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The Ladykiller Chronicles


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Went out Friday night, did some small approaches that mostly all fizzled.

Final approach of the night was super indirect, in fact I sat down and then she opened me. Anyway not really much to say. I handled the two set since a friend showed up, and made sure to include the friend in the conversation. Unfortunately not as man-woman (girl was leading conversation a lot) as it should have been, plus I messed up and forgot to qualify. However, I think the fact that she opened me may have compensated here.

She's been fairly responsive over text so will try to set up a date and improve frame.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Still major AA. Only attempted two approaches yday. One of them hooked, and I locked in, but was still a weak hook.

I feel all the AIs but just could not get through the anxiety yesterday. Biggest bottleneck that I need to find a solution for, since I can expect periods of no momentum to recur many times in life.

From discussion with some friends here, I think I practicing tantra (via Multi-orgasmic Man), and finding ways to exploit winner effect (maybe sports-poker is an option for me, but I think something physical would work better). I've been eating healthy and meditating/TRE, so those should start showing effects in a few weeks as well.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Did a daygame approach today. Been doing some mental exercises as well in addition to trying to approach more to shake off the rust.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Able to do a lot of opens today. Also felt strong surge of sexual energy before one approach. Opened and exchanged names. If in good form would have certainly hooked. She even gave me an opportunity to hook her, but I squandered it by not responding well.

Other than that, continuing to work on inner game and AA from both angles-practice and meditation.

One thing to remind myself is something teevs told me. I'm effectively using myself at my best as a person I'm working to be, and that's something I can do, because I've already done it. Much more believable than trying to be someone else.

Momentum gathering.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Been trying to go out regularly for daygame. A lot of AA that I'm working through. Meditating, TRE, other body oriented therapy, self hypnosis to try and fix it. I've been able to give compliments, and was able to engage a set that was seated at the park. Street stops are interesting. The girls are stopping and giving me their full attention, but I end up ejecting very quickly out of fear.

My wing says I have a good vibe, so this may be a manifestation of better macro-momentum than micro-momentum. Either way, I'm working through it.

Went out the last two nights, with main goal shaking off AA. Worked to an extent. I've decided to completely cut off alcohol, mostly for health and productivity reasons. I just drink club soda with a lime in it instead. Gives the illusion of having a drink.

Was able to open yesterday, but nothing really hooked. Hesitation and indecision are my main plagues. I sense an opportunity, and wait just too long before trying, which makes a much worse effect. An example of this is with hovering to bait the AI. I do it, the AI is generated, and then I don't seize the opportunity, and attempt to open later, which obviously is not as strong. I come off as not calibrated, not bold.

Still, I won't beat myself up over this for this past weekend, given that the goal was to approach, and I did that.

I was dealing with an injury the past few months that prevented me from working out in any capacity. Luckily that is fading, and I was able to restart my exercising. I think I will add back moderate cardio, as I always feel my sex drive return with a vengeance when I run, and am exercising, in addition to dietary aspects.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Some other thoughts. My ego is far too big. If a completely new person were having my issues, a coach would have them drilling to learn that approaching will not bring about the end of the world. So that's how I have to whip myself back.

Goal for the week-go to out of the way locations where I don't normally approach or frequent. Do 25 direct approaches to rejection. Like Gunwitch said in SMMA, this is just to build up to a much better style of approaching.

Now I say direct, and while I want to do indirect, my approach momentum just isn't there in a capacity that I can actually do it. I need a middle path, so the goal is genuine interest dynamite, while not giving away all my attainability. Being able to do this regularly is not a goal state, it is merely a stepping stone to a goal state, and hopefully a path I can take in the future. I have solutions to low nightgame momentum, but due to life, have had to put daygame on the backburner. Since the strategies to work with different challenges are not 1:1 between nightgame and daygame, I'm going to have to experiment. I'm expecting to fail. In fact, I expect that my direct opens will cross the line into neo-direct. That's okay for now, and I have to be okay with that.

Drop the pride, drop the ego. One thing I love about the seducers I've met are that they are not scared of failure in an experiment, and they trust their processes. I don't trust my processes, and I am scared of failure and appearing to not be successful.

https://www.girlschase.com/content/tactics-tuesdays-how-do-street-stop - aim to use side stop and wave stop.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
3 approaches yday. One I'm pretty sure ended up being a hooker. Verbal skills are so bad, but mostly because I'm so in my head. I think that will improve as I get less nervous about approaching.

Hesitation still a large issue.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
3 approaches yday. One I'm pretty sure ended up being a hooker. Verbal skills are so bad, but mostly because I'm so in my head. I think that will improve as I get less nervous about approaching.

Hesitation still a large issue.
Something like this happened to me during corona, cause of wearing a mask...i just started from 0 doing aa drills while wearing a mask.... i wonder why guys when the aa crips back. usually due to breaks or rust dont start from 0 with couple of days of aa drills...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Something like this happened to me during corona, cause of wearing a mask...i just started from 0 doing aa drills while wearing a mask.... i wonder why guys when the aa crips back. usually due to breaks or rust dont start from 0 with couple of days of aa drills...
I think some guys just have less AA... For me, my baseline is still much higher on the girls who I hook, it's just this initial phase that I'm bad at. Early game has always been where I have a hard time though. From conversation with teevs, he thinks the body just forgets the feeling of success, so maybe it also relates to perception of self.

I'm honestly not sure, but hopefully the AA goes away quickly.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Yesterday did 6 approaches, with my verbal skills showing marked improvement. Today, I wasn't able to do any approaches. I hesitated and got scared and psyched myself out.

Some notes for later focusing-timing on side approaches is critical, especially if the goal is to go indirect. This is one of the benefits and simplifying factors for direct, as you can remove some of that timing, which explains why indirect street approach has such a barrier to entry.

On my last approach yesterday got the number from a super attractive girl. Sadly it doesn't look like it will pan out. Not the worst, since at the moment my approaches are still very clunky and giving away too much power on my part. As I improve the approaches will leave my intentions more murky while still showcasing my intent. It'll also challenge girls and remove me from the chasing role. For now, that's okay to be in that position while I get the momentum back.

On a separate note, it seems that I increased my testosterone quite significantly through dietary manners. My stack at the moment is: Black/Tri-color maca, korean panax ginseng, raw cacao powder, ashwagandha, and then increased amounts of cruciferous vegetables, beets for nitric oxide. Future practice is to add more TRE, tantra, and winning to engage winner effect.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Bit of a wide array today. 4 daygame approaches, switching to some of the authority based approaches Chase wrote a recent article about. Sadly the girl I opened stopped, and I couldn't come up with words, so asked for number at inopportune time, causing a rejection. Under a better approach, with better frame, I think that would have been a solid number.

Also did nightgame for some hours. Was at a singles event, so a sausage fest. I chit chatted with some dudes, and opened when it made sense. My approaches overall were smooth I think, and I should have had a strong set, but I made a strategic mistake telling my girl her friend was looking for her. I didn't realize her friend had turned around as soon as she saw my girl, so she was just making sure friend was safe. This caused my girl to dip.

I had been posted up on my phone in this bar, and apparently the girl noticed me, and tested me a bit on it. When at an event like that with a lot of dudes, I'm not sure what the best bet is. I was trying to be social when I found a person to talk to, and opening girls as I saw them. A part of me wonders, because she had definitely observed me for a while.

She later sat at a couch with the friend, and I should have gone and sat next to her, but there was a table in the way. I should have just gone anyway.

I also needed qualifiers. Had I done that, I think it would have made the girl more likely to come back. But then again, losing a girl in a sausage fest and then trying to get her back seems like a tough ask.

I was hitting my cold reads though.

I can feel my momentum increasing though.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Nightgame last night. Was good at opening sets, though need to be more attractive on opening in crowded venues. My opens are becoming better though, and I'm getting some hooks. Now I need to start working to improve sexualizing, and get the girl more immersed. I've been using cold reads and assumptions to hook, but I should also start adding pacing and stories in.

I also think as I continue to grow in momentum, my presence and fundamentals will start helping more too. Right now the hooks are there, but the premise is fully social, not very man-woman, though I have been trying to add in some physicality to help me while my verbals catch up. My meta frame is also still off, though I can feel myself changing and my interactions becoming more challenging. Good to see, but still a ways to go. I think another piece of this is compliance, I should work on trying to get compliance up with girls. I also need to work on group theory since lone wolves are a rarity.

Also need to improve on handling tension. I'm noticing myself break tension by laughing, losing eye contact, or making comments that diffuse it. Becoming better at this will greatly improve my sexuality and power as a man.

Tonight is another night, though I'm going to use the day to recover/nap/stretch/meditate/other productivity stuff.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Improving, however the meta frame is still not where I want it to be, and that bleeds into the interactions I have.

I did about 3 approaches, and 2 had some level of hook. However, I'm not getting some of the strong hooks I've gotten in the past. Part of this is a need to work on my voice tonality and loudness, plus slowing down speech rate. Finally it's a vibe thing to reduce the amount of neediness in me as I approach. I was reading some swingcat, and I think his four focuses for the meta frame and prizability are things that I should meditate on.

Went out with a different wing yesterday. Good guy who follows Todd V, but is also has a very warm vibe. I think I can definitely learn some things from him, and he is definitely good at situational observations and opening in a way that makes women very warm to him.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Reflections on the week:

Didn't hit my goal of 25 direct approaches from daygame, but surpassed 25 total approaches for the week, so in terms of what the goal was attempting to accomplish (removing AA), I would call it a success. Removing AA has revealed issues in my ability to hook, and immerse after grabbing attention. My fundamentals are strong right now, the main place to work on is my physique, so I will continue to work through my injury to get exercising in when I can.

In terms of improving the hook through daygame, I think I'll need to figure out strategies around this. I want to switch from direct openers to high authority direct approaches. Adding in challenging statements like "kinda" to add back to the ambiguity, and making the eventual switch to indirect street game. Also will need to continue improving my vibe. This will likely be through tantra, meditation, TRE, and other physicality exercises.

Other notes:
  • Need to get better at moving on from bitchy girls while body rocking without giving them the validation from an acknowledged rejection
  • No vulture gazing
  • Be less robotic-make conversations more "natural" - my cold reads, assumptions, and pacing are all very robotic sounding, and I think this may be making communications more overt, and therefore resisted by the girls I'm talking to
  • Get compliance from girls
Other To-do Items for the week:
  • Rewatch coaching videos with teevs-it's really astounding just how much information is contained within our coaching sessions and how well they fit my sticking points (though this makes sense as me on low momentum probably reverts me to a stage where I needed the advice teevs discussed with me at the moment)
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Quick note-aspire to this level of confidence that I will label as "charging animal confidence" (CAC). Mixes stillness, conviction, and as much faith in self as can be imagined.

For the sake of not accidentally killing someone, please avoid putting yourself in situations like this in the first place lol. And especially not with wild animals

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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Did a lot of approaching over the weekend. So my AA is less, but I want to improve on my killer instinct. To that end I am planning to implement the 3 second rule for approaching. Truth be told, I know how to approach, and I also intuitively know the right timing, but hesitation tends to ruin that.

Yesterday did 2 daygame approaches, and got a number off the first one. Forgot to qualify and get her investing as well, so I would consider it a flaky number at best. We'll see. Either way I'm hoping for more into the funnel soon.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Yesterday did one approach in the morning, one in the evening. Both were from the side, and I didn't hesitate once I was in position to approach. As expected this resulted in a much warmer, less creepy feeling approach. But the first one wasn't as good because fundies were not as good, and I was not very dominant in terms of leading the interaction.

Evening approach was opposite. I was super good on vibe and fundamentals, and the girl was also way more attractive, dressed with serious underbutt showing. Did a bacchus style opening, which worked really well. Got her hooked, and then repositioned multiple times, got her investing in me. All good. Main criticism for myself is that while I did have her qualifying to me, and I feel like I am becoming better at being challenging to girls, there are still two issues. The first is that my vibe still feels providery. The second is that I ended up qualifying to her towards the end. Both are things to improve on, and given that the main focus of this week is killer instinct, it's not the biggest deal.

I feel my aura returning, and so far I've done 4 approaches and gotten 2 numbers, and I have a feeling I can do even better given some more time and more sets.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Yesterday did 2 approaches. Killer instinct developing and both girls stopped. Vibe is also improving. Next is to work on injecting sexuality, and improve the meta frame.

Went out at night for social circle and randomly pulled a girl. LR.
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Should have napped more yesterday. Need to be better about saying no to social invites on Saturdays, especially after long nights before.

My vibe was much improved. Girls were giving me investment back-now I need to leverage that into more compliance boosting stuff, and handling group dynamics a lot better. Have a feeling that vibe will continue to improve in the next few weeks, so working on compliance, dealing with groups, and building sexual vibe (already much improved yday) will be paramount.

Had a few sets that were interesting. Unfortunately couldn't get any to really stick. Then burned out and just did not want to do any approaches, or even talk with my wings that were present. One thing I wanted to do, since I was on really good momentum and could notice attention coming my way was take better advantage of social proof, and bouncing around between sets. I need to improve my ability to re-engage sets.

Taking today off to do personal productive things, then back to the daygame grind for the week. Hopefully can convert last week's number into a date. Otherwise I'm sure I'll have more opportunities very soon.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
2 approaches today. First one was okay, more just a warm up.

Second one went really well. Frame was much improved throughout, with more challenge/teasing. I opened indirect:

Me: <walking past her, then turn to look at her> Hey, I just noticed something really interesting about you
Her: Haha, what?
Me: Has anyone ever told you that you have the most playful style?
I like the above because it's not really a compliment, as much as it is a statement of her vibe. From here there's some back and fort banter, and I get her investing in the conversation. Midway through some qualifiers, I tell her we'll need to grab drinks, she doesn't really respond, responding to a different open loop, while I keep the conversation going. I simply hand over my phone while talking, and she enters her number.

The other thing I liked that I did was midway through, I could tell she was needing to walk forward, as was I, so I said:

Me: Hey, I'm actually heading a bit forward to grab some juice, you want to join?
Reason I like this is that she verbally agrees to joining me, vs what I used to do:
Me: You heading this way? Want to walk that way?
Totally different frame.

As expected, she responded to my text extremely warmly-probably among the warmer responses to my text intros that I have received. Though I suspect part of this is the girl's personality shining through-she did seem bubbly and very warm.

Oh yeah, she's a model too :)