Homework: Playfully Challenge 6 Girls, 5/6ths Complete
First 4 approaches were in the mall. The last one was in the gym.
Approach 1: Two seated girls reading books at the food court in the mall. My target was Girl 1.
Me: Hey girls, [I grab a chair and pull it out] I'll only be here a sec. I have to tell you...I'm guessing that you're either waiting on some sort of secret Oprah book club meeting or your the world's youngest English teachers [cheeky smile, said in a way that was endearing rather than demeaning]
Them: Hahaha
Girl 1: No, we're actually waiting on a friend
Girl 2: [laughed but looked chagrined]
Me: Girl 1, you took it in stride. Kudos! Girl 2, looks like we have a little more work to do -that's okay. No judgement here. Is this a common thing for you two?
Girl 1: Blah, blah. Yeah we just like to read. I've been told it's unattractive.
Me: [raised eyebrow] Have either of you ever been to (insert park name)? No? Well I love to go to this circle, a nice round-about that's centered with trees and a garden, and read all the time. It's very relaxing. The mall though [I wave around], I've never read here.
Girl 2: [Nodding as if in tacit approval, small smile]
Girl 1: Oh cool!! Well, yeah. I can read anywhere LOL
After five minutes, it turns out that they're both too young. Eject.
Approach 2: Walking girl, taller than me, elephants on her shirt.
Me: Hey are those Elephants? [playful, accusatory tone]
Her: [smile] why yes, yes they are
Me: So they're your favorite?
Her: Yah, I love Elephants!
Me: Oh cool, I love Giraffes. They're waayy cooler than Elephants, sorry. We might have to fight about this.
Her: Hahaha, yeah well Giraffes are pretty cool. They're like elephants number one, giraffes number two.
Me: Yeah, but have you ever seen an Giraffe? They're like, way better. Elephants have that weird nose thing going on
We were walking as this was all happening. I noticed her make a motion to stop twice and kept walking anyway. My mistake - should have stopped her. When I finally tried she said she had to make it back into work (genuine because I saw her go into the store). Didn't pursue because I don't want to get kicked out of the mall or too "recognized" by all the staff.
Approach 3: Girl browsing in store, slightly taller
I approach indirect, build some rapport. Then I notice her necklace that says "salty." Where I'm from, to say someone is "salty" is slang for them being upset over a joke played on them (sort of like "why you mad, bro?"). The way you use it is by saying "hey...you look a little salty right now." Or, "why are you so salty? Need a drink, bro?"
Me: Hey are you okay?
Her: Huh, what? Yeah I'm fine...
Me: Are you sure? You look...a little salty though =)
Her: Hahaha, I know, I know...it's supposed to refer to the beach =)
Me: Beach salt?
Her: Hahaha no, no, like the waves. I'm a surfer.
Me: Oh. You must get plenty of waves here [joke being that there's absolutely nowhere to surf where we live - said in a very friendly tone]
Her: Hahaha uhhhmmm....
Me: So you must do a lot of skateboarding to keep your skills sharp while you wait to travel to somewhere surf friendly?
Her: Yah, I try to blah blah blah
Turns out she's too young, even though she's giving me a great vibe. Eject.
Approach 4: I approach with a cold read, she's a nurse, taller, I tease
Her: I'm a nurse
Me: Oh...I've heard some things about nurses actually
Her: [looks at me expectantly]
Me: Yah, I've heard that they're all crazy [I mime the sign for "loco" with a huge smile on my face]
Her: Hhahahaha, oh really?
Me: Yeah, I actually had to be in the hospital for a bit - nothing serious - and the nurses there were so happy all the time. I thought they were manic or something
Her: Hahahaha
Me: But I guess you have to be manic to deal with some of us crazy patients though anyway
Her: Yeah you're right some of them are truly crazy
I invited her to grab a quick drink with me after a few minutes of banter. She says "well...I'm married, so.." I notice she's wearing no ring. I show my surprise and say:
Me: Oh, you should wear your wedding ring! Keeps away the flirty guys like me, you know.
Her: Haha, true...well..[she lifts her hand] You can kind of see the tan line...a little bit
Approach 5: Girl with great bod is doing incline bench presses, taller than me, I approach with a cold read and figure out that she's a tennis player
Her: Oh, I play tennis [smile]
Me: Oh, I could tell, I could tell. You've got the tennis physique. Your extra height probably helps you with those crazy leaps on the court
Her: Haha, yeah
Me: What's this you're doing though...you're lifting bench press to help you win more matches? I'm guessing you need that extra edge..
Her: Haha no, no, I just play for fun
Me: Oh, okay. So you're just trying to get huge. Like Arnold...bulging biceps [I strike a silly pose]
Her: Hahahaha noooo
I say have a good workout and peace out at this point. I weaseled out of the interaction way earlier than I should have. Zero approach anxiety; I was juggling the logistics in my head for an instant date and froze up, so I took the easy way out and ejected.
My fault for wasting a good start. If that comes up again, next time I'll ask if that's their last lift and then suggest a jaunt on the treadmill with me. Anything to keep the ball moving.
I forgot how much a good ribbing injects a pleasant vibe into the interaction

. My challenge is that I easily slip into entertainer sometimes (yikes) so I have to be wary about toeing that line. Going to try my hardest to make some
results happen tomorrow.
Seeing space monkey again hurts my pride. The pain is motivating.
Total Day's Work
7 Approaches
0 instant dates
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No response from yesterday's number closes.