6 approaches today. Was focusing on going into the approach in a state of almost laughter. Kind of succeeded, but kind of not. Was difficult to pull myself into that state post work.
Girl 1
Good vibe on approach, girl stopped, but immediately gave boyfriend objection. She also held my hand for long, which makes me think it was a real objection.
Girl 2
Good vibes on the approach, but very awkward. At the same time, I kind of owned the awkwardness? It may have softened my stiffness a little bit.
She asks me if I'm interviewing her, and I tell her that "no, I just thought you were cute, and I'm trying to decide if I want to ask you to meet for drinks on another day". I think this was a good response, and set a good frame on my part.
I do get her to open up a bit, but the ending is a bit awkward, which might have ruined it. We'll find out.
Girl 3
Approached with bad vibe, no stop
Girl 4
I was too calm on the open, but also got overly excited at her responses. Low value reactions. Should be opposite.
I was good with kino, and she was receptive to it, and the deep diving felt a little more playful/teasing.
Her pupils were incredibly dilated throughout, but she gives boyfriend objection, and it does seem real.
Girl 5
This was the interesting set. She opened with large indifference, and her behavior was "too cool for school". She did vent to me, but then went back to one word answers. At the same time, when I asked if she wanted company until her friend came, she said, "if you want to" or something like that. It didn't feel uninterested fully though, more like a giant shit test. Challenging her on the attitude (playfully) could have better pinpointed the root cause as disinterest, or a test. Something I want to think about more.
Girl 6
She's waiting for her boyfriend