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Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Nothing Idea for escalating with girls who have anxiety and tension in general is to say you end up forming knots in neck and shoulder.... According Chinese medicine and i know how to remove it..

To bridge the gap i can use topics like relaxation modern life city life stress Mediation


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I fucking lack self dicipline and not being busy in anything apart from girls or actually not being.

I dont enjoy my work at all or for that matter any work Idk what to do to shift this mindset.

Though repeating same self control gambit is actually affecting my mind to have more self control because its sexy and I need to to get the level of girls I want

I wish I could geneunily enjoy any other activity apart from talking to girls I hate it.

Atleast having some free girls like me so I could be busy with them fuck it.

I wish I could just go around not texting girls until they texy me back and do my own thing at lease wait for 3 days fuck it.

Though I used a movie I went to watch as a way to open girls over text just having a snap would be better but I see it as too late


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Fuck it those 4 date and another one which didnt mateiralisd is fucking my mind.

I cant just stop planning how I will lay them or fuck them

Also, procrastinating on work is not helping

Trying to sleep from last 4 houfs but unable to

Have thaught for girl 3 tall young babe,
I will use future projection to extream .... Also, put a time constrain we will not be long in city

Show her a pic of vape to engage the conversation

Check her week

See when she is free

Fuck it wanna fuck her love to her rail her


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
For online just give her your whatsapp number but without any reason

Giving reason to her why should she text you on whatsapp trigger her logical brain.

Need to add more points to online to number conversion


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Fuck it ...

Don't worry about losing the girl but make your best moves on first date... You never know you might not get a second chance with her...

Not because you did not ran the date properly or because you she didn't found you attractive ....

But life happens .... She has a career... Her own family and friends ...

She won't get attached to you in a day ... to put you abover her family ....

Attraction expires fuck it

I don't want to leave things on chance


Sep 12, 2024
I have been a girlschase reader from my late teens on and off maybe around 9 years.

But I had my first success 2 years back with a direct approach where I got laid and entered into a beautiful relationship. It was unexpected for me and I commited due to the girls personality.

But I was really sure I want to become a top notch seducer like James bond.

So after around 2 years i cut contact with the girl.

Now I am on the new start.

I was trying to pick up girls while in relationship but It never worked.

Even getting this girl was pure luck for me because she was on a rebound and she is very naive and clingy girl who somehow decided i will take care of her for rest of the life and mutually escalated the seduction and relationship with me.

What helped me most were the mindsets i acquired by reading chase that is prize mentality and being outcome independent.

It was all natural for me with this girl without any technical stuff taught here and just before laying her i made out with a girl for extended period without laying her due to logistics. I opened that girl with a situational opener again opening her was also a pure luck and she was also on rebound. She wanted me more than I wanted her.

I will say gf is 5-6 on 10 and make out girl is 4.
I will consider myself as 6-7 with my current condition and I can be a 8 with efforts.

Week chin and no beard ah. I have grown a belly and muscle to fat ratio is above 22%

I have been very socially awkward since highschool. I was not able to gel up with kids during highschool and had a very religious up bringing, so I afraid what if my parents see me with a girl. I am from India.

Now after moving out I will try approached a girls a lot after moving to a metro during these past 2 years.

I am going to write next about my approaches and these last 2 since here i developed a lot socially.

Also, I will write a bit about my highschool days and fear and insecurities.

I am doing this because I want to become an upper intermidate in next to years and I want to develope a best plan of action for it.
I actually relate with ur stories. It's the same struggle for learning. But u r more experienced than me when it comes to approaching girls. I have approached girl more than 10 in past 3 months. I know it's nothing as compared to what I should have been doing but because of studies and other work I either have no time or feel kind of weird to just go out only to talk to girls. None of my frnd have any motivation to go out of their way to cold approach girls. My experience with girls have been better than I had expected. Rn my situation is that whenever I cold approach a girl, the window of time to do anything like getting her number or getting her to engage in conversation is very small. Like if u don't get her hooked or get her number then the convo kind of becomes awkward and the girl also feels the pressure of awkwardness and wants to eject out of the convo.
What is ur suggestion for me?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I actually relate with ur stories. It's the same struggle for learning. But u r more experienced than me when it comes to approaching girls. I have approached girl more than 10 in past 3 months. I know it's nothing as compared to what I should have been doing but because of studies and other work I either have no time or feel kind of weird to just go out only to talk to girls. None of my frnd have any motivation to go out of their way to cold approach girls. My experience with girls have been better than I had expected. Rn my situation is that whenever I cold approach a girl, the window of time to do anything like getting her number or getting her to engage in conversation is very small. Like if u don't get her hooked or get her number then the convo kind of becomes awkward and the girl also feels the pressure of awkwardness and wants to eject out of the convo.
What is ur suggestion for me?
Well I always think if she want to stop the conversation she will politely excuse herself.

So, I try to talk as much as I can.

But tbh what has worked for me is that the girl is not in hurry. Maybe in a train or bus, smoking nearby etc.

For street approach open and check for her logistics and then grab the number if she is in hurry.

Though lately I am meeting girls online.

Because I am not able to put enough volume offline, obviosly approaching girls here and there if opportunity presents itself.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Fuck it ...

Don't worry about losing the girl but make your best moves on first date... You never know you might not get a second chance with her...

Not because you did not ran the date properly or because you she didn't found you attractive ....

But life happens .... She has a career... Her own family and friends ...

She won't get attached to you in a day ... to put you abover her family ....

Attraction expires fuck it

I don't want to leave things on chance

I wrote this post for a girl who will leave the city in the next 2 days.

So I wanted to give my best shot at seducing her.

I sent her pic of beer she replied wow

I said its half the fun without you.

She lives with her parents.

So We were texting at night and suddey I thought to meet her.

Then suddenly she said something about biting so I played byronic card.

Now I was a bit drunk so I decided to go to her house I said I just want to see a glimpse of you from window (corny shit)

She was against the idea

though I thought that I will convince her to come down and have a make out session with her.

We chatted through phone while she sitting in window.

Her objection was her mom will not let her go to other city for studies

Still I managed to get her out halfway but then I felt that she might get in trouble so decided to leave

Tough I said her we will not talk if you dont come out tonight

Lets see if she bites this and start chasing me

I have not read her text checking on me whether I have reached home.

I want her to call me or bare minimum double text ... I need some chasey behaviour from her


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I am having oneitis.

Anyways add 1 lay from online and had make session from online. Girls are weird.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Added one more to notch (almost, she was virgin and I don't want to take it, avoid guilt later)

This was a younger girl, so 6 year age gap.

Well I had not set a very high bar for my sesuduction skills but I feel quite accomplished right now.

Sort of calm, that I don't need to chase notches. I can just game to enjoy now.

Also, I can focus on other aspect of life now.

So, that childish insecurity is over now.

Also, @Teevster 's gambit are golden. I am succesfully using self control + period paradox and psychology students are eating it.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
I am feeling so so hurt.

That ungrateful bitch has time to post stories but can't drop a text after giving her a happy evening fuck it.

She don't deserve my love and I can take it somewhere else.

I am going to seduce all the hot girls now until I am smitten and lay a girl.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
First time I can feel the pain girls must have felt, when I broke up with them.

Pain of separation.

I feel sorry for all I did to them.

Also, I understood the differnce between dating up and down.

Why its important to fall in love before laying a girl.

Until you are infatuated with the girl and have hots for dating her. You will want to get out of relationship asap.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
After botching my last seduction, I know I want a relationship badly and that too with a girl I get smitten before bedding her.

I could have saved that seduction still it would not have been a pick up but a slow seduction if I had kept my calm but I ended up overreacting when she prioritiesed her friends over meeting me.

It ended up blowing very badly with we both each other lashing out.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024

Failing to build enough connection, should have set us vs world frame

Failing to build enough compliance
Didn't used gambits

When she had plans with her friends Better solution would have been to ask her to let me join as well

Also, I nees to always check what she is telling her friends about you

I fell into reciprocity trap, if I do this she will do that, it don't work in seduction

For escalation I should have not given up at all

Should have tried to eat her out

Using the tip of the penis


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Now I am in a confused state should I focus on pick up more. I will be 26 now.

Coz I just want a relationship then start a family.

I want to vet girl for 2 years as well.

Also become a good relationship material guy focus on acauiring other skills and more wealth required for family.

My case for Pursuing PUA more is I can become relationship worthy guy while in a relationship with a girl I like. This way we will grow together and become more close.

Only risk is if I don't find relationship worthy girl or my skills don't improve I would feel like wasting one year and be behind 1 year in other aspect of life.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Went to a club.

Approached 2 different girls.

Both hot.

Coz I want to level up and get over my last failed seduction.

And I freestyled.

First set sitting I have decided to move out of club and go home so why not destroy the venue as well.

Sitting girl.

Walked said hi, both are happy and they were hit on by guys before.


Their smile

Opener: do you get hit on by guys a lot

She: no

Me: some compliment

She: thanks

Me: Do you have plan afterwards this party

She: yeha meeting my bF

Me: cool enjoY

Set 2

Walked upto group of 3

Rubbed my arm to her

She:looked at me

Me: Smile and said hi

Waited for her response

Me: Do you get hit on by guys a lot
She: Quizzical expression
Me: well you should be
She: still puzzled, as if as aking why
Me: well you are beautiful
She: thanks me
Me: you have got any plans afterwards
She: yeah
Me: well enjoy your night
i gave her a hug
On 2nd approach, bishop's journal was echoing with me
So, I slowed down my voice and waited for her reaction
Before saying anything

Could have move forward the approach if I was not in hurry.

And spat more game anyway it was fun for me.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
Damn I have to write past few interactions.

But I am feeling extreamly sad, like I have lost all my game. No interest in humor etc. can't create those interesting moment of push and pull. Where I wanted to seduce girl just for sake of seducing her.

Right now I just want a relationship and idk I guess its hurting my game.

From one where I was interacting with girls for sake of interacting only.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
This happened on sunday the day I went on a date. I need to write about.

Was travelling in train.

Was quite nicely dressed.

New polo t shirt, jean and my white shoes with grey accent.

Nicely shaved face. Feeling confident and chewing a gum, happy about going on a date.

I notice this girl, standing few meters away from my seat in train.

They are a pair of 2. I notice her playing with her hair, talking with her sister (learned later) i thought she is talking about me, something like see there is a cute guy.

So yeah i thought she is giving me an AI.

Earlier her back was facing me, the she decided to stand in such a way her so I can see her face.

I found her attractive.

Still playing with her hair. I thought its an approach invitation.

Then I had few thoughts, go direct and take her number when we both get down by saying in rush but I think you are cute.

But I decided to approach her indirectly instead just before one stop before I reach the station I need to get down.

Felt a bit anxious but I was like fuck it.

So, I decided to walk near her and asked for her direction, while standing next to her.

Smile from her and positive response.

Then a bit more about direction and both sisters got involved.

Smiling, definately she threw AI.

Then I noticed a bag in her sisters hand, so I commented about it whether are shopping, they told me why they were in this part of city.

Then I aksed how do they know each other.

They answered all smiling.

I Gave them a high 5.

Could have gone for number etc. but I didn't felt like it and the girl I was interested in lived far away anyways.

So I walked on my way.

I Made the right choice by approaching.

And going indirect, there were people it was a 2 set and it gave me more time and low risk yada yada yada.

Going around only for sarging feels weird these days but pure coincedental approach on the way to work in a relaxed state feels nice.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
One more same date lay.

+ First make out in club.

Beat heavy LMR for lack of connection by continous arousal.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake