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The Adventures of Wes


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Sup Wes,
been a while since I dropped you a line. I can't believe you've never tried out beach game before! It's a little different than regular street/mall game. I suggest approaching as many sets as you can just like on the street but try and focus on girls by themselves. Really easy to get in conversation, just mosey over like you don't even see her but are close enough to her, pretend to "just notice" her and open situational with "great view isn't it?" while looking at her seductively.

If she's sitting down with a friend or two its really easy to walk up and either stand over or crouch down, though I prefer the latter, and open indirect
You: "Hey I'm a little lost.. I was wondering if you could tell me where the ___________ (enter something obvious and easy to find here. I usually ask where the pier is when it's obviously in plain sight) is?" with knowing sexy smile and a look like "I can't believe you fell for it!" 9 times out of 10 they will fall for it and if your fundamentals are tight they will hook instantly afterwards. Either way they'll be very open to having a conversation for a length of time. They have nothing better to do anyway.

Anyway hope that added some wisdom to your plan of action for next time you go out. Beach game is really fun and when you get decent at it you can escalate pretty rapidly and become a true romantic adventurer.

Hope to see a good beach field report soon.


Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Mr.Rob said:
Sup Wes,
been a while since I dropped you a line. I can't believe you've never tried out beach game before! It's a little different than regular street/mall game. I suggest approaching as many sets as you can just like on the street but try and focus on girls by themselves. Really easy to get in conversation, just mosey over like you don't even see her but are close enough to her, pretend to "just notice" her and open situational with "great view isn't it?" while looking at her seductively.

If she's sitting down with a friend or two its really easy to walk up and either stand over or crouch down, though I prefer the latter, and open indirect
You: "Hey I'm a little lost.. I was wondering if you could tell me where the ___________ (enter something obvious and easy to find here. I usually ask where the pier is when it's obviously in plain sight) is?" with knowing sexy smile and a look like "I can't believe you fell for it!" 9 times out of 10 they will fall for it and if your fundamentals are tight they will hook instantly afterwards. Either way they'll be very open to having a conversation for a length of time. They have nothing better to do anyway.

Anyway hope that added some wisdom to your plan of action for next time you go out. Beach game is really fun and when you get decent at it you can escalate pretty rapidly and become a true romantic adventurer.

Hope to see a good beach field report soon.


Rob, I meant to get back to this but a lot was going on. Turns out, the beach wasn't that great. The weather is getting colder so there's less people there than there is in the summer.
Second, there only seemed to be couples walki g along the beach holding hands and having a romantic time. Made me feel lonely. Lol
There were a few jogging women in...yoga pants/tights...:D and I stopped them with indirect direct saying: hey where's ___ beach?
Them: you're on it right now.
Me: haha, I'm kidding...I was just trying to get you stop jogging because I thought you were cute.
Her: oh Thankyou....but..I gotta keep going. Bye. (and she kept jogging)
She was jogging to the pier and back so I kept running into her again and she'd just polite smile at me when we made eye contact.

Went to the beach a couple more times. Same deal. An absolute deserted wasteland.
So I figured I should just try the state college but I haveNt gotten around to it yet.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Alright, I'm back...

A lot has gone on since I last posted on here and hopefully I can stay frequent like I was before.
Things that happened: I joined and swore into the Navy.
Reasons behind that: my neighborhood is full of navy people because the naval base is nearby. I've made a few friends out of them, and when deep diving and learning about their adventures, I realized that I could accomplish my dreams of traveling around the world instead of putting it off til whenever.
It would also help me pay for school and help me mature and grow as a man.
I also can't keep using my mom as a crutch for me anymore. I'm about to be 21...
A lot of my friends had a problem with it, as well as my grandma. Everyone seemed to continually keep telling me all things negative things trying to scare me into changing my mind.
Of course I did thorough investigating to find out what things were true and what things were myth when it came to the military. These people were all unfortunately misinformed. For gods sake, they act like I'm going to go over seas and die.
I'm going to be doing medical things and helping people because I don't really care for war and fighting.
I know of the possibility of me being with a marine squadron and being a medical corpsman for them...people have told me one too many times.

Another thing that happened was that intentionally slowed down my amount of approaches. I didn't want to start gaining a negative reputation at my school. A lot of my approaches are for the sole purpose of having fun and becoming outcome independent I so end up doing pretty weird things.
I read a post here on the forums about this pua guy in Ohio at OSU who gained a negative reputation fast at his school because he was crepping girls out.
I think his name is Sean Parsons. If you google him, you'll see for yourself what he has done to himself. He's getting talked about on online newspapers and other pua blogs.
Also, since I destroyed any ounce of approach anxiety throughout this year and a half of dedicated approaching, I don't think I have to approach EVERY GIRL now.
From now on, I'm opening the girls that are open to being met and give me some sign that I should talk to them.
I'm still trying to learn what those signals may be.
I approached this girl who smiled at me and I went for it to test my theory, but she was continually trying to keep the interaction platonic and she wouldn't even comply with me. She was interested in talking to me but I think in a "as friends" way.
So now, I'm going to try to gain this supposed "sixth sense" that Chase has where he can tell which girls will respond positively to him.

One last thing that has changed, my presence and fundamentals.
I wasn't aware of it until recently. You start to notice because of how people start treating you.
For example, I went into the mall yesterday and went into this store that I kept going in throughout the spring and summer.
Working in the store is this really cute girl that I've trying multiple times until the point where she started being a bitch to me. I'd walk into the store and then shed cross her arms and have an annoyed expression on her face.
Despite this, I still was trying to ask her questions and get to getting her number but shed just be like: are you going to buy anything?!
Then I'd walk out.
Eventually I stopped doing that. I stopped going in for months.
I finally went back yesterday, and I walked in, looked at her face, she scrunched up her face and had an immediate annoyed expression.
Her coworker approached me immediately to tell me about the sale that was going on.
Then the cute girl jumped in saying: oh! He knows already!
Coworker: oh, he does?
Me: yea...I come in here sometimes...
Cute girl: sometimes?! You come in here EVERYDAY.
Me: (in a smooth controlled unaffected voice) um..no...I haven't been here in months. (dumbass)
She's just looking me in the eyes trying to see if there's a chink in the armor.
I'm just looking at her, eyes focused, in a chill "in your face!" manner.
Then she says: oh okay...I thought you were somebody else. There's this other guy that looks like you who keeps coming in here.
Me: and he looks and sounds EXACTLY like me?
Her: no...he talks proper and acts kind of awkward.
Me: don't I talk proper though?
Her: yea...but you're not awkward like him.
Me: oh...okay...so what'd this guy do to you that has you hating him so much?
Her: (she shrugs and then walks to another part of the store)

Okay, so either there is a guy who looks like me out there or she was thinking of how I used to be. And that sounds pretty much how I used to be. I have much better control over my voice now. (back then I used to sound similar to Shaggy from Scooby-Doo....or Goofy from Disney. I had a really goofy awkward geeky voice for a black guy lol...now I've smoothed it out into a Morgan Freeman-ish chill voice)

Other friends of mine from high school have also pointed out that I seemed to become more mature and chilled out now because in high school I was also seen as a "dancing monkey"
I was in a video with one of my friends and then when we looked at the video afterwards, I watched myself. My presence in the video was very strong and dominant and I seemed like a completely different person.
People also have been treating me differently. As in, strangers. Noramally I had this friendly unintimidating expression on my face, sometimes depressed. But now people are treating me like an adult and some peers and younger people are actually getting intimidated by me.
Some white kids were acting like I was about to beat them up or something when they made a joke at me and I just looked at them like: wait what? I didn't hear you.
They got all apologetic and scared like: nevermind...we were just kidding.
I even caused a few people at school to turn into awkward messes while talking to me. (that's what I usually do)
The people who can't handle my presence end up fleeing the social interaction like: alright well I'll catch you later.
It reminds me of this anime called One Piece. Where some of the characters have this ability called "haki" where basically the mere presence of them causes everyone around them to pass out.

Anyway, that's all for now.
That's all the changes that have gone on since my absence.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
My mistake. The guys name is Sean Larson. Whoops.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I might get a lay report up soon...but we'll see. I went ahead and posted about what's been happening with this girl for the past few weeks. I normally don't care for black girls in this town...but shes a foreigner so she's different. I seem to like girls from the islands and west Indian women. Women like Rihanna. Cute island accents and everything.
This girl looks like a fashion model. She's thin and sexy and has that islander je ne sais pas about her. She even speaks French.
Haitian girl

I first met her at the bus pickup area at my school. (probably in August or September) I was with my friend/sometimes wingman Victor and I was only talking to her for practice. 
I don't quite remember how I opened her but I remember standing a few feet a away from her talking to my friend and then shooting her a compliment on something. Just being social. Talked for a bit, she had an accent, found out she was from Haiti, small talk.
Parted ways and didn't see her for weeks.  

One day, walking to the cafeteria, I saw her sitting at a table outside alone with a bunch of books, as if she was studying. I thought she was someone else that I had met before and called her by that name. She looked up and smiled, I realized it wasn't who I thought it was but she looked familiar. I met her from somewhere.
I sat down with her and tried to figure out where I had met her from before.
I learned about everything she told me from the first time we met and then we began to talk about many subjects. I don't remember anything that was said because it was weeks and I mean WEEKS ago. I vaguely remember being on a roll that day, feeling powerful, like I could do anything and I had made sexual innuendos and set chase frames with her.
The take away I got from it was that she was very into me. I never took her number though.
I also remember walking with her to her class and thinking of kissing her that day. We were very physical, hugging a ton and I wanted to amp things up with a make out. Couldn't do it though because I'm still inexperienced at this and I missed out on any possible signs she gave me. I considered her a loss.

More weeks pass and we get to NOVEMBER. 

I see her around more often now, studying in the library. She smiles and waves at me every now and then but for some reason I never made a move. 
I can be picky sometimes and completely dismiss girls that are clearly into me. 
I eventually cut that shit out and decide that if I want to get my first lay, I need to go for whatever is available. I collect many numbers but do nothing with them. 
So then, I see her in the library again and I don't remember what  was said but I got her to move with me to the cafeteria. Just above the cafeteria is a game room which has ping-pong tables, pool tables, and one fuseball table. 
We go into the cafeteria and sit down at a table. We talk for a bit. Nothing special. She's boring...doesn't ask anything about me. She doesn't even know anything about me. 
Once again we're catching up on things I should already know about her. I used to have a good memory when meeting people but now that I meet so many people on a daily basis, I cannot remember much about them unless they standout tremendously. 
I broke the touch barrier that seemed to reform by drawing a yin-yang symbol on her hand because she didn't know what yin-yang was. I teased her about it and told her she probably does know and she's probably seen the symbol before, she just doesn't know what it's called.  After drawing it on her hand with her pen, I lock fingers with her and we're holding hands. She squeezes our hands together as if she trying to make the ink transfer onto my hand. She takes her handoff and sees that it didn't work.
Somewhere in there, I get her number (finally) and move her upstairs to the game room.
We play fuseball and she tells me about how since she played futball (soccer) in her country, then she'll destroy me at this.
I'm like: you wanna make a bet?
Her: I don't do bets. 
Me: alright...how about this...everytime I score, you give me something? And I give you something if you score.
Her: give what?
Me: how about a hug? (I was too scared to out-right say she should kiss me but then I quickly changed it and said:) no a kiss.
Her: (smiling in embarrassment) nooo...we can't do that. 
Me: how about on the cheek.
Her: let's just play the game.

We start playing and I'm winning at first. I score first and then walk over to her and say bring it in. She gives me a hug and I try to go for her lips but she turns her face away. I kiss her on her forehead instead. 
She starts giggling. 
She scores, I score, we're just hugging each other the whole time and I didn't try to force any kisses on her because I know how bad that can turn out.
She wins the first game.
Then we go again, this time she's texting with one hand a playing with the other hand. I'm destroying her and get down to my last two points.
She's like: alright, you win.
Me: no...I still have two left. You're not even trying. I'll let you catch up to me and then we'll battle it out for the last point. 
Her: alright. 
She is still texting so I walk over to her and act like I'm about to take her phone.
She starts laughing saying: okaaaay, I'll put it away.
Then we go back to the game, both going full on, knocking the ball back and forth. 
She manages to end up scoring on me while I wasn't protecting my goal.
Dang she won. She starts accusing me of letting her win and I deny it and pull her in for a hug. We're standing there hugging for awhile, her head in my chest, while ignoring all the people around us playing other games. From other people's point of view, we probably already look like a couple. 
She gets a text and says her Mom is here to pick her up so we walk downstairs together.
She tells me she doesn't want her mom to see me and I say alright so I pull her in once again for a final goodbye.
Not enough. I remember us doing it one more time before she left and for some reason I never take that as an opportunity to kiss ( I hug girls a lot too, my ex actually got sick of it.) 
Earlier we had talked about seeing each other the next day (Friday) and then leaving school together to do something.
 She walks away looking back at me saying: byeeee (with a dreamy eyed look in her eyes) 
Me: good morning!
Her: oh hey. Ur up early!
Me: ( texts gone, don't remember what I said) 
Her: normally. I would stay in bed till 9-9:30ish but today I have 2hrs to write a 3 page essay. Wish me luck :-( 
Me: (telling her where I'll be at school)
Her: lol I'll try to stop by at 11

(accidental butt-dial while walking up the stairs)
Her: u sure u meant to call me?
Me: whoops! That was an accident.
Her: butt-dialing ppl that early huh! (9:03 am)

Me: you at school yet?
Her: nah almost (12:04) 

Her: where are you?
me: in the cafe.
Her: I'm n da library
I walk to the library after finishing what i'm doing. No need to rush. Then I search the third floor library for her. Can't find her. That's where she usually is. Maybe she's on the second floor library? I search the second floor. Still can't find her. Re-search the third floor. Nothing. It's getting close to the time I have to leave and I have other things I have to do.
I re-check the second floor and find her in a secluded room with a tutor. I walk in slowly as if wondering if I'm allowed to be there. 
Me: hey..
Her: hey!
Me: I was having a hard time finding you. I guess you're busy now.
Her: yea.. (her tutor was giving me the evil eye) 
Alright I'll see you around I guess.  Turned and left, she is like: byeeee (with a dreamy eyed look in her eyes)

Texted her the next day on Saturday.
Me: good morning! What are you doing today?
Her: I'm gonna be working from 2-10pm but right now I'm in class.
Me: wow you have Saturday classes too. Well I'm free tomorrow...if you wanna do something. Let me know.
Her: Ikr. I don't know what I was thinking and it's a 4hr and 45 min class
me: it seems like you need some time to relax and take your mind off school for awhile :p
Her: yea, I need to get a life
Me: I can help with that :) what are you doing tomorrow?
Her: hmm I'm gonna wake up around 10, get ready to go to work at 12, I get out of work at 4. Then I have to go to church at 5, church ends at 7.
Me: maybe you wanna do something after 7? I promise I won't keep you up too late. Lol
Her: like what?
Me: if you were to take me out, where would YOU take me?
Her: if you were to take ME out where would you take me?
me: I asked you first.
Me: what? It's a blank text.
Her: Well, I surely didn't send you a blank message. Now it's your turn to answer mine.
Me: lol you're funny ( I thought the blank text was her being funny saying that she had nothing in mind) well...I'd take you for a walk on the beach, maybe eat. Maybe. It'll be fun. How's that sound?
Her: terrifying! Can we reschedule for next week? :p
me: really? You're scared of the beach? It depends on what I'm doing next week. What do you have in mind?
Her: haha I was kidding, I'm not scared of the beach, nobody is. We have to schedule tho, I have a test on Monday and I haven't studied for it yet.
Me: alright you busy bee. Lol tell me when next week and I'll let you know if I'm free.
Her: idk yet actually but it can't be Thursday nor Saturday.
Me: do you know your schedule for work or is it a call in kind of job?
Her: they give me a schedule every week, I know I'm gonna be working on Thursday and Saturday next week, but sometime they call me to ask me if I can come in. 
Her: or to tell me they have changed my schedule
-I stop replying- 

I come to the realization that I haven't disqualified myself as a boyfriend candidate yet, and she probably thinks that this is where this is going.  Luckily, she hasn't gotten to know me yet and I haven't really deep dived her either. If I did, I forgot everything. So if we manage to go on a date, I will:
Disqualify myself as being a bf.
Let her know my views on sluts vs. good girls and tell her that I don't judge. 
Build sexual tension and build up to a kiss on the date
If everything goes well, get her to come back to my place with some excuse like "watch a movie" and then get as far as I possibly can after that. 

Wish me luck.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013

Sup Wes, in this link check out 29:00 idk what kind of hugs your giving but he gives a really cool example of a "sexual hug" and their really effective in establishing you as a sexual man especially if you hug her with your hands close or on her ass. You can do this with any girl you meet and its really fun to do since most girls are so used to hugs being so damn platonic.

Nonetheless if you haven't watched the whole video there are a lot of really good tips, tidbits, and mindsets that have definitely helped with me pushing my limits with sexual touch.

Cheers, mate


Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Mr.Rob said:

Sup Wes, in this link check out 29:00 idk what kind of hugs your giving but he gives a really cool example of a "sexual hug" and their really effective in establishing you as a sexual man especially if you hug her with your hands close or on her ass. You can do this with any girl you meet and its really fun to do since most girls are so used to hugs being so damn platonic.

Nonetheless if you haven't watched the whole video there are a lot of really good tips, tidbits, and mindsets that have definitely helped with me pushing my limits with sexual touch.

Cheers, mate


Awesome. Thanks Rob. I'll check it out. The
At time I hugged a girl and had my hands on her ass, she started talking behind my back complaining about how creepy I was for doing that. And get this...I did it by accident. Lol. Maybe I did it wrong.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Check the vid out. Every time I've done it I've gotten good receptions out of it. Practice doing it with the right emotions and spontaneity. Then let me know how it goes ;)

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Oh yeah...I've watched this video before.
Well, I guess I'll give it another watch.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I was not planning on doing any approaches today...but I guess when a pretty girl walks by that you HAVE to meet, you say "fuck this...I'm talking to her"

The overall vibe I had was low energy and chill. It was rainy and windy and cold today. Usually, I hate that kinda weather but for some reason it felt good to me and I was in a good mood.
This is weird but..I really enjoy hurricane weather. Florida gets a lot of tropical storms and hurricanes so..yeah.
Anyway, I feel as if girls were able to sense my good mood. I didnt approach any girls looking at me though.
My first approach was a girl that my friend, Victor is talking to. He cold approached her weeks ago, got her number, working things out with her. I ran into him and her one day and told her she was cute but didn't cockblock.
This time I saw her sitting by herself studying at a table.
I pre-opened...walking near her until I saw her notice me from the corner of my eye. Stopped, looked at her, gave the "you look familiar face"
She smiled and waved.
Me: hey...you're victor's friend...what's your name again?
She tells me her name and I say..oh, oh for some reason I thought it was Elizabeth.
She tells me that's her middle name and then she starts packing up her things like she's about to come over to me.
My body language looks like I'm about to walk away, which I guess got her chasing a little bit because she wanted to talk to me.
I told her to come with me to the snack machines.
Moved her. Bought my snack and we just stood there talking and stuff.
She seemed really into me. I was thinking: "sorry victor...I'm going to have to see how far I can take this"
I moved her again to a bench and both sat there talking about various things. I somehow slid in some sexual frames when we were talking about Thor 2.
I also remember saying something about "Channing on her Tatum" lol
After awhile, i took her number and told her to take me to a movie. (not a good date, I know.)
Then Victor comes walking over to us with a face like: "Um...Tevin...what are you doing with my girl?"
He soon jumps into the conversation and I let him lead.
We talk about it after she leaves and I explain to him about why I was talking to her.
Then we start talking about threesomes and acting silly.
From there, we take off and start approaching many girls on campus.
Met a Brazilian girl. (awesome!)
She looked Italian to me...and she said she gets that a lot. But this girl literally looked like Megara from the Disney Hercules movie. Like a real life version.

The interaction that stood out to me the most was when I had banter with this other girl for a few minutes after opening her then when it started to die down I said (working on not filtering myself): come home with me.
She immediately said: okay!
I was like: wait...really? You do? Do you have a car? (I don't have a car)
Her: no...my boyfriend picks me up and drops me off at school.
Me: oh...boyfriend...how long have you had this problem?
Her: (laughs) going on two years now. Our anniversary is coming up.
Me: oh...good for you. Nice meeting you...maybe I'll see you around. (I was drifting away once she told me she had a boyfriend..and I honestly didn't know how to handle how fast she agreed to going home with me)

Me and victor also were simaltaneously talking to this hot blonde girl meeting up with her gay friend.
That went nowhere. She was really friendly though and told us we were super nice and cool.

And yup...that's about it.
I'm going to start trying this: "come home with me" thing and see what happens.
I told Victor about it and he went over to a girl on a phone and tried it. But (smacks forehead) he used it as his opener.
He said: hey, you're cute...come home with me.
She let out a nervous laugh and said no, I'm good.
I was like: DUDE, you don't just outright say it...you gotta build up to it first. Create banter.

Thats all for now.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Me and Haitian girl changed our date to next Friday.
That's all.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
This was one of my first posts here on the forums:

Wesley said:
I wasn't sure what to label this so I just put FUck up. Anyways:

Wednesday April 3
My boys and I were hanging out downtown at a monthly art & music festival this night. My friend VIctor brought a few girls that he knew. Well more like, he ran into them there and then brought them along. Two of these girls I already knew:
victor's ex, ex's first friend, and ex's second friend, a small cute petite girl who i originally had no intentions with.
i was always trying for ex's friend 1 since I first met her but she never showed any interest.(trying before I came across this site and blog)

So small petite girl throughout the night kept giving me pretty clear subtle signals that I'd have to be an idiot not to recognize. I figured "hey, what the hell, she's cute, i'll bite". Ex's friend 1 was always more attractive to me because she had bigger breasts, cute face, nice ass...just overall really sexy. But I figured that this is all about improvement so why not.
So these girls are kinda like party girls...they're quirky and act silly and run around and they're getting older people to buy them drinks all the time. (they're seniors in high school) and small petite girl kept trying to be near me then she'd go away then she'd come back and it continued like this. Everytime, we'd talk a little but I don't think I even got to know her in the slightest. She was too aloof and distracted. Eventually, It was raining and there were only two umbrellas. My boy, Victor was sharing an umbrella with small petite girl while i was out getting wet so I decided to push him out and I shared the umbrella with her while he walked in the rain. Haha such a good friend I am. Me and her tried talking a bit more but the rain became unbearable for everybody and we all crowded into my boy, David's car so we could go home. Small petite girl sat on my lap in the car.
i had to get out the car and catch a bus home because I live to far for my friend to drive me and small petite girl and her friends got out too because they live the complete opposite direction. Their bus arrived so she told me to pick her up/hug her. She put her arms around my neck and i lifted her up and we stood like this. No kisses though.she was just laughing the whole time. Put her down, went home on my bus. Got home and got a friend request from her on Facebook.
She immediately started msging me and was trying to get me to text her because she didn't want to be on her computer anymore. Told her I have no phone but i'll see what I can do.
Texted her on an app on my Ipad and immediately set up for a date for friday. Well I said "hang out" but soon I might regret that. She was asking question like: "Do you live alone?" "Are we going to your place?" so I took this as the most obvious sign especially after reading lay reports on here.I was thinking "There's absolutley NO way I can fail at losing my virginity friday."

Friday April 5

She had to ride the bus all the way to my side of town and she mentioned earliar or the day before that she wanted to walk the trail in the woods near my house. I was planning on not even doing that because she was trying to control everything and I read that I was supposed to be the one leading the interaction.
Waited for her at the bus stop, she got off looking all cute with stockings, boots, an umbrella and a dress that was see through at the top part so I could see her cleavage (the wed night I couldn't tell if she had any)
We go to my place.
i make her take her shoes off at the door, show her around and she goes to the bathroom.
Comes out, sits on the floor for some reason...and tells me to join her. She is just acting quirky and excited at first. And keeps saying: "i know I'm weird" maybe shes just excited for what might happen.

Oh I forgot- backstory on a few of the texts traded before the date:
I was trying my best to throw in a little sexual innuendos sometimes and she texted a few times "what do you wanna do?"
I said i had a few things in mind and asked her what she absolutley did NOT want to do.
She said "be in the rain or eat dirt"
I took that as another clear sign. Sex was not out of the picture.

Anyway, we sit on the floor a few times and stand up and talk in the kitchen and basically I'm trying to build an emotional connection and deep dive...but all I really did was deep dive...I kept looking into her eyes and holding eye contact and we were building all kinds of sexual tension. Voices getting softer and whatnot.
I pulled her close a few times and held her to my body and looked into her eyes as we talked and she'd eventually pull away everytime which didn't upset me but was confusing. I kept trying to build up and build up. And sometimes I moved in to kiss her but she turned her face away or covered her mouth or say "sorry my kisses are special"
I began trying to kiss her when I realized I had better before ten minutes passed...which it kinda already did.
Maybe thats where I went wrong.

Anyway, I wanted to be persistent. She wasnt trying to leave or anything so I continued on. I couldn't think of any way to have sex without kissing her first..that was just illogical to me. I kept trying a little after she turned it down and eventually she was wanted to go to the trail because it stopped raining.
I told her we'll go to the trail if we kiss first. She turned that down and we stayed a little longer going back and forth about this. Sometime during the interaction i took her phone because she kept textinng and looking at it. And we sat on the floor with her back against a wall and my hand in between her legs almost touching her pussy. We sat there talking for a little while longer about random shit holding eye contact and faces close. A few times I kissed her forehead and her cheeks. She laughed at me kissing her forehead saying "what? Are you my grandpa now?"
She wouldn't let me kiss her lips so whatever...I told her we'll go to the trail.

On the trail
She led the way because apparently she goes there way more often than I do. i've only gone once. I think she also got us lost, we were on that thing for way too long...my legs still hurt.
Anyway, I even tried kissing her on the trail and pulled her close a few times and held her by me. But she pulled away for these too. I could tell she was getting tired of it and she said "Nigga, you're so thirsty" (saying I'm being desperate)
Then we went into some REAL connection building. I didn't feel like I was just trying to use techniques and stuff on her anymore and I think she just wanted to know more about me and what I was all about. Once she found out she started warming up to me. I ended up making it clear that I didn't want a gf and I wanted a casual thing. We made it out of the trail and back to my place.

We shared some food and then i picked her up and laid her down on the sofa and I had my hand between her legs actually touching her pussy this time. Didn't have my hand inside her stockings though. We talked more and stared into each others eyes. I started rubbing her pussy and she kinda gave me half hearted resistance. (i realize now that I could've escalated here)
Then we realized the time and I wanted to get her out before my mom got home which she completely understood. So we took a bus ride to the mall in order to keep the date going.

At the bus stop

She told me that she thought I just wanted to hang out and if I wanted to fuck, I should've just said i wanted to fuck her over the texts. She told me not to be straightforward like that with other girls though, she just likes when guys are straight forward with her.
I asked her if we would've fucked if I had just said it over text. She told me no, because she wasnt in the mood in its depressing and rainy outside. I suspected this was shit. Especially because of earliar...she was definately getting a little moist.
Anyway, she was warmer to me now. Being flirty and laying her head on me.
We shared food at the mall, went to catch our separate buses.
While we waited she told me we should go to her side of town and hang out. And I was thinking about it but I was just very tired and I was overthinking so when my bus arrived she said: " its okay, you can go." i asked he rif I go with her, would we fuck. She was like, boys are so nasty and she laughed it off and said no. Then she told me I better hurry because the bus was about to leave. Got on, realized I could've taken this further. Too late. Fuck up.

Got home, she texted me the rest of the night until I fell asleep. She was talking about just because we didn't fuck doesnt mean it is out of the question. Only thing is its on her terms but I guess beginners wouldn't get THAT lucky. So there's that. Also over texting she somehow figured out that I'm a virgin and apparently that turns her on and I should've told her sooner.

What I learned:
There's still much more I need to know before I get a first date lay.
I'm not good at building rapport the first time meeting someone. Its either I'm building rapport and missing out on the physical and sexual tension or I'm all about the sexual tension and there's no emaotional connection at all. This tuly is an art and I congradulate the guys who can balance this. One day, i'll get it mastered.
I learned about these shit tests they like to do. I realized after the fact about how many of them she threw at me.
I truly believe that if I saw past them, i would've gotten laid.

Anyways she's a really cool girl. I feel very close to her now almost like a close friend that I've known for years except we're friends with benefits. Also, I found out later on that she doesn't kiss guys that she fucks so that's why she turned down the kisses. If I knew other ways of escalating without kissing, I would've done it. We are going to hang out this weekend as well. Any tips?

Feel free to add any comments or suggestions.

That was back in April...and ive seen this girl occasionally since then at the music/art festival we go to every month. She's had maybe two boyfriends since then and we went through a radio silence period.
We're still not talking actually, but I'm starting to notice her obvious signals once again. (my fundamentals and game getting better)
Besides the Haitian girl, I'm going to try this girl again. It seems like it wouldn't be too difficult.
I don't have her new number, so I'll have to talk to her on Facebook.

I stopped trying with her because too much drama came out of it. She ended up telling the two other girls about everything, despite me explaining to her that I was discreet.
Her two friends then went and labelled me as a "creep" and talked behind my back about how creepy I was for tryi g to kiss the girl repeatly when she kept turning me down.
I only know about what they said behind my back because my friend sent me everything they we're saying to him about me.
I figured the only way to handle it was by not attacking them or defending myself but just waiting.
So I waited. I improved over the months since then...and now she's throwing signals at me once again.
Still...I don't know if it's quite time to strike.
The last music/art festival we went to, me and my friend ran into one of their friends.
Let's call her "Amy".
Amy was asking where they were and we told her we don't know and don't keep track of them anymore.
I then said: they probably don't want to hang out with us anyway. They don't like me...and they talk shit behind my back.
Amy was like: o.o and then after a bit more of talking she left and went to find them.
I assumed that she was going to tell them what i said because that's what girlfriends do. Gossiping and shit. Lol
Just as I guessed, she did. We ended up running into them and they came at me like:" Wes, Amy told us that you thought we were talking shit about you...what makes you think that? We don't even know you well enough to even do that."

Damn, they cornered me. I just let out a bit of jumbled words and then left.
The plan was that I wanted them to know that I knew about what they've been saying about me. And it be communicated that I don't give a damn what they think. (that's why I've never done anything about it)

My friend ended up telling them that he told me everything that they said about me behind my back. Then he defended me and said that their perception of me was completely wrong and i'm actually a really cool great guy.
NOW, we are finally good. I don't sense an ounce of hostility and coldness from them anymore.
They treat me like they did months ago before this whole incident.
Still, I had to stoop down to stupid passive mind games in order to win against them and clear the slate.

Now, I'm just going to give it a shot with the girl in the FU report again...and NOT mess it up this time.
Although, I don't know how to handle a second chance. Hopefully, she makes it easy for me like she did back then.
That's all for now. Just wanted to share that.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
A little bit of approach anxiety tried to stop me from meeting this woman today.

I was on way, walking thought the mall, to get somewhere for personal business. Not even thinking about approaching girls at all.
As I'm walking through JCPenny, I see this woman looking through the clothes racks in a woman's section.
I just keep walking and take a mental note of how cute she is. As I'm walking down the aisle, I notice that she's also moving closer to the place where I'll eventually connect and run into her. (not I intentional by her. She was just minding her business. This was a coincidence not an approach invitation)
I'm thinking: well, since she's going to be right there by me anyway, I might as well say something. (following law of least effort because I can at this point)
Then as we're getting closer to each other my mind starts to say: it won't go well. You haven't approached girls in days, so you're a little rusty. You might as well not even do it because it won't go anywhere.

I was about to say: you're right mind...what was I thinking.
But then I'm like: wait..no! Shut up...what if things go right? Who knows what'll happen? I might even learn something from this?
I hesitated then walk towards her slowly, swallowing any anxiety left in me. I could still feel my heart racing fast and my palms sweating.
My trick is too just slow time down. When I'm nervous, everything, including myself is going too fast.
I slowly walked. The mere action of slowly walking did it. Although for others that could draw out the anxiety.
I breathed. I spoke.
Me: hey.
She looked up in a vague frightened way.
Me: I know that this is kinda strange that I'm in the women's section but...I saw you from over there...and I had to say that you have a really great fashion sense. I adore that outfit.
Her: (her frightened face turns into a smile) oh! Thankyou! (now she's acting nervous)
Me: yea you're just really cute.
Her: (laughing nervously) Thankyou so much!
Damn, I'm complimenting her too much.
Me: what's your name?
Her: (Yesha or Eesha or something...it was foreign)
Me: my name is Tevin. (stretch out my hand, she shakes mine. She hesitates at first as if it is strange to shake hands)
Me: is it strange to shake hands with a stranger you just met. (I forgot what I said but I was drawing attention to the weirdness of our handshake)
Her: oh no, it's just I have a husband so blah blah blah (something about she doesn't want me getting the wrong idea)
That threw me off guard. I expect boyfriends sometimes, but HUSBANDS? She looked so young.This was her ultimate way of saying she wasn't Interested. She was still very interesting to me and I wanted to at least get a few questions answered before we never saw each other again. Things like:
Me: oh okay, well...I just like to talk to pretty girls, make their days and such...but...
Her: (after saying she was pretty she quickly throws in a "Thankyou" with a nervous laugh)
Me: where's the accent from?
Her: from Turkey.
Me: ohh..that's so cool. You're officially the first Turkish person I have ever met.
Her: (laughs) yea, I usually am the first Turkish person anyone has met.
Me: when did you come here?
Her: well actually I've been here most of my life.
Me: (now I'm really curious and have to ask) so how do you keep the accent if you've been here most of your life?
Her: I try to visit my country every summer if I can. I guess the accent has just never gone away.
Me: good. You should keep your accent. I like it.
Her: (laughs) Thankyou.
Damn, I'm complimenting too much. :/ this IS my first and ONLY approach of the day though.
at this point it becomes silent so then she
Her: well...it was nice to meet you..
Me: trying to get rid of me so soon? (ugh...I always say some lame beta shit with my first approaches)
Her: no, it's just I'm here with my mom and sister and I don't want to keep them waiting.
Me: oh okay, nice meeting you. (and I ejected)

Okay, so now that I managed to actually remember most of a whole interaction, we can now see that despite me being a beast at approaching, sometimes my conversations are not all that great.
Chase says that conversations aren't always some big fancy flashy thing but still, I can't help but feel like this was just boring. It could've been better.
And the thing is. A good few of my interactions go this way. I eject slapping myself over how boring they are.
Once in a blue moon, I'll come across someone that conversation just goes well with. (usually nerdy, geeky, anime or unattractive girls who are not my type)
But when it comes to "normal" people, I find myself struggling to keep things interesting.
There seems to be this shared understanding amongst other "weird" people that we can just be weird around each other and both accept each other and have a great conversation out of it.
Overall, I just avoid weird people because I'm not trying to be that way.
We become most like the people we hang around.
What I've always noticed was that I ALWAYS was the king of the weirdos. As in, I was the leader of the pack, controlling/leading conversations, setting the frames, etc. I was also the most socially calibrated and socially aware.
It's kind of an "unplugged from the matrix" feeling. I know what it's like to be them, but I can also interact with others outside of that scene.
It's often embarassing to be seen with them sometimes because of how socially unaware they can be.
I'm going to be honest and an open book here. I know that sounds mean but I'm trying to actively improve myself.
If they can't roll with me, they get left behind.

Back on track, my whole vibe during the interaction was kind of a nervous vibe and she may have been reflecting me. Although I did warm up as we went on. I could tell she was too.
It's just there was NOTHING to talk about.
I don't get why girls never ask me questions or contribute to conversation even when they're interested.
While other guys get it all the time. Sometimes i think it has to do with me...but then maybe women in this town are just very boring and don't know how to talk to somebody.
I also considered the fact that I'm just throwing people off guard with my uniqueness and they are still mulling over how they should respond to me.
I'm a very unstereotypical person that can't be thrown into any boxes.
When people meet me they notice:
I'm black but not your stereotypical "thug" with pants sagging and talking funny.
But at the same time, I'm not your typical "too good for black people" stuck up black-turned-white guy. I still have a look in my face that can be taken as unfriendly. I try to fix it by smiling at everyone I pass or make eye contact with because I'm tired of scaring people.
The stereotypes can go multiple directions and I've made sure throughout my life that I didn't fit any of them and come off as my own unique individual that I invented.
I wear (occasionally) what nobody else wears.
I make up my own words and speak like no one else.
When people try to place me In a box, the closest thing they can get to is that I look like a skate-boarder.
They can never tell that I like anime
Or that I listen to rap
Or anything about me.
I just exist and give no outward clues as to who I am.
I feel like this could be a good thing and a bad thing.
When people place you in a box, they make up their mind right then and there how they're going to treat you unless you show them differently.
When they can't, then there's nothing about you that can help them know you. You're mysterious. They don't know what to expect and it might frighten them.

The point is is that I'm not "normal" and conversing with normal people is hard.
I've read the articles on the 8 things you must ask and deep diving and all that multiple times
but i guess there's something i'm missing.
I find it impossible to remember those 8 questions.
I find it impossible to sit through boring small talk with people.
I'm just going to have to keep working on it. (positive thinking saving me from victim mentality)
It might take time but I'll figure it out.

That's all. My thoughts are all over the place and I don't know where I was trying to go with this.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013

Wesley said:
Me: hey.
Me: I know that this is kinda strange that I'm in the women's section but...I saw you from over there...and I had to say that you have a really great fashion sense. I adore that outfit.
Her: (her frightened face turns into a smile) oh! Thankyou! (now she's acting nervous)
Me: yea you're just really cute.
Her: (laughing nervously) Thankyou so much!
Me: what's your name?
Her: (Yesha or Eesha or something...it was foreign)
Me: my name is Tevin. (stretch out my hand, she shakes mine. She hesitates at first as if it is strange to shake hands)
Me: is it strange to shake hands with a stranger you just met. (I forgot what I said but I was drawing attention to the weirdness of our handshake)
Her: oh no, it's just I have a husband so blah blah blah (something about she doesn't want me getting the wrong idea)
Me: oh okay, well...I just like to talk to pretty girls, make their days and such...but...
Her: (after saying she was pretty she quickly throws in a "Thankyou" with a nervous laugh)
Me: where's the accent from?
Her: from Turkey.
Me: ohh..that's so cool. You're officially the first Turkish person I have ever met.
Her: (laughs) yea, I usually am the first Turkish person anyone has met.
Me: when did you come here?
Her: well actually I've been here most of my life.
Me: (now I'm really curious and have to ask) so how do you keep the accent if you've been here most of your life?
Her: I try to visit my country every summer if I can. I guess the accent has just never gone away.
Me: good. You should keep your accent. I like it.
Her: (laughs) Thankyou.

If you said everything here with intent and you were fully calm, speaking slowly, looking confident...this is very quality. Reason is that you're making several reality pacing statements in a row - and that defuses tension. Especially because she was so filled with it; some needed to be released.

Wesley said:
The point is is that I'm not "normal" and conversing with normal people is hard.
I've read the articles on the 8 things you must ask and deep diving and all that multiple times
but i guess there's something i'm missing.
I find it impossible to remember those 8 questions.
I find it impossible to sit through boring small talk with people.

Hmm..I remember when I first started reading GC, almost a year ago to this day, I was too nervous to practice my conversational abilities with women. So I took to "accepted" venues of socializing - a Meetup group. I met here an incredibly charismatic, charming man, who was the embodiment of the "natural". We talked for a long time; he was very welcoming and endearing. But his conversational style was a bit different than the strict guidelines set by "conversational guides". He'd ask simple questions like - "how old is your brother?"/"how as he adapted to living in a new country?"; "what sort of friends have you made here?"; "what was 'back home' like?". No mechanical feel, it just felt he was very interested in me. He was intrigued by my boring answers, and I felt a warmth and connection to this man that he was like a 'father figure'.

It's not about memorizing lines, or anything as such. What you want people to feel on the other end of the conversation is this: "This is a very charismatic, attractive man who's interested in me, even though I feel kind of plain/boring". You want the person to feel a bit vulnerable - but that they're special because they're getting attention from you. They'll feel a bit of pressure when you converse with them, and that's good, because then they auto-invest and/or self-qualify. And once you shift focus from what you're saying in the conversation... to the feelings and actions you want to pull from them, then you stop feeling like "how do I get him/her to like me?" and instead think "hmm, this is an interesting person" :)

Hope that makes sense, Tev.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
PrettyDecent said:

Wesley said:
Me: hey.
Me: I know that this is kinda strange that I'm in the women's section but...I saw you from over there...and I had to say that you have a really great fashion sense. I adore that outfit.
Her: (her frightened face turns into a smile) oh! Thankyou! (now she's acting nervous)
Me: yea you're just really cute.
Her: (laughing nervously) Thankyou so much!
Me: what's your name?
Her: (Yesha or Eesha or something...it was foreign)
Me: my name is Tevin. (stretch out my hand, she shakes mine. She hesitates at first as if it is strange to shake hands)
Me: is it strange to shake hands with a stranger you just met. (I forgot what I said but I was drawing attention to the weirdness of our handshake)
Her: oh no, it's just I have a husband so blah blah blah (something about she doesn't want me getting the wrong idea)
Me: oh okay, well...I just like to talk to pretty girls, make their days and such...but...
Her: (after saying she was pretty she quickly throws in a "Thankyou" with a nervous laugh)
Me: where's the accent from?
Her: from Turkey.
Me: ohh..that's so cool. You're officially the first Turkish person I have ever met.
Her: (laughs) yea, I usually am the first Turkish person anyone has met.
Me: when did you come here?
Her: well actually I've been here most of my life.
Me: (now I'm really curious and have to ask) so how do you keep the accent if you've been here most of your life?
Her: I try to visit my country every summer if I can. I guess the accent has just never gone away.
Me: good. You should keep your accent. I like it.
Her: (laughs) Thankyou.

If you said everything here with intent and you were fully calm, speaking slowly, looking confident...this is very quality. Reason is that you're making several reality pacing statements in a row - and that defuses tension. Especially because she was so filled with it; some needed to be released.

Wesley said:
The point is is that I'm not "normal" and conversing with normal people is hard.
I've read the articles on the 8 things you must ask and deep diving and all that multiple times
but i guess there's something i'm missing.
I find it impossible to remember those 8 questions.
I find it impossible to sit through boring small talk with people.

Hmm..I remember when I first started reading GC, almost a year ago to this day, I was too nervous to practice my conversational abilities with women. So I took to "accepted" venues of socializing - a Meetup group. I met here an incredibly charismatic, charming man, who was the embodiment of the "natural". We talked for a long time; he was very welcoming and endearing. But his conversational style was a bit different than the strict guidelines set by "conversational guides". He'd ask simple questions like - "how old is your brother?"/"how as he adapted to living in a new country?"; "what sort of friends have you made here?"; "what was 'back home' like?". No mechanical feel, it just felt he was very interested in me. He was intrigued by my boring answers, and I felt a warmth and connection to this man that he was like a 'father figure'.

It's not about memorizing lines, or anything as such. What you want people to feel on the other end of the conversation is this: "This is a very charismatic, attractive man who's interested in me, even though I feel kind of plain/boring". You want the person to feel a bit vulnerable - but that they're special because they're getting attention from you. They'll feel a bit of pressure when you converse with them, and that's good, because then they auto-invest and/or self-qualify. And once you shift focus from what you're saying in the conversation... to the feelings and actions you want to pull from them, then you stop feeling like "how do I get him/her to like me?" and instead think "hmm, this is an interesting person" :)

Hope that makes sense, Tev.

Thanks Nick, that was really helpful.
I keep forgetting that it's not about "getting" people to like me.
I can sometimes become this charismatic guy but it's not my natural state and my brain goes back to doing what's easier for me.
I figured I should re-program how I respond to things.
Could you elaborate on what feelings you're trying to make them feel?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013

Wesley said:
Could you elaborate on what feelings you're trying to make them feel?

Well, as a disclaimer, the easiest way to make people feel these things is by working on your fundamentals. Your charismatic presence stems from the thought of you as an attractive person. Though, that's all subconscious, and the person is not usually thinking "he's got his voice/body/social/fashion fundamentals down, and that's why I think he's attractive". What may come into mind for them is

- "I must be special if he's talking to me."
- "I don't feel 'worthy' to talk to him."
- "How do I keep him interested in me?"
- "How do I impress him?"

You'll also get "Damn! That man is attractive! I want him right now!" and auto-rejection, like "Wow, he's so COCKY. It must be because he's an ASSHOLE." You'll get a wide range of feelings to the people you talk to.

You'll tend to get the best results when you focus on:

- Being genuinely interested and present in the conversation, and the person you are talking to
- Focusing on fundamentals
- Leading the interaction forward (value-offerings to male or female friends, and sex for women you're interested in)


Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Nick's advice helped me today.

Once again, I did not plan on even talki g to girls at all today.
When I first started out, it was all I could think about. I was also very obvious that I was scoping out for girls and I looked desperate.
Now,I'm just going about my daily life and if I happen to see a cute girl, I'm not letting the opportunity to meet her pass by.
The first girl was a cute Filipina girl who looked around my age, was short and turned out to be 3 years older than me.
I had just finished coming out of a bathroom upstairs and as I'm walking down the walkway, I see this cute girl with a nice fashion sense dressed to the nines and looking warm. Her body was perfect. She was wearing black tights or stockings showing off her wonderful legs, boots, a petticoat.
I see her walking below me on the first floor, not sure if she is heading to the stairs to come up to where I am at. So I decide to go out of my way and go downstairs. As I'm going downstairs, she is coming upstairs. (yes! Nows my chance)
I hold out the stop sign.
She looks at me and smiles warmly.
Me: stop. You are so cute.
Her: (smiling warmly) Thankyou!
Me: what is your name?
Her: Tatiana. But some people call me TJ
Me: really? What a coincidence. I know another girl named Tatiana and she goes by TJ as well. That's so strange. So is the "j" like your middle name?
Her: haha my middle name starts with an "R". It's (forgot). My last name is the "j"
Me: oh wow...well you're officially the second female TJ that I've ever met.
Her: haha nice to meet you. Wait what's your name?
Me: oh, I didn't tell you my name? Haha it's Tevin. (shakes her hand)
A little silence creeps in but then I fill it with...
Me: I have to be honest, I was actually going to continue walking that way, but I saw you downstairs...and you look so cute and you have such a great fashion sense that I had to come talk to you.
Her: aw Thankyou.
Then we talk briefly about how cold and windy it is today and her warm looking tights. Used that as an opportunity to touch her leg(the tights)
Me: you must be...Cuban?( squinting my eyes)
Her: ( shakes her head smiling)
Me: hmm...puerto rican?
Her: (shakes her head) I'm Filipino.
Me: aw...You and Hispanics look very similar sometimes.
Her: (laughs) I know right! (I think it was here that she slipped in some statement about her boyfriend but I didn't freak out and just went on with the conversation)
Eventually she was like: well, it was nice meeting you. As if we were about to part ways because silence coming up. I wasn't ready to parts ways just yet. But I would move in and hug her like we were about to say bye but then I'd find something else to ask.
Me: I'm heading that way...come walk and talk with me.
Her: oh...but I'm heading that way and i have class.
Me: oh when's it start?
Her: (in 30 minutes...we have plenty of time)
Instead of either of us walking either way we just moved a few feet and then stopped there and kept talking.
I qualified her saying she seemed like an interesting 'artsy' person.
She disagreed and told me what kind of person she thought she was.
I asked if she liked reading books and she said she loved books and asked me the same question in return.
Then she's excited and is asking me what kinda books I like.
Me: sic-fi...I guess. Basically what guys would read. You won't find me reading "twilight"
Her: oh god no. I hate twilight.
Then we somehow ended up on the topic of "the hunger games" and stayed on it briefly, jumping from one topic to another (I need to work on this. I get bored pretty fast with some subjects and jump to the next thing that pops into my mind, making interactions short because I like to "get to the point" )
I don't remember all that we talked about but it came up that she was 23 and had a boyfriend.
She asked me my age but I refused to tell her because:"I don't want you putting me in a box based off of my age ;)"
(the last time I told a 27 year old woman that I was 20, she auto-rejected messaging I was too young)
She went along with it and never found out how old I am.
One thing that kept happening was that we talk a topic to its "end" and then things would get quiet for a little while. Not long enough where it was awkward but long enough where she took it as us parting ways.
The I'd just put my hand on her shoulder, pull her in for a hug and then find something else to talk about.
During the middle of all this she took my number, made her call me, exchanged names again. The I tried to set up a meet with her. I really want to see her again.
Since she only has morning classes, I said she should meet up in the mornings, have breakfast in the cafeteria and keep talking.
She agreed. Then I said: so if I text you, I'm just making sure I'm not wasting my time, you'll text back right?
She said she'll definitely text me back.
Then we parted ways.
Ended up butt dialing her this afternoon. Sent her a text saying: sorry, butt dial.
And I'm really hoping she didn't hear what I was saying when it happened. Lol
She didn't text back and I haven't sent her anything other than that.
I guess I can send her: happy thanksgiving or something holiday-ish tomorrow.

I did two other approaches but they were insignificant. One was a girl I already approached who had a boyfriend (surprisingly). I just kept the interaction platonic after I noticed that she wasn't responding positively to my statements of intent and other things.
She was sitting down playing on her 3ds the whole time and we were talking about Pokemon.
She was pretty cute for a weird girl. She looked very normal but it was obvious by conversing with her. She seems nervous and shy.
Another was a short one after I realized that I couldn't find any things in common to talk about.

Anyway, trying to work on un-filtering myself in conversation, deep diving, and being socially calibrated in the way I talk.
Worked out pretty well.
Texted Haitian girl to catch up briefly and see if we're still on for Friday.
No reply...and now I realize that it's "black Friday" so she may be busy and reschedule on me.

That's all for now,
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Oh yeah...one more thing.
Last night, a girl I went to high school with liked a status of mine and then I got curious and looked through her photos reminding myself of how cute she is.
Then i'm thinking: wait. Me and her hit it off pretty well...why has nothing ever happened?
Oh yea...the boyfriend.
But then I decide to send her a message and I'm like:
"aw your hair is not dyed blue anymore? What happened?"
Then we hit it off from there.
She still has a boyfriend but she responded to everything so well. Turns out she's a free spirit and likes to flirt and now she's texting me a lot (and sending back to back messages before I can reply lol)
And Im getting closer and closer to us talking really sexual with each other.
I've already gotten her to agree to meet up but working out the logistics for everything is tough right now.
Can't go to her place because her dad is over-protective.
Possibly come to mine but neither of us drive so that's a problem.
I usually screen girls for vehicles so I can ride with them and lead/direct them places.
It's an idea. I haven't officially tried this yet but I figured I should stop making excuses for why I'm not getting lay reports.
I have plenty of opportunities and plenty of girls that are into me.
If I lived in a walking city or in any of the places that people here on the forums lived, I'd probably be getting a ton of lays right now.

That's all.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I figured I should make this update before I got to sleep.

I managed to get to sex talking with the girl from previous post last night. This happened pretty fast. She was very receptive to my sexual frames and then within the same night we were discussing sex.
We still are now. I'm texting her as I'm typing this ;)
Basically, I'm having simple discussion about sex and finding out what she likes and her fantasies and just understand her mind so that I can make it amazing for her IF it happens. (which it probably will. She wants to come over)

It all began of course with me catching up with her on Facebook and then I threw in sexual frames that she responded well to.
Since she responded VERY well (much better than your average girl) I rewarded her.
I said something along the lines of: I didn't know you were so cool. You seem so open about talking sexual unlike other girls. For some reason they feel like they shouldn't or else they'll be labelled as sluts. That's not really fair, guys can sleep around and be a sexual as they want and nobody says anything, but when you girls do it, they get judged harshly.

She then agreed immediately saying: OH MY GOD...YES that's so true!
She then told me that she will usually talk sexual with "friends" she feels close enough to. (trying to friend frame me)
I simply replied that I was flattered that she felt "close" to me but we hardly know each other (attempting to get out of this friend frame)

After more deep diving,I'm finding out that despite her having a boyfriend, she's very open to things. There's only certain things she won't do that she will only do for her boyfriend. So I guess she's in an open relationship? (shows that the boyfriend objection doesn't matter because you'll never know)
She's telling me she's a "free-spirit" and other things, qualifying herself. I reward her for the good things and for the things I want her to keep sharing.
Then pretty late into last night we were talking about sex.
Found out she's bi, she talked about things she liked, past experiences, her fears during sex, our opinions about things.
Eventually we got tired and it was getting late so she texted me: I promise I'll text you first thing in the morning ;)
Then we're pretty much picking up where we left off and texting back and forth ( not every minute of every hour.i took breaks) about various things but always coming back to sex.
Here's a little snippet of things we're talking about ;)

Me: I'm sorry I'm talking about sexual things so much. It's just that it's rare for girls to be comfortable talking about this with guys so I'm just curious about your views and feelings on things. Also does the thought of being penetrated scare you or is it exciting?
Her: haha it's fine, I don't mind XD

Me: yea a lot of girls will act like they can't talk about this stuff but then get mad when guys don't understand their feelings or understand how to please them sexually.
Her: really? Dude! Girls are stupid.
Her: I guess that's why have a lot of guy friends XD
Her: haha
Her: sex should never be unpleasant.

Me: we'll what's your greatest sex fantasy like? Describe it to me.
Her: I'm not really sure what my fantasy is...

I think what guys more inexperienced than me can take from this is that sex doesn't have to be a big deal thing for you and a girl.
As you can see here, we're talking about it like its nothing as if two buddies were sharing with each other what kind of crazy porn they like to watch. We're just discussing preferences and such. Not that hard.

So far what I've gotten from this whole thing is that's she's experienced and has had what she called "a slutty phase in her life" (I cringe when girls slut shame themselves and other girls and I let her know not to use those words around me and reminded her that I wasn't judging her for anything in her past)
But she hasn't had anything amazing enough that has her sexually liberated or some shit. I think the reason she's with the guy she's with now is because he's the best lover she's ever had. She's had bad experiences before and she is afraid of a lot of things.
I think she's very open to a guy coming into her life, sweeping her off her feet and giving her a mind-blowing sexual experience that she has never had before.
And hopefully, that could be me. (despite me being a virgin...but lol I have the things I learned from GC. Right?)

This is what this is about guys. It's not just about improving ourselves but also about making the world a better place for women too by helping them experience the things they fantasize about. It's win- win.

That's all for now.
thanks to all the guys who have helped me get this far.