfire it's an ego boost for her and and an ego depletion for me. Closeness is definitely an issue here, and your post put the feelings i had into words i could not find so thanks and its cool we can relate on this.

You're so right about that.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Thursday (halloween) it felt like a Friday to me for some reason.

Woke up, meditated for 20 minutes. Trying to start that back up.
Hadn't really thought about doing anything at all. I was going to go to school and practice but I ended up hanging out with my brother and his girlfriend. We went to an out door shopping center and ate lunch.
Afterward they left me and I was going to catch a bus home...so I decided to practice daygaming at the shopping center.
Note: I've gamed here before, but only inside of actual stores. (the bookstore, urban outfitters, express, target.)
When it comes to talking to girls walking around, I've never tried.
This setting just FEELS like a place where that's restricted. Everyone keeps to themselves and walks fast and doesn't even exchange pleasantries to each other.
I've been told that this shopping center is home to stuck up rich people, so that's probably why.
Anyway, I understand why I don't see much guys game here. It was DIFICULT.
Man, I usually don't get my ego hurt when I get rejected but getting rejected by some of these girls was PAINFUL.
I really wanted to give up (and roll into fetal position, thumb in mouth)
But I kept going...only to get more painful rejections.

Here's what happened:

Basically, these girls won't even STOP for you.
I'd place my hand out, stand in front of them as they're walking toward me and say: hey, stop...you're cute.
They just walk around me and keep walking.
I recover by always saying: okay that's cool...just keep walking too...bitch.

Some of the time I was with two guys I met there, walking with them. One guy was dressed as a hippie and the other guy was dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow from The Pirates of the Carribean.
They were there to take pictures with people and show off there costumes.
After I had met them and talked with them, I told them why I was at the shopping center and they empathized with me about bitchy girls. We all started walking together.

With their costumes, they got female attention. Girls would say: I love your costume! And nice costume!
And they'd simply say: Thankyou! Happy Halloween!
But then I'd try to reign in the girls by saying: hey come over here really quick.

It made me feel like I was a pure beginner or something. Wtf is this!?
Here's what went really wrong.

A girl walked past adoring their costumes and I recognized her. She goes to my school....and I approached her before. The approach wasn't the best of approaches. She was in a rush and flighty.
I wanted to see if I can make something happen now.
I saw her again inside of a store and I walked over to her as she was flipping through clothes.
Me: heyyy...Mimi, right?
Her: nooo...
Me: do you remember me? What's your name again?
Her: marissa.
Me: oh okay...haha do I at least get points for my guess starting g with the same letter?
Her: (she kinda fake laughs...not in a rude way but to be polite)
Me: do you remember my name?
Her: what is it?
Me: you don't remember?
Her: you didn't remember mine...how would I remember yours?
Me: (facial expression saying good point) my name is Wes. (holds out hand to shake)
Her: (she just looks at my hand and says) oh...I don't shake hands.
Me: okay then...hug. (went in and hugged her...she turned it into one of those awkward side hugs)
Then she walked away and murmured something. A sound kinda like: nice to meet you.

I'm standing there like: um...okay? I was about to try and have a conversation but she just walked away.
Reminds me of my awkward days.

Awhile after, while walking down the sidewalks of the shopping center, I ran into her again and she said
Her: omg lol are you following me?
Me: what are you talking about? You must've ran into my twin or something.
Her: she fake laughs again. Actually all of her laughs are all a bunch of fake laughs like she's nervous about something.
We're both standing in front of American eagle. She seems locked in now like we're about to actually talk
She asks me what I'm doing her and I tell her while leading the way. She walking with me but then she turns and goes into American eagle.
This is where I messed up and:
Me: oh? Or we can walk into there.
Her: you're coming in here too?
Me: yea lets just talk in there.

Ugh let her lead me. Big mistake.

She walked in ahead of me and started walking fast. She kept looking back at me like she was frightened or something.
She kept framing me as some kind of creepy stalker or something. It was annoying because that's not who I am.
I should've just ended the interacting with her once she put me in that frame.

I walked behind her into the girls section and caught up to her. She was flipping through panties and shit and then I struggled to get back to where we left off. (ugh I should've just stopped)
Her: why are you here in the girls section (fake laughs)
Me: (ignored it) so you said that you were from Japan right?
Her: Yeaaa?
Me: that's just really cool. I love Japan.
Then she broke down and spouted out something about "can you just leave me alone! Im just trying to shop and you keep bothering/stalking me!

I heard the tone of her voice and it's safe to say that's she was seriously scared of me. She honestly felt like I was stalking her and harassing her.
I didnt want to cause any problems so I got the hint and said
Me: alright....I'm sorry I'm making you feel this way. I'll leave you alone. Have a good day.

And I walked away...under my breath whispering: bitch.
(makes me feel better)

Later on when I was with the guys in costume, sitting on a bench. I was telling them about all the harsh rejections I was receiving today and then I see her walking towards us from afar.
I tell them...that's her!
One of the guys says: I know her...we went to school together.
As she walks past us he says to her: hey did you go to _____ high school?
Her: Yeaaa? (fake laughs and notices me sitting there with them, turns her eyes back to them)

The expression on my face was "I could care less about your existence" "you don't mean shit" "unfazed"

The guy: yea! I was a senior when you were a freshmen..or sophomore...I think we had blah blah together...blah blah.
Her: (fake laughs) that's sooo weird...
Him: not really but uh...(about to continue talking)
Her: (fake laughs) that's sooo weird...
She looks at me again. I'm just glaring into her eyes unfazed by her existence.
Then she walks away just like she did in the store with me.

My guess is that she's very awkward. There wasn't much wrong with me...it's her. Her awkward frame is probably stronger than anybody that she comes into contact with and she just makes everything very awkward.
I am not usually that awkward.
She also could be intimidated by everyone who talks to her. She always seems to be trying to escape conversations and treats everyone like they're out to get her.
I also see her sitting alone and walking alone at school all the time.
She has a huge mis-trust of others. Maybe some traumatic event happened in her life to make her that way.
Anyways, I empathize with her...it's just the way she was talking to me was very hurtful.

Anyway...it was not a good day.
The guys were telling me that this shopping center was horrible for trying to talk to girls and that it's best to just let them approach you.
They said that the majority of girls are the hot daughters of rich folks so they're used to getting everything handed to them and guys kissing their asses.
When you go off of complimenting, they just slot you into "another guy here to kiss the ground I walk on" category and they keep walking as if they're the queen of the universe.

The guys told me that if I wanted to really practice this, I should go to the beach. They said the girls at the beach are extremely friendly. Whenever they talk to them, they will always talk back.
I haven't even tried the beach yet because I feel like i will be out of place but I believe that.
The girls at my school who live at the beach are always friendly and really open sexually.
Kim is also from the beach and look how well that went.
I think I really need to practice there and absorb their outgoing sexually free culture. I'd probably level up fast.
The common stereotype that girls give to the girls at the beach is that they're "slutty"
Lol slutty to you, sexually liberated to me.
These girls just know what they want and don't let society's bullshit stand in the way of that.
Life is about fucking reproduction anyway. It's how we ALL came into this world.
Its something that occurs everyday, every second...
It is not sacred. It's just as normal of an act as eating, sleeping and drinking.
The world would be such a better place if people stopped treating it such a sacred forbidden thing.

Anyway, rode the bus home, saw a cute black girl on the bus with long hair.
She smiled at me. I smiled back and sat down at a seat close to her.
Looked at her and said: damn...it is so cold on this bus!
Her: I know right!
Then I got up and sat next to her and we started talking.

We had a long talk...and I don't feel like going into detail about everything but long story short....I got her number and she said she was okay with meeting up sometime.
I'm probabaly not going to follow through with that.
I messed up on a lot of things in that interaction. I'm conscious of everything I did wrong.
I'm sure she may not even text back if I texted her.

Got home and started thinking about WHY I seem to be back at square one ONCE AGAIN.
Started watching RSD videos. Watched a new video in my YouTube feed of Owen talking about creating masculine energy.

It was just what i needed. It brought me back to what I KEEP forgetting...which is freeing myself of outcome dependence.
Like I've said before, I am already good with girls....but the ONLY time it ever SHOWS is when I'm free.
When I'm not caring what anyone thinks of me. TRULY not caring. It's not enough to just think:
Oh yea...psh...I don't care what people think of me...I'm okay with who I am.

When you're truly free...and you don't care what anyone thinks of you, You can flop down on the concrete in the middle of a crowd and start doing the worm and do it because it makes YOU feel good and you could care less if people are judging you.
You can walk into a crowded area and shout at the sky to the top of your lungs and not have a single second guessing thought saying: people probabaly think I'm weird.
You can loosen up at a club or or the dance floor and not care about anybody thinking your dancing skills sucks.
You do it because it makes YOU feel good.

Still, what if you do all those things but you're not feeling loose or free? It's because you're probably not really doing them.
Say, stranger comes up to you and says: PUNCH ME IN THE CHEST S HARD AS YOU CAN.
Chances are, you are not going to punch as hard as you can...you will probably not put you'll of your strength into it.
You're probabaly thinking: I don't want to hurt this guy....I don't even know him.
So with that in mind, you're not putting your whole being into that punch. You're not being fully dedicated to it.

And that is an example of us not allowing ourselves to be free from outcome.
When you dance, put your being and passion into it.
When you approach, be in it.
Everything you do, you must be out of your own head, second guessing things and just do it.

I'm still trying to master putting myself into that state and some things have worked before like:
Jumping up and down.
Doing gangnam style in public and having people join me.
Basically building external energy to create that internal energy.
Sometimes doing the same stuff before doesn't work and I'm still in my head so that's why I'm still trying to find of way to just snap me into it...or a way to keep me in it at all times.

It's very difficult to describe this feeling to people who've never had it happen to them before but when the RSD guys talk about it, I know EXACTLY what they're talking about.
I've always experienced it in small groups, like my church youth group, and small parties.
I had it once walking around in public too.
If I can describe it: imagine your whole body feels warm...and your heart feels warm.
You feel like everything is okay and you're safe now. There's nothing to worry about. you feel powerful...like you can toss cars and mountains.
Your body is vibrating and radiating warm energy and it seems to just capture people and pull them in.
You feel like your no longer a physical entity and you are now a positive energy warm spirit.
Like a ghost in the room or area, filling the area with warmth.
Your body is just a vessel and your mind is just a background voice. You have taken form as energy...as emotional.
Ugh it's so hard to explain.

But people can feel that. They don't know they feel it and they'd probably say you have a "je ne sais quoi" about you.
Every time. EVERYTIME I've leveled up...or have done something significantly better in my game.
(talking to Kim, making out with that girl in the pool, grinding with those girls at the sweet sixteen)
I became....that. I was that.

So in conclusion,
I think it's pointless for me to try to level up if I'm not even in "that" first. I only ever level up when I'm in "that"
Things always happen when I'm in that...it's just the way things are. I feel safe to take actions, I feel powerful, I feel like I am who I really am and that the body and mind that I'm occupying now is just a supressed form of that in order to control me.
So far I feel like my radius for getting into that is small groups and I might have to expand it so that I can occupy other spaces. I'm going to look deeper into this and find some answers.
That's all for now.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Oh yea also you feel one with the room and one with the universe...it's some really spiritual stuff.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Seems you are coming of too high energy or too strong to these girls, hence the reactions. Wait for them to make Eye contact w/ u, when they do smile and say "We know each other". Immediately use Mystery's over the shoulder opening and false time constraint (dont forget to body rock) then deep dive a bit and move them to a coffee shop or Mcdnonalds for more deep diving and escalation. Look up The Pick Up Artist, Mystery's tv show to learn how this works.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Eternity said:
Seems you are coming of too high energy or too strong to these girls, hence the reactions. Wait for them to make Eye contact w/ u, when they do smile and say "We know each other". Immediately use Mystery's over the shoulder opening and false time constraint (dont forget to body rock) then deep dive a bit and move them to a coffee shop or Mcdnonalds for more deep diving and escalation. Look up The Pick Up Artist, Mystery's tv show to learn how this works.
Thanks for your input. Do you have a link to it?

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Today was kind of like an outing report.

I went to the beach today to scope out and see if picking up there would be easy.

Let me just say that I am an idiot and I should've gone to the beach sooner...like over the summer.
This place is THE BEST place in this town to game. Everyone is very open to meeting others and just about all the girls are hot. Even the not hot ones...they're still looking good and have nice beach bodies.
In town, I am usually picky with the girls I talk to. At the beach, I can approach any girl and be satisfied.

I did not approach though. Instead I "tested the waters" and walked around saying hi to people.
Some of the time people would say hi to me first when we made eye contact. People actually exchange pleasantries here.
And the old folks...I don't sense an ounce of racism from them. While on my side of town, I can feel a negative energy and stares whenever I walk places.
Anyway, I was walking along the shore. Took my shoes off to walk barefoot and this group of college kids were walking parallel to me.
It was two guys and them four girls. They were all laughing and talking and having a good time. The girls were all hot and the guys looked like they were either family or friendzoned.
I made eye contact with the cute blonde walking closest to me. She smiled. Then I said: hi what's up?!
Her: hiii :) how's it going?
Me: it's going good I guess (fades into a murmur)
Yea I pretty much stopped myself.
My mom wanted me to be home by a certain time so I couldn't stay as long as I wanted...but I definitely going back this weekend with my friend Victor and we are going to practice away.
I should expect some results soon.

After that I rode the bus to the college across the street from mine.
I didn't get off the bus and walk around. Instead I rode through because I had to be home.
I just looked out the window to judge if it was possibly packed with people on Fridays.
My college campus has no classes on Friday so the entire campus is deserted.
Not so for this one though. The sun was going down and people were still outside walking around.
Hot girls in yoga tights.
Just what I love!
I've gotta come back here as well.


Okay...so long ago when I was in elementary school, my family used to live near the beach. We used to go there quite often. Whenever I look at old photos of my brother and I, we look like the typical beach people there with our sandals/flip flops, constant wearing of swim trunks, bright colors.
I remember back in that point of my life, before I was shy and cared about what people thought of me,I was a VERY outgoing kid.
I Made new friends my age really easily back then. It was simple...you just start playing together and then boom...you're friends.
When I got into 6th grade, we moved into town. We moved to the south side...
People who don't live in the south side say that it's a rich people area which isn't completely true. There are a lot of rich people but it just looks like a well maintained area.
The culture of the south side though, changed me as I grew up.
And to get to the point, I discovered today that I could've easily ended up like the free spirits at the beach had we just stayed there.
My personality went towards a completely different route.
At the beach, I'm always in state. The environment just brings it out.
It's nearly impossible to be in your head when around all that.

Just because I'm in state doesn't mean that my game at the beach is good though. I have to start experimenting with what I can say and do there now.
As far as I know, I've never tried to game girls at the beach. In my loser days,I figured that you should stay as un-obvious as possible when hitting on girls. And the beach didn't do well of hiding the fact that you were interested.

Go to the beach more often.
Absorb the culture there to become the best self I can be.
Experiment with interactions.
I'm Going to try things out first before watching any videos or reading any articles on beach pickup.
I don't want to fall into the habit of following someone's blueprint to a T and never having a mind of my own to do this.
I'm going to go in with a clean slate...and now it's almost like I'm a beginner because I'm not comfortable with this environment yet.

That's all for now. Peace.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Look up the VHI's The Pick Up Artist season 2 on google and check out some of the episodes for free online.