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BAM! Let's Do It


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Don't feel like going out tonight.

I will though.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Went out for street night game. Im in a different place than usual so there was no opportunity to get to a major metropolis with heavy foot traffic. This + the holidays meant little to do. I opened three "sets" that weren't even sets. They were just random older folks running around. Anything to keep the blade sharp.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Went out and did some mall game last night. This interaction sums it all up:

*I approach a three set, first ignoring the target and instead addressing the friends (a.k.a. my first mistake). After about 2 minutes of painful, forced banter on my part, we have this dialogue. Note, I am walking backwards as they slowly walk forwards:

Me: So you must be an international student

Her: ...

Me: Don't worry. I'm not the IRS *cue shit-eating grin*

Her: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what? HA-HA-hahahahaha *she crouches over in laughter*

Me: Okay, it's been fun ladies. Have a nice day! (left on a highpoint, alrighttt!)


4 approaches
7 cop-outs

I rationalized these cop outs by saying that it would be too difficult to approach groups. This was more pronounced after bombing with that 3 set above. I still have the lingering fear of being "overheard" during conversation.


Interesting that rather than getting blown out...for the most part I'm getting lukewarm responses or avoided eye contact. Guess I wasn't rolling in with enough intent to be considered a target worth noticing much.

Still it was loads of fun starting conversation with total strangers and, in some cases, cracking some funnies. I don't go in with the intent to entertain though and I avoid going for clown tricks. Despite the lack of success, I'm happy that I went out at all. It was fun!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Currently in transit towards a night street game site. Already done three approaches. Nothin solid yet


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Alright! Gonna start writing these in a more detached perspective to see if that helps with visualizing/analyzing things.

To work on

So, you got skiddish and did zero approaches when you got to the site tonight - even though you chatted up a few girls and then bailed out rather than sticking in. Remember that you should be playing to win. A girl also may have tried to open you when she asked you "Is there a line?" while she was in line. C'mon kid. You gave her a lame single line of banter, rather than the full monte because you were worried about the guy behind you being her mate. Don't ever let that happen again. Push now - expect objections later.

You also bailed on a set where a girl smiled at you and held iron contact upon your witty banter line. You make me so angry sometimes. DONT DO THAT MAN. You are hurting girls by ignoring their green and yellow signals.

The Two Set

In the subway station, you spied an attractive looking girl with her taller friend. With only a moment's hesistation to analyze the set - about 5 seconds max - you opened with something original and spontaneous based on what you'd seen all night.

G_P: Hey, so is there a party that I don't know about? Seem's like you two are dressed for a night on the town.

Girls: Hahahaha no, a Balle

You then continued banter for about 3 minutes. Here, you fixated on the girl you wanted by asking her:

G_P: Hey, so you have this very exotic look. I'm thinking Brazilian?

*note to self - I keep approaching foreign looking girls with moca skin. might need to check out Brazil*

She seemed flattered and you continued this conversation through the transition point (getting on the subway). GOOD JOB DUDE. That had screwed you up a few times before. No better teacher than experience.

You manage to keep conversation for the nearly 40 minute metro ride. Most of the conversation is spent on your target. You are careful to include the friend at points to ensure that she doesn't get to bored. Both girls engage you in conversation when it tones down at multiple points.

At one point you "seed" your status as a temporary option only when you suggest you will be traveling as soon as you get the chance and that you plan on being a bachelor for "a very long time." Her friend nods here and puckers her lips as if to say "good job, Gentle_Phrases."

At three points you pepper in statements of intent such as "you have a very warm smile" while staring into her eyes. She takes all of them with grace and says thank you. She always holds eye contact.

As you get to the bus station, you ask if she'll be riding. She says no, she's driving and then OFFERS YOU A RIDE BACK. Too bad her friend was there, aha. You of course take the offer (when you say thanks you put your hand on her lower back and then let it graze her butt as you take it away). You number close right as she drops you off, suggesting that you two watch a DVD movie she likes together. She replies "definitely."

You just texted her. For some reason, despite all this you get the feeling that you'll never see her again. Still, you got good experience tonight. 40 minutes and you still managed to display solid intent in a two set. Bravo. Bravo.

Of course, this means no more weasiling out of approaching two sets on the street.


You did 3 genuine approaches tonight and asked for one number. You got it. Go team.

You skipped out on asking for a number in a set where it was almost guaranteed. Work on always pushing forward kid.

Keep on truckin' .

Oh, and you signed up for online coaching. Atta' boy, mate.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
For some reason, despite all this you get the feeling that you'll never see her again.

Still got a major lack of confidence in your follow through. Hm. Guess that comes with time. Make the mistakes now, mate.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
You just couldn't keep still after getting that girl's number, so you left post once again in search of other girls to approach. Meanwhile, she texted you back, saying that it was nice to meet you as well. We'll call her "the Peruvian."

You just got another attractive girl's phone number. Let's call her the "Sultry Serb," even though she's Indian. She has dramatic, exotic features and that familiar moca skin! The running joke you made up was that she's "zero to sixty" in an instant, while you're relaxed, slow and steady ;).She loved that one. Don't ever use it again though. Keep coming up with original stuff dude. I like it, the girls seem to enjoy it. Stay in the moment.

Key Points

She resisted a little on your first suggestion for a date. Don't remember how. However, the second time you asked, she said sure and gave you her contact information. You're building up the persistence muscle - excellent, excellent,excellent. When you asked her where she lived, she said "that's for you to find out" in a playful, teasing manner and then looked shocked as if she said it. She grasped her neck lightly.

You showed direct, verbal intent. Excellent. What annoyed me was that you said, "this is a great chat" THREE TIMES or maybe even more. A sign of nervousness maybe? She tried to test you with it by saying, "yeah, too bad it's over," in a playful way while blushing, to which you replied, "yeah, that's cause you're zero to sixty, right? That's too bad. We can start up a new one tomorrow. Would you like to have lunch with me?" Her: Hahaha sureee

BAM! Let's do it.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
YOU ARE PISSED. You opened an attractive girl with killer style and were doing good for about 2 -3 minutes. Then, when you had to part ways, you didn't attempt to stop her and talk while standing for a moment. You also made no touches. ????????????????

Stop it.

The problem here was that you saw all yellow lights and rather than keeping your foot on the pedal, you started tip-toeing the brake pad. Gotta get used to persisting more, mate. Let her BLOW YOU OUT! Inconvenience her! That way the ones looking for you have a shot at ending up happy.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Dude G_P, idk why but everything your write that is more than a couple sentences long makes me bust out laughing. You really have a unique way of thinking in general
So, you got skiddish and did zero approaches when you got to the site tonight - even though you chatted up a few girls and then bailed out rather than sticking in. Remember that you should be playing to win. A girl also may have tried to open you when she asked you "Is there a line?" while she was in line. C'mon kid. You gave her a lame single line of banter, rather than the full monte because you were worried about the guy behind you being her mate. Don't ever let that happen again. Push now - expect objections later.

Just reading this as if you have an online coach telling you where you went wrong and right is fucking ingeniously hilarious to me. "C'mon kid. You gave her a lame single line of banter, rather than the full monte. Don't ever let that happen again!"
I love it.

You just texted her. For some reason, despite all this you get the feeling that you'll never see her again. Still, you got good experience tonight. 40 minutes and you still managed to display solid intent in a two set. Bravo. Bravo.

Of course, this means no more weaseling out of approaching two sets on the street.

You did a good job here just basking and socializing in women's sexual presence (the more hours you do that the better) but unfortunately you will probably never see her again. If the logistics would have been right you would have wanted to fuck her that day but since they weren't you kind of wasted your time in hopes of meeting up later. I think you already know this but just so you don't forget, if you're not going to try and bed her the day you meet her DONT SPEND MORE THAN 10 MINUTES WITH HER. :)

The running joke you made up was that she's "zero to sixty" in an instant, while you're relaxed, slow and steady ;).She loved that one. Don't ever use it again though. Keep coming up with original stuff dude. I like it, the girls seem to enjoy it. Stay in the moment.
Dude one thing I admire about you is your wit and quickness to come up with fun banter and remarks. Keep it up. I wouldn't throw your witty lines out of your arsenal completely more or less like something else to add to your arsenal. Though definitely keep coming up with fresh material to be like you say "in the moment".

Your getting there amigo, your actually putting in a lot of work as well keep it up and coming!

Over and out,



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013

Gentle_Phrases said:
She resisted a little on your first suggestion for a date. Don't remember how. However, the second time you asked, she said sure and gave you her contact information. You're building up the persistence muscle - excellent, excellent, excellent. When you asked her where she lived, she said "that's for you to find out" in a playful, teasing manner and then looked shocked as if she said it. She grasped her neck lightly.
This sounds very promising... good job on the persistence, making her change her mind has got to get her even more invested than accepting the first time. And her comeback sounds as if it just "slipped out". Way to go!

Gentle_Phrases said:
Gotta get used to persisting more, mate. Let her BLOW YOU OUT! Inconvenience her! That way the ones looking for you have a shot at ending up happy.
That is definitely the right way of thinking about it. I screwed one up similar to this today. I'd already read your report, too, which gives me no excuse.

Gentle_Phrases said:
Remember that you should be playing to win. A girl also may have tried to open you when she asked you "Is there a line?" while she was in line. C'mon kid.
Like Rob, I'm laughing out loud, but I'm kinda laughing at myself too... hurts to read this, it's so familiar!

Gentle_Phrases said:
You are hurting girls by ignoring their green and yellow signals.
Exactly. That's the way to look at it.

Gentle_Phrases said:
Of course, this means no more weaseling out of approaching two sets on the street.
Yeah, I don't know why it is but these always seem much tougher in daytime approach.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Hey thanks for the motivation Rob, Marty.

I screwed one up similar to this today. I'd already read your report, too, which gives me no excuse.

Yeah Marty, it's sooooo frustrating. Guess it comes with time!

If the logistics would have been right

Rob, you're right dude. Gotta get those logistics on my side.

Keep it up, gents! I look forward to reading about more of your escapades on the FR section


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
No Day Two

As expected, "the Peruvian" gave you a platonic shoulder pat via text message. Her response after you asked "do you want to hang out this week?" (standard protocol of Roosh V text game) was "Idk if I can this week but I will let u know if I free up :)"


Time to scout for new talent, pretty boy. You won't be hearing from this one. You gave her no response to this message...For future reference, think about what you could say to it.

When subtleties give you an inch, take the country mile

In hindsight, Rob proves even more correct than you thought. The girls were commenting on the fact that they felt wide awake late Sunday night when you made a joke that they were planning to go clubbing. Maybe you could have extended the interaction somehow (can't go clubbing/bars yet)... Of course, at this point that would be a case of extraordinary mental masturbation so next time figure it out IN THE MOMENT. A push for more time would have demonstrated undeniable interest and intent, as well as guaranteed entry through a possible escalation window. She may have been hoping that you would move much faster.

Text Results Thus Far

So far, you've gotten a total of four text conversations from cold approach. None of them have lead to day twos. You've experimented with Chase's text rules, Roosh V's text rules (he suggests asking "do you want to hang out this week because it forces her to invest a minimal amount to keep the interaction going), and Chateau Heartiste's laconic text game. This means something went wrong in each of your interactions this prevented the girl from ever wanting to see you again. Think about it. If your presence was that exciting and you were truly sexy, you could text her the daily lotto numbers and it wouldn't make a difference.

The bright side here is that at least you got a reply. Zero to Sixty hasn't replied to you. Don't hold your breath, mate! It's a small sample size, however, you should notice the trend that only those who reply to your "nice meeting you" ice-breaker text ever bother to respond later. Two strikes, so she's out. Keep testing this to see if it rings true for long.

On to the next one(s).


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
*Again, written from a detached perspective*

Your time management is terrible. You've used being "swamped" as an unsuitable excuse for not gaming from Dec. 3 until today. Make mastering your time one of your new goals. You only get one life man. Live it to the fullest.

Day Game

You did four approaches today near your home base. During one of those you realized mid-approach that you were talking to a girl you had stopped almost a month ago. You didn't get her contact info even though you were getting coy smiles and yellow signals. This is a flaw you've started to fix.

When you said to her after a minute, "Hey, wait...did I talk to you before?" she gave you an emphatic "Yeah! You did!" and smiled. Your response after that was "Yeah, it's too bad. I wasn't done flirting with you yet!" She loved that one and said "thanks for being honest with me" with a huge smile. You bantered with her a bit (something about her "resembling a chipmunk"). However, she responded that she had a boyfriend when you went for her contact information. You didn't force the issue, although you took the number of one of the girls you approached after she told you she had a boyfriend.


Also, an older guy saw you do all four approaches, told you he was impressed, and gave you kudos for being so bold. Although that's making part of you paranoid about being "caught out", most of you has started to no longer care. Now that you think about it, there was a huge crowd outside that must have seen you running around like a mad man.


The 3 new cold approach girls you stopped all gave you their phone numbers. Your problem now is that you're chasing phone numbers: you obtained all of them after only 2-3 minutes of conversation MAX! None of them replied to your tailored GirlsChase follow-up text 3-5 hours later and you didn't even care. Instead, you wondered what you could have done better overall in each interaction. Knowing how atrocious your response rates are made you laugh for a moment. It's useless for you to take a woman's information at this point. A phone number should be treated as a glaring sign of failure. An object of contempt.

*Note - you've never gotten a reply later from a girl who didn't respond to the initial follow up text

Bonus: Remember that Greek girl you insta-dated, then never heard from again after a single text? You saw her walking with a dude who looked like an Abercrombie model (beautiful specimen of a man, really). As they walked down the street, he gazed ahead while she looked up to him with fawning eyes, like he was the morning sun...By her demeanor while next to him and a cursory glance of his walk and posture...I'd say he was levels above you. Time to do some more work on those fundamentals!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
*Again, written from a detached perspective*

Your time management is terrible. You've used being "swamped" as an unsuitable excuse for not gaming from Dec. 3 until today. Make mastering your time one of your new goals. You only get one life man. Live it to the fullest.

Day Game

You did four approaches today near your home base. During one of those you realized mid-approach that you were talking to a girl you had stopped almost a month ago. You didn't get her contact info even though you were getting coy smiles and yellow signals. This is a flaw you've started to fix.

When you said to her after a minute, "Hey, wait...did I talk to you before?" she gave you an emphatic "Yeah! You did!" and smiled. Your response after that was "Yeah, it's too bad. I wasn't done flirting with you yet!" She loved that one and said "thanks for being honest with me" with a huge smile. You bantered with her a bit (something about her "resembling a chipmunk"). However, she responded that she had a boyfriend when you went for her contact information. You didn't force the issue, although you took the number of one of the girls you approached after she told you she had a boyfriend.


Also, an older guy saw you do all four approaches, told you he was impressed, and gave you kudos for being so bold. Although that's making part of you paranoid about being "caught out", most of you has started to no longer care. Now that you think about it, there was a huge crowd outside that must have seen you running around like a mad man.


The 3 new cold approach girls you stopped all gave you their phone numbers. Your problem now is that you're chasing phone numbers: you obtained all of them after only 2-3 minutes of conversation MAX! None of them replied to your tailored GirlsChase follow-up text 3-5 hours later and you didn't even care. Instead, you wondered what you could have done better overall in each interaction. Knowing how atrocious your response rates are made you laugh for a moment. It's useless for you to take a woman's information at this point. A phone number should be treated as a glaring sign of failure. An object of contempt.

*Note - you've never gotten a reply later from a girl who didn't respond to the initial follow up text

Bonus: Remember that Greek girl you insta-dated, then never heard from again after a single text? You saw her walking with a dude who looked like an Abercrombie model (beautiful specimen of a man, really). As they walked down the street, he gazed ahead while she looked up to him with fawning eyes, like he was the morning sun...By her demeanor while next to him and a cursory glance of his walk and posture...I'd say he was levels above you. Time to do some more work on those fundamentals!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Outing Report: Girls Remember Your Approaches????

*This one's from my perspective*

This is the third girl that I've talked to at Univ. who recognized me after a cold-approach long ago.

Looking at my notes, I cold-approached her in early September. Surprisingly, three months later she still remembered my name.

She even remembered the opener and what she was doing (coming back from the gym). Back then, I was hesistant to ask for contact information so I decided not to ask for hers since she gave me nothing but orange signals. Even though she smiled a bit, she never made prolonged eye contact or flirtatious gestures. Her favorite thing to do was say "yeah" and then smile while looking into the distance.

The "Re" Approach

So I see her in line and open her once again. She gives me the bare minimum to keep the conversation going despite the fact that I tried light hearted teasing, interesting questions, etc. About two minutes into it she pulls out her phone and starts texting while still talking to me and having her body pointed in my direction, giving me a bit more fodder to work with. As I talk she only looks at me occassionally with solid eye contact of about 2-3 seconds, then a side long look away. The feeling I got from the eye contact wasn't "hm, nice to see you, charming man." It was more of a gentle, "so you really think you're the shit huh?"

In retrospect, I'm wondering if that eye contact was even designated for me. It could be that she texted a friend to stand behind me at an angle in order to see who I was...that would explain the life behind her eyes when she looked towards my direction. Or she could have been looking for help. Poor lass.

One good thing I have noticed though is that I feel zero emotion these days when I start conversations with people. No more tummy trembles. Sure, my approach weasel may tell me not to do it. I ignore that. During our conversation, even though talking to her was like watching potted plants dance and she didn't make it easy for me, I felt zero anxiety, zero care, zero worry. It was like talking to an old friend. The one thing that I did feel was the urge to learn to have more stimulating conversations and a desire to improve my performance (in the future, with other girls).


I'm more wary about approaching here now than ever, though, since I suck. Even though I've never had a blow out or stark negative reactions, I'm now certain all these girls have told their friends or pointed me out in some way. This isn't the best environment to learn to be better in (even though it'd be great if you were already good), so I'll have to go elsewhere.

*Random: I think all those guys on youtube posting vids of getting phone numbers are doing dudes an injustice. Numbers mean nothing at all. I might start heckling them for "follow up" videos of dates in the comments section of youtube.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
The Plan

You're looking for somewhere to head tonight. No options seem reasonable due to multiple restrictions.

When in doubt, still go out!

The goal for tonight is just to stay out of the abode for at least an hour. Let's see what happens.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013

You played some billiards at a tiny bar. The crowd was an older one with your regular day folks. There were 5 girls who you would have "been interested to get to know" as according to Chase's scale. Two were the bar tenders (go figure). The one who served you kept referring to you as "baby." Maybe because of your age.

What was odd is that it didn't sound cloying...it seemed so natural for her. It also seemed so natural when she referred to another customer as "honey." What an excellent way to charm drunken men. In the future, a good response may be either "I bet you say that to all your customers..." or "only for tonight :)" How do you interact with a bartender? Once you can go to clubs, that might be something to work out.

The Two Set

The other three were the only girls who seemed to be near your age (ish). They were dressed well and placed two tables over from you. You considered approaching once the guy that was there (couldn't be certain if he was their pop or a much older, edgey lover of one/both of them) left. However, you "couldn't think of a sensible opener." How about "hi" next time, genius! In reality, this is a rationalization; you were more worried about the filled tables on either side of the two set hearing you crash and burn should things have gone wrong. So, rather than doing at least one approach for the night, you played a few horrible rounds of pool, which you are beginning to recognize you don't at all enjoy, then trudged home.


There was a gal in there who was giving a man clear doggy-dinner-bowl eyes as they sat facing each other at the bar. He had very edgy facial hair.

There was also a handsome, edgy facial haired, loud drunk dude who had a conversation with the aforementioned bartender lady. She asked how his night was going and he yelled "Ahhh, not so great so far! My last few attempts didn't go so well!" and then he made a joke you don't remember and flashed a huge shit-eating-grin.You gave him a fist bump for his good attitude right before leaving.

Venue Rating: 0/10

In terms of learning, this doesn't seem like the right atmosphere. It strikes you as a social circle with little turn over and a much, much older demographic. Also, you hate pool.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Potential FR Alert!

There's been a recent development with the Brazilian that you met about a month ago. You didn't text here for a few weeks...then you tried something hilarious and it worked. LOL. It'll be interesting if you get a meet up out of this. The update will come later.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
No FR. It was a time waste.

About to go for 10 approaches


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
The Past Two Days

Massive waste. You wasted five good opportunities because you were too hesitant to run down a few stunning ladies who were marching at a death pace in the mall. You allowed yourself to be put off by the fact that there would be so many ears within shot of a potential rejection.

You only did 2 legitimate approaches! Come on man!!!!

On the Bright Side

You did do two genuine approaches. One of them was on a foxy, blue-eyed Ukranian woman working in the international cash exchange booth. You were so nervous about the approach that you sat down to calm your beating heart for about ten minutes; After a short meditation session you approached despite the discomfort and...surprise! The set goes great! You straight up tell her that you're not there to order any cash or be a customer, yet you carry on conversation for about five minutes. There is solid unbroken eye contact for most of it.

Catch and Release

You realize that she has a wedding ring towards the end of your bantering. You stay for a bit longer in order to soak up her delightful feminine energy and then you vamoose.

Your only regret was not asking her if she had a hot sister.

You will game again tomorrow.
Approach numbers don't seem to be working for you (since you don't stick to them, you prat) so you'll have to devise a new metric...or some creative punishment. Like licking the pavement or something.