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Cultivating the X Factor


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
A common mistake I have been making is assuming the girl is in the same state she was in when she met me no matter how much time has passed. So I meet a girl one week, she can't meet up, I keep trying to make plans but she starts to cool off. This is what happens when she can't meet up quickly. Not really sure the best way forward with these situations since reseducing over text is something I don't want to do...

I have lost two girls over the last two days because of this - one who was supposed to meet up with me last week but who got sick and a beautiful 18 yo chick I met a couple of weeks ago who was just coming back from a photoshoot. Boo.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Some good news though, the cute redhead (I'm going to call her Bluey from now on because that's funny) came over to mine again yesterday to make cocktails. She came over, we chose one, drove to the shops to get the ingredients and came back. Realized I forget to prepare ice so we put some in the freezer and then I suggested killing time until it got done (I bought an ice making machine today to prevent this happening in the future) Went to sit on the couch and 5 minutes later we were making out - as soon as this happened she went from pretty reserved and shy to smiling like a little girl. 5 minutes later we were having sex in my room. Made her cum in missionary, struggled with doggy style again because of my dick going limp (wtf dick) and cuddled. Then we went back to make the cocktails. Finished and went to watch TV - 15 minutes in we're laying down and I start kissing her neck - she turns around and smiles and starts kissing me again, we're getting into it and she suggests going upstairs again. This girl can't get enough. I make her cum with oral, then sucked on her boobs while fingering her which I think made her cum again (not sure, she might have come close). She was thrashing and moaning and afterwards was all over me. I told her to get on top and when she did she stared at me as if in a daze, said "God, you're hot" and started riding me. Within like 30 seconds said I was going to cum, she started begging me to. "Yes! I want you to cum!". I did, and we collapsed next to each other and continued making out. She looked like the happiest girl in the world. Starting talking about BDSM again and I mentioned tying her up - my ikea bed doesn't have proper bedposts - she told me she had solid bedposts at her place so we'd have to go there next time.

I like this girl.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
I like this girl.
She seems dope hehe
A common mistake I have been making is assuming the girl is in the same state she was in when she met me no matter how much time has passed.
This is always annoying: you have a great interaction with a girl, you try to set up a meeting, and it doesn't pan out.
I had a lot of this with night game, girls are super turned on and partying like crazy, but next day they are not this person anymore (I also didn't have a place to pull back then, so of course most of the ones that were ready for me then and there just would be bummed out and not want anything with me anymore).
Only thing I think maybe you can do to remedy this is trying to get more of a connection going and setting up a date while you're with the the girl as much as possible, so she's less likely to be flakey later on (since you become the "guy we had something we both wanted to do together" rather than just "guy I had a great connection with, for whatever reason", so it's less of a fleeting emotion thing), but it's not always possible, I get that, and maybe you're already doing this.

Maybe this is a symptom of not having "made it". The fact that I am not fully satisfied with my dating life is seeping in to my interactions with them, making me not fully present, making me think about women instead of being in the present moment. They notice this and ask me if I'm ok. It's hard to switch off.
I guess this is normal when you're dedicating yourself more to seduction to make some "breakthrough", but you also gotta realize "making it" is not a thing set on stone, like only you can tell what "making it" really means, and maybe when you get whatever it is you may realize it isn't as great as you thought it would be. But in your case I sense that you'll be fine soon; it's okay to have a bit of an obsession for something you really want for a while, but with time you get experience, and get close or even reach what you wanted, so you become more chill, also maybe as you get closer to it you will realize it's nto quite what you wanted and change your goals, it's fine either way, but it's something that really comes with experience. I definitely felt that way years ago but now I feel more chill, in the sense that I can work on seduction but also not let it seep into the rest of my life in a negative way, probably because I feel like I can get most of what I want with most girls I want at this point, but of course I still have much to learn and many women to meet, still. Don't know how long you've been practicing seduction but it's probably just a phase, do your best and soon it will be much better (I get a feeling it's already changing because of that last story with the "Bluey" girl)
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you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Only thing I think maybe you can do to remedy this is trying to get more of a connection going and setting up a date while you're with the the girl as much as possible, so she's less likely to be flakey later on (since you become the "guy we had something we both wanted to do together" rather than just "guy I had a great connection with, for whatever reason", so it's less of a fleeting emotion thing), but it's not always possible, I get that, and maybe you're already doing this.
Thanks man, appreciate the feedback. I do this but kind of inconsistently - I usually tell them about the great rooftop near my place but lately I haven't been - have been in a bit of a daygame rut and having been reaching the hook point consistently.

I guess this is normal when you're dedicating yourself more to seduction to make some "breakthrough", but you also gotta realize "making it" is not a thing set on stone, like only you can tell what "making it" really means, and maybe when you get whatever it is you may realize it isn't as great as you thought it would be. But in your case I sense that you'll be fine soon; it's okay to have a bit of an obsession for something you really want for a while, but with time you get experience, and get close or even reach what you wanted, so you become more chill, also maybe as you get closer to it you will realize it's nto quite what you wanted and change your goals, it's fine either way, but it's something that really comes with experience. I definitely felt that way years ago but now I feel more chill, in the sense that I can work on seduction but also not let it seep into the rest of my life in a negative way, probably because I feel like I can get most of what I want with most girls I want at this point, but of course I still have much to learn and many women to meet, still. Don't know how long you've been practicing seduction but it's probably just a phase, do your best and soon it will be much better (I get a feeling it's already changing because of that last story with the "Bluey" girl)
Wise words. I definitely do feel more chill and relaxed when I'm dating a couple girls I really dig - when I'm not that's when I get stressed out. Right now I don't have any girls I really dig. Bluey is cute but far from my ideal - I've actually over the last few days been beating myself up again about some of my failures with my ideal girls which happened around the end of last year/start of this year. Which is really unproductive. It's almost like - now I'm sleeping with Bluey I'm thinking "Hey this is going really well. I could have been sleeping with X right now if only I hadn't done Z". Which is really silly. I should be enjoying the present moment with the cute girl I have right now. I wouldn't be sleeping with her right now if not for the lessons learnt from those failures.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Long overdue update:

Seduction has been on the backburner a bit over the last week due to some other commitments - I had a test for my motorbike early saturday (one I had failed in Jan) and so I didn't go out Friday and instead practiced riding - I passed. I did go out Saturday night - but was in my head and generally got negative responses whenever I opened (only 4 or 5 sets). Will talk more about this later.

On the weekend I also approached around 6-7 girls but they all fell flat - it felt like I was running a script and it didn't feel genuine and this was mirrored in the girls reactions.

I got out of that rut and have had some positive interactions but most have had partners, but they've been telling me to keep doing it. The "Do you know where the [something obvious] is" opener is one of my favorites now - almost never fails to start a fun flirty interaction right from the start. Have had three women in the last couple of days tell me how much they loved it.

Apart from that - for cold approach - nothing. No new results to report other than some flaky numbers.


So why did I get in this rut on Saturday night and in my daygame interactions over the weekend? I was going out and treating it like a job/chore. And have been feeling shame about doing it. Failing to enjoy the process. Today I went out and tried switching up my mindset from "I'm going out and have to approach hot girls" to "I'm a guy who likes pretty girls. I'm going for a walk after work and if I see pretty girls - I'm going to go a flirt with them because that's just the sort of person I am". And the interactions were a lot more effortless and natural - before I started reverting back. It's something I need to train up so I am in that state of mind all the time.


FIRST OFF: I'm not very observant, lol - she is not a redhead. Her hair is actually strawberry blonde but in all her pics because of the lighting it looks red and I thought my mind was playing tricks on me in person. So... I'm going to call her Strawberry from now on instead.

She invited me over to hers Sunday - I drove over around 8:30, we chatted for a bit, had a drink and went to watch Rick and Morty. As soon as the credits rolled she jumped on me and started kissing me which I thought was adorable - I teased her about that. We went up to her room, made her cum twice (once in missionary, and in doggy). Struggled with my dick going limp in doggy again but we tried with her legs pressed together and then had no problems... except I couldn't feel a damn thing. During it she was breathlessly telling me how good it felt and then she asked me if it felt good - I lied and said yes even though I couldn't feel anything. I just wanted her to get off again. When she did she was in a daze, giggling and telling me how good it was.

We cuddled and she was just staring me in the eyes. It felt nice, but I don't want to hurt this girl. She's great, but I've been limiting my texting with her and trying to meet up only once a week because I don't want her getting too attached.

It's been a good confidence booster though - I haven't had a regular like this since my FWB from back in 2017. And I've managed to make her cum multiple times all three times I've slept with her so far. I want to keep sleeping with and experimenting with her but have to navigate the situation to make it clear that I don't want anything exclusive.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019

Seduction is still on the backburner (in that it is not my prime focus and consuming every waking hour of my day, hence the less frequent updates) but I have still been going out (besides today, it's Friday night right now - I got a bad cold this morning also found out one of my best friends died in a head on collision which I found out about Wednesday, so I am having a quite night in because I am not in the right headspace). Still having trouble reconciling that it happened and it shows you just how fragile life is. I used to go out with this friend quite a lot, he used to get a lot of attention from girls I wanted which used to make me envious, slept with a lot and had a constant stream of girlfriends in the short couple of years I'd known him. It seemed like he had finally found the girl he was going to marry and have kids with (another one of my friends). I was kind of envious that he had reached this "next stage of life" it seemed, had had his fun and was now content. And then this happened, and his whole future was snatched away from him. I'm kind of numb to it now but the funeral is going to be terrible and I feel the reality of what happened will set in then.

As difficult as it has been, life must go on. Tomorrow I've got a friends wedding, but I will be back at it full swing next weekend. Important to note that because of the work I put in previously, it seems like (daygame in particular) is a natural thing that is a fixture of my life now, as opposed to simply a phase.

Field reports from last weekend:

Friday 7/5/21:

Met up a the first venue with a wing who was there with a girl he had been sleeping with - he had stopped sleeping with her and brought her out with the intention of hooking her up with a guy since she was shy around guys. We had fun just pointing out who we would and wouldn't fuck, then started approaching. Immediately my wing pointed out that when I tapped girls on the arm and motioned them over, I was doing it pretty feebly, so from then on I was more aggressive and it worked it getting the girls attention. I approached quite a few sets and was persistent with them. One in particular was a two set sitting down - the one on the far end with massive tits (T) asked me my name - which was a good sign. I felt the situation starting to get awkward so I ejected, before finding them again on the dance floor. I approached T and she came to dance right in front of me, and I grabbed her waist to dance, putting my face up right next to hers. No makeout though. My wing was dealing with her friend, but apparently they got insulted by his assumption that they were nurses (they were engineering students) that she grabbed her friend dancing with me and they walked away. I reengaged them later but the vibe was off - and the other friend said they weren't actually offended by the nurses comment - so not sure what happened here. My wing and I found them even later and I weakly went to reengage (even my wing has looking at me like WTF) - reason is I wasn't confident because the vibe was off. The other friend angrily said "We're going to the dance floor" and took T away. I approached another two set of pretty hot blondes sitting down, ejected again and I'm pretty sure I heard one of them saying "he was hot" as I was walking away. Don't know why I didn't reengage - could be because my wing told me "why do you always look so depressed when you approach" which threw me off and put me in a bad state. There is a pattern here though and I'm going to go into it later.

We decided to switch venues, and in the line ran into a girl we had met a few weeks ago through a friends sister (this was the friend of mine who died, but I didn't know it at the time. Little did I know this was the day he died but I didn't find out until Wednesday). She was with some random dude. Don't think I detailed that outing in my journal but basically I ran into "friends sister" randomly at the bar while waiting for the same wing I was out with tonight and she was with this girl. Objectively this girl is like a 10 - the classic instagram hot type. But for some reason she doesn't do it too much for me, I'm more a fan of the natural look. I'll call her HBInsta from now on.

Last time we met HBInsta was acting all aloof and ignoring us (though I could tell she was still giving us IOIs, especially my wing). But this time around she was a lot friendlier - it was actually her who recognized us in the line and we actually didn't recognize her until she reminded us of where we had met - maybe this boosted her attraction for us as well. "How could they forget ME?".

Here's where things get pretty funny - there was a very attractive girl (HBBlonde) staring at me hard from further back in the line - I take this as an IOI and open her strongly by pointing directly at her, and saying "you, what's your name?". She giggled and answered, then started giving us advice for getting into the venue since apparently they were pretty strict with not letting guys in. She pointed to HBInsta and said "use her, she's gorgeous, she'll get you in".

We get inside, where me, my wing, HBInsta and the dude she was with sit down. I go to the bathroom with my wing and we discussed strategy. I said he can have dibs on HBInsta since she was giving him more IOIs a couple weeks back and I wasn't that into her anyway, and then said I would go for HBBlonde. Solid plan, right??

We left the bathroom, my wing went back to the booth and I got a drink which is where I ran into HBBlonde. She is chatting to the attractive bartender and telling her how hot she is. I should have realized here. I start engaging her in conversation before she drops this bombshell "I should let you know, I'm actually gay".


This is not the first time that I've been stared down hard and approached only for the girl to be gay. What gives? I return to the booth and start talking about what happened, when HBInsta suddenly perked up.

HBInsta: "Wait a minute, she's gay?"
Me: "Yeah"
HBInsta: "I'm bi. She was hot".

She had a hungry look on her face. My wing and I just looked eachother - we couldn't believe this was happening.

I don't know how it happened but HBBlonde and her friends ended up at our booth - within 20 minutes her and HBInsta were fiercely making out next to us. We couldn't help but laugh.

My wing and I decided to go do some approaches. Got up, where I locked eyes with a cute blonde - I went in and told her that her eyes drew me in. I sat down, my friend sat next to her friend (who I found hotter but oh well, in the heat of the moment this was the easier approach). We sat, chatted and flirted for a while, I was getting closer and closer. Isolated to the bar for a drink and then went in for a quick kiss. Here she started saying weird shit like asking me what my parents were like, telling me what her parents were like and then saying she wondered if they would get along with eachother. Weird and clingy.

We got back to the booth - I got her number while we were on a high point. She said more weird stuff like "If I accidently get pregnant, I'm having the baby" which weirded me out, but I still wanted to see how far I could get. I then used the "Do you like people watching" routine (still haven't developed a proper gambit for it" to sexualize the convo. It worked well and before long we were making out, but she pulled away. "I don't like PDAs".

In the meantime her friend had left and my wing was still sitting there, talking to another very attractive blonde with glasses who had approached him. They started making out heavily and I was kind of envious given the objections mine was giving me.

I attempted to isolate again. "Let's go find somewhere quieter" but got the friend objection. "I can't leave my friend". I dropped the ball here and wasn't persistent - I don't remember exactly how it happened but she left and I didn't see her again.

My wing ended up going home with that blonde with glasses. I made a few more half assed approaches. "Feeble" as my wing would put it, and then sat down. HBInsta came and found me, and asked for my instagram. We got to chatting and I found out her and HBBlonde had gone to the bathroom together for some fun times which was pretty hilarious. I then left around 3:00am.

Saturday night (Peacocking to the extreme) 8/5/21:

Now this was interesting. I had my housemates disco lawn bowls birthday party on all day, and we decided to hit the town later. The day before, I hired an outfit - White platform shoes, a blue silk shirt unbuttoned to my stomach, black disco pants, a long star necklace, sunglasses and the star of the show, a great big fake afro. It looked kind of like this. The ladies at the rental store loved it and were taking photos of me, and a cute girl who was there trying on a medieval outfit told me how good it looked. Weird because I thought it looked a bit tacky.

On Saturday we went to lawn bowls and the old ladies kept complimenting me on it. But the good stuff came later when we went to the clubs. The amount of times I got stopped by cute girls who opened with "I love you" was ridiculous. Girls were open and friendly, a lot called me handsome and cute, even the ones who looked icy cold cracked a smile and made eye contact when they saw me. Standing in line a very attractive petite brunette turned around, told me "you look really good" very matter of factly and then turned back around to her friends. Randoms were telling me how jacked I was (I'm not that jacked, the shirt fit really well though) and one girl asked to feel my chest and said I was just sexy. She was with a group. So many people came up to me asking for photos and complimenting the fro, girls were offering me e-cigs and gum. A very pretty girl who looked like she was 15 came up to dance with me and was telling me how beautiful and gorgeous I was. She was dancing with another guy but periodically left him to dance with me.

Despite all this attention, I couldn't escalate and didn't make out or pull anyone. I was not used to so much attention and sort of got a bit in my head and also, because all eyes were on me, I was afraid of making a move, getting rejected and then having everyone see it and have everything come crashing down.

Even towards the end of the night people were still friendly, but I ended up going home alone and felt like the biggest loser, having had all this attention and not being able to pull with it. I know reactions do not equal results but I feel like with a few small tweaks the night could have been completely different and I could have been banging a hot broad as afro man.

I talked to Tony D about this and he suggested something very simple - I was so afraid of being rejected for physical advances, that I could have simply leaned in and asked some of the girls who were dancing with me with a cocky smile - "Do you want to kiss me?" or "I'm trying so hard not to kiss you right now" - which would have allowed me to save face if she rejected me. From there it would have been much easier to escalate.

It was an eye opening experience - so this is what it's like to be a hot girl, celebrity or an extremely tall dude on a night out. I know peacocking is important but holy shit, I want to chase that feeling again but I'm not sure how without going to extremes. I already have some jewellery on the way and and hat that I can wear, just to give the girls something to open me with or grab onto to give me more opportunities, but a small part of me is kind of sad that, bar dressing up like that again, I will never experience extreme attention like that again, even with other items to peacock.

Main takeways from both nights:

The main thing I need to do is just to be more damn sexually aggressive with these girls. Physically I am acting quite feeble and platonic. As soon as you sniff that a girl likes you go in aggressively to escalate and risk losing her.


I've slept with her twice more since the last update, but have had issues getting hard. Conscious of things becoming boring so have brought out "Sex God Method" for a reread. Last time I used dirty talk to make her cum, saying things like "you've been waiting for this for a while haven't you?" which she responded "yes" to breathlessly. Then I was telling her that I was too, that I've been waiting to put this cock inside her, and that she is going to cum.

I was upfront with her last time about the fact that I wanted to keep things quite casual and meet up at most twice a week and she agreed which is great.

She messaged me immediately after finding out about my friend from a facebook post I put up. It felt nice having that support, she is a good egg. Just amazes me that this would not be happening if I wasn't able to give her orgasms. It just seems so bizarre and it is surefire evidence that my quality of life is just so much poorer than it could have otherwise been just because of my struggles to give women great sex and orgasms over the last couple of years. When you put it that way life just seems so bizarre.

This is a good sign that things are changing but I've learned that the path is not linear. Just like what happened to my friend, the rug can be pulled out from you at any moment so all you can do is make the most of the present moment, do what you can and let the chips fall where they fall.
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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Still having trouble reconciling that it happened and it shows you just how fragile life is. I used to go out with this friend quite a lot, he used to get a lot of attention from girls I wanted which used to make me envious, slept with a lot and had a constant stream of girlfriends in the short couple of years I'd known him. It seemed like he had finally found the girl he was going to marry and have kids with (another one of my friends). I was kind of envious that he had reached this "next stage of life" it seemed, had had his fun and was now content. And then this happened, and his whole future was snatched away from him. I'm kind of numb to it now but the funeral is going to be terrible and I feel the reality of what happened will set in then.
I'm very sorry to hear that man, I hope you're doing fine.
I've lost a friend before, though he wasn't that close to me, and losing someone is always the hardest pain we can endure in this life.
Life really is super fragile and we gotta do our best to enjoy it while it lasts, as cliche as that sounds

Conscious of things becoming boring so have brought out "Sex God Method" for a reread.
Duuude, I started reading this book and a lot of stuff started clicking for me.
Like, I think having read some sex articles here in Girls Chase and having an open relationship for two years did help me quite a lot in sex, so I had some "fundamentals", but there was stuff that really changed the way I think about it. Like with the girls I had some trouble before, now I can see clearly why the sex wasn't so great, or at least I think now I have something to aim for better sex.

I was upfront with her last time about the fact that I wanted to keep things quite casual and meet up at most twice a week and she agreed which is great.
Yeah, being upfront is almost always best, I feel like. Most girls don't care much about you fucking other girls if you're doing your job right with them, and honesty gives you an edge as far as the respect you get from them (also you just feel much better, at least I do hehe)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Honestly my sex drive has taken a nosedive since my friend died but I know it’s temporary so need to still work.


Three approaches yesterday after work, one number close, a lot of pussying out from some hot sets. Standard work outfit – black pants and shoes, a light striped shirt and a tight black thermal over the top. I’ve had very warm responses wearing this outfit – it’s perfect because it keeps me warm and shows off my body as well, which is hard to do in winter. Still, it might not be enough to keep me warm as we head into the winter months so will probably need to bring out the nice jackets soon.

  • (Direct) Street Approach for hot blondie walking in the other direction. Pass and loop back, direct open. Wasn’t giving me much, awkward pause, I said “I don’t this very much (lol)” – she sarcastically said “suuurre”. Decided to be genuine and said “Honestly, I was just walking home from work, saw you and thought “If I don’t go talk to that girl, I’m probably going to kick myself later”. She seemed to accept that and dropped the bitch shield but then said “I’m in a hurry”. I gave my standard “give me two minutes”. She responded “What?”. Ok, she was listening now. But I dropped the ball, asking boring questions like what her name was. I feel like a reality pace would be good here, about how we’re often in such a hurry that we miss opportunities that might be really good for us. To frame her ejecting early as a loss on her part without coming across as too try hard. Need to develop and field test. She kept saying “I need to go to the vet” but she was honestly walking really slowly. I thought about calling her out on that but decided against it.. On second thoughts I was in “no challenge” territory for her so maybe calling her out on that would have broken her out of autopilot and presented myself as more of a challenge. I fumbled over my words because she was being so flighty – I need to be stronger in my frame and believe in myself and the value I bring to the table so this won’t happen.

  • (Direct) Blonde girl walking out of Zara (probably 18/19ish). Didn’t approach immediately but she went to sit on a bench. I went up to her and opened direct saying that I noticed her walking out of Zara. She was genuinely happy and thanked me. She was holding a tennis racket which I enquired about, she said it was for her boyfriend – could have had some fun with it and said “but I don’t play tennis” but didn’t think of it at the time. Joked around about using the racket in Zara to beat away all the other customers, made small chit chat then left.

  • (Indirect – Direct, Number close) Went to the mall and pussied out of quite a few good sets, but saw a sexy hired gun bent down scrubbing the floors furiously. “You look like you’re having the best time”. She laughed and got up. We chit chatted, it was a good fun interaction and partway through I confidently transitioned - “Hey, you’re pretty cute actually” blah blah. She giggled and said it was just the lipstick and that without it she didn’t look nearly as good, I made a comment in response about how her putting on her lipstick is like Clark Kent taking off his glasses to suddenly make him superman, and that “you’re pretty much the female equivalent of superman”. Flat out asked if she had a partner and she said “No” while giggling. Launched into my sell of the rooftop near my house, before I could even finish she said “Do you want my number?”. Number closed, sent the icebreaker, felt it was strong and seem to be right since she’s responding enthusiastically and looks like she might be available next Wednesday (shame it isn’t sooner). What I didn't consider is that this girl works in a mall that I would like to start frequenting as we head into the winter months, so maybe this might not have been the best idea in case she starts seeing me there a lot more. Maybe I should stick to just flirting with the hired guns in that mall and nothing more.
Something interesting to note – when I first started these approaches I was trying to be grounded by walking slowly and powerfully, but no matter how hard I tried I felt light on my feet, my shoulders felt hunched and my voice was high, and trying to be grounded seemed forced. It seemed impossible to change.

After the first few approaches it became easy. I was in the zone and walking powerfully, chest up, walking at the perfect pace with my voice nice and level.

Need to be in the zone all the time. Need to get to the point where I don’t rely on warming up, where I just am that powerful man all the time. The mind muscle connection is strong.



Have a couple of good leads – a very cute Indian girl who I’m setting up a date with for Monday. I got new photos and have a lot of matches/tons of girls that I could be messaging but honestly it’s been a bit overwhelming and also I just find online so boring. I’m also conscious of Chases article on it where he says that with online, you gain a lot of little wins which make you think you’re getting somewhere but then have the rug pulled out from under you (big loss). Whereas with cold approach you have a lot of little losses and then eventually big wins. I fall into the trap of relying on online despite knowing I can do better.

At this point I’m only bothering with online if a) the girl is cute and b) she makes it easy for me like Strawberry did. If a girl is cute but is not giving me much I’m out, not worth it for such low odds.


Have been thinking lately about the idea of male dominance and have been getting a bit insecure about how I got into this so late while others started when they were teenagers, feeling kind of an inferiority complex/thinking that every other guy out there who started young is more dominant than me. I was getting a bit down on myself when I realized – I’m just on a different path and it led me here. I just had other priorities, and the life stressors that were applied to me didn’t set me down the path to pickup in my early 20s, but it did now in my late 20s, so I should be thankful for that that it has happened now while I’m still relatively young. Also, I didn’t completely waste my teens and early 20s. I made positive changes that have made my life now so much easier, like deciding to hit the gym when I was 19 and eating well, getting my degree (and now having a good high paying job that has allowed me to live in one of the richer areas of my city which logistically has helped me sleep with quite a few cute to hot girls now. And knowing that because of my early failures I’m on a path to being better than I otherwise ever would have been if I had maybe had some early positive experiences. I probably would have gotten lazy and settled for a less than ideal girl (this actually would have happened – that FWB I had back in 2017, she was chubby but back then I wanted her to be my girlfriend (but she didn’t want it) and I would have settled with her if she had wanted it because she was the first girl to give me regular sex. That’s how much of a simp I was. Thank fuck I’m not like that anymore.


Slept with her again yesterday, made her cum when fingering/eating her out. Was not that enthusiastic about it (she even had to remind me to do the “come hither” motion which I completely forgot to do which was a bit embarraassing – I had my fingers in the right orientation but was more rubbing in and out rather than bending my fingers), and didn’t enjoy it that much because of my lowered sex drive and barely got hard but when I did I didn’t last very long. Boo. She’s very understanding but still, what a difference in the way I feel and the dynamic between us when I make her cum multiple times vs something like this happening. I just feel powerless when this happens and she goes into nurturing/motherly mode, whereas when I make her cum multiple times she cuddles up into my arms like a little girl, smiling like crazy while I just feel in total control. I know where I’d rather be. I’m going to see a doctor to get my T levels checked.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
with online, you gain a lot of little wins which make you think you’re getting somewhere but then have the rug pulled out from under you (big loss). Whereas with cold approach you have a lot of little losses and then eventually big wins. I fall into the trap of relying on online despite knowing I can do better.
That's very true, can't remember how many times I got frustrated with girls that seemed like in the bag from online that suddenly just disappear... Or some that I even suspect were catfishs. With cold approaching, even if some rejections hurt a bit, generally you can move on quickly and get results soon, not "leading yourself" for longer. Nowadays though I'm more aware of that and I already don't expect much from online, maybe just get some giggles and shit, then later maybe I meet these girls in real life, sweep them off their feet and I can joke about how silly they were for giving me a hard time online (assuming they really are the hot girls from the photos, of course lol)

Hope you recover soon, but don't beat yourself too hard over it, we all have bad phases.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
That's very true, can't remember how many times I got frustrated with girls that seemed like in the bag from online that suddenly just disappear... Or some that I even suspect were catfishs. With cold approaching, even if some rejections hurt a bit, generally you can move on quickly and get results soon, not "leading yourself" for longer. Nowadays though I'm more aware of that and I already don't expect much from online, maybe just get some giggles and shit, then later maybe I meet these girls in real life, sweep them off their feet and I can joke about how silly they were for giving me a hard time online (assuming they really are the hot girls from the photos, of course lol)

Hope you recover soon, but don't beat yourself too hard over it, we all have bad phases.
Thanks man. I'm actually not doing too bad, I'm not beating myself over this. The more of these bad phases I have the more I realize that I've been through similar ones before and have always come out the other side ok, which makes me stress out less and ride the wave knowing with confidence that I'll be ok.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019

I honestly dread Friday and Saturday nights now and success still feels like it is out of my reach. Reason is because of the amount of time I have put into it with pretty much nothing to show for it. I’m obviously doing something seriously wrong. Since actually going out and making an effort to approach girls in nightgame in mid 2018 (admittedly on an off with multi month breaks in between, and COVID) I’ve had 2 lays, one ONS with an older woman (still pretty hot though) in 2018, and a day 2 lay with a cute but chubby girl in mid 2019 who pretty much closed me. None with any young slim pretty ones as opposed to the 8 other lays and multiple other sexual experiences I’ve had in that time from other avenues with cute to hot girls.

I've started going out expecting to fail. Self doubt has crystallized inside me saying that “I’m just not cut out for nightgame, I don’t have what it takes”. I go out now and my brain is telling me – “you’re going to go out, you’re going to approach girls, you’ll get some good momentum going, the girls will then go back to their friends or otherwise leave politely, you’ll then see a bunch of other guys around you hooking up with those same cute girls, get in your head wondering how the fuck they did it while you with access to the best seduction material in the world are all alone, and you’re going to end up walking home alone, like you have the last 50 times”. Everytime I see other guys hooking up with girls and hearing stories about how so and so went home with some cutie, or hearing girls talking about the guys they’ve gone home with, it just further reinforces this belief that I am an outsider looking in, like a weirdo alien from outer space. Reminds me of how I felt when my mates used to talk about sex before I lost my virginity and how alien it all seemed. I need to fix these limiting beliefs ASAP. Because it’s like an itch I need to scratch. I need to prove to myself that I can do it more than anything else and right now I am just further reinforcing the opposite.

I get insecure when my wings talk about their nightgame lays with me. They regularly talk about the girls they picked up at so and so club (the same places I go to) and how they’re still sleeping with them now and they talk to me like I’m an equal but I feel like a total fraud on the inside. I definitely look the part, they expect me to be in that same category of guys who get laid from it sometimes at least because otherwise why the hell would I keep coming out right? I lie and nod along but inside it’s killing me and I feel like if they knew the truth of how shitty my results have been they’d think differently of me.

Despite plenty of evidence that plenty of attractive girls dig me and find me attractive (I don’t doubt my physical attractiveness at all anymore), I still have this nagging feeling that girls at night are automatically putting me in the “he’s handsome but I would never sleep with him” box.

So how the F do I fix it??

I don’t know if it’s FSC or what (I don’t like putting the blame on external factors because that takes responsibility away from me and that’s not how you improve but this would explain the cool responses I sometimes get when I engage girls even after they have complimented me on my looks, or maybe there is some underlying neediness that they can smell). Assuming it is FSC, that could give me a clue how to fix it – https://www.girlschase.com/content/female-state-control-fsc-theoretical-causes-and-effects

Part of it is also probably volume. I'm sometimes so conscious of being seen spam approaching that I am very careful about who I approach and who is in eyesight - maybe I'm erring on the side of being too careful.

That being said

I am making some progress regarding just being more aggressive and persistent. I'll write up a field report of Friday when I can where I was more persistent than I've ever been before (and it backfired, lol but still learned an important lesson). Saturday there wasn't much to write about.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2018
Some thoughts:

1. The purpose of wings is to HELP your efforts. I would bite the bullet and ask them for feedback since they consistently see what you’re doing and they’re good at what they do. Nobody on the internet can literally see what you’re doing in a club. And it can’t hurt to pay more attention to your wings. Are you really making the same intense eye contact as them? Are you really acting just as confident as them? Etc.
2. You know you’re not going to fix anything by mentally struggling with it. Go out in a way that is enjoyable for you. Go to the clubs that YOU like. Plan a night out that WILL be fun for you.. one that isn’t dependent on how girls react to you.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Hmm I think it's weird you struggle with night game when you're clearly very well-versed at daygame, but hey, it's fine, I'm like completely the opposite lol
Night game, specially on clubs and loud places, it's much more physical and direct, compared to daygame, so I imagine this could be the sticking point for you. You have to walk in confidently, get close to the girl, talk pretty much on her ear, be touching her as you approach so she notices you (I generally just rest my hand at their arm, and wait for them to look at my direction to deliver my opening, classic pre-opening), at least on the dancefloor. Sometimes you can approach just by dancing near the girl and eyefucking her hard, seeing if she seems into it and getting closer, maybe grinding on her and hit like that.
A lot of guys say "don't kiss girls in clubs!" but until you have at least some disappointment with a girl you kissed not going home with you, I would say just go crazy and try to get as physical as possible with girls at night (fingering some hottie on an dark corner or getting a blowjob from some random crazy girl you just met is better than nothing, dontchu agree? ;)
Another thing to keep in mind is that girls can be a bit more picky when it comes down to dressing on clubs and bars, they are all dressed up, with her hair and make up done, sometimes even on high heels and short dresses, so they also expect men to be a bit more dressed up. What this means depends a lot of the venue, I would mostly go to alternative or gay clubs, so my casual stylish style worked wonders for me, but my friend that dressed a bit more formal would get rejected left and right in those places, even though he's quite attractive (not as much as me, obviously lmao).
Smoking areas and more chill bars where you can sit are where you can talk more, maybe even deep dive the girl, and get her confortable with you to pull, or maybe take her contact for a date, if you can't pull then and there (most won't even give you a chance though because they will feel very diferent the next day, there's the whole alcohol involved and whatnot, so try and close asp, meaning the same night). If she's not super horny and dtf, I would say don't waste your time there, just pull, obviously, you don't wanna be talking about her dreams and shit while some other dude comes and takes her.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
@ElderPrice I actually did get feedback from one of my wings a couple of weeks back saying I was coming across as a bit "feeble" when calling girls over by tapping them on the arm - and was able to correct this immediately which was awesome. I'd love more of that. Thing is, my wings admit they're not that good and that they've just lucked into a lot of their lays by finding girls who are just into them (numbers game). Honestly writing it out I think volume is a major part of it, will admit that I target my approaches more whereas my wings don't hesitate as much and I've seen the girls they get - they're ok but meh. But I can't let ego get in the way - I'm not going to go straight into banging hotties and need to pay my dues.

2. You know you’re not going to fix anything by mentally struggling with it. Go out in a way that is enjoyable for you. Go to the clubs that YOU like. Plan a night out that WILL be fun for you.. one that isn’t dependent on how girls react to you.
I know, I keep telling myself this but fall into the same mental patterns. I do actually like the spots I go to (also options here are pretty limited anyway, regarding where the hot girls go, I think). I've had plenty of fun nights but at the end of the day when I go home I still feel a sense of loss, like, "banging a cutie would have been the icing on the cake for this awesome night and made it perfect". There's that nagging feeling always present.

Hmm I think it's weird you struggle with night game when you're clearly very well-versed at daygame, but hey, it's fine, I'm like completely the opposite lol
Yeah it is weird.. I think with daygame I had a lot of positive early reference experiences which have really helped whereas nightgame it was the opposite - my earliest reference experiences (way way back when I was a baby faced 18 year old) were all of nasty rejections and I seem to have still carried that insecurity over to this day (I pretty much hardly went out and didn't approach for years and years after that until 2018), even though I'm vastly more attractive than I was back then.
Night game, specially on clubs and loud places, it's much more physical and direct, compared to daygame, so I imagine this could be the sticking point for you. You have to walk in confidently, get close to the girl, talk pretty much on her ear, be touching her as you approach so she notices you (I generally just rest my hand at their arm, and wait for them to look at my direction to deliver my opening, classic pre-opening), at least on the dancefloor. Sometimes you can approach just by dancing near the girl and eyefucking her hard, seeing if she seems into it and getting closer, maybe grinding on her and hit like that.
A lot of guys say "don't kiss girls in clubs!" but until you have at least some disappointment with a girl you kissed not going home with you, I would say just go crazy and try to get as physical as possible with girls at night (fingering some hottie on an dark corner or getting a blowjob from some random crazy girl you just met is better than nothing, dontchu agree? ;)
Agreed, I am not aggressive enough for sure. Funny enough I've still had some crazy experiences, when I first discovered girlschase in mid 2018 I went all out for bit and got tons of makeouts in 2018/2019, even had a really attractive blonde stick her hands down my pants on the dancefloor and made out with a married chick. I invited them home but they all declined. I feel like the more I've learned about game the more I've started focusing on verbals and have almost forgotten this animalistic side to it which I need to bring back. Also read somewhere in 2019 not to makeout with them before taking them home which I started treating as gospel ever since, , but maybe I've got to ease up on that. I've been talking to Tony D and taking his advice and have been reclaiming some of this aggressiveness over the last couple of weeks.

Another thing to keep in mind is that girls can be a bit more picky when it comes down to dressing on clubs and bars, they are all dressed up, with her hair and make up done, sometimes even on high heels and short dresses, so they also expect men to be a bit more dressed up. What this means depends a lot of the venue, I would mostly go to alternative or gay clubs, so my casual stylish style worked wonders for me, but my friend that dressed a bit more formal would get rejected left and right in those places, even though he's quite attractive (not as much as me, obviously lmao).
Smoking areas and more chill bars where you can sit are where you can talk more, maybe even deep dive the girl, and get her confortable with you to pull, or maybe take her contact for a date, if you can't pull then and there (most won't even give you a chance though because they will feel very diferent the next day, there's the whole alcohol involved and whatnot, so try and close asp, meaning the same night). If she's not super horny and dtf, I would say don't waste your time there, just pull, obviously, you don't wanna be talking about her dreams and shit while some other dude comes and takes her.
Great advice, particularly on dressing to the venue (even if it means dressing down). And I love smoking areas - I got an e-cig just so I could chill there, lol

Thanks guys, I appreciate the responses. I honestly feel better already knowing that I put my deepest insecurities out there and have not felt judged for it at all. That's why I love this place.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
But, no excuses. Need to find a way to fix this. First need to understand the why. I've been thinking about this all day and I've come up with a few reasons why I am feeling this. Interesting to note I'm only really feeling this with nightgame now, used to feel it with everything (online, daygame) but having had even a few small successes has given me a sense of calmness and confidence with them which still doesn't exist with nightgame:

1. Comparing myself to other people.

A huuuge one. I compare myself to my wings, I compare myself to posters here, the tribal elders I even compare myself to the random guys I haven't even met yet who girls talk about sleeping with. I see the numbers other guys have slept with including some of my friends and wings (upwards of 50) and feel small and like less of a man, like if people found out I haven't slept with nearly that many they would think differently. Well who cares what anyone else thinks. I'm so much better than I was before, that's the only benchmark I should be comparing myself to (while drawing inspiration from others, not negativity)

2. Entitlement

This ties in to point 1. I hear stories of my wings lucking into lays or read how some tribal elders here got lucky breaks early on in their journey that helped propel them forward and think "where is my lucky break - where are the girls who just immediately like and make it easy for me, given the numbers why hasn't this just happened, even by chance and would really help get my momentum going". This is a form of entitlement and it needs to go. Also this probably has happened multiple times but I've missed the signals. And even if I did get a lay it doesn't guarantee any momentum. It is also depending on luck and absolving me of responsibility, and this is supposed to be a skill I'm developing so I don't need to rely on luck. And like always, those "lucky breaks" came from periods where my wings or posters here were putting in tons and tons of work, going out way more that I am now.

Fixing the broken mentality:

First of all I've got to understand a few things - a lot of those hookups other guys who don't game have are when they're drunk. Secondly a lot of the time the girls are cute but not the dimes. Thirdly the posters here who get the most results went through the same damn thing. I remember Razorjack saying he went out for months and months on end getting nothing but rejections. Tony D went out for 90 days straight approaching 9 women a day before he banged a cutie. For 10 years before that he confessed he'd only banged a handful even while playing in a band. One of my wings who pulled six weeks in a row once and got into a 6 month LTR with a hottie was going out 7 days a week for a year before that happened. I haven't done that. I haven't put nearly that amount of effort in and up until the end of last year was gaming inconsistently so no wonder I didn't see much progress. This shit is hard, so don't beat yourself up so much.

The past is the past. It is done. You can't change it. Also you are probably being way harder on yourself than anyone else is. Cut it out.

Strip away all the mental bullshit clouding your mind. It's unproductive. Exist in the here and now. The present moment. Enjoy it. Focus on productive thoughts to get you to where you want to be.

Instead of having grand fantasies about where you want to be right now and then getting depressed you aren't there yet, put it to the back of your mind. Still keep it there so you have an idea of where you are going. But the main bulk of your focus should be on taking the next step and the next step only.

One step forward at a time.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
A problem I run into - forgetting shit. The eventual end goal for me is to put in a ton of work now so that in the future if I see a hottie I'll know exactly what to do to maximize the chances of bedding her, drawing from a wealth of different expericnes. Problem is, I find if I go into periods where I don't approach much I get opportunities that I have the perfect way to open but it doesn't even cross my mind. Classic example today - cutie outside the supermarket when I'd just gone in to buy groceries, could have just opened using the "do you know where the nearest supermarket is" gold which would have been hilarious given I was holding shopping bags, but for some reason didn't think of it and decided to pass on the opportunity (everything else felt incongruent). It's probably that I haven't opened that way enough for it to be a permanent tool in the arsenal. Also I can get tunnel vision sometimes where if I've only been opening direct lately, I'm more likely to open direct for the next girl even if there may be a better way of opening. I'm getting somewhat better with this now in that if she is wearing something interesting I will automatically comment on that as opposed to going direct, but going direct is still my default fallback. It works often enough but need to not only diversify, but hammer in alternative approaches to the point where I don't forget them.

Other notes:
My city had another COVID outbreak so starting midnight we have a 7 day lockdown - meaning no going out tomorrow or Saturday night - and masks are required outdoors. Sucks, but I'm going to take the time to sit down and plan out how I want to tackle the next couple of months, from fitness (which I have been neglecting - still look good but that's because of the work I put in previously and eating well - I am losing muscle slowly and gaining a bit of a belly, going 1 to 2 times a week like I have been is not enough). to women and everything in between. I feel the most important part of this is putting together a schedule and sticking to it. I am terrible at sticking to schedules. I put one together last year when I was unemployed but didn't update it when I started the new job and so stopped following it. The schedule was very strict though, constantly going from one action to another with no downtime being considered. I feel like incorporating natural downtime may help with it but it's one of those things I need to put together and try to see how well it works.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Journaling is time consuming - I find that I write out way too many details sometimes, so it makes sense to the reader, but I think I just need to focus on the most important lessons from each scenario because otherwise it's not worth the time - also it will make it easier to follow and prevent me losing focus. If I have dot points and bullet points to work on, it makes it easier to look back on rather than wading through a sea of paragraphs. Onto the update:

Here are some of my recent number closes (over the last week and a half). The lockdown has made things a bit more difficult.

Hired Gun (Indirect/Direct):

Previously talked about this one, but some interesting takeaways:

Number closed, she responded to the icebreaker, when I asked her schedule she came back with this:

H: Hey B, I had a really lovely time meeting you the other day. I thought I might have been, but I don't think I'm ready for dating or a relationship right now and I don't want to waste your valuable time. You really do come across lovely and I wish you all the best x

To which I responded:

B: Hey, I appreciate the honesty. I'll be honest with you though, I'm not really looking for a relationship either, just a genuine connection. Given how fun that 5 minutes was, I think wew'll have a great time anyway (and I have no expectations). It'll be worth it :)

Lo and behold, she responded!! One of the few times my recovery text worked.

H: Okay, let's catch up then :)
H: Wednesday still g

The Date:

On date - she avoided eye contact, gambits to enter sex talk didn't hit. She had gotten up at 4am the next morning though. She also drove. Despite trying to get her to stay out, she started getting tired and headed home. We had close physical contact at the end but didn't kiss.

Told her to text me when she got home - she did:

H: Home safe. Thanks for a fun night out x
B: No problem. You're fun, let's hang out again at some point if you're down. Now get some sleep ;)

Then lockdown happened. You're allowed to visit intimate partners (Strawberry is coming over tomorrow). But I haven't been intimate with her yet so not really sure how to bring that up.


This is obvious, but simply steering the conversation to sex topics didn't work (the gambits) of course.

I didn't feel the sexual energy. Need to focus on being that sexual at all times. Increasing my desire. Showing my cock to the world and being unapologetic about it (not literally of course, lol)

I also bought Maca powder after seeing a post Lofty made about it - since apparently there is evidence it increases libido. It tastes gross but I think I felt a difference. Going to incorporate it daily now, but mix it with fruit/vegetable juice to make it more bearable.

And on dates, need to focus on three keys - Social Frame, Sexual Arousal, Emotional Stimulation

Girl at Park (with Nicko) (Indirect/Direct)

Was out with Nicko when we spotted this girl. She was just my type so I called dibs (sorry Nicko :p). Approached and asked what book she was reading. Went back and forth, she admitted she didn't like the book that much but the interaction sort of fizzled, she was being very skeptical. Getting closer felt weird and so there was no touch.

Should have gone for insta date. "Instead of reading a book you don't like, how about we go grab a coffee instead"

Number closed but it was weak and I wasn't expecting a response. It turned out to be a fake number.

Felt I might have been overdressed for her too which probably made her more suspicious.

European girl (with Nicko) (Direct)

Got number, strong hook. Responded enthusiastically. Said she was busy that week but suggested next week. Now we are in lockdown. Going to ping her infrequently over text to keep her warm - she leaves for Queensland in a month.

Blonde girl (nightgame, tricked into buying her a drink)

This one was pretty cringy. Downstairs at the bar, opened a hot blonde by commenting on her dress. Walked and talked, made sure to touch her - she suggested getting a drink. She asked me what I wanted and then told the bartender - when he brought it out she stayed put. I gave her a look and then said with a smile "Ok, I'll get this round, next round is on you". She agreed - her friends then arrived and she suggested going upstairs. I was there sitting opposite her and we locked eyes while she was talking to her friends. It was hard to read the situation - but we chatted back and forth and I said I'd grab her number "in case we got lost" with a smile. She agreed. They left, and I found them later on the dancefloor - opened her, danced, but she was in a tight circle with her friends - after a while I came back - said "I'll grab that drink now" with a wink and she nodded but went back to her friends. I disengaged - later I saw her at the bar talking to some other dude - I went in, tapped her on the shoulder and again mentioned the drink - she turned away from the dude and he slunked off. I ordered the drink, and when it came she refused to pay. "I'm not paying - I paid for mine (pointed to hers that she had gotten previously" so you can pay for yours". I was fuming and didn't really know how to handle the situation. I didn't want to come across as butthurt but I told her "that's not cool, you said you were getting the next round". She then said "I don't buy guys drinks, sorry". I should have moved on, but to hell with it, I wanted to see how far I could go with this. I then said "Alright, you owe me a dance then". She agreed - we started dancing, it faltered. I went back again to get her away from her friends - she gave her friend a look "this guy again" but I decided to try hammering on to see what would happen. She came to dance with me again, this time our faces got really close, and when they were almost touching (I admit I was kind of hesitating here a bit), she looked away and gave a little nervous laugh. Her friend then came and told me "She has a boyfriend".

Well fuck.

I could have kept going just to see what was happen but feel I had already pushed it far enough with this set and it was going to go nowhere and I was better off talking to other girls. I went to her and said "so you have a boyfriend". She said "Yeah". I then said "Well right, could have told me that before but I'm going to go now. Also, there's always room for improvement". At this she got a bit wide eyed, I don't know if it was relief or what that I was leaving but she said "Agreed" and nodded wildly. I then left.

Part of me wonders what would have happened if I had just kissed her and not hesitated. Curious about her response to my comment on "there's always room for improvement" at the end - I have a feeling with better game I could have pulled her based on that. Would be curious to hear others thoughts about this interaction.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 31, 2020
Blonde girl (nightgame, tricked into buying her a drink)
credit for u man sticking in in there, I don’t have enough will power to that haha!

take my analysis with a grain of salt haha as they could be very wrong

I think it may have been an escalation window when she offered you a drink and wanted u to engage her more

perhaps when u came across needy which killed the social frame. you guys parted ways after the phone number and continued interacting based

‘attractive guy who i said i’ll buy a drink’

and she agreed to which you can use an excuse later to lock her in to have a drink.. but re-opening her asking for drink demands instant compliance to whatever she was doing but

you did get her to dance with you which something could have happend: social frame+sexual frame(physical touch)

well any case huge credits for you for staying in there like a trooper!!

Was out with Nicko when we spotted this girl. She was just my type so I called dibs (sorry Nicko :p).
Haha more sets to come after this lockdown, and obviously more of our own types of girls will appear

Stay safe during this lockdown! :D
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Thanks man, I'm not usually that persistent so thought I'd push myself because not being persistent hasn't gotten me very far so far!

Haha more sets to come after this lockdown, and obviously more of our own types of girls will appear

Stay safe during this lockdown! :D

You too my man ;) Looking forward to catching up again


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
On that note, I've gotta give my man @Nicko credit. I was a little hesitant at first but we decided to meet up in the city last week to talk game. I was really immature at that age so I thought things might be a bit tough but he honestly was really mature. Was also expecting him to look like a kid but he could pass for being in his 20s easily. It was great, it was like winging with one of my other wings in their 20s. In fact it was even better because we could talk freely about SS and GC. I've mentioned GC to my wings a couple of times praising and recommending it, but haven't mentioned SS since I don't want them finding my journal. Obviously we can only stick to daygame for now but looking forward to more outings in the future.