Notes from the last week. Memory is a bit hazy but lets see how well I can recall what happened.
Approach 1: Two set of hotties at the cafe. Walked over boldly. Opened strongly - addressing the blondie on the right I wanted. "I saw you over here looking fantastic, I was over there. And thought, there's way too much space between us." They were all smiles and shocked. Shittested me on if I did this all the time. Came back saying "No, I'm just coming out of my shell. The lockdown has started turning me into an awkward 17 year old again". Laughs. Third friend came (not as cute). They started asking me questions, where I was from. Third friend started asking for advice about getting around the area as she'd just moved. Their coffees came and they bid me farewell with a smile.
What I did well: Bold, strong open. Didn't get nervous and felt comfortable in the interaction. I generally am comfortable talking to groups of girls, but not isolating.
What I didn't do well: Weak intent after the open. Should have asked the one on the left if I "could steal your friend" for a couple of minutes in an attempt to isolate.
Approach 2: Tall girl walking back. Chickened out initially but ran back. Opened direct saying she caught my eye. "Is it because I'm tall?". Had a short, fun interaction. Number closed, responded to the icebreaker saying she wasn't looking for a guy right now but was happy being friends. Swallowed my pride and said "fair enough", asking for her facebook or insta.
What I did well: Bold, strong open.
What I didn't do well: Platonic interaction. Knew the number close was weak. Maybe could have been more flirty responding to her text saying "sure, let's be friends

. Let me know what your facebook or insta is" instead of asking for it like a chode.
Approach 3: Girl walking in front of me. Approached, opened direct. She laughed and smiled. But was not as attractive as I though (nice body though). She ejected. Not much to say about this one.
Approach 4: Girl walking in front of me. Small, tight waistline. Delicious. Looked intimidating though. Direct from behind. She seemed genuinely flattered. But told me she had a partner. Started asking about her day and walking with her anyway. Then said "happy to walk and chat if you want" like a chode. She said she was heading up to the supermarket and started walking faster. Didn't want to walk and chat. Probably thought I wouldn't leave.
Approach 5: Girl walking in front of me with ice cream. Same approach type as before. Direct from behind. Seems surprised, said "oh thanks" unenthusisastically and walked faster. This was the same outing as approach 4. Fundamentals in both interactions were not that good (shorts, hair hadn't been probably combed back, old jacket). Looked and felt lame. Could have been the cause of the girls wanting to bounce.
Probably saw me as some kind of threat, made them uncomfortable. Instead of comfortable as they should feel with an attractive man.
Approach 6: Hot blond in park. Me - wearing a grey wife beater (but it showed of my muscles). She was flattered, stopped to chat but had to leave to meet her friend. Told her to stay two more minutes. She did. But then had to bounce. Told me "I'm in this park a lot so we'll probably see each other again">Felt it was too early and hadn't built up enough attraction. And felt if she was interested truly she would have had no problem staying in the interaction. So didn't even try number closing.
Passed on some more opportunities on this outing with girls looking at me - reason in my head was they were wearing masks and I couldn't see their faces. Lame really, since I've approached heaps of girls with masks now. Sort of beat myself up about those ones since they looked cute. Still, with the masks my direct opens seem a lot less real and believable on the girls end. I fucking hate them and can't wait til they're not mandatory anymore.
Approach 7: Intimidating but hot looking girl in a blue sweater. Passed, looped back. When she heard my opener she gave a "huff" and a dismissive laugh and walked away. Brutal. Main reason - I rejected myself. Didn't believe in the approach based on what she looked like. Was expecting rejection. Sounded scripted. The intent wasn't there, it wasn't real. And she sensed that. Hence the bad reaction. Vowed to be more enthusiastic with the next one.
Approach 8: Tall hot blonde. Passed, ran back as she was taking off her mask to go to her car. Strongly opened keeping in mind what happened with the last approach. She gave a genuine smile and loved it but told me she had a partner.
Realized that the worst blowouts I've had have always been in situations where I haven't truly believed in myself going into the interaction based on how the girl has looked. Rather than excitement it is dread - "I have to do this". And she senses I don't truly want to be there.
But this is horseshit. I do want to be there. Deep down I do want to bang her. The reason my body is telling me this is a chore is because it is expecting pain. Failure. Based on past experiences with girls like that.
I am not bitter towards women anymore. I sorted that out a long time ago. Replaced it with the intent to love women. But have found this hard to do given the rejections I have faced.
Need to go further. I need to truly believe it. Every girl I see. I need to love her. And what does this look like. It means being excited when I see her rather than anticipating pain. It means when I go up to her, being genuine in expressing my desire from her instead of following a script or doing it "because I have to". Making her feel special. Really focus on giving her a good real experience instead of being a beggar on the street.
Biggest focus for the next ones. Truly, see that hot woman walking down the street and be interested in her. Be curious about who she is, what makes her tick. Go up to her and express your desire for her in a real genuine way. Instead of "oh hot girl, I have to approach because" and half assing it expecting failure. That is how you actually show love for her and she will feel that. Feel excited. She will feel your real excitement and even if not interested it might melt something in her and lead to at least not a harsh blowout.