You can easily date/bang models, it's not even that hard. Most aren't very smart so the actual smart ones are desperate for a man who they can have real conversations with, not just buy them drinks. And they are generally dirt poor so more receptive to being asked out for a night on the town.
It helps if you live in NYC or Miami or LA. Access is key as everyone has noted. When I first moved to NYC I was like you - how can I date the hottest girls in Manhattan? But my game was putrid. I met models at every bar and club but had little success, also due to not knowing a thing about fashion. Although you can find equally hot girls in Manhattan with real jobs/in school.
It was after grad school when I went back to Manhattan I started having success in Game. I have a good eye for colors I learned about men's and women's fashion as a hobby. As I got older I was able to pick up and then date two working models who walked in Fashion Week for famous names like CK, at very different times in my life.
Both were 9s without makeup, very tall of course -skinny fit- and incredibly smart. One was very sexual and kinky, def partly crazy, guys were intimidated by her height and beauty [and brains]. The other was a more girl-next-door type, a bit shorter, a bit more curves, and insanely great long hair [and brains].
I'd put either of them up against any famous A-list actress, no makeup, no special lighting. And they were both 21 when we met. One I got from daygame.
My favorite NYC story: I was late 20s and invited to the party at a friend of a friend's apt in the W. Village, he was a florist from Brazil. A good friend invited me so I went, brought a bottle of wine. Arrive, nice apt but not huge or anything, my friend is talking to the host, introduces me, and I say 'Where do you want me to put the wine?'
They both get this little smile on their face and the host says just leave it in the kitchen would you?
So I go in there, and standing there talking to her 5 sisters is the young, very famous Giselle Bundchen. I was immediately tongue-tied and awkward, had to drop the bottle on the table and leave the room. My alltime fave beauty and I couldn't even say hello properly.
Two of her sisters were hotter than she was. Not a joke.
1) Location, location, location. I've spent half my life in Miami and NYC. Go to where the hotties live.
2) If you haven't mastered the fundamentals, you don't have anything. Even if you get access somehow you will crash and burn.
3) The hottest celeb you can think of might just have hotter family members/friends you've never seen or heard of yet. Why not figure out how to date them? Get all of the benefits of celeb fame with none of the hassle.