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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Gentle_Phrases said:
It is possible that I ran into a "yes" girl.
Lol indeed, I didn't think of that at the time.

Gentle_Phrases said:
Me: Hey, hold on for a sec...I just saw you walking down the street and I thought you looked pretty cute, so I decided to come meet you. What's your name? We shook hands and I held my grip lightly to see if she would let go. She didn't, so I kept it there for about a minute. We chatted for a maximum of 7 minutes. Nothing over the top. I flirted one more time: Me: Oh, you go to that school! No way...smart and pretty. Devastating combo there :)She said she had to go, so I said what I always say: Oh, okay. Well in that case, lets meet up again for XYZ and chat some more.

I know it used to blow my mind at how simple this stuff is when things work out well it's like "why the fuck am I busting my head so hard trying to figure this shit out? That was so simple WTF!" Actually I'm still getting used to it.

One of the things I've noticed is that when I get my best moments I'm usually not thinking or trying very hard it just is like "lets see where this goes" and then she's a yes girl and I run with it. Was that what happened to you here?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
One of the things I've noticed is that when I get my best moments I'm usually not thinking or trying very hard it just is like "lets see where this goes" and then she's a yes girl and I run with it. Was that what happened to you here?

Hm...not quite sure


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
30 Day Challenge Synopsis

1. You managed to get your first day 2.

2. You realized that tracking your results on a spread sheet has both its ups and it's downs. Instead it might be better to focus on whether or not you did approaches at all on a specific day. Also, limiting approach sessions by time might be a wise decision.

3. You were friend-zoned by a girl at the club after approaching her direct while she was talking to her sister. Within the first 20 minutes she told you that "nice guys finish last, I only date jerks." You responded "That's too bad, I'm a hopeless romantic!" After 3 hours of chatting, she explicitly stated "I have a feeling that we're going to be BEST FRIENDS" and asked you if you wanted her phone number. She has since invited you to the club (with her sister). You made up a fake excuse for not being able to go. Your pride was wounded.

4. You have a new format for recording field reports that is much shorter and more informative.

5. You want to give up go back to the comfort of the Matrix but the knowledge of Girls Chase and the "red pill" has soiled your Disney Fantasies
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013

You were thinking about how hard it is to get results from cold approach. Then you thought about online game and dating apps like Tinder.

What is the difference between a street approach and meeting someone on a dating site?



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Saw your message courtesy Franco. Per your request, you have returned to Space Monkey.

I'm setting the bar for your move back up to Tool-Bearing Hominid again at three (3) lay reports. Until then, you'll remain Space Monkeyed out.

A few comments:

Gentle_Phrases said:
You did it. After nearly 400 hundred attempts out on the streets, you snagged your first official cold-approach date*. That's right not an instant-date (which you've found to be no true indication of interest, so far). A date. You got her number after 10 minutes of idle chat at a random intersection and then met up again five days later.

That's a heck of a milestone!

Re: both number of attempts and article recency, I think this article may also be applicable here:

Barriers to Entry in Pickup and How They Affect Success

Gentle_Phrases said:
3. You were friend-zoned by a girl at the club after approaching her direct while she was talking to her sister. Within the first 20 minutes she told you that "nice guys finish last, I only date jerks." You responded "That's too bad, I'm a hopeless romantic!" After 3 hours of chatting, she explicitly stated "I have a feeling that we're going to be BEST FRIENDS" and asked you if you wanted her phone number. She has since invited you to the club (with her sister). You made up a fake excuse for not being able to go. Your pride was wounded.

This sounds like you need to be MUCH more challenging to women on open and on through:

I would suggest a mini-mission of finding something funny to flirt with / challenge a girl on soon into meeting her. Not combative, but just giving her a mildly hard time in the interest of flirting. This this with at least 6 girls and see if it makes a difference in reception for you.

Gentle_Phrases said:
5. You want to give up go back to the comfort of the Matrix but the knowledge of Girls Chase and the "red pill" has soiled your Disney Fantasies

That's what we do here... rob you of all your fantasies, one day at a time...!

Hopefully replacing them with something loftier and better, however ;)



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
I'm setting the bar for your move back up to Tool-Bearing Hominid again at three (3) lay reports. Until then, you'll remain Space Monkeyed out.

Sweet - thanks Chase. I like the specific goal you gave me. Feels good man!

I would suggest a mini-mission of finding something funny to flirt with / challenge a girl on soon into meeting her. Not combative, but just giving her a mildly hard time in the interest of flirting. This this with at least 6 girls and see if it makes a difference in reception for you.

Will do - I'll go through those articles you recommended too. Yeah that club girl chewed me up...I'll be ready next time

That's what we do here... rob you of all your fantasies, one day at a time...!


Hopefully replacing them with something loftier and better, however ;)

yep ;)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Homework: Playfully Challenge 6 Girls, 5/6ths Complete

First 4 approaches were in the mall. The last one was in the gym.

Approach 1: Two seated girls reading books at the food court in the mall. My target was Girl 1.

Me: Hey girls, [I grab a chair and pull it out] I'll only be here a sec. I have to tell you...I'm guessing that you're either waiting on some sort of secret Oprah book club meeting or your the world's youngest English teachers [cheeky smile, said in a way that was endearing rather than demeaning]
Them: Hahaha
Girl 1: No, we're actually waiting on a friend
Girl 2: [laughed but looked chagrined]
Me: Girl 1, you took it in stride. Kudos! Girl 2, looks like we have a little more work to do -that's okay. No judgement here. Is this a common thing for you two?
Girl 1: Blah, blah. Yeah we just like to read. I've been told it's unattractive.
Me: [raised eyebrow] Have either of you ever been to (insert park name)? No? Well I love to go to this circle, a nice round-about that's centered with trees and a garden, and read all the time. It's very relaxing. The mall though [I wave around], I've never read here.
Girl 2: [Nodding as if in tacit approval, small smile]
Girl 1: Oh cool!! Well, yeah. I can read anywhere LOL
After five minutes, it turns out that they're both too young. Eject.

Approach 2: Walking girl, taller than me, elephants on her shirt.

Me: Hey are those Elephants? [playful, accusatory tone]
Her: [smile] why yes, yes they are
Me: So they're your favorite?
Her: Yah, I love Elephants!
Me: Oh cool, I love Giraffes. They're waayy cooler than Elephants, sorry. We might have to fight about this.
Her: Hahaha, yeah well Giraffes are pretty cool. They're like elephants number one, giraffes number two.
Me: Yeah, but have you ever seen an Giraffe? They're like, way better. Elephants have that weird nose thing going on
We were walking as this was all happening. I noticed her make a motion to stop twice and kept walking anyway. My mistake - should have stopped her. When I finally tried she said she had to make it back into work (genuine because I saw her go into the store). Didn't pursue because I don't want to get kicked out of the mall or too "recognized" by all the staff.

Approach 3: Girl browsing in store, slightly taller

I approach indirect, build some rapport. Then I notice her necklace that says "salty." Where I'm from, to say someone is "salty" is slang for them being upset over a joke played on them (sort of like "why you mad, bro?"). The way you use it is by saying "hey...you look a little salty right now." Or, "why are you so salty? Need a drink, bro?"
Me: Hey are you okay?
Her: Huh, what? Yeah I'm fine...
Me: Are you sure? You look...a little salty though =)
Her: Hahaha, I know, I know...it's supposed to refer to the beach =)
Me: Beach salt?
Her: Hahaha no, no, like the waves. I'm a surfer.
Me: Oh. You must get plenty of waves here [joke being that there's absolutely nowhere to surf where we live - said in a very friendly tone]
Her: Hahaha uhhhmmm....
Me: So you must do a lot of skateboarding to keep your skills sharp while you wait to travel to somewhere surf friendly?
Her: Yah, I try to blah blah blah
Turns out she's too young, even though she's giving me a great vibe. Eject.

Approach 4: I approach with a cold read, she's a nurse, taller, I tease

Her: I'm a nurse
Me: Oh...I've heard some things about nurses actually
Her: [looks at me expectantly]
Me: Yah, I've heard that they're all crazy [I mime the sign for "loco" with a huge smile on my face]
Her: Hhahahaha, oh really?
Me: Yeah, I actually had to be in the hospital for a bit - nothing serious - and the nurses there were so happy all the time. I thought they were manic or something
Her: Hahahaha
Me: But I guess you have to be manic to deal with some of us crazy patients though anyway
Her: Yeah you're right some of them are truly crazy
I invited her to grab a quick drink with me after a few minutes of banter. She says "well...I'm married, so.." I notice she's wearing no ring. I show my surprise and say:
Me: Oh, you should wear your wedding ring! Keeps away the flirty guys like me, you know.
Her: Haha, true...well..[she lifts her hand] You can kind of see the tan line...a little bit

Approach 5: Girl with great bod is doing incline bench presses, taller than me, I approach with a cold read and figure out that she's a tennis player

Her: Oh, I play tennis [smile]
Me: Oh, I could tell, I could tell. You've got the tennis physique. Your extra height probably helps you with those crazy leaps on the court
Her: Haha, yeah
Me: What's this you're doing though...you're lifting bench press to help you win more matches? I'm guessing you need that extra edge..
Her: Haha no, no, I just play for fun
Me: Oh, okay. So you're just trying to get huge. Like Arnold...bulging biceps [I strike a silly pose]
Her: Hahahaha noooo
I say have a good workout and peace out at this point. I weaseled out of the interaction way earlier than I should have. Zero approach anxiety; I was juggling the logistics in my head for an instant date and froze up, so I took the easy way out and ejected. My fault for wasting a good start. If that comes up again, next time I'll ask if that's their last lift and then suggest a jaunt on the treadmill with me. Anything to keep the ball moving.


I forgot how much a good ribbing injects a pleasant vibe into the interaction :). My challenge is that I easily slip into entertainer sometimes (yikes) so I have to be wary about toeing that line. Going to try my hardest to make some results happen tomorrow.

Seeing space monkey again hurts my pride. The pain is motivating.

Total Day's Work


7 Approaches

0 instant dates

0 number(s)

No response from yesterday's number closes.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

A little specific feedback on the banter:

Gentle_Phrases said:
Me: Hey girls, [I grab a chair and pull it out] I'll only be here a sec. I have to tell you...I'm guessing that you're either waiting on some sort of secret Oprah book club meeting or your the world's youngest English teachers [cheeky smile, said in a way that was endearing rather than demeaning]
Them: Hahaha
Girl 1: No, we're actually waiting on a friend
Girl 2: [laughed but looked chagrined]
Me: Girl 1, you took it in stride. Kudos! Girl 2, looks like we have a little more work to do -that's okay. No judgement here. Is this a common thing for you two?

Too much addressing them as a "group" here.

Also - the false time constraint you're using instantly paints you as someone who considers himself low value / annoying. It's fine to use an FTC, but you've got to get the wording right, e.g.:

"Hey, I can only stay a sec" - communication: "You're not going to get much of my time."

"I'll only be here a sec" - communication: "I realize I'm bothering you, so don't worry, I'll leave soon."

Additionally, FTC + sitting down feels a little incongruent to me. Sitting down is "I'm putting down roots", FTC is "I'm taking off soon."

The commenting on how your opener was received makes the opener a "thing" instead of a natural part of the conversation ("You took it in stride!") - almost makes it sound like a gameshow ("When we called your name, your eyes opened SO WIDE!") and like she's being examined very closely. Makes her self-conscious and self-aware instead of sucked into the conversation - I'd throw that out and find another way to engage women who don't hook immediately.

Better dialogue, following the same format:

GP: Whoa - hey (just noticing them, per this article). Forgive my curiosity but... secret Oprah Book Club meeting, or young English teachers of America? You look like you could be either.

Girls: [laughs]

Girl 1: We're waiting on a friend.

Girl 2: ...

GP: With this friend, the book club is not complete.

Girl 1: NOOOO...! We're just going to go shopppping...

GP: Ah, you mean that thing where women go around and stare at clothes for hours on end without actually buying anything.

Girls: [laughs]

GP: [to Girl 1 about Girl 2] Does she actually want to be here? Because she seems quiet. Or did you drag her along?

Girl 1: [laughs] No, she's just quiet.

GP: [to Girl 2] She calls the shots around here, I reckon.

Girl 2: Yep, she's the leader.

GP: And you're following her willingly into battle in the depths of this paragon of consumerist culture.

Girl 2: [laughs] I guess...!

GP: [to Girl 1] So why shopping today instead of, say, hitting the tanning salon, or reading Dostoyevsky?

Running a seated two set that's initially pretty neutral to you is quite a balancing act, so don't beat yourself up too much on these if they don't go super well all the time.

Gentle_Phrases said:
Approach 2: Walking girl, taller than me, elephants on her shirt.

Me: Hey are those Elephants? [playful, accusatory tone]
Her: [smile] why yes, yes they are
Me: So they're your favorite?
Her: Yah, I love Elephants!
Me: Oh cool, I love Giraffes. They're waayy cooler than Elephants, sorry. We might have to fight about this.
Her: Hahaha, yeah well Giraffes are pretty cool. They're like elephants number one, giraffes number two.
Me: Yeah, but have you ever seen an Giraffe? They're like, way better. Elephants have that weird nose thing going on
We were walking as this was all happening. I noticed her make a motion to stop twice and kept walking anyway. My mistake - should have stopped her. When I finally tried she said she had to make it back into work (genuine because I saw her go into the store). Didn't pursue because I don't want to get kicked out of the mall or too "recognized" by all the staff.

This is not bad, but it's still a little on the entertainer side, and rather than sucking her in it's just being a little playful. I'd go for:

GP: Hey... are those... ELEPHANTS? [playful, accusatory tone]
Her: [smile] why yes, yes they are.
GP: I like the artistic symbolism of the attractive, upbeat-looking girl with lumbering, intelligent-yet-somewhat-sullen beasts on her shirt. Very thought-provoking.
Her: [laughs] Actually, I just like elephants.
GP: And what is it about them that you like? I find that people's preferences in animals speak some things about their selves.
Her: Well, I like that they're intelligent, and family-oriented, and loyal.
GP: That's an exciting set of characteristics.
Her: [laughs]
GP: Seriously though, those are good. So you view yourself as someone who is or who'd like to be intelligent, and family-oriented, and loyal.
Her: I guess.
GP: But is there a more adventurous side to you? Maybe an African rhino in there somewhere?
Her: [laughs] Is a rhino adventurous?
GP: I don't know, but you probably wouldn't want to piss one off, and they're always pretty horny.
Her: [laughs] Horny...??
GP: Have you seen a rhino's face?
Her: [laughs]
GP: I'm GP, by the way.
Her: Nice to meet you, GP.
GP: And what do they call you, Elephant Princess?
Her: I'm Cathy.
GP: Pleasure to meet you, Cathy. Tell me - I'm enjoying talking with you. What's your schedule like the rest of the day?
Her: I actually have to get back to work.
GP: Gainful employment. That's commendable. I like women who have an income stream. Listen, I'd like to talk more with you later and maybe you can educate me on pachyderms. Shall we meet up for food or a drink later this week or sometime next?

Gentle_Phrases said:
Approach 3: Girl browsing in store, slightly taller

I approach indirect, build some rapport. Then I notice her necklace that says "salty." Where I'm from, to say someone is "salty" is slang for them being upset over a joke played on them (sort of like "why you mad, bro?"). The way you use it is by saying "hey...you look a little salty right now." Or, "why are you so salty? Need a drink, bro?"
Me: Hey are you okay?
Her: Huh, what? Yeah I'm fine...
Me: Are you sure? You look...a little salty though =)
Her: Hahaha, I know, I know...it's supposed to refer to the beach =)
Me: Beach salt?
Her: Hahaha no, no, like the waves. I'm a surfer.
Me: Oh. You must get plenty of waves here [joke being that there's absolutely nowhere to surf where we live - said in a very friendly tone]
Her: Hahaha uhhhmmm....
Me: So you must do a lot of skateboarding to keep your skills sharp while you wait to travel to somewhere surf friendly?
Her: Yah, I try to blah blah blah
Turns out she's too young, even though she's giving me a great vibe. Eject.

This one's not bad. Good job with the light teasing here.

One tweak I'd make is trying not to have too many "You musts" in a row, and also showing more genuine interest in her emotions rather than activities - so you could do:

Me: Beach salt?
Her: Hahaha no, no, like the waves. I'm a surfer.
GP: Oh. You must get plenty of waves here [joke being that there's absolutely nowhere to surf where we live - said in a very friendly tone]
Her: Hahaha uhhhmmm....
GP: Skateboarding to keep your skills sharp while away from the shore, I imagine.
Her: Yah, I try to blah blah blah

How'd you determine she's too young - asked her?

Gentle_Phrases said:
Approach 4: I approach with a cold read, she's a nurse, taller, I tease

Her: I'm a nurse
Me: Oh...I've heard some things about nurses actually
Her: [looks at me expectantly]
Me: Yah, I've heard that they're all crazy [I mime the sign for "loco" with a huge smile on my face]
Her: Hhahahaha, oh really?
Me: Yeah, I actually had to be in the hospital for a bit - nothing serious - and the nurses there were so happy all the time. I thought they were manic or something
Her: Hahahaha
Me: But I guess you have to be manic to deal with some of us crazy patients though anyway
Her: Yeah you're right some of them are truly crazy
I invited her to grab a quick drink with me after a few minutes of banter. She says "well...I'm married, so.." I notice she's wearing no ring. I show my surprise and say:
Me: Oh, you should wear your wedding ring! Keeps away the flirty guys like me, you know.
Her: Haha, true...well..[she lifts her hand] You can kind of see the tan line...a little bit

One problem here was putting yourself and her into different camps:

You nurses and

Us patients.

It's like hitting on a stripper - you NEVER set yourself up as the customer. Same deal with nurses. Far better to be the guy who never gets sick and whose only experience with nurses is the one he dated a while back, rather than the one who's lain in a hospital bed and been tended to by several. The difference is that the one guy knows nurses as lovers and people, while the other knows them as employees who provide asexual service to him.

Another problem is the "I've heard they're all..." which makes you sound inexperienced around nurses. Better to imply you know things about nurses than have heard - that way you're an insider rather than an outsider.

A third problem - talking to her about work on the same topics everyone else does. "Those patients must really give you a headache".

That's like - I'm not sure what line of work you're in, but let's say you're in programming - someone finds out you're a programmer and says, "Wow, all those lines of code must really get tedious." And you're like, "Yeahh...." but inside you're thinking, "Ah, shoot me, this conversation is boring."

Better way:

Her: I'm a nurse
GP: Hmm... are you the sane type, or the crazy type?
Her: [looks at you expectantly]
GP: Well, in my experience, about half of nurses are regular normal people, and the other half are just insane.
Her: Hhahahaha, oh really?
GP: Yeah. I had a friend for a long time who was a nurse, and the stories I'd hear about life in the OR were just... well, some of those women were pretty cool, but some were off their rockers. I don't know, maybe your clinic or hospital is different though.
Her: Hahahaha, no, it's exactly the same!
GP: Probably the crazy nurses just need a vacation... or maybe their hospitals need to hire a love doctor to come and cure all their ills.
Her: [laughs] A love doctor, huh?
GP: Not saying I'd know anything about that.
Her: [laughs]
GP: So how do you like nursing?

Gentle_Phrases said:
Approach 5: Girl with great bod is doing incline bench presses, taller than me, I approach with a cold read and figure out that she's a tennis player

Her: Oh, I play tennis [smile]
Me: Oh, I could tell, I could tell. You've got the tennis physique. Your extra height probably helps you with those crazy leaps on the court
Her: Haha, yeah
Me: What's this you're doing though...you're lifting bench press to help you win more matches? I'm guessing you need that extra edge..
Her: Haha no, no, I just play for fun
Me: Oh, okay. So you're just trying to get huge. Like Arnold...bulging biceps [I strike a silly pose]
Her: Hahahaha noooo

This is not bad... however, it could be better.

The Arnold quote I get, but there's a lot of stuff in this dialogue that communicates "I don't get you":

- Extra height probably helps
- Why are you lifting weights
- You're trying to bulk up like Arnold?

These are all things uninteresting to her because they're pretty standard observations OR she already knows herself why she's doing them.

Instead I'd go with:

GP: I can tell. You've got the tennis player physique. So what do you do when you're not smacking balls over nets or hoisting iron into the air?
Her: [laughs] Well, I'm a tax attorney.
GP: Ah. And is that fun, or is that more exactly the reason why you need to get out your aggression on the gym and in the courts?
Her: [laughs] No, being a tax attorney is fine! I guess I just have a lot of pent up energy.
GP: Good you've found an outlet, then. We don't need anyone else blowing up and starting fights around here.
Her: [laughs] I'm not a fighter!
GP: Well with all that muscle you could probably whip some of the scrawnier guys in this gym.
Her: What do you do?

Basically, you just keep talking about her and drawing inferences about her in interesting ways until she decides to finally start asking you about yourself, and then you're in pretty good shape.

Gentle_Phrases said:
I forgot how much a good ribbing injects a pleasant vibe into the interaction :). My challenge is that I easily slip into entertainer sometimes (yikes) so I have to be wary about toeing that line. Going to try my hardest to make some results happen tomorrow.

This is good. Good results, and good realizations.

Gentle_Phrases said:
Seeing space monkey again hurts my pride. The pain is motivating.

I'm looking forward to the day when that pain is gone and you're back to Tool-Bearing Hominid, GP!



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Hey Chase,

Thanks for the feedback here. I combed through all your comments. Plenty of good stuff to start carrying into future interactions.

Regarding the nursing:

That's like - I'm not sure what line of work you're in, but let's say you're in programming - someone finds out you're a programmer and says, "Wow, all those lines of code must really get tedious." And you're like, "Yeahh...." but inside you're thinking, "Ah, shoot me, this conversation is boring."

*forehead smack* Noted. I'm a student, still this doesn't excuse it because it's the same as discussing college majors. You've just saved dozens of hard working men and women from boring conversation

Regarding the seated two-set:

Also - the false time constraint you're using instantly paints you as someone who considers himself low value / annoying. It's fine to use an FTC, but you've got to get the wording right, e.g.:


Additionally, FTC + sitting down feels a little incongruent to me. Sitting down is "I'm putting down roots", FTC is "I'm taking off soon."

The commenting on how your opener was received makes the opener a "thing" instead of a natural part of the conversation ("You took it in stride!") - almost makes it sound like a gameshow ("When we called your name, your eyes opened SO WIDE!") and like she's being examined very closely. Makes her self-conscious and self-aware instead of sucked into the conversation - I'd throw that out and find another way to engage women who don't hook immediately.

I like it... You're pointing out things I can start focusing on since I tend to use FTC often. Also, this isn't the first time I'vecommented on a girl's reactions to my statements in the moment. Calling out her reactions is something that I do a lot. Example if she's smiling a lot I'll say "wow, you smile a lot. That's good for you." Or if she makes an angry expression I'll say something like "uh-oh, fisticuffs?" then raise the war hammers. I can see your point about it making people self-conscious - it's a bad habit I'll have to work on. I think you're saying that while it's less damaging to call out positive emotions it's unhelpful to highlight negative ones?

GP: I don't know, but you probably wouldn't want to piss one off, and they're always pretty horny.
Her: [laughs] Horny...??
GP: Have you seen a rhino's face?
Her: [laughs]

Lol, you clever bastard. Not much of a routines guy - still, I'm going to come up with a few because on the spot sexual innuendo like yours isn't in my repertoire yet.

How'd you determine she's too young - asked her?

Yup. She was reluctant to admit it.

Basically, you just keep talking about her and drawing inferences about her in interesting ways until she decides to finally start asking you about yourself, and then you're in pretty good shape.

You know what, you just made yet another good point here Chase. I couldn't tell you the last time a girl has asked me something about myself.

Speaking of personal questions...! I won't ask you to elaborate on anything too personal here though I have considered it from time to time - especially when you spice an article up with a personal story or two. Casanova left a "History of My Life." Heck, RooshV has "Why can't I use a smiley face?" and "A Dead Bat in Paraguay." Maybe you could leave a piece like that too.

Just a thought ;)

Thanks again, Chase.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Homework: Playfully Challenge 6 Girls. Approach 6/6


I see a girl walking in the parking lot. She's quickly approaching her car as I park and I know there's only a few seconds before she jumps in. I approached indirect:

Me: Hey, excuse me [yelling b/c she's a bit far away]. Hold on for a sec because I've got a quick question for you....Hey, do you know if XYZ store is anywhere nearby?
Her: Yeah, blah blah blah
Me: Oh really, because I'm trying to get something for a family member [not really] - a girl [who doesn't exist]- who's 20 [not true]. That's about your age range right?
Her: Oh, no, I'm 18. But yeah I could help you [score!]

We chat about what to get for a bit. Then:

Me: By the way, you've got a great voice. You sound super professional
Her: Haha thanks. I get that a lot actually from my friends
Me: Yeah, future president over here =). Put 'er there! [I reach out for a high five and she smacks it enthusiastically. I then smell blood in the water]
Me: Actually c'mere future president [I pull her in for a side hug, she squeezes back tight]. You seem like one of those fun girls. You go out a lot?
Her: hehe, yeah I like to party and just have fun with fun people
Me: Oh! You're a bad girl! One more [another high five here]. I like that. So tell me about your experience at XYZ club

I tease her about her hair:

Me: Are you latino or Asian
Her: Latino haha
Me: Oh okay, I was thinking that, then I saw the sort of Asian bun you're rocking
Her: Oh lol, the "katapa" [or something like that]
Me: Yeah it's like you're trying to dig back to your Asian roots or something. Or you're just confused...anyway I like it =)

We chat about her life, her job, her clubbing. I sense she has a bit of time, so try to get her on an instant date:

Me: Hey, I'm about to head this store for 5 minutes to grab some kitchen utensils before heading out to that spot you mentioned [I point to a store literally 30 ft away]. Come with me for a sec
Her: [long pause as if she's evaluating, I wait in silence] I have to pick up my sister. She's been waiting all day at her summer camp
Me: Oh, is she wilting outside in the sun right now, waiting for you to save her. Poor girl! =)
Her: Yah, she's been there all day, she just called me actually. She's really bored

I persist twice, then back off. I think my mistake with stuff like this is that I never just start walking in that direction expectantly...I just say, "hey lets do this" and wait patiently for her to say yea or nay. Then again maybe it doesn't make a difference.

Despite not coming, just as I turn to walk away she asks:

Her: Does your family member like make-up?
Me: Err...well she wears make-up so I guess
Her: Oh, well you should try that place down there blah blah blah

We talk for maybe 2 more minutes and then I say "bye" shake her hand and start to walk off. She holds on with a tight grip, and while looking away says:

Her: Maybe some other time though...
Me: [pull out my phone and give it to her]

She types in her info. This is around 6:30pm. I text her at 8:42pm:

[name] good to meet you - GP

No response.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013

10 approaches

3 Instant-Dates (5-10 minutes each)

3 Number closes


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
To me that interaction from 6/26 seemed a little too much "pull" (compliments, agreeing, not rocking the boat much) and not enough or any "push". I think Chase said something about it in his last comment with the bitchy girl that said she only dates assholes that you weren't very "challenging".

Just the vibe I got from reading this.

How the numbers from the last update pan out?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Hey Rob,

Two responded to my first text message within minutes. Neither responded to my subsequent textmessage (almost 3 days now). The third didn't respond at all.

As for too much pull I can see why you said that.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
I can't even. Literally dying.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 29, 2013
Keep going buddy.

I know the feeling, but the fastest way to feel better is to get back in the game.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
metomeya said:
Keep going buddy.

I know the feeling, but the fastest way to feel better is to get back in the game.

You're right man - thanks for that. Just wanted to complain a bit without going overboard.

Game in 20.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
*feeling a bit sore from all the cold approach reps, so I'm returning to the third person, or whatever point of view this is. I'm not sure, really.*

Sarging On

You got three new numbers in the past couple days.

The first told you she has a longterm boyfriend and is looking forward to getting married. You asked her about her goals after she told you "just so you know...I have a boyfriend. He's gone sometimes though." For giggles, you suggested a drink date and she said "sure" and gave up the digits. You persisted more for the learning experience than anything else. You're not going to pursue her. In a way, it felt like proper flirting etiquette to get her number.

The second responded within minutes to your first text, then disappeared. She had nice legs, too. Fiddlestix!

The third is ten years older (still gorgeous HHHNNNGGG) and told you in no uncertain terms, "I gave you my real number. Call me when you're 21 and I'll buy you a drink. I'm serious." You think she may have been serious. The two of you had a pleasant instant date.

A New Crew?

You went out the other night with two chicks that friend-zoned you after you approached them wickedly direct and hinted that you should all have a threesome. It was a lot of fun. (Note: looking back, almost all of my friends have been girls. Maybe that's my problem.) Gaming that night was easier because you could just chill when them then break off to hit on other girls. When you bombed you had a nice home base to return to instead of drawing back into sea of strangers. They enjoyed watching you game a few sets and gave you encouragement. You think they appreciate your boldness even though you lack the follow through.

(Note: I know Chase warned against keeping many close female friends because they can lessen your motivation to game. I think he's right. It's important to ration your exposure, especially if you know that you are the type of guy that enjoys a feminine presence even without romance.)

My Sticking Point

Getting consistent Day 2s.

Gaming tomorrow.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Gentle_Phrases said:
"I gave you my real number. Call me when you're 21 and I'll buy you a drink. I'm serious."
Haha... when girls judge you by your age and then pat you on the head like your a cute teddy bear... or maybe it's fundamentals either way it strips your manhood away lol. Hate that shit.

Gentle_Phrases said:
Note: looking back, almost all of my friends have been girls. Maybe that's my problem.)
All though high-school half my friends were female and I spent A LOT of time with them doing vagina ass shit and thinking I was cool. I just remembered I went like 30 minutes out of my way a while back to jump start one of my female friends car's and in return I got a goofy picture of me smiling with jumper cables in my hands on facebook with a caption "best friend award"... If I saw someone on facebook with a tagged picture like that I'd be thinking he was a complete chode hahaha.
Fuck it am a chode ;)... and I'm proud!

During this time when I had a lot of female friends I never EVER got laid. I only got close to getting laid when I was with my testosterone filled gangster friends that weren't good with women but just treated them like dogs and so they got laid haha.

I don't know if the two are connected but I think hanging with female friends and not getting laid can strip you manhood a little bit unless you have bitches on the side your seeing. Just a theory could be wrong.

However getting a cool wingwoman would be pretty tight.


Gentle_Phrases said:
feeling a bit sore from all the cold approach reps, so I'm returning to the third person, or whatever point of view this is. I'm not sure, really.*
Why do you feel this "soreness"? From rejection/humiliation or just the stress of overcoming A.A.? Reason I ask is because you seem to be a lot more stressed over simply meeting girls than I ever did at your stage in the game and wondering why that may be...



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Haha... when girls judge you by your age and then pat you on the head like your a cute teddy bear... or maybe it's fundamentals either way it strips your manhood away lol. Hate that shit.

Lol, right Rob! That's when I go "Mode One" on those sl0ots to make them know I'm serious. The older she is, the more direct I go. This has lead to my best results (which isn't saying much...still at least I'm getting some messaging back and forth). Reminds me of your apple pie lay.

All though high-school half my friends were female and I spent A LOT of time with them doing vagina ass shit and thinking I was cool. I just remembered I went like 30 minutes out of my way a while back to jump start one of my female friends car's and in return I got a goofy picture of me smiling with jumper cables in my hands on facebook with a caption "best friend award"... If I saw someone on facebook with a tagged picture like that I'd be thinking he was a complete chode hahaha.
Fuck it am a chode ;)... and I'm proud!

SAMMMMEEEEEE. At least you were handy, lol. I used to send 3 page text messages and get novels back. Then, I'd call girls and sit on the phone chatting about nothing for hours. Jesus.

I don't know if the two are connected but I think hanging with female friends and not getting laid can strip you manhood a little bit unless you have bitches on the side your seeing. Just a theory could be wrong.

Yeah, it can be bad. The way I look at it is that it can fool you into thinking "I have value as a male friend to women, there for I am attractive sexually to women." Well if you were attractive sexually...they wouldn't be your friend. At the same time it can be good because when I'm getting massacred in the streets by game I fall into this weird frame sometimes that all girls hate me and I'll die with my balls in my hand, etc. It's good in that it reinforces that women do/can enjoy your company - you just need to learn to convey a different sort of value.

Why do you feel this "soreness"? From rejection/humiliation or just the stress of overcoming A.A.? Reason I ask is because you seem to be a lot more stressed over simply meeting girls than I ever did at your stage in the game and wondering why that may be...

Thinking about game drives me nuts sometimes, Rob. I rarely feel A.A. and rejection makes me lol; it's the lack of results in aggregate that makes me wince. Like wholly chit- 500 approaches for a date? Am I really prepared to do that again?

But that's my problem.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Sick. Can't game till tomorrow (hopefully).
