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BAM! Let's Do It


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
The Good

You've gone out for night street game 7 of the past 8 nights. Good job! In fact, you've gone out so much, people close to you have started to express concern. Some of them legitimate. Being out until 4am isn't too safe. Then again, you cannot live in fear. You have to go out to get good. This is one to ponder..

You only got one number in this time (It should be noted that you never asked any girl for a number these past 7 days). She knew very little English since she just moved to the states - just conversational. You were holding her hand after about 3 minutes of chat at a bus stop! As her bus rolled in she demanded you put her number in your phone. She then called it to make sure she had your number. You listened as it rang and she gave you a big hug before leaving.

She didn't respond to your text or your phone call.

On to the next one!

You also have been chatting to a lot of girls while waiting for the subway. You've gotten some very positive responses! The issue is that you many times weasel yourself out of the transition points by not pulling the trigger. You worry about making the girl uncomfortable. At the same time, recognize that the girls wont do this for you, even though they may wish to keep talking. This isn't natural. Game isn't natural. Approaching girls during the day is uncommon and the social pressures are too much for the poor things to handle.

You said to one girl, stylishly clad blonde, "hey let's grab a seat together" before getting on the sub. She was about to walk away, yet she changed direction and came into your car to sit with you. DO THAT MORE OFTEN!!! The funny thing is that she tried to ignore you when you first started conversation. She had headphones in and pretended not to hear you when you said hey. So you tapped her on the shoulder and then showed her a hilarious picture on your phone.

Conversation flowed from there.

YOUR MISTAKE was that you didn't ask for follow up information when she got off two stops later. You debated between getting off just to do it, or asking her on the train. You weren't confident that she would give you her contact info/feel uncomfortable with so many strangers in the metro listening. Consider the fact that she invested in you though...next time, risk the rejection and loss of time. Get off at her stop and ask for the digits.

* You also had interesting conversations with many older men and women. Getting social! *

The Bad

You weaseled your way out of approaching tons of girls. Looking back it was a case of low "social momentum." When you buckled up and approached you didn't get poor reactions. However, this is something you'd best remedy. Why need "state" to do approaches? Despite the fact that she later declined to reply, the girl who demanded your number was your first approach of the night.

The Ugly

Strings of nights out are wearing on you. Even though you still get 8+ hours of sleep, it's nowhere near as restful. You know deep down that going out late at night is also a way for you to avoid the anxiety of day game in malls, which will give you more approach opportunities. The reasons for you added anxiety include: you don't have history with those venues, the crowd is a bit older and you're in the left quadrant of the SMV, the location is far away, and it feels as though more eyes are watching....All valid. Regardless, you have to suck it up. Do it anyway.

By the way your logistics for any location are just awful. You're too young for any of the night venues and well populated day game/mall venues are far away (night venues are also very, very far away).

You'll have to move to a better city if you ever plan on getting good and not wasting time walking around like a vagabond for a few hours.

Game. Tough stuff.


Mall game for the upcoming week, kid. Mall game. Sigh, yeah, you don't want to do it. You gotta though.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
G_P How it hanging dude?

I love how dedicated you are to this shit.

Going out 7 nights in a row is something I've never done before. You sound hungry, just don't push yourself to the point of ego-depletion (don't have the link but Chase has an article about it somewhere).

You only got one number in this time (It should be noted that you never asked any girl for a number these past 7 days)
These days I usually only ask for numbers from girls that seem really interested. Though when I was first starting out I'd ask any girl that would give me the time a day for a number and talk about meeting up later with her. Though out of the 20+ times I did this I don't think I got one date. Nonetheless is got me comfortable asking for numbers and makes it a little more natural. It's as simple as "you seem like a really cool girl I'm enjoying this convo. Let's continue over a cup of joe sometime soon" said on the high point (if you can find one I wasn't very good at this still working on it).

The Bad

You weaseled your way out of approaching tons of girls. Looking back it was a case of low "social momentum." When you buckled up and approached you didn't get poor reactions. However, this is something you'd best remedy. Why need "state" to do approaches? Despite the fact that she later declined to reply, the girl who demanded your number was your first approach of the night.

I'm still trying to find the correct brain hack to fix this so your not the only one.

Dude you got daygame at the mall btw. It's all in your head. If you can get on a string of talking to everyone and anyone and having fun (which I know your capable of) with people walking near you, kiosk vendors (fucking with the ones that try and sell you stuff.. try and sell them your shoe or something for fun), people in the stores and employees. I've noticed I start to get more social freedom the more momentum I get in malls. The more momentum I get the more fun I have. And the more fun I have the more I want to share my fun energy with hot girls that happen to be walking by.
So my advice is focus on having fun.. not getting dates and numbers. Worth a shot at least.

Keep the work up G_P
P.S.... don't be a vagabond ;) . You usually have on comment in every report you write that just gets me a hard on from laughing and this was that one. You have a peculiar sense of humor that really gets to me for some reason. Reading back it's not even that funny I think it's just cuz its you. Weird huh? I guess that's why you have such good banter when your not completely stuck in your head.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Happy New Year Rob!

Thanks for the encouragement man. I wish you the best this year. Reach those goals!

I think it's just cuz its you.

Great minds think alike ;)

These days I usually only ask for numbers from girls that seem really interested.

Yeah. Makes good, good sense. Uninterested chicks hand them out like candy. It's laughable how meaningless numbers can be.

Take it easy mate.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013

Been hitting up malls.


Still in the game. 4 approaches so far today: 4 rejections. I experimented with indirect/direct; in three scenarios I was rewarded with IHAB upon my admission of the true reason for approaching. In one set the girl said she's "too busy" with "school and work" to share a cup of joe...indeed. Of course, each encounter was terminated gracefully with a handshake, an exchange of names, and a flash of my pearly whites.

Real Classy.

A few days ago

Five approaches: Five rejections. A girl was fine and dandy about me chatting with her and touching her for about 5 minutes until I mentioned, as a joke, that I was a "godless sinner" and "a spineless atheist" (she was from Israel). She then mentioned that it's fine because her "boyfriend is Christian."

whoops :)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013

13+ daygame sets. No luck.

My fault on two occasions, where if I had asked, I would have gotten a number. However, I didn't feel as though they would have been solid leads. Nevertheless, next time I'll get them anyway.

I've noticed a trend with a conversation extender that I've been testing. Will write a post and seek info from more experienced dudes.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
until I mentioned, as a joke, that I was a "godless sinner" and "a spineless atheist" (she was from Israel). She then mentioned that it's fine because her "boyfriend is Christian."

whoops :)
Classic! Please make a comedy/inspirational drama of your seduction career ten years from now when you take over Hugh Hefner's (is that how you spell his name? Is he even fucking alive?) spot as pimp of the decade. Yeah it'd be a fucking epicly hilariously inspiring movie. Then give me 80% of the profits you make since it was my idea ;).


Been hitting up malls.
Glad to hear you're pushing your comfort zone. I'm telling you it's not that bad once you test the waters out a bit. For me, and still to this day, the worst part is having all the shop people watch you hit on girls and see you come in all the time. Though what I've come to notice is that unless your a disturbance of the peace, even if you're stopping girls in the middle of heavy foot traffic, nobody really even bats an eyelid. People are way to concerned with themselves and what their thinking and have going on to care about some heterosexual guy talking to a girl. "OH shit! That guys a fucking straight! Kick his ass and arrest him!"~ Sasha Daygame

13+ daygame sets. No luck.
BS Major luck! You succeeded! Was this at the mall? I give you props for going out and doing that many approaches. It took me like 7 months before I would even think about opening more than 5 girls in one day. Once you go out and do it a couple times you realize how big of a deal it isn't though.

btw in case you're getting bummed about so many rejections read this https://www.girlschase.com/content/why-she-doesnt-need-instant-date by Ricardus. He talks about how he's an experience seducer and still gets mostly rejections and numbers that lead nowhere. It put my feet back on the ground when I was piling up a bunch of rejections. If you don't have an account at least read the excerpt from Ricardus's journal. Yeah he's a flipping pro seducer and still keeps a journal.

•The 1st approach went pretty well, but up-close the girl looked really young and turned out to be 16 when I asked.

Throw the little fish back in the water my friend – as I mentioned, we have all kinds of awesome stuff for sale here but get-out-of-jailfree cards like in Monopoly aren’t in the catalog.

•The 2nd girl I talked to was not interested in me. Shocking, I know… hey, not every girl has good taste! ;)

•The 3rd girl didn’t seem to be interested either. She said she was in a rush and kept walking. That’s fine… all good. The day is young.

•The 4th girl I approached was on her way to a class, but only in town for one more night. We exchanged numbers, and I ended up meeting her later that night (no instant date, notice) and sleeping with her before she flew out – but she’s not the girl this report is about, so I’ll tell you more about her another time. Though one takeaway is that girls who are traveling or on vacation are always a lot more open to affairs, as they don’t have to worry about social repercussions - see the post on beach pickup for more on this.

•I walked into a busy subway station and approached a girl standing right next to the gate. She looked as if she was waiting for someone, and that turned out to be true – just as I was about to take her number, her boyfriend showed up. That’s why you should never keep your girl waiting… you never know if a Chase or a Ricardus is around. ;)

•The next girl left the subway as I approached her, and she had a really tired and grumpy look on her face. I approached her anyway, because if a girl is hot, I’m game to try and lighten her up… but she ignored me completely. It happens... don’t stress it. It’s about her, not about you.

•Next, I approached a stunning black girl – she was a lawyer and on her way to work, so all we had time for was swapping digits. This number also never went anywhere… I recommend you review the article on how to make her want you, where we talk about “filling and emptying the funnel” if you don’t already have it top-of-mind.

Peace G_P



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Previous promised post

Got advice from CH & Company. New ideas to implement now. No point in cross posting since it won't add value to the forum.

I Fail A Nerve Wracking Test From A Petite Latina

I will only post this if I fail to get a number by Sunday.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Sup Rob!

Then give me 80% of the profits you make since it was my idea ;).


Thanks for the encouragement Rob! I appreciate it, man. I just read the Ricardus article you suggested as a primer for some more practice.
Was this at the mall?

Mostly street approaches that day. Tomorrow, I go beast mode

read this

Thank you for linking that man! I was losing perspective, sitting here thinking terrible thoughts lol

Yeah, it's only a matter of time. Incremental progress.
I Fail A Nerve Wracking Test From A Petite Latina *Update*

Good thing I held on to this story. Will post on Sunday, regardless of results that day.

(*Return of Detached Perspective) Tomorrow's Routine

*After experimenting with a hard copy journal, you've decided to return to this more detached perspective

Also, you thought it might be educational to start implementing odd punishments for not reaching special goals. These will be labeled "Goal objective"

Tomorrow's Game Plan and Desired Stats:

Mall approaches

  • Goal objective - 10 Sets

    3 Numbers

    1 Date

Punishment - if you don't open 10 sets, you'll have to ask a random male stranger to "marry you," record it, and link the audio here to the forum in a lulz-y FR.

Scouts honor.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Goal Objective Complete

10 approaches - You had to make approaches on less than ideal targets/non-targets thanks to a lack of talent in the field. Still good practice

1 Number - You asked two girls for their numbers. After 5 minutes of chatter, one said she had a boyfriend of 5 years (!!). The other gave it to you, with the caveat "I have an internship so this week might be tight." She's leaving the country at the end of this week. LOL! You will follow the rubric but you don't expect much here. Consider it her "soft-nexting" you.

0 Dates - TBA

*2 skipped approaches - You will think of a creative punishment for such negligence. 10 push ups in public?

A report of the number close and the IHAB are due here tomorrow morning.

I Fail A Nerve Wracking Test From A Petite Latina

In retrospect, you have a firm belief that this girl was A) interested enough by your look to give you a shot and B) nervous. Compounded with your own nerves (you passed her twice while working up the courage to approach, with people listening, in the mall) the pressure was too much. Although you were plowing through and holding laser eye contact - which was reciprocated - you allowed yourself to buckle under the tension.

In a way, she did test you by maintaining her silence, using one word replies, and staring into your soul during the pregnant pauses. However, she had her entire body faced towards you and was giving you her undivided attention, making not the slightest movement away from you. It's quite possible that, had you managed to focus on plowing for a few more minutes instead of thinking nauty pua thoughts about her, then you could have made a successful connection. In the end, after a minute of chatter, you parted with another complement and a unexpected withdrawal: "You have these warm almond eyes..that's why I was thinking Peru or Brazilian.....[pregnant pause]...Bye!" Before you turned away, you saw a look of surprise as she scurried in other direction.

The only cure here is more time in the field. Trial by fire baby: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44DqUFS2W3Q


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Set 4 - IHAB Time Waster

After a minute of hesitation, you track down a fair skinned, long haired girl that passed you on the way into the store.


You: Hey there. I decided to comes say hello because I'm thinking Dominican Republic...or Mixed.

Her: Excuse me? *she leans in with a look of confusion*

You: Judging by your features, it seems like you're not from here. That's why I'm guessing your origin

Her: Ohhh, haha no I'm from [insert some weird country above Ethiopa]

Statement of intent

You: Yeah...[Pregnant pause]...see the problem here is that I came to flirt but then ran out of material halfway through

Her: hahahaha. Well is this black or blue [She's buying something that's obviously black. You assume this is a good sign. She's working to keep up the conversation].


*About five minutes into the conversation*

You: Well, tell you what...I've got to get back to shopping so how about we meet up sometime later

Her: Oh, well I have a boyfriend.

You: Ah okay

Her: Yeah long term. About five years now

You: Alright well what's your name?

Her: [name]

You: Alright [name], it was nice meeting you. Your boyfriend is a lucky guy.


You'd be a lot better if you'd just stop acting like a pussy and approach. Also, here you were direct in a casual way which is good. What's interesting is that you told her that you were there to flirt with her and yet she waited until the very end to mention that she was in a long-term monogamous relationship! Although you ejected with her smiling, in your head you were thinking "Why did you waste my time? Don't waste my time!" You're slowly approaching the point where you'd rather a firm "No" and a hand shoved in your face than to deal with a time waster. That should be revolutionary for your game.

Set 5 - The Soft Next


You: It looks great!

Her: Uuh what?

*she was trying on a pink beanie in the mirror

You: The beanie. It fits you

Her: Ohh ha..thanks

You: Icelandic

Her: What?

You: I'm thinking Icelandic heritage

Her Oh no,no... There's German, Austrian, some other western European

Statement of intent

You: See what I'm doing is casually getting to the part where we just start flirting.

Her: hahaha! Subtle...subtle


She's leaving the country at the end of this week and goes to Uni in a different state. Only in the area for the next 7 days

"Soft Next"

You: Lets meet up this week before you leave

Her: *A look of surprise* "Okay" *she plugs in her number quickly* "It might be a little tight since I have an internship" *she hands it back...the phone says 4*

You: *looking at the number 4 incredulously*

Her: I already plugged it in

You: Oh, I was about to say...that's a very interesting number [You shouldn't have said that. Shows that for a second you assumed rejection, which you did! What could you two possibly accomplish one meeting a week before she leaves? Wouldn't blame her if she took this as a negative/red flag]

*we shake hands twice and then you depart*

You check the number after leaving and it turns out that she did indeed put hers in there. You were shocked.


Next time, don't make a creepy sounding joke about not seeing a number that puts you in the pursuit position. Make it a chase frame: "Wow, you put yourself on speed dial! You sure move fast, honey." When in doubt, chase frame or Agree and Amplify, you boob.

Also, always ask. Ask and you shall receive. It's an important habit to get into, even though you have a strong feeling that this encounter will sum zero.


No response to the "save my number text" a few hours later means no responses later. It's always been this way for you. Still, you will try anyway on Tuesday. Follow the rubric.

Today's Game Plan and Desired Stats

*You've realized that the threat of a ridiculous punishment doesn't do much for you motivation. It's just annoying. Instead, just focus on the reward of continual improvement.

Goal Objectives

  • 10 approaches

    2 phone numbers

Useful Observations

You would rather not game in the mall because of the social pressures and the feeling that all eyes are watching as you run after/follow a girl. At the same time it's good to get used to that sort of pressure, so you must continue to practice there on occasion. The again, the mall venue is more difficult during the weekend because there are plenty of people in such large groups [and most experts suggest that, for the most part, group sets during the day aren't worth the trouble]. Every hot girl seemed to be with their parents. Not quite sure how that approach would work out...try it one day, just for fun.

Also the crowd on weekends seems to be too young.

The best time for the mall may be during the week day when it is less crowded and therefore more likely that you'll be watched/overheard. Still, this is the time when there will be an older group of women shopping alone, rather than in packs.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Every hot girl seemed to be with their parents. Not quite sure how that approach would work out...try it one day, just for fun.
Here you go
You: Run up to girl with mom/dad and address the girl. "Hi there. I've fallen madly in love with you and just wanted to be sure your mom/dad is okay with taking your hand in marriage" Wink at her if she's not totally disinterested to signal your just fucking around. Here you might get slapsticked in the face by the girl/parents but usually if done right everyone will get a kick out of it and you just go along with the frame you've set and roll play. You may get shit tested by the girl or her mom/dad but if you can pass the shit tests they will respect you and give you the time of day to chat up their daughter.

It's hit or miss. I've had poor execution a couple times resulting in the moms freaking out a little and scurrying into the nearest shop to get away from me a couple times lol. I've also had the girl say she has a boyfriend and not even want to banter a bit for fun. I've also had things work out as well. Good for when you want a little added challenge.

Zphix has a good example here: https://boards.girlschase.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2673


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Re: Rob

Here you might get slapsticked in the face by the girl/parents but usually if done right everyone will get a kick out of it and you just go along with the frame you've set and roll play. You may get shit tested by the girl or her mom/dad but if you can pass the shit tests they will respect you and give you the time of day to chat up their daughter.

Lol, ballsy man! I might give your routine a go tomorrow, if I go to a mall and see such sets. Also, thanks for the Zphix link...His routines and your routine convey so much confidence.


Update From Yesterday

You deleted the number of the blonde girl who you approached in the mall. She never replied to your "save my number" text and she made that comment hinting that she "may" not be able to meet you this week (she leaves the country for a few months at the end of the week). This made you suspect that it would be a wild goose chase trying to meet up with her. She never seemed too keen. Better to look for other prospects.

Today's Sets

**All sets were night street approaches except set six, which was in a small convenience store*

1 set - Direct Approach on a pretty blonde

You: "Excuse me- I just saw you walking a second ago and my first thought was 'I have to figure out if she's jail bait before I can go flirt with her'."

Her: "Hahaha wowww I'm 25"

You: "Oh well perfect then. Im G_P"

Her: "I'm MK"

You: "Nice to meet you"

[We exchange a botched hand shake due to her water bottle in the hand]

You: "MK that was terrible!"

Her: "Hahaha sorryyy"

You: "It seems like you're about to jog"

Her: "Yeah uh-huh."

You: "How far do you think you'll make it?"

Her: "I dunno." [shakes head, still smiling]

You: "You seem like you....

[....pregnant pause....we hold eye contact]

You: "...You have an intense gaze"

[She then continues to hold eye contact for about two seconds. She breaks down and to the side and says, "okay I'm going to go jog now" and starts to leave while still looking at me as she moves away.]

You: "Oh...okay...have a good night."

**Guess I shouldn't have called out the gaze. It was meant to be a compliment. Next time I'll pull a Jon Matrix and say "I like that you have strong eye contact."**


2nd set - Indirect on a tall and very attractive brunette

You: "Excuse me, does the XYZ bus come here?" [No, you did not need directions at all]

Her:"I don't thinks so hmmmm" [She gives you help for two minutes. You pretend to be dumb as rocks to really drag it out]

You: "Hey do you mind if I ask you another quick question?"

Her: "Sure go ahead"

You: "You look very Italian" [cold read']

Her: "Yeah you're right!" [FATALITY]

You: "I nailed on the head didn't I!" [FINISH HIM!!!]

Her: "Yes, yes you did..Well just take that stop! I'm sure you could walk it if you don't want to wait." [She starts walking away while still looking at me. I want to keep talking to her but...]

You: "Okay..thank you...Have a good night.."

**Should have persisted. You could have said "something told me that you love noodles." SAY ANYTHING. PERSIST!


Set 3 - Indirect on a cute brunette opening the door to her hotel with pizza in hand. Had no idea how to stop her momentum from going inside.

You: "Hey quick question!"

Her: "Yes?"

You: "Is that a pizza?"

Her: "Yeah"

You: "Do you think I could have a slice?"

Her: "No." *she shuts the door*



Set 4 - Direct on a Sexy Ass Mongolian chick (Chase Amante! Are you lying about your Mongolia experience so you can keep the land pua free???)

You: "Hey I had to come talk to you for a second because I noticed you have a very exotic look."

Her: "Ohh"

You: "Yeah. At first I was thinking Eskimo because of the head gear but now I see Japanese?"

Her: " Haha No I'm Mongolian actually"

You: "Oh no way! I almost ended up there once for spring break!" [You could have easily followed up with 'what are the best party spots?' or commented on her funky scarf. Instead, you just said...]

You: "You have a warm smile" [true statement. she was all smiles]

Her: "Thank you.. I have to get going though, thank you for the compliment"

Me: "Oh...you have to go...that's too bad..okay....You're welcome"



Set 5 - Not too pretty upon further inspection. Didn't pass. Key point to take away was that you yelled, "hey hold on for a second," after shouting that you liked her jacket...yet she didn't stop.

You ended up passing her on the street again and she said "have a good night." You had to yell "hold on" then run up next to her to get her to stop. Throughout the night you had to be very loud and deepen your voice a bit in order to compel women to stop.

*This next set was in a small convenience store with some lady spying in the corner*

Set 6 - Warm approach on an Indian girl that looks...white and cute. Caught her looking at you in the store so you considered it a warm approach.

You: "Let me guess. Argentinian?"

Her: "Hahaha. Nope."

You: "Spanish?Italian?"

Her: "Try again. Tehehe"

You: "Okay I got it. Mixed white and Mexican?"

Her: "Hahaha! Now you're totally off" *she starts getting really interested in some candles*

You: "Any hints?"

[Longggg pause where she isn't looking at you and just keeps smelling the candle. Maybe 7-8 seconds]

You: "...No hints?"

Her: *She lets out a devious smile*

You: "That was a devious smile."

Her: " I'm Indian."

You: "Oh really??"

Her: "Yep."

She then turns her back on me and walks down another isle.

You: "....."

You let her walk away.

*Could have persisted with: "Hey! That means you must be Brahmin right? You can be my sugar mommy." Or something to that effect. You thought that while you were there, as soon as she turned away. You didn't though because you were surprised that she was doing..well..what women were doing all night!

You threw 2 compliments out to two other girls but didn't strive to go any further than that.

You also failed to approach maybe 3 or 4 girls due to a fear of running them down in the dark street (not fear on your part, but of white-knighting and/or her freaking out too much - the streets were empty).


Observations - Written in Personal Perspective

I feel almost no anxiety on street approaches, even at night. Instead I worry about scaring the girl or dudes getting white-knightish. This is in stark contrast to mall game. There, I feel major anxiety because of all the potential listening ears. The only way around it will have to be more practice.

My sticking point is slowly shifting from not opening to not reaching the hook/getting girls to invest in the interaction. The reason that I wasn't getting them to invest is that I wasn't talking enough . During the street approach pickups where I've gotten a number, I've always talked myself blue. Some of the stuff that I've said actually offends me, yet they grew comfortable enough to share their contact information. Tonight, my issue was the fact that I allowed pregnant pauses too early on a street approach with a stranger. I assume that a few of these girls must have left because it seemed like I ran out of conversational steam and they weren't going to lead an interaction for me. I was enjoying not thinking during any approach and being totally in the moment. It's clear now that I have to keep talking about things I don't care about in order to keep them from disappearing. "Elderly chat," just as Roosh explained it.

It's now becoming more apparent to me that as the man, I will have to "lead" everything. They'd rather walk away and stay in their own bubble than stay to meet me because even then they get the "prize" of validation and male attention. It's just not wise to expect any sort of help. Instead, expect obstacles. This may explain the large drop-out rate they talk about in the community. Pros and Semi-pros must have legendary patience and supreme work ethic lol. The process probably doesn't get any easier. They just turn it into autopilot.


To work on

So next time I'll have to persist more, engage in more small talk to hook the girls, and avoid any early pauses, regardless of steady eye contact. This means saying whatever comes to my mind again instead of trying to be mr. cool out there.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Provide enough good feelings one way, and a woman will be satisfied and not need them another way...To succeed with women, avoid overproviding good feelings to girls. They’ll be swept up in the mystery and intrigue of trying to figure out this guy who doesn’t rush to impress them like everyone else

https://www.girlschase.com/content/overp ... d-feelings

I wont explain my rationale because 1) I don't have the experience to say anything profound and 2) I can't...articulate it yet. There's just a gut feeling that I have after doing a lot of approaches in the past week. It's telling me that I've slipped into violating this rule and it's one of many factors in my recent failures. I'll make the necessary adjustments.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Today's Results

You got a number from a girl while walking to the mall. Turns out she works there. You were shocked that she gave it to you because this girl was taller than you and someone that you would have never approached before. We're not supposed to use ratings here so it should suffice to say that she was bangin'. Upon leaving she made a motion as if going for the hug but you were so stunned that instead you went for the handshake. You might want to work on your "beliefs," dude, because that was really lame. Next time that happens pull the girl in for the cheek kiss!

Stop Being An Approval Seeking Pussy

*should be the title of this journal. It's the root of all evil for you, as far as I'm concerned*

Speaking of "beliefs," at the end of two approaches today you suggested "We should stay in touch" as a tester for asking for the phone number. Both replied with "sure, maybe I'll see you around here sometime." Is that a rejection? You're not quite sure. You're also kicking yourself because saying "okay, let me get your contact info," right after WOULD HAVE TOLD YOU THE ANSWER, YOU NOODLE!!!! LESS SUGGESTING, MORE ASKING.

In fact, in retrospect, the last girl who told you that said was smiling and nodding while she said it. However, because you were searching for a rejection at the moment you read the positive sign as a red flag. You looked for a sign of rejection as a way to avoid continuing with the process (because it's a process full of uncertainty). It's like that Tyler RSD video where he talks about the motivational seesaw. Let's look at the evidence in favor of you after you suggested that you two should hang out again sometime.

That girl suggested that you two grab a seat after the subway pulled up. Why would a stranger do that after "rejecting" an advance to see each another again? She then pulled out her phone and began fiddling with it yet she focused her attention on you. You were tempted to ask for her digits but you didn't. Maybe (and this is conjecture for arguments sake) she wanted dearly for you to ask for her number but didn't want to do so directly. After all, women want you, the man, to lead.

Consider the ending part of that conversation with her as you pulled up to your last stop. It went something like this:
You: Yeah, I'm taking the bus back after this stop

Her: My stop is the next one over. I live near there and my car's parked in the garage so I can drive to the party

You: Oh cool. Hey, well it was nice meeting you

Look dude. There's a great chance that maybe your hindsight is quite awful and gives you more credit than you deserve. Still, you ought to be burning rubber and seeing how much you can get away with in every interaction. What would of happened if you had said, "You know what..what's another stop? Let's keep chit-chatting!" At the very least I think (well technically you think) that there's a possibility that she would have offered you a ride. That would have meant 10 less minutes out in the cold. Don't think it's so far-fetched. You've already done it once! Think about that! You've already done it before!

Fix Your Mindset: You Do Not Chase, Yet You Must Pursue


Stop undoing all the hard work you're doing, you tool!! Okay, sorry for the insults. You don't suck and you're not a tool. I just want you to do what's necessary in order to join the secret society, to see if it really exists. It's a nightmare to read of the red pill world and live in the blue pill "matrix." You must realize that...from everything that you've read...it seems like there's rarely an explicit invitation. You have to have massive confidence, always assume the sale and willingly face the potential of awkward, public rejection!!!!

So, next time, don't be a dweeb. Ask explicitly for the contact information, no matter what. Inconvenience her. Get BLOWN. OUT. (can't believe we're still stuck on getting numbers. ugh)

Today marks three interactions total where you suggested follow up, yet didn't ask for the digits. Don't let it become a trend. That's weak. Remember what you realized last time. Girls aren't going to take action for you. (At least not until you're the Second Coming). You must handle everything. They wont help you. Their help is not putting up insurmountable blockades or not terminating the interaction. Think of all the times that you've ever been propositioned by a stranger. Even though you may like this person, your natural reaction is to lay back and let them come to you. When faced with an unknown pursuing party you automatically take the passive role!! That's nature! So, once again, don't be fooled if you're getting solid yellow lights. Don't turn amber signals into red alerts.

Issue With Golden Phone Syndrome

Your performance today was disappointing. Yes, you got one phone number. What was upsetting was how you felt the day was complete thanks to that. One number does not an abundance mentally make, Gentle_Phrases. This number is useless. Most likely it's a flake. NarrowJ said that 50%~ of his numbers don't ever respond and 25%~ play the "let's not show up" game. Expect nothing.

*Number of sets you psyched yourself out of approaching: 4*

Plans for Next Outing

Three numbers.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013

Gentle_Phrases said:
You might want to work on your "beliefs," dude, because that was really lame. Next time that happens pull the girl in for the cheek kiss!
I was just about to suggest the same thing and you beat me to it!

Look forward to hearing about you doing that next time :)

Gentle_Phrases said:
This number is useless. Most likely it's a flake. NarrowJ said that 50%~ of his numbers don't ever respond and 25%~ play the "let's not show up" game.
Yeah, that really puts things in perspective, especially since girls apparently go nuts over him. Just shows how important it is to cast the net wide... I'm still working on upping my time-efficiency in opening, it's tough, I hear you.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
That girl suggested that you two grab a seat after the subway pulled up. Why would a stranger do that after "rejecting" an advance to see each another again? She then pulled out her phone and began fiddling with it yet she focused her attention on you. You were tempted to ask for her digits but you didn't. Maybe (and this is conjecture for arguments sake) she wanted dearly for you to ask for her number but didn't want to do so directly. After all, women want you, the man, to lead.

It's all good last night I was at a Mexican restaurant with the rents and there were two cute hb's at a table a couple tables down. There were not that many people in the restaurant and it was fairly quiet so I was like perfect opportunity. Then I look over at her and she's like slyly checking me out wishing she could have me. I go to the bathroom to wash my hands (had grease on them from eating) and come out and start walking over to their table.. and then me ego tells me "ah dude what are you doing theirs no way you can approach in a restaurant you need to go sit down"... I fucking listen to him.

My ego is an evil person that lives inside my head and I'm in the process of killing him, but this time I fucking listen to his ass. You see he's just mad that I'm trying to change my life and he's stuck inside my head, which I've never been in but I'm guessing it's a pretty wet dark place to live. He just wants me to suffer so that I'll suffer with him. Anyway I go sit down and two minutes later the girls get up and leave.


These things happen you just want to aim to make them happen less and less often until it never happens.

Update on opening without deliberating: Did 3 approaches today and deliberated on all three of them. The first girl I literally followed around Walmart for 5 minutes. We both stopped to get cheese and were right next to each other and I still didn't open. I let her have some space and quit creeping. On the way out I see her and finally open 10 min. after I first saw her. Haha looking back this is a mega stalker story lol. At least my intentions are good.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Re: Marty Pants

Sup, buddy!

Just shows how important it is to cast the net wide... I'm still working on upping my time-efficiency in opening, it's tough, I hear you.


Look forward to hearing about you doing that next time :)

You'll be the first to know!


Tonight's Results

  • 9 approaches.

    3 IHABs

    2 bailed sets: (You left each set due to feedback that, in retrospect, may not have been negative. Rejection meter too sensitive)

  • 1 Business Card (?): A girl gave you her business card when you suggested, "we should stay in touch." It was so shocking. Totally unexpected. What are you supposed to do? Fax her?? Absurd. This isn't going to go anywhere.

Yeah, not gonna lie bro. Tonight was tough. It was cold, you were tired, and you almost didn't go out. Yet you still suited up and practiced. Kudos, handsome! This is what I [you, technically] like to see. On a serious note, wow, that was depressing. Business card? Really? Anyway, this must be what Krauser mentioned about the fear finding your "real value." Turns out that you're not quite top shelf m'lad. Do some more work and you'll make the slow, painful, Sisyphean climb up.

Incrimental progress.

Last Night's Number Close

Your "save my number" text was ignored. So was your follow up text this afternoon.

Sticking Points

...Coming soon. Will post highlights of one of tonight's encounters tomorrow.

Random Observation

Tried Ricardus' marriage line which is supposed to screen for married girls and girls with boyfriends;I asked a two girls if they were married and they said "no." After 5 minutes, they both told me that they had a boyfriend when staying in touch was brought up. Will continue to test.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Re: Big Rob

My ego is an evil person that lives inside my head and I'm in the process of killing him, but this time I fucking listen to his ass.

Kick his ass dude!!! God it sucks when he gets the best of you and then you have that feeling of "dang, what if that set went spectacular."

The first girl I literally followed around Walmart for 5 minutes. We both stopped to get cheese and were right next to each other and I still didn't open...On the way out I see her and finally open 10 min. after I first saw her. Haha looking back this is a mega stalker story lol. At least my intentions are good.

Ain't no shame in your game Rob! You've got the noblest of intentions. I've done the same thing before too. I'm glad you approached her in the end - incremental progess.

And now that you mention it...Marty we gotta bear all now (deliberated sets)


***Deliberated Sets

Tonight, you had five deliberated sets where you struggled with conflicting thoughts about approaching/trying to find the "right" approach. You approached 4 of the 5. The one that got away...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Gentle_Phrases said:
And now that you mention it...Marty we gotta bare all now (deliberated sets)
Haha the three of us are really getting competitive now! Got 2 numbers this w/e, will have to post FRs tomorrow as if I don't get to bed soon I'm gonna turn into a pumpkin. Yes there was 1 bailed set to add to that. And 1 IHAB. I'll update you :)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
The Past Two Days

  • 6-7 opens a day with night street game

    3 Numbers - You texted two of them and they responded to your follow up text - One ignored your subsequent text after follow up

    3 Cop outs (Girls seemed interested but you didn't pursue it)

    3-4 deliberated sets each day. This is getting better since you're now focusing on it and resorting to "hi" as your default. What a simple fix!

Cop Outs

ALL. YOUR. FAULT. YOUUU decided not to ask out three girls who were displaying signs if interest today. At this point, you don't fear rejection as much. You were rejected in front of a full subway car last night and started laughing with a complete stranger (another dude) about how "close" you were*.

The reason for your cop outs was a sort of mental fatigue and your lack of confidence in your "reading" ability. You were so tired of going through the process. You did make lively conversation with them though, all while using Chase's principles. Next time, just go through the routine. Accept the Game. There is no other way. Oddly enough, the past three girls you've gotten numbers from haven't even seemed that interested...yet they gave them and replied. Huh? You also been toning down your direct. You compliment "the conversation" more and girls have responded well to "you seem very personable. I'm glad we had this chat! Let's do it again sometime?"

  • *This girl was displaying loads of indicators of interest, including dilated pupils, yet it was all for naught in the end. "Maybe we'll see each other again," she said as she left. No, we wont.

You never called the girl who gave you a business card. Because why.

Confession *personal perspective

Gotta be honest with myself and anyone reading this...I'm considering more street game tonight. Don't much feel like it though....Maybe this is ego depletion? I'm exhausted lol. I feel like a dog that's been chasing cars all day.

Observations *back to detached

It's possible that your dilemma is that, while you have passable conversation skills and the balls to approach most sets, you lack both the persistence and the "dominance" to make a lasting impression. For example, in hind sight, one girl asked you why you were going out to a lounge by yourself. This was about 10 minutes into the conversation. WHAT IF you had invited her along RIGHT THEN? You never thought about this until just now. Who knows...she might have said yes.

While walking side by side, most girls wont make eye contact with you. You've still gotten numbers this way; however, it may be best to stop them, regardless of the temperature.

Two girls *may* have been fighting over your attention after you started chatting to them on the bus. This was a four set by the way. You complemented one on her "perfectly poised" posture and cold-read that she went to private school [correct!]. She isolated herself to walk with you behind the pack about ten minutes later, then she randomly asked, "where do you live?" at a very odd place in the conversation. WHAT IF you had said, "I'll show you. C'mon, let's go watch Netflix" right then and there? Then again, you've actually been asked that out of the blue quite a few times. Is it really that big of a deal? Maybe you'd know...IF YOU TRIED MAKING THE ASK!