I might get a lay report up soon...but we'll see. I went ahead and posted about what's been happening with this girl for the past few weeks. I normally don't care for black girls in this town...but shes a foreigner so she's different. I seem to like girls from the islands and west Indian women. Women like Rihanna. Cute island accents and everything.
This girl looks like a fashion model. She's thin and sexy and has that islander je ne sais pas about her. She even speaks French.
Haitian girl
I first met her at the bus pickup area at my school. (probably in August or September) I was with my friend/sometimes wingman Victor and I was only talking to her for practice.
I don't quite remember how I opened her but I remember standing a few feet a away from her talking to my friend and then shooting her a compliment on something. Just being social. Talked for a bit, she had an accent, found out she was from Haiti, small talk.
Parted ways and didn't see her for weeks.
One day, walking to the cafeteria, I saw her sitting at a table outside alone with a bunch of books, as if she was studying. I thought she was someone else that I had met before and called her by that name. She looked up and smiled, I realized it wasn't who I thought it was but she looked familiar. I met her from somewhere.
I sat down with her and tried to figure out where I had met her from before.
I learned about everything she told me from the first time we met and then we began to talk about many subjects. I don't remember anything that was said because it was weeks and I mean WEEKS ago. I vaguely remember being on a roll that day, feeling powerful, like I could do anything and I had made sexual innuendos and set chase frames with her.
The take away I got from it was that she was very into me. I never took her number though.
I also remember walking with her to her class and thinking of kissing her that day. We were very physical, hugging a ton and I wanted to amp things up with a make out. Couldn't do it though because I'm still inexperienced at this and I missed out on any possible signs she gave me. I considered her a loss.
More weeks pass and we get to NOVEMBER.
I see her around more often now, studying in the library. She smiles and waves at me every now and then but for some reason I never made a move.
I can be picky sometimes and completely dismiss girls that are clearly into me.
I eventually cut that shit out and decide that if I want to get my first lay, I need to go for whatever is available. I collect many numbers but do nothing with them.
So then, I see her in the library again and I don't remember what was said but I got her to move with me to the cafeteria. Just above the cafeteria is a game room which has ping-pong tables, pool tables, and one fuseball table.
We go into the cafeteria and sit down at a table. We talk for a bit. Nothing special. She's boring...doesn't ask anything about me. She doesn't even know anything about me.
Once again we're catching up on things I should already know about her. I used to have a good memory when meeting people but now that I meet so many people on a daily basis, I cannot remember much about them unless they standout tremendously.
I broke the touch barrier that seemed to reform by drawing a yin-yang symbol on her hand because she didn't know what yin-yang was. I teased her about it and told her she probably does know and she's probably seen the symbol before, she just doesn't know what it's called. After drawing it on her hand with her pen, I lock fingers with her and we're holding hands. She squeezes our hands together as if she trying to make the ink transfer onto my hand. She takes her handoff and sees that it didn't work.
Somewhere in there, I get her number (finally) and move her upstairs to the game room.
We play fuseball and she tells me about how since she played futball (soccer) in her country, then she'll destroy me at this.
I'm like: you wanna make a bet?
Her: I don't do bets.
Me: alright...how about this...everytime I score, you give me something? And I give you something if you score.
Her: give what?
Me: how about a hug? (I was too scared to out-right say she should kiss me but then I quickly changed it and said

no a kiss.
Her: (smiling in embarrassment) nooo...we can't do that.
Me: how about on the cheek.
Her: let's just play the game.
We start playing and I'm winning at first. I score first and then walk over to her and say bring it in. She gives me a hug and I try to go for her lips but she turns her face away. I kiss her on her forehead instead.
She starts giggling.
She scores, I score, we're just hugging each other the whole time and I didn't try to force any kisses on her because I know how bad that can turn out.
She wins the first game.
Then we go again, this time she's texting with one hand a playing with the other hand. I'm destroying her and get down to my last two points.
She's like: alright, you win.
Me: no...I still have two left. You're not even trying. I'll let you catch up to me and then we'll battle it out for the last point.
Her: alright.
She is still texting so I walk over to her and act like I'm about to take her phone.
She starts laughing saying: okaaaay, I'll put it away.
Then we go back to the game, both going full on, knocking the ball back and forth.
She manages to end up scoring on me while I wasn't protecting my goal.
Dang she won. She starts accusing me of letting her win and I deny it and pull her in for a hug. We're standing there hugging for awhile, her head in my chest, while ignoring all the people around us playing other games. From other people's point of view, we probably already look like a couple.
She gets a text and says her Mom is here to pick her up so we walk downstairs together.
She tells me she doesn't want her mom to see me and I say alright so I pull her in once again for a final goodbye.
Not enough. I remember us doing it one more time before she left and for some reason I never take that as an opportunity to kiss ( I hug girls a lot too, my ex actually got sick of it.)
Earlier we had talked about seeing each other the next day (Friday) and then leaving school together to do something.
She walks away looking back at me saying: byeeee (with a dreamy eyed look in her eyes)
Me: good morning!
Her: oh hey. Ur up early!
Me: ( texts gone, don't remember what I said)
Her: normally. I would stay in bed till 9-9:30ish but today I have 2hrs to write a 3 page essay. Wish me luck :-(
Me: (telling her where I'll be at school)
Her: lol I'll try to stop by at 11
(accidental butt-dial while walking up the stairs)
Her: u sure u meant to call me?
Me: whoops! That was an accident.
Her: butt-dialing ppl that early huh! (9:03 am)
Me: you at school yet?
Her: nah almost (12:04)
Her: where are you?
me: in the cafe.
Her: I'm n da library
I walk to the library after finishing what i'm doing. No need to rush. Then I search the third floor library for her. Can't find her. That's where she usually is. Maybe she's on the second floor library? I search the second floor. Still can't find her. Re-search the third floor. Nothing. It's getting close to the time I have to leave and I have other things I have to do.
I re-check the second floor and find her in a secluded room with a tutor. I walk in slowly as if wondering if I'm allowed to be there.
Me: hey..
Her: hey!
Me: I was having a hard time finding you. I guess you're busy now.
Her: yea.. (her tutor was giving me the evil eye)
Alright I'll see you around I guess. Turned and left, she is like: byeeee (with a dreamy eyed look in her eyes)
Texted her the next day on Saturday.
Me: good morning! What are you doing today?
Her: I'm gonna be working from 2-10pm but right now I'm in class.
Me: wow you have Saturday classes too. Well I'm free tomorrow...if you wanna do something. Let me know.
Her: Ikr. I don't know what I was thinking and it's a 4hr and 45 min class
me: it seems like you need some time to relax and take your mind off school for awhile

Her: yea, I need to get a life
Me: I can help with that

what are you doing tomorrow?
Her: hmm I'm gonna wake up around 10, get ready to go to work at 12, I get out of work at 4. Then I have to go to church at 5, church ends at 7.
Me: maybe you wanna do something after 7? I promise I won't keep you up too late. Lol
Her: like what?
Me: if you were to take me out, where would YOU take me?
Her: if you were to take ME out where would you take me?
me: I asked you first.
Me: what? It's a blank text.
Her: Well, I surely didn't send you a blank message. Now it's your turn to answer mine.
Me: lol you're funny ( I thought the blank text was her being funny saying that she had nothing in mind) well...I'd take you for a walk on the beach, maybe eat. Maybe. It'll be fun. How's that sound?
Her: terrifying! Can we reschedule for next week?

me: really? You're scared of the beach? It depends on what I'm doing next week. What do you have in mind?
Her: haha I was kidding, I'm not scared of the beach, nobody is. We have to schedule tho, I have a test on Monday and I haven't studied for it yet.
Me: alright you busy bee. Lol tell me when next week and I'll let you know if I'm free.
Her: idk yet actually but it can't be Thursday nor Saturday.
Me: do you know your schedule for work or is it a call in kind of job?
Her: they give me a schedule every week, I know I'm gonna be working on Thursday and Saturday next week, but sometime they call me to ask me if I can come in.
Her: or to tell me they have changed my schedule
-I stop replying-
I come to the realization that I haven't disqualified myself as a boyfriend candidate yet, and she probably thinks that this is where this is going. Luckily, she hasn't gotten to know me yet and I haven't really deep dived her either. If I did, I forgot everything. So if we manage to go on a date, I will:
Disqualify myself as being a bf.
Let her know my views on sluts vs. good girls and tell her that I don't judge.
Build sexual tension and build up to a kiss on the date
If everything goes well, get her to come back to my place with some excuse like "watch a movie" and then get as far as I possibly can after that.
Wish me luck.