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Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
A Twisted Form of Progress

*written from a personal perspective.

I just totally failed myself by not asking for an instant date or contact info on an approach that just happened. I hesitated because I thought "it's only been about 30 seconds of conversation. It couldn't work!" I was very interested in getting to know this girl more and in hindsight,I'm 80% certain that both wishes would have been granted. She was actively helping push the verbal part of the interaction, even though my usual content wasn't surfacing (I tried Rob's advice by attempting a little more deep dive on initial approach. My pacing is a little off so I'll have to toy with it more.)


However, as sad as this is, there was a definite sign of progress here. I felt no fear; I persisted in the face of interruptions from others. And, I once again spit game in front of a crowd. Next time I will push for the instant date, regardless of limited time in the initial approach. If a woman is interested, she will comply. In fact, that's something that I don't do which needs to be done more. Chase wrote a whole article on the importance of moving girls. When I go out later today, I will work on that concept alone and report back on my effectiveness.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
4 Hour Instant Date

Cold approached a girl the other day and we ended up hanging out all night. Still debating writing a field report.

It was an excellent reference experience.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Maybe nine approaches while experimenting with the Ricardus line "are you single."

All of them said they were taken. Who knows if they were telling the truth!

*Note- you got a positive response from a girl that was running down the street right before you stopped her. Open sets like these. They can work


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
I approached 13 girls today: 0 results.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
BAM! Lets' DO IT!

Gone hunting


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
*Detached perspective*

So far you done anywhere from 200 to 300 approaches. You're no stranger to phone numbers and instant dates; still, a day 2 eludes you.

30 Day Challenge

You will commit an inordinate amount of time to practice for the next thirty days, then step back once more to reflect on everything. The goal is at least 50 approaches a week. That means an average of about 7 per a day. You need some greater hint of progress in order to keep you motivated - past results just aren't cutting it anymore. Still, remember to trust the process: growth is rarely linear, especially for a skill that requires so many moving parts.

Time to shine.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Today's Shopping

You did:

  • 8 approaches

    Suggested a date to two girls

    Got both of their numbers.

    One responded to your first text but not the subsequent one.

    The other hasn't responded.

Both girls that gave you their numbers allowed to hold the handshake for a prolonged time. Also, you draped your arm around each girl's shoulders when you moved her and broke the touch barrier with both girls multiple times. With the girl who didn't respond, you tried to get an instant date - she claimed that she had to go home right then; you persisted ten or twelve times while bantering with her. When she wouldn't budge you went for the date suggestion plus number. Kudos on persisting that much while keeping her comfortable lol. You had fun pushing against her resistance. Remember that you persist in person so you don't waste your time texting dead-ends.

Prediction for Today's Connections

You don't see either panning out. Chalk it to the game.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Just had a 10-20 minute instant date. Girl denied my attempt to pull her back to my car to listen to music. I persisted 3 or 4 times but she just wasn't ready. Still got her number, however she seemed a bit shifty about it. Fair enough, I'll cool it off text her in a day or two. Zero expectations on my front.

What's awkward is that I implied to her that I'd be leaving the mall but I still want 9 more rejections before heading home. Debating leaving the venue BUT SCREW IT!!



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Today's Results

  • 4 Approaches

    3 Phone Numbers

    1 Instant Date - 10 to 20 minutes

    1 Phone Number Rejection (didn't give phone number)

Let's see how many of those numbers pan out in the next few days!

*Note: might want to start eating more when you're out. Hard to keep the energy up without food. Also, good job going back to the venue! Best decision ever.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Gentle_Phrases said:
she claimed that she had to go home right then; you persisted ten or twelve times while bantering with her

Gentle_Phrases said:
Just had a 10-20 minute instant date. Girl denied my attempt to pull her back to my car to listen to music. I persisted 3 or 4 times but she just wasn't ready.
Also gangsta.
At your stage in the game (your what like 7-9 months in?) in my shoes that would've made me nervous (when I was 7-9 months in).

Keep us updated... always in need of more motivation.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Re: Rob

Keep us updated... always in need of more motivation.

Thanks Rob! I wish you lived here man. I would totally go sarging with you. I tried a new wingman the other day and he spent the afternoon trying to convince me that approaching girls on the street is "weird and socially awkward and would never work" and that I needed to "bottle up my energy and save it for the club." He then COCKBLOCKED ME because he didn't feel like approaching alone while I was mid-set. Jesus Christ. Still, I forgive him. Was his first time street approaching.

Right now I'm texting one of the girls and she seems amenable to a day 2 - just waiting on her to choose one of the days I said I'd be available...We'll see if she pans out.

The girl that I tried to pull didn't respond (go figure lol). Actually I find it hilarious, hahaha. "To listen to music," ROFL. Lesson from that was that I should have downgraded to suggesting lunch in the mall café, then tried again! Maybe it wasn't an outright rejection and she was sour that I left (or that could be my male hamster). Anyway, the thought came to me in the moment...but I said F-it. Not next time.

Still debating texting the other girl.

Tonight's Plan

So, you stayed up all night and way into the wee hours of the morning. You spent hours reading a new Game site on the internet. Still up in the air whether or not you'll go approaching. Probablyyy

Remember the 30 Day Challenge. You've done 22 approaches so far. 28 to go. There was another forum where somebody suggested a full day spent approaching and nothing else.....hhhhmmmmmmmmm.....


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Tonight's Results

7 swings, 7 misses

You were frustrated by one approach in particular because the girl ditched when she figured out your age. She was just a few years older. She was also totally feeling it mayneee. Chase is right, you might consider becoming 23 from now on...

Approaching at late night on weekdays in Ed. zone is not smart. Everyone is in rush home mode. Stop being lazy and APPROACH DURING THE DAY! Anyway these past duds were good for your ego. A little failure goes a long way!

Also, start looking into venues where international folks hang out.

Btw, that girl never texted back. Chalk it to the game


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Gentle_Phrases said:
Thanks Rob! I wish you lived here man. I would totally go sarging with you.

Gentle_Phrases said:
I tried a new wingman the other day and he spent the afternoon trying to convince me that approaching girls on the street is "weird and socially awkward and would never work" and that I needed to "bottle up my energy and save it for the club." He then COCKBLOCKED ME because he didn't feel like approaching alone while I was mid-set. Jesus Christ. Still, I forgive him. Was his first time street approaching.
LOL that's cool that you were open minded to the experience though.

"Bottle up my energy and save it for the club"? And then what walk around the club all stifled and stuck in your head sipping your drink with your back against the bar posing, and looking like a chode? Lol I wish the best for him!

Regarding however many more approaches you have for your challenge... "It's still YO MOTHER FUCKIN SET! GET THAT SHIT!"


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Regarding however many more approaches you have for your challenge... "It's still YO MOTHER FUCKIN SET! GET THAT SHIT!"



Date scheduled for Tues. Let's see if she flakes.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Your First Day 2

You did it. After nearly 400 hundred attempts out on the streets, you snagged your first official cold-approach date*. That's right not an instant-date (which you've found to be no true indication of interest, so far). A date. You got her number after 10 minutes of idle chat at a random intersection and then met up again five days later.


It's funny how this gives you such a grand sense of accomplishment. The last date you ever had was more than three years ago. Until you started this journal in September, you had given up on relationships in general; blame all those books you read that enlightened you about the true nature of romantic relationships. Thank God you found Girls Chase! It showed you that despite the fact that there are no Disney Land romances...you can still go after what you want (within reason) and accomplish it if you work hard enough and morph yourself into a sexy man. And thank God for sexy role models! If you hadn't ever seen dudes killing it, dating chicks left and right, and approaching fearlessly in youtube videos, chances are that you would never, ever try any of this. Remember to help other men on the way up, once you get really good.


Take a day to review your game now. Why are you now getting more positive responses on average from women than when you first started? What are your new sticking points? What are the three things you could do now to exponentially increase the number of dates you snag per a week?

Be methodical. You've proven that working hard will net you some sort of result. Remember to also work smart. Master the process and success is inevitable.

*Naturally, you screwed up the date by missing an escalation window. Funny how Chase's article today addresses exactly what is most likely to happen to you. It's ok. Next time you must go for it with impunity.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013

Gentle_Phrases said:
After nearly 400 attempts out on the streets
Boy oh boy, you are a hustler, Gentle Phrases...

Gentle_Phrases said:
A date. You got her number after 10 minutes of idle chat at a random intersection and then met up again five days later.
Congrats!!! :)

Gentle_Phrases said:
Take a day to review your game now. Why are you now getting more positive responses on average from women than when you first started?
Yeah this is a weird one, isn't it? Something "happens". Can't put my finger on it.

Gentle_Phrases said:
Funny how Chase's article today addresses exactly what is most likely to happen to you.
I cannot tell you how many times Chase has done that for me; I've lost count ;)



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Re: Marty

Boy oh boy, you are a hustler, Gentle Phrases...

Lol, yeah...kind of embarrassing that it took that long, actually. Surprised I didn't give up (weird as that sounds)!


Yeah this is a weird one, isn't it? Something "happens". Can't put my finger on it.

Yeah it's so strange.,. Maybe our brains just refuse to hang on to negative signals anymore.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Gentle_Phrases said:
After nearly 400 hundred attempts out on the streets, you snagged your first official cold-approach date*. That's right not an instant-date (which you've found to be no true indication of interest, so far). A date. You got her number after 10 minutes of idle chat at a random intersection and then met up again five days later.

You are my hero

This is inspirational stuff G_P you now know what you're capable of... now you just have to do it over again ;)

You should post up the FR of this if it's worth mentioning I'd be curious to see how shit went down from start to finish... and see if it were luck or skill. Though I'm guessing it was the latter given the amount you've worked on this shit.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Re: Rob

Sup Rob,

should post up the FR of this if it's worth mentioning I'd be curious to see how shit went down from start to finish... and see if it were luck or skill.

Skill or luck? I don't know. It is possible that I ran into a "yes" girl. The encounter was unremarkable in every way so a FR isn't worth it. Instead, I'll give you the cliff notes. This approach happened to be direct. I ran in front of her, said:

Me: Hey, hold on for a sec...I just saw you walking down the street and I thought you looked pretty cute, so I decided to come meet you. What's your name?

We shook hands and I held my grip lightly to see if she would let go. She didn't, so I kept it there for about a minute.

We chatted for a maximum of 7 minutes. Nothing over the top. I flirted one more time:

Me: Oh, you go to that school! No way...smart and pretty. Devastating combo there :)

She said she had to go, so I said what I always say:

Oh, okay. Well in that case, lets meet up again for XYZ and chat some more.

At this point I have her plug her digits in and peace out. The texting was purely logistical. I called her the day before to iron everything out completely and only spent a total of 3 minutes on the phone with her during the call.

As far as I can tell, she just liked me.

One thing to note is that she was always quick about responding to my messages; we're talking 15 minutes or less. In the future, I believe that will be the easiest way to screen for whether or not I could actually get a date.