Step #1: take bootcamps with the most talented guys in the game, wing with a series of high count players and naturals, make ridiculous amounts of approaches, fail a lot, learn the ins and outs, shag a lot, date a bunch of out of your league girls.
Step #2: get active on the biggest seduction forums, do loads of field report breakdowns for other guys to train up your analytical skills and ability to add value, look to constantly draw insights and add to the conversation, become the #7 top-voted all-time poster on the largest global seduction forum and the most popular poster in your local seduction forum. Get guys to ask you to start a website.
Step #3: start a website and start regularly coaching guys to do what you do at the same time. Put tons of pressure on yourself to make sure your coaching clients get massive value out of their sessions with you. Discover that clients are almost always all missing the same series of steps, and that if you can teach these steps men will have significant upgrades in their game.
Step #4: integrate the lessons from your coaching into your teaching online, and use them plus the other stuff you have learned along the way as the basis for a book. Publish the book, keep publishing articles, get popular on Reddit, StumbleUpon, and other sites, end up being linked to all across the web on various forums, and begin pulling in hundreds of thousands of visitors per month, until you are the head of the highest trafficked, most popular men's dating advice blog on the planet. Accumulate hundreds, then thousands, of heart-warming testimonials from men about how you changed their lives, saved their lives, lifted them out of depression, got them approaching girls, gave them material that worked when nothing else did, were responsible for them meeting their girlfriend, fiancée, wife; have guys tell you they named their son after you because without you they'd never have met the mother.
Step #5: write a new video sales letter for one of your offers that includes many of these details in it. Head to the studio to record. Have the studio happen to have an attractive female assistant on-hand who overhears the entire story. Exit the studio after 2 hours of exhausting recording to find the female assistant starstruck and gushing about how incredible all that was and offering to drive you back into the city herself after she learns you took transit to get out of town, then have her hit on you the whole way back and not really want you to get out of her car.
Step #6: create another product, this one the most heavily researched and comprehensive program ever created on seduction. Spend 500 hours compiling it, researching it, making it as thorough as humanly possible. Then hire a film crew, fly to the film location, run casting calls with a series of actresses to screen for attractiveness + chemistry, start shooting. Slave drive the entire production, keeping everyone on-set 12-14 hours per day almost every single day for 2.5 weeks, finding every possible way you can to keep morale up and stave off burnout/exhaustion. A third of the way in get cornered on the balcony during a break between shooting by the female director and two actresses to be told that men don't need to learn this stuff, it is way too much information, it is just putting guys into their heads, that guys just need to follow their instincts. Respond to this by taking them through the entire thing: explain why it is so vital, explain the effects it has had on men and the scope of what you have already built, and completely bring them into your world, transforming their perspective. Return to set, girls are all on board now, and over the course of the production one of the actresses gets so close with you and there is such heavy chemistry that half the guys who talk to you after watching the course ask you if she is your girlfriend; meanwhile the female and both actresses become fans and start talking about how they are paying attention to everything now, it is all super interesting, and they will be using this themselves. Later on have one of these women call you up to meet you one-on-one when she has just had a major spat with her boyfriend, and who very clearly appears to be making herself available to you, and who later comments on how unusual it was you instead just counseling her on her relationship since "I was very vulnerable; I would've thought most guys would've tried to sleep with me there" (cool chick, and sexy, but I was not going to blow up a working relationship for a bit of tail!).
That would be some of my experience in terms of getting oneself to the position where one has some manner of star power, then taking women who are not already conscious of you and your star power and conveying it to them in a CONVINCING way.
Though again, personally, women behaving starstruck is just a very weird feeling.
It makes you feel somewhat (or a lot) objectified.
It makes you feel like everything else about you doesn't really matter and the girl is just into the 'status' she perceives you as having, which really if you were a slick liar could all just be lies (in fact, I had a compulsive liar friend who did just this; weaved a complete fake super high status lifestyle, educational background, career path, backstory, etc. for himself that was all a big fiction; nevertheless he was so good at it and so genuinely smooth and calibrated that everyone treated him like the super high status guy he made himself out to be).
You cannot just walk up to a girl and tell her, "I don't know if you know who I am but I'm kind of a big deal."
If she does not know who you are, she either needs to see a lot of high level people treating you with deference OR you need to take her through a complete
grounding sequence so she understands who you are and where your 'star' comes from.
Anyway, now you know what it takes to engineer star power.
I would first start with becoming a star.
If you will do so in this niche, I would start by banging a bunch of chicks and getting really good.
Then see if you still care about star power after (hint: you won't).
(first bootcamp I ever took, the one instructor mentioned that the other instructor had been lead guitarist in a rock band that had become locally popular. At one point he'd been working to get his band to go national. Someone asked if he still played. "I did it for pussy," he said. "After learning to do this I don't really need it anymore." Everyone just laughed. As soon as you have a reliable skill set for getting quantity + quality pussy, you do not care about being famous anymore)