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Articles I'm liking rn:
Side notes:
I feel like my ego has grown too large. I need to find humility. I'm too nervous to experiment, and missing out on growth because I'm too stagnant in how I currently do things.

Approach Anxiety Is a Flat Tire
Anxiety is trying to imagine and solve every possible outcome, all at once. When you stop trying to control things you can’t, it’s like fixing a flat tire in your game. Contents I. I’m a Flat Tire? II. What’s the Worst That Could Happen? III. Thoughts Cause Emotion IV. Solving Every Problem at...

Not Getting Laid? You're Playing It Too "Safe" with Girls
Guys who are not getting laid are so due to “safety.” They don’t do the three things guys who do get laid do, and they pay the price for it in sexlessness. When a guy is not getting laid, it is almost always for the same reason: He is playing it too safe with girls. I don’t mean “safe” as in...

Act Like You Belong and You Can Go Anywhere
You can walk and talk your way into places by acting like you should be there. People pay more attention to behavior than you think – & less to credentials. Once, many years ago, just a few years into my seduction career, I was in Singapore with a couple of friends and entered a nightclub. It...

Opening Cheatsheet: How Approach Her (What to Do & Say)
It’s easy to fall off your opening game when you’re rusty at meeting girls. Use this cheat sheet to tighten up your opening and start new conversations with ease. Hey guys, and welcome back! After finishing up my post on how to get out of bad momentum, I promised you a few cheat sheets to help...

Fixing (and Using) Low Momentum in Seduction
At times you’ll have low momentum in meeting, dating, and picking up girls. What can you learn during low momentum periods – and how do you get out of them? Foreword: This post was written in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic. The advice offered here is universally valid, although the...

Side notes:
I feel like my ego has grown too large. I need to find humility. I'm too nervous to experiment, and missing out on growth because I'm too stagnant in how I currently do things.
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