- Joined
- Sep 21, 2016
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Day One
I wake up and basically jump out of bed. I took a solid amount of Tongkat Ali and that shit just gives you so much energy (works as a functional T booster). I head over to the hotel bar next to me and start talking to these cool rando's, also enjoy the mist blowing on me from the machines they have. I keep the social momentum rocking and a few others join us. Once it was time to checkout, I get in my car and find a place to keep it for tonight.
Being as broke as I am, I did not get a hotel for tonight - I literally just said I was gonna surge forward until I either found a girl to fuck or some cool partiers who let me sleep on the couch.
Around 2ish I head over to my friends place since that kinda serves as "home base" for the rest of the weekend. They got a post that is RIGHT next to the main stage for one of the venues, and it really came in handy for access to after parties and access to the venue during good sets.
We start pregaming immediately and talking about how fun the party was last night. Two girls I hadn't seen before show up. We all take pictures and kinda vibe out. Then my homie in the OM starts kissing a chick, let's call her Parking Pass, who's not his wife, and I realized that this girl was definitely out looking for dick... she was being very flowly and smiley and we were all a bit drunk. He was sorta relunctant to do so - and as we know that's the wrong response to an arousal-based, horny chick.
As we're all kinda swirling around the pregame and chit chatting, I find myself sitting in the bed on my phone for a second. I'm shirtless and as I've mentioned my muscles have pretty good shape nowadays. The bedroom is kinda separate from the party and connects to the bathroom. Parking Pass comes out of the bathroom and looks at me. It's immediately ON, and I literally just stand up slowly and hold the eye contact.
"Me: Hey there.... (steps forward)
Her: Hi.... *steps forward* (we're probably like 4 feet from eachother)
Me: How... are you? (tilt head down and sharpen hunter eyes, looking straight into her soul lol)
Her: *bites lip, steps forward* (my dick starts getting hard)
Me: Same. *grabs waste, pulls her into me and my dick*
Me: You feel that? (referring to my dick actively growing lmao)
Her: *kisses me*
It was fucking hot to say the least lol. We make out for a few seconds and I grab her ass. Solid tush for sure. I'd give this girl a mid-high 7 based on her face, overall figure, and her ass.
Me: *pulls off* "You're gonna get me in trouble!"
Her: Hahaha oops!
Me: You're cute.... *slaps ass and walks away --- also slips dick underneath waste band lol had to hide that thing*
Major spike in arousal and attraction. Also like a behavioral "chase frame" with the "you're gonna get me in trouble" and walking away. This is how women flirt with men all the time and I'm just flipping it on them. I knew I had planted a hard seed with that one because I was WAY more sexual than the little kiss my buddy gave her. Also don't feel bad about "stealing her" because my buddy is here with his open marriage wife, and I'm just single *shrug*. That said, I want to stress how important discretion is in situations like that because... just because I see it that way.... doesn't mean he will.
After that I was really fucking horny, lol. I played my cards to make her chase me (and boy did she) but now I had all this sexual energy pent up and nowhere to spend it. I keep playing it cool and calm to not arouse any awareness from the other party guests that we just had a moment in the bedroom.
A DJ who I like comes on so I step outside to dance to his shit a bit, then get in an argument with security for trying to bring my drink with me and telling me I couldn't walk straight into the venue despite having the VIP suite. I was being kind of a dick but really didn't give a fuck, they were being obnoxious. Saw them let some fat chick walk back into the venue and just kinda gestured to the guard like, "really?". We didn't get along lol fuck twelve bruh.
When I go back to our suite there's a few more girls inside there. One of them hits me with heavy sexual eye contact again and I pick up on it (this continues to happen for the next 48 hours with other girls lol) so I introduce myself. I start getting hard again as I'm talking to her (probably, again, all the Tongkat Ali, the extreme heat being so high it's revving my T up, and my already very high T in general from exercise and diet). I ask her some basic questions and then just ask if she's seen the jacuzzi. Parking Pass is watching me do this but not interfering, but I can catch her presence out of the corner of my eye.
Now honestly I don't know why the fuck they have a jacuzzi at these rooms. It's fucking 115 degrees outside and they looked around and thought, "you know what this needs? even hotter water so people can totally overheat and die from heat exhaustion. fuck yeah", but it DID make a good plausible deniability to move her, so I went for it.
As soon as we were isolated the sexual vibe just went sky high so I kinda just moved closer to this chick (huge tits, a little chunky brunette but also pretty) and our faces our almost touching. She pushes her tits into me and we're just smiling at eachother like "fuck...." and then I pull away.
Me: "Can you be sneaky?"
Her: (submissively) "Yea...."
I take her hand and guide her back inside and towards the bathroom.
Me: "Pretty nice bathroom right?"
Her: "...It is
Me: "The shower is even better"
I walk her into the shower and slowly press her against the wall. I look her deep in the eyes and grab her tits, and my dick gets fully hard. She makes one of those open mouth smiles and I go, "you're fucking hot....." and slowly place her hand on my hard dick. She starts stroking it and I say, "really quick - could you get on your knees for me?" and without skipping a beat she lowers down and pops my dick in her mouth. "That feels... really fucking good". She sucks it for like 5 seconds and then stops and gets back up, and I pinch her nipple.
RIGHT as this ends, I see movement coming from outside the bathroom and put my dick back in my pants lol. My homie who bought the room (and explicitly told me not to fuck in his house) peaks his head in the bathroom and I just start laughing and say, "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING GOING ON IN HERE!!!" lmaooo
The girl (I don't even remember her name lol) gets all embarrassed and hugs the corner, so I look at her and gesture my hand to have her stay, then walk over to my buddy. He's like, "dude haha what are you doing?". I tell him we were just talking with a big smile and walk away, but it's super clear what just happened. Now I have all eyes on me so I just run and grab a drink and go back outside on the patio. Luckily we're all about to leave soon so distractions will help me out here soon enough.
My buddy joins me on the patio and is just like, "nice dude she was hot", not even that mad. The girls are moreso looking at me different now because I'm being slutty... this trend slowly grows in the next few days too. I'm kinda relieved because I don't want to upset him (who bought the very nice room) or the DJ chick (who has tons of SC connections), so I kinda just go, "yeah we didn't really do much but idk that just kinda happened!", definitely downplaying the sexual force that I just had possessing my body lol. This is the kinda shit that I feel when I'm high momentum. It's like a look or a moment of eye contact that just amplifies all the right things... and leads to speedy hookups.
We go to the concert for some good times, but I eventually veer away from my friends to try a new venue. I see this total babe with her boyfriend at one of the shuttles that takes us there, and notice that we just missed the last shuttle. We start gabbing it up and they offer to drive me to the next one in their car. I say fuck it and come along for the ride, and am questioning how this totally average dude can pull such a babe. We get to the next place and they buy me tequila shots because they think I'm cool - love that! At the venue I have a ton of fun throwing beach balls around and dancing my ass off, bringing the whole party up another level. I know a lot of the DJs songs so him and I are literally pointing at eachother just vibing super fucking hard. The girls around me notice and I form a cloud of women around me - usually this happens when they like my rythmic dance moves and high energy. After I get some real cuties near me (plus the girlfriend is a babe so solid preselection) I open one of them to the side. I kinda fuck up here because it was a little too disjointed from the energy I was just bringing, and I should have isolated her through dance instead of switching straight into conversation. I'm still super high micro-momentum though so I really don't care.
After an hour or so of all that I head back to the original venue because the headliner is on. I came in hot as fuck for this because now I'm pretty drunk and I'm a huge fan of this DJ. He's going the fuck off and I'm popping into different parts of the stage just dancing with whoever looks like a fun time. There's like 700-1000 people crammed in this pool venue, so the pool and all the standing areas are mega packed out. People are buying drinks and pouring them all over eachother, girls are twirking and slapping eachothers asses, one girl jumped on anothers shoulders and flashed her huge tits to the DJ, dudes are doing backflips into the pool, and EVERYONE IS FUCKING JUMPING. God damn, that was such a vibe. I'm smiling cheek to cheek in my rave outfit just having an absolute blast, I don't even give a fuck about pussy at this point.
He switched to a slow build up song for like 2 minutes and I kinda "come to" like, "oh wait this might be a good time to approach" and I see a brunette sitting (like bitch why the fuck are you sitting do you see this venue right now??) and I go up to her and sit next to her. I say, "too much?
" and she laughs and looks down all shy.
IMMEDIATELY these fucking tatted out dudes see me and one goes 'HEY! YEAH YOU!! BACK OFF BUDDY!!". I'm like "Oh fuck, lol" and stand up with a huge smile on my face. I stare back at all 4 of them as the song starts to pick up again and put my fist on my chest, beating it into me to the beat, and go "MEEE??" and they all turn towards me, stop dancing and start making their bodies all huge. I start laughing my ass off and go, "FRIEND OF YOURS???" and point to the girl. They're like, "YEAH BACK THE FUCK UP!!" clearly on some uppers or some shit. All I did was open her lol. I say, "ONLY IF SHE *jestures to holding an ass* BACKS IT UP FIRST!" and immediately eject, still smiling off to a different part of the venue. They were fucking gorillas bro, oh my god that got them so mad, 'GET THE FUCK OUT!" the first guy goes and steps towards me. I'm laughing so hard and just dance away from the group.
After almost starting a fight (lol) I go back in the venue to finish the set with my friends.
Oh and would you look at that, Parking Pass is still here! And I'd bet now that the whole "shower blowjob" thing has spread in the group, and I spiked her arousal so hard earlier, she might want to talk with me!
We're all dancing outside on the patio and I slowly move towards her. As soon as she sees I'm there she matches my dances moves and we're basically dancing together. No words. I bump my hip into hers so that we're on beat, and then turn fully around and start rubbing my ass on hers. She responds the same and now we're basically reverse grinding like a couple of drunk idiots. I move my hand to her juicy ass and squeeze it.
We close out the DJ and throw our hands up, thanking him for such a great show.
As the crowd in our group calms, I grab Parking Pass's ass firmly while standing next to her. She leans her body into mine.
Me: (whispering in her ear) You miss me?
Her: Yeah, haha
Me: Guess what?
Her: What?
Me: I've got a really good idea.
Her: What is it?
Me: Come here.
I take her hand and lead her inside, to the jacuzzi area lol (super small space outside the main bedroom). I push her against the wall where they can't see us and start kissing her neck. She starts moaning and grabbing my body pulling it into hers. I take her hand and put it against the wall, kissing her lips now, and grab her ass with my other hand. My dick is also being pushed against her body and she's getting incredibly turned on.
Me: I.... would love... to make you cum.... all over my dick
Her: *Moan (lmaooo)
Her: Okay
Me: Would you like that?
Her: Yes, please.
Me: Okay
I take her hand again and then walk out of the suite area, and just walk around the buildings until I find a corner. I press my back against the corner so she doesn't feel pressured, and also so it doesn't look like a girl is getting assaulted. When you're doing public sex, that's actually super important. Understand that if someone sees a girl stuffed in a corner by a man, they may assume it's something really bad lol. We're making out next to a bush in the corner of this building and I tell her to get on her knees. She starts sucking my dick as we stare into eachothers eyes and I tell her what a good girl she is and dirty talking her about loving how my hard dick feels in her mouth. It was turning her the FUCK on and she's moaning really loud getting more into it. We're like 10 feet from the sidewalk and I see someone pass by us and start laughing.
I lower myself down to the bush level and instruct her to get on top of me. She jumps on me, albiet a little awkardly cuz we're laying in rocks next to a bush lol and rides my dick for a minute or so. I'm trying to keep her body close to mine so no one sees, because there's security letting people out of the venue probably 100 feet from us.
Then I suggest we go somewhere better and see a ton of cars in the parking lot that are parked in residency. So it's not gonna be people who just came for the show - these are people staying in the suites. So that means good coverage that won't have people running up on us. That's my drunk ass horny logic, anyways, lol.
I get her and myself less naked and more composed and lead us in between these two huge trucks that parked facing eachother. We slink underneath them and on the hot cement and proceed back to cowgirl. I keep dirty talking her and ask her, "do you like being fucked like a slut in this parking lot?" as I pound into her and she loves it. We fuck for like 5 minutes before we're both exhausted as fuck from the heat (and the fact we're insanely dehyrdated from drinking all day) and lay down on the cement for a few minutes, and I just hold my fingers in her pussy. Then she has the idea to jump in one of the beds of the truck. Brilliant, lol.
We actually jump in it, and maybe we could have gotten away with it, but I shut it down because there was no ACTUAL coverage and it'd be super easy to see we were fucking lol why else would we be in a truck bed under the parking lot lamp? Hahahahaha. Despite her protest I say no and that we head back to the suite.
As we're walking back her friend runs up on us and I don't want anyone to know we fucked (because my buddy was kissing her earlier) so after they connect I basically speed walk ahead of them and beat them to the suite, just so we're not walking in together.
I wake up and basically jump out of bed. I took a solid amount of Tongkat Ali and that shit just gives you so much energy (works as a functional T booster). I head over to the hotel bar next to me and start talking to these cool rando's, also enjoy the mist blowing on me from the machines they have. I keep the social momentum rocking and a few others join us. Once it was time to checkout, I get in my car and find a place to keep it for tonight.
Being as broke as I am, I did not get a hotel for tonight - I literally just said I was gonna surge forward until I either found a girl to fuck or some cool partiers who let me sleep on the couch.
Around 2ish I head over to my friends place since that kinda serves as "home base" for the rest of the weekend. They got a post that is RIGHT next to the main stage for one of the venues, and it really came in handy for access to after parties and access to the venue during good sets.
We start pregaming immediately and talking about how fun the party was last night. Two girls I hadn't seen before show up. We all take pictures and kinda vibe out. Then my homie in the OM starts kissing a chick, let's call her Parking Pass, who's not his wife, and I realized that this girl was definitely out looking for dick... she was being very flowly and smiley and we were all a bit drunk. He was sorta relunctant to do so - and as we know that's the wrong response to an arousal-based, horny chick.
As we're all kinda swirling around the pregame and chit chatting, I find myself sitting in the bed on my phone for a second. I'm shirtless and as I've mentioned my muscles have pretty good shape nowadays. The bedroom is kinda separate from the party and connects to the bathroom. Parking Pass comes out of the bathroom and looks at me. It's immediately ON, and I literally just stand up slowly and hold the eye contact.
"Me: Hey there.... (steps forward)
Her: Hi.... *steps forward* (we're probably like 4 feet from eachother)
Me: How... are you? (tilt head down and sharpen hunter eyes, looking straight into her soul lol)
Her: *bites lip, steps forward* (my dick starts getting hard)
Me: Same. *grabs waste, pulls her into me and my dick*
Me: You feel that? (referring to my dick actively growing lmao)
Her: *kisses me*
It was fucking hot to say the least lol. We make out for a few seconds and I grab her ass. Solid tush for sure. I'd give this girl a mid-high 7 based on her face, overall figure, and her ass.
Me: *pulls off* "You're gonna get me in trouble!"
Her: Hahaha oops!
Me: You're cute.... *slaps ass and walks away --- also slips dick underneath waste band lol had to hide that thing*
Major spike in arousal and attraction. Also like a behavioral "chase frame" with the "you're gonna get me in trouble" and walking away. This is how women flirt with men all the time and I'm just flipping it on them. I knew I had planted a hard seed with that one because I was WAY more sexual than the little kiss my buddy gave her. Also don't feel bad about "stealing her" because my buddy is here with his open marriage wife, and I'm just single *shrug*. That said, I want to stress how important discretion is in situations like that because... just because I see it that way.... doesn't mean he will.
After that I was really fucking horny, lol. I played my cards to make her chase me (and boy did she) but now I had all this sexual energy pent up and nowhere to spend it. I keep playing it cool and calm to not arouse any awareness from the other party guests that we just had a moment in the bedroom.
A DJ who I like comes on so I step outside to dance to his shit a bit, then get in an argument with security for trying to bring my drink with me and telling me I couldn't walk straight into the venue despite having the VIP suite. I was being kind of a dick but really didn't give a fuck, they were being obnoxious. Saw them let some fat chick walk back into the venue and just kinda gestured to the guard like, "really?". We didn't get along lol fuck twelve bruh.
When I go back to our suite there's a few more girls inside there. One of them hits me with heavy sexual eye contact again and I pick up on it (this continues to happen for the next 48 hours with other girls lol) so I introduce myself. I start getting hard again as I'm talking to her (probably, again, all the Tongkat Ali, the extreme heat being so high it's revving my T up, and my already very high T in general from exercise and diet). I ask her some basic questions and then just ask if she's seen the jacuzzi. Parking Pass is watching me do this but not interfering, but I can catch her presence out of the corner of my eye.
Now honestly I don't know why the fuck they have a jacuzzi at these rooms. It's fucking 115 degrees outside and they looked around and thought, "you know what this needs? even hotter water so people can totally overheat and die from heat exhaustion. fuck yeah", but it DID make a good plausible deniability to move her, so I went for it.
As soon as we were isolated the sexual vibe just went sky high so I kinda just moved closer to this chick (huge tits, a little chunky brunette but also pretty) and our faces our almost touching. She pushes her tits into me and we're just smiling at eachother like "fuck...." and then I pull away.
Me: "Can you be sneaky?"
Her: (submissively) "Yea...."
I take her hand and guide her back inside and towards the bathroom.
Me: "Pretty nice bathroom right?"
Her: "...It is
Me: "The shower is even better"
I walk her into the shower and slowly press her against the wall. I look her deep in the eyes and grab her tits, and my dick gets fully hard. She makes one of those open mouth smiles and I go, "you're fucking hot....." and slowly place her hand on my hard dick. She starts stroking it and I say, "really quick - could you get on your knees for me?" and without skipping a beat she lowers down and pops my dick in her mouth. "That feels... really fucking good". She sucks it for like 5 seconds and then stops and gets back up, and I pinch her nipple.
RIGHT as this ends, I see movement coming from outside the bathroom and put my dick back in my pants lol. My homie who bought the room (and explicitly told me not to fuck in his house) peaks his head in the bathroom and I just start laughing and say, "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING GOING ON IN HERE!!!" lmaooo
The girl (I don't even remember her name lol) gets all embarrassed and hugs the corner, so I look at her and gesture my hand to have her stay, then walk over to my buddy. He's like, "dude haha what are you doing?". I tell him we were just talking with a big smile and walk away, but it's super clear what just happened. Now I have all eyes on me so I just run and grab a drink and go back outside on the patio. Luckily we're all about to leave soon so distractions will help me out here soon enough.
My buddy joins me on the patio and is just like, "nice dude she was hot", not even that mad. The girls are moreso looking at me different now because I'm being slutty... this trend slowly grows in the next few days too. I'm kinda relieved because I don't want to upset him (who bought the very nice room) or the DJ chick (who has tons of SC connections), so I kinda just go, "yeah we didn't really do much but idk that just kinda happened!", definitely downplaying the sexual force that I just had possessing my body lol. This is the kinda shit that I feel when I'm high momentum. It's like a look or a moment of eye contact that just amplifies all the right things... and leads to speedy hookups.
We go to the concert for some good times, but I eventually veer away from my friends to try a new venue. I see this total babe with her boyfriend at one of the shuttles that takes us there, and notice that we just missed the last shuttle. We start gabbing it up and they offer to drive me to the next one in their car. I say fuck it and come along for the ride, and am questioning how this totally average dude can pull such a babe. We get to the next place and they buy me tequila shots because they think I'm cool - love that! At the venue I have a ton of fun throwing beach balls around and dancing my ass off, bringing the whole party up another level. I know a lot of the DJs songs so him and I are literally pointing at eachother just vibing super fucking hard. The girls around me notice and I form a cloud of women around me - usually this happens when they like my rythmic dance moves and high energy. After I get some real cuties near me (plus the girlfriend is a babe so solid preselection) I open one of them to the side. I kinda fuck up here because it was a little too disjointed from the energy I was just bringing, and I should have isolated her through dance instead of switching straight into conversation. I'm still super high micro-momentum though so I really don't care.
After an hour or so of all that I head back to the original venue because the headliner is on. I came in hot as fuck for this because now I'm pretty drunk and I'm a huge fan of this DJ. He's going the fuck off and I'm popping into different parts of the stage just dancing with whoever looks like a fun time. There's like 700-1000 people crammed in this pool venue, so the pool and all the standing areas are mega packed out. People are buying drinks and pouring them all over eachother, girls are twirking and slapping eachothers asses, one girl jumped on anothers shoulders and flashed her huge tits to the DJ, dudes are doing backflips into the pool, and EVERYONE IS FUCKING JUMPING. God damn, that was such a vibe. I'm smiling cheek to cheek in my rave outfit just having an absolute blast, I don't even give a fuck about pussy at this point.
He switched to a slow build up song for like 2 minutes and I kinda "come to" like, "oh wait this might be a good time to approach" and I see a brunette sitting (like bitch why the fuck are you sitting do you see this venue right now??) and I go up to her and sit next to her. I say, "too much?
IMMEDIATELY these fucking tatted out dudes see me and one goes 'HEY! YEAH YOU!! BACK OFF BUDDY!!". I'm like "Oh fuck, lol" and stand up with a huge smile on my face. I stare back at all 4 of them as the song starts to pick up again and put my fist on my chest, beating it into me to the beat, and go "MEEE??" and they all turn towards me, stop dancing and start making their bodies all huge. I start laughing my ass off and go, "FRIEND OF YOURS???" and point to the girl. They're like, "YEAH BACK THE FUCK UP!!" clearly on some uppers or some shit. All I did was open her lol. I say, "ONLY IF SHE *jestures to holding an ass* BACKS IT UP FIRST!" and immediately eject, still smiling off to a different part of the venue. They were fucking gorillas bro, oh my god that got them so mad, 'GET THE FUCK OUT!" the first guy goes and steps towards me. I'm laughing so hard and just dance away from the group.
After almost starting a fight (lol) I go back in the venue to finish the set with my friends.
Oh and would you look at that, Parking Pass is still here! And I'd bet now that the whole "shower blowjob" thing has spread in the group, and I spiked her arousal so hard earlier, she might want to talk with me!
We're all dancing outside on the patio and I slowly move towards her. As soon as she sees I'm there she matches my dances moves and we're basically dancing together. No words. I bump my hip into hers so that we're on beat, and then turn fully around and start rubbing my ass on hers. She responds the same and now we're basically reverse grinding like a couple of drunk idiots. I move my hand to her juicy ass and squeeze it.
We close out the DJ and throw our hands up, thanking him for such a great show.
As the crowd in our group calms, I grab Parking Pass's ass firmly while standing next to her. She leans her body into mine.
Me: (whispering in her ear) You miss me?
Her: Yeah, haha
Me: Guess what?
Her: What?
Me: I've got a really good idea.
Her: What is it?
Me: Come here.
I take her hand and lead her inside, to the jacuzzi area lol (super small space outside the main bedroom). I push her against the wall where they can't see us and start kissing her neck. She starts moaning and grabbing my body pulling it into hers. I take her hand and put it against the wall, kissing her lips now, and grab her ass with my other hand. My dick is also being pushed against her body and she's getting incredibly turned on.
Me: I.... would love... to make you cum.... all over my dick
Her: *Moan (lmaooo)
Her: Okay
Me: Would you like that?
Her: Yes, please.
Me: Okay
I take her hand again and then walk out of the suite area, and just walk around the buildings until I find a corner. I press my back against the corner so she doesn't feel pressured, and also so it doesn't look like a girl is getting assaulted. When you're doing public sex, that's actually super important. Understand that if someone sees a girl stuffed in a corner by a man, they may assume it's something really bad lol. We're making out next to a bush in the corner of this building and I tell her to get on her knees. She starts sucking my dick as we stare into eachothers eyes and I tell her what a good girl she is and dirty talking her about loving how my hard dick feels in her mouth. It was turning her the FUCK on and she's moaning really loud getting more into it. We're like 10 feet from the sidewalk and I see someone pass by us and start laughing.
I lower myself down to the bush level and instruct her to get on top of me. She jumps on me, albiet a little awkardly cuz we're laying in rocks next to a bush lol and rides my dick for a minute or so. I'm trying to keep her body close to mine so no one sees, because there's security letting people out of the venue probably 100 feet from us.
Then I suggest we go somewhere better and see a ton of cars in the parking lot that are parked in residency. So it's not gonna be people who just came for the show - these are people staying in the suites. So that means good coverage that won't have people running up on us. That's my drunk ass horny logic, anyways, lol.
I get her and myself less naked and more composed and lead us in between these two huge trucks that parked facing eachother. We slink underneath them and on the hot cement and proceed back to cowgirl. I keep dirty talking her and ask her, "do you like being fucked like a slut in this parking lot?" as I pound into her and she loves it. We fuck for like 5 minutes before we're both exhausted as fuck from the heat (and the fact we're insanely dehyrdated from drinking all day) and lay down on the cement for a few minutes, and I just hold my fingers in her pussy. Then she has the idea to jump in one of the beds of the truck. Brilliant, lol.
We actually jump in it, and maybe we could have gotten away with it, but I shut it down because there was no ACTUAL coverage and it'd be super easy to see we were fucking lol why else would we be in a truck bed under the parking lot lamp? Hahahahaha. Despite her protest I say no and that we head back to the suite.
As we're walking back her friend runs up on us and I don't want anyone to know we fucked (because my buddy was kissing her earlier) so after they connect I basically speed walk ahead of them and beat them to the suite, just so we're not walking in together.
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