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Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
When we were walking back to the coffee shop, I sensed the dynamic shift because she wasn't filling in the gaps anymore in the conversation, I was stuck putting in more work to keep the convo afloat. Maybe this is because she wanted to leave so the reduction in talking was her anticipation to leave?

Should have pulled her home. If she was letting you touch her leg and was complying, she was probably down for sex or escalation. The very least you could have tried to kiss her.

Maybe this is because she wanted to leave so the reduction in talking was her anticipation to leave?

You're doing it again. You think of the worst case scenario. Ofc you're going to struggle to escalate, because you take anything that isn't obvious as a sign of disinterest.

Girls can get quiet when they're horny and ready to fuck. In fact, it's a pretty big sign. If she's otherwise compliant and happy, then suddenly gets quiet and there's really no big reason that she is doing it (like you said something rly creepy or stupid), then it's VERY likely she's ready for you to take her home. The reason she gets quiet is to kind of signal "okay, I'm ready to be taken."
All I know is something shifted when we were walking back. I tried to kiss her when we hugged goodbye and she pulled away very fast, she really did not want to kiss me.
Too late. I'm guessing this was some time after this bad vibe started? 5 minutes? maybe 10? Like the bad vibe started, then you're thinking oh fuck what's wrong, then you feel weird, then she feels weird...then it's dead.
She laughed a little when she saw it, I just hope she didn't think I was gay or something and that that was some eye candy I liked to look at, Jesus Christ :ROFLMAO:
Did you tell her what it was? That's a cool moment to be like "that's when I was in good shape. I want to get back to that again. It's my inspiration to myself."

1. I really didn't try hard to flirt this time, maybe that created a friend vibe because I wasn't flirting as much. I thought our good chemistry could substitute for flirting, but I guess I was wrong
In theory sure it can, but I would say flirting is always good. Because why wouldn't you flirt? ITS FUN!

You still aren't embracing your new name, Biggus Dickus, you're not seeing dating as fun and sexual and as a game. You see as the survival of the species. You're so stiff and serious.

. touching in a romantic way does not equal romantic frame because she saw me as a friend regardless of me touching her
Touching a girl on the leg is pretty sexual. A girl wouldn't let you do it unless she's into you. The next time a girl lets you touch her on the leg, you should try and kiss her.

I know you're going to say 'But i did try!" but you did it at the wrong time. Timing is SO important.

There is a possibility she wasn't interested and you just flopped the date, but unless there's some crucial detail I'm missing here, i'm pretty sure you just missed your window of opportunity. Were there any strong signs of interest? Like anything specific? Try to be more detailed in your reports. If you're going to write a report, be as detailed as possible, even if it's 10 pages long. Train your memory. That's where we find mistakes or missed windows of opportunity.
4. Something different from two dates ago and today was that back with that Latina girl, I think my vocal tonality was more flirty, the girl today was an intellectual so I thought I could geek out on some things more and use a more academic tone. I think I need to keep that flirty tone.
There's a reason why I fucked and fooled arond with so many nerdy girls as a drunken fun frat boy. They spend their entire lives being nerds. With a man, they want to let loose and be a whore. You're actually more likely to do better being a nerd with a party girl, because it's actually DIFFERENT from what she's used to and can be interesting.

But you're seeing "intellectual" and "flirty" as opposites. They're not. Intellectual is the opposite of primal. Flirty can be done with primal energy and intellectual energy.
5. This girl told me she was from a specific downtown area and I've found that women from that area are more my type, so I think I'm gonna hang around there more, they got ass off the charts
This is the kind of language you need to be using. Bad bitches with fat asses, etc. Your name is BIGGUS DICKUS, my dude. You need to embrace the Biggus Dickus persona. Think sexually, speak more directly, less wavering intellectual language. You read too many fucking books (coming from a guy who has read a metric dickton of books).

"WHAT WOULD BIGGUS DICKUS DO?" is your motto. Sometimes biggus dickus says dumb shit and looks like a retard, but it works.

When she looked at the photo of you, say to her, "He's pretty hot right?"

If she thinks you're gay perfect! of course you gay for yourself? Who wouldn't suck his own dick if he could? It's not gay if it's your cum bro. Biggus dickus should look in a mirror and get a raging boner seeing himself, cuz biggus dickus gots a big cock. I remember my frat had this fun trivia question for pledges, "Is it gay if your own boner makes you hard?" Pretty cool fratboy zen koan.

If she says he's hot, then be like, "Welll that will be me in a few months! Right now you're getting the Walmart version of him, but soon he'll upgrade to the Target version and be all sexy like this."

You both laugh, then you say yeah, it's inspiration for myself to get in shape again. She says that's cool. You say "thanks," then you look at her and kiss her.

bingo bango, dickus biggus puts his biggest dicckus in her wet hole.

Embrace the retard within.




Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
There's a reason why I fucked and fooled arond with so many nerdy girls as a drunken fun frat boy. They spend their entire lives being nerds. With a man, they want to let loose and be a whore. You're actually more likely to do better being a nerd with a party girl, because it's actually DIFFERENT from what she's used to and can be interesting.

But you're seeing "intellectual" and "flirty" as opposites. They're not. Intellectual is the opposite of primal. Flirty can be done with primal energy and intellectual energy.
Priceless advice

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Let's hope my hard work pays off :)

I usually go on a date every week. I do about 30-40 approaches a week. 1/35 date to approach ratio.

My stats are horrible, but I've started a new training regimen that's bound to pay off, I can share it with you if you like, it's a 360 approach covering every aspect of game.
Sure, feel free to share. If you post it public, I bet you’ll help a lot of of the silent viewership! Posting some date reports in the field report section might help you flesh out some insights surrounding core sticking points.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
(Note: I'm going to try to move this to field reports later, for some reason I can't post there atm)

I met this girl on campus, WAY older than me, she was 40 something. But she was nice and slender like a model with good assets. She was from Columbia so if you know, you know

On the approach, she was walking by and I ran up beside her and did my usual raw open. Her English was horrible but I know a little Spanish so I made it work. I've started doing that hand clasp @Chase talks about, at first I thought it was gay but now I see how useful it is.

Over text she was very eager in her broken English. I remember she texted "I'm nervous to see you again" right before our date

We meet up at the same spot on campus where we first met, for this date.

I can just tell by how she looks at me, the "fuck me" eyes and she's giving me that submissive smile that says "yes, whatever you want". She's also responding well to my touch and close proximity. About five minutes into walking to the coffee shop with her in my head I'm just like "She's giving me all the right signs, why don't I just kiss her?"

So I go for the kiss and we start making out a bit. She's a bad kisser tho she doesn't know how to use her tongue properly :(

But it's like us making out causes alarm bells to start ringing in her head. She starts talking about how much younger I am than her, and that she's not used to moving so fast, and maybe she should leave.

What I do is alternate between countering her objections and making out with her. After 5 minutes of this I just grab her hand lead to the coffee shop and say "come on, we're going"

At the cross walks while we're waiting to cross, I'm behind her with my arms around her waist and her head on my shoulder, just a very romantic vibe

Btw, we used the google translate app to communicate better, its has a voice to text conversation feature I suggest you use if your talking to any foreign girls

This girl checks a lot of boxes for me, she's a nurse, she's mature, and she's traveled the world living in three different countries and knows 3 different languages. And I already mentioned how she's fun to look at :)

We get to the coffee shop and order some food. Her eye contact is very romantic and loving. I have to leave soon tho for my therapy appointment, so I make plans with her for her to come over to my place tommorrow and we can watch a movie.

I make out with her goodbye and grab her ass (that surprised her lol) and go back home.

Over text the next morning she's talking about how she was thinking on the bus ride home about how much older she is and that I'm moving fast with her and she says she doesn't want to meet up tommorw.

Basically, I think after the arousal wore off she started gettin second thoughts.

I did not handle this objection over text well because she got me attached. Her deep level of attraction to me made me reciprocate, her genuine feelings of affection seduced me

Looking back at the texts, I find it embarrassing I got attached so fast. But here they are:

Her: "On the bus I was thinkning"

Her: "You are very sweet but we have different customs. You want to have fun for a few days and I'm not used to that kind of relationship"

Me: "I never said I just wanted to have fun"

Me: "I like you a lot"

Me: "I want to spend time with you"

Me: "You are such a beautiful soul"

Her:"I like to look into your eyes because you transmit sweetness"

Her: "And I think that is your true essence

Me: "You are so romantic"

Her: "Maybe"

Her: "But I think that"

Me: "I want to spend time with you and you enjoy my company"

Me: "I did not mean to be with you for a few days"

Me: "I want more than that"

(side note: I was seriously considering making her GF. She fun enough to be around that it might've been worth it)


Her: "What do you want"

Me: "I want to be with you' (maybe she wanted me to commit right then and there and say be the BF? I erred on the side of caution so I didn't say something I regret)

Me: "What do you want"

Her: replying to my"I want to be with you" with "Me too"

Her: "But let's do things gradually"

Her: "I want to be honest... I'm 46 years old" (wow, her body did not look like it)

Me: "Ok"

Me: "Things will happen at their own pace"

Me: (this one was a mistake for sure) "Oh I forgot"

Me: "Here's the address for my place for tomorrow, address: X" (she clearly did not want to go)

Her: "I'll think about it"

(Then I make it worse, I'm getting desperate because I'm attached)

Me: "K"

Me: "Why don't we do something else"

Me: "Unless your not interested anymore" (I recognize saying that was a mistake and try to counter it)

Me: "I don't want to pressure you though"

Me: (This one I did not need to say, it's a bad frame) "Whatever makes you most comfortable, we just text if that's all you want for now"

Her: "I like spending time with you, I want to get to know you better... let me think about it okay?"

Me: "That's fine"

Me: (finally a good move, change the topic) "How's your studies going?"

Now we get into some normal convo, with some romantic stuff too. We agree to meet on campus the next day briefly in between our classes

Second meet up;

It's difficult to find her on campus and this gets me frustrated and anxious, horrible momentum

My plan for the meet up was to find a secluded spot and briefly show her how to kiss properly and then after that try to convince her to come back to my place sometime

Looking back in retro spect, If I had just awknowledged where she was at mentally, her buying temperature, and taken it slower, just talked with her intimately, no kissing, some touch, then she probably would kept talking to me.

But instead, convincing her to come home with me did not work, and I was kissing her too much, I think it frazzled her, she had to get going to class rather soon


like 5 minutes after she leaves for her class she texts "I am not interested anymore, please do not text me"

And yeah, now that I've written all of this it seems pretty clear where I fucked up

1. Needy pressuring texting

2. Not taking into account her feelings/comfort level

3. Got intimate too fast during the date, this triggered her anti-slut defense

I feel really bad about the second one, because I want to be a compassionate lover. There are plenty of selfish and horny men out there and I was one of them that day :(

Every failure comes with a lesson

The next time I am in a similar situation, I will know better, and hopefully show the woman a great time

Onwards and upwards,



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
(Note: I'm going to try to move this to field reports later, for some reason I can't post there atm)

I met this girl on campus, WAY older than me, she was 40 something. But she was nice and slender like a model with good assets. She was from Columbia so if you know, you know

On the approach, she was walking by and I ran up beside her and did my usual raw open. Her English was horrible but I know a little Spanish so I made it work. I've started doing that hand clasp @Chase talks about, at first I thought it was gay but now I see how useful it is.

Over text she was very eager in her broken English. I remember she texted "I'm nervous to see you again" right before our date

We meet up at the same spot on campus where we first met, for this date.

I can just tell by how she looks at me, the "fuck me" eyes and she's giving me that submissive smile that says "yes, whatever you want". She's also responding well to my touch and close proximity. About five minutes into walking to the coffee shop with her in my head I'm just like "She's giving me all the right signs, why don't I just kiss her?"

So I go for the kiss and we start making out a bit. She's a bad kisser tho she doesn't know how to use her tongue properly :(

But it's like us making out causes alarm bells to start ringing in her head. She starts talking about how much younger I am than her, and that she's not used to moving so fast, and maybe she should leave.

What I do is alternate between countering her objections and making out with her. After 5 minutes of this I just grab her hand lead to the coffee shop and say "come on, we're going"

At the cross walks while we're waiting to cross, I'm behind her with my arms around her waist and her head on my shoulder, just a very romantic vibe

Btw, we used the google translate app to communicate better, its has a voice to text conversation feature I suggest you use if your talking to any foreign girls

This girl checks a lot of boxes for me, she's a nurse, she's mature, and she's traveled the world living in three different countries and knows 3 different languages. And I already mentioned how she's fun to look at :)

We get to the coffee shop and order some food. Her eye contact is very romantic and loving. I have to leave soon tho for my therapy appointment, so I make plans with her for her to come over to my place tommorrow and we can watch a movie.

I make out with her goodbye and grab her ass (that surprised her lol) and go back home.

Over text the next morning she's talking about how she was thinking on the bus ride home about how much older she is and that I'm moving fast with her and she says she doesn't want to meet up tommorw.

Basically, I think after the arousal wore off she started gettin second thoughts.

I did not handle this objection over text well because she got me attached. Her deep level of attraction to me made me reciprocate, her genuine feelings of affection seduced me

Looking back at the texts, I find it embarrassing I got attached so fast. But here they are:

Her: "On the bus I was thinkning"

Her: "You are very sweet but we have different customs. You want to have fun for a few days and I'm not used to that kind of relationship"

Me: "I never said I just wanted to have fun"

Me: "I like you a lot"

Me: "I want to spend time with you"

Me: "You are such a beautiful soul"

Her:"I like to look into your eyes because you transmit sweetness"

Her: "And I think that is your true essence

Me: "You are so romantic"

Her: "Maybe"

Her: "But I think that"

Me: "I want to spend time with you and you enjoy my company"

Me: "I did not mean to be with you for a few days"

Me: "I want more than that"

(side note: I was seriously considering making her GF. She fun enough to be around that it might've been worth it)


Her: "What do you want"

Me: "I want to be with you' (maybe she wanted me to commit right then and there and say be the BF? I erred on the side of caution so I didn't say something I regret)

Me: "What do you want"

Her: replying to my"I want to be with you" with "Me too"

Her: "But let's do things gradually"

Her: "I want to be honest... I'm 46 years old" (wow, her body did not look like it)

Me: "Ok"

Me: "Things will happen at their own pace"

Me: (this one was a mistake for sure) "Oh I forgot"

Me: "Here's the address for my place for tomorrow, address: X" (she clearly did not want to go)

Her: "I'll think about it"

(Then I make it worse, I'm getting desperate because I'm attached)

Me: "K"

Me: "Why don't we do something else"

Me: "Unless your not interested anymore" (I recognize saying that was a mistake and try to counter it)

Me: "I don't want to pressure you though"

Me: (This one I did not need to say, it's a bad frame) "Whatever makes you most comfortable, we just text if that's all you want for now"

Her: "I like spending time with you, I want to get to know you better... let me think about it okay?"

Me: "That's fine"

Me: (finally a good move, change the topic) "How's your studies going?"

Now we get into some normal convo, with some romantic stuff too. We agree to meet on campus the next day briefly in between our classes

Second meet up;

It's difficult to find her on campus and this gets me frustrated and anxious, horrible momentum

My plan for the meet up was to find a secluded spot and briefly show her how to kiss properly and then after that try to convince her to come back to my place sometime

Looking back in retro spect, If I had just awknowledged where she was at mentally, her buying temperature, and taken it slower, just talked with her intimately, no kissing, some touch, then she probably would kept talking to me.

But instead, convincing her to come home with me did not work, and I was kissing her too much, I think it frazzled her, she had to get going to class rather soon


like 5 minutes after she leaves for her class she texts "I am not interested anymore, please do not text me"

And yeah, now that I've written all of this it seems pretty clear where I fucked up

1. Needy pressuring texting

2. Not taking into account her feelings/comfort level

3. Got intimate too fast during the date, this triggered her anti-slut defense

I feel really bad about the second one, because I want to be a compassionate lover. There are plenty of selfish and horny men out there and I was one of them that day :(

Every failure comes with a lesson

The next time I am in a similar situation, I will know better, and hopefully show the woman a great time

Onwards and upwards,

Update: With a little persistence, she’s starting to text me back again. Do you guys think I’ll be able to see her again?

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
I make out with her goodbye and grab her ass (that surprised her lol) and go back home.

Good. Very Biggus Dickus-like.

Her: "On the bus I was thinkning"

Her: "You are very sweet but we have different customs. You want to have fun for a few days and I'm not used to that kind of relationship"

Me: "I never said I just wanted to have fun"

Me: "I like you a lot"

Me: "I want to spend time with you"

Me: "You are such a beautiful soul"

Her:"I like to look into your eyes because you transmit sweetness"

Her: "And I think that is your true essence

Me: "You are so romantic"

Her: "Maybe"

Her: "But I think that"

Me: "I want to spend time with you and you enjoy my company"

Me: "I did not mean to be with you for a few days"

Me: "I want more than that"

(side note: I was seriously considering making her GF. She fun enough to be around that it might've been worth it)


Her: "What do you want"

This is all okay. It's a bit TOO sweet, too quick, but that's sort of what she needs at this point, but there's an air of slightly too romantic, too quick. But, if it's how you feel, it's how you feel.

I'm tempted to say one way or another, but I can't tell you how to feel about her.
Me: "Why don't we do something else"

Me: "Unless your not interested anymore" (I recognize saying that was a mistake and try to counter it)

Me: "I don't want to pressure you though"

Me: (This one I did not need to say, it's a bad frame) "Whatever makes you most comfortable, we just text if that's all you want for now"

Her: "I like spending time with you, I want to get to know you better... let me think about it okay?"

Me: "That's fine"

Me: (finally a good move, change the topic) "How's your studies going?"

Usually this type of talk is way too romantic if you haven't already slept with her. If you've fucked her, you can do this, but normally this isn't good. You're only really getting away with it because she's older and as women get older, their standards go down. They're more forgiving, because they don't have the bargaining chips of a hot 21 year old.

I'm not saying her feelings or what she is saying isn't genuine, but I want you to realize that she KNOWS what she's doing, playing all sweet and innocent. I hope you see that, right? She's more aware of how she's making you feel then maybe you're aware of. It's not necessarily evil, but it is....conscious.
My plan for the meet up was to find a secluded spot and briefly show her how to kiss properly and then after that try to convince her to come back to my place sometime

Again, I highly doubt she's actually a bad kisser. I mean there are those rare women who honestly don't have a lot of sexual experience, but this strikes me as...odd. It's giving off the same vibes as your first ex that you told me about. Very blatant types of game playing.

46 year old latina who doesn't know how to kiss? I'm gonna gamble on this being a "oo I'm so innocent, you just want sex, bad boy" act. It's cute and fun, but it's an act, to a certain extent.
Looking back in retro spect, If I had just awknowledged where she was at mentally, her buying temperature, and taken it slower, just talked with her intimately, no kissing, some touch, then she probably would kept talking to me.

But instead, convincing her to come home with me did not work, and I was kissing her too much, I think it frazzled her, she had to get going to class rather soon

It's possible your anxiety causes you to push too much and be too romantic, and always be aware of her putting up barriers, but if she's enjoying it and reciprocating, then it's fine.

I think you second guess it a lot and THIS is what causes her hesitation.

Kissing her a lot and being passionate <-- what you think causes her hesitance

Kissing her a lot but being nervous and second-guessing it <-- what I think causes her hesitance MORE

The reason being you're trying to be Biggus Dickuss but are still transforming into it, so when you act like Biggus Dickuss, there's some doubt in you and then she feels that doubt, which is why you're seeing her "innocent act." I think if you really owned Biggus DIckuss more and were more sure of yourself, she would put up less of this act and just be more slutty with you.
I feel really bad about the second one, because I want to be a compassionate lover. There are plenty of selfish and horny men out there and I was one of them that day :(

it's good you have compassion and empathy, but you're being a bit dramatic. I used to make this mistake a lot. Let me help you: if she's reciprocating, she's enjoying herself. It's pretty clear when a girl is uncomfortable (in a bad way, as opposed to like nervous excitement), and so long as that's not happening, she's having a good time.

Keep going. You're in the right direction, just try to see that a girl's hesitance is a lot of times a reflection of YOUR hesitation.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
This is a date I went on two weeks ago.

I was running late because I had just gotten off of my work, and I took a wrong turn somewhere.

I called her every ten minutes to update her with how close I was because I was anxious she would leave. I'm starting to suspect this is not a good strategy because it conveys neediness.

Anyways in her voice I could sense boujeeness, however her words were respectful, But not a good sign using those vocal inflections with me.

When we met at the coffee shop, I did the usual: hug upon greeting, lightly escalate touch (arm around shoulder, tap shoulder etc.)

We went out for a walk around the neighborhood. It was really hot out. During conversation she was really serious and uptight, it felt like an interview tbh, she was asking me all kinds of questions, and we started talking about deep things like the meaning of life (I don't like to go there on a first date lol).

When we got to park in the middle of the neighborhood where we sat on a bench, I had already touched her legs a couple times so I thought green light to kiss her.

She was kind of controlling the conversation so it was hard to find a good time to kiss her.

I was so focused on trying to kiss, that I went along with her idea to go back to the coffee shop to sit because it was too hot, even though I wanted to stay outside. Right after she suggested that, we got up to go to the coffee shop. THEN, FINALLY, I tried to kiss her. It did not work.

On the walk back I made an argument for why fun things can be meaningful. I think I did this because I asked her why she didn't want to kiss and I think she said something about it being too soon, but then I said it could be fun, then started to make my argument.

I did a little monologue about how we live often mundane and boring lives, that even sometimes contain suffering, so when we get a chance to have fun or feel pleasure it is actually very meaningful because it is a moment of brightness in a rather dull world.

This little improvised work of art did not do shit. So much for creating a gambit on the fly ahahahaha.

She just resisted by saying fun has to be appropriate for the circumstance and with the right people (what a Karen response omg)

At this point we were sitting outside near the coffee shop, the coffee shop was packed so we could not get a seat.

On the walk over she also asked me about my religious upbringing (what a seduction killer) so we talked about deep stuff like that for a bit

But anyways back to the part when we were outside the coffee shop.

She asked me "so you talk about how we could have fun together and it being meaningful but what type of fun is that to you?

I think she was trying to corner me or something or make me squirm but I just said something like

"Well having fun with you could be having meaningful conversations or kissing or (pause) sex"

And then she just responded by saying how fun had to have reservations and boundaries and be appropriate

And at this point I was so turned off and even a little hurt, because I felt like she was trying to make me feel bad about my intentions, like its a bad thing to want casual sex.

And also, her controlling the conversation and wanting to sit inside, and talking about serious topics, It was just not fun for me. You go on a date to have fun with someone (doesn't have to be sex, just a good time in general), not to fill out an interview questionnaire to see if you are compatatible for someone, that's what it felt like.

So at this point I was on purpose acting disinerested. Wandering gaze and non committal "uh-huh's".

She even asked me "Am I boring you?"

And I was like "a bit"

Then at that point she wanted to check and see if tables had opened up in the cafe.

They did, but I did not want to follow her around all of the time and do exactly how she tell me to do. So told her "I want to go for a walk, you can either come with me or not"

And she stayed in the coffee shop.

I walked to my car and was just sitting their like "holy shit, what do I do"

So I walked back into the coffee shop and told her "hey, I'm leaving"

She did not seem bothered at all by that and I couldn't help getting a little upset

I told her how this had never happened to me on a date and it was strange, and was this an age thing? (she was older than me), and she just smiled and nodded to everything I said, which made me feel like I was the weird one (and maybe I was, mental health issues got the best of me here)

So I left after that and that was that.

@Hector Papi Castillo I know you did not teach me to act like this, and I'm sorry. I need to work on my mental health more so this does not happen again

I am going to refrain from typing my analysis of what went wrong, because I am waiting for Hector to respond. I do have a couple ideas of where I went wrong though, I just want to wait for the feedback that is more accurate than my analysis, if that makes any sense.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Here’s a date i went on today:

I got my state up by listening and singing along to rap in the car + love and compassion meditation while I was waiting in the coffee shop for her

She came in, we hugged in greeting, small talk, she got her drink. I would do shoulder taps to mix in touch whenever making a point

To be honest, when she came in to the coffee shop, I was a little hesitant to touch her. That's because it took three different times to ask her out for her to say yes. And she gave me a little attitude in her second to last text to me. I think subconsciously I was thinking "She doesn't want me to touch her, If I touch her or escalate she will reject me"

And because of this I was in my head a little bit/held back from touching during certain parts of the date

It's like if a girl is a little bitchy/trying to control things a little more than average, it intimidates me and makes me hesitate. And is just not attractive to me overall

I had to work moderately hard to keep the conversation going, she would not ask questions on her own

We walked to a nearby grocery store just to look around, I put my arm around her shoulder a couple times, but if I kept it their too long she would shake it off

I had to work hard to think of topics to keep the conversation alive, she wasn’t putting in a lot of effort.

I mean she would respond when I asked her something, but it’s not like she was trying to keep the conversation going

She did show me a picture of the fruit she liked from Africa when I asked her what her favorite snack was. She showed me a picture of it on her phone. That was good.

But She was a little noncommittal to be honest, looking back I resent her a little for this. This whole “I’m going to sit back and let him do all of the work” attitude was not attractive it just made me have to put in more work for less positive energy in return.

But probably what it was, is she just wasn't very attracted to me. Which I can't blame her for, that's my game to blame.

She loves romance novels, maybe she's trying to follow that seduction blue print, I think in those books the woman is always hard to win over.

She gave Flat facial expressions, short to moderate response lengths, only speak when spoken too behaviors.

We found a bench nearby Giant to sit at. I love benches because they are great opportunities to kiss.

I sat down first, when she said down second, she sat 3 FEET away from me. Not a good sign. I tried several things to create a good environment.

I tried to get into a deep/emotional conversation (“what do you desire more than anything else in this world?”)
I turned out to be the only one getting emotional.
Turns out she is a pretty content and well adjusted person who does not desire anything strongly.

That's not very attractive to me, I like people who had to overcome something, it's fine to be happy and well adjusted, but to never have truly suffered means you lack depth.

Maybe that's weird of me. But I just like people I can relate to.

But then she asked me what I desire most.

And I was vague but told her one of my strong desires. I couldn’t tell her “I want a deeply loving relationship with a woman” because that would sound needy.

So I said “A lot of problematic things happened in my life during Covid, and I just wish things could return back to as normal as possible”

Maybe this is worse to say because it tells I have issues I am struggling with and that’s not attractive.

I have almost no idea what the fuck to say to women, I just guess and hope they like it. Maybe all of my hopes and desires are not attractive?

But then we just sat in silence for a moment, again, scrambling on what to say

I have this stupid routine where I try to think of a good phrase that will lead into the kiss, it’s pretty corny but works if the girl wants to kiss me

So I say, “is there nothing that you want?”

And then she’s like “well, there is… I forgot what she said.

And then I just say “I want this” and then I tried to kiss her

And obviously she turned away, I mean come on she was 3 feet away from me when we first sat down.

During our conversation I had to slowly scoot over to her to get close enough for the kiss.

And this just goes to show, I have no fucking idea how to kiss a girl. Chase in one of his articles talks about how you can kiss after a deep discussion when your just making eye contact with her.

But I’m not able to get into any deep discussions with women or captivating them so they are giving me that pre-kiss eye contact

I’m just so far off the mark, I probably can’t see the signs of interest or something that tell me when to escalate

But this date, I MADE SURE to watch for her signals.

And all I could read from her is this low commitment almost "impress me" vibe

So after the kiss fails, doubt starts going in my mind. Because I’ve only seen two good signs from her that were very brief during the date,

shortly after we met I made a joke and she laughed a little

And when we were walking to giant for like 1-2 seconds she was walking in a flirty way but then it returned to normal

So I’m thinking “did she want to be friends this whole time? She literally is not acting attracted at all

And this question is too strong in my mind for me to let it go and just act like everything’s okay

So I ask her

And she says “I’m not sure… but now I think we should be friends”

awkward silence

So I just tell “hey I should get going”

And that’s it. This date felt horrible during the end.

Usually if I fail with a kiss with a girl I am not discouraged

But because of how she was not showing interest throughout the whole date, I litterally was questioning if she was even into me

Even with the girl I dated yesterday, I could tell she was interested. She asked me questions, she let me pull her close, she wasn’t very enthusiastic about kissing but we kissed. Her vibe motivated me to keep going.

Their must be something about women that I do not know

I think if my fundamentals were better she would have wanted to kiss me

I also think their could have been signs that I missed

But a lot of this is still a mystery to me.

I’m going to work really hard from now on so this doesn’t happen again, and if it does, that happens very infrequently

A lot of what @Surveyor said is true.

I'm going to have to heed the signals and take it slow, not continue to escalate when I have bad signs from her.

This is going to allow to experiment with how much escalation is needed to maintain attraction. Because I have this belief that you have to always be escalating fast.

When I tone it down with less attracted girls, I'll start to see how much to back off or how to slow to escalate still without getting friend zoned. And I expect to get friendzoned a couple times while experimenting with this.
Last edited:


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
First of all, was this a DG date or what? Also, how old is she?
I got my state up by listening and singing along to rap in the car + love and compassion meditation while I was waiting in the coffee shop for her
Good move, do whatever works, just remember to go for relaxed alertness + sexuality rather than too chill
I would do shoulder taps to mix in touch whenever making a point
Upper arm tap is more natural. And don’t do it every time.
Kino should be an expression of closeness and/or sexual desire. Not super intentional or gamey.
We walked to a nearby grocery store just to look around, I put my arm around her shoulder a couple times, but if I kept it their too long she would shake it off
If you’re walking around hand on shoulder is pretty awkward. Last time I saw a guy keeping his hand on a woman’s shoulder (both 40+), it looked kinda wrong and I almost asked them if everything was all right.
I had to work hard to think of topics to keep the conversation alive, she wasn’t putting in a lot of effort.

I mean she would respond when I asked her something, but it’s not like she was trying to keep the conversation going
Ask Hector about this bc there are things you can do. I’m still working on this part actually but a couple things u can do are bait (see GC article) and (this is sorta cheap but) maneuver her onto the spot so that she has to be social and ask you questions about yourself, or come off wrong.

Rapport building can also be an antidote or preemptive solution.
She did show me a picture of the fruit she liked from Africa when I asked her what her favorite snack was.
Is this another African chick?
But She was a little noncommittal to be honest, looking back I resent her a little for this. This whole “I’m going to sit back and let him do all of the work” attitude was not attractive it just made me have to put in more work for less positive energy in return.

She gave Flat facial expressions, short to moderate response lengths, only speak when spoken too behaviors.
Was she American? Maybe it’s a cultural thing. If so communicating and subcommunicating can help. Differences between your culture’s dating practices and hers’ can be a really fun topic.

If not…don’t sink too much work into her. If she’s interested she needs to he invested, otherwise gradually move in the direction of nexting…
We found a bench nearby Giant to sit at. I love benches because they are great opportunities to kiss.

I sat down first, when she said down second, she sat 3 FEET away from me. Not a good sign. I tried several things to create a good environment.
By this point you should most likely (imho) be reacting and calibrating, not persisting…
I tried to get into a deep/emotional conversation (“what do you desire more than anything else in this world?”)
Way too clumsy if you ask me. I’ve done this before too, that’s how I know…
Turns out she is a pretty content and well adjusted person who does not desire anything strongly.
Idk the context (age, culture, subculture etc etc) but usually don’t take that stuff at face value.
How boring, I like women with emotional depth who have an origin story, who went through a challenging experience but over came it. Not “My life’s okay, wouldn’t really change anything if I had the chance” lol
I know what you mean. Being like that myself, I prefer women with less…battle-hardened personalities, but I definitely like flavor and generally anything that makes her not a cookie-cutter NPC.
Recently I closed a girl whom no one would ever even consider “a 6”, but has so much interesting stuff.
But then she asked me what I desire most.
You asked first…lolll
And I was vague but told her one of my strong desires. I couldn’t tell her “I want a deeply loving relationship with a woman” because that would sound needy.
Yes and no.

You can’t say it like that, but you can absolutely spin the general idea in an attractive and non-committal way.

Say something like “I’m looking for meaningful connections and playful, adventurous, memorable experiences”. Calibrate it to the specific girl.
So I said “A lot of problematic things happened in my life during Covid, and I just wish things could return back to as normal as possible”
Nononononononononononononononono…God NO 🤦‍♂️
Maybe this is worse to say because it tells I have issues I am struggling with and that’s not attractive.
Most I ever do is vague allusions to conquering difficult obstacles because the average 20something woman eats that sort of thing up…works better on older girls but only if it’s calibrated…if you’ve achieved enough mutual comfort and rapport you can also do attainability stuff but still if uncalibrated you make her reevaluate your value…
I have almost no idea what the fuck to say to women, I just guess and hope they like it. Maybe all of my hopes and desires are not attractive?
Talk to Hector; he’s probably one of the biggest experts on this topic around.

All I can say myself is, give this issue a lot of attention and get as much field experience as possible (including dates with women you’re meh about)…
But then we just sat in silence for a moment, again, scrambling on what to say
When that kind of thing happens, whatever you do, don’t act like it’s awkward. Savor the tension, make eye contact and other nonverbals, and put her on the spot to break the silence.
I have this stupid routine where I try to think of a good phrase that will lead into the kiss, it’s pretty corny but works if the girl wants to kiss me
Bruh if so, only use it when you know she’s ready for the kiss, why are you doing it here, this is no calibrated…
So I say, “is there nothing that you want?”

And then she’s like “well, there is… I forgot what she said.

And then I just say “I want this” and then I tried to kiss her
That kind of thing, in general, doesn’t work with older girls (assuming this is from general impression). Unless of course you are dominating the frame but that’s the main reason why I don’t really go for girls between 22 and 30 (although I should keep practicing and experimenting anyway tbhhh)
And obviously she turned away, I mean come on she was 3 feet away from me when we first sat down.

During our conversation I had to slowly scoot over to her to get close enough for the kiss.

And this just goes to show, I have no fucking idea how to kiss a girl. Chase in one of his articles talks about how you can kiss after a deep discussion when your just making eye contact with her.

But I’m not able to get into any deep discussions with women or captivating them so they are giving me that pre-kiss eye contact

I’m just so far off the mark, I probably can’t see the signs of interest or something that tell me when to escalate

But this date, I MADE SURE to watch for her signals.

And all I could read from her is this nochalant I don’t care, nothing interests me vibe
Oh god 🤦‍♂️
For starters, you need to fix the middle of your OODA loop (lookup if u don’t know what that is)
If you can tell she isn’t going for it, calibrate to that.

Now more advanced seducers don’t worry too much about signals but…

They are still getting feedback from compliance + how she reacts to every little thing they do.

Going for the kiss was too big a jump here…you could have tried for something smaller and see how she reacted though
So after the kiss fails, doubt starts going in my mind. Because I’ve only seen two good signs from her that were very brief during the date,

shortly after we met I made a joke and she laughed a little

And when we were walking to giant for like 1-2 seconds she was walking in a flirty way but then it returned to normal

So I’m thinking “did she want to be friends this whole time? She literally is not acting attracted at all

And this question is too strong in my mind for me to let it go and just act like everything’s okay

So I ask her

And she says “I’m not sure… but now I think we should be friends”
Translation…ya blew it

Don’t worry about it, I’m sure you will or already did learn a TON and that’s what matters
awkward silence

So I just tell “hey I should get going”

And that’s it. This date felt horrible during the end.

Usually if I fail with a kiss with a girl I am not discouraged

But because of how she was not showing interest throughout the whole date, I litterally was questioning if she was even into me

Even with the girl I dated yesterday, I could tell she was interested. She asked me questions, she let me pull her close, she wasn’t very enthusiastic about kissing but we kissed. Her vibe motivated me to keep going.

I don’t know what this girl’s today game plan was.

Was she just showing up because she was curious about me and whether i could be a potential option?

Is that her style of seduction, make the boy work super hard and if he gets discouraged and gives up he’s not want she wanted anyways?

A minority of the girls I date show up without the mindset of “let’s have a good time”

And it really puzzles me, because you would think if you had a date you would be excited for it.

Ok full stop…unless this is a Tinder date most of the time you should be trying for activity dates…especially in your case it will help I think
Their must be something about women that I do not know

I think if my fundamentals were better she would have wanted to kiss me
I also think their could have been signs that I missed
Calibration and lack of rapport what lost her.
Also possible she started in a bad mood but that’s a wildcard.

lt sounds like she was yellow light i.e. neutral-positive at the beginning and you gradually lost her
But a lot of this is still a mystery to me.
Obvs you’ve made a lot of progress in order to be able to fully realize that.
I’m going to work really hard from now on so this doesn’t happen again, and if it does, that happens very infrequently
That’s the spirit!!⚡️

I hope you appreciate my advice and don’t mind that I started intentionally channeling Skills pretty early on…either way u are doing great…important thing is to get dates and go on them so props for that…keep grinding and it will pay off


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
First of all, was this a DG date or what? Also, how old is she?

Good move, do whatever works, just remember to go for relaxed alertness + sexuality rather than too chill

Upper arm tap is more natural. And don’t do it every time.
Kino should be an expression of closeness and/or sexual desire. Not super intentional or gamey.

If you’re walking around hand on shoulder is pretty awkward. Last time I saw a guy keeping his hand on a woman’s shoulder (both 40+), it looked kinda wrong and I almost asked them if everything was all right.

Ask Hector about this bc there are things you can do. I’m still working on this part actually but a couple things u can do are bait (see GC article) and (this is sorta cheap but) maneuver her onto the spot so that she has to be social and ask you questions about yourself, or come off wrong.

Rapport building can also be an antidote or preemptive solution.

Is this another African chick?

Was she American? Maybe it’s a cultural thing. If so communicating and subcommunicating can help. Differences between your culture’s dating practices and hers’ can be a really fun topic.

If not…don’t sink too much work into her. If she’s interested she needs to he invested, otherwise gradually move in the direction of nexting…

By this point you should most likely (imho) be reacting and calibrating, not persisting…

Way too clumsy if you ask me. I’ve done this before too, that’s how I know…

Idk the context (age, culture, subculture etc etc) but usually don’t take that stuff at face value.

I know what you mean. Being like that myself, I prefer women with less…battle-hardened personalities, but I definitely like flavor and generally anything that makes her not a cookie-cutter NPC.
Recently I closed a girl whom no one would ever even consider “a 6”, but has so much interesting stuff.

You asked first…lolll

Yes and no.

You can’t say it like that, but you can absolutely spin the general idea in an attractive and non-committal way.

Say something like “I’m looking for meaningful connections and playful, adventurous, memorable experiences”. Calibrate it to the specific girl.

Nononononononononononononononono…God NO 🤦‍♂️

Most I ever do is vague allusions to conquering difficult obstacles because the average 20something woman eats that sort of thing up…works better on older girls but only if it’s calibrated…if you’ve achieved enough mutual comfort and rapport you can also do attainability stuff but still if uncalibrated you make her reevaluate your value…

Talk to Hector; he’s probably one of the biggest experts on this topic around.

All I can say myself is, give this issue a lot of attention and get as much field experience as possible (including dates with women you’re meh about)…

When that kind of thing happens, whatever you do, don’t act like it’s awkward. Savor the tension, make eye contact and other nonverbals, and put her on the spot to break the silence.

Bruh if so, only use it when you know she’s ready for the kiss, why are you doing it here, this is no calibrated…

That kind of thing, in general, doesn’t work with older girls (assuming this is from general impression). Unless of course you are dominating the frame but that’s the main reason why I don’t really go for girls between 22 and 30 (although I should keep practicing and experimenting anyway tbhhh)

Oh god 🤦‍♂️
For starters, you need to fix the middle of your OODA loop (lookup if u don’t know what that is)
If you can tell she isn’t going for it, calibrate to that.

Now more advanced seducers don’t worry too much about signals but…

They are still getting feedback from compliance + how she reacts to every little thing they do.

Going for the kiss was too big a jump here…you could have tried for something smaller and see how she reacted though

Translation…ya blew it

Don’t worry about it, I’m sure you will or already did learn a TON and that’s what matters

Ok full stop…unless this is a Tinder date most of the time you should be trying for activity dates…especially in your case it will help I think

Calibration and lack of rapport what lost her.
Also possible she started in a bad mood but that’s a wildcard.

lt sounds like she was yellow light i.e. neutral-positive at the beginning and you gradually lost her

Obvs you’ve made a lot of progress in order to be able to fully realize that.

That’s the spirit!!⚡️

I hope you appreciate my advice and don’t mind that I started intentionally channeling Skills pretty early on…either way u are doing great…important thing is to get dates and go on them so props for that…keep grinding and it will pay off
Hahaha, you saw me when my game was at my worst from that date report lol

Can you get a second date with only a little escalation and no kiss?

Because if I think back to if I actually listened to the signals, I Don't know if we would kiss at all.

High chance it would just fizzle out into platonicness.

THAT is why I ignored the signals, because I've gone on dates where I did not kiss because I could tell she was not there yet, and nothing came of it.

But I also think forcing kisses is not smart, and is not going to make them very attracted to me, even if they accept the kiss.

So yeah, I'm gonna have to go through a phase where I get friend zoned a lot until l figure out how to get them wanting the kiss

Because at the end of the day, seduction requires patience. And this anxious mindset of "I have to get the kiss because I already x,y,z and I'm worried it will get platonic". Is not enjoyable for either of us me or her, or seductive

What do you think?

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
It's like if a girl is a little bitchy/trying to control things a little more than average, it intimidates me and makes me hesitate. And is just not attractive to me overall

Yeah, I get it. But pushing through and trying with her anyways is going to go a long way to making you better with girls. Because eventually you'll be with a girl you DO like and she'll have a bad moment, then you need to NOT intimidated.

However, you also don't want to try too hard with a girl you're losing interest in. It creates REALLY weird dynamics where you clearly don't like her but you're trying harder than you FEEL you should and it's just...weird. I'm guessing that's what's about to happen.
I had to work hard to think of topics to keep the conversation alive, she wasn’t putting in a lot of effort.

I mean she would respond when I asked her something, but it’s not like she was trying to keep the conversation going

Then stop talking so much ;) Just be silent.

It might be awkward weird, but try it!! See if she pushes to fill the silence.
But She was a little noncommittal to be honest, looking back I resent her a little for this. This whole “I’m going to sit back and let him do all of the work” attitude was not attractive it just made me have to put in more work for less positive energy in return.

But probably what it was, is she just wasn't very attracted to me. Which I can't blame her for, that's my game to blame.

You're missing it. Your putting in too much effort when she's not reciprocating IS BAD GAME. That's your game right there!

Girl playing too cool for school -> try harder?

That's not biggus dickuss at all! You try LESS HARD! Get on your phone. Look at memes. And then when it gets really akward, just leave.
I sat down first, when she said down second, she sat 3 FEET away from me. Not a good sign. I tried several things to create a good environment.

I tried to get into a deep/emotional conversation (“what do you desire more than anything else in this world?”)
I turned out to be the only one getting emotional.
Turns out she is a pretty content and well adjusted person who does not desire anything strongly.

All wrong. You're taking this WAY too far.

Going on a girl with a tough girl = good for education


Plying that girl with effort she isn't earning = just bad game

Just bad game all around. Why are you trying so hard with her? She doesn't deserve it! And she's not respecting you for putting in so much effort!

So I said “A lot of problematic things happened in my life during Covid, and I just wish things could return back to as normal as possible”

Maybe this is worse to say because it tells I have issues I am struggling with and that’s not attractive.

I have almost no idea what the fuck to say to women, I just guess and hope they like it. Maybe all of my hopes and desires are not attractive?

Dude, you are WAY too dramatic. Next time you go on a date, you need to try being more casual. Don't talk about dreams or hopes or anything serious. Just dumb boring shit. You're trying way too hard to deep dive.

You need to work on less serious conversation.

And then when you tried to kiss her....yeah, I mean. Not the right time.

I think we need to work on you being less dramatic. Which is going to take time.

You need to ask yourself

1.Why you feel the desire to get girls who are clearly bitches (what do you want to prove? BE HONEST dont just say "yeah i shouldn't do that" ASK YOURSELF WHY AND FIND OUT THE TRUTH)

2. Why you chase after women who reject you (this is connected to #1 but slightly different)

3. Why you're always so heavy and serious with your thoughts/conversations

Also from your other date.

he even asked me "Am I boring you?"

And I was like "a bit"

Then at that point she wanted to check and see if tables had opened up in the cafe.

They did, but I did not want to follow her around all of the time and do exactly how she tell me to do. So told her "I want to go for a walk, you can either come with me or not"

And she stayed in the coffee shop.

I walked to my car and was just sitting their like "holy shit, what do I do"

So I walked back into the coffee shop and told her "hey, I'm leaving"

She did not seem bothered at all by that and I couldn't help getting a little upset

Walking away was the right move! And then you folded :( Yes, having good manners is important, but see, you walked away to get a reaction from her, not because you didn't want to talk to her anymore.

Guy walks away cuz he's bored = fine (but you should still say good bye and have good manners)

Guy walks away cuz he wants to get a reaction from her = beta weak behavior

You did it for the latter reason and when you came back to "say bye"????? it was confirmed, that's why she acted too cool for school.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
A lot has happened since my last report on here:

got two new lays

but more importantly had an self realization about myself and dating

I care too much to the point where I obsess and lose leads

Decided to take a step back because it was getting unhealthy

I approach less often now, but my approaches are better quality because I can put more energy into them

a side effect of this is respecting women more because I don’t view it as an effort to control instead I’m helping her explore her options

which means I’m escalating slower, reading signals better. Going at her pace, give her the romance she wants, not a overly touch type of guy

she wants to feel comfortable yet a little aroused, maybe a lot aroused for some girls but those are the exception not the rule

and my hands off strategy worked. Yesterday I got date two confirmed with a girl for the first time in a couplle weeks, but with a girl that is this arousal adverse, first time in 6 months!

So my seductions are going to have a lot more longevity from now on, hopefully I can become faster as time wears on

with my new headspace and free time I’ve been going back to old hobbies which feels refreshing and relaxing

yu gi oh and making rap music are my two favorite past times rn lol funny ik im a nerd but I can get laid at the same time!

anyways this new me in dating feels cleaner more honest and less gimmicky, sexual yet disciplined with my sex drive.




Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022

focusing all my energy on bettering myself becoming so attractive that women seduce themselves is the goal

created a 6 month plan, to create habits and mostly cut bad habits that are preventing me from becoming a high value grounded man, I’ll link my plan into this journal so you can take a look, first have to tweak it tho, because like any good plan, it requires constant revision in order to stay current with updates and development.

Good news! Lost 3lbs so far off of diet and exercise.

I tried starving myself with a 1700 cal diet but that was hard to keep up when your body thinks your dying

Now my plan is to monitor calorie intake for a week and find out what my caloric baseline is.

from there I will subtract 500 cal from each day because that is how much of a deficit you need to lose 1lb a week.

Slow weight loss is better because then I can recomp my body and may be able to stop dieting at 180 because building muscle will be easier while fat so once I lose a lot of fat, most of my weight will be muslce and I will look jacked af

have a friend I just met who told me that was his strategy and I look at him today, he’s totally jacked looks like a monster, but started at 300lb and slowly recomped his way into beastdom.

I pirated Arnold Schwarzeneggers body building book and am using it to create my fitness program, shits a bout to get lit

this around the time drake dropped his new album FATD (for all the dogs)

and I got to say I agree with the resentment towards women he feels

being fat with mental health issues has given me the short end of the stick with women, and I definitely think they are only nice people if they like you.

A true virtuous person is kind to even his enemies yet knows his limits with them.

I am not fully virtuous myself so who am I to judge

Im planning to work on therapy with this resentment because I need to heal from it if I am to have healthy relationships with women

yet for all the dogs is still a good bop if your in your villain phase

I mean drake broke a huge societal rule making that album: don’t bash women for being women in the dating scene

every guy overlooks the manipulation because they want pussy and they don’t have the bargaining chips to talk their shit unfiltered

Drake however is massively powerful figure, he can do this without getting in trouble, sure the media might shame him but that’s a minor dent in his fame, he can still get women while calling women out

But I do have to say that he is probably part of the cause for his relationship problems, and he’s obviously not mentioning that on the album

but just interesting watching him being such a loose cannon

didn’t know I was gonna do an analysis on that, just free flow of consciousness

anywaysgood things to come (or should I say cum) once I have done a 180 in my life via this 6 month plan

(links to weightlifting book and 6 month plan to be in next entry)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 28, 2016
Hey man, sounds like the journey I'm angling towards now! I agree with setting the bar high with reaching the point the scale tips and you're the more desired member in the dance. It is a messy balance to know the reality of women and not be jaded, but that's probably just due to being misinformed about the situation to begin with, so it's a process of orienting towards the reality and making peace with it.

If you're up for it, I can highly recommend carnivore (beef). I've been on strict carnivore (some eggs and light cheese, but 95% beef+salt) for 6 months and it is working amazingly. It's not a rapid change, but I continue to get both leaner and bigger at the same time. The improvements just keep going to the point I'm wondering if i should compete just for the hell of it.

It's also really cheap (in the US, at least). Shopping for sales and stocking my freezer let's me eat 3lbs of beef a day for $9-15, which is much cheaper than anything else that will give you results. Sometimes that's ground beef, but a lot of the time it's T-bone, Ribeye, and New York Strip (the best cuts due to their 50/50 fat to protein ratios). I also have had no need to supplement, so plenty of savings their when into fitness.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Hey man, sounds like the journey I'm angling towards now! I agree with setting the bar high with reaching the point the scale tips and you're the more desired member in the dance. It is a messy balance to know the reality of women and not be jaded, but that's probably just due to being misinformed about the situation to begin with, so it's a process of orienting towards the reality and making peace with it.

If you're up for it, I can highly recommend carnivore (beef). I've been on strict carnivore (some eggs and light cheese, but 95% beef+salt) for 6 months and it is working amazingly. It's not a rapid change, but I continue to get both leaner and bigger at the same time. The improvements just keep going to the point I'm wondering if i should compete just for the hell of it.

It's also really cheap (in the US, at least). Shopping for sales and stocking my freezer let's me eat 3lbs of beef a day for $9-15, which is much cheaper than anything else that will give you results. Sometimes that's ground beef, but a lot of the time it's T-bone, Ribeye, and New York Strip (the best cuts due to their 50/50 fat to protein ratios). I also have had no need to supplement, so plenty of savings their when into fitness.
In any negotiation you want to have the upper hand, once I realized I was getting shit results because I was fat, bam, decided to focus on myself and come back when I have more buying power than most of the women I approach, I'm focusing on everything in these 6 months, exercise, diet, mental health therapy, quitting porn, more disciplined with my studies, retraining nonverbals, and fixing fashion and hygiene. But it goes deeper than that, in order to achieve all these changes, I've realized I have to start believing in myself for once and lose the victimhood mentality. I'm starting to build the fortitude that only strong men have. It's just as much spiritual as it is emotional and physical

As for the diet. I'm gonna start tracking my protein intake. I heard it's 2-3g for every kg of body weight if you want to recomp successfully, which is 1-1.6g per pound.

So I think I'm gonna follow that, it's backed by experiments of people recomping

But with all that protein I'm pretty sure I'll be eating very similarly to you

I enjoy grains, fruits, and veggies so I definitely want to keep them in my diet.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Okay so improvements since last time:

1. now have lost 6lbs together, only 3lbs away from my benchmark goal

yeah that’s the only positive

but it means I can start phase 2 of my 6month plan a week ahead of schedule if I losing 3lbs in 3 weeks

light work

lowkey scared for phase 2:

which is: focus on inner work, quitting porn, and being disciplined with school

it’d gonna be so hard

but phase 1 was really hard when I first started, but then it became more manageable

so the same will probably be for phase 2

I just gotta tough it out until it gets easier

I gotta remember all pain is temporary

this isn’t just about women, it’s about changing my life.

Getting rid of all of the bad habits, so I can have solid footing in life, and that, as a byproduct, will make getting women much easier

gotta reread that X factor series Ricardus did, it may hold some keys in glowing up

til next time,



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Okay so improvements since last time:

1. now have lost 6lbs together, only 3lbs away from my benchmark goal

yeah that’s the only positive

but it means I can start phase 2 of my 6month plan a week ahead of schedule if I losing 3lbs in 3 weeks

light work

lowkey scared for phase 2:

which is: focus on inner work, quitting porn, and being disciplined with school

it’d gonna be so hard

but phase 1 was really hard when I first started, but then it became more manageable

so the same will probably be for phase 2

I just gotta tough it out until it gets easier

I gotta remember all pain is temporary

this isn’t just about women, it’s about changing my life.

Getting rid of all of the bad habits, so I can have solid footing in life, and that, as a byproduct, will make getting women much easier

gotta reread that X factor series Ricardus did, it may hold some keys in glowing up

til next time,

Oh also wanted to add in, my protein powder came in + plus realized weightlifting is 60% mental, now I’m going to hype myself up so I can lift maximum potential


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Felt like it was a good time to update:

Just finished a 7 hour study session, it's midnight.

I did this because I didn't want to jeopardize my future, this is a key exam coming up and it if I did not put my nose to grindstone, I very well could get a C tomorrow.

Why is this related to seduction?

Because women want men who can get shit done, I need to have my shit together if I want to keep a high quality woman.

My dad is this type of person, even in a crisis he will be level headed and function.

Not to mention, this is an achievement if I do well on the test tomorrow. Considering I only had 2 days to study because my teacher surprised us.
I will feel pride looking back, If I can get an A on this test.

Lifting is going well, being able to lift more and more each session.

Dieting is not going well, I'm eating healthy but I'm staying the same, I stopped losing weight.

If I don't lose weight tomorrow, I'm going to shave off another 100 cal from the diet

Decided to buy skincare products, I need to take of my hygiene if I am to be that top guy.

Got a month before phase 2, so I have time to tie up the loose ends.

Feel like a top guy, prioritizes his appearance, I've started taking time in the morning, before I leave the house, clean up my appearance, look presentable

I'm going to do this tommorow morning even though I will be low on sleep and not feel like it, because getting that done, will only solidify my commitment to my tranformation.

Every difficult thing I do increases investment and therefore lowers my chances of getting comfortable and stop trying

Be more disciplined with school was reserved to start on phase 2, but now I've realized I can't afford to wait, so as you can see today, I clocked in some discipline today with the 7 hours

more to come ;)

may you put in the work and get the pussy,
