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The Ladykiller Chronicles


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Deep diving on a girl yesterday was good. I also noticed I was putting in a lot less effort while still having the girl continue to prod me with questions, and investing into the conversation. Part of this was that she was happily married, but probably looking to flirt with an attractive younger man, but still happy with how I was able to deep dive, while keeping some mystery about myself.

At the same time, I need to learn to exit sets where there isn't much potential, to search for greener pastures.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Started working with Hector to improve aspects of my game that I need to improve. He's helped uncover a lot of mental shit that needs work-lot of blocks around being sexual with women. Going to work on bringing sexual direct into my playbook to help me connect with my own sexuality and become more honest in some ways. Currently am way too cerebral, and need to pull myself more intuitive, and also be a cad for a little while.

Can't find the article but somewhere Chase wrote an article saying that sometimes it's good to put on a new seduction style and add that color to your person. It may not be something you keep, but it will be useful.

Hector is also helping me remove a lot of excess that's built up over time to help streamlime my game.

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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
This year is a return to fundamentals


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Seriously, shut up when the girl is talking.

Cut out the extraneous filling and let the pregnant pause fill the space. Stop fluff talking about stupid things.

Hold the frame when I say something direct. Own it and don't make excuses for it.

Register what the girl's vibe is quickly. If she's a ball buster, realize most of what she says is sarcastic. If she's sweet and straightforward then assume meaning better. Reading girl's vibe quickly is a skill that must be improved.

I'm high value-it's so obvious. In a good mood and with a good vibe-it really feels like every available girl is into me.

Have started recording audio for sets. Will be useful to go over.

Girl #2
  • For fuck's sake she was clearly sarcastic and ball busting from the beginning. Realize that should treat all comments like that and return her ball busting
  • Good job dealing with the rando dude-authentic and honest reaction was funny
  • When a cold read turns out to be super accurate-don't make a big deal out of it
  • Complimenting the eyes maybe too much? Perhaps should have just held the eye contact and let the tension build
  • Her asking if I'm hitting on her or trying to sell something (especially from a heavily ball busting girl) is most likely her getting nervous
  • Hold frame after sexual direct remark-don't downplay it, own it

Girl #3
  • Great open, very authentic
  • Still too enthusiastic on replies, dial that down. Excitement good, overexcitement bad.
  • The sorry cascade was cute
  • Should have asked more about her cultural heritage from Egypt given t shirt
  • Ask about family business and if that's something she sees herself doing forever
  • Ask how friends know each other
  • Let her talk more-keep conversation more balanced
  • Some stuff feeling forced when sharing travel stuff-her reaction also more quiet and not as invested-pay attention to that
  • Hugging at end is still bit iffy-probably not good move, and should have done something less

Girl #4
  • Great job frontal direct approach
  • Good job checking her out and taking full time on opener delivery
  • How to deal with girl calling me "sweet"?
  • Good easy moving early on
  • Conversation just stupid
  • Stop with not useful fluff talk
  • She's giving great topics to invest in-stop focusing on self
  • Good idea of diving into job-say it in fewer words
  • My god please stop shifting from good topics to bad ones

Overall things
  • Voice fundamentals need improvement-some of issues due to residual cough from flu. But once that's done, need to get stomach voice back, and work to add some purr. Voice just has some "off" qualities about it. There are hints of musicality to the way I talk, but still much improvement.
  • Tonality still needs to be better: more range
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Pulled an incredibly hot 22 year old home yesterday. But my mouth ran in front of my brain and I said something stupid that changed the vibe. Will go over with Hector tmrw then post more notes.

Other approaches have been getting really great receptions. Feeling more sexual and confident and dominant. Success is incoming, but I really need to remove the bad habits.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Big Update
So I went on a 2 week jaunt with @Skippy and @Devilicious, undoubtedly two of the best guys to cuddle with in an Airbnb. It was life-changing, and I am so thankful to have gained so much. I'm sure they'll write their own updates, so read these as my own personal notes.

This is possibly the most important thing I learned on this trip. And a lot of it came from watching devilicious work his magic. The man is magical in his interactions with women. I've never seen a higher hook rate-and it almost didn't matter if the approach was direct, indirect, situational, whatever. It was his vibe. He described it to me as "warmth, with intensity and some curiosity". I talked over it with Hector, and realized that focusing on a sexy vibe is not the right move right now. I should focus instead on this warm vibe, that makes women feel extremely comfortable, and familiar with me. Once I have that down, adding the sexy vibe will become so much more powerful. An interesting story here is that the same night I practiced only being friendly, I had a cute 20 year old girl basically ask me to join her table with her friends, take my number, and message me to meet up later. Unfortunately the timing was bad, and she wasn't cute enough that I wanted to commit to her at 10:30PM on the night of a pub crawl at the first bar-so I dipped and continued the night. But I can't see the future and it felt like the right thing in the moment-would have done the same exact thing so no regrets.

From comparing the beginning of the trip to the end of the trip, I think the actual responses did not change so much-I think vibe changes are much more slow to change. But I felt stronger about the interactions, and I felt that girls were actually connecting with me more too.

Another aspect I've taken away from coaching with Hector is the realization that my deep diving has been quite shallow. This is something that even carried over to my platonic relationships. It makes me thankful that both skippy and dev were honest with me on my faults, and were able to help me when I started monologuing, or not diving deep into subjects that are highly personal. Their support has definitely made me feel more comfortable forging connections. Again, this is not something that will fix itself super quickly, but I am working on it.

From Hector-my verbals are too poetic, in a try-hard way. It's as if I'm trying to come across as smart and poetic. To that end, he has strongly suggested I simplify my vocabulary, and practice the fundamentals of strong tonality and body language to improve my communication. This is improving a little faster, and is easier to focus on with friends than with women, but it will come.

The way I talk has improved. I feel better about the rhythm of how I talk, with it feeling more natural and less robotic. Also, the tonal shifts seem more natural too.

I should utilize the underlook when talking and opening women. Devilicious uses this quite well.

Body Language
Perhaps the biggest eye open. Devilicious and Skippy took infields of me, and I was stiff, unrelaxed, and not smooth. Relaxing will be a big focus for me. Talking with @Bismarck, who has great body language, as well as with devilicious, who has a very relaxed vibe with women, I see a pattern of people who exercise, play sports, and are in touch with their bodies. So to build that, I need to focus on relaxing my body, adding more exercise, stretching, and playing sports. For me, a little bit of dance will also help.

One really good tip from skippy to help me with being more relaxed: if I treat the girl like a friend and teased them and was playful, my body language reduced in stiffness significantly. Additionally, switching and moving body instead of staying still seems more natural. Stillness can be good, but it should be relaxed, and sometimes switching positions is the right thing to do.

One thing the three of us did was focus heavily on bringing hand gestures into our skill set. And I think I improved on this a lot. By the end of the trip, girls were complimenting me for seeming creative because of the way I used my hands to communicate.

Another thing skippy and I picked up from dev was his easygoing kino he did with girls. It added a lot to the familiarity. Once I started doing that, I noticed warmer receptions from women. At the same time there is an element of risk with touching off the open (see "The Squawk") that should be balanced against for calibration.

The Metronome
A great exercise we came up with was the metronome exercise. Basically, as you talk, imagine a metronome matching the beat of your vibe. You can snap your fingers if you like to make it more noticeable. Depending on the rhythm, a different vibe is projected, but more interestingly, if you change the vibe being projected, the metronome changes too. So it offers a more intuitive way (at least to me) to accurately figure out what vibe you want to project, and a way to practice it at home.

Skippy was masterful at this exercise, and I want to get to his level of ability to project state. It's killer, and combined with the familiarity and comfort I can learn from dev, I think the ability to make a woman feel any way I want to would be within easy reach.

The Possibilities
I'm really impressed at how we pushed each other. On our main nightgame night in Madrid, we all decided we couldn't go home until we asked a girl to join us. That exercise soon became a bit of a party of us asking every set we had interacted with to come home with us. What was incredibly surprising (to all of us) was that many agreed. Unfortunately, we were all so surprised, that we each fumbled the logistics at various times, costing us what could have been lays. But the lessons were so worth it. I ended up opening a random set on my walk home, and inviting her home, and having her be down for an instant date-while devilicious and skippy almost pulled a two set from the street a block away from our airbnb.

I also realized I have one super power, and one unconscious competency. The super power is that I can smell a wet pussy (hence my new nickname of "the hound"). I also discovered that I have a really good pattern recognition for girls who are open to an instant date, or who really want to meet a guy right now. I'm not sure what it is that my mind picked up on, but I pointed out a girl like this to devilicious and skippy on the last day of our trip, and then approached her, and it was very clearly someone who was interested in an instant date-minus logistical issues.

Also the craziness and speed devilicious worked with was astounding sometimes. From a 5 minute instant pull to the airbnb, to a couple of 20 minute pulls-it really shows what can be done.

Personal Constraints
I realized I need good sleep to approach and get good reactions. The worst days of the jaunt in terms of opens were the days after long nights where I did not sleep well. The only way to approach in that state was to find a girl who I found absolutely stunning, to the point of actually jerking me into a more conscious state. Additionally, the cold is an enemy of mine, and so I need to find better ways to dress warmly to approach in the winter.

Oddly enough, one thing that really improved was my texting. I bought Hector's texting book, and after failing to text an Italian girl who was very into me, I dove into it and really practiced, using skippy and devilicious' girls for my own practice. Not to toot my own horn, but I think at least one pull was due to my texting ;)

I improved my persistence a lot. Two pulls with massive LMR but not giving up were very helpful. I learned that it's possible to persist without being butt hurt, and to persist while keeping the girl in good spirits and laughing.

I also became more comfortable using sexual direct to pull, and to use it to persist too. This was something I was terrified of when I entered Spain, and I now feel much more comfortable expressing my authentic sexual desire.

I do need to get better at persisting in some niche cases. I think back on the girl I met who was on her way to a Tinder date first date, and the girl was visiting Barcelona for a few days. We were vibing well, and I should have just gotten her to cancel her date and come out with me instead. She was dressed like she wanted to fuck, and it would have been amazing.

Sex Stories and Sexual Prizing
Something that I think cost me a lay the night we pulled a three set from nightgame was a lack of sexual frame. It took me a while to build rapport with my girl, while devilicious and his girl were fully together. I finally did build the rapport, but the sexual frame was lacking. I think had my girl stayed longer I would have gotten there, but we missed a golden opportunity to sexually prize me when the topic of why our airbnb was lacking so many towels came up. As it turns out, the girl I had pulled the night before had soaked through 3 of my towels thanks to my ministrations-and skippy and devilicious could have mentioned this to the girls-which would have potentially made me come across as a player, but would have increased my sexual prizing value an immense amount. I don't think I could have brought up the story because it would have come across as bragging, but this is a useful note when out with wings that a good sex story from someone else, about you, can really spike value.

There was also a set with a woman who had the most intense sexual energy I felt. I commented on it, then told her she had to move away. That was a mistake and showed me as someone who cannot handle a highly sexual woman. Should have just basked in it and potentially have given a compliment with some contrast against most men.

  • ~100 approaches
  • ~25 numbers
  • 4 dates
  • 3 instant dates
  • 4 pulls
  • 1 lay
Overall, I'm not unhappy with those numbers. I had a call with Hector, and he told me that 2 of the pulls were very difficult, and that the lay could have been possible with tighter fundamentals. Another of the pulls he actually said the girl probably had zero interest in me, and I should have just left after that became obvious, but I was too nice to do that. I need to respect myself more. The last lay was very straightforward, though there were a few unoptimal moves.

Since dev did it thought I'd list my memorable approaches
  • The girl in Spain that I opened in spanish who told me she doesn't speak spanish, and then walked off while I tried to process what she said
  • The girl I instadated who was crazy and who I couldn't understand a word she was saying the entire walk and who I became so annoyed with I was honestly happy when she told me she needed to leave
  • The italian girl who I vibed hard with because she was so flirty, but then screwed up the texting with
  • The 9 who I approached then had to deal with her friend arriving but still getting the number
  • The other 9 I approached while incredibly low on sleep, but who woke me up and who I got a number from and would have gotten on a date if not for the fact that I was leaving
  • Squirtle, a girl I instant dated and pulled who soaked my mattress and three of our towels before spending the night with me-no sex because of period objection
  • The big booty colombian girl who proceeded to block me upon finding out my age
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Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
Holy shit 100 approaches 1 lay is Spain that tough these days? Or did you have similar stats in other places? Was that like direct compliment openers on Rambla or what kind of approaches were those?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Holy shit 100 approaches 1 lay is Spain that tough these days? Or did you have similar stats in other places? Was that like direct compliment openers on Rambla or what kind of approaches were those?
I think it's more my rust/skill than anything. Last year my ratio in my city was 6:360, and the year before that was 6:200. Should note none of the girls I really had anything fruitful come out of were Spanish. Most were international.

On a more personal note, I would consider myself still coming out of a highly depressed period in my life being the biggest factor for the bad ratio.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Holy shit 100 approaches 1 lay is Spain that tough these days? Or did you have similar stats in other places? Was that like direct compliment openers on Rambla or what kind of approaches were those?
I think this also triggered some defensiveness in myself yday. In the interest of honesty, I think you may also be overestimating my skill.

Approaches were genuine direct-can look at Hector as inspiration on what sort of openers they would be.

Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
I think this also triggered some defensiveness in myself yday. In the interest of honesty, I think you may also be overestimating my skill.

Approaches were genuine direct-can look at Hector as inspiration on what sort of openers they would be.
Hey, I hope that didn't come across as critical of your skill. I may be 1 for 100 too now if I did direct game, who the fuck knows... I haven't done direct in ages. With indirect I went about 1 in 20 for my last lay. I was gaming in Holland, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, and a 50/50 mix of Western girls and Latinas. I was really more curious if Spain has gotten very difficult... some people are saying such things. I always thought Spain was relatively difficult, although I had a bunch of lays and a few very crazy stories in Madrid, in general I found Spanish women to be pretty tough and big on feminism. But, that was a long time ago.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Hey, I hope that didn't come across as critical of your skill. I may be 1 for 100 too now if I did direct game, who the fuck knows... I haven't done direct in ages. With indirect I went about 1 in 20 for my last lay. I was gaming in Holland, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, and a 50/50 mix of Western girls and Latinas. I was really more curious if Spain has gotten very difficult... some people are saying such things. I always thought Spain was relatively difficult, although I had a bunch of lays and a few very crazy stories in Madrid, in general I found Spanish women to be pretty tough and big on feminism. But, that was a long time ago.
No worries, I know you didn't mean it critically-just my ego acting up.

For comparison, @Devilicious managed 6 lays in the same time frame. So Spain is definitely doable. Worth noting that I don't think any of us actually had any real success with girls who were actually from the cities we were gaming in (with the exception of an instant date pull devilicious had that later had some... hiccups).


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Only two approaches today worth going over. For the rest, the issue was largely vibe. Need to focus better on state projection, and feeling the passion. Yes, it's cold, and yes, I'm freezing. But got to get over that. Use the state projection games I practiced with dev and skippy to improve right before an approach, focusing on warmth, intensity, and curiosity.

Girl 1:
Main issue here was that I went situational, really well. She laughed, took off her air pods, and then I just didn't connect it back to us. So it was missing the vibe. Need to do a cold read or something. In this case, "are you some kind of detective" would have been good given the context, then going into what she actually does, plus some qualifying later.

Girl 2:
Main issue here was that I gave her my number, and I didn't get her to text me then and there. Also should have asked her plans later in the evening. With younger girls, the age gap can be bad, so better to move fast and get the right vibe.

Girl 3:
Honorable mention here for approaching a girl buying bras. Should have been better about vibe before doing the open, and then using the vibe to carry the conversation. But I went for it which is what matters.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Off day today. Went out with a newer guy, good guy and chill. But none of the girls I opened were stopping. Something off in the vibe, and also potentially in the opening angle. Perhaps too much from behind. Spain was much easier to get girls to stop so that muscle may just need a little oiling to get back into shape.

Still did 7 approaches, and towards the end they were starting to feel better. Conversation needed playfulness and fun, but the opens were well received. And had two girls start to hook. One I opened in the subway indirect-got her number, though perhaps not enough polarization. Did touch her arms a few times.

Every day gets better. This city is a bit tougher because people are always in a rush, and the weather is not in favor of warm and spontaneity. Got to compensate with better fundamentals and tighter conversation. Did notice IOIs though.

Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017

Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
and how did you find the telegram channel? (feel free to PM if the info is private)
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Had a very interesting day today.

Girl wise not much occurred. Girls were stopping easier, and some hooks getting easier.

But the real interest was meeting an actually great PUA in NYC. Guy felt like the real thing-and was also quite insightful. I appreciated hearing his thoughts and talking with him. The biggest takeaway is a reinforcement of something I've been hearing from multiple sources over the last few months-which is that I am not in touch with my emotions. Specifically that I have guardrails up that prevent me from letting people get close to me, and which prevent girls from being immediately comfortable with me. My tonality, my rhythm are monotonous and serious, and it's intense and intimidating, but not in a passionate way-but rather in a bit of a not comfortable manner.

Hearing this from 4 different sources, with 4 different philosophies, independently-is as glaring a signal as any. So fixing this mental inner game problem is the number one thing to focus on. I'm not sure what the best options to connect with one's own emotions, and to improve letting people in and get better at projecting state are, but would welcome any advice on the subject.

Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
I'm not sure what the best options to connect with one's own emotions
Do an Ayahuasca ceremony, and go in specifically with the intention to connect more with your own emotions.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
6 approaches today. Was focusing on going into the approach in a state of almost laughter. Kind of succeeded, but kind of not. Was difficult to pull myself into that state post work.

Girl 1
Good vibe on approach, girl stopped, but immediately gave boyfriend objection. She also held my hand for long, which makes me think it was a real objection.

Girl 2
Good vibes on the approach, but very awkward. At the same time, I kind of owned the awkwardness? It may have softened my stiffness a little bit.
She asks me if I'm interviewing her, and I tell her that "no, I just thought you were cute, and I'm trying to decide if I want to ask you to meet for drinks on another day". I think this was a good response, and set a good frame on my part.
I do get her to open up a bit, but the ending is a bit awkward, which might have ruined it. We'll find out.

Girl 3
Approached with bad vibe, no stop

Girl 4
I was too calm on the open, but also got overly excited at her responses. Low value reactions. Should be opposite.
I was good with kino, and she was receptive to it, and the deep diving felt a little more playful/teasing.
Her pupils were incredibly dilated throughout, but she gives boyfriend objection, and it does seem real.

Girl 5
This was the interesting set. She opened with large indifference, and her behavior was "too cool for school". She did vent to me, but then went back to one word answers. At the same time, when I asked if she wanted company until her friend came, she said, "if you want to" or something like that. It didn't feel uninterested fully though, more like a giant shit test. Challenging her on the attitude (playfully) could have better pinpointed the root cause as disinterest, or a test. Something I want to think about more.

Girl 6
She's waiting for her boyfriend


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Yesterday did only one approach because of the rain.

Saw her walking towards me and she gave me an IOI. Deliberated then ran after her. Vibe was strong, but words were less playful, though more so than the day before. Gave her my number-an experiment I think I'll stop because it does have some issues at the moment.

I don't think there was too much of note honestly.