And now, an almost LR. If you haven't read the new FRs, they're right above. I'm posting this because I didn't expect to be this far, this early...and I need help/advice now. I got very close but a bit of anxiety ruined everything.
Wednesday January 15, 2014
Ugh I'm still kinda embarrassed and frustrated about this...but here goes. :/
To keep it short, I'll cut out all the other interactions I had today and just keep it on this girl. Maybe I'll add the others in later.
I first see this girl on the bus ride to the college. I get on the bus and sit in a seat and don't really pay attention to my surroundings in the back. I normally sit first, look around and see what's around me after. So I'm looking around and then I see this cute girl with jet black hair sitting behind me. I glance quick and try not to stare so I don't get a good look. Maybe two more times, I glance back again to see what she looks like. She cute.
We get to the college and we get off the bus, she gets off with me. Along with a lot of other people. From the corner of my eye, I notice that she has a really nice body but I can't see well because it's my peripherals. I let her walk ahead of me so I can get a good look. She walks ahead and she is SEXY. Wearing yoga tights, boots, a tank top with these huge boobs peeking out a little. Sunglasses and she has a striped red button down shirt over her tank top. Buttoned up to her boobs making a V-neck.
I didn't feel like approaching yet and I let her go. She ended up walking into the girls restroom.
I walked around the general area a bit and fast forward to when she comes out of the bathroom.
She walks out and puts her sunglasses back on. I stop her.
Me: "hey, I saw you earlier on the're cute."
Her: oh thank you..(bust fixing herself)
Me: what's your name?
Her: (name)
Me: I'm Wes. (shakes her hand, her hands are cold and wet but I notice how cold they are and I'm about to say something g but--)
Her: oh sorry, my hands are wet!
Me: it's okay, haha what in the world were you DOING in there?
Her: (she realizes what I mean) oh (she makes a shocked face and smiles)
Me: don't worry, I'll keep it a secret between me and you
Her: haha okay.
Me: yea, I was just going to say that your hands were cold..that's all.
After that we just small talked a little. Conversation flowed, I got her talking a little about herself. Then I said:
You seem pretty cool, I would love to take you on a coffee date sometime.
Her: ohh...idk how my boyfriend would feel about that.
Me: (time to test this out) what makes you think I'm trying to take his place?
Her: (she has a shocked face and then it turn into a reassured face like I just passed a test of hers or something) okay.
Me: about I talk your number...and then when you're free, we go out sometime. (silence and eye contact)
We stood there in silence for a few seconds and then she said okay.
I pull out my phone. She gives me the first three numbers and we get to talking about something else for a little bit but then snap out of it and I finish getting her number. She says: okay well text me your name, alright
Me: alright. (I hold out my hand for her to shake it)
She holds out hers to shake it but then I raise her hand in the air and twirl her around. She giggles and says: oh I thought we were shaking hands!
Then after I finish twirling her I pull her in and give her a sexual hug.
Me: naw I'm making you my ballerina, then hugging you.
She laughs. Then we part ways.
Two minutes later, I send her a text saying: Hey (name) its my number
Her reply: done
I don't send back after.
I did lots more approaches after that but they're for another post. Fast forward later and then I sed her another text saying:
What's your schedule look like for the week?
She replies telling me when she's at school and what times.
I didn't reply immediately...instead I walked around campus for a little bit and then to my surprise I see her sitting at a picnic table studying under some palm trees.
I walk over to her and say: so I was walking down the street, moving my feet and then I see (her name) over in this seat...I think my life's complete.
She smiles
Her: heyyy.
Me: I can't think of anything else that rhymes with street. Wassup? (I sit down)
Her: not much, studying for trigonometry. You're still here?
Then we go into talking about unimportant things...deep dived a little. Then I bring up the text. I say: so when did you say you were free?
She tells me the schedule and then I think about it in my head. She's free for the next 3 hours and she's spending it here studying. What a waste. So I say:
We'll since you're free for the next 3 hours, wanna ride the bus home with me and chill until your next class?
Her: okay
I was thrown off by this and a surge of anxiety and adrenaline rushed through my body. I got nervous immediately but my face stated calm. My whole demeanor was VERY calm and collected and my fundamentals were ON POINT. I could tell because ever since I first met her earlier she seemed nervous and excited.
Then she asked me when we were going to go. (and I forgot to mention that earlier she asked where I lived so I WAS NOT GOING TO MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN. Noticed that escalation window)
I told her that the next bus comes in about 20 minutes, while I was checking my phone's clock.
She says: alright, I'm just going to finish studying first and then we'll go.
Me: alright, well just meet me over by the bus stop at around (this time)
Her: alright, I'll set a reminder in my phone.
Me: okay cool (I get up and linger for a bit, she stares at me nervously and with she wants me to do something.)
Then I walk away.
Fast forward again to 20 minutes later. (lol I went and cold approached more girls during this time)
And I see her in the distance heading toward the bus stop.
I start walking to the bus stop as well and sit down there.
She walks up to me sitting and were smiling at each other.
Me: heyy, you made it

Her: yea

(she sits down)
Then she starts freaking out about her sunglasses. She inks she lost them and then she searches her purse. She finds them and then puts them on.
Me: aw, covering up your beautiful eyes?
Her:'ll see them later.
I use the sunglasses to transition into talking about Florida weather and the sun and blah blah and we small talk and I begin to deep dive.
The bus comes and I continue with the deep diving on the bus like its the most natural thing to do.
We talk about many things and I'm just trying to keep this short so I won't go to detail about it. I remember throwing out a sexual innuendo but she didn't respond to it. And she mentioned her boyfriend once and I saw the background of her phone which was of her and her boyfriend kissing. I figured maybe he's a bad lover or something because she's going home with ME.
We get off at my stop and then go into the neighborhood. I get her inside the apartment and then hold a shh finger to my mouth. I walk over to my moms room and say hello to her while my hand is on her doorknob and I'm trying to close her door a little bit.
My mom notices and she's like: why are you trying to close my door?
Me: oh, that's by accident sorry. (I let go of it and leave it in a position where it's almost closed)
If her door was wide open she would see the girl I had with me and I did t know how my mom would feel about that. I also didn't expect her to be home. This same shit happened the last time I had a girl over. My mom's boyfriend was home and I freaked out and couldn't get the girl to my room so I made her leave. Not letting THAT happen again.
Then I led girl to my room and shut the door.
My room has no chairs and it's just my bed, a dresser, and a nightstand. I had my skateboards and shoes all over the floor and I said: excuse the mess...
She was like its fine and she sat on my bed. (ha. Ha. Ha.)
This is when I got weird and stopped being so cool and collected. I was genuinely nervous and excited and I couldn't believe I had gotten her this far. THIS STUFF REALLY WORKS. You just gotta follow the process. I sat down on the bed with her. Then she asked me where the bathroom was.
I said right outside my door and she went really quick and came back.
I went to the kitchen while she was in there and got us both some bottled water. I offered her a water and she took it and started drinking.
The I noticed her boots on and said that she had to take her boots off because we don't walk around in shoes in this house and she said: oh! Okay! I'm sorry. (and she hurriedly took them off)
She got them off and started talking about how now her outfit doesn't look complete without the boots and I told her it was fine. We got to small talking about I showed her my artwork (because we had been talking about art earlier and she's an artist herself) I used it as a way for us to sit closer and I was rubbing my palm against her leg. She looked down at my hand but didn't do anything.
She let out a nervous laugh.
I was like: what is it?
Her:'s just this is so weird.
I apologized (forehead smack! This is we here it went downhill. I needed to calm down)
All I could think about was the fact that she was in my room, ON MY BED. And I could possibly be HAVING sex with her in a few minutes. I just need to initiate it because of course she's not going to do it.
I struggled to find topics to talk about. I was looking for something that could help me smoothly transition to kissing her.
I even talked about her relationship and how long they've been together (4 months) and she was like: why are we talking about my boyfriend? Then I changed the subject.
Then I got silent and turned my voice into my bedroom voice and talked softly and sexily.mher eyes were locked on mine in excitement and anticipation. I noticed that my fundamentals were still ON POINT and I STILL was calm and collected on the outside but INSIDE, my heart was beating like a million times per second and I as freaking out. It didn't even cross my mind that I should stay calm. All I could think of was DON'T MESS UP.
Then I grabbed her and pulled her closer to me and leaned in and started kissing her. She was kissing back and was moving her face back as I kept trying to kiss her. I stopped and looked at her.
Her: um...I don't do that with anybody other than with my boyfriend.
Me: oh? So you don't kiss anybody on the lips except for your boyfriend?
Her: yes. That's for him.
I took this as she'll fuck other guys but won't kiss them. Just like a previous girl I brought home with me. It's this weird rule girls have but whatever.
Then I looked her in the eyes and said calmly: I don't want you to feel uncomfortable alright?
She silently gazed back into mine with a reassured face.
I moved back in and instead started kissing her neck. I started running my hands on her body and had my hand on her big plump boob. Didn't even get to squeeze that beautiful thing yet either
She then stopped me and said: I think I'm going to go...
I stayed calm (but was freaking out internally) and said: like I said...I don't want you to feel uncomfortable...and I'm not trying to take your boyfriend's place.
She paused as she was putting on her boots and stared at me trying to process what was going on.
I feel like I should've escalated here as well. But for some reason I chalked this up as a failure and gave up early. My heart beating was out of control and I'm surprised she couldn't HEAR it.
She got up off my bed and walked towards my door.
Her: I'm sorry..I just don't want to cheat on my boyfriend.
Me: the next bus doesn't come until an hour.
She checks her phone for the bus schedules.
Her: I think I'll just wait outside for it.
Me: I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable (my past nice guy started coming out and I'm apologizing and shit)
I walk with her to the door and open it for her. She lingers at the door for a minute. (I realize now...another escalation window)
Before she went out I grabbed her and hugged her. She stayed hugging me and had her mouth near my neck. Kinda felt like she was kissing it. Then I started kissing her neck, then I moved down to her boobs. She jerked away and then walked outside and kept walking and didn't look back.
After she was out of sight, I closed the door and kicked myself in anger. UGH!
I'm such an idiot.
I turn around and my mom is standing there and she's like: what are you doing?
And I'm like: oh nothing...I thought I saw someone outside that I knew.
Mom: oh okay. (shrugs it off and goes in her room) lol
I text the girl 20 minutes later or so: "did you make it to the bus safely?" (inner nice guy coming out again)
She texts back a few minutes later: yep.
So guys, that's what I've been up to today and i would really like some feedback. This is the first time I've had a girl over since June of 2013. I think part of my anxiety was the fact that my mom was in the other room, but other than that, I don't know why I was so nervous. I still so mad at myself but I have a date with another girl on Monday so wish me luck.
I guess escalating is my sticking point.