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The Game is just a tool. We need A LOT of other things to succeed with super high quality women


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 3, 2025
Summed it up nicely here!

What I take from this site is that it teaches men how to behave to achieve what they want with the women they want - It teaches behavior and social skills with a heavy lean towards cold approach pick up. It also has the best resources on maintaining long term relationships IMO.

You're thinking of pick up as a set of tactics and techniques, but it's really the man you become, it is through the being that things are achieved with the tools used to execute them.

So if you want to pick up famous girls (not sure why you'd want to, when there are more beautiful girls at the local mall or night club you can pick up), then you probably need to become famous yourself or become Chase level good at picking up girls.

Or you can develop yourself to a pretty good level or create a social circle where you're pretty successful and have access to beautiful girls just the same...
Not ONLY "being" but BOTH being and doing. Both inner mindset, way to move through life and having good routines and structure. For a tight pick up or social skills both are needed.

Why to pick up famous girls - Do get super Preselection, get in right social cricles etc.
I don't think anyone would dispute this - the number of beautiful and hot women in a Hollywood party or playboy mansion (just examples of right places) is wayyyy high than in some Mall.
Yeah that's what I am saying skillset and right social circles both I needed.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 3, 2025
Actually there was a guy met at RSD World Summit who was dating a VERY FAMOUS influencer (10M+ followers).

He came to the summit because he was struggling to manage dating this girl.

A lot of celebs date "industry people" and it's hard to know how much PUA background/study they have.

If you look at Ariana she married a young real estate agent.

Also, have you read the game ? Neil Strauss dated Courtney Love when she was at a peak fame point...
Yes you met "A" guy not A lot of guys with 10+ million insta followers (btw I would field reports of that seduction) - that's the problem. We don't want it to be accidental but wanna do it consistently.
Dating a model/ famous actress etc. should't be an event but A NORM.
Yes managing her can be hard cause they have a lot going on in their own life and are exposed to new opportunities every day.

For Ariana case - read it again SHE CHOSE THAT GUY. Again we don't know full details but It doesn't sound like a deliberate and conscious seduction.

Courtney Love proposed sex but he left the room cause she was not mentally stable. I don't think they ever dated or had sex.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 3, 2025
Neil Strauss publicly dated a moderately famous singer and was married to a model. Rsd Tyler publicly dated a playboy playmate for a while.

Adam Lyons mentioned he pulled a relative of Jackie Chan’s (niece or something I don’t remember) and he was in a news a long time ago for pulling some reality tv star.

I suppose these aren’t A-list though, and in the case of Neil and Tyler they were somewhat wealthy / famous.

If you want a high status woman your best bet would be having a well built social circle. As far as an A list celebrity you probably need to be famous yourself, I’m sure A list celebs date / marry people who aren’t celebrities but engineering that to happen would be really difficult and I doubt they’d want someone who specifically seeks them for their fame.
Yeah Neil strauss is probably the best seduction community has ever seen. But even after being surrounded by a lot of celebs and actresses and models and sarging and gaming them. He went only so far but still It was amazing. (9.5/10 for him)

Dating playboy playmates shouldn't be an event but A NORM (all his girlfriends same or above) . It has to be the bare minimum for a guy like Tyler who spent his whole life and career in seduction. Think about it.
I know it's a ridiculous desire but Heyyy we will get there. That's why we come together on forums like these.

Yeah both of them did great but why not take it to the next level.
Why there is a dating history of Pete Davidson and not Neil or Tyler or Mystery cause about them nobody gives a fuck cause haven't dated any extremely objectively desirable women?

Just to add one more thing - GAME is about figuring out and reverse engineering SYSTEMS.
Donald Trump, Kardashians, gene Simmons, Hugh Hefner, Dan Bilzerian - they are playing their game too and they seem to be way more bigger and extreme and powerful than cold approach pick up.
(Again very useful skill but still like pick pocketing in terms of scale instead of establishing a business)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 6, 2019
Yes you met "A" guy not A lot of guys with 10+ million insta followers (btw I would field reports of that seduction) - that's the problem. We don't want it to be accidental but wanna do it consistently.
Dating a model/ famous actress etc. should't be an event but A NORM.
Yes managing her can be hard cause they have a lot going on in their own life and are exposed to new opportunities every day.

For Ariana case - read it again SHE CHOSE THAT GUY. Again we don't know full details but It doesn't sound like a deliberate and conscious seduction.

Courtney Love proposed sex but he left the room cause she was not mentally stable. I don't think they ever dated or had sex.

Uh bro what you're referring to is possible but only the top TOP .01% of PUAs would be nearing this..

It by definition can't be the norm since there are only ~100 A List females. You could expand that to 500-1000 as well if you want to include B List...

Anyhow, there are millions of guys who try to be PUA.
- many fail (50%+)
- some get good enough for a few lays and then end up in Monogamous LTR with ugly girl lol (40%)
- some small % get great and have 100+ lays, then end up in Monogamous LTR with hot/high caliber girl (5%)
- some get amazing, 100+ lays, consistent hq girls, end up in MLTR territory with multiple hot girls, maybe hook up with the occasional celeb (1% ? probably much less)
- By definition only legit LEGENDS get to the point of FWB/MLTR DATING celebs (.01%)

I've been on date with a minor celeb (on popular TV show) and I could have closed but I f'd it up (I set up date through social circle).

It is more doable than you think...

If you want another example then Matthew Hussey was brought up in London PUA scene and dated famous singer Camilla Cabello for a while.

The guys who get very very good at PUA/social circle to get around these type of girls are DIRECTLY INCENTIVIZED TO NOT MAKE IT KNOWN THAT THEY HAVE A PUA BACKGROUND.

Being known for studying PUA is very low status. Of course, many male celebs/rich guys have read books on dating etc... They aren't going to just go ahead and announce it to the world lmao
Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 6, 2019
Dating playboy playmates shouldn't be an event but A NORM (all his girlfriends same or above) .

BTW Playboy playmates is no longer high status to date.

It was high status at one point in the 70s, 80s, 90s, I think in 2010s it became more porn-ish.

Now that Hugh Hefner passed away, and with the rise of Social Media, "Playboy Playmates" is no longer "a thing" unfortunately.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
@Seduceceleb here's my simple advice:

1. Go out and cold approach, and see what sort of girls you can get
2. Focus on getting girls one rung above what you can currently get
3. Repeat

And if you want to focus on celebrities, go and find a way to be around them, rather than projecting all sorts of notions about things that aren't based on your experiences.

The last thing you want is your choices to be governed by what other guys are or aren't doing, instead of taking things into your own hands and seeing what you can do.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Agree -- but I am talking about objectively desirable. Most desirable here is from OBJECTIVE pov - How many men are drooling over her and how many women wanna be in her position ?

I suggest you go back to my question of “why do you care that there are million other dudes drooling for her?”

Beauty being equal, what is the appeal of being validated by the masses?

There is something for you to unpack there.

Regarding lay reports, sorry, I don’t do LRs.
Not sure if they would be interesting to you either way, I am not based of the USA so the actresses I dated appear in TV shows and movies in Mexico.
I wonder if you would even consider them “A-listers” despite the fact they are as hot as any Holllywood girl.

But you can find plenty of LRs in the forum… just look for “socialite” or “celebrity”… I’ve seen a bunch of them and they should give you some context on what is needed to achieve what you’re looking for.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Social circle game is a deliberate gaming style where you can pipeline very hot girls.
Did it.
Lovesystem has a program to get started. Search for braddock. Check youtube.
But its just a starting point. But it provides a framework.

My strat was to build a set of inner circle girls where several of them had girls with hot international friends coming by.
I brought several girls together in what is called a spiderweb around me and a few select guys i co-lead it with.
via that the connector girls called me eg. when they had friends coming by - i was the fun, cute, trendy & trusted friend they liked to party & hang with, warm leads and BAM. You can get the girls to work for you, they appreciate it too being around cool guys who take care of them and give them various experiences and friendship if you know what you doing.

Celeb game is similar. game the crowd. Or the whole sc. to the level where girls become sticky to you as we called it.
Then when you exctract her you need to manage the direct to girl interaction. And the frame settign of you and her in the SC. + more. And there are intra SC hierarchies you need to be aware of aka who you fuck to fuck the higher level girls etc.

Many of those of us doing it hit an insane quality average.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


May 22, 2024
Most desirable here is from OBJECTIVE pov - How many men are drooling over her and how many women wanna be in her position ? - for me personally most celebs are not desirable - But I am talking about - CAN WE GET THEM? - Do we do or not that's different. But can we?
(Testament of our attraction and social skills)

Totally agree - Nothing is more repulsive to a woman than to tell them that you are a pro "seducer". Bad, very Bad.
But on this forum or in between we can atleast.
Also there are many guys who are seducers - naturally or they don't share it in public - so agree with this.

A lot of evidence ?? -- I would love to read field reports about celebrity/supermodels or any high profile seduction. Can you or anymore refer those to me. Maybe make a separate list of them.

Yeah for marrying and long term relationship - A LOT of other things needed as I said.

Here by "best" I mean most objectively desirable women. I know most actress and models or any women who uses her body as her primary tool has -- external locus of validation. A lot Drama and mess up. Agree.

Also if you dated an actress (I hope famous ones - not a waitress calling herself an actress) - please can you write field reports Sir or maybe to refer to one.
Thanks for your answer.

I work in the fashion industry, so I’m around a lot of models and have been around semi-famous ones. This is generally true for the most part. Most models tend to have subpar social skills, manic personality disorders and some are mildly autistic.

Also there are exceptions but many are mid looking without makeup, they just have height, bone structure and body types that agencies find desirable.

The key to meeting and gaming these girls is getting into their social circle, either through attending events (fashion events etc) or you can cold approach on the street near modeling agencies.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 3, 2025
I suggest you go back to my question of “why do you care that there are million other dudes drooling for her?”

Beauty being equal, what is the appeal of being validated by the masses?

There is something for you to unpack there.

Regarding lay reports, sorry, I don’t do LRs.
Not sure if they would be interesting to you either way, I am not based of the USA so the actresses I dated appear in TV shows and movies in Mexico.
I wonder if you would even consider them “A-listers” despite the fact they are as hot as any Holllywood girl.

But you can find plenty of LRs in the forum… just look for “socialite” or “celebrity”… I’ve seen a bunch of them and they should give you some context on what is needed to achieve what you’re looking for.
Yess part of me is looking for validation. True. But not all.
It's also about proving to myself that I can get any woman I want. It becomes my reality not only my belief.
(And every guy deep down wants this, If they are saying otherwise they are lying to themselves or find it too hard or too much work so just REFRAME it saying..ohh I don't want celebrity girl on my arm.)

The reason I am saying A listers because IMO they are the hardest to get and not because they are the hottest.
So it's like - If I can get them I can get any woman the planet. Kind of cool isn't it?

Also the massive social proof.
I bet people don't know Pete Davidson cause of his comedy mainly.

Many more reasons. Validation and kind of establishing social dominance is part of it but not all.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 3, 2025
I suggest you go back to my question of “why do you care that there are million other dudes drooling for her?”

Beauty being equal, what is the appeal of being validated by the masses?

There is something for you to unpack there.

Regarding lay reports, sorry, I don’t do LRs.
Not sure if they would be interesting to you either way, I am not based of the USA so the actresses I dated appear in TV shows and movies in Mexico.
I wonder if you would even consider them “A-listers” despite the fact they are as hot as any Holllywood girl.

But you can find plenty of LRs in the forum… just look for “socialite” or “celebrity”… I’ve seen a bunch of them and they should give you some context on what is needed to achieve what you’re looking for.
Yess part of me is looking for validation. True. But not all.
It's also about proving to myself that I can get any woman I want. It becomes my reality not only my belief.
(And every guy deep down wants this, If they are saying otherwise they are lying to themselves or find it too hard or too much work so just REFRAME it saying..ohh I don't want celebrity girl on my arm.)

The reason I am saying A listers because IMO they are the hardest to get and not because they are the hottest.
So it's like - If I can get them I can get any woman the planet. Kind of cool isn't it?

Also the massive social proof.
I bet people don't know Pete Davidson cause of his comedy mainly.
I work in the fashion industry, so I’m around a lot of models and have been around semi-famous ones. This is generally true for the most part. Most models tend to have subpar social skills, manic personality disorders and some are mildly autistic.

Also there are exceptions but many are mid looking without makeup, they just have height, bone structure and body types that agencies find desirable.

The key to meeting and gaming these girls is getting into their social circle, either through attending events (fashion events etc) or you can cold approach on the street near modeling agencies.
Did you game them? How well they respond to game?
What obstacles did you face?
Attention retention? Or not having enough value or anything?

I agree they are not that hot in real life. Maybe just look good on the camera.

You tried building social circle to get the most famous ones?
How has been your experience? How is your hit rate?
Maybe it's gonna helpful for a lot of guys here if you share. If you already did please refer to those posts etc.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 3, 2025
Social circle game is a deliberate gaming style where you can pipeline very hot girls.
Did it.
Lovesystem has a program to get started. Search for braddock. Check youtube.
But its just a starting point. But it provides a framework.

My strat was to build a set of inner circle girls where several of them had girls with hot international friends coming by.
I brought several girls together in what is called a spiderweb around me and a few select guys i co-lead it with.
via that the connector girls called me eg. when they had friends coming by - i was the fun, cute, trendy & trusted friend they liked to party & hang with, warm leads and BAM. You can get the girls to work for you, they appreciate it too being around cool guys who take care of them and give them various experiences and friendship if you know what you doing.

Celeb game is similar. game the crowd. Or the whole sc. to the level where girls become sticky to you as we called it.
Then when you exctract her you need to manage the direct to girl interaction. And the frame settign of you and her in the SC. + more. And there are intra SC hierarchies you need to be aware of aka who you fuck to fuck the higher level girls etc.

Many of those of us doing it hit an insane quality average.
Those are great ideas. It's easy to game girls through girls.

Just one query - How you deal with them when you sleep with many of them in same social circle.
I guess gf-bf frame won't work.

How you establish the dynamics so that they don't feel jealous of each other and sleep with you and ALSO Bring new girls for you???


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 3, 2025
@Seduceceleb here's my simple advice:

1. Go out and cold approach, and see what sort of girls you can get
2. Focus on getting girls one rung above what you can currently get
3. Repeat

And if you want to focus on celebrities, go and find a way to be around them, rather than projecting all sorts of notions about things that aren't based on your experiences.

The last thing you want is your choices to be governed by what other guys are or aren't doing, instead of taking things into your own hands and seeing what you can do.
Yess agree. Good advice.

I was just looking for systems people might have figured out for dating celebs. Some advice related to that.
But for sure I do cold approach. Come on ability to game and cold approach is like a superpower.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
Uh bro what you're referring to is possible but only the top TOP .01% of PUAs would be nearing this..

It by definition can't be the norm since there are only ~100 A List females. You could expand that to 500-1000 as well if you want to include B List...

Anyhow, there are millions of guys who try to be PUA.
- many fail (50%+)
- some get good enough for a few lays and then end up in Monogamous LTR with ugly girl lol (40%)
- some small % get great and have 100+ lays, then end up in Monogamous LTR with hot/high caliber girl (5%)
- some get amazing, 100+ lays, consistent hq girls, end up in MLTR territory with multiple hot girls, maybe hook up with the occasional celeb (1% ? probably much less)
- By definition only legit LEGENDS get to the point of MLTR DATING celebs (.01%)

I've been on date with a minor celeb (on popular TV show) and I could have closed but I f'd it up (I set up date through social circle).

It is more doable than you think...

If you want another example then Matthew Hussey was brought up in London PUA scene and dated famous singer Camilla Cabello for a while.

The guys who get very very good at PUA/social circle to get around these type of girls are DIRECTLY INCENTIVIZED TO NOT MAKE IT KNOWN THAT THEY HAVE A PUA BACKGROUND.

Being known for studying PUA is very low status. Of course, many male celebs/rich guys have read books on dating etc... They aren't going to just go ahead and announce it to the world lmao
I’d say the failure rate is closer to 90 percent than 50 percent based on my experiences for 4 years in London - most barely hack 10 approaches let alone a coffee date


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
Neil Strauss publicly dated a moderately famous singer and was married to a model. Rsd Tyler publicly dated a playboy playmate for a while.

Adam Lyons mentioned he pulled a relative of Jackie Chan’s (niece or something I don’t remember) and he was in a news a long time ago for pulling some reality tv star.

I suppose these aren’t A-list though, and in the case of Neil and Tyler they were somewhat wealthy / famous.

If you want a high status woman your best bet would be having a well built social circle. As far as an A list celebrity you probably need to be famous yourself, I’m sure A list celebs date / marry people who aren’t celebrities but engineering that to happen would be really difficult and I doubt they’d want someone who specifically seeks them for their fame.
Adam Lyon’s also claimed to have a 0 percent rejection rate which is ridiculous - I’d Becareful listening to him he bullshits a lot


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Yess part of me is looking for validation. True. But not all.
It's also about proving to myself that I can get any woman I want. It becomes my reality not only my belief.
(And every guy deep down wants this, If they are saying otherwise they are lying to themselves or find it too hard or too much work so just REFRAME it saying..ohh I don't want celebrity girl on my arm.)

The reason I am saying A listers because IMO they are the hardest to get and not because they are the hottest.
So it's like - If I can get them I can get any woman the planet. Kind of cool isn't it?

Ah, OK. So it is more like a chip on your shoulder.... something you just have to accomplish for yourself.

If that is the case then definitely do it.

Laying an A-list celeb is going to definitely take you some years but it is a nice aspirational goal.
You will find in your path that there are plenty of celeb-caliber girls who are not in the eye of the public... please share your adventures in a journal on these forums. it will be interesting to rad them.

Your first post came up to me as "anyone who doesn't want a celeb is an idiot and liying to himself"... and I was like "naahhh, plenty of reasons why you don't want to date a public figure".
But I get you better now.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 21, 2023
The reason I am saying A listers because IMO they are the hardest to get and not because they are the hottest.
So it's like - If I can get them I can get any woman the planet. Kind of cool isn't it?
To flip the switch a little bit - why are there famous male celebrities that struggle to consistently get the girls they want, use manipulative strategies or even assault girls?

Because they have bad game.

Fame, looks, and money open opportunities. Game converts those opportunities.

I agree that game is a tool, just like fame, looks and money are. But if I had to chose to be a master of one of these, I would chose game. Game makes life fun, it feels like achievements were more because of who you are as a person internally than your external values.

You also cannot lose game in the same way you can lose fame, money etc. Sure you can be out of practise, but a bit of practise and you can be back 'in the game'.

Regardless of how the famous celebrities that consitently date A list girls learned game, I'm sure that many of them could lose all their money, fame and looks and still do well with girls.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Make a list of all the hottest and most desirable women.

As if there's just a list? Lmao. Are famous bitches the only super fucking hot and most desirable women?

There's super fucking hot women all over the planet that don't have an invite to the Red Carpet this year buddy, lol.

Looks, Money, Status, fame etc still beat the game by miles.
Troll alert lol cya bud!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2019
Yess agree. Good advice.

I was just looking for systems people might have figured out for dating celebs. Some advice related to that.
But for sure I do cold approach. Come on ability to game and cold approach is like a superpower.

Speculation on my part but from what I’ve seen a lot of celebrities have access to celeb dating apps. Yea there is still a very large portion of in-person game that still happens but from my rich friends they tend to just hire people to take care of that aspect of dating for them.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
from my rich friends they tend to just hire people to take care of that aspect of dating for them.
Oohhhh, quite interesting.

Now I am curious about that. How would a super rich socially incompetent go about finding high caliber women?

Is that like a paid service you need to apply for and they hook you with someone?
Or is it more like a dating app with very restrictive requirements?

I once stumbled upon a network of “high value” individuals that will set you up but men had to be 40+ to apply so I couldn’t even consider it.