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The Ladykiller Chronicles


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Today 5 approaches, only 2 were any good.

First one I approached her, complimented her style. Was just after work and I couldn't keep the conversation flowing. Getting out of my head after work rapidly is something to practice. It seems to take about 3-5 approaches to shake off the feeling, or one really into me girl to get the conversational juices through. I self ejected, which was dumb. I should have moved the girl instead, because her attention and investment was fully on me.

Next girl had a suitcase and was on her way to catch a flight. Wished her well.

Next two girls were blow outs, mostly my fault because my approaches were uncalibrated. Mainly an issue of opening badly at bad angle. Also the second girl I got closer and was much less into her than I thought I would be at first.

Final girl is the best, and also the one I was most genuinely attracted to. She's in a big crowd so it's a bit difficult to smoothly get to her. But I walk behind for a few and then an opportunity arises and I seize it. I open and she's super warm, and I immediately move her off the street. Easy touching and she moved here recently. It actually turns out she's on a date, and I ask how that is. She says it's a fourth date, so I ask if it's getting serious-she says that she doesn't see it going anywhere (maybe fuck worthy, but I think more likely just platonic-note to self to ask why next time to be curious). I tell her that means I don't feel bad then about talking to her. Tease her and playfully touch her throughout, and she says nice meeting you. I tell her to hold on, and that I would like to get to know her better, and ask for drinks/number. Exchanged, though we'll see if it works out. I did tease her well, and was more playful which is good, and I was definitely sending sexual signals.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
But I walk behind for a few and then an opportunity arises and I seize it.

Good job!

Was this still direct? Sometimes i too have a hard time approaching in a crowd.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Good job!

Was this still direct? Sometimes i too have a hard time approaching in a crowd.
yep, still direct
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017

Good articles to go back to later wrt challenging women via rapport breaking. I definitely don't do this, and it's one of the things I'm seeing with some of the skilled guys here.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
12 approaches. Had a weird feeling of nervousness throughout the day. Didn't let that stop me from approaching, but was weird.

Girl 1, 2

Girl 3
Great approach, she stops and hooks, and we go and make a bunch of dark jokes to each other. I was talking a bit too fast bc still rusty, but the authenticity was there. Easy number grab, and the touching and physicality was there. Hugged at the end. Only issue is she said, "I guess I like perverts", and I replied "then I might be exactly your type" or something like that, but that's me qualifying into her frame which isn't good. I should have said something like, "then you'll probably go absolutely crazy for me" as a better chase frame.

girl 4
I stopped her, and tried to get her to stay in conversation with me. Glad I persisted but the vibe was definitely of me chasing as opposed to me keeping my status.

Girl 5, 7, 8
Married off the bat

Girl 6
This was a good stop and a great open, but quickly got too in my head after that. Tried to use good frames and succeeded somewhat, but when she tested the frame of "I want to get to know you a bit to find out if we should grab drinks" by suggesting she give me her number, I immediately took it, which showed the frame to not be worth much. I don't expect that set to amount to anything. Should have instead been like, hold on, let's keep talking for like two minutes and then I'll grab your number. Though if I'm being honest, the entire attempt to frame there felt uncalibrated, and I think it was obviously gamey. Shouldn't have used that, and don't think those are good tactics unless the girl asks something like "why are you talking to me about these things".

Girl 9
I'm annoyed by this one because I ejected. I need to stop that. Got to be better about doing something to stimulate the maybe girls who stop and seem like they could be interested but are not immediate hooks.

Girl 10
Decent vibe on the approach, but I could tell from her demeanor that she was not actually available, and it did turn out she had a boyfriend.

Girl 11
Opened, and she walked forward, I should have told her to wait for just two minutes.

Girl 12
She ran away as I opened her, because I scared her. To be honest, my energy was flagging by this point.

12 approaches 2 numbers and what should have been 2 good solid numbers. Instead just one number I think has a decent probability of converting to a date.

Got to maintain energy, if that means buying a bottle of water or something should make sure to do that. But I stayed out an extra 30 minutes than usual, and approached even by myself, and against my overall nervous mood.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
So date yesterday the girl was just super conservative-like no sex outside of relationships and sex outside of relationships is degrading. Was a lot of practice in combatting frames, but at the same time I felt like I was the one doing most of the talking. She was shy and not very talkative, and also young, so that may also have played a role. Other interesting thing is she said that she thought that based on my initial vibe/fashion, that I would be much more conservative/traditional, but as she talked to me more, it became super clear that I was not that person. Unclear to me whether this was a projection on her part, or something I need to change in my style/vibe. To be fair, the approach on this girl was also not my best because I had just come off work, so that may also have played a part in my vibe being less.

After that a wing convinced me to go back out so I did. My vibe was much more mellow than usual, but still had the passion and intensity. I was surprised to find that girls were stopping and hooking so well on it. I will have to try and recreate that during the daytime to see if yesterday was just due to variance, but I don't think so.

One approach that I would have done differently was a girl who was with her mom visiting from Australia. I should have found out some info about the mom, and then yes laddered my girl into saying she did like me and find me attractive and would have liked to grab a drink with me-and then I should have asked to be introduced to the mom. Then I could have done some playful cocky funny conversation with the mom to ask her permission to take her daughter on a whirlwind romantic adventure to show her passion, spontaneity, and freedom. I'd promise to either return her later that night, or the next morning (with the city's best breakfast food), and also offer to share location with her. Low odds, but it would have been fun and exciting to push myself more.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
About 12-15 approaches today. One instadate that ended up being an engaged woman. And then a few more interesting ones.

Girl gave objection saying she wasn't dating, but also was very hemming about it.

18 Year old
My first approach on a younger girl. I should have been more flirty/cocky in order to hook her. Was too nice/felt like the vibe was off. Teasing/playful is the vibe here.

Jail Cell
Approached a girl and used the environment to my benefit. She was behind a railing, and going on that side would have been extremely unsmooth. Instead I used it as a prop and pretended I was in jail and she was visiting me. Interspersed that with some deep diving. It worked well and she was pretty into the role play. Grabbed the number and she responded immediately.

Approached a girl and she stopped but then said she was in a rush. Finally didn't ask a girl to stay for 2 more minutes, and just told her. Then persisted a few more times past her objections but couldn't get her to stay.

Really cute girl who felt my type a lot gave me an IOI, so I approached and we had a good vibe. It was a fast approach so will have to wait and see what happens.

The other approaches weren't as good, they mostly hooked, but the persistence on boyfriend objections I should probably try to push a little bit if the objection is off the bat. At the same time, I persisted more, and was more joking and had it go well. Also switching approach to something a little less direct seems to be good, while keeping the rawness that Hector advises.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Only one approach today.

Did well with being grounded on the opener, and was a lot more challenging to her. That also resulted in her being a little more closed off because she noticed the sexual intent more clearly. I think I could have turned it around with a reframe when she said she wasn't dating, by me saying I wasn't dating either, but that when you meet someone you might have a good vibe with, it's a bit silly to turn that down just because you made up a rule from a short time ago.

I also had a mini-epiphany. I realize that when I've been talking with guys who are not as good at stopping girls on the approach, I tell them it's largely a vibe thing. My vibe is such that I expect a girl to stop for me.

I've been asking a question into the void and to my coaches/mentors a lot recently. Why are girls not opening up to me, and why are they not being sexually open to me. Here comes the epiphany-what are my expectations of how a woman will behave when she's with me? Am I following my own advice that I give to others on how to stop women? What if while talking with a women, or from before I even approached her, in addition to expecting her to stop-I also expected her to be immediately comfortable around me, and be sexually open with me? How would my behaviors change if I had that expectation?

I think a lot.

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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017

^Things to work on:
* Get to the root (while being more playful/less logical)
* Relate (without monologuing)
* Be the lighthouse

^Things to work on:
* Don't do shit that paints self as other-pay attention to what she's saying and how I'm relating to avoid disqualifying myself

^Things to work on:
* Point out good emotions to cement them (clumsily at first but more smooth over time-integrate chase frames when possible)

* Reread - and read linked articles - a lot

more incoming...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Above issue still true. Need to be more present and engaged with the girl in set. Too often I forget a girl's name as soon as she says it to me, evidence that I'm not really present in the set, and the girl can probably tell. At least early on, this seems like it would cause either autorejection, or that I'm just doing the set "for reps". Sucks bc there was a girl I really liked that I approached.

Also need to improve my deep diving stack to dig deeper into things quickly. That got noted as a potential reason conversations die fast.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017

* just reread this a lot


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Aite update over Friday/Saturday

Vibe changes were HUGE. That's the big shift these last few days. I've been more dominant, aggressive, persistent. I've also been more playful, relaxed, and relatable. Watching reality tv has dumbed down my language a lot-in a good way. I've also cut out a lot of technicals while I focus on making my vibe better. Getting back into exercising, and doing specific stretches (Code of the Natural) feels like it's unlocked some basic body language relaxed but sexual energy that had been lacking.

And boy. the effect was instantaneous. Girls were opening so much better, standing so much closer, and the vibe was more sexual than before.

Girl 1
Approached this girl-and it was good was able to deep dive a little while keeping it light, and teased her for being in her head a bit. Small kino and also managing the interaction given that she was on her way to an appointment.

Girl 2
Met a few new people and did an approach. The girl immediately came super close to me. She asked if I was free for a drink right now-now this is a tricky one-because she was on her way to meet friends for a drink-so this could either be a sign of interest, or her using me for a free pregame. However for me it was a win-win, because I'd been having a few days of really terrible conversation, and I was okay with a girl using me for alcohol for the conversational practice. And this girl was fun to talk to-and it made me feel more confident in my talking skills. So even though she never responded to my texts after, it still gave good momentum.

Girl 3
I'm walking and see this girl in a red leather jacket with the most incredible big butt. I have to stop her. And the vibe is impeccable. She's super close to me. Then a homeless guy comes close and is not leaving, so I offer the girl my arm and we link and walk together. She's making a lot of chase frames of her chasing me, and then out of the blue asks where I live. So I try to pull her home. She's not down, but I think the issue here is that I didn't persist enough. I think I could have tried harder with a better yes ladder to overcome the stranger objection. Mostly by getting her to realize that the normal rules don't apply for connections that feel like this. Still, I'm really proud I went for the pull and really persisted. A part of me thinks I should have attempted to kiss the girl-would have been an interesting experiment.

Girl 4
It's starting to get dark. My wings are in sets, and I see a girl in a super short skirt walk by-I open her telling her she has a confident vibe, like an actress-and it turns out she's an acting student. She's standing incredibly close to me too. Good playful conversation, and some basic deep diving as well.

Girl 5
I loved my vibe on this approach-even if no results came from it. I accidentally startled the girl, and scared her. Then I matched her energy to give some empathy, and then brought the vibe back to a more comfortable one. I showed off my friends, and painted myself as the leader of the group-and led her through comfort, while teasing her and making cold reads and telling her I would buy her for 5 camels, which she said was too few. This was after I said she seemed like a Kazakh princess with her style and look. She does invest into conversation with me, and I persist to grab the number despite her objections, and in the end she says she really likes my boldness. Never responded to my message, but what can you do.

Rest of the sets on Friday were more just practices in persisting despite initial flakes. So trying to get girls who gave soft blowouts, by trying to push them to stop and talk for just a few minutes-or a girl who was on her way somewhere who I related to when she said she was uncomfortable with new people stopping her in the city. I comforted her and then related, and then made playful, and she was much more invested after that. She was trying to become exclusive with someone she was seeing though, and I wasn't super physically into her, but it was a great lesson in pushing an interaction for me.

One weird nightgame set where the girl's friend entered the set with the vibe of being super familiar with me. I thought she must know me so copied that energy, and the girl immediately stole her friend away. Was a shit test by the friend. Should have just been chill with "girls are silly and cute", and maybe pulled her in for a side hug while introducing myself and continuing to talk to my target.


Only two real approaches, and neither were super odd. The vibe was good, and I pushed through some resistances. The first number was super solid, and I hope to get her out because she's got an interesting look I like.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
So you got a BJ?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
April Goals


  • Reduce hail mary number grabs
  • Focus on stimulation and generating high points
  • Natural number swapping on high points
  • Better listening
  • Focus on the right parts of the conversation-the how and why of the emotion-not the factual stuff
  • Reduce how much I talk and engage via more verbals
  • Reduce the use of the word "I"
  • Talk less about myself
  • Get to running two miles

  • Good habit building for sleep and exercise
  • Hit myself when noticing talking about myself
  • Listen to infields every day after eating and write a journal entry
  • Set small goals for each approach session in the grand scheme of being more stimulating and generating high points
  • Watch reality tv and stand up comedy to make conversation more "normal" while developing sharper sense of humor


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017

Goal for the day was to focus on warmth and being as warm as possible on every approach. A few days ago I approached a Russian model and @Skippy said I had the warmest smile he'd ever seen on me, and even before I said hi to the girl, she was radiating that energy back. I want to be able to generate that in a girl on command.

Girl 1
Alternative looking girl with blue hair. Initially wasn't going to approach because of blue hair, but realized that was dumb and I wanted to go for it. Opened warm, and she was pretty good. I convinced her to stick with me for two minutes, and once realized she was trying to catch a train, crossed the street with her. Number closed on an okay point, not the highest though.

Girl 2
Thick girl who was super my type. Conversation was not good. Tried to be stimulating and failed, though my vibe was warm, so the girl was compliant. Result I think is that this girl is unlikely to text back. But I'd really love to bend her over and fuck her brains out.

Girl 3
Filmmaker in a fur dress. I've been doing a variation of "you look like a russian princess", but today I asked her, "where are you off to dressed like a russian princess" which is a bit more humorous while being a bit less chasey. Super cute and my vibe was awesome. Got her number on a high point, but want to stop with the false time constraints to get the number. At the same time don't want to keep the conversation going too long when I know the girl needs to go-so need to be more cognizant on that.

Girl 4
Honestly I just had amazing vibe. Number closed super fast, but also gave a hug at the end. Vibed and walked her a bit further just to make it go a bit more.

Girl 5
Instadate with solid vibe. Derailed her grocery plans, and it was fun. Made out at the end. Some frames were not good, others I did well. Successfully shut my mouth and let her talk, while leading the conversation to more interesting and emotional, plus some sexual parts. She was leaning in and touching me heavily, while also starting to sexualize the conversation herself. Did pretty well framing myself as a lover I think.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
also some bad texting-should remember not to tease compliant girls over text


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Approaches the last few days have been not good. Also walked out on a date because the girl was non-compliant and combative.

Vibe is down a bit since the last two weeks. Consistent approaching and going on dates should help. Will re-watch Hector coaching vids and Meeting Girls Everywhere.

Some frustration due to just not seeing the success I want, and comparing to different versions of myself. Hector does think I'm near a huge step up in growth, so I need to just keep doing proper analysis and getting that going well.